16. So the Glatorian are currently fighting against Skakdi, Piraka, and Rahkshi. It's safe to assume they are having many casualties?
2Isn't Skakdi and Piraka basically the same species?
3No, Piraka is just a Matoran word for thief. Skakdi is an actual species, and the Piraka were just members of that species.
5No, what I meant was, the Piraka in the story are also Skakdi, so asking "currently fighting against Skakdi, Piraka, and..." is like asking "so the Glatorian are fighting against Skakdi, Skakdi and Rahkshi?"
16. So the Glatorian are currently fighting against Skakdi, Piraka, and Rahkshi. It's safe to assume they are having many casualties?
2Isn't Skakdi and Piraka basically the same species?
3No, Piraka is just a Matoran word for thief. Skakdi is an actual species, and the Piraka were just members of that species.
5No, what I meant was, the Piraka in the story are also Skakdi, so asking "currently fighting against Skakdi, Piraka, and..." is like asking "so the Glatorian are fighting against Skakdi, Skakdi and Rahkshi?"
6No, "piraka" is an insult that can be applied to anyone. Zaktan and co. just took it as their team name.
1Hi Greg.
21. Would the Mask of Mutation be able to undo the power of Roodaka's Rhotuka, and vice-versa? 32. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
4Thank you for your time.
5~Lord Rahl~
61) It would be able to mutate the person again, but without knowledge of exactly what Roodaka did, it might not necessarily undo all of it. 72) Can I ask where you got the 100 figure from?
8Thanks Greg.![]()
9BIONICLE World - Chapter Ten: Destral - Subsection: The Inhabitants - Paragraph One. 10"There were, at one time, one hundred members of the Brotherhood of Makuta. It is believed that number is sugnificantly smaller now, as the Makuta of Metru Nui has weeded out those he felt were insufficiently loyal to his grand design."
122. There were originally one hundred Makuta, but at some point Gorast became the only female Makuta left. How many female Makuta were there to begin with? Say, twenty out of the original hundred?
13Thank you for your time.
14~Lord Rahl~
15Probably more like 15
171. Is that an estimate, or the actual number? 182. What happened to those other fourteen, anyway? It sounds like they were rougher than the other Makuta, so did that get them killed, or did the majority of them side with Miserix, or what?
19Thank you for your time.
20~Lord Rahl~
211) No, that's the number 222) I don't see them siding with Miserix, I think they are more likely to have been killed.
23~Lord Rahl~
1remember that:
2-the Order went on a killing spree to hide arthaka. however, Kojol would not give the location away. 3male makuta -1
4-toa fought makuta before.
5-in general, makuta can be killed by dozens of things, from armor-eating viruses, to furnaces, etc.
6-the makuta turned to antidermis, and were well, not used to it. it's possible that the transformation happened at an... unfortunate time and a dozen or so were killed at the wrong time
7-a makuta could've fallen into EP while trying to make kraata.
8-the Plan might have required some sacrifices.
9-infighting might have killed some makuta
10-teridax might have ordered a few killed.
2-the Order went on a killing spree to hide arthaka. however, Kojol would not give the location away. 3male makuta -1
4-toa fought makuta before.
5-in general, makuta can be killed by dozens of things, from armor-eating viruses, to furnaces, etc.
6-the makuta turned to antidermis, and were well, not used to it. it's possible that the transformation happened at an... unfortunate time and a dozen or so were killed at the wrong time
7-a makuta could've fallen into EP while trying to make kraata.
8-the Plan might have required some sacrifices.
9-infighting might have killed some makuta
10-teridax might have ordered a few killed.
1remember that:
2-the Order went on a killing spree to hide arthaka. however, Kojol would not give the location away. 3male makuta -1
4-toa fought makuta before.
5-in general, makuta can be killed by dozens of things, from armor-eating viruses, to furnaces, etc.
6-the makuta turned to antidermis, and were well, not used to it. it's possible that the transformation happened at an... unfortunate time and a dozen or so were killed at the wrong time
7-a makuta could've fallen into EP while trying to make kraata.
8-the Plan might have required some sacrifices.
9-infighting might have killed some makuta
10-teridax might have ordered a few killed.
11And also the great cataclysm, as well as the makuta killed for siding with Miserix.
1Remember that Rahi creating is also a dangerous business, which is why they needed all of those powers. Accidents and the like happen.
1Here's a few questions I asked Greg, and yes, I noticed that one question being asked twice, a slight error in my editing.
