1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.
2And I don't get it.
3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
5Because Greg hasn't given a clear answer to if he's dead or not. All his replies to the question are "it looks that way". Could just be he's phrasing it oddly, but we'll find out the truth at some point I guess.

1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
5Makuta is dead. Just like Magneto. Oh wait. Just like Sinestro. Oh wait. Just like the Green Goblin. Oh wait. Just like Parallax. Oh wait. Just like Braniac. Oh wait. Just like Ra's Al Ghul. Oh wait. Just like Doctor Doom. Oh wait. Just like the Joker. Oh wait.
6See why the death of a hugely iconic comic book villain is a little hard to swallow for some people?
6See why the death of a hugely iconic comic book villain is a little hard to swallow for some people?
1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
5First of all, the toa's colour thing is awesome. It's exactly how I pictured their default forms back in ROS chapter 1 which was abou tthe time I heard that their default forms were "similar to their standard armour. Especially Tahu. I traced flash pics of each of the toa nuva (im not a very good sketch artist) and coloured them with their 2008 colours and Tahu especially looks awesome.
7I agree that people are stupid for trying to deny Teridax is dead, but a new villain isnt the way to go. The 2010 story needs to finish being filled out because there are so many parts of ROS and Destiny War which are still unresolved. Then if they must go chronologically further I think it can get a little more sophistocated than having one powerful antagonist. There must be al kinds of unrest with the cataclysmic effects of the MU being damaged beyond repair. moving everybody into this new world. They cant just walk out and settle. Doesnt work that way. Id also like to see some flashbacks. There are an aful lot of thousand year gaps between events. Much more relavent than cotinuing. I'd rather this be the chronological end of the Bioicle saga. There's also got to be more to how Teridax died because a blow to the head like ta just doesnt seem like enough. However he is dead. Its stupid to deny that. We jut need to know why he was dependant on the core proscessor. he wasnt before and antidermis could easily survive its destruction.
1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
5Because Greg hasn't given a clear answer to if he's dead or not. All his replies to the question are "it looks that way". Could just be he's phrasing it oddly, but we'll find out the truth at some point I guess.![]()
7Doesn't he look dead? To me it does. 8-Lord Riglax
1Doesn't he look dead? To me it does. 2-Lord Riglax
3Greg still hasn't given a clear answer to if he's dead or not.
1People deny he is dead because we have nothing stating he is, and from his own history, he's blown up bodies left and right and gotten away with it.
2He got hit in the head with a moon. This is traumatic, and definitely defeated the body. However, Makuta himself is not limited in anyway to a physical body, at least, not one. He's been crushed, blown up, blasted, and now hit in the head. Just from what the barrier did to him, we know he can find a way to live.
3Yes, the comic shows him face down, hole blown through the "brain" and not moving. Therefore, it "seems" he's dead (the closest to confirmation, and it doesn't even confirm anything).
4Now, would this guarantee that he isn't? No. However, we cannot assume he fully died, since we don't know that as a fact, and due to the resilient nature of antidermis, it is within reason to assume he can shed that robot for another.
5A new villain (if used) wouldn't be much of a problem, since we still have a very bad EL issue to address. Makuta even has his counterpart to keep him straight.
2He got hit in the head with a moon. This is traumatic, and definitely defeated the body. However, Makuta himself is not limited in anyway to a physical body, at least, not one. He's been crushed, blown up, blasted, and now hit in the head. Just from what the barrier did to him, we know he can find a way to live.
3Yes, the comic shows him face down, hole blown through the "brain" and not moving. Therefore, it "seems" he's dead (the closest to confirmation, and it doesn't even confirm anything).
4Now, would this guarantee that he isn't? No. However, we cannot assume he fully died, since we don't know that as a fact, and due to the resilient nature of antidermis, it is within reason to assume he can shed that robot for another.
5A new villain (if used) wouldn't be much of a problem, since we still have a very bad EL issue to address. Makuta even has his counterpart to keep him straight.
1But in the comic, it said that he had fallen and will never rise again. It was made pretty obvious he was dead. If he isn't they just killed the most dramatic thing in the storyline.
1That's where the "seems" comes from. It also "seemed" that way in '03 until he find out he's talking to Piraka in '06.
1Or it's vague so we can all just wait like we should 

1People deny he is dead because we have nothing stating he is, and from his own history, he's blown up bodies left and right and gotten away with it.
2He got hit in the head with a moon. This is traumatic, and definitely defeated the body. However, Makuta himself is not limited in anyway to a physical body, at least, not one. He's been crushed, blown up, blasted, and now hit in the head. Just from what the barrier did to him, we know he can find a way to live.
3Yes, the comic shows him face down, hole blown through the "brain" and not moving. Therefore, it "seems" he's dead (the closest to confirmation, and it doesn't even confirm anything).
4Now, would this guarantee that he isn't? No. However, we cannot assume he fully died, since we don't know that as a fact, and due to the resilient nature of antidermis, it is within reason to assume he can shed that robot for another.
5A new villain (if used) wouldn't be much of a problem, since we still have a very bad EL issue to address. Makuta even has his counterpart to keep him straight.
