1Could've been the Order or anyone; if Mutran had know knowledge of the tampering, that could possibly eliminate the BoM...
1Wow, Tren Krom really did have a important destiny. I thought his destiny had something to do with the knowledge he had.
1Tren Krom used to run the universe? Cool .
1I'm very sorry for messaging you when your inbox is probably mostly filled up, but I'm desperate for info.
21) Is the Blade Burrowers map connected to the Sundial? 31a) Toa Nuva? 41b) Av-Matoran? 51c) Mata Nui? 61d) The Mata Nui symbol in Mangaia? 71e) Teridax? 81f) Mahri? 91g) Takanuva? 101h) Krakua?
112) Would an Arthon be created with a Sonic + Weaken disk?
123) Do you think that you could reveal some ways to make the newer masks with kanoka (since we know about the Garai)?
134) Do you think that you could do a poll to find out the Kanohi of the Hagah (Personaly, I see Bomonga with a Volitak or Huna, Kualus with a Faxon or Kadin, Gaaki with a Rau, and Pouks with a Mask of Sonics) ?
145) Are the Nynrah Ghosts in the Red Star? 155a) If not, anything we have seen or heard about?
166) Are there Bohrok on Voya Nui?
177) Can you tell exactly how the 'Mysterious Thing' in the SoS is connected to the Mata/Nuva?
188) Why were the Great Disks even created?
199) Will we learn of the being/s that tampered with the Blade Burrowers? 209a) Do we already know?
2110) During which DM chapter will we learn about Takanuva's connection with the Sundial? 2210a) Where did he get the smaller sundial? It seemed to appear out of nowhere...
2311) Is the Vahi in DM in the same or different design as the one in our universe?
2412) Are any of the Barraki any species we know?
2513) Where did all of the EP come from that leaked over Mata Nui (island)?
2614) Is the Pit Mutagen located anywhere else other than we have seen it?
2715) You said that 2008 was the year that you would explain the unexplained in Bionicle. Does that mean that you could give us some more info about Lesovikk/Lhikan/Jovans teams?
2816) Any ideas on what you will use the spare accepted names (i.e. Artidax) on?
29Thanks .
301) One BZPer already guessed what they are building yesterday, so I am sure if you look around you will see his theory
312) Since Arthron are not made in Metru Nui, they may very well not be made using disks
323) See answer to #2 -- if the masks are not made in Metru Nui, no reason to believe they were made using Kanoka
334) No, I will decide that on my own when the time comes
345) No and no. (That would make no sense -- we know they made the weapons carried in summer, and no one in the Matoran universe has access to the red star, so how would they have gotten them?)
356) No
367) No. It's summer story, so why would I want to do that?
378) So that the Vahi could one day be made from them.
389) You already know
3910) Simple. Whack the large sundial with a shrink disk, and it shrinks.
4011) Same, for the sake of clarity only
4112) No
4213) Inside the Matoran universe
4314) Yes.
4415) No, that wasn't what I was referring to. I was referring to big mysteries dating back to 2001, not doing massive flashbacks to every Toa team ever mentioned.
4516) No, not yet
46Interesting stuff in bold. I thought that 9 was interesting...
47@9: I guess the Makuta did.
48Um.... isn't Mutran the one who "tampered" with the Blade Burrowers? He made them, but it's unknown even to him why they make the map.

1I think "tamper" means here as "edited," or "modified," or something like that. So someone tampered with the Blade Burrowers to make them dig the map, because it's not Mutran that did that. 

1I thought it was just a natural thing that the BBs did, something that Mutran somehow put into them. Can anyone get a quote or something showing that the Blade Burrowers were tampered with?
1Well, they're deliberately doing something meaningful. That isn't something that can be put in by accident. And we know that Mutran couldn't have put it in them, because he doesn't know what it is. 

1But it could've just been an accident, like, um, if you ever read Prey by Michael Crichton, the creatures create new, advanced behaviors evolving out of simple instructions. It could have been the same with the Blade Burrowers. And, again, I don't think Greg has said that the BBs were tampered with in any way.