2Hey Mr. Farshtey, I'd just like to ask a few questions about the story, and little facts and such. I hope you'll take a minute to answer them, there are 11 questions in total, thanks very much for answering some of these questions, and we all know you probably won't be able to answer a few.
31) Will we see more of the Toa Inika/Mahri in future stories? 41a) If so, will there be another Toa to replace Matoro?
52) Would you ever consider writing a solo story for one of the Toa Nuva later on, if so which one?
63) Is there a possibility there might be a showdown between all of the good characters who are still alive and the Makuta?
74) After this storyline has ended, however it ends, do you think you'll do a story starring the Toa Nuva, instead of so many different Toa Teams?
85) Lego has announced they are ending Bionicle, but the story will continue. Is anyone besides yourself (and the fans, of course) sticking with Bionicle?
96) Were the Toa Mahri transformed back into Toa Inika when Matoro turned them back into air breathers?
107) Is it possible that maybe on a far off island or some place like that, there could be another Toa of Light, after or before Takanuva?
118) I have a theory about the name "Takanuva" and I'd like to know if it is true. Is the name taken from "Takua Nuva" with the "u" and the space cut out, which gives us Takanuva?
129) After Reign of Shadows began, were the Toa Nuva still in their Phantoka/Mistika forms, or did they go back to their old Toa Nuva forms?
1310) In Bionicle: The Movie Mask of Light, Makuta is not called "Teridax" and he is referred to as Mata Nui's brother. Makuta was later stated as a name for the villains, including Teridax, and also, Teridax was not the original leader of the Brotherhood. I know a lot of fans are probably confused about this thing here, so what exactly is the deal with Teridax?
141) Yes 151a) No 162) I don't know, it's not something I have thought about. 173) Mata Nui will be fighting Makuta, as he is the only one with a chance to beat him. 184) Again, I don't know. The Nuva have gotten a lot of screen time -- a movie, three years of story to themselves, etc., I am not sure they need a lot more exposure. 195) Kelly McKiernan, the web producer, will still be producing BIONICLEstory.com, but there is no real need for anyone to be involved since there are no sets to sell (thus you don't need designers, marketing people, etc.) 206) No. They are amphibious now 217) No 228) I didn't come up with that name, so couldn't say 239) Their armor is adaptive, so it adjusts to whatever environment they are in. 2410) Simple. One, Teridax and Mata Nui had basically the same job, look after the Matoran, which made them brothers the same way all firefighters or police or soldiers are considered brothers. The idea of a Brotherhood of Makuta was planned from the beginning, we simply weren't introducing it in 2003. Once we brought other Makuta characters into the story in 2008, we had to give Teridax a name - if everyone is "Makuta (something)", they aren't going to refer to one of their number as "Makuta" because how would they know who they were talking about? And finally, no, Teridax was not the original head of the BOM, Miserix was, Teridax overthrew him.
1Just got these fresh from the greg nothing really new
2QUOTE 3Hello Mr. Greg I hope you are doing well I have a couple queries for you
41. When will RoS Chapter 10 be up?
52. Is the nature of the great beings ever going to be revealed or are they always to remain a mystery?
63. will the other toa nuva aside from tahu appear in Journey's end the book?
74. How many chapters do you estimate RoS and Sahmad's Tale to have?
85. Did you read harry potter or Percy Jackson and the olympians?
96. Would it be possible for you to give a summary or somthing of the crossing chapter 6 to BS01? It's the only missing chapter left
107. how many chapters of Journey's end are their?
118. in GN#8 what is the name of the story about malum's exile? and the Core war story?
129. Do you think that heath ledger would be a good voice for vezon?
13Thanky you for your time good sir
141) When it gets written 152) I can't answer this, cause it's not up to me -- it's up LEGO HQ in Denmark 163) Not really, no 174) ROS runs through the end of March, and probably ST will too, but I don't know how many chapters each will be 185) I read the first couple Harry Potter books and then lost interest, and haven't read the other one at all 196) I'm not sure AMEET would let me do that. 207) I think it's something like 12 218) Don't recall 229) Um, since he's dead, what difference does it make?
2QUOTE 3Hello Mr. Greg I hope you are doing well I have a couple queries for you
41. When will RoS Chapter 10 be up?
52. Is the nature of the great beings ever going to be revealed or are they always to remain a mystery?
63. will the other toa nuva aside from tahu appear in Journey's end the book?
