18. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
28) Some of it
3This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
42009 location, Maybe?
18. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
28) Some of it
3This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
42009 location, Maybe?
5Well, it's not in the Red Star, so that's my best bet.
1Hi Greg
2Some questions about a few theories of mine: 31- Is the BB map a map of the Red Star?
42- Did the Beings in the Red Star tampered with the BB's?
53- Who was first: The Hand or the first Toa?
64- The Hand leader is the same as the OoMN leader, correct?
7All for now 8Thanks
91) No, it is not 102) No 113) About the same time 124) Yes
13Too bad about 1 and 2 14But 3 and 4 could mean something
18. how big would the Matoran universe be in the planet? Is it underneath the majority of the underground or just some of it?
28) Some of it
3This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
4We may have mapped out every island, but do we know every location? there's so many lands to find, and most of it takes place by sea, which can be dangerous. plus, there's always the DH who could take you out, or the random rahi. we live in a much safer world, they do not. they can't take their precious time to discover new worlds when they have to save the one they are currently in. if you're guarding a building from a threat, you don't go exploring, that's stupid.
1Hi Greg
2Some questions about a few theories of mine: 31- Is the BB map a map of the Red Star?
42- Did the Beings in the Red Star tampered with the BB's?
53- Who was first: The Hand or the first Toa?
64- The Hand leader is the same as the OoMN leader, correct?
7All for now 8Thanks
91) No, it is not 102) No 113) About the same time 124) Yes
13Too bad about 1 and 2 14But 3 and 4 could mean something
15I wonder if the First Toa is a OoMN servant....
2Hi Greg
33- Who was first: The Hand or the first Toa?
44- The Hand leader is the same as the OoMN leader, correct?
5All for now 6Thanks
73) About the same time 84) Yes
9Hi Greg
10A few questions about the above: 111- Is the first toa the leader of the OoMN? 121b- Or member? 131c- Servant?
142- Was the first toa the female voice on Daxia? (TN![]()
15All for now 16Thanks
17Sorry, all this gets dealt with later on in the year, so not going to comment on it now.
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some more questions for today if you don't mind,
31. how does Hydraxon telepathically use his back-blades? 41a. Is it the blades' power? 52. Could a toa of stone have rocks levitating around him, about to strike an object (could a toa of stone have rocks levitating for a short amount of time)? 63. Did Gali use her elemental power to heal tahu in MoL? 74. Does Hydraxon have a storage of his weapons (wrist blades, exploding bomarangs, etc.? 85. Are there other great spirits other than Mata Nui? 96. Are there any good toa in DM? 107. Would Miserix spare Krika if he somehow regained control of the BoM? 118. Would it be right for the makuta to feel resentful to Mata Nui, after all, they did do a lot of work and nobody gave credit to them. 129. Does Miserix know about the Plan? 1310.Where are the other Hagah in DM? 1411. Can Vamprah use his mask to drain shadow out of a matoran? 1512.Does the shadow of a shadow matoran regenerate naturally? 1613. Couldn't Takanuva just use the light of the Avohkii so that he won't use up all his light energy? 1714. takanuva's light can't regenerate now that he has a shield around him right? 1815. How does a toa shield his mind from intrusion? 1915a. Is this the same method OoMN members use? 2016. Was botar the first "sender to the pit" or was there someone else that did his job before him? 2117. Who was the female voice that instructed the Nuva on Daxia? 2217a. When will she be revealed? 2317b. Is she the leader of the OoMN? 2418. Was the hand of artakha secret? 2519. Did Gorast create the Visorak using viruses? 2620. Was the sea rahi Kongu summoned one of the first rahi? 2721. Were the crystal serpents made from viruses? 2822. Will Takanuva remember his old memories about Karda Nui? 2923.Does Tren Krom have any light or darkness?
30Thanks . Sorry if it was too much.
311) Can trigger them mentally 321a) No, it's his 332) Yes 343) Hers and those of others, if you recall, they combined their powers 354) You mean a cache of arms? Probably multiple ones 365) Not that we know of 376) We'll see as the story rolls along. But do you see someone who fights the BOM and the DH as evil? 387) Impossible to predict. Krika did spare his life, but he also put him someplace where he could have died at any moment. 398) But is Mata Nui responsible for who the Matoran decided to credit? 409) He knows about the initial act of it. Since Teridax knew Miserix would never step down on his own, there was no point in sharing all of it with him. 4110) Hasn't been revealed yet 4211) No 4312) Yes 4413) Yes, he could, but he's not in any danger of using up his light energy so it's a moot point 4514) Correct 4615-15a) It's a matter of discipline and training 4716) He was the first 4817) You'll find out who she is in Book 10 4918) No, not really 5019) All Rahi are created using viruses 5120) I would need to go back and check the description and see if it says he was bio-mechanical or not 5221) No 5322) I can't discuss future storyline 5423) Yes
31. how does Hydraxon telepathically use his back-blades? 41a. Is it the blades' power? 52. Could a toa of stone have rocks levitating around him, about to strike an object (could a toa of stone have rocks levitating for a short amount of time)? 63. Did Gali use her elemental power to heal tahu in MoL? 74. Does Hydraxon have a storage of his weapons (wrist blades, exploding bomarangs, etc.? 85. Are there other great spirits other than Mata Nui? 96. Are there any good toa in DM? 107. Would Miserix spare Krika if he somehow regained control of the BoM? 118. Would it be right for the makuta to feel resentful to Mata Nui, after all, they did do a lot of work and nobody gave credit to them. 129. Does Miserix know about the Plan? 1310.Where are the other Hagah in DM? 1411. Can Vamprah use his mask to drain shadow out of a matoran? 1512.Does the shadow of a shadow matoran regenerate naturally? 1613. Couldn't Takanuva just use the light of the Avohkii so that he won't use up all his light energy? 1714. takanuva's light can't regenerate now that he has a shield around him right? 1815. How does a toa shield his mind from intrusion? 1915a. Is this the same method OoMN members use? 2016. Was botar the first "sender to the pit" or was there someone else that did his job before him? 2117. Who was the female voice that instructed the Nuva on Daxia? 2217a. When will she be revealed? 2317b. Is she the leader of the OoMN? 2418. Was the hand of artakha secret? 2519. Did Gorast create the Visorak using viruses? 2620. Was the sea rahi Kongu summoned one of the first rahi? 2721. Were the crystal serpents made from viruses? 2822. Will Takanuva remember his old memories about Karda Nui? 2923.Does Tren Krom have any light or darkness?
