1Well, I'm not new here, but I'm new to this.
Do I send Greg a PM, or do I post it and he responds here? Somebody please reply.

1You send him a PM.
1Lesovikk530, you should put spoiler tags to your PM.
25)What happened to Nektann after his fight with Tahu? Why didn´t he use his powers?
35) Because his powers were never established in story -- plus he was taunting Tahu, saying that the Toa would have to use his powers to beat Nektann, so if Nektann used his powers, that would have been pretty hypocritical of him
4A bad guy being hypocritical? That'd be impossible .¡
5But then again he caught him by surprise.
6It'd make more sense to me if it was just a macho thing and he didn't like using his powers.
1Lesovikk530, you should put spoiler tags to your PM.
25)What happened to Nektann after his fight with Tahu? Why didn´t he use his powers?
35) Because his powers were never established in story -- plus he was taunting Tahu, saying that the Toa would have to use his powers to beat Nektann, so if Nektann used his powers, that would have been pretty hypocritical of him
4A bad guy being hypocritical? That'd be impossible .¡
5But then again he caught him by surprise.
6It'd make more sense to me if it was just a macho thing and he didn't like using his powers.
7That doesn't sound like the best way to survive in Zakaz, or against a Toa.
1Lesovikk530, you should put spoiler tags to your PM.
25)What happened to Nektann after his fight with Tahu? Why didn´t he use his powers?
35) Because his powers were never established in story -- plus he was taunting Tahu, saying that the Toa would have to use his powers to beat Nektann, so if Nektann used his powers, that would have been pretty hypocritical of him
4A bad guy being hypocritical? That'd be impossible .¡
5But then again he caught him by surprise.
6It'd make more sense to me if it was just a macho thing and he didn't like using his powers.
7That doesn't sound like the best way to survive in Zakaz, or against a Toa.
8Well, it'd explain why his men were willing to follow him for so long. He's so tough he doesn't NEED to use his powers, even when surrounded by armies of superpowered Skakdi. Plus, I don't think I need to explain to you why he doesn't have much chance at surviving against a Toa anyway.
1Lesovikk530, you should put spoiler tags to your PM.
25)What happened to Nektann after his fight with Tahu? Why didn´t he use his powers?
35) Because his powers were never established in story -- plus he was taunting Tahu, saying that the Toa would have to use his powers to beat Nektann, so if Nektann used his powers, that would have been pretty hypocritical of him
4A bad guy being hypocritical? That'd be impossible .¡
5But then again he caught him by surprise.
6It'd make more sense to me if it was just a macho thing and he didn't like using his powers.
7That doesn't sound like the best way to survive in Zakaz, or against a Toa.
8Well, it'd explain why his men were willing to follow him for so long. He's so tough he doesn't NEED to use his powers, even when surrounded by armies of superpowered Skakdi. Plus, I don't think I need to explain to you why he doesn't have much chance at surviving against a Toa anyway.
9Keep in mind, however, a Skakdi beat Tahu Nuva. Never say someone can or cannot beat someone else.
1Here's your answer.
3in the last comic it is said that one of the moons of bara magna killed teridax. this surely can't be either bota or aqua magna, as aqua magna is too big to be the small moon that hit teridax.
4bota magna is surely bigger than 300 some miles in diameter. can you confirm that the moon is the one shown in an '03 comic?
5It's quite simple, really. When a celestial body moves through space, parts of it fragment off. What hit Teridax was one of those fragments.
1Thank goodness that matter has been settled.
1It's of Aqua Magna right?
1It was blue, after all.
2Hello, just some questions, which I hope are not to much of a bother.
31. On BS01, the Toa Hagah article claims that all the rest of the Toa Hagah other than Norik's team were either eliminated or corrupted. Is it possible that these corrupted Toa are still alive today?
42. There are other Toa elements other than the confirmed ones, correct?
53. You recently said that there could be un-devolved Vorox on Bota Magna. If this is so, could they have joined the Glatorion/Agori/Matoran/Toa on reformed Spherus Magna? 63b. How about Bota Magnan Skrall?
74. How long has it been since Teridax took over the universe when he arrives on Bara Magna?
85. In late 2008, the Mistika sets were released with green eyes and no visor, although stoywise they did have visors, which was the reason their eyes were green. Are devolved Tahu's eyes green because the adaptive armor created a visor to protect from the sun's rays/sand?
9Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions .
101) Sure 112) It's possible, but I have no plans to add more new elements to story anytime soon 123) Bota Magnan Skrall are about the same as Bara Magnan Skrall, none of them are very nice. As for Bota Magnan Vorox, time will tell what happens with them. 134) Months. 145) No, they are green because that is how the set designer made them.
1Hi guys,
2not very active around nowadays, but i decided to ask Greg some questions regarding the Last comic, got some interesting answers and some many already asked before.
2not very active around nowadays, but i decided to ask Greg some questions regarding the Last comic, got some interesting answers and some many already asked before.
3Hi GregF, it's been sometime since I have sent you questions, most probably around 2 years. But i was just having some questions I hope you can answer.
4Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead?
441a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
45Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
46Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
47Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
48Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 495a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
50Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
51Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
52Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
53Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
54Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
55Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
56Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
57Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
58Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
59Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
60Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
61Thanks, 62Zaktansnake
631) Yes 641a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 652) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 663) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 674) In what way? 685) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 695a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 706) Yes 717) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 728) Yes 739) Yes 7410) Nope 7511) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 7612) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 7713) I have to finish ROS next 7814) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 7915) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 8016) No.
4Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead?
5Hi GregF, it's been sometime since I have sent you questions, most probably around 2 years. But i was just having some questions I hope you can answer.
6Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead? 71a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
8Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
9Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
10Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
11Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 125a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
13Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
14Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
15Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
16Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
17Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
18Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
19Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
20Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
21Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
22Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
23Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
24Thanks, 25Zaktansnake
261) Yes 271a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 282) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 293) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 304) In what way? 315) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 325a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 336) Yes 347) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 358) Yes 369) Yes 3710) Nope 3811) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 3912) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 4013) I have to finish ROS next 4114) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 4215) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 4316) No.
6Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead? 71a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
8Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
9Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
10Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
11Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 125a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
13Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
14Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
15Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
16Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
17Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
18Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
19Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
20Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
21Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
22Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
23Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
24Thanks, 25Zaktansnake
261) Yes 271a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 282) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 293) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 304) In what way? 315) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 325a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 336) Yes 347) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 358) Yes 369) Yes 3710) Nope 3811) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 3912) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 4013) I have to finish ROS next 4114) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 4215) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 4316) No.
441a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
45Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
46Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
47Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
48Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 495a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
50Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
51Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
52Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
53Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
54Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
55Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
56Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
57Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
58Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
59Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
60Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
61Thanks, 62Zaktansnake
631) Yes 641a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 652) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 663) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 674) In what way? 685) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 695a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 706) Yes 717) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 728) Yes 739) Yes 7410) Nope 7511) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 7612) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 7713) I have to finish ROS next 7814) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 7915) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 8016) No.
1Hi guys,
2not very active around nowadays, but i decided to ask Greg some questions regarding the Last comic, got some interesting answers and some many already asked before.
3Hi GregF, it's been sometime since I have sent you questions, most probably around 2 years. But i was just having some questions I hope you can answer.
4Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead?5Hi GregF, it's been sometime since I have sent you questions, most probably around 2 years. But i was just having some questions I hope you can answer.
6Q1: Can we agree with Tahu's statement that Mata Nui isn't dead? 71a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
8Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
9Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
10Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
11Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 125a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
13Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
14Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
15Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
16Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
17Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
18Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
19Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
20Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
21Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
22Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
23Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
24Thanks, 25Zaktansnake
261) Yes 271a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 282) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 293) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 304) In what way? 315) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 325a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 336) Yes 347) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 358) Yes 369) Yes 3710) Nope 3811) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 3912) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 4013) I have to finish ROS next 4114) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 4215) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 4316) No.
441a) If so, is he possibly in a dormant state in the Kanohi Ignika?
45Q2: It would seem in the comic that the Ignika's Conscience has had a major character development, why was that so? For instance, he seemed slightly immature in 2008 as Toa Ignika, but however, he seemed to be more of a sage to Tahu on Bara Magna in the Comic.
46Q3: Was this one of the many ideas you had to kill Teridax in the comic, or was this the only idea that came to mind that was best way to kill him?
47Q4: Would you consider the duel between Nektann and Tahu similar to when Tahu fought Zaktan in Legends #1?
48Q5: Since the Ignika devolved Tahu, is he still able to go into EP and still be destined to transform into a Toa Nuva? Or is he destined to remain in his Mata form? 495a) Does he still have adaptive armor or was it turned into Mata armor by the Ignika?
50Q6: So is it safe to assume that the Golden Armor killed all the Rahkshi on Bara Magna when Tahu used it?