74. How many chapters do you estimate RoS and Sahmad's Tale to have?
85. Did you read harry potter or Percy Jackson and the olympians?
96. Would it be possible for you to give a summary or somthing of the crossing chapter 6 to BS01? It's the only missing chapter left
107. how many chapters of Journey's end are their?
118. in GN#8 what is the name of the story about malum's exile? and the Core war story?
129. Do you think that heath ledger would be a good voice for vezon?
13Thanky you for your time good sir
141) When it gets written 152) I can't answer this, cause it's not up to me -- it's up LEGO HQ in Denmark 163) Not really, no 174) ROS runs through the end of March, and probably ST will too, but I don't know how many chapters each will be 185) I read the first couple Harry Potter books and then lost interest, and haven't read the other one at all 196) I'm not sure AMEET would let me do that. 207) I think it's something like 12 218) Don't recall 229) Um, since he's dead, what difference does it make?
1To be fair about the Heath Ledger thing, Greg DID say he imagined Krika sounding like Vincent Price...
1Dear Greg,
21. do the glatorian know that telluris and sahmad are of the iron tribe? 32. You said you might do a serial based on the "protagonists" topic, is that still a thought at the moment? Or have you decided against it? 43. Are all the toa currently in resistance teams or trying to resist Teridax? 54. Is Teridax aware of all the action in his head right now?
71) Yes 82) It is still very much a thought. The only delay is that I can't do it until I have an approved names list, since I would need to name new characters for it. 93) Yes 104) Yup
1I think that's a bit of a ridiculous suggestion. Heath Ledger has played more roles than the Dark Knight, and none of them resemble anywhere near Vezon. It would be much more fair to use someone experienced at doing villain voices. Mark Hamhill, for example, has played the Joker in a lot of media; he could make a good Vezon.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
1I think that's a bit of a ridiculous suggestion. Heath Ledger has played more roles than the Dark Knight, and none of them resemble anywhere near Vezon. It would be much more fair to use someone experienced at doing villain voices. Mark Hamhill, for example, has played the Joker in a lot of media; he could make a good Vezon.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
3I know. I'm just saying it's perfectly legit to suggest a Bionicle character sounds like a dead actor, since even Greg has done so.
1I think that's a bit of a ridiculous suggestion. Heath Ledger has played more roles than the Dark Knight, and none of them resemble anywhere near Vezon. It would be much more fair to use someone experienced at doing villain voices. Mark Hamhill, for example, has played the Joker in a lot of media; he could make a good Vezon.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
3I know. I'm just saying it's perfectly legit to suggest a Bionicle character sounds like a dead actor, since even Greg has done so.
4But Vincent Price had an iconic voice, like James Earl Jones or Christopher Lee. Heath Ledger isn't remembered by his voice.
1I think that's a bit of a ridiculous suggestion. Heath Ledger has played more roles than the Dark Knight, and none of them resemble anywhere near Vezon. It would be much more fair to use someone experienced at doing villain voices. Mark Hamhill, for example, has played the Joker in a lot of media; he could make a good Vezon.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
3I know. I'm just saying it's perfectly legit to suggest a Bionicle character sounds like a dead actor, since even Greg has done so.
4But Vincent Price had an iconic voice, like James Earl Jones or Christopher Lee. Heath Ledger isn't remembered by his voice.
1I believe you guys are getting off-topic. Besides, it's not a big deal; it's his opinion.
23. Will there most likely be a compromise for Kinetics? I read something about there being a Mask of Kinetics or the alternate Teridax using Kinetics as a Kraata Power.
33) I think it is possible, and I think it is an option I would hold out for other things rejected as elements. Doing things as masks or artifacts allows them to be in story without requiring a lot of time and space, plus it gives a natural reason why their power would be explained in story.
1I think that's a bit of a ridiculous suggestion. Heath Ledger has played more roles than the Dark Knight, and none of them resemble anywhere near Vezon. It would be much more fair to use someone experienced at doing villain voices. Mark Hamhill, for example, has played the Joker in a lot of media; he could make a good Vezon.
2Also, don't base who you think an actor should play off of one movie. Just general advice. George Clooney played Batman once, but that's not the normal type of movie he's in, so he wouldn't be a good choice for other superheroes.
3I know. I'm just saying it's perfectly legit to suggest a Bionicle character sounds like a dead actor, since even Greg has done so.
4But Vincent Price had an iconic voice, like James Earl Jones or Christopher Lee. Heath Ledger isn't remembered by his voice.