30Thanks . Sorry if it was too much.
311) Can trigger them mentally 321a) No, it's his 332) Yes 343) Hers and those of others, if you recall, they combined their powers 354) You mean a cache of arms? Probably multiple ones 365) Not that we know of 376) We'll see as the story rolls along. But do you see someone who fights the BOM and the DH as evil? 387) Impossible to predict. Krika did spare his life, but he also put him someplace where he could have died at any moment. 398) But is Mata Nui responsible for who the Matoran decided to credit? 409) He knows about the initial act of it. Since Teridax knew Miserix would never step down on his own, there was no point in sharing all of it with him. 4110) Hasn't been revealed yet 4211) No 4312) Yes 4413) Yes, he could, but he's not in any danger of using up his light energy so it's a moot point 4514) Correct 4615-15a) It's a matter of discipline and training 4716) He was the first 4817) You'll find out who she is in Book 10 4918) No, not really 5019) All Rahi are created using viruses 5120) I would need to go back and check the description and see if it says he was bio-mechanical or not 5221) No 5322) I can't discuss future storyline 5423) Yes
1What exactly is a BB?
1A BB is a Blade Burrower.
1Yes but has he actually said how big the planet is? It could be the size of Jupiter . And that some of it could be the size of an Earth or two . And it is kinda a maze of sorts.
3I also hesitate to campare Earth physics with Bionicle physics, but if were the size of Jupiter I'd imagine the Bionicle characters would be experiencing a ton more gravity than they are.
4We may have mapped out every island, but do we know every location? there's so many lands to find, and most of it takes place by sea, which can be dangerous. plus, there's always the DH who could take you out, or the random rahi. we live in a much safer world, they do not. they can't take their precious time to discover new worlds when they have to save the one they are currently in. if you're guarding a building from a threat, you don't go exploring, that's stupid.
5If you're protecting a single building from a specific threat, you probably wouldn't explore a lot. If you're protecting an entire city-island from unknown threats for thousands of years, would you not want to go scout out your dome to make sure no bad guys are making a base along your Barrier? Make sure there's not something useful out there you could use? And about the sea being dangerous, sailors on Earth used to worry about sea monsters, pirates, other unfriendly sorts, but we still managed to explore quite a bit. And I don't understand your distinction about "islands" and "locations." So I don't see how any of these arguments hold much water, if any.
2* 3Yes but has he actually said how big the planet is? It could be the size of Jupiter . And that some of it could be the size of an Earth or two . And it is kinda a maze of sorts.
5I also hesitate to campare Earth physics with Bionicle physics, but if were the size of Jupiter I'd imagine the Bionicle characters would be experiencing a ton more gravity than they are.
6True but like you said, you can't really compare Earth physics with Bionicle physics.
1Yes but has he actually said how big the planet is? It could be the size of Jupiter . And that some of it could be the size of an Earth or two . And it is kinda a maze of sorts.
3I also hesitate to campare Earth physics with Bionicle physics, but if were the size of Jupiter I'd imagine the Bionicle characters would be experiencing a ton more gravity than they are.
4We may have mapped out every island, but do we know every location? there's so many lands to find, and most of it takes place by sea, which can be dangerous. plus, there's always the DH who could take you out, or the random rahi. we live in a much safer world, they do not. they can't take their precious time to discover new worlds when they have to save the one they are currently in. if you're guarding a building from a threat, you don't go exploring, that's stupid.
5If you're protecting a single building from a specific threat, you probably wouldn't explore a lot. If you're protecting an entire city-island from unknown threats for thousands of years, would you not want to go scout out your dome to make sure no bad guys are making a base along your Barrier? Make sure there's not something useful out there you could use? And about the sea being dangerous, sailors on Earth used to worry about sea monsters, pirates, other unfriendly sorts, but we still managed to explore quite a bit. And I don't understand your distinction about "islands" and "locations." So I don't see how any of these arguments hold much water, if any.
6but remember that Mata Nui regulates things like gravity, so regardless of size, gravity probably isn't a problem.
7but what if, while you're gone, the place you are guarding is attacked? now your exploration is made out to be a stupid thing to do. and there's plenty to explore in that island alone, matoran have work to do, and that's all they really need to know. weirdos like Takua are rare, so explorations can't really take place too much except by toa, who have to protect their matoran. and there's so many threats that it makes our oceans look easy.
8but then again, what we know doesn't mean that they don't. matoran may not know about the world around them, as i said, they only need to know how to work, few would do so. Toa may know much of the world, if they live that long. after all, the only toa we have really known are newbie toa, who knew little of their world. TK's island wasn't supposed to be found anyway, look what happened when it was by mutran.
