1No it can't a map of where Teridax is in,the map is related to future storyline not this year.
Thanks guys, I've asked Greg for some follow-up questions, but he seems pretty busy. The next goal is to figure out whether or not it is a map and if it relates to the three virtues. 

1Hi, 2Great find Adventurer, sorry to say this so late, but I haven't been on since last night
wonder why they are making that kind of map...
3Here are some things I was wondering and that GregF answered:
15EDIT: maybe we should give GregF a break, his Pm inbox is full since yesterday

3Here are some things I was wondering and that GregF answered:
4Hi GregF, happy Easter, 5Here are some things I've been wondering:
61) why did the toa metru wear their toa masks (the same shape) when they were matoran if there weren't any others that were wearing these?
72) you once said that there wouldn't be a Bionicle soap serie because the people of TV-channels would think it's just some commercial-like thing, right? 82a) if right, but on Nickelodeon in my country there are also soaps of toys on tv, and the toys were there first and the soaps came later, why can't this count for Bionicle?
9thanks for your time,
111) How do you know there weren't others? When did we ever show every one of the Metru Nui Matoran in a scene? 122) Well, I don't know what country you are in, Lhikan. But in much of Europe, they will not air TV series based on toys, unless the series comes first. When we licensed the Galidor series a few years ago, we had to wait until the series had been on the air for several months before we could release the toys, otherwise the series would not have been allowed to air in some countries overseas.
13But that is only part of the reason for not doing a series. Other reasons are about half the fans polled on BZP don't want one, and when someone else is producing your series, it's easy to lose control of it and wind up with stories being told you don't like.
15EDIT: maybe we should give GregF a break, his Pm inbox is full since yesterday

1Wow. That is awesome . . . It probably is where Terry is. Nice find, Adventurer .
1doubtful, the map has nothing to do with this year. but later, and who knows when that is.
1I'm starting to think: could the map be like what happened in the gate of Mangia? Or possibly connected to the Mata/Nuva, or even Takanuva?? Maybe, since the symbol is so sacred, when it is complete, when the Sundial is in it... Ooh . . . . . .
1I'm starting to think: could the map be like what happened in the gate of Mangia? Or possibly connected to the Mata/Nuva, or even Takanuva?? Maybe, since the symbol is so sacred, when it is complete, when the Sundial is in it... Ooh . . . . . .
2Teridax-MoMN, you are already theoryizing, my suggestion would be to start a Theory Topic.
1I'm starting to think: could the map be like what happened in the gate of Mangia? Or possibly connected to the Mata/Nuva, or even Takanuva?? Maybe, since the symbol is so sacred, when it is complete, when the Sundial is in it... Ooh . . . . . .
2Teridax-MoMN, you are already theoryizing, my suggestion would be to start a Theory Topic.
3It should be okay, it's sort of commenting on the PM, with all the possabilities. But i guess it's up tp ET if that would be okay.
4Oops, sorry, got a little excited Still, great work, Adventurer . Did you just have a feeling to ask him that?
5OffTopic/Theory:6Perhaps the Nynrah Ghosts are in the Red Star?
7The NG's aren't in the red star, Greg confirmed it somewhere.
8But man, great find Adventurer .
1Nice thinking there Adventurer, now to find out what it means.
2Well, I've been having a conversation with Greg these past few days concerning Tren Krom. The results were quite productive.
34And then from another PM...
46And yet another...
63My next question, and his answer, are in the spoiler tag, since they could certainly be a spoiler for Federation of Fear 6. So if you don't want to know Tren Krom's purpose and destiny, it would be best not to read ahead.
76Edit: I've seen a few quotes that have quoted the whole block of text above, and I figure that could be a hassle for some, so here's the main quote for convenience.
79There we go, that should help make things easier.
80There you go . 81-Ax-

2Well, I've been having a conversation with Greg these past few days concerning Tren Krom. The results were quite productive.