1Here we go...
4So it does look like the BBs were tampered with in some way. Who did it is unknown though. But since the tunnels made Mutran nervous, chances are that he didn't program the BBs to tunnel.
22) Is it safe to assume that someone "programmed" the Burrowers with this instinct, and that it didn't just develope naturally?
32) Yes
4So it does look like the BBs were tampered with in some way. Who did it is unknown though. But since the tunnels made Mutran nervous, chances are that he didn't program the BBs to tunnel.

1Yup. We know that they were tampered with, so to try to narrow it down, I'll ask 'Is the being that tampered with the BB in the group of... a. Toa b. BoM c. OoMN d. DH e. none of the above' then, I'll break down the factions; unless he says 'can't answer it' ... 

1Anyone else thinking Mata-Nui tampered with the Blade Burrowers?
1Eh... isn't likely, no direct affiliation with the universe, remember? and I was the one who was brave enough to add the Tren Krom and BB manipulator thing up on BS01...
1but he did change the stars to predict the wrong toa to trick makuta. that was a desperate period. the BBs were sent during the League's decision to overthrow Mata Nui, so he could have, for whatever reason.
1But like you said, Mata Nui only did that because he was desperate. He shouldn't have been so during the League's uprising, the Brotherhood more than handled it fine. 

1But like you said, Mata Nui only did that because he was desperate. He shouldn't have been so during the League's uprising, the Brotherhood more than handled it fine.
2But, we know that the league was trying to take out Mata Nui. if I were him, i sure wouldn't be sure that the BoM could win, after all, did he know of Takadox as the traitor, we don't know, but I doubt it, so if I were him, I would try to do something, in case I was taken out. so i'm guessing that the map is going to be important next year, just maybe.
1Of course, we don't know if Mata Nui even knew that the League rebelled. He knew about the Brotherhood, true. But that was only because Makuta personally attacked him. The League never actually successfully made any blow against Mata Nui. 

1Hi Greg. Just one question:
2A recent post in the OGD by Takanuva Toa of Twilight
32. What exactly does Tren Krom look like?
42) If I describe him, you'll go mad.
5What exactly is so maddening about his appearence? If you know what he looks like, and you haven't gone mad (I'm assuming), then what's the fuss about?
6Thank's for taking time to answer this.
8Tren Krom is my bow to Lovecraft ... and if you have read any Lovecraft, you know that encounters with his creatures always result in either death or insanity.
9I admit that I haven't. But then are creatures in Lovecraft described? I get the feeling the only thing keeping you from describing him is that there is a slightly younger audience here...Am I warm?
11No, in general, Lovecraft did not spend a ton of time describing his creatures (at least, not in the stories I have read). His stories were normally first person, written by people convinced they had gone insane from their experience, and the implication was always that they had seen something so horrible it couldn't be described.
12Well, I tried, guys.


1Of course, we don't know if Mata Nui even knew that the League rebelled. He knew about the Brotherhood, true. But that was only because Makuta personally attacked him. The League never actually successfully made any blow against Mata Nui.
2I'm thinking he knows of some things, he does, after all, have to keep order, and assuming that order is happening all the time is stupid, he has to watch to make sure. his flaw is that he doesn't care as long as there is order. so he saw that the league was keeping order, it was when it decided to revolt that he could have gotten desperate.
1I got a batch of Q and A's from Greg:
58Well we know who invented the Exo-Toa it seems(I don't think it was ever revealed).
2Hi Greg I was hoping you could answer some questions:
31.This is regarding Metru Nui and Karda Nui. Both are vital to the health of Mata Nui/the universe. I have formed a theory that energy comes from Karda Nui, goes to Metru Nui and then is shared with the rest of the universe. Is this correct?
42.Is Tren Krom aware of Mata Nui? 52a. And Vice-versa?
63.I belive another member discovered that Tren Krom was created by the Great Beings to keep the universe in check before Mata Nui was made. So why did the GB's keep Tren Krom around after Mata Nui came around? Now that his destiny had been fuffiled I can't see why the GB's saw any more use for him.