1Hi Mr.Farshtey
2"9) Will we learn of the being/s that tampered with the Blade Burrowers? 39a) Do we already know?
49) You already know"
51) do you mean you have aready said who tampered with the blade burrowers or that we have heard of the pepole who have tampered with them?
62)has tren korm seen mata nui?
73)will the nynrh ghosts be a set like a combinder or somthing?
8"7. Is teridax's Location have some tie to 2009? 97) It has a connection to future story, yes, but not necessarily 2009"
104)dose it have any thing to do with what the blade burrowers are makeing?
115)will the summer serials go untill the end of the year or will they finish a couple months before?
126)will you give us a wee bit of bionicle legends 11 like you did with sos?
137)could toa ignika turn into a turaga?
148)will toa ignika go back to beigning(sp?) a mask or will it stay a toa?
159)do the BIONICLE comics only come with brickmaster or do they come with another magazine? 169a)if they do what one?
1710)are there prototypes for the 2009 sets? 1810a)if yes have you seen them?
1911)toa and matoran have fingers so do they have toes? 2011a)do they have shoes?
21thank you for your time
221) The latter 232) I would say no 243) No plans for that, no. 254) No 265) You would need to ask Binkmeister that question 276) I don't plan to at the moment 287) No, because he is not a Toa in truth, he is a mask with a body 298) Can't discuss future storyline 309) They come with LEGO BrickMaster (paid subscription) and the US and Canada LEGO Club Magazines (which are free two-year subscriptions) 3110) Every line of sets has prototypes, yes 3211) No, they have armored feet.
34"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
2"9) Will we learn of the being/s that tampered with the Blade Burrowers? 39a) Do we already know?
49) You already know"
51) do you mean you have aready said who tampered with the blade burrowers or that we have heard of the pepole who have tampered with them?
62)has tren korm seen mata nui?
73)will the nynrh ghosts be a set like a combinder or somthing?
8"7. Is teridax's Location have some tie to 2009? 97) It has a connection to future story, yes, but not necessarily 2009"
104)dose it have any thing to do with what the blade burrowers are makeing?
115)will the summer serials go untill the end of the year or will they finish a couple months before?
126)will you give us a wee bit of bionicle legends 11 like you did with sos?
137)could toa ignika turn into a turaga?
148)will toa ignika go back to beigning(sp?) a mask or will it stay a toa?
159)do the BIONICLE comics only come with brickmaster or do they come with another magazine? 169a)if they do what one?
1710)are there prototypes for the 2009 sets? 1810a)if yes have you seen them?
1911)toa and matoran have fingers so do they have toes? 2011a)do they have shoes?
21thank you for your time
221) The latter 232) I would say no 243) No plans for that, no. 254) No 265) You would need to ask Binkmeister that question 276) I don't plan to at the moment 287) No, because he is not a Toa in truth, he is a mask with a body 298) Can't discuss future storyline 309) They come with LEGO BrickMaster (paid subscription) and the US and Canada LEGO Club Magazines (which are free two-year subscriptions) 3110) Every line of sets has prototypes, yes 3211) No, they have armored feet.
34"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1Hi Greg. If any of these questions have been asked before, Im sorry but I don't have the time to search like a million posts.
21) Bruisers are mentioned in the second chapter of FoF. Are Bruisers the proper name for Krekka's species? 32) In TMC, Mutran says Tren Krom is alien. I didn't know aliens existed in BIONICLE. Are there any other alien creatures in the BIONICLE universe? 42a) I know you can't describe Tren Krom's appearance without spoiling later stories, but I know hes tentacled. Does look a bit like a squid or a Dalek mutant? 53) In BIONICLE 3, Sidorak says Roodaka can be his queen. Were they going to get married? If so, what does marriage values mean to Matoran? 64) Do you plan to cross over other universes (i.e. the Doctor Who universe) in future stories?
7Thanks for your time.
81) No. Bruiser is a noun meaning someone who is strong, quarrelsome, and eager to fight 92) It's alien to him and everything he knows, but TK is a part of the universe and always has been. 102a) Neither, really. 113) It wasn't a marriage like we think of marriage -- it was a formalized political alliance, so not something Matoran would have in their culture. 124) I can't, Borrakar. If I want to use other universes or their characters in a LEGO story, I would need to pay the owners of that universe a fee for a license. Otherwise, they would sue (and win). That's why you don't see Toa showing up in other companies' comics or cartoons, because they would have to license BIONICLE from us to be able to do that.
21) Bruisers are mentioned in the second chapter of FoF. Are Bruisers the proper name for Krekka's species? 32) In TMC, Mutran says Tren Krom is alien. I didn't know aliens existed in BIONICLE. Are there any other alien creatures in the BIONICLE universe? 42a) I know you can't describe Tren Krom's appearance without spoiling later stories, but I know hes tentacled. Does look a bit like a squid or a Dalek mutant? 53) In BIONICLE 3, Sidorak says Roodaka can be his queen. Were they going to get married? If so, what does marriage values mean to Matoran? 64) Do you plan to cross over other universes (i.e. the Doctor Who universe) in future stories?
7Thanks for your time.
81) No. Bruiser is a noun meaning someone who is strong, quarrelsome, and eager to fight 92) It's alien to him and everything he knows, but TK is a part of the universe and always has been. 102a) Neither, really. 113) It wasn't a marriage like we think of marriage -- it was a formalized political alliance, so not something Matoran would have in their culture. 124) I can't, Borrakar. If I want to use other universes or their characters in a LEGO story, I would need to pay the owners of that universe a fee for a license. Otherwise, they would sue (and win). That's why you don't see Toa showing up in other companies' comics or cartoons, because they would have to license BIONICLE from us to be able to do that.
