1Hey Mr. F, just read the newest RoS- great as always. However, the moment I got to the part about the Piraka, a question popped into my head:
21) Was the decision to bring the Piraka back into the story somewhat influenced by BZP members' love for the characters, and questions of "what are they doing" and all that?
3Also, just some more questions for curiosity's sake.
42) Nuparu had a few bad experiences with Zakazian fish during the swim, correct?
53) Do you have a name for the "brutish species" that work on Stelt?
64) Sending out a message to the Ignika was the only purpose for Trem Krom's freedom, correct?
75) How would an artifact of Kinetics work, exactly? (Like I said, just curious.)
8Thanks .
101) Well, if a ton of people ask the same question, it makes sense to give them an answer at some point, doesn't it? 112) That's what it said. 123) I can't name it as I have no approved names to use. 134) Yes 145) Well, the kinetics power was supposed to speed up or slow down movement, so an artifact would do the same thing.
153) But when you do get the list, will one of the names be used for this species? 165) So, it would like send out a wave of power from itself, making things faster/slower?
183) Doubtful. Odds are this will be the last list I get and it has to carry me through two years of story, so I can't waste names on things that will hardly ever, if ever at all, be mentioned in story. 195) Yes
11. When he was in Metru Nui, was he yellow and red with blue mask, like in 2001, or was he blue and red, like in 2003?
22. In dark mirror, Takua died. However, why didn't he transform into a Bohrok if he was an av-matoran?
31) His body would have been yellow and red, the size of a 2004 Matoran body, and he would have worn a different mask since his 2001 mask was a bad replacement that never fit right.
42) First off, you don't become a Bohrok when you die, it's more an evolution, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. They go into a form of stasis and then evolve. Second, not every Av-Matoran becomes a Bohrok -- only some are destined to do that.
1Dear Greg, I will try to keep this short because I know that you are a busy man.
21. If there were 2 Makuta, and one of their shadow hands grabbed the other, what would happen?
32. If you could pick the Stars line up, would you of picked the same characters?
43. Would you consider Vezon to be a Hero, Villain, Anti Hero, or Neutral?
5Thank you so much, Redge the Bat.
61) Odds are the Makuta who was grabbed would be absorbed by the other one 72) No idea, really haven't thought about it, since it's not my job to do that sort of thing 83) I consider him to be a psychotic villain.
9Okay, thanks,
101. I worded that poorly, and I think that you might of miss understood, I meant what if one Makuta's Shadow hand grabbed another Makuta's shadow hand.
121. In RoS, the prisoner who was put into the ep tank was of Krekka's species and not Gladiator's, correct? Or was it the other was around.
132. Could our Alt. Teridax mocs for the BS01 contest have wings?
143. With the Dark Hunters whose code names are things like "Gladiator", "Charger" or things of the like, can we assume that these are their code names when translated to English, and not their Matoran code names?
15That is it. Tschüs. 16-Redge the Bat.
171) Again, both have to have some mass or they couldn't physically grab someone, which would mean you would have the equivalent of a shadow arm wrestle 181) Krekka's 192) Makuta are shapeshifters, so why not? 203) Those are their Matoran code names translated into English.
21A shadow arm wrestle. That would be SO COOL.
22Also, YAY . I CAN FINALLY SUBMIT MY GUY . Now I just have to figure out how I submit it.
11. Is Artakha's green Mata Green (Lewa's green), Metru Green (Matau's green), or lime green (Lewa Nuva 2008's green)? 22. I can understand if you can't answer this, but is the green cloud in RoS Zaktan, somehow? 33. Does Artakha have any weapons? 44. If a Spear of Fusion fuses itself to another Spear of Fusion (even though I believe there is only one), then would the resulting fusion be more powerful than a normal Spear of Fusion? 54a. If so, could the process be repeated until it is powerful enough to fuse the three fragments of Spherus Magna back together? 65. What color is Lariska (I think you said you would make her blue-green)?
71) None of the three. His armor is described as gray-green -- that's the actual color, it's not green plus a secondary color of gray. It's gray-green, the color, like blue-green is a color. 82) Everyone seems to want to know these answers -- the point of a serial is you have to wait for the next chapter to find out93) Yes, a warhammer 104) This is an enormous hypothetical, since there is only one. 115) I don't think I have ever assigned a color to her, though I do picture her as blue-green
12Yay . Artakha has a warhammer .
11. Is Artakha's green Mata Green (Lewa's green), Metru Green (Matau's green), or lime green (Lewa Nuva 2008's green)? 22. I can understand if you can't answer this, but is the green cloud in RoS Zaktan, somehow? 33. Does Artakha have any weapons? 44. If a Spear of Fusion fuses itself to another Spear of Fusion (even though I believe there is only one), then would the resulting fusion be more powerful than a normal Spear of Fusion? 54a. If so, could the process be repeated until it is powerful enough to fuse the three fragments of Spherus Magna back together? 65. What color is Lariska (I think you said you would make her blue-green)?
71) None of the three. His armor is described as gray-green -- that's the actual color, it's not green plus a secondary color of gray. It's gray-green, the color, like blue-green is a color. 82) Everyone seems to want to know these answers -- the point of a serial is you have to wait for the next chapter to find out93) Yes, a warhammer 104) This is an enormous hypothetical, since there is only one. 115) I don't think I have ever assigned a color to her, though I do picture her as blue-green
12Yay . Artakha has a warhammer .
13Oh. That's not as cool, seeing as Alt. Teridax has one too. In fact, it sort of voids the awesomeness now that it's used. Oh well.
11. Are the Piraka still consious in the new entity or there minds fused with the others to make a new one? 22. What are the possibilities of seeing Tyrant come back to seek vengeance on TSO? 33. Can Artahka &co. breath in space being robots or will they suffocate? 43a. If the later, could Lewa create air bubbles for them to breath? 54. Have you seen TLR yet? 65. Do the Mahri still have their Cordak? 76. Why would Teridax expell two Matoran from his body when they where doing nothing at all?
81) You'll find out in the next chapter 92) It's possible, certainly 103) They're not robots. They're bio-mechanical. Their lungs are organic tissue. So no. 114) Nope 125) They're not carrying Cordak on this mission, they're too bulky and they make too much noise for a spy mission. 136) Doing nothing? Who brought Tuyet to the party?
141. Of course we will. 152. Yay . 163. Forgot about Lehvak-Kal and the way Matau defeated the Sonic Entity, I did. 173a. Hmm, no answer. Intersting. 184.