74.Could Tren Krom be compared to a guy who used to be mayor of a town, but was then replaced and started to live in hiding. The townspeople knew about him but thought he was weird and left him alone, but the guy was constantly lonely and wanted some company every once and awhile?
85. Is Mata Nui aware of the various groups in the Matoran Universs?(when he was awake obviously).
96. If Mata Nui died could Tren Krom theoreticly take control of the universe again as he did so once before?
107. Does anybody know where Mata Nui is sleeping?
118. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
129.When the Ignika turns black will the universe end instantly? Or will there be some time before it does end?
1310.I think you told a member that the Makuta don't share their names with "inferiors." Does this mean that to others, Mutran is the "Makuta of the central Southern continent?"
1411. How big of an area is a "region" that Makuta watch over?
15Thanks for your time you answer these.
171) Portions of the universe, yes 182) Yes and yes 193) Extricating him at that point was simply not worth the effort 204) I would say no because that example is someone who has voluntarily isolated himself 215) Vaguely, the way you might be aware of insects in your house 226) Not at this point, no, it's much more complex now 237) Depends on what you mean -- anyone in the Matoran universe, or anyone in existence anywhere? 248) Some of it 259) That's an instant thing 2610) Yup 2711) It varies. Teridax had a large geographic region, but it was only one city. Mutran had a smaller segment, but more settlements to watch over
28A reply question and some new ones:
297. I mean anybody in the MU and anybody anywhere
30Now the new qs:
311. Now that he has seen the error of his ways, would Brutaka want to reconcile with Axxon? 321b. and Vice-versa?
332. When Voya Nui got blasted through the roof of the Southern Continent did it go through one of the sun holes?
343. If a Kratta is exposed to sunlight for to long what happens to it?
354. When they woke up did the Bahrag create new Bohrok Kal?
365. Has Krahka returned to her home in the Archives?
376. If someone were to touch the Toa Ignikas body and not the mask would they be cursed?
387. Will we see Pridak, Ehlek, Kalmah, and Mantax in the future?
398. If the original Pit has been repaird then how is Hydraxxon going to get the escapees back in there?
409. Did the BoM invent the Exo-Toa? 419a. If no was it Artahka?
4210. How long were the Great Beings the Matoran Universe before they finished up and left?
4311. Will the beings the Red Star appear this year?
44Thanks for your time again.
467) Well, the Great Beings know where MN is, they simply don't know he's asleep. If they knew he was asleep, they could hazard a guess where he was. 471) Yes and yes 482) No, there were no sun holes there. There are sun holes only over Metru Nui. 493) Depends on how strong the light is. Sunlight is not normally powerful enough to do any damage. 504) They will eventually, they probably haven't yet 515) Yes 526) No 537) I don't have plans for them at the moment 548) Catch them and throw them back in, same as our police do. 559) The Exo-Toa were built on orders of the BOM, yes 5610) Not long at all 5711) No
58Well we know who invented the Exo-Toa it seems(I don't think it was ever revealed).
1QUOTEAre there any Nuva-shaped Matoran Kanohi currently or formerly in existence?
2Are any of the Karzahni-emigrants currently in Metru Nui Matoran of Electricity?
3How will Nuju communicate without Matoro?
4What is the status of Nuparu's smuggled Exo-Toa parts?
5What do the individual words "Tren" and "Krom" mean?
6In Bionicle 3, Roodaka and Sidorak were going to be married. What is the purpose of marriage in Bionicle?
7Can you check the validity of the following revision of the status of the Metru Nui Boat Tours and say what updates are needed?:
8Sights &Activities
9Knowledge Towers
10Looming over the landscape of Ko-Metru are the Knowledge Towers, great crystalline structures that house the accumulated knowledge of thousands of years of Matoran civilization. You are more than welcome to marvel at the amazing architecture, but don't try to tour a Tower. The public is forbidden from entering Knowledge Towers so that the scholars and seers inside will not be disturbed.