1Here are some answers from Greg, just to put an end to this off topic-ish discussion^^
17Plus another thingy about TK
2Hello again Mr Farshtey, 3I'm so sorry, these two other just poped up on my mind and I had to send them to you, hope you don't mind...
41) In the Official Greg Discussion, a member said a quite interesting statement:
5This really bugs me. Now, I know it's risky to compare the Martoran Universe with Earth, or its inhabitants with humans, but in just a few thousand years, we've mapped our entire world. It seems to me that there's a lot of things that the Matoran/Toa/etc. don't even know about their own world, and this is after 100,000 years. When the Toa were at their prime, nobody scouted out the Great Barrier and discovered/explored all the paths to Karzahni/Mata Nui? The OoMN, arguably one of the most knowledgeable groups outside the BoM, don't even know about all the islands in plain sight (ie, stumbling onto TK's mystery island)? All this would be a little easier to swallow if their world was a positively massive, impossibly labyrinthine place, but it's only covering "some" of their planet? Gee... just makes things seem pretty odd.
6I find this very true, and, after all, we have already seen many characters going to the outside world without being THAT surprised (Karzahni, Icarax, Teridax, the Barraki and many other characters went there and I did never saw them reacting like "woah . there's also ANOTHER WORLD outside ours??"). Actually, they are kind of okay with it... 7I'm not meaning to offense, but...it doesn't seem that logical, isn't it?
82) Are Voporak and Sidorak from the same species (after all, Voporak has been mutated, and bears some ressemblance with Sidorak...)
9And with that said,
10Have a good day,
121) I disagree. Humans explored their world for a number of reasons -- for knowledge, yes, but more for greed, to search for resources or treasure, or to relieve overpopulation. Go back and look at the great explorers of history -- they were looking for trade routes or places they could colonize for cheap labor. Matoran have no need to do that. They have what they need where they live, so while they do have some trade with other islands, they don't depend on it or grow rich from it. They don't have population problems because there are only as many Matoran as are needed for the work that has to be done. And that work is what's important -- not wandering around exploring. Go back to MNOG and see how Takua was treated by the other Matoran and Turaga -- his efforts to go exploring were seen as laziness and an unwillingness to do the work he was supposed to be doing.
13So you can make the argument that humans and Matoran have vastly different priorities -- but you can also look at the number of explorers there have been in the human race, compared to the number of people who spent their whole lives in one village, just working hard and trying to take care of the place they lived. Which group do you think is larger? And why is it strange that the Matoran are closer to the latter than the former, given that their reason for existing is to work.
14As far as the Toa go -- they are essentially the police of the Matoran universe, protecting the Matoran from threats. Do police usually go exploring, or do they stay close to the people they are supposed to be looking after?
152) Yes
17Plus another thingy about TK
18Hello again Mr.Farshtey, 19Seems like I'm quite inspired today...¬¬... well, anyways, this time it's just one little question:
201) Could Tren Krom be considered a Great Spirit (though not an active one)?
23I would say no.
1Yes but has he actually said how big the planet is? It could be the size of Jupiter . And that some of it could be the size of an Earth or two . And it is kinda a maze of sorts.
3I also hesitate to campare Earth physics with Bionicle physics, but if were the size of Jupiter I'd imagine the Bionicle characters would be experiencing a ton more gravity than they are.
4We may have mapped out every island, but do we know every location? there's so many lands to find, and most of it takes place by sea, which can be dangerous. plus, there's always the DH who could take you out, or the random rahi. we live in a much safer world, they do not. they can't take their precious time to discover new worlds when they have to save the one they are currently in. if you're guarding a building from a threat, you don't go exploring, that's stupid.
5If you're protecting a single building from a specific threat, you probably wouldn't explore a lot. If you're protecting an entire city-island from unknown threats for thousands of years, would you not want to go scout out your dome to make sure no bad guys are making a base along your Barrier? Make sure there's not something useful out there you could use? And about the sea being dangerous, sailors on Earth used to worry about sea monsters, pirates, other unfriendly sorts, but we still managed to explore quite a bit. And I don't understand your distinction about "islands" and "locations." So I don't see how any of these arguments hold much water, if any.
6but remember that Mata Nui regulates things like gravity, so regardless of size, gravity probably isn't a problem.
7but what if, while you're gone, the place you are guarding is attacked? now your exploration is made out to be a stupid thing to do. and there's plenty to explore in that island alone, matoran have work to do, and that's all they really need to know. weirdos like Takua are rare, so explorations can't really take place too much except by toa, who have to protect their matoran. and there's so many threats that it makes our oceans look easy.
8but then again, what we know doesn't mean that they don't. matoran may not know about the world around them, as i said, they only need to know how to work, few would do so. Toa may know much of the world, if they live that long. after all, the only toa we have really known are newbie toa, who knew little of their world. TK's island wasn't supposed to be found anyway, look what happened when it was by mutran.
9I still don't buy it, not one bit. You make it sound as if never-ending threats were constantly bombarding Metru Nui without end. When the Kanohi Dragon attacked, I'm pretty sure there wen't any/many Toa even on the island. So I'm pretty sure that while many bad things have happened to Metru Nui, there were long bouts of relative peace. I see no reason why a Toa or two wouldn't ever break off to go loook around. (By the way, I am talking about Toa. Never tried to say Matoran had a habbit of exploring.)