GregF SPIRIT 11) In Reign of Shadows 10, was the greenish cloud bits of Zaktan?
22) Is the character of Brutaka (once good, but then turns to evil when he loses faith in the higher power he once served) based on anyone in particular or is he just a representation of that particular way of dealing with a tragedy?
31) You'll find out in the next chapter -- so far, that is one of three options that have been suggested to me, one of which I shot down already. 42) No, I very, very rarely ever base characters off people I know. As a writer, I follow patterns -- if A happens, and B happens, then emotionally, C, D, and E will likely follow, because human behavior more often than not follows patterns. In Brutaka's case, we knew early on that his behavior had to do with a loss of faith and disillusionment, so it was reasonable to assume that if the cause of his behavior was remedied -- then his behavior would change. If a man steals because he is starving, and you feed him, he loses the reason to steal and will likely stop doing it. All behavior, good or evil, positive or self-destructive, fills a need in the person who is doing it. The need may be warped or not at all good for the person, but it is still a need.
5Nothing really useful out of this PM.

1Here's a few questions I asked Greg, and yes, I noticed that one question being asked twice, a slight error in my editing.
2Hey Mr. Farshtey, I'd just like to ask a few questions about the story, and little facts and such. I hope you'll take a minute to answer them, there are 11 questions in total, thanks very much for answering some of these questions, and we all know you probably won't be able to answer a few.
31) Will we see more of the Toa Inika/Mahri in future stories? 41a) If so, will there be another Toa to replace Matoro?
52) Would you ever consider writing a solo story for one of the Toa Nuva later on, if so which one?
63) Is there a possibility there might be a showdown between all of the good characters who are still alive and the Makuta?
74) After this storyline has ended, however it ends, do you think you'll do a story starring the Toa Nuva, instead of so many different Toa Teams?
85) Lego has announced they are ending Bionicle, but the story will continue. Is anyone besides yourself (and the fans, of course) sticking with Bionicle?
96) Were the Toa Mahri transformed back into Toa Inika when Matoro turned them back into air breathers?
107) Is it possible that maybe on a far off island or some place like that, there could be another Toa of Light, after or before Takanuva?
118) I have a theory about the name "Takanuva" and I'd like to know if it is true. Is the name taken from "Takua Nuva" with the "u" and the space cut out, which gives us Takanuva?
129) After Reign of Shadows began, were the Toa Nuva still in their Phantoka/Mistika forms, or did they go back to their old Toa Nuva forms?
1310) In Bionicle: The Movie Mask of Light, Makuta is not called "Teridax" and he is referred to as Mata Nui's brother. Makuta was later stated as a name for the villains, including Teridax, and also, Teridax was not the original leader of the Brotherhood. I know a lot of fans are probably confused about this thing here, so what exactly is the deal with Teridax?
141) Yes 151a) No 162) I don't know, it's not something I have thought about. 173) Mata Nui will be fighting Makuta, as he is the only one with a chance to beat him. 184) Again, I don't know. The Nuva have gotten a lot of screen time -- a movie, three years of story to themselves, etc., I am not sure they need a lot more exposure. 195) Kelly McKiernan, the web producer, will still be producing BIONICLEstory.com, but there is no real need for anyone to be involved since there are no sets to sell (thus you don't need designers, marketing people, etc.) 206) No. They are amphibious now 217) No 228) I didn't come up with that name, so couldn't say 239) Their armor is adaptive, so it adjusts to whatever environment they are in. 2410) Simple. One, Teridax and Mata Nui had basically the same job, look after the Matoran, which made them brothers the same way all firefighters or police or soldiers are considered brothers. The idea of a Brotherhood of Makuta was planned from the beginning, we simply weren't introducing it in 2003. Once we brought other Makuta characters into the story in 2008, we had to give Teridax a name - if everyone is "Makuta (something)", they aren't going to refer to one of their number as "Makuta" because how would they know who they were talking about? And finally, no, Teridax was not the original head of the BOM, Miserix was, Teridax overthrew him.
25To add more to of Greg's answer to #10, itd be similar to the Q from Star Trek, every member of the species is reffered to as "Q". That would start getting confusing after a while when more and more members of the species popped up.
1We've all known that for a really long time, Tahu-Sensei, but thanks anyway for the effort.
13) Doubtful. Odds are this will be the last list I get and it has to carry me through two years of story, so I can't waste names on things that will hardly ever, if ever at all, be mentioned in story.
2Wait . . . what happens in two years? The end? The new beginning? A new name list? The apocalypse?
13) Doubtful. Odds are this will be the last list I get and it has to carry me through two years of story, so I can't waste names on things that will hardly ever, if ever at all, be mentioned in story.
2Wait . . . what happens in two years? The end? The new beginning? A new name list? The apocalypse?
3All of the above.