11The sole exception to this rule takes place on Naming Days, when ceremonies are held in the Coliseum to honor the achievements of select Matoran. On those days, Knowledge Towers open their astronomical observatories to all citizens, so they can have the joy of watching the shooting stars.
12Sculpture Fields
13Among the most popular tourist destinations in Metru Nui are the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields. Matoran carvers are always willing to show off their work. But you can do much more than just wander around and look up at huge statues. With the special permission of Turaga Dume, tours are available that allow visitors to see the entire building process.
14There are two tours available. In the first, visitors get to see the arrival of a block of solid protodermis and watch it be carved into a statue (on Naming Days, Matoran can even get life-size sculptures made of themselves .) The second tour involves shipments of parts from Ta-Metru and a visit to an assemblers' village to see them turned into a piece of furniture or other useful item.
15The Great Temple
16Spiritual center of the city, the Great Temple attracts visitors from all over Metru Nui. Once cleared by the Vahki Bordakh to enter, you can marvel at the beautiful interior, tour the ancient hallways, and if you are very lucky, even see protodermis being purified. Be aware that visitors are now forbidden to approach the Toa Suva, due to a rash of thefts from the chamber prior to Toa Lhikan's disappearance.
17Protodermis Falls
18A stunning Matoran-made wonder, the protodermis falls attracts hundreds of citizens every year anxious to see the beautiful waters. It is also the starting point for boat tours of Metru Nui, operated by Macku. Swimming in the falls, although not illegal, is not recommended and should definitely not be done in front of Vahki Bordakh.
19The Great Furnace
20Closed for renovations
21The Archives
22The Great Archives are open to the public every day. Visitors are restricted to the top five levels only. Here you can see exhibits of Matoran art, a wide variety of Rahi in stasis tubes, samples of ancient Matoran tools and carvings, and much more. Tours are available and are highly recommended, not only because they are informative but because it is easy to get lost in the Archives. Sub-level access is permitted for archivists only, due to the number of dangerous creatures housed down below.
23This week, see the special Po-Matoran "Rahi Sculptures" exhibition on Level 2 and the "Art of Mask Making" display on Level 4.
25See the inner workings of the amazing Metru Nui Chute system &and get an unlimited Chute pass.
261) Well, there couldn't be any former ones, because the Matoran were not making masks on Mata Nui. They may make some in future, once they get the mask making thing going again. 272) No idea, not something I have worried about. Why do you ask? 283) He will select another Ko-Matoran and teach him the language, same as he taught Matoro, and until that's done, he can simply speak Matoran. 294) Still in Metru Nui 305) Have not assigned Matoran meanings to them. 316) As I said at the time, it was not a marriage as we think of marriage -- it was a formalized political alliance. 327) Revisions to what?
2Are any of the Karzahni-emigrants currently in Metru Nui Matoran of Electricity?
3How will Nuju communicate without Matoro?
4What is the status of Nuparu's smuggled Exo-Toa parts?
5What do the individual words "Tren" and "Krom" mean?
6In Bionicle 3, Roodaka and Sidorak were going to be married. What is the purpose of marriage in Bionicle?
7Can you check the validity of the following revision of the status of the Metru Nui Boat Tours and say what updates are needed?:
8Sights &Activities
9Knowledge Towers
10Looming over the landscape of Ko-Metru are the Knowledge Towers, great crystalline structures that house the accumulated knowledge of thousands of years of Matoran civilization. You are more than welcome to marvel at the amazing architecture, but don't try to tour a Tower. The public is forbidden from entering Knowledge Towers so that the scholars and seers inside will not be disturbed.
11The sole exception to this rule takes place on Naming Days, when ceremonies are held in the Coliseum to honor the achievements of select Matoran. On those days, Knowledge Towers open their astronomical observatories to all citizens, so they can have the joy of watching the shooting stars.
12Sculpture Fields
13Among the most popular tourist destinations in Metru Nui are the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields. Matoran carvers are always willing to show off their work. But you can do much more than just wander around and look up at huge statues. With the special permission of Turaga Dume, tours are available that allow visitors to see the entire building process.