10While I admit it's possible that Toa of the past, for example, discovered/explored the tunnels to Karzhani and Mata Nui, etc, you'd think those are facts that would be found easily in the Archives. Since characters know facts of far greater obscurity found in the Archives, you'd think they'd be able to find mention of the bigger things, if the info was there.
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have a ton of questions,
31. What kind of power upgrade do OoMN members get ? 4VARIES 52.Have the Nuva remembered every memory? 6NO 73. Why aren't the matoran calling the Nuva Phantoka? 8BECAUSE I HAVE NO REASON TO WORK THAT IN YET 94. Did Tahu look like Kopaka when he was a Phantoka? 10HUH? 115. How powerful is the leader of the OoMN? 12TOO EARLY TO DISCUSS THIS 135a. Does he go to Karda Nui? 14NO ONE GOES TO KARDA NUI BUT 2008 SETS. LEADER OF OOMN IS NOT A SET THIS YEAR. 156. What were the energy spikes in Karda Nui the Mata had to face? 16READ Bionicle Legends #10 AND FIND OUT. 177. Isn't it risky for Bitil to use his mask since if one of them dies, he dies? 18SURE, IT IS. BUT HOW OFTEN DO MAKUTA GET KILLED? 198. Is there anyone between the power level of Krom and Mata Nui? 20NOT THAT YOU KNOW OF. 219.Why were the lightstones in the Chamber of Death red?(Inferno) 22FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT. 2310. How far did Teridax travel to the place he is at the end of Legends #9? 24CAN'T ANSWER IT. 2511. Will we learn about what other OoMN members are in Metru Nui? 26YES 2712. Are you going to have Zaktan reveal the plan to the OoMN? 28CAN'T DISCUSS FUTURE STORYLINE 2913. Why is Gorast called the queen of the acid falls? 30ACTUALLY, IT'S MISTRESS OF THE ACID FALLS, NOT QUEEN, AND IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE IN HER REGION AND SHE RULES THAT REGION 3114. If Miserix is fred, would he oppose the BoM? 32HE WOULD OPPOSE TERIDAX, SURE 3315. Which makuta made the Tahtorak? 3415a. Kanohi Dragon? 3515b. Muaka? 36NOT STUFF I HAVE WORRIED ABOUT 3716. Do makuta mutate using viruses? 38YES 3917. How is a Bohrok-Kal stronger than a normal bohrok? 40BOHROK-KAL CAN FUNCTION INDEPENDENTLY OF THE BAHRAG, BOHROK CANNOT, AND THEIR KRANA-KAL ARE CAPABLE OF COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER SPECIES, BOHROK'S ARE NOT. 4118. Who was the matoran that teleported the Nuva to Artakha? 42A MATORAN WHO WORKS FOR ARTAKHA 4319. Do the turaga know that the builder of the canisters is an Av-Matoran? 44HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY KNOW THAT? 4519a. Does he recognise the Mahri? 46NO - THE LAST TIME HE SAW THEM, THEY WERE MATORAN, SO HOW WOULD HE RECOGNIZE THEM? 4720.Why did Artakha make the Nuva cube and symbols if they can weaken the Nuva? 48THE CUBE IS A LOCK ON THE BAHRAG'S PRISON. AND THE SYMBOLS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTED. IT'S LIKE ASKING WHY DID THE GUARDIANS GIVE THE GREEN LANTERNS RINGS, IF YOU CAN ELIMINATE THEIR POWER JUST BY TAKING THE RING AWAY FROM THEM. 4921. What was the Nuva cube's purpose? 50SEE ANSWER ABOVE 5121a. Where is it now? 52SAME PLACE IT WAS BEFORE 5322. If Vakama saw Krakua, would he recognize him? 54YES 5523. Do the other Turaga know about the OoMN? 56NO 5723a. Do the matoran? 58NO, OF COURSE NOT. 5924. What is the status of the Rahi Nui? 60STILL WHERE IT WAS BEFORE 6124a. How was it created? 62MUTATION 6324b. Who created it? 64A MAKUTA 6525. Lhikan's hau is on Daxia right? 66YES 6726. What would the staff of Artakha do if one used its full power? 68IT DID WHAT IT DOES, IT RESTORED THE DAMAGE DONE BY THE QUAKE 6926a. Did Artakha make it? 70YES 7126b. Could it fix Karda Nui's damage if it was teleported in with the Nuva? 72YES 7327. Why didn't Kongu's Suletu not turn to Nvua level or something if it was already great when the red star hit it with its lightning? 74BECAUSE LIGHTNING IS NOT ENERGIZED PROTODERMIS. A MATORAN WEARING A GREAT MASK WHEN HE TURNS INTO A TOA WILL STILL HAVE A GREAT MASK, THE MASK WON'T GO UP A LEVEL. 7528. How did Karzahni tame his manas? 76SAME WAY ANYONE TAMES A DANGEROUS CREATURE 7729. How did the Barraki tame their armies? 78THEY DIDN'T. THE ARMIES FOLLOWED THEM FOR THE SAME REASON ARMIES ALWAYS FOLLOW LEADERS, FOR THE CHANCE TO FIGHT AND THE CHANCE TO GAIN TREASURE 7930. Who trapped Kalmah and Takadox when they followed Mantax to the pit in a comic? 80ANSWER: MAXILOS 8131. Did the Xians willingly set the Kanohi Dragon on the Tahtorak? 82YES. TAHTORAK WAS DESTROYING THEIR ISLAND.
83Thanks . sorry for all these questions.