4Nah, just kidding, the first one, well hopefully not, it could go further and bring two and three into place.
5Number four will happen in 2012. Pssh.

1Since sets are ending, LEGO is just keeping BIONICLE alive through serials. They are only planned until 2011, though. So, yeah, two years
13) Doubtful. Odds are this will be the last list I get and it has to carry me through two years of story, so I can't waste names on things that will hardly ever, if ever at all, be mentioned in story.
2Wait . . . what happens in two years? The end? The new beginning? A new name list? The apocalypse?
3That's just how long Lego has planned for the Bionicle story to last. Don't worry though, in all likeliness the story will continue for much longer than that

1Its my first time posting here in the OGD, and I just got some answers from Greg. Enjoy:
23The answers: 241) Nope. MN's dreaming was based on the fact that people in comas are often vaguely aware of what is going on around them. In MN's case, he was vaguely aware of what was taking place in his universe. 252) You'll find out in the next chapter 263) It's possible, but remember that disks have to physically impact something before they work. So that would make it kind of inconvenient to use them as armor. 274) No 285) I don't have one. 296) Depends. If it's an explosive one, it will hurt. Or if the spikes managed to get through a seam in their armor, it would hurt. 307) Could damage the armor, certainly, but you would need to aim it at the head to get at the kraata. 318) No. 329) Because what he was doing wasn't mind control. It was a matter of altering the pattern of the stars so that Makuta read them wrong. 3310) He's physically grafted to the cave, so if the island bent away from him, it would rip him apart. 3411) Why bother? They are no threat to him as they are, so why waste the energy making all those kraata? 3512) Well, for one thing, beings beside Matoran also have uses to the body, otherwise they wouldn't exist. And second, he knows he can kill them whenever he wants to, so why rush to do it? It's sort of like ants in the yard ... if you know you can kill them if they get in the house, why waste the time killing them in the yard when they are no threat to you? Remember, he wants his enemies to SUFFER knowing they are powerless to stop him. If they are dead, their suffering is over. 3613) No, it does not, it's not designed as a war machine. 3714) Well, we know that below the soil of Mata Nui was a layer of rock that the Matoran could not through, so you have to assume that protects the interior of the robot as well. 3815) It's made of the same material Makuta's armor is made of, and it was really thick and heavy -- AND the Toa had no way of knowing what was on the other side. What if it hadn't been an ocean? What if the city itself was on the other side, and blowing the door open would destroy buildings? You can't just blow things up if you don't know what other damage might be done. 3916) No, not really. For most of the history of BIONICLE, who got screen time was dictated by who the marketing department wanted promoted. 4017) I really don't have preferences. I write things as they come to me, then let them percolate for a while until I feel like writing about them again. 4118) No. I had nothing to do with set design, ever. I'm not qualified to critique the work of the designers. 4219) Why? 4320) Because they were meant to be in the Codrex, that's why they were sent back. And Nuparu does not have the raw materials needed to build vehicles that do what they do, and Teridax certainly wouldn't let him build a fleet of them anyway.
21. After reading Sahmad's tale and learning about the dream disorder, would this explain why Mata Nui started dreaming (even though they were nightmares) after he was resurrected (before awakening)? After the Great Cataclysm, he fell asleep, but he didn't have dreams to begin with. In order to prevent him from being violent (and thus disturbing his destiny) when he woke up, automatic safety programming within his body allowed him to start dreaming again, to restore his system into health. Or perhaps his dreams were more like a playback function that allows him to find out what was going on while he was knocked out. Is this a correct hypothesis? 32. After reading RoS, is it possible the green haze is Zaktan? Like it's a plot twist and he's not actually dead? 43. Is it possible for Kanoka disks to be forged into objects other than masks? I mean, a shielding disk could be melted into armor moulds to develop self shielding armor. Then the wearer could have another mask to wear and use. I know this goes into odds about how Kanohi masks have to be mentally used, but it's just a thought I had. 54. How common are weaponry such as Midak and Cordak in the MU? I mean, they are made in Xia, but do Skakdi, Toa and Matoran etc often use them in combat? 