14There are two tours available. In the first, visitors get to see the arrival of a block of solid protodermis and watch it be carved into a statue (on Naming Days, Matoran can even get life-size sculptures made of themselves .) The second tour involves shipments of parts from Ta-Metru and a visit to an assemblers' village to see them turned into a piece of furniture or other useful item.
15The Great Temple
16Spiritual center of the city, the Great Temple attracts visitors from all over Metru Nui. Once cleared by the Vahki Bordakh to enter, you can marvel at the beautiful interior, tour the ancient hallways, and if you are very lucky, even see protodermis being purified. Be aware that visitors are now forbidden to approach the Toa Suva, due to a rash of thefts from the chamber prior to Toa Lhikan's disappearance.
17Protodermis Falls
18A stunning Matoran-made wonder, the protodermis falls attracts hundreds of citizens every year anxious to see the beautiful waters. It is also the starting point for boat tours of Metru Nui, operated by Macku. Swimming in the falls, although not illegal, is not recommended and should definitely not be done in front of Vahki Bordakh.
19The Great Furnace
20Closed for renovations
21The Archives
22The Great Archives are open to the public every day. Visitors are restricted to the top five levels only. Here you can see exhibits of Matoran art, a wide variety of Rahi in stasis tubes, samples of ancient Matoran tools and carvings, and much more. Tours are available and are highly recommended, not only because they are informative but because it is easy to get lost in the Archives. Sub-level access is permitted for archivists only, due to the number of dangerous creatures housed down below.
23This week, see the special Po-Matoran "Rahi Sculptures" exhibition on Level 2 and the "Art of Mask Making" display on Level 4.
25See the inner workings of the amazing Metru Nui Chute system &and get an unlimited Chute pass.
261) Well, there couldn't be any former ones, because the Matoran were not making masks on Mata Nui. They may make some in future, once they get the mask making thing going again. 272) No idea, not something I have worried about. Why do you ask? 283) He will select another Ko-Matoran and teach him the language, same as he taught Matoro, and until that's done, he can simply speak Matoran. 294) Still in Metru Nui 305) Have not assigned Matoran meanings to them. 316) As I said at the time, it was not a marriage as we think of marriage -- it was a formalized political alliance. 327) Revisions to what?
1Hey Greg . Hope you had a good Easter . I just have two questions:
21) Is Gorast the only living female Makuta? Or are there others but they haven't been revealed yet?
32) We seen two versions of Takanuva's new Avohkii, can you confirm which one is the final one? This one or this one?
4Thank you for your time
51) Yes, she is the only living female. 62) Can't. The only set I have seen is the one in the showroom, which could be a prototype for all I know.
1Thanks 2Just four more: 31) Regarding Bitil's mask power, should one of his previous forms be killed, does that mean the present form of Bitil would cease to exist, and as he would not be using the mask, will his other forms cease to exist? 42) Will the Ignika appear in BL10? 53) I found a slight problem with Teridax's usage of power in last year's Dreams of Destruction. Of all the 42 Kraata powers, none are Telephaty, the closest being only Mind Reading, possibly Illusion and Confusion. How then did Teridax implant terrible thoughts and dreams into Karzahni's head, and tear his mind into shreds? 64) I believe I saw this somewhere, but just to confirm: Does the Vitruvian Man shape of the Ignika have a significance in storyline? 7Thanks, 8pirakahakann
91) Correct and correct 102) Don't recall, if he does, it would be very briefly 113) Telepathy is a non-kraata power all Makuta have 124) Yes
13The last two lines are VERY interesting

1QUOTE 2hi greg
3i hope you had a good easter
4i have just a few questions to ask you
51.if he tried hard enough, could jaller have used lhikans hau when he was a matoran?
72.is tren krom a bit like the octavo in terry pratchett's books the color of magic and the light fantastic, ie. you think you are reading it, but it is really reading you?
8ANSWER: Never read Pratchett, so can't comment
93. does TK know about the mutagen and its nature?