3Hello there Greg. After reading Mutran Chronicles 5 (great job by the way), I have a few questions about Tren Krom. 4I understand if you can't answer. 51) Could Tren Krom be considered a manufacturer of sorts? 62) How far below Mata Nui in level of power would you say he is? 73) He wouldn't happen to have anything to do with protodermis, would he? 84) The island Tren Krom is on, is it his native land and/or base of operations? 9Thanks Greg . 10-Ax-
111) In what way? 122) Below, but not vastly far below 133) Such as what? 144) Neither, really
151) I was thinking of manufacturing in the sense of creating materials that are needed in the Universe. 163) I was thinking the creation and distribution of various forms of Protodermis. 17-Ax-
181-3) Off the top of my head, I would say no. At the time he was most active, he was not needed to do those things
19Okay, I see. 201) From the way you phrased your answer, I get the impression that he was responsible for the creation/maintenance of multiple things. Is this true? 211a) If so, is it possible that he still is making these things, just not as actively as he used to? 22And then a few more I thought of... 232) We know that Tren Krom is close to Mata Nui's power level, and that Mata Nui is physically stronger than a Great Being. How would you say Trem Krom compares in power level to a Great Being? 243) In his current form, is Tren Krom capable of movement? (In the sense of getting up and moving around the island?) 254) This may sound crazy, but when I look at Tren Krom, I get the impression of not necessarily an evil being, but more of a reclusive hermit. I suspect that something, perhaps something beyond his control, perhaps something as simple as a threat or his own fears, has driven him to this island where he remains hidden to most of the Universe. Over time, he has become desperate for information about what is happening in his Universe, leading him to use unorthodox and violent methods (trapping the Brutaka's team, mind probing Mutran) to learn about the events of the Universe. 26I see it kind of as a scenario in real life. Say that there is a war going on in your country, so you have to head to a bomb shelter and remain there until you get word that all is safe. In the bomb shelter is some food, water, and a television. However, the television only receives a channel which constantly plays movies. After several weeks without any word of how the war is progressing, wouldn't you be desperate, and willing to do seemingly unorthodox or violent acts to get a channel that would give you news of what is happening in the outside world?
27I think I got a little carried away back there, but anyway, how would you say the above description would compare to Tren Krom's real attitude?
28Thanks again, I really appreciate it. 29-Ax-
301) Not really sure what in my answer would give you that impression? 312) I would say he is not physically stronger than a Great Being. 323) Haven't decided. 334) I think you are definitely on a path here ... I really don't see Tren Krom as evil myself, so much as I see him as primal, if that makes sense.
34And then from another PM...
35Hello again Greg. After our last conversation, I have a few more questions about Tren Krom. 361) What kind of relationship would you say he had with the Great Beings? In terms of servant, friend, necessary asset, business associate, etc. 371a) How about his relationship with Mata Nui? 382) Would you say that Tren Krom has always been primal, since the beginning of his life? 393) This thought just popped into my head: would Tren Krom happen to be the creator/maintainer of organic lifeforms in the Universe? 40Thanks . 41-Ax-
421) Mmm, don't want to answer this yet 431a) Didn't really have one. 442) Yes 453) Nope. The only organic lifeforms we know of in the Matoran universe are the krana and kraata, and we know who makes those. The organic things we have seen elsewhere, like the sea squid, have nothing to do with the Matoran universe.
46And yet another...
47Hello there Greg. I hope you had a good Easter. I've just come up with a few more questions about Tren Krom.
481) Would the knowledge Mutran gained from Tren Krom happen to be responsible for Destral's movement? 491a) How about Teridax's ability to control the protodermis pillars in Legends of Metru Nui? 502) Would you say that Tren Krom's ability to control the stone walls on his island is directly related to his destiny in the Universe, or a separate power? 513) Would you say that his destiny has a definite end, or is more of an ongoing process?
524) I've been thinking about Tren Krom, and have put together an evaluation of his life and character:
53Thousands of years ago, the Great Beings created Tren Krom and gave him a specific purpose (perhaps having to do with creating or maintaining some part of the Universe). They gave him a primal mentality, possibly so that he would simply focus on his job. Tren Krom did his job well, and eventually, Mata Nui came into existance. Tren Krom received little or no attention from Mata Nui though, since Tren Krom was simply doing his job (kind of like how a human tends to forget that their stomach is digesting, or their glands pumping). Some time later however, something happened. Something changed and mutated Tren Krom into his hideous, tentacled form. After seeing the effects of this transformation, Tren Krom retreated to his small island, out of sight, and out of mind of the rest of the Universe. He still continued to do his job during this time, but to the Matoran, only lived in legend. 54Over time, Tren Krom became increasingly lonely, as well as desperate for news of how things progressed in the Universe. Then Mutran came to his island. Excited by the potential to learn new information, Tren Krom probed Mutran's mind, and in his eagerness, allowed Mutran obtain certain information about the Universe. Mutran then left, and Tren Krom grew lonely again. Then Brutaka's team showed up, presenting the opportunity to get new information, as well as perhaps a friend.