65. Out of interest, whats your personal favorite blaster in the MU? For example, we got Cordaks, Midaks, Nyrahs, exo-toa cannons etc.. 76. If a Thornax were to hit a Toa, would it hurt, considering Toa are more durable bio-mechanical beings? 87. Can Thornax blast open Rahkshi armor? If it explodes on the Rahkshi, it could blast open the armor and leave the Kraata vulnerable. 98. Is it possible Mata Nui himself thought up the design of the Vahki and simply entered them into Nuparu's mind, hoping to better create order in the city? I ask since he was able to fool Makuta into choosing Vakama and co. as Toa. 109. If its possible that Mata Nui can make Makuta believe Vakama and co. were not destined to be Toa, why didn't he just make Makuta believe he was a Stone Rat, or something like that? Or make him believe his plan won't succeed., make him depressed, lower his confidence etc. 1110. If Tren Krom can manipulate the stone on his island to form pillars and spikes, why couldn't he just make the cave he was in 'bend away' from himself, so at least he's not stuck in the cave? I mean, after being stuck on the island for so long, I would have thought he would at least have worked out how to free himself from the cave. Or is there some sort of other confinement placed on him to prevent him from leaving? Also, although he is a tentacle mass, can he swim? I only ask because if he can free himself, could he swim away? 1211. Why didn't Makuta just rain Kraata on all the Matoran and Toa, infecting them all and place them under his control? Or does it mean he won't be able operate his new body when he is controlling so many minds? 1312. Do you think that Makuta is a bit too confident? I mean, he is VERY powerful at the moment, but does he really want other powerful beings running around inside his body? That's as silly as someone deliberately exposing themselves to a virus, believing they are healthy enough and that their immune system will definitely prevail. Why doesn't he just destroy them all (leaving the Matoran)? 1413. Does the MU robot only have armaments on its hands? Would it have turrets and vulcans lined on its armor as well, if it needs to protect the universe within? 1514. If Onu-Matoran, or anything else tried tunneling downwards, would they tunnel out of the universe? I am assuming they can't, so what stops them? I heard the MU robot is made of protodermis as well, but that should be easily to penetrate, right? Or is it just that nobody has tried doing it, 'cause the shell is so thick they just gave up? 1615. What is the gigantic door that Takuta Nuva had to lift up made of? Why not just blast through it? Or tunnel under the door? I mean, the Piraka were able to pick their way through the rubble, so I would guess six Nuvas and a super powered being would at least be able chip away the door bit by bit. They weren't even in a hurry. 1716. Would preference over a character ever make you want to spend more time developing it? Or do you develop them according to fan popularity? For example, if you like Kopaka more than Tahu, would you spend more time thinking up better quotes for him than Tahu? I started thinking about this when I heard you were saving up Kopaka's whereabouts for later in Reign of Shadows X) 1817. Adding to the above question, apart from Kopaka needing some story, there are also many unresolved parts from Reign of Shadows. A few examples include the most recent appearance of Artahka, Light Teridax's fight, Takadox's plans, Tahu and Onua's mission, Lewa's 'Tren Krom' state and much more. You don't have to say which one you will write next in RoS, but would it be possible to tell us what part of the story you enjoy writing about most? 1918. Do you ever participate in set design? Set designers...well, they design the sets, but would you give your opinions as well, for storyline reasons? For example, if they were designing Stronius with an axe/mace/club etc, would you tell them you liked the club version more, or would you just let them do their thing without any input? I only ask because I am interested in how the whole team works together, how ideas are gathered and legends are made. 2019. Would it be possible for you to name any of the Bionicle sets that you own? 2120. When exactly were the Codrex vehicles sent back to the Codrex? They were used in the battle at Metru Nui, but what happened afterwards? Did the Nuva park them outside the coliseum only to wake up with them gone and finding a note from Artahka saying he's taking them back? I find that pretty amusing. Why didn't Artahka let them keep the vehicles longer, since they will be pretty useful in the battles to come? Also, if Nuparu examined them a little, he would have been able to design some of his own vehicles.
22Thank you so much for answering my questions . I look forward to reading your answers .