51Q7: Has Mata Nui stopped the Kanohi Ignika form cursing anyone who touches it? Because when Kiina held it in the novel, she wasn't cursed from the looks of the event.
52Q8: Did the rest of the Toa Nuva safely evacuate the MU robot? Because Gali and Pohatu were mentioned in the comic by Teridax as outside the MU.
53Q9: Did most of the MU inhabitiants evacuate the MU to Bara Magna?
54Q10: Takanuva's Destiny has not been revealed to us yet right?
55Q11: When Mata Nui went into a rage against Teridax, was it because of shock that Teridax has not reacted to the situation properly? Like he could've easily stopped Mata Nui in his tracks right? Or were there other factors that made Teridax blind to the moon colliding with him?
56Q12: Is it safe to assume that the Skrall were never given Shadow Powers by Teridax?
57Q13: What's serial do you plan to write a chapter for next?
58Q14: Will you ever allow a fan to perhaps write some of the loose ends for you to tie up?
59Q15: Just wondering, now that Bionicle is no longer a production line for Lego, how much has the division of Bionicle dropped down to? Would it be ok to assume that only the Story Team remains along with the Web Design Team?
60Q16: Did Takanuva's new trick in the last comic made his physical form invisible to the eyes of the Rahkshi?
61Thanks, 62Zaktansnake
631) Yes 641a) I don't see him as dormant. I see him as very aware of what is going on around him, but choosing not to get involved so that the people of SM can build an independent society that is not dependent on him for every answer. 652) Well, by 2010, he has been married to Mata Nui's mind for months, so that would have some influence. 663) Actually, wasn't my idea. It came from others on the story team. My idea was that Mata Nui fells him then uses his power to cut the robot body open, freeing all the Matoran, etc. Got rejected as being too violent. 674) In what way? 685) He could only change in EP if he was destined to change a SECOND time .. if not, he would die 695a) He is still wearing adaptive armor, yes 706) Yes 717) Or else she was simply destined to touch it, because what happened to Mata Nui was destined and she cared about him 728) Yes 739) Yes 7410) Nope 7511) A stronger opponent can be felled by a weaker one who is fueled by rage. Mata Nui was fighting FOR something, Makuta basically was not. 7612) No. The Skrall don't even know who Teridax is, and he would have killed them along with everyone else on the planet, as he had no use for them. 7713) I have to finish ROS next 7814) I don't know at this point what role fans will play. If BZP wants to do a story contest, they can always come talk to me, they have done that before. 7915) There is no story team for BIONICLE anymore, Z. They are now the Hero Factory story team. The only people working on BIONICLE post-May will be myself and the web producer. 8016) No.
81@3: That would of been, SO much cooler...
2Hello, just some questions, which I hope are not to much of a bother.
31. On BS01, the Toa Hagah article claims that all the rest of the Toa Hagah other than Norik's team were either eliminated or corrupted. Is it possible that these corrupted Toa are still alive today?
42. There are other Toa elements other than the confirmed ones, correct?
53. You recently said that there could be un-devolved Vorox on Bota Magna. If this is so, could they have joined the Glatorion/Agori/Matoran/Toa on reformed Spherus Magna? 63b. How about Bota Magnan Skrall?
74. How long has it been since Teridax took over the universe when he arrives on Bara Magna?
85. In late 2008, the Mistika sets were released with green eyes and no visor, although stoywise they did have visors, which was the reason their eyes were green. Are devolved Tahu's eyes green because the adaptive armor created a visor to protect from the sun's rays/sand?
9Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions .
101) Sure 112) It's possible, but I have no plans to add more new elements to story anytime soon 123) Bota Magnan Skrall are about the same as Bara Magnan Skrall, none of them are very nice. As for Bota Magnan Vorox, time will tell what happens with them. 134) Months. 145) No, they are green because that is how the set designer made them.
15For number 5, wasn't that the generic reason for why they are green? I wonder why it has been ditched all of a sudden.
1Just artistic license. Set designers made them that way, so that's how it is.
1I don't get what all the commotion was about the eyes. They're green, big deal. The Inika's eyes were green, but some were red in their Mahri forms.
1Hi Greg,
2Last comic was quite spectacular. Great job, and I'll miss them terribly. Just had a few questions for you:
31) The Makuta robot is struck down by one of the falling moons. In the comic, it is colored blue and is presumably Aqua Magna. However, it is not bigger than the head of the robot, when only recently, that robot was standing on it. I presume that this is artistic license, and this is either a moon fragment entering orbit or that the moon, much larger, clipped the robot on the head as it continued to sail through the atmosphere and crash south. Can you please explain/confirm either of those theories?