55How close would you say the above summary is to the truth?
56Thanks . 57-Ax-
581) No 591a) Possibly 602) He has already fulfilled his destiny, so not sure how best to answer this one 613) Already been fulfilled 624) Well, you are correct in his being created prior to Mata Nui, but much of the rest of it is not correct -- which couldn't be helped, because you don't know yet what TK's job was. If you knew that, you would pretty much have no issue figuring this out. I can tell you that TK's look is not the result of mutation, it's how he has always looked.
63My next question, and his answer, are in the spoiler tag, since they could certainly be a spoiler for Federation of Fear 6. So if you don't want to know Tren Krom's purpose and destiny, it would be best not to read ahead.

64Okay... now that helps. 65I've been thinking it over and I have arrived at another possible conclusion.
66I've been thinking it over with all the evidence from past questions, and it's one of the only options that makes sense. 67Maybe the Great Beings created Tren Krom to aid them in sustaining the Universe. Perhaps while they were busy creating things, he kept an eye on things in the Domes. 68And perhaps his primal mentality was made so that he would not hav1) Was TK's job (and destiny) to help sustain the Universe before Mata Nui came to life? 69e feelings of jealousy after Mata Nui took over his job. 70It would also explain the knowledge Mutran gained from him, as well as his control over the stone walls on his island. Perhaps he knows how things like protodermis work. This would also make him a great threat, so after Mata Nui came to life, the GBs maybe hid TK away on his island, to prevent anyone from gaining the knowledge of how the Universe worked. (Unfortunately, Mutran gained this knowledge anyway).
71In my mind, it's kind of like a factory that is working on building a highly advanced computer. The workers (the Great Beings) build the parts that will be needed to make this computer and keep it running smoothly. But the workers decide to also make and employ a security guard (Tren Krom) to guard the parts that have already been made, and make sure they keep running properly. Eventually, the computer (Mata Nui) is finished and is turned on. The workers know that the computer can run fine on it's own, so they move on to other projects. Before they leave though, they dismiss the security guard, but also hide him away (on Tren Krom's island) to reduce the chances of anyone finding him and learning the secrets of the computer.
72Am I anywhere close? 73Thanks again . 74-Ax-
751) Very good, Ax, very good indeed.
76Edit: I've seen a few quotes that have quoted the whole block of text above, and I figure that could be a hassle for some, so here's the main quote for convenience.
771) Was TK's job (and destiny) to help sustain the Universe before Mata Nui came to life?
781) Very good, Ax, very good indeed.
79There we go, that should help make things easier.

80There you go . 81-Ax-
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Okay... now that helps. 4I've been thinking it over and I have arrived at another possible conclusion.
51) Was TK's job (and destiny) to help sustain the Universe before Mata Nui came to life?
6I've been thinking it over with all the evidence from past questions, and it's one of the only options that makes sense. 7Maybe the Great Beings created Tren Krom to aid them in sustaining the Universe. Perhaps while they were busy creating things, he kept an eye on things in the Domes. 8And perhaps his primal mentality was made so that he would not have feelings of jealousy after Mata Nui took over his job. 9It would also explain the knowledge Mutran gained from him, as well as his control over the stone walls on his island. Perhaps he knows how things like protodermis work. This would also make him a great threat, so after Mata Nui came to life, the GBs maybe hid TK away on his island, to prevent anyone from gaining the knowledge of how the Universe worked. (Unfortunately, Mutran gained this knowledge anyway).
10In my mind, it's kind of like a factory that is working on building a highly advanced computer. The workers (the Great Beings) build the parts that will be needed to make this computer and keep it running smoothly. But the workers decide to also make and employ a security guard (Tren Krom) to guard the parts that have already been made, and make sure they keep running properly. Eventually, the computer (Mata Nui) is finished and is turned on. The workers know that the computer can run fine on it's own, so they move on to other projects. Before they leave though, they dismiss the security guard, but also hide him away (on Tren Krom's island) to reduce the chances of anyone finding him and learning the secrets of the computer.