23The answers: 241) Nope. MN's dreaming was based on the fact that people in comas are often vaguely aware of what is going on around them. In MN's case, he was vaguely aware of what was taking place in his universe. 252) You'll find out in the next chapter 263) It's possible, but remember that disks have to physically impact something before they work. So that would make it kind of inconvenient to use them as armor. 274) No 285) I don't have one. 296) Depends. If it's an explosive one, it will hurt. Or if the spikes managed to get through a seam in their armor, it would hurt. 307) Could damage the armor, certainly, but you would need to aim it at the head to get at the kraata. 318) No. 329) Because what he was doing wasn't mind control. It was a matter of altering the pattern of the stars so that Makuta read them wrong. 3310) He's physically grafted to the cave, so if the island bent away from him, it would rip him apart. 3411) Why bother? They are no threat to him as they are, so why waste the energy making all those kraata? 3512) Well, for one thing, beings beside Matoran also have uses to the body, otherwise they wouldn't exist. And second, he knows he can kill them whenever he wants to, so why rush to do it? It's sort of like ants in the yard ... if you know you can kill them if they get in the house, why waste the time killing them in the yard when they are no threat to you? Remember, he wants his enemies to SUFFER knowing they are powerless to stop him. If they are dead, their suffering is over. 3613) No, it does not, it's not designed as a war machine. 3714) Well, we know that below the soil of Mata Nui was a layer of rock that the Matoran could not through, so you have to assume that protects the interior of the robot as well. 3815) It's made of the same material Makuta's armor is made of, and it was really thick and heavy -- AND the Toa had no way of knowing what was on the other side. What if it hadn't been an ocean? What if the city itself was on the other side, and blowing the door open would destroy buildings? You can't just blow things up if you don't know what other damage might be done. 3916) No, not really. For most of the history of BIONICLE, who got screen time was dictated by who the marketing department wanted promoted. 4017) I really don't have preferences. I write things as they come to me, then let them percolate for a while until I feel like writing about them again. 4118) No. I had nothing to do with set design, ever. I'm not qualified to critique the work of the designers. 4219) Why? 4320) Because they were meant to be in the Codrex, that's why they were sent back. And Nuparu does not have the raw materials needed to build vehicles that do what they do, and Teridax certainly wouldn't let him build a fleet of them anyway.
1So, in the latest Reign of Shadows, there's a couple of things I'm confused about. 21. Lewa was definitely transported into space with the other protaganists, right? 32. The "bad fish" the Mahri found under Zakaz were members of Ehlek's species, right? 2a. Would it be safe to say that since a Makuta managed to take over the universe, they're fired? 43. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness? 53a. If yes, why the heck would he want to jump into a pool of EP with everyone else? 63b. When Zaktan turned into a snake, did all of his protodites turn into water breathers? 7and 84. All of those beings (the Piraka included) are definitely destined to transform in the EP, right? 95. Is the reason certain beings are destined to transform when they touch EP because Mata Nui created them so they would, or is it some other reason? 10Thanks. I loved the new chapter, it was awesome.
111) Yes 122) Nope, just fish 133) The point of a cliffhanger is you have to WAIT for a future chapter to find out what happens. 144) Yup 155) If it is part of their destiny, then they transform ... if it's not, they don't.
16-------------------- 17"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
181.Dang 192.Aww 202a.So, are they fired, or...
213.Sorry... 224.Hmm 235.Actually, I meant since MN made them (and their destiny along with them) that meant he controlled who could transform when coming into contact with EP, but whatever.
24Darn, I meant to ask him if all of his protodites were turned into water breathers and also
25@People who don't know if the cloud was Zaktan: Here's a few facts to help you out:
261.The cloud came out of a "lake", as in water, so it had to breathe water. 272.We thought Miserix was dead, but he came back. 283.Zaktan survived TSO's eyebeams, Hakann's heat vision, etc. he could probably survive an explosion. More than likely his protodites were scattered around the room trying to survive in the drops of water leftover from the explosion.
111) Yes 122) Nope, just fish 133) The point of a cliffhanger is you have to WAIT for a future chapter to find out what happens. 144) Yup 155) If it is part of their destiny, then they transform ... if it's not, they don't.
16-------------------- 17"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
181.Dang 192.Aww 202a.So, are they fired, or...