6So, you just phrased that question wrong. You said it as if Ledger should voice Vezon, not if his Joker voice sounded like him. Therefore, Greg thought you meant the former and said the "dead" answer.
7But I still agree with Aravagantos here. Heath Ledger wasn't a voice actor, he was a film actor, and basing his skill as a madman on one movie would never do him justice (but it's too late, anyway, so it is kind of irrelevant). People like Mark Hamill, James Earl Jones, and Lee, they had unique voices, voices you would hear and instantly say, "That's ______". That's why Greg remembered Price and imagined Krika as sounding like him; he was known for those kinds of roles.
1Hi Greg 2I must say that chapter 10 of RoS was very interesting, if not rare, and for that I ask these questions:
31 .- The warlord who argues with the Toa Mahri is Nektann? 42 .- This chapter takes place while the "Comic 5: Valley of Fear"? 53 .- Perhaps all those who were sent into outer space (Artakha, Miserix, Brutaka, etc.).are dead? 64 .- What happened to Lewa after recovering his body? 75 .- The Piraka are officially dead? 86 .- The green haze which entered the PE container was Antidermis?
9Bye . .
101) No, Nektann is already gone. The warlord in the chapter is obviously not on the side of Teridax. Nektann is. 112) Yes 123) You'll have to follow the story and find out 134) Well, he went out into space too, he was with them at the time 145) The Piraka were thrown into the energized protodermis 156) Nope. Guess again.
1QUOTEHi Greg I have a few questions to ask1 Do alternate makuta from the melding universe have 42 kraata powers like normal makuta?2 Are Ancient and The Shadow One the same species? 2a If they are then how come they are diffrent in apperance and powers?3 When I ask can makuta altered them selves to remove weaknesses or add powers I ment if they can mutate themselves.4 Are their many diffrent rahkshi kaita by that I mean diffrent body styles?5 Can you name if any known dark hunters are the same species as some order of mata nui members?suggestions1) They have some different powers2) Yes2a) Well, you and I are the same species, but probably look very different and may have totally different skills. Every member of a species does not look alike or have exactly the same powers all the time.3) No4) Not really, no5) No ideaQUOTEHi Greg I would like if you could answer some questions.1 Could you say what are Nektann's vision and third power?2 Could you give information about the purple and black entities from Takanuva's journy?3 Could you give information about the city creature's species from Takanuva's journy?4 Could makuta alter themselves like give themselves more powers or remove weaknesses ?5 Can makuta put a part of there antidermis in a container and if their main body's antidermis is destroyed could they still survive?6 Where do the makuta make viruses?7 Are any of the Barraki species known species or unknown species such as members in the dark hunters or order of Mata Nui?8 Are the species in the Red Stars native to Spherus Magna or are they created like the Matoran were created?9 If Ancient and The Shadow One are the same species then is The Shadow one a mutant or Subspecies.10 Dose Tyrant's species have many diffrent elementle powers like toa?11 Do alternate makuta of the melding universe have any elementle powers that normal Makuta do not have such as iron, sand or the primary matoran elements?12 Is there any restriction to a makuta rahi creations like if limited size, powers, or intellegnce?12A Is their a limit on what kind of rahi a makuta can create regardles of materials for example can they make a rahi simlre to a sapient species or a specific abeing like the Bahrag.13 Is the name of Gladiator's Krekka's and Sidorak's species technicly Steltian?13A If the answer is yes then could their name species be called by ocupations like for example Krekka's species could be called Steltian servant? 14 Is Glatiator a normal member of his species?15 Can a makuta posess more than one body for example two robots?1) Hasn't been determined2-3) No info exists on them beyond what is in the book4) No5) No6) Labs7) It's certainly possible8) I can't answer this9) No, why would you think that he is?10) Well, we know Tyrant had heat-related powers11) They have different powers, but they are not elemental based12) Nope12a) They can't do cloning, if that is what you are asking13) No, we have never said that. I was born in New York, but my species is not New Yorker14) Yes15) No
47Fixed. 1Hi Greg I have a few questions to ask: 21 Do alternate makuta from the melding universe have 42 kraata powers like normal makuta? 32 Are Ancient and The Shadow One the same species? 42a If they are then how come they are diffrent in apperance and powers? 53 When I ask can makuta altered them selves to remove weaknesses or add powers I ment if they can mutate themselves. 64 Are their many diffrent rahkshi kaita by that I mean diffrent body styles? 75 Can you name if any known dark hunters are the same species as some order of mata nui members?suggestions