11Am I anywhere close? 12Thanks again . 13-Ax-
141) Very good, Ax, very good indeed.
51) Was TK's job (and destiny) to help sustain the Universe before Mata Nui came to life?
6I've been thinking it over with all the evidence from past questions, and it's one of the only options that makes sense. 7Maybe the Great Beings created Tren Krom to aid them in sustaining the Universe. Perhaps while they were busy creating things, he kept an eye on things in the Domes. 8And perhaps his primal mentality was made so that he would not have feelings of jealousy after Mata Nui took over his job. 9It would also explain the knowledge Mutran gained from him, as well as his control over the stone walls on his island. Perhaps he knows how things like protodermis work. This would also make him a great threat, so after Mata Nui came to life, the GBs maybe hid TK away on his island, to prevent anyone from gaining the knowledge of how the Universe worked. (Unfortunately, Mutran gained this knowledge anyway).
10In my mind, it's kind of like a factory that is working on building a highly advanced computer. The workers (the Great Beings) build the parts that will be needed to make this computer and keep it running smoothly. But the workers decide to also make and employ a security guard (Tren Krom) to guard the parts that have already been made, and make sure they keep running properly. Eventually, the computer (Mata Nui) is finished and is turned on. The workers know that the computer can run fine on it's own, so they move on to other projects. Before they leave though, they dismiss the security guard, but also hide him away (on Tren Krom's island) to reduce the chances of anyone finding him and learning the secrets of the computer.
11Am I anywhere close? 12Thanks again . 13-Ax-
141) Very good, Ax, very good indeed.
15Nice going Axinian. It's always good when Greg compliments you.
1Nice . Today... is a day... of DISCOVERY . .
I mean, come on, we've figured out 2 of the mysteries clogging our head in ONE DAY . . . And, yes, when Greg complements you, it makes you feel warm inside...

1Dang, that's what I guessed when it was first revealed that he was created before Mata Nui and had a similar power level. I just dismissed the thought because I assumed the GB's could handle everything themselves. Now I'm kind of disappointed lol.
1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some questions:
31. How would a toa channel elemental energy through a cordak blaster? 42. What would Vamprah have done if he saw Matoro in the waterfall? 53. Are the Hagah's destinies completed? 64. If Icarax really wants to kill the Nuva, why doesn't he just use magnetism to kill them? 75. Would a turaga of light get powers with a toa and would their light blasts be stronger than matoran blasts? 86. Have we ever seen an Avohkah?
9Thanks .
101) Same way he would do it through a sword or an axe. It's a physical object. Rather than use it as its designed, Tahu would just send a jet of flame out of it the same way he would his sword. 112) The Makuta were expecting him, so most likely he just would have told the others he was there. 123) Yes 134) Well, if he does that, he would be betraying the Plan, and the other Makuta would kill him. So that's a last resort. 145) All Turaga have some level of elemental power, which is always stronger than what a Matoran can do, even in this case an Av-Matoran 156) No
16What's an Avohkah? (Sorry for noobish comment.)
17Rahi in the Swamp of Secrets according to Biosector01. But it's not native: It came in with others with the Makuta.

1And just for the record, heres a hint on the new CGI's in summer:
73Nothing interesting except the ones in bold
2Hi GregF, please may you answer these questions?