24Darn, I meant to ask him if all of his protodites were turned into water breathers and also
25@People who don't know if the cloud was Zaktan: Here's a few facts to help you out:
261.The cloud came out of a "lake", as in water, so it had to breathe water. 272.We thought Miserix was dead, but he came back. 283.Zaktan survived TSO's eyebeams, Hakann's heat vision, etc. he could probably survive an explosion. More than likely his protodites were scattered around the room trying to survive in the drops of water leftover from the explosion.
13. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness?
2That seems like a decent guess. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
3Green = Zaktan

4Greg also implied that it could be possible that Zaktan isn't dead (I don't remember if it was here or the RoS topic).

13. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness?
2That seems like a decent guess. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
3Green = Zaktan![]()
4Greg also implied that it could be possible that Zaktan isn't dead (I don't remember if it was here or the RoS topic).
6So where should discussion belong instead?

1i think that it shows how much we care about it, not how annoying we can be
11) Did Tren Krom get the message out or not? 2ANSWER: Yes 32) I know you won't tell me what will happen in RoS, but if Artahka, Lewa, Brutaka, Helryx, etc. are stuck in outer space for more than a few seconds, could at least sneak in a cameo of Lehvak-Kal's armor, as it is orbitting Aqua Magna? It'd be a treat to long time fans and would just be interesting to have that make one more appearance. 4ANSWER: Problem is, they are well away from Aqua Magna at this point. 53) What made you decide to make Artahka's armor green? 6ANSWER: Not green -- gray-green. That's a completely different color than green. 74) When does Lego begin planning 2012? 8ANSWER: Odds are the concept designers are already working on it. 95) Where are the Nuva symbols? 10ANSWER: Metru Nui 116) What would happen if the Vahi was destroyed and a Glatorian entered through the little door in Mata Nui's foot that we saw in All that Glitters? 12ANSWER: Well, they would be affected by the time distortion going on in the MU. 139) You have said that you have the Dresden Files. Have you seen the TV series? Or read the comic books? 14ANSWER: Yes, I did see the series. 1510) Have you read Under the Dome by Stephen King? 16ANSWER: No, I haven't read King since high school. Not a big fan.
17Not much, though #6 has been interesting to me.
17Not much, though #6 has been interesting to me.
1Nothing much.. Just some things I wanted to know
2Hi Mr. Farshety, hope you are well. Just a few questions.
31) If Vezok died, would anything happen to Vezon? Or vica-versa?
42) Will the Adaptive Armor work in space?
53) In chapter 4 of RoS, Tuyet is with 2 Matoran, Kapura and Macku. But, the next time they appear she is with Kapura and Hafu. Was this a typo?
6Thanks .
71) I would say no. 82) It should 93) No. Macku had other things to do, and too many Matoran missing at once from the city would raise too much suspicion.
2Hi Mr. Farshety, hope you are well. Just a few questions.
31) If Vezok died, would anything happen to Vezon? Or vica-versa?
42) Will the Adaptive Armor work in space?
53) In chapter 4 of RoS, Tuyet is with 2 Matoran, Kapura and Macku. But, the next time they appear she is with Kapura and Hafu. Was this a typo?
6Thanks .
71) I would say no. 82) It should 93) No. Macku had other things to do, and too many Matoran missing at once from the city would raise too much suspicion.
13) No. Macku had other things to do, and too many Matoran missing at once from the city would raise too much suspicion.
2Three out of 2500 or so matoran dosen't seem like "too many" to me.
4When Teridax notices EVERYTHING, three Matoran missing at the same time might arouse suspicion. Can't be too careful.
11. Does a Miru wearer have to be moving to activate it's power? 22. Do Noble Elemental Kanohi (Gravity, Light, etc.) give the user Turaga-level control over the element that the mask's power is? 33a. Are Toa of Psionics uncommon in the MU? 43b. Gravity?
5Thanks .
71) Levitation? No. 82) Yes 93a) I don't think they are enormously rare 103b) They are pretty rare, yes
13. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness?
2That seems like a decent guess. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
3Green = Zaktan![]()
4Greg also implied that it could be possible that Zaktan isn't dead (I don't remember if it was here or the RoS topic).
6So where should discussion belong instead?![]()
7Got me there.

8Plus...I have something you may like...

91. Savage is black, could he have been a Toa of Earth? 101) It's possible, although I don't know what C.J., the fan who created him, had in mind 111. Well could he be since we may never find out? 121) Yes
132. Have you thought about canonizing Talon Snake? 142) No, I haven't
153. I once thought long ago, and with other member's here recently, that Icarax had a mask before the Kraahkan. Vultraz has the Mask of Scavenging. Vultraz is also Icarax's shadow Matoran, and since all the other Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran have the same masks as there corresponding Toa/Makuta color-wise, could it be that Vultraz had the Noble Mask of Scavenging and Icarax had the Great Mask of Scavenging? 163) I'm not prepared to discuss this.
174. There is silver shield Berix finds on Tesara during TLR. There are no shields for the Jungle Tribe (besides Gresh's shield but that wasn't a shield at the time, it was a "blade") and every other tribe has one: Berix with his gold one, the Skrall with their Saw Blade Shields, etc...So could we consider that shield that Berix found Tesara's Glatorian's shield? 184) Why does every Glatorian need to have a shield? 194. No, I mean, could we say it was like a traditional, standard shield for arena matches for Tesaran Glatorian? 204) Yes
215. Can Rockoh and Axalara be Energized? 225) Yes, if they had the same accident the other vehicle had 235. What was that? 245) The energized vehicle had an accident in Karda Nui, that's how it got energized in the first place. It wasn't that way naturally. It struck one of the powered crystals in the Codrex.
256. If the Ignika were to back into the MU, would it start from where it left off or start all over? 266) It would most likely go black, since Teridax is running the universe
277. Can the story team point the story in a different direction which the sets had to follow? 287) No. Sets come first, story comes second.
298. If BIONICLE ended in 2001, would you have revealed the things in the "Plan vs. Not Planned" topic? 308) No. The story would have ended with Mata Nui awakening and you never would have known what the Bohrok were, etc. It would have been over.
319a. Were there more things to what was planned in the start? 329a) Sure
339b. What are the seven books? 349b) That was how Bob Thompson referred to his outline for the BIONICLE story
3510. What BIONICLE characters have you named? 3610) I really don't remember who I named and who I didn't. In general, characters who appeared in novels and nowhere else were named by me. 3710. Would that include serials? 3810) If it is a named character who is not a set, then more often than not that means I made it up.
39Not sure if 5 is new, but sure as heck that 1 and 4 are.

