1Who cares about Lehvak kal? he's gone. defeated, vanquished. he's a piece of scrap floating around in space and will never appear in the story again. It's like saying whatever happened to the Metru's Toa tools. We figure we know but it doesn't matter.
2Hm, what did happen to the Toa Metru's tools?


1Who cares about Lehvak kal? he's gone. defeated, vanquished. he's a piece of scrap floating around in space and will never appear in the story again. It's like saying whatever happened to the Metru's Toa tools. We figure we know but it doesn't matter.
2Hm, what did happen to the Toa Metru's tools?3Anyways, people on the last page cared about Lehvak-Kal.
5Vakama's was destroyed, Nokama's Hydroblades were left somewhere, and the rest transformed alongside the Toa.
1Lesovikk530, you should put spoiler tags to your PM.
25)What happened to Nektann after his fight with Tahu? Why didn´t he use his powers?
35) Because his powers were never established in story -- plus he was taunting Tahu, saying that the Toa would have to use his powers to beat Nektann, so if Nektann used his powers, that would have been pretty hypocritical of him
4A bad guy being hypocritical? That'd be impossible .¡
5But then again he caught him by surprise.
6It'd make more sense to me if it was just a macho thing and he didn't like using his powers.
7That doesn't sound like the best way to survive in Zakaz, or against a Toa.
8Well, it'd explain why his men were willing to follow him for so long. He's so tough he doesn't NEED to use his powers, even when surrounded by armies of superpowered Skakdi. Plus, I don't think I need to explain to you why he doesn't have much chance at surviving against a Toa anyway.
9Keep in mind, however, a Skakdi beat Tahu Nuva. Never say someone can or cannot beat someone else.
11I thought Tahu was quite a fighter... Zaktan was just this messed-up creature composed of protodites. Then again, how exactly did Tahu lose?
1Who cares about Lehvak kal? he's gone. defeated, vanquished. he's a piece of scrap floating around in space and will never appear in the story again. It's like saying whatever happened to the Metru's Toa tools. We figure we know but it doesn't matter.
2Defeated, but not gone. Levak-Kal was the only Bohrok-Kal that was no destroyed. Plus his krana is independant from the swarm. It would be interesting he landed on Spherus Magna.

1when you negate gravity on a planet, stuff flies off because it continues it's last direction, which (including the continuing rotation of the planet) is up.
2it's perfect physics. it's also why rockets take off at the equator and move with the earth's rotation.
3lehvak kal is dead. if he enters the atmosphere, he'll be nothing but a gust of ashes
2it's perfect physics. it's also why rockets take off at the equator and move with the earth's rotation.
3lehvak kal is dead. if he enters the atmosphere, he'll be nothing but a gust of ashes
1Except that isn't how it works. They didn't go in the direction they were going, they went a new, perpendicular direction: up.
11)I noticed in Sahmads Tale that Sahmad was in love with another Agori. Does this mean Agori can reproduce? Can Glatorian?
22)What were some Rahi made by Makuta Antroz
33)If the Matoran Universe is inside Makuta, couldn't he just focus on all of his enemies and destroy them?
44)With BIONICLE ending, is more info on the Red Star going to be shed in Journey's end or BIONICLEStory.com serials.
55)Did Mata Nui give Perditus power over fire?
66)On BIONICLE.com it says that the Skrall have been given power of shadow, is this canon or yet to be explained.
77)If the Expanded Multiverse is fanon, created by something that is canon(Tuyetverse Olmak). Doesn't that make it canon?
88)When Mata Nui went into sleep, were the Toa Metru active or still Matoran?
99)In the Legend Reborn I think it was mentioned on a wiki that the Skopio was attracted to Ignika. How and why?
1010)Before they went against Mata Nui, did the Barrakai merge their legions at one time?
111) Not really something I see the point of discussing, since I am not planning a "Glatorian babies" story. 122) No idea, I don't keep lists. 133) Sure. But since they were no threat to him, why bother wasting the energy to do it? 144) Serials, most likely, it's irrelevant to 1HY 2010 story. 155) No 166) It's not canon. Never happened. 177) No. If I write a story that mentions the planet Betelgeuse IV, and you write a story in Betelgeuse IV is run by giant amoeba, does that make what you wrote canon? No. My creating the place does not mean that everything someone else creates to live there is automatically official. 188) Mata Nui went to sleep in the 2004 story, and they were Metru when it happened. 199) I don't recall that. There was no mention of that in the script I had. 2010) No.
21Well this should explain a little, not a lot I still have a few more questions. The Skopio question, I got that off of BS01.
1However, Elemental Gravity can do a repelling force as well, which is what was used.
2because the planet rotates, the person appears to move up, while in reality, he moves forward.
3If it was based on still going in the same direction, it'd look like he was going forward and slightly up. They went perpendicular and quickly.