31) Why was it Kopaka that got Hijaked and isn't for sale if White and Red sets sell the best? 42) Is the energy which makes Taka and the Av Matoran grow bigger anything to do with the large ammounts of light in the core? 53) Will there be trees in 2009?64) Does Mutran know how to attack Mata Nui, using with the Tren Krom knowledge? 74 a) If yes, was it him that told Teridax how to? 85) Are the Toa Mahri fighting the Kardas Dragon? Again? 96) Is Jaller the most upset with Takanuva's dissapearence, because they were friends? 107) Was Lewa actually hit with a shadow leech, or did he avoid it? 118) Are you going to see The Dark Knight? 129) Have you seen Batman Begins? 1310) When you said one of the Toa Nuva will have clear memories of Karda Nui at the end of the year, though he wish he hadn't, were you deliberatley excluding Gali? 1411) How did Kopaka avoid the mind tearing power of Mutran? 1512) Is it true the BoM are winning the war against the DH because everything else they were doing is finished, and they have the time to concentrate on the war now? 1613) Can you reveal what matoran type Mazeka is yet? (As in Av, Ta, Ga) 1714) Can you reveal which Makuta knocked out Krekka's eye, yet? 1815) Is it possible for a Great Avsa wearer to drain the light of a Toa Nuva 1915 a) If so, why hasn't Vamprah done this already? 2015
If not, could an Avsa Nuva do it? 2116) Does each Vehical like Axalara and Jetrax have their own abilties, such as navigation skills and stealth skills? 2217) Where did the Toa's weapons go when started riding the Vehicals? 2318) Did Lewa and Kopaka's Midak Skyblasters adapt to fit on the Vehicals? 2418
If so, where did Pohatu's go? 2519) Is Tren Kroms island within the southern Continents dome? 2620) Which is the fastest and most agile of the summer Vehicals?
27Thanks for you're time.
281) Not something I have info on, Freeze.I don't design the sets, so I had no say on which figures got into the vehicle sets. I work with what they give me. 292) Follow the story and find out 304) All the Makuta know 315) They may, if it causes problem in Metru Nui 326) I would think all the Mahri would be upset about it, they all knew him 337) Avoided it 348-9) Yes 3510) Yes 3611) When? 3712) No, I never said that. If everything else they were doing was finished, they wouldn't be bothering with Karda Nui 3813) I haven't seen the set, so no, I can't 3914) No, that will get revealed in summer 4015) Simple. The Makuta need the Nuva to help the Plan work the way it is supposed to .. if you turn them into Toa of Shadow, you make it impossible for them to do what needs to be done 4116) No 4217) Stored them 4318) No 4419) No 4520) Generally, the smaller the vehicle, the faster and more agile it will be, because it isn't carrying so much armor
46Thanks . Could you answer these?
47Reply questions:
4811) In Bionicle Legends 9, Mutran used a mind tearing thing on Kopaka for what I heard, but he surived it.
49And new questions:
501) Will Icarax make an appearance in BL10? 512) Will Toa Ignika make an apperance in BL10? 523) (Don't mind if you can't answer this one) Could you list one of the powers that the Summer Makuta have lost? 534) Are you writing the intro to 2009, as in the first book? Or just a rough idea? 545) Did Kopaka's armor adapt (when he fell off Jetrax while it was Hijacked) for a swamp environment or a sky environment? 556) If Tahu climbed up the walls of Karda Nui up about twenty metres, then jumped, would his armor adapt for a sky environment or remain a swamp environment? 567) Why is Axalara T9 you're favourite? 578) Is Gali the most agile Mistika, because she was described in earlier years as 'nearly as fast as Toa Lewa' and has demonstrated great agility? 589) Is it true that Artakha made the vehicals? 5910) If the order of Mata Nui will provide the Toa Nuva with any help possible, why don't they suprise attack the Makuta in the core before they can warn the others and ruin their secrecy? 6011) Why was Pohatu, Kopaka and Lewa provided with vehicals and the others weren't?
61Thanks for your time .
6211) He survived it because Mutran wasn't out to kill him. 631-2) Bionicle Legends #10 focuses mainly on the Mistika sets, and the Toa Mata. 643) Shapeshifting 654) I don't understand your question 665) The "Kopaka gets hijacked" scene had to be changed in the book to match what is being done for the CGI 676) His armor in the swamp is still capable of flight, so it might change, but it wouldn't need to 687) Cause it's big -- I like big, more complex builds 698) I would say in the air she and Lewa would be the most agile 709) Yes 7110) Basically, because an all-out war with the OOMN involved inside the core might destroy the core, which would be a bad thing. So the OOMN is going to focus on keeping the BOM from sending in reinforcements 7211) Because there are only three vehicle sets.
73Nothing interesting except the ones in bold
1Be proud of me guys, I figured out the Blade Burrower's map. -
22) I was re-reading the Mutran Chronicles when I came across the description of the "map" they were tunneling. By any chance, does the map look like this? -
42) Oh, very good, Adventurer .