81) They have some different powers 92) Yes 102a) Well, you and I are the same species, but probably look very different and may have totally different skills. Every member of a species does not look alike or have exactly the same powers all the time. 113) No 124) Not really, no 135) No idea
14Hi Greg I would like if you could answer some questions. 151 Could you say what are Nektann's vision and third power? 162 Could you give information about the purple and black entities from Takanuva's journy? 173 Could you give information about the city creature's species from Takanuva's journy? 184 Could makuta alter themselves like give themselves more powers or remove weaknesses ? 195 Can makuta put a part of there antidermis in a container and if their main body's antidermis is destroyed could they still survive? 206 Where do the makuta make viruses? 217 Are any of the Barraki species known species or unknown species such as members in the dark hunters or order of Mata Nui? 228 Are the species in the Red Stars native to Spherus Magna or are they created like the Matoran were created? 239 If Ancient and The Shadow One are the same species then is The Shadow one a mutant or Subspecies. 2410 Dose Tyrant's species have many diffrent elementle powers like toa? 2511 Do alternate makuta of the melding universe have any elementle powers that normal Makuta do not have such as iron, sand or the primary matoran elements? 2612 Is there any restriction to a makuta rahi creations like if limited size, powers, or intellegnce? 2712A Is their a limit on what kind of rahi a makuta can create regardles of materials for example can they make a rahi simlre to a sapient species or a specific abeing like the Bahrag. 2813 Is the name of Gladiator's Krekka's and Sidorak's species technicly Steltian? 2913A If the answer is yes then could their name species be called by ocupations like for example Krekka's species could be called Steltian servant? 3014 Is Glatiator a normal member of his species? 3115 Can a makuta posess more than one body for example two robots?
321) Hasn't been determined 332-3) No info exists on them beyond what is in the book 344) No 355) No 366) Labs 377) It's certainly possible 388) I can't answer this 399) No, why would you think that he is? 4010) Well, we know Tyrant had heat-related powers 4111) They have different powers, but they are not elemental based 4212) Nope 4312a) They can't do cloning, if that is what you are asking 4413) No, we have never said that. I was born in New York, but my species is not New Yorker 4514) Yes 4615) No
18 Are the species in the Red Stars native to Spherus Magna or are they created like the Matoran were created?
28) I can't answer this
3I hope he knows he did answer this. He said this to me:
46) There are six Element Lords, Sand, Fire, Ice, Jungle, Water and Rock. And the red star species has no relation to the plague tribe -- the GBs created the red star and the beings inside it, and they did not create the plague tribe.
1Great Beings created a lot of stuff both on Spherus Magna and in the Matoran Universe. So the fact that Great Beings created them does not answer were they created into the star or are they native to Spherus Magna. Though I'd guess they were created inside it. But obviously am not certain.
1Hello, Mr Farshtey,
2I'd have some questions to ask you:
3The Golden Armor:
41)Are all the pieces of the armor on Bara Magna, or are some in the MU as well? 51a)If so, could the mask be the one Takua found inside the Mysterious Sundial in MNOG?
62)On Bionicle.com it says that some of the Golden Armor pieces are stolen. By whom? And how could anyone know about the Armor in the first place (included Tahu, Gresh and Takanuva)?
83)Is Tahu transformed back into a Mata when he gets to BM or when he's still in the MU? 93 104)Do Tahu's powers still depend on his Nuva symbol now that he's back to being a Mata?
115)Will we see Tahu (and possibly Takanuva) in RoS or will they appear directly in the main 2010 storyline?
12RoS and MU:
136)When will you do the next RoS chapter? 146a)Any anticipations (characters, for example)?
157)In Chapter 4 the Matoran accompaining Tuyet are three (Macku, Hafu and Kapura). In Chapter 7 Macku is gone. Where is she? And in Chapter 8 Hafu and Kapura witness the beginning of the fight between Helryx, Axonn, Miserix, Tuyet, Tren Krom and Brutaka, but in Chapter 9 they've disappeared. Where are they?
168)What happened to the deal between TSO and the Barraki? What have they decided to do with the viruses TSO has?
179)Has Teridax already left Aqua Magna when Chapter 9 occurs?
1910)When do the Skrall join with Teridax? How do they even know who he is?
2011)Is Sahmad's Tale just Sahmad's memories or does it also tell actual facts?