11)I noticed in Sahmads Tale that Sahmad was in love with another Agori. Does this mean Agori can reproduce? Can Glatorian?
22)What were some Rahi made by Makuta Antroz
33)If the Matoran Universe is inside Makuta, couldn't he just focus on all of his enemies and destroy them?
44)With BIONICLE ending, is more info on the Red Star going to be shed in Journey's end or BIONICLEStory.com serials.
55)Did Mata Nui give Perditus power over fire?
66)On BIONICLE.com it says that the Skrall have been given power of shadow, is this canon or yet to be explained.
77)If the Expanded Multiverse is fanon, created by something that is canon(Tuyetverse Olmak). Doesn't that make it canon?
88)When Mata Nui went into sleep, were the Toa Metru active or still Matoran?
99)In the Legend Reborn I think it was mentioned on a wiki that the Skopio was attracted to Ignika. How and why?
1010)Before they went against Mata Nui, did the Barrakai merge their legions at one time?
111) Not really something I see the point of discussing, since I am not planning a "Glatorian babies" story. 122) No idea, I don't keep lists. 133) Sure. But since they were no threat to him, why bother wasting the energy to do it? 144) Serials, most likely, it's irrelevant to 1HY 2010 story. 155) No 166) It's not canon. Never happened. 177) No. If I write a story that mentions the planet Betelgeuse IV, and you write a story in Betelgeuse IV is run by giant amoeba, does that make what you wrote canon? No. My creating the place does not mean that everything someone else creates to live there is automatically official. 188) Mata Nui went to sleep in the 2004 story, and they were Metru when it happened. 199) I don't recall that. There was no mention of that in the script I had. 2010) No.
21Well this should explain a little, not a lot I still have a few more questions. The Skopio question, I got that off of BS01.
22No you most certainly did not get that off of BS01. The page says that the Skopio was drawn to -Mata Nui-, which it was, because Mata Nui was specifically intending to lure the creature away.
1This is getting off topic guys.
1Nothing really important here, thought you guys might be interested anyway.
2Hi Greg, we of the Next Generation Project have been discussing Takua's mask. Previously, someone had asked you what his coloration would have been in Metru Nui, and you replied that it would have been red and yellow, with a different mask. However, we know that at some point his original mask was damaged and replaced with his Pakari. Now, the question is... what mask is the alternate Takua wearing in Dark Mirror? Was his original mask also damaged and replaced with a Pakari in this alternate timeline, or is he still wearing his original mask?
3Here is some of the discussion for reference:
4Hmm, I dunno why this got deleted before, but I'll state this politely: You guys really shouldn't give Takua a Great Mahiki or any other mask, because it will make him really hard to recognize as our beloved Chronicler. The BIONICLE fans don't care how canonically-accurate it is, as long as we recognize it and like it. ![]()
5On the other hand, this is some GREAT work, and if the rest of the B:NG team is this dedicated and skilled, these movies are going to be pure awesomeness.
6Sorry, but we are giving Takua a Great Mahiki. It'll be fairly easy to show that he's still Takua while changing his mask. Plus, we're aiming to be as canonically accurate as possible.
7I beg to differ there, Gornt.
8The BIONICLE fans care very much how canonically accurate we are.
9Have you not heard the grumbles from the sizing problems of the robots in the comics?
10The fans are undoubtedly going to pick at the slightest detail, so we have to be as close as possible, like Legolover said.
12I'd actually been thinking about this. It never says when Takua's original mask was damaged as far as I can tell, only that it was sometime before the Great Cataclysm. Who's to say that Takua's mask was not also damaged and replaced with a Pakari in the Toa Empire alternate universe? Well, Greg for one... perhaps someone should ask him?
13Good reasoning there.
14Would you do the honors?
16Thanks, and sorry for bothering you.
17Yes, it was damaged in the AU as well
1Finally that has been resolved. Thanks Erebus. 

1Hello, Mr.Farshtey. I sent you a PM, but it seems you didn't recieve it. Just a few questions. Added a few more. (MN stands for Mata Nui)
21. How is MN dormant, exactly? Is he asleep, or just inactive but is aware of what's going on around him? 32. How is Kiina coping without MN? 43. Was Metru Nui destroyed? 54. Did anyone really important in Metru Nui die? 65. Is Tahu going to be sent back into Nuva form? 76. How are the MU inhabitants going to survive on SM if they are nano tech? 87. Was the chunk that hit Teridax's head Bota Magna or Aqua Magna? 98. What is going to happen to the MU robot body?
10Thanks .
111) More like the latter. He's not asleep. 122) She's a fighter, she'll be fine. 133) No, just damaged 144) I don't know yet, we'll see. 155) No. The only thing that could do that would be the Ignika, and it is not active right now. 166) Why would it be a problem? They survived on the island of Mata Nui, living on fish and fruit, so they are capable of absorbing energy from things like plants and animals. 177) A fragment of one of the moons, based on the coloring, probably Aqua Magna 188) Too soon to tell.