6Catching him from behind, the moon blasted explosively through the back of his head, presumably completely obliterating the "brain" of the robot, which his antidermis was spread throughout.
7Other Makuta have been shown to be killed quite easily by extreme heat, energy and dissipation all of which Makuta would've been exposed to in much greater amounts. Even if he somehow wasn't vaporized by the moon, with both Great-Spirit robots destroyed, he wouldn't have any motivation/reason to continue existing (as shown in The Kingdom).
8There's absolutely it is fair and just storyline reason to think it's possible for him to be alive, other than he's the Big Bad. But then we should also assume that Matoro is alive in the Ignika.
7Other Makuta have been shown to be killed quite easily by extreme heat, energy and dissipation all of which Makuta would've been exposed to in much greater amounts. Even if he somehow wasn't vaporized by the moon, with both Great-Spirit robots destroyed, he wouldn't have any motivation/reason to continue existing (as shown in The Kingdom).
8There's absolutely it is fair and just storyline reason to think it's possible for him to be alive, other than he's the Big Bad. But then we should also assume that Matoro is alive in the Ignika.
1Well a bit of Matoro DID rub off on the Ignika's personality 
2But I definitely think Teridax is dead. He was destined to overthrow Mata Nui and take control of the MU, and then work with Mata Nui (although unknowingly) to restore Spherus Magna. His destiny was completed before he was hit in the head. And there was an explosion that took out the core processor, which contained his Antidermis. Though the Makuta could have escaped if he saw the moon coming, he DIDN'T see it coming and even if his reactions were really fast and he tried to leave the core processor, he would certainly have been caught in the explosion. Remember Tridax? Antidermis couldn't survive intense heat. So there we go.

2But I definitely think Teridax is dead. He was destined to overthrow Mata Nui and take control of the MU, and then work with Mata Nui (although unknowingly) to restore Spherus Magna. His destiny was completed before he was hit in the head. And there was an explosion that took out the core processor, which contained his Antidermis. Though the Makuta could have escaped if he saw the moon coming, he DIDN'T see it coming and even if his reactions were really fast and he tried to leave the core processor, he would certainly have been caught in the explosion. Remember Tridax? Antidermis couldn't survive intense heat. So there we go.
1But in the comic, it said that he had fallen and will never rise again. It was made pretty obvious he was dead. If he isn't they just killed the most dramatic thing in the storyline.
2That's just a euphamism for "he's dead" because it's a childrens' comic and parents would complain if their children learn that killing bullies by smashing their heads with a big rock is the way to solve your problems
1I get the impressing Greg was in a good mood when he wrote this:
71) Three part answer, Slushie. One, there really is no BIONICLE story team anymore -- most of them are now the Hero Factory story team. Two, no, I do not plan on adding romance, because I am not interested in writing romance stories. That is what fan fiction is for. And three, making it more graphic is not an option -- the universe is still owned by LEGO, the story is still posted on a LEGO site, so graphic violence is still not allowed. 82) I have not heard anything about anime. I may do some writing here and there for HF, but I am not on the story team for it. 93) As far as I know #8 and #9 are definitely coming out -- #10 and beyond depend on how 8 and 9 sell, because Papercutz does not know if the GNs will still sell with no toys or LEGO marketing support. 104) Yes, I do have plans for that.
11Dunno how new any of this might be. The Bota Magna was definitely interesting to me, though.
2I had a couple of questions for you. I apologize if they've been asked before:
31) Now that the Bionicle toy line will be ending, will you still be taking ques from the Bionicle Story Team on what to do with the story, or are you free to do as you like? If so, will you be changing anything in the tone of Bionicle, e.i., making it more graphic or adding some elements of romance?
42) Will you be working on the story for Hero Factory? Also, is it true that there are going to be a few episodes of a Hero Factory anime?
53) Do you know how many Bionicle graphic novels are planned? At some point I heard it would be at least 10, but now I'm not hearing anything for certain after #8.
64) I know that stories on Bota Magna were planned, before it was sadly revealed that there would be no more movies. Are you planning on doing any stories for Bota in the future? Because I would be disappointed if a whole section of the Shattered Spherus Magna went unused.
71) Three part answer, Slushie. One, there really is no BIONICLE story team anymore -- most of them are now the Hero Factory story team. Two, no, I do not plan on adding romance, because I am not interested in writing romance stories. That is what fan fiction is for. And three, making it more graphic is not an option -- the universe is still owned by LEGO, the story is still posted on a LEGO site, so graphic violence is still not allowed. 82) I have not heard anything about anime. I may do some writing here and there for HF, but I am not on the story team for it. 93) As far as I know #8 and #9 are definitely coming out -- #10 and beyond depend on how 8 and 9 sell, because Papercutz does not know if the GNs will still sell with no toys or LEGO marketing support. 104) Yes, I do have plans for that.
11Dunno how new any of this might be. The Bota Magna was definitely interesting to me, though.