2112)When do Mata Nui and Tarduk meet? And, in MN's guide, it says that if Mata Nui hadn't gone after Tarduk to the Valley of the Maze, the latter wouldn't have returned to tell the tale. Why's that?
221) All are on BM, the armor doesn't even get created until they are on BM 232) You'll find out in March 243) BM 254) No 265) You'll see them in Journey's End, most likely not in ROS 276) Done already 287) They didn't disappear, I just did not mention them because they weren't doing anything significant. And Macku had her own things to do -- too many Matoran missing at once would look suspicious. 298) We haven't gotten back to that yet, but we will 309 Yes 3110) They don't, and we never said they did. The Glatorian are under attack; the Skrall hate the Glatorian, so they see that as a perfect time to attack themselves. 3211) Sahmad's tale pretty obviously sets up that he is about to go on a quest, so no, it is not all flashback. Go back and listen to the end of the first chapter again. 3312) If BIONICLE graphic novel #10 gets published, that will deal with Mata Nui and Tarduk. Otherwise, I will try to share the story elsewhere.
341) is new, I think.
35Thank you for your answers. Now that I've read RoS 10 I only have one doubt:
369)I don't understand. In Chapter 4, Teridax decides to leave only after having subdued all the rebellions. How comes he's already left (there are obviously rebellions when chapter 9 and 10 occur)?
37And some new questions:
381)Could Lewa, in outer space, create air from nothing to keep the group he's with breathing? Will he?
392)Do Miserix and Brutaka, being both connected to Antidermis, need to breathe?
403)How comes Nuparu is with the other Toa Mahri? In the last chapter of Takanuva's Blog, he's been summoned to Destral to help fix the dimensional gate device. 413a)Regarding the issue, how did Takanuva's mission go?
424)What happened to Tahu and the group he was leading in RoS 1 and 2?
435)Will we ever see the Toa Hagah again, now that Tren Krom has freed them from Teridax's illusion?
449) Not a question of subduing, T. It's a question of knowing rebellions are going on and how much of a threat they pose. If you determine they pose no serious threat, you can feel free to move on, but it took time to assess that. 451) What is going to happen next will be revealed in the next chapter. Everyone seems to want the answers now, which sort of goes against the point of a serial. 462) Miserix doesn't, but he can still freeze. 473) He's back. 483a) Not well 494) Tahu is going to be dealt with in the Journey's End book 505) Most likely, yes
513a)I had hoped he could be a bit clearer about this. I suppose we'll have to wai for Journey's End.
2I'd have some questions to ask you:
3The Golden Armor:
41)Are all the pieces of the armor on Bara Magna, or are some in the MU as well? 51a)If so, could the mask be the one Takua found inside the Mysterious Sundial in MNOG?
62)On Bionicle.com it says that some of the Golden Armor pieces are stolen. By whom? And how could anyone know about the Armor in the first place (included Tahu, Gresh and Takanuva)?
83)Is Tahu transformed back into a Mata when he gets to BM or when he's still in the MU? 93 104)Do Tahu's powers still depend on his Nuva symbol now that he's back to being a Mata?
115)Will we see Tahu (and possibly Takanuva) in RoS or will they appear directly in the main 2010 storyline?
12RoS and MU:
136)When will you do the next RoS chapter? 146a)Any anticipations (characters, for example)?
157)In Chapter 4 the Matoran accompaining Tuyet are three (Macku, Hafu and Kapura). In Chapter 7 Macku is gone. Where is she? And in Chapter 8 Hafu and Kapura witness the beginning of the fight between Helryx, Axonn, Miserix, Tuyet, Tren Krom and Brutaka, but in Chapter 9 they've disappeared. Where are they?
168)What happened to the deal between TSO and the Barraki? What have they decided to do with the viruses TSO has?
179)Has Teridax already left Aqua Magna when Chapter 9 occurs?
1910)When do the Skrall join with Teridax? How do they even know who he is?
2011)Is Sahmad's Tale just Sahmad's memories or does it also tell actual facts?
2112)When do Mata Nui and Tarduk meet? And, in MN's guide, it says that if Mata Nui hadn't gone after Tarduk to the Valley of the Maze, the latter wouldn't have returned to tell the tale. Why's that?