19Poor Tahu.....
1Seriously, something needs to be done about the MU robot. I don't know about them, but for me it would be really hard to communicate with a huge robot in between.
1I'd do what the Metru did with the Matoran capsules: scrap them and build villages (or cities in this case?) The Matoran assembled it, they're fully capable of taking it apart.
1Protobot + MU + Remains of MU villages + Remains of Agori villages = Biggest home EVAR.
1The Matoran built the MU?
1After Artakha laid out the foundation of Metru Nui, the Matoran were expanding, building and running the place. Eventually it got big like it was when we focused on it in '04.
1I believe the prototype robot disintegrated. Hopefully they can salvage the Matoran Universe, though.
1The Matoran infact did build the inside. I think it said in Journey's End or somewhere else but anyway it said that "the Matoran worked in the dark not knowing what they were building"
2Hey Greg I had a question about Mata Nui's mission.
3Mata Nui's mission was to find a way to keep war from happening on Spherus Magna again, and then reunite Spherus Magna with Teridax. So what was it that Mata Nui found that would help keep war from happening again?
4Mata Nui studied other cultures, and one of the things he learned was that wars were often caused by blind obedience to a being perceived as more powerful (same as what happened with the ELs on Spherus Magna, or in our history, dictators like Hitler). This is why Mata Nui chose to absent himself from the rebuilding of the society -- so that the people of SM won't be dependent on him, or become split between people who follow him and people who don't, etc.
2Hey Greg I had a question about Mata Nui's mission.
3Mata Nui's mission was to find a way to keep war from happening on Spherus Magna again, and then reunite Spherus Magna with Teridax. So what was it that Mata Nui found that would help keep war from happening again?
4Mata Nui studied other cultures, and one of the things he learned was that wars were often caused by blind obedience to a being perceived as more powerful (same as what happened with the ELs on Spherus Magna, or in our history, dictators like Hitler). This is why Mata Nui chose to absent himself from the rebuilding of the society -- so that the people of SM won't be dependent on him, or become split between people who follow him and people who don't, etc.
6Wow never thought about that way. That's a very good lesson. 7Lord Riglax
2Hey Greg I had a question about Mata Nui's mission.
3Mata Nui's mission was to find a way to keep war from happening on Spherus Magna again, and then reunite Spherus Magna with Teridax. So what was it that Mata Nui found that would help keep war from happening again?
4Mata Nui studied other cultures, and one of the things he learned was that wars were often caused by blind obedience to a being perceived as more powerful (same as what happened with the ELs on Spherus Magna, or in our history, dictators like Hitler). This is why Mata Nui chose to absent himself from the rebuilding of the society -- so that the people of SM won't be dependent on him, or become split between people who follow him and people who don't, etc.
6Wow never thought about that way. That's a very good lesson. 7Lord Riglax
8Uh, but he's the one guy who has studied how peaceful societies work / can work...
1Yes, and he is the one who realized he himself might be a danger for a peaceful society, for the reasons Greg just mentioned.
2For further discussion I suggest the Official Mata Nui Topic.
3And Greg is taking long to reply to my PMs...
2For further discussion I suggest the Official Mata Nui Topic.
3And Greg is taking long to reply to my PMs...
11. How is Protodermis related to Energized Protodermis? 22. Do you need Energized Protodermis as an ingredient to make Protodermis? 33. Do you need Energized Protodermis in the process of creating Protodermis? 44. What was named first by the Great Beings, Protodermis or Energized Protodermis? 55. Since Tahu was depowered by the Kanohi Ignika, what happened to his Nuva Symbol? 66. Every Toa Team has a name, like Toa Mata or Toa Metru. We know that Toa Mata, Toa Metru, Toa Hordika, Toa Mangai, and Toa Hagah mean Spirit Toa, City Toa, Half-Beast Toa, Protector Toa, and Guardian Toa, respectively. So what does Toa Mahri, Toa Nuva, and Toa Inika mean, respectively?. 77. If the Bahrag were to make more Bohrok-Kal, can they create Bohrok-Kal with powers other than the 6 we saw from 2003? Like Sand? Or will it always turn up as Vacuum, Magnetism, Lightning, Gravity, Sonics, and Plasma?
81) We don't know that it is, simply that the GBs named the substance energized protodermis. It is possible they detected some similar properties to liquid protodermis. 92) No. 103) No 114) Protodermis 125) Nothing happened to it, he simply doesn't need it now. 136) Well, my feeling is that Mahri would refer to water or ocean, nuva means new, and Inika is probably related to energy in some way. 147) My guess is other powers would be a possibility
1*insert inika here* blinked in surprise. Jaller had just named the new toa, using an old matoran word for "energies of a star"
2or something like that. i remember that there was a translation in the novel tho. it has been 3 years since i read it at the boookstore. i encourage you to look it up.