40My first time canonizing stuffz . Whoopee .
13. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness?
2That seems like a decent guess. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
3Green = Zaktan![]()
4Greg also implied that it could be possible that Zaktan isn't dead (I don't remember if it was here or the RoS topic).
6So where should discussion belong instead?![]()
7Got me there.![]()
8Plus...I have something you may like...![]()
91. Savage is black, could he have been a Toa of Earth? 101) It's possible, although I don't know what C.J., the fan who created him, had in mind 111. Well could he be since we may never find out? 121) Yes
132. Have you thought about canonizing Talon Snake? 142) No, I haven't
153. I once thought long ago, and with other member's here recently, that Icarax had a mask before the Kraahkan. Vultraz has the Mask of Scavenging. Vultraz is also Icarax's shadow Matoran, and since all the other Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran have the same masks as there corresponding Toa/Makuta color-wise, could it be that Vultraz had the Noble Mask of Scavenging and Icarax had the Great Mask of Scavenging? 163) I'm not prepared to discuss this.
174. There is silver shield Berix finds on Tesara during TLR. There are no shields for the Jungle Tribe (besides Gresh's shield but that wasn't a shield at the time, it was a "blade") and every other tribe has one: Berix with his gold one, the Skrall with their Saw Blade Shields, etc...So could we consider that shield that Berix found Tesara's Glatorian's shield? 184) Why does every Glatorian need to have a shield? 194. No, I mean, could we say it was like a traditional, standard shield for arena matches for Tesaran Glatorian? 204) Yes
215. Can Rockoh and Axalara be Energized? 225) Yes, if they had the same accident the other vehicle had 235. What was that? 245) The energized vehicle had an accident in Karda Nui, that's how it got energized in the first place. It wasn't that way naturally. It struck one of the powered crystals in the Codrex.
256. If the Ignika were to back into the MU, would it start from where it left off or start all over? 266) It would most likely go black, since Teridax is running the universe
277. Can the story team point the story in a different direction which the sets had to follow? 287) No. Sets come first, story comes second.
298. If BIONICLE ended in 2001, would you have revealed the things in the "Plan vs. Not Planned" topic? 308) No. The story would have ended with Mata Nui awakening and you never would have known what the Bohrok were, etc. It would have been over.
319a. Were there more things to what was planned in the start? 329a) Sure
339b. What are the seven books? 349b) That was how Bob Thompson referred to his outline for the BIONICLE story
3510. What BIONICLE characters have you named? 3610) I really don't remember who I named and who I didn't. In general, characters who appeared in novels and nowhere else were named by me. 3710. Would that include serials? 3810) If it is a named character who is not a set, then more often than not that means I made it up.
39Not sure if 5 is new, but sure as heck that 1 and 4 are.![]()
40My first time canonizing stuffz . Whoopee .
41Go Talon Snake go .
1Hi Greg.
21. Would the Mask of Mutation be able to undo the power of Roodaka's Rhotuka, and vice-versa? 32. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
4Thank you for your time.
5~Lord Rahl~
61) It would be able to mutate the person again, but without knowledge of exactly what Roodaka did, it might not necessarily undo all of it. 72) Can I ask where you got the 100 figure from?
8Thanks Greg.![]()
9BIONICLE World - Chapter Ten: Destral - Subsection: The Inhabitants - Paragraph One. 10"There were, at one time, one hundred members of the Brotherhood of Makuta. It is believed that number is sugnificantly smaller now, as the Makuta of Metru Nui has weeded out those he felt were insufficiently loyal to his grand design."
122. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
13Thank you for your time.
14~Lord Rahl~
15Probably more like 15
171. Is that an estimate, or the actual number? 182. What happened to those other fourteen, anyway? It sounds like they were rougher than the other Makuta, so did that get them killed, or did the majority of them side with Miserix, or what?
19Thank you for your time.
20~Lord Rahl~
211) No, that's the number 222) I don't see them siding with Miserix, I think they are more likely to have been killed.
231. Okay, then, let me do the math...if Teridax got the girl vote, plus the vote of the other 11 Makuta we know of, that makes 26. Subtract 26 from 98 (100-Miserix and Teridax) and you end up with 72 unknown Makuta. Now, forgetting at the moment that some of those Makuta were probably dead already, we have the Convocation. By using that 72 as a rough figure, for Miserix to have gotten a minority, at least 24 of those 72 would have had to side with Teridax, making it a close 50-48. So, that leaves 48 Makuta unaccounted for, and we know Miserix didn't get that much support. How many of those 48 actually sided with Miserix? 242. Just curious, but can a Rode-wearer see Jerbraz?
25Thank you for your time.
26~Lord Rahl~
271) Hardly any. 282) Good question. I think it's at least a good possibility.
291. So, less than ten? Maybe about eight? 302. Johmak is of a species similar in appearance to a Vortixx. The Shadowed One looks similar, as well. Is Johmak of TSO's species?
31Thank you for your time.
32~Lord Rahl~
331) More like five 342) No
35I'll confirm that number tomorrow.
36~Lord Rahl~
1You've said that the green cloud recently featured in Reign of Shadows was not Antidermis, correct? Well, was this given in the context that the Antidermis belonged to Teridax? Basically, is it possible to be some other Makuta... like Icarax?
2It's not antidermis, period. And Icarax is scattered all over creation, meaning his consciousness has dispersed, so it couldn't be him.
3A guy's allowed to hope, right?