10ANSWER: Mutagen did not exist as mutagen when he was active before, so no
114. is spiriah leaking because of his wing being pierced?
12ANSWER: No. The wing is an outgrowth of his armor, not the armor itself.
135.is takanuva's message something along the lines of "dont wake up mata nui yet or you'll be sorry"?
14ANSWER: His message gets revealed in Bionicle Legends #10
156. was the old title for BL11 something like "The reign of shadows"?
16ANSWER: No. Pointless to ask this question, since I am not going to reveal the title
178.could a matoran make a powerless ignika just because he liked the look of it?
189. how about a vahi?\
19ANSWER: You can carve a ask into any shape you want, same way as you can mold clay however you want. You could take a powerless Matoran Hau and carve it to look like a Vahi, but you cannot actually make a Vahi with anything less than level 9 disks
2010. would TK's color be closer to this or this?
21ANSWER: Neither is dark enough.
2211. if kardas held in his/her energy blasts while he/she was cursed, would he/she explode then reform or would he/she just ...well explode?
23ANSWER: Explode
2412.what would vezons curse be now if he touched the ignika?
25ANSWER: Irrelevant, since he won't be touching it again
2613.you have previously said that the bahrag did not sleep between their creation and their use,and they are not asleep now, what exactly did they do/are they doing?
27ANSWER: Wait
2814.which makuta said this?
29"The challenge of being a Makuta is choosing which powers to use to destroy your enemies. It gets boring using the same ones all the time. Variety is the spice of destruction, after all."
30ANSWER: Quote is from Bionicle Legends #9, I believe, so you can find your answer in the book
3115.could a toa control life processes like breathing or respiration?
32ANSWER: Toa Ignika could
33and finally
3416.are you allowed to talk about the natures of any of these things?
35a)mata nui
37b)why the bohrok want the island to be clean for mata nui
39c)why the OOMN want miserix
41d)the red star
43e)the great beings
45f)tren krom
47g)the makutas curse
49h)where teridax is
51i)how the universe works
53j) the planet
55k)the"outer universe"(the bit with stars and planets)
57l) 2009
59m) the islands we dont know about yet
61n)just generally anything we dont know yet
64hmm so even with the immortality and "if you kill us we will come back as something even more terrifying" thing, kardas would be completely dead if it held its mouth shut
3i hope you had a good easter
4i have just a few questions to ask you
51.if he tried hard enough, could jaller have used lhikans hau when he was a matoran?
72.is tren krom a bit like the octavo in terry pratchett's books the color of magic and the light fantastic, ie. you think you are reading it, but it is really reading you?
8ANSWER: Never read Pratchett, so can't comment
93. does TK know about the mutagen and its nature?
10ANSWER: Mutagen did not exist as mutagen when he was active before, so no
114. is spiriah leaking because of his wing being pierced?
12ANSWER: No. The wing is an outgrowth of his armor, not the armor itself.
135.is takanuva's message something along the lines of "dont wake up mata nui yet or you'll be sorry"?
14ANSWER: His message gets revealed in Bionicle Legends #10
156. was the old title for BL11 something like "The reign of shadows"?
16ANSWER: No. Pointless to ask this question, since I am not going to reveal the title
178.could a matoran make a powerless ignika just because he liked the look of it?
189. how about a vahi?\
19ANSWER: You can carve a ask into any shape you want, same way as you can mold clay however you want. You could take a powerless Matoran Hau and carve it to look like a Vahi, but you cannot actually make a Vahi with anything less than level 9 disks
2010. would TK's color be closer to this or this?
21ANSWER: Neither is dark enough.
2211. if kardas held in his/her energy blasts while he/she was cursed, would he/she explode then reform or would he/she just ...well explode?
23ANSWER: Explode
2412.what would vezons curse be now if he touched the ignika?
25ANSWER: Irrelevant, since he won't be touching it again
2613.you have previously said that the bahrag did not sleep between their creation and their use,and they are not asleep now, what exactly did they do/are they doing?
27ANSWER: Wait
2814.which makuta said this?