84P.S. Random question but who does Hahli like better, Jaller or Matoro? 85Since she cried when Matoro sacrificed himself and just protested when Jaller was about to. 86I DON'T THINK IT IS A QUESTION OF "LIKING BETTER." SHE HAD NO REASON TO CRY FOR JALLER, JALLER WASN'T DEAD. SHE WAS ALSO IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE WITH JALLER, WHEREAS WITH MATORO, SHE HAD TIME TO REFLECT ON HIS DEATH.
31. What kind of power upgrade do OoMN members get ? 4VARIES 52.Have the Nuva remembered every memory? 6NO 73. Why aren't the matoran calling the Nuva Phantoka? 8BECAUSE I HAVE NO REASON TO WORK THAT IN YET 94. Did Tahu look like Kopaka when he was a Phantoka? 10HUH? 115. How powerful is the leader of the OoMN? 12TOO EARLY TO DISCUSS THIS 135a. Does he go to Karda Nui? 14NO ONE GOES TO KARDA NUI BUT 2008 SETS. LEADER OF OOMN IS NOT A SET THIS YEAR. 156. What were the energy spikes in Karda Nui the Mata had to face? 16READ Bionicle Legends #10 AND FIND OUT. 177. Isn't it risky for Bitil to use his mask since if one of them dies, he dies? 18SURE, IT IS. BUT HOW OFTEN DO MAKUTA GET KILLED? 198. Is there anyone between the power level of Krom and Mata Nui? 20NOT THAT YOU KNOW OF. 219.Why were the lightstones in the Chamber of Death red?(Inferno) 22FOR DRAMATIC EFFECT. 2310. How far did Teridax travel to the place he is at the end of Legends #9? 24CAN'T ANSWER IT. 2511. Will we learn about what other OoMN members are in Metru Nui? 26YES 2712. Are you going to have Zaktan reveal the plan to the OoMN? 28CAN'T DISCUSS FUTURE STORYLINE 2913. Why is Gorast called the queen of the acid falls? 30ACTUALLY, IT'S MISTRESS OF THE ACID FALLS, NOT QUEEN, AND IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE IN HER REGION AND SHE RULES THAT REGION 3114. If Miserix is fred, would he oppose the BoM? 32HE WOULD OPPOSE TERIDAX, SURE 3315. Which makuta made the Tahtorak? 3415a. Kanohi Dragon? 3515b. Muaka? 36NOT STUFF I HAVE WORRIED ABOUT 3716. Do makuta mutate using viruses? 38YES 3917. How is a Bohrok-Kal stronger than a normal bohrok? 40BOHROK-KAL CAN FUNCTION INDEPENDENTLY OF THE BAHRAG, BOHROK CANNOT, AND THEIR KRANA-KAL ARE CAPABLE OF COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER SPECIES, BOHROK'S ARE NOT. 4118. Who was the matoran that teleported the Nuva to Artakha? 42A MATORAN WHO WORKS FOR ARTAKHA 4319. Do the turaga know that the builder of the canisters is an Av-Matoran? 44HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY KNOW THAT? 4519a. Does he recognise the Mahri? 46NO - THE LAST TIME HE SAW THEM, THEY WERE MATORAN, SO HOW WOULD HE RECOGNIZE THEM? 4720.Why did Artakha make the Nuva cube and symbols if they can weaken the Nuva? 48THE CUBE IS A LOCK ON THE BAHRAG'S PRISON. AND THE SYMBOLS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTED. IT'S LIKE ASKING WHY DID THE GUARDIANS GIVE THE GREEN LANTERNS RINGS, IF YOU CAN ELIMINATE THEIR POWER JUST BY TAKING THE RING AWAY FROM THEM. 4921. What was the Nuva cube's purpose? 50SEE ANSWER ABOVE 5121a. Where is it now? 52SAME PLACE IT WAS BEFORE 5322. If Vakama saw Krakua, would he recognize him? 54YES 5523. Do the other Turaga know about the OoMN? 56NO 5723a. Do the matoran? 58NO, OF COURSE NOT. 5924. What is the status of the Rahi Nui? 60STILL WHERE IT WAS BEFORE 6124a. How was it created? 62MUTATION 6324b. Who created it? 64A MAKUTA 6525. Lhikan's hau is on Daxia right? 66YES 6726. What would the staff of Artakha do if one used its full power? 68IT DID WHAT IT DOES, IT RESTORED THE DAMAGE DONE BY THE QUAKE 6926a. Did Artakha make it? 70YES 7126b. Could it fix Karda Nui's damage if it was teleported in with the Nuva? 72YES 7327. Why didn't Kongu's Suletu not turn to Nvua level or something if it was already great when the red star hit it with its lightning? 74BECAUSE LIGHTNING IS NOT ENERGIZED PROTODERMIS. A MATORAN WEARING A GREAT MASK WHEN HE TURNS INTO A TOA WILL STILL HAVE A GREAT MASK, THE MASK WON'T GO UP A LEVEL. 7528. How did Karzahni tame his manas? 76SAME WAY ANYONE TAMES A DANGEROUS CREATURE 7729. How did the Barraki tame their armies? 78THEY DIDN'T. THE ARMIES FOLLOWED THEM FOR THE SAME REASON ARMIES ALWAYS FOLLOW LEADERS, FOR THE CHANCE TO FIGHT AND THE CHANCE TO GAIN TREASURE 7930. Who trapped Kalmah and Takadox when they followed Mantax to the pit in a comic? 80ANSWER: MAXILOS 8131. Did the Xians willingly set the Kanohi Dragon on the Tahtorak? 82YES. TAHTORAK WAS DESTROYING THEIR ISLAND.