11) Nektann's scythe is curved, rather like a crescent moon. Could we confirm its name as the Crescent Scythe? Just a thought.
22) Ehlek's species worked for the OoMN to combat the BoM. Since the BoM is disbanded, and they can't really hurt Teridax, are they fired and living wild near Zakaz?
31) Okay, that's a nice name. 42) No, because the OOMN can still use them to disrupt things in the universe.
5Off to BS01 . I actually canonized something .

1I have a question, but knowing that to book was written by C.A. Hapka, you might not be able to answer it. Here's my question:
2When Tahu, Gali and Onua were in the forest looking for masks, there was a Kakama in the trees, and Thau burned down the tree. But, it never mentioned who the mask was for. Do you know who it was for? And if not, could you take a guess or should the staff of BZP call a vote or something?
3Thanks .
5Like you said, since I didn't write the book, I have no idea what Cathy had in mind. Still, if Tahu took action to get the mask, wouldn't it make sense that it would be for his use?
6Good point. So, shall it be considered canon that it was his?
8Yeah, sure

13. Just a shot in the dark here, but: Since you already said the greenish cloud wasn't Antiderm, is it Zaktan who probably survived his glass exploding in Dwellers in Darkness?
2That seems like a decent guess. I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
3Green = Zaktan![]()
4Greg also implied that it could be possible that Zaktan isn't dead (I don't remember if it was here or the RoS topic).
6So where should discussion belong instead?![]()
7Got me there.![]()
8Plus...I have something you may like...![]()
91. Savage is black, could he have been a Toa of Earth? 101) It's possible, although I don't know what C.J., the fan who created him, had in mind 111. Well could he be since we may never find out? 121) Yes
132. Have you thought about canonizing Talon Snake? 142) No, I haven't
153. I once thought long ago, and with other member's here recently, that Icarax had a mask before the Kraahkan. Vultraz has the Mask of Scavenging. Vultraz is also Icarax's shadow Matoran, and since all the other Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran have the same masks as there corresponding Toa/Makuta color-wise, could it be that Vultraz had the Noble Mask of Scavenging and Icarax had the Great Mask of Scavenging? 163) I'm not prepared to discuss this.
174. There is silver shield Berix finds on Tesara during TLR. There are no shields for the Jungle Tribe (besides Gresh's shield but that wasn't a shield at the time, it was a "blade") and every other tribe has one: Berix with his gold one, the Skrall with their Saw Blade Shields, etc...So could we consider that shield that Berix found Tesara's Glatorian's shield? 184) Why does every Glatorian need to have a shield? 194. No, I mean, could we say it was like a traditional, standard shield for arena matches for Tesaran Glatorian? 204) Yes
215. Can Rockoh and Axalara be Energized? 225) Yes, if they had the same accident the other vehicle had 235. What was that? 245) The energized vehicle had an accident in Karda Nui, that's how it got energized in the first place. It wasn't that way naturally. It struck one of the powered crystals in the Codrex.
256. If the Ignika were to back into the MU, would it start from where it left off or start all over? 266) It would most likely go black, since Teridax is running the universe
277. Can the story team point the story in a different direction which the sets had to follow? 287) No. Sets come first, story comes second.
298. If BIONICLE ended in 2001, would you have revealed the things in the "Plan vs. Not Planned" topic? 308) No. The story would have ended with Mata Nui awakening and you never would have known what the Bohrok were, etc. It would have been over.
319a. Were there more things to what was planned in the start? 329a) Sure
339b. What are the seven books? 349b) That was how Bob Thompson referred to his outline for the BIONICLE story
3510. What BIONICLE characters have you named? 3610) I really don't remember who I named and who I didn't. In general, characters who appeared in novels and nowhere else were named by me. 3710. Would that include serials? 3810) If it is a named character who is not a set, then more often than not that means I made it up.
39Not sure if 5 is new, but sure as heck that 1 and 4 are.![]()
40My first time canonizing stuffz . Whoopee .
41Go Talon Snake go .
42Sorry if it sounds noobish but whats a Talon Snake?