13As dearly as I miss Makuta, I would be really disappointed if he came back. If a character dies, I generally want them to stay dead. Otherwise, the impact is just lost. Like comic writer Peter David says: avoid killing the main characters unless you want them to be dead for good. Otherwise the 'pearly gates" become a "revolving door."
1You guys are forgetting something: the Great Barrier didn't crush Makuta's head. Also, look at the narration in the famous "looks like he's dead" picture:
3Now let's either get back on topic or move to an "Is He Dead" topic.
2The Rahkshi are destroyed, ... their leader dead... crushed, in the end, by destiny.
3Now let's either get back on topic or move to an "Is He Dead" topic.
1but stil it was the iconic end of bionicle so its logical to be the end of the iconic master vilian he has been anoying matoran for a hole decade if a popular action strip or serie ends the top vilian deis mostly so it woeld be normal that tiridax has died
1The thing is, regardless of what the comic says, Greg has given weird answers to the question if he is dead. I was assuming that he was, but I'm having second thoughts about it now after seeing Greg's answers. If he was just dead, I'm sure Greg would say so. Not that he "looks" like he is.
2Also, since the comics are some of the main story, it would make more sense to say he's dead there since it's the last issue. Rather then saying that he's still alive.
3(And Teridax has been considered "dead" before, remember 2003?)
2Also, since the comics are some of the main story, it would make more sense to say he's dead there since it's the last issue. Rather then saying that he's still alive.
3(And Teridax has been considered "dead" before, remember 2003?)
4On-Topic: since Greg is gone for a week, I don't think there's anything we CAN do except talk about his answers.

1Shame about all the Toa Nuva having the same colours as the adaptive armour forms...
2And I don't get it.3Why do you guys refuse to believe he is dead? Makuta's antidermis was in the core processor, so I'm sure that moon ought to have killed him. And whats wrong with a new villain? At least Makuta had a legit, epic death (and death pose). After all his evil, did you expect him to turn good?
5Because Greg hasn't given a clear answer to if he's dead or not. All his replies to the question are "it looks that way". Could just be he's phrasing it oddly, but we'll find out the truth at some point I guess.![]()
7Doesn't he look dead? To me it does. 8-Lord Riglax
9He is/was a Makuta. A being that can live without a physical body in his antidermis form (at least for some time), so showing us destroyed MU proves nothing.
10Sorry for the off-topic.
1The comic says he's dead. He's dead. End of story. It's been said in official story material that Teridax is dead. It's not even one of those things that has been established but can be changed because it's not mentioned in a story anywhere. It actually has been clearly defined in canon text that Teridax is dead.
1People deny he is dead because we have nothing stating he is, and from his own history, he's blown up bodies left and right and gotten away with it.
2He got hit in the head with a moon. This is traumatic, and definitely defeated the body. However, Makuta himself is not limited in anyway to a physical body, at least, not one. He's been crushed, blown up, blasted, and now hit in the head. Just from what the barrier did to him, we know he can find a way to live.
3Yes, the comic shows him face down, hole blown through the "brain" and not moving. Therefore, it "seems" he's dead (the closest to confirmation, and it doesn't even confirm anything).
4Now, would this guarantee that he isn't? No. However, we cannot assume he fully died, since we don't know that as a fact, and due to the resilient nature of antidermis, it is within reason to assume he can shed that robot for another.
5A new villain (if used) wouldn't be much of a problem, since we still have a very bad EL issue to address. Makuta even has his counterpart to keep him straight.
6Um, when did he get blown up?
1People deny he is dead because we have nothing stating he is, and from his own history, he's blown up bodies left and right and gotten away with it.
2He got hit in the head with a moon. This is traumatic, and definitely defeated the body. However, Makuta himself is not limited in anyway to a physical body, at least, not one. He's been crushed, blown up, blasted, and now hit in the head. Just from what the barrier did to him, we know he can find a way to live.
3Yes, the comic shows him face down, hole blown through the "brain" and not moving. Therefore, it "seems" he's dead (the closest to confirmation, and it doesn't even confirm anything).
4Now, would this guarantee that he isn't? No. However, we cannot assume he fully died, since we don't know that as a fact, and due to the resilient nature of antidermis, it is within reason to assume he can shed that robot for another.
5A new villain (if used) wouldn't be much of a problem, since we still have a very bad EL issue to address. Makuta even has his counterpart to keep him straight.
6Um, when did he get blown up?
7In the last comic. Also, please use spoiler tags.
1It was just the back of his head, not whole body.
1Like this, any way thank you for helping, I am still learning. [/s)poiler]
1Right, I was just saying that the whole body did not explode.
1Basically, the core processor was destroyed. Teridax was in there at the time, so... yeah.
1We need to think about this for a second. A giant rock half the size of Terry's head came burning through the atmosphere at impossible speed and struck him directly in the back of the head. If that weren't brutal enough, the mere heat of the moon would have incinerated his antidermis anyway. And even if he did survive, why not get up and keep fighting? We have a piece of canon that says he'd dead and, given the facts, isn't realy much of a reason for him to still be alive. It wouldn't make sense to tell the entire world that Teridax is dead if he isn't.
1Again may I ask can a water moon be burning?