83Thanks . sorry for all these questions.
84P.S. Random question but who does Hahli like better, Jaller or Matoro? 85Since she cried when Matoro sacrificed himself and just protested when Jaller was about to. 86I DON'T THINK IT IS A QUESTION OF "LIKING BETTER." SHE HAD NO REASON TO CRY FOR JALLER, JALLER WASN'T DEAD. SHE WAS ALSO IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE WITH JALLER, WHEREAS WITH MATORO, SHE HAD TIME TO REFLECT ON HIS DEATH.
1Here's a few questions I just got back, questions are normal, answers are in bold.
20I thought 3 and 8 were interesting, the rest is not really that important, though...
2Hello, Mr. F, sorry to bother you but I have just a few questions:
31.Is Vultraz a Ta-Matoran who was Shadow Leeched, similar to Vican being a Shadow Leeched Le-Matoran?
42.Is Mazeka (spelling?) a matoran with a vehicle set, like Vultraz?
53.If yes to #2, is he/she a Shadow Matoran or an Av-Matoran?
64.Does Mutran's staff have any special powers, or is it just an item to channel his energies through, like a Toa Tool?
75.Can a Makuta's weapon shapeshift with them, like their mask (ex:Teridax's Staff, Antroz's blade things, etc.)?
86. If a Makuta already has control over the power of Shadow, what is the point of having the Mask of Shadows? Does it enhance their pre-existing powers, or just do nothing?
97.Same question, but with a Toa of Gravity wearing a Mask of Gravity?
108.How easy is it for an Av-Matoran to change the color they appear to be? Does it take a lot of concentration, or is it something they can just do without much thought at all?
11Thank you for your time.
121) Yes 132) Yes 143) Neither 154) Toa tool 165) Yes 176) Go to biosector01.com and read the description of the Kraahkan -- it does more than just control shadow 187) When have we ever shown a Toa of Gravity wearing a Mask of Gravity, for it to be an issue? 198) It's something they can do by reflex
20I thought 3 and 8 were interesting, the rest is not really that important, though...
1Okay Greg, I've got more questions (sorry for my constant PMs... Two mysteries solved though is big, and I've got to know...)...
21) Okay, you've confirmed the "unity, duty and destiny" symbol is the "map" the Blade Burrowers are digging, right? 31a) If so, is that map a map to the sundial? 41b) If so, where in the symbol (three virtues) is the sundial held? 52) You've also confirmed TK's destiny... Is the thought of his life being just a stand-in sort of done something to him, or does he not have the regular brains to care? 63) Have you revealed what the sundial is for? 73a) If yes, what is it? (I haven't heard yet...) 84) I read somewhere that the sundial shrunk... Does it really? (Shrink that is...) 95) The Balta/Bohrok statues will be revealed in the summer, right? Or serials? 105a) If any sooner, what is the purpose or meaning of them? 116) What kind of "secrets" from 2001 were there? (That were unexplained in that time and remain unexplained.) 127) Would you say that where Teridax is now has to do something to do with the Plan? 138) Is where Teridax is now the hidden location of Mata Nui? 149) Have you revealed the full scheme of the BoM's Plan yet? 159a) If so, what? 1610) When do you think would be an appropriate time to reveal summer information? 1710a) Would that time be anytime close to now? (March/April 2008?) 1811) Lewa was never touched by the Shadow Leech, right? 1912) Which came first, Dark Mirror or Journey of Takanuva?
20Thankys for your time Mr. Farshtey, and happy springtime .
211) Yes 222) Huh? Takanuva has the sundial, why would one need a map to it? 233) No 244) Yes, otherwise Takanuva could not easily carry it 255) Bionicle Legends #10 266) You'll find out when they get revealed 277) Everything Teridax has ever done in story has to do with the Plan 288) No 299) No 3010) Um, summer? 3111) Correct 3212) JoT happens before DM
332) Ooh, my bad... Didn't check on my info... I guess I have a new question. Does the sundial need to be carried to Karda Nui? If so, why couldn't the Nuva take it themselves? 3410) I meant spoilers; as in before the Phantoka were revealed officialy, most new almost all about them in November, maybe even October. I meant when would you start revealing more about summer in spoilers, sort of small tidbits? 3511) I thought it said:
36The shadow leech had made contact with Lewa's mask. The Toa of Air screamed. 37So it didn't touch him?
38Thanks if you answer these .
392) It's not needed by the Nuva, that's why. 4010) Some summer stuff is already out, because set descriptions are already on the web. But there is not a lot of summer I can reveal without giving away the ending of the story, which I don't want to do. 4111) It did, but not long enough to have any effect. (Sorry, I thought you were asking about his first encounter with one, not his second.)
42Nothing new, I think... But I learned that everything Teridax has done was for the Plan . (...I feel like a newb, though, for forgetting the sundial thing...)
1Perhaps there's another universe not inhabited by Matoran elsewhere underground.
1Technically this should be for all of Greg, it is the Official Greg Discussion, not "Official Greg's Answers Discussion", and FoF is written by Greg, so it makes some sense, but you should use the official topic for the serials.
1Is it coincidence that the female voice in the OoMN chamber and the female first Toa in Bionicle Legends 10?
1it probably isn't, but greg's going to say "can't answer it" i bet it.
1it probably isn't, but greg's going to say "can't answer it" i bet it.
2How much you wanna bet?* Yeah you're probably right, I don't think it's a coincidence that they're both showing up at the same time, both female, etc. Yeah I think they are one and the same.
4*Draco does not approve of underage betting.