221) All are on BM, the armor doesn't even get created until they are on BM 232) You'll find out in March 243) BM 254) No 265) You'll see them in Journey's End, most likely not in ROS 276) Done already 287) They didn't disappear, I just did not mention them because they weren't doing anything significant. And Macku had her own things to do -- too many Matoran missing at once would look suspicious. 298) We haven't gotten back to that yet, but we will 309 Yes 3110) They don't, and we never said they did. The Glatorian are under attack; the Skrall hate the Glatorian, so they see that as a perfect time to attack themselves. 3211) Sahmad's tale pretty obviously sets up that he is about to go on a quest, so no, it is not all flashback. Go back and listen to the end of the first chapter again. 3312) If BIONICLE graphic novel #10 gets published, that will deal with Mata Nui and Tarduk. Otherwise, I will try to share the story elsewhere.
341) is new, I think.
35Thank you for your answers. Now that I've read RoS 10 I only have one doubt:
369)I don't understand. In Chapter 4, Teridax decides to leave only after having subdued all the rebellions. How comes he's already left (there are obviously rebellions when chapter 9 and 10 occur)?
37And some new questions:
381)Could Lewa, in outer space, create air from nothing to keep the group he's with breathing? Will he?
392)Do Miserix and Brutaka, being both connected to Antidermis, need to breathe?
403)How comes Nuparu is with the other Toa Mahri? In the last chapter of Takanuva's Blog, he's been summoned to Destral to help fix the dimensional gate device. 413a)Regarding the issue, how did Takanuva's mission go?
424)What happened to Tahu and the group he was leading in RoS 1 and 2?
435)Will we ever see the Toa Hagah again, now that Tren Krom has freed them from Teridax's illusion?
449) Not a question of subduing, T. It's a question of knowing rebellions are going on and how much of a threat they pose. If you determine they pose no serious threat, you can feel free to move on, but it took time to assess that. 451) What is going to happen next will be revealed in the next chapter. Everyone seems to want the answers now, which sort of goes against the point of a serial. 462) Miserix doesn't, but he can still freeze. 473) He's back. 483a) Not well 494) Tahu is going to be dealt with in the Journey's End book 505) Most likely, yes
513a)I had hoped he could be a bit clearer about this. I suppose we'll have to wai for Journey's End.
11)Are all the pieces of the armor on Bara Magna, or are some in the MU as well? 21a)If so, could the mask be the one Takua found inside the Mysterious Sundial in MNOG?
31) All are on BM, the armor doesn't even get created until they are on BM
4So he's saying that the Golden Armour doesn't get created until Tahu and Takanuva are on BM? Interesting...
1Journey's end
21). Hey, I'd just like to know, because you said that Journey's end will be released as a book in some parts of Europe, will it be released in Norway? (I just asked 'cause my friend lives there.)
42). Do you know when the new comics are going to be released on BIONICLE.com?
5Thanks for your time.
71) Don't know, I only know about Poland 82) Your best bet is to ask Binkmeister, he is the web producer for BIONICLE.com
9I think Question one is new.

1Hi Greg 2I must say that chapter 10 of RoS was very interesting, if not rare, and for that I ask these questions:
31 .- The warlord who argues with the Toa Mahri is Nektann? 42 .- This chapter takes place while the "Comic 5: Valley of Fear"? 53 .- Perhaps all those who were sent into outer space (Artakha, Miserix, Brutaka, etc.).are dead? 64 .- What happened to Lewa after recovering his body? 75 .- The Piraka are officially dead? 86 .- The green haze which entered the PE container was Antidermis?
9Bye . .
101) No, Nektann is already gone. The warlord in the chapter is obviously not on the side of Teridax. Nektann is. 112) Yes 123) You'll have to follow the story and find out 134) Well, he went out into space too, he was with them at the time 145) The Piraka were thrown into the energized protodermis 156) Nope. Guess again.
16Anyone else think the phrasing on that last question is a challenge for us to find out what the substance was?
1Hello mr. Farshtey, hope you have a nice day.
21) Is the greenish cloud from RoS 10 Zaktan?
32) a. So did Zyglak, Vortixx, Steltian worker and Piraka all fuse into one single being? 4b. So none of them died, all just fused?
53) Axonn, Brutaka and co. are now in outer space, not in Aqua Magna?
64) Is Tren Krom now back in his old body?
7Thanks, this was all I wanted to know about newest chapter.
81) Follow the story and find out 92) Note what it said in the story -- that the only way they could KNOW these beings would not die in the EP would be if Teridax told them, which evidently he did. So no, they did not die. 103) Yes, because the MN robot is in space when this happens. 114) Yes
12Nothing important, just the possibility about Zaktan: he didn't say no.