3and for some reason i always thought "nuva" meant enhanced....
2or something like that. i remember that there was a translation in the novel tho. it has been 3 years since i read it at the boookstore. i encourage you to look it up.
3and for some reason i always thought "nuva" meant enhanced....
4another member and i recently got in a bit of an argument over something, and i hoped you could clear it up for us:
51: are the GBs native to Spherus Magna?
62: COULD there be 'greater beings'? i know we're not seeing them in the story because of potential religious conflicts, but is the possibility still out there? or are there no such thing, period? (personally, i think the idea is silly, but certain members *glares at friend* feel very strongly about this....)
73: are/were the GBs capable of spaceflight (with the exception of the MU)? that is to say, did they ever leave Bara Magna?
8thanks for your time.
91) I can't answer this 102) Not so far as I am concerned. You could certainly get into a whole religious discussion of how this universe was created, since the GBs didn't create it, but as you pointed out, we're not going there. 113) I can't discuss this either. Denmark doesn't want me going into the GBs right now.
1I know what Nuva and Inika mean, but when Inika is stuck with Toa, it sounds like a rough translation. If you noticed, I did not ask what Inika meant. I asked what Toa Inika meant.
1yes, but metru in toa metru and metru nui both mean the same thing... kinda... actually one means "of a/the city" and one means "a/the city"... so i can understand that.
2so toa energized by a star?
3plus there are a lot of words on other languages where they don't have a direct translation to english....
2so toa energized by a star?
3plus there are a lot of words on other languages where they don't have a direct translation to english....
11. How is Protodermis related to Energized Protodermis? 22. Do you need Energized Protodermis as an ingredient to make Protodermis? 33. Do you need Energized Protodermis in the process of creating Protodermis? 44. What was named first by the Great Beings, Protodermis or Energized Protodermis? 55. Since Tahu was depowered by the Kanohi Ignika, what happened to his Nuva Symbol? 66. Every Toa Team has a name, like Toa Mata or Toa Metru. We know that Toa Mata, Toa Metru, Toa Hordika, Toa Mangai, and Toa Hagah mean Spirit Toa, City Toa, Half-Beast Toa, Protector Toa, and Guardian Toa, respectively. So what does Toa Mahri, Toa Nuva, and Toa Inika mean, respectively?. 77. If the Bahrag were to make more Bohrok-Kal, can they create Bohrok-Kal with powers other than the 6 we saw from 2003? Like Sand? Or will it always turn up as Vacuum, Magnetism, Lightning, Gravity, Sonics, and Plasma?
81) We don't know that it is, simply that the GBs named the substance energized protodermis. It is possible they detected some similar properties to liquid protodermis. 92) No. 103) No 114) Protodermis 125) Nothing happened to it, he simply doesn't need it now. 136) Well, my feeling is that Mahri would refer to water or ocean, nuva means new, and Inika is probably related to energy in some way. 147) My guess is other powers would be a possibility
15So what happened to the synthesized from part?
1Well, answers 2 and 3 should mean that nothing is synthesized from the other, right?
1Right, which is why I'm wondering what happened to the "synthesized from" part 

11. How is Protodermis related to Energized Protodermis? 22. Do you need Energized Protodermis as an ingredient to make Protodermis? 33. Do you need Energized Protodermis in the process of creating Protodermis? 44. What was named first by the Great Beings, Protodermis or Energized Protodermis? 55. Since Tahu was depowered by the Kanohi Ignika, what happened to his Nuva Symbol? 66. Every Toa Team has a name, like Toa Mata or Toa Metru. We know that Toa Mata, Toa Metru, Toa Hordika, Toa Mangai, and Toa Hagah mean Spirit Toa, City Toa, Half-Beast Toa, Protector Toa, and Guardian Toa, respectively. So what does Toa Mahri, Toa Nuva, and Toa Inika mean, respectively?. 77. If the Bahrag were to make more Bohrok-Kal, can they create Bohrok-Kal with powers other than the 6 we saw from 2003? Like Sand? Or will it always turn up as Vacuum, Magnetism, Lightning, Gravity, Sonics, and Plasma?
81) We don't know that it is, simply that the GBs named the substance energized protodermis. It is possible they detected some similar properties to liquid protodermis. 92) No. 103) No 114) Protodermis 125) Nothing happened to it, he simply doesn't need it now. 136) Well, my feeling is that Mahri would refer to water or ocean, nuva means new, and Inika is probably related to energy in some way. 147) My guess is other powers would be a possibility
15I'm pretty sure that in one of the books it said that Inika means 'energy from a star' or something along those lines.