11) Were the BBs tampered with by someone belonging to the group of... 2A. Toa 3B. BoM 4C. OoMN 5D. DH 6E. Other
72) Is 'Korusca' still an approved name?
83) What were the Copper Masks of Victory made out of? Copper?
94) Do lightstones have any connection with the Pit Mutagen? 104a) Protodermis?
115) You said that the Pit Mutagen is elsewhere besides where we have seen it; is it in its energy form or dilluted form?
126) How strong is the PM in its energy form?
137) So the small sundial Takanuva carries is the same one that we saw from MNOG1? 147a) If not, where did it come from?
158) Do the set designers even care that they placed Kopaka's telescopic eye on the wrong side?
169) The unknown Toa that was deceased that wore a Suletu; What element was he? 179a) Did he belong to a team? Any we know of?
1810) Do you think that you will ever come up with the previous mask for Takua? It would be some great info...
191) Well, you have to ask yourself -- do any of those groups know that symbol is a map, or what it refers to? Mutran suspected it was a map, but we know he had no clue what it was a map of. And none of the rest of those groups know anything about the true meaning of the symbol. So answer's no.
202) It's not on any of my approved lists.
213) Metallic protodermis
224) No 234a) No
245) It is always in energy form, it simply affects things when it is in that form
256) Depends on the source you are exposed to. If you are far from the source, it will barely affect you if at all.
267) Yes
278) Given that he is not wearing the same mask he wore before -- this is a new adaptive Nuva mask Artakha gave him -- why is this an issue? Would only be a mistake if we were claiming it was the same mask. Artakha had not seen Kopaka since the day he came into being, so why would he remember where he affixed the telescopic sight the first time 100,000 years later?
289) Not something I have worried about, since he's not appearing in story.
2910) I don't have plans to do so, at the moment, it's not relevant to my story.
1i believe it was a rumored name for the Ignika or avohkii, one of the two. , before it was revealed.
1Hi Greg . I have a few questions for you . 21.) When will Makuta Teridax come back? 31a.) Will Makuta Teridax wear the mask of Shadows again? 42.) Can you give me a little hint of what 2009 will be like? 53.) What does MoMN mean? 64.) Is the first Toa's name Mazeka? 7Thank you for your time.
8You need to PM Greg. Link in the first post.

91. He's in Shadows in the Sky. 101a. Can't discuss future story. 112. Nope. 123. Makuta of Metru Nui. 134. Nope. Mazeka is a Matoran.

1Hi Greg . I have a few questions for you . 21.) When will Makuta Teridax come back? 31a.) Will Makuta Teridax wear the mask of Shadows again? 42.) Can you give me a little hint of what 2009 will be like? 53.) What does MoMN mean? 64.) Is the first Toa's name Mazeka? 7Thank you for your time.
8Greg doesnt actually visit this topic but im pretty sure i can answer your questions
91) Greg cannot discuss future storyline 101a) If he had a body that could wear masks he would probrably ask for it back 112) Greg cannot discuss 2009 123) MoMN means Makuta of Metru Nui or Makuta Teridax 134) No, the first Toa's name will be revealed in BL10, Mazeka is a matoran.
1Hi Greg . I have a few questions for you . 21.) When will Makuta Teridax come back? 31a.) Will Makuta Teridax wear the mask of Shadows again? 42.) Can you give me a little hint of what 2009 will be like? 53.) What does MoMN mean? 64.) Is the first Toa's name Mazeka? 7Thank you for your time.
8Krataka, you have to actually PM Greg to get the answers, he doesn't actually visit this topic. And I would anwser some of your questions but that would ebcorage psting questions here.
9Edit: Double Beaten.
1Hey Greg . I have some questions. Thanks.
21. How was Icarax de-evolved? 31) Ignika controls the power of life, including the ability to evolve or devolve other beings
42. In 2009, is there going to be any old characters in? 52a. If so, can you mention any? 62, 4, 7, 8) I can't discuss 2009 7Oops, forgot.
83. How can the Matoran now re-populate on Metru Nui? 93) It was empty, except for Dume -- they repopulated it by returning there 10I thought the Matoran had some way of increasing in numbers.
115. Is Takanuva going to be effected by anyway by the Ignika? 125) In what way? 13I was thinking in any way, but that was probably a bad question.
146. Will Toa Ignika turn back into a Kanohi once his destiny is complete? 156) Follow the story and find out 16I think that's going to happen.
179. How did Takanuva get his lance? 189) Gets revealed in a side story later on 19I've wondering that.
2010. Will Takanuva betray the Toa Nuva? 2110) No 22There goes my theory.
23Thanks a lot.

21. How was Icarax de-evolved? 31) Ignika controls the power of life, including the ability to evolve or devolve other beings
42. In 2009, is there going to be any old characters in? 52a. If so, can you mention any? 62, 4, 7, 8) I can't discuss 2009 7Oops, forgot.

83. How can the Matoran now re-populate on Metru Nui? 93) It was empty, except for Dume -- they repopulated it by returning there 10I thought the Matoran had some way of increasing in numbers.
115. Is Takanuva going to be effected by anyway by the Ignika? 125) In what way? 13I was thinking in any way, but that was probably a bad question.
146. Will Toa Ignika turn back into a Kanohi once his destiny is complete? 156) Follow the story and find out 16I think that's going to happen.
179. How did Takanuva get his lance? 189) Gets revealed in a side story later on 19I've wondering that.
2010. Will Takanuva betray the Toa Nuva? 2110) No 22There goes my theory.
23Thanks a lot.