29"The challenge of being a Makuta is choosing which powers to use to destroy your enemies. It gets boring using the same ones all the time. Variety is the spice of destruction, after all."
30ANSWER: Quote is from Bionicle Legends #9, I believe, so you can find your answer in the book
3115.could a toa control life processes like breathing or respiration?
32ANSWER: Toa Ignika could
33and finally
3416.are you allowed to talk about the natures of any of these things?
35a)mata nui
37b)why the bohrok want the island to be clean for mata nui
39c)why the OOMN want miserix
41d)the red star
43e)the great beings
45f)tren krom
47g)the makutas curse
49h)where teridax is
51i)how the universe works
53j) the planet
55k)the"outer universe"(the bit with stars and planets)
57l) 2009
59m) the islands we dont know about yet
61n)just generally anything we dont know yet
64hmm so even with the immortality and "if you kill us we will come back as something even more terrifying" thing, kardas would be completely dead if it held its mouth shut
1More stuff on the BBs:
2My questions:
9Greg's answers:
13Well, that means any theories about the OOMN tampering with the BBs are thrown out the window.
2My questions:
3Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I have two questions today that I hope you can answer:
41) In a PM to Adventurer, you confirmed the map the Blade Burrowers were making is in the shape of the Three Vitues symbol and I believe you have said the BBs are making a map of somewhere in the BIONICLE universe. So is there a island or islands that are in the shape of the Three Virtues?
51a) If such a place exists, then is that where Teridax went to?
62) Did the Order of Mata Nui tamper with the BBs, thus giving the BBs the directions on how to make the map?
7Thanks for answering questions sent in by fans like me .
9Greg's answers:
10No, what I said in story was that it was a map of someplace Mutran did not recognize. I have never confirmed it is someplace within the Matoran universe. 111a) No, it bears no relation to where Teridax is. 122) No, they did not, because the OOMN is not aware that symbol is a map or what it refers to
13Well, that means any theories about the OOMN tampering with the BBs are thrown out the window.
1Hello, GregF. I have some questions for you.
21) Did the earlier Matoran know that Tren Krom maintained their universe? 31a) Or did they only know about him in his legend? 42) Did the OoMN tamper the Blade Burrowers? 53) Are the viruses the Makuta use to create Rahi made scientifically (anyone with the knowledge can create them) or is it a part of their powers? 64) Because Mutran is a scientist like Chirox, would he be equally adept at using his Shadow Hand?
7Thanks in advance.
81) They knew his legend 92) No, the OOMN have no idea what they are making or that it's a map 103) It is something they are experts on 114) Depends on if he used it as often or used some other method in his work
1Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering some things:
21.Will Lesovikk's fate ever be told. 31A. If not will we ever see him again.
42. Will we ever see Karzahni again
53. If Teridax wants his mask back and Icarax refuses will they fight?
65. What language do bionicles speak? Is it spoken like ours or is it robotic noises.
76.Will you ever use the term "Toa of Twilight" in the story?
87. Where does the hole in the western wall lead out to? 97A. The Mainland?
108.Are bionicles immortal since we have'nt seen any die of old age? or have they not reached their tiring point yet
119. Will we go to the Red Star? 129A. What year? 139B. If not, when will we learn more info on the Red Star.
1410. What did the Mainland Matoran think of a huge waterfall falling from the sky and disappering in a large hole in the ground? 1510A. Did some try to go down the waterfall?
161) I don't know yet if he is coming back this year or not. 172) Not this year 183) No. Teridax is the leader of the BOM. For Icarax to say no would be open rebellion, and Icarax would be killed by the other Makuta for doing that. 195) Most speak Matoran 206) Yes, as an insult 217) The sea 228) BIONICLE beings are not immortal, they just have very long lifespans 239) No plans to go to the red star, no 2410) I hope not, if they did, they died.
18. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
28) Some of it
3This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
18. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
28) Some of it
3This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
4Yes but has he actually said how big the planet is? It could be the size of Jupiter . And that some of it could be the size of an Earth or two . And it is kinda a maze of sorts.