5Dude, awesome find .![]()
6Hey, great job, Adventurer. In the Mutran Chronicles though, it says the symbol is repeated over and over again, right? I don't get how that works... so that still doesn't solve what it's a map of, right?
7Also, why did the Makuta not recognize it? Had the symbol not been invented then? Or do Makuta just not know that kind of stuff?
1Be proud of me guys, I figured out the Blade Burrower's map. -
22) I was re-reading the Mutran Chronicles when I came across the description of the "map" they were tunneling. By any chance, does the map look like this? -
42) Oh, very good, Adventurer .
5Dude, awesome find .![]()
6Hey, great job, Adventurer. In the Mutran Chronicles though, it says the symbol is repeated over and over again, right? I don't get how that works... so that still doesn't solve what it's a map of, right?
7Also, why did the Makuta not recognize it? Had the symbol not been invented then? Or do Makuta just not know that kind of stuff?
8Maybe Mutran introduced the symbol/map to the matoran?

1Okay...how is that a map? Perhaps the map doesn't look exactly like that, just sharing the basic shape. The curved lined could be the outlines of the map and the three circles could be the locations of points of particular interest. I'm not sure.
1Hi Greg, I have some questions...
21.If the matoran of Mahri Nui could breathe air, then why did the matoran who saved Hahli die when he got to land? 32.I heard in the OGD that Gorast wears the Mask of Disruption. Is that true? 43. Will the members of Brutaka's team appear in BL10 as well? 54.Will Makeza appear in any books, or just in a serial? 65.Can you reveal what any of the summer serials are called, or is it too early? 76.Will any members of Brutaka's team die? 87.When will Spiriah get his matoran?
9Thanks Greg, I appreciate it.
101) Same reason a human diver will die if he ascends too fast -- the rapid change in pressure is fatal. 112) Yes 123) No. The books focus on the Karda Nui storyline, and no one appears in Karda Nui who is not a current set. 134) Serial only 145) They haven't been named yet 156) Why would I want to give away future story plot? 167) He may not. The model only has one to show off the connection feature, so I may not bother to introduce the character into story.
17Wow, this is interesting
21.If the matoran of Mahri Nui could breathe air, then why did the matoran who saved Hahli die when he got to land? 32.I heard in the OGD that Gorast wears the Mask of Disruption. Is that true? 43. Will the members of Brutaka's team appear in BL10 as well? 54.Will Makeza appear in any books, or just in a serial? 65.Can you reveal what any of the summer serials are called, or is it too early? 76.Will any members of Brutaka's team die? 87.When will Spiriah get his matoran?
9Thanks Greg, I appreciate it.
101) Same reason a human diver will die if he ascends too fast -- the rapid change in pressure is fatal. 112) Yes 123) No. The books focus on the Karda Nui storyline, and no one appears in Karda Nui who is not a current set. 134) Serial only 145) They haven't been named yet 156) Why would I want to give away future story plot? 167) He may not. The model only has one to show off the connection feature, so I may not bother to introduce the character into story.
17Wow, this is interesting

1sorry for double post.
21. How do you Pronounce Mazeka? 32. Mazeka's only apperence is in a summer serial, right? 43. The Mistika Makuta get another power other then the mask powers, right? 54. Mind telling Vamprah's region? 65. Is the Makuta of Stelt a Phantoka, or Mistika? 76. Is there a limit to how far back Bitil's Mask can go? 86a. If yes, could he go from where he was just created? 97. Is teridax's Location have some tie to 2009?
10thanks .
111) Muh-zee-kah 122) Yes, looks that way 133) Yes 144) I haven't sat down to determine these yet, I haven't had the time 155) Quite possibly neither 166) Nope 176a) Yes, but what would be the point? He would be summoning a Makuta with no combat experience or knowledge of the universe then. 187) It has a connection to future story, yes, but not necessarily 2009
195. could this mean Miserix? 203. do you know these powers? 213a. could you say Bitil's (My fav. Mistika Makuta)?
22New questions 231. You told Adventurer the symbol of the virtures was what the BB's were making a map of, did mutran know of the symbol? 242. Is the thing in the swamp that had a connection with the mata have anything to do with the bohrok?
255) No 263) It's too early to discuss summer set powers
271) He may well have seen it, but remember, if you are standing in