42) In Journey's End, Mata Nui jokingly makes reference to another volcano: "Let's just say I know something about volcanoes that aren't really volcanoes, and leave it at that. Stay here. I'm going in." Is this in reference to the fact that Mount Valmai was really the hiding place of the Ignika, and no ordinary volcano?
6Triggy 7BS01 Staff
81) Fragment -- it only makes sense that as a celestial body travels through space at the kind of speed it had to move to achieve this, parts would flake off. 92) Also a reference to the volcano on the island of Mata Nui.
102) Wouldn't Mata Nui have been asleep during all of the Mangai Volcano's existence? How could he know about it?
11Triggy 12BS01 Staff
132) No. You're forgetting he spent 100,000 years traveling through space, landing on planets, and using the camouflage system to disguise himself. So the volcano has existed before, prior to his crashing on Aqua Magna.
141) Reinforcing what has been said elsewhere. 152) That's interesting - the same geographical features appeared on all incarnations of the island.
1This question is about the question of why Glatorian can receive artificial elemental powers from Mata Nui but Agori can't, and why.
2A discussion that started in the Elements topic and has been moved to the Life Processes topic is ongoing, and concerns what you said a while ago about Glatorian being able to get elemental power artificially, and Agori not being able to. A lot of theories have been proposed, I've quoted a summary of the three that seem to make the most sense:
3Relaying a conversation from the Official Elements topic on Aravagantos's suggestion.
4A question came up about Mata Nui being able to give Glatorian elemental powers, but not being able to give Agori elemental powers. The discussion became one about what made one different than the other in being able to accept powers from a strange alien being.
5The first theory is about size, ie. Agori are too small and so wouldn't be able to handle the power. However, someone in the Elements topic brought up Tuyet, saying that despite being a Toa she was able to contain the power of the Nui stone.
6A second theory is about compatibility, ie. rather than size being the issue, it's the way Agori are "built" that prevents them from accepting artificial powers -- similar to the way a power cord designed for a Windows computer wouldn't fit into a Mac, for example. This would mean that Glatorian were coincidentally similar enough to the Toa in design, so that they could receive artificial powerups from Mata Nui.
7A third theory is about willpower/mental discipline, and says that it's the fact that Glatorian were trained as soldiers and could wield the power responsibly, whereas Agori, not being as used to combat, wouldn't be able to hand the sudden influx of such a strange power designed for combat.
8I think that's all we got through in the Elements topic...does anyone here have any ideas?
9Things that have been noted are that Agori aren't one species but are an umbrella term for a bunch of species; mechanical implants may have to do with "compatibility" for Glatorian and Agori; and the corollary that if it's mental discipline that has to do with receiving Elemental powers artificially, certain Agori fighters could handle it and Glatorian species such as Vorox may not be able to.
10Which of these theories are correct, or none of the above, or is this not significant/important?
11You can't compare Tuyet to the Agori -- Tuyet is an artificially created bio-mechanical being, Agori are primarily biological and were not "created" to handle that kind of power. And that's the answer -- Glatorian are physically stronger and more durable as a species than Agori are, and therefore able to handle the increased power where Agori cannot.
1At one point Tahu brought a load of Tahnok to war against Nuhvok-Kal. But Nuhvok used his gravity powers to send them into space.
1How did he do that? Even negating the force of gravity could not have sent them flying into space, they would have just floated around there.
1Forget Levahk Kal
. . What about Lewa and company?? . .

1How did he do that? Even negating the force of gravity could not have sent them flying into space, they would have just floated around there.
2Bionicle physics. 'Nuff said.
3But, assuming more needs to be said, maybe such a rapid change in gravitational pull caused them to shoot upward. Or maybe Nuhvok-Kal is such a master of gravity that he created anti-gravity to repel them. Or enhanced Bara Magna's gravity in that specific area so as to pull them towards it.
1Who cares about Lehvak kal? he's gone. defeated, vanquished. he's a piece of scrap floating around in space and will never appear in the story again. It's like saying whatever happened to the Metru's Toa tools. We figure we know but it doesn't matter.
1Nuhvok-Kal can do the effects of anti-gravity like the Toa of Gravity. Since he can't take it away now, that's how he did it.