13EDIT: Another question from me to Greg. I didn't want to waste a new post for this.
14In newest RoS there was a laborer from Stelt that was thrown into EP. Question is: was this being from Krekka's or Gladiator's species?
15This is my second message to you today, but I realized this thing a second ago.
21) Is the greenish cloud from RoS 10 Zaktan?
32) a. So did Zyglak, Vortixx, Steltian worker and Piraka all fuse into one single being? 4b. So none of them died, all just fused?
53) Axonn, Brutaka and co. are now in outer space, not in Aqua Magna?
64) Is Tren Krom now back in his old body?
7Thanks, this was all I wanted to know about newest chapter.
81) Follow the story and find out 92) Note what it said in the story -- that the only way they could KNOW these beings would not die in the EP would be if Teridax told them, which evidently he did. So no, they did not die. 103) Yes, because the MN robot is in space when this happens. 114) Yes
12Nothing important, just the possibility about Zaktan: he didn't say no.
13EDIT: Another question from me to Greg. I didn't want to waste a new post for this.
14In newest RoS there was a laborer from Stelt that was thrown into EP. Question is: was this being from Krekka's or Gladiator's species?
15This is my second message to you today, but I realized this thing a second ago.
11) Is the greenish cloud from RoS 10 Zaktan?
21) Follow the story and find out
3Nothing important, just the possibility about Zaktan: he didn't say no.
4This makes a lot of sense. Zaktan escaped in protodite form, and got to the tank. I wonder that if he was the green cloud, why he did get to the energized protodermis tank. Maybe he deduced that he had to do it from the Plan?
11) Is the greenish cloud from RoS 10 Zaktan?
21) Follow the story and find out
3Nothing important, just the possibility about Zaktan: he didn't say no.
4This makes a lot of sense. Zaktan escaped in protodite form, and got to the tank. I wonder that if he was the green cloud, why he did get to the energized protodermis tank. Maybe he deduced that he had to do it from the Plan?
5Hmmm...I think you guys are on to something. Remember, the greenish subtance came out of a lake. Now why would it be in a lake, unless it was the water breathing Zaktan?
1Umm...Guys, Hate to burst your bubble, but Zaktan is dead...has been for a year now. 2(quoting from Biosector01.com, which records his status as "deceased")
4Edit: Plus: A, stuff from new Serials should be in spoiler tags...and B, for discussion, we can go to The Official Reign of Shadows Topic
3Teridax then revealed himself by destroying Brutaka's Kanohi Olmak with energy, and then proceeded to kill Zaktan using a sonic hum which caused both him and his water tank to explode.
4Edit: Plus: A, stuff from new Serials should be in spoiler tags...and B, for discussion, we can go to The Official Reign of Shadows Topic
1Zaktan could still be alive. Remember what happened to Tuyet? We thought she was dead, but she wasn't.
1Umm...Guys, Hate to burst your bubble, but Zaktan is dead...has been for a year now. 2(quoting from Biosector01.com, which records his status as "deceased") 3Teridax then revealed himself by destroying Brutaka's Kanohi Olmak with energy, and then proceeded to kill Zaktan using a sonic hum which caused both him and his water tank to explode.
4Edit: Plus: A, stuff from new Serials should be in spoiler tags...and B, for discussion, we can go to The Official Reign of Shadows Topic
5Zaktan could still be alive. Remember what happened to Tuyet? We thought she was dead, but she wasn't.
6Well, we never saw Tuyet explode.
7No, we didn't, but I still think that explosion was some sort of trick. Whatever. We're getting off topic anyways.
8BS01 is only as reliable as the people who write it.
9Zaktan exploded once already and survived with the ability to be a green cloud. I think that not only is it totally possibe that he survived, but that Makuta knew he survived, wanted him to survive and deliberately sen him to be included into the monster, which is why he, makuta told/ influenced the skakdi to know that these people were destined to transform and combine.
1You guys forget that we follow this up with questions to Greg such as "is he really dead". It's not like we just pull this stuff out of the blue.
1Hello, sir.
21. Since everyone in the core processor except Lewa was transported into outer space, they are pretty much dead, right?
32. Why was Lewa spared?
43. What was green cloud was that plunged into the EP vat?
51-2) Lewa was sent too, his omission from the list was just a typo on my part 63) You'll find out next chapter
71. But are they dead?
81) Why would I want to answer this? The point of a cliffhanger is to make you wait for the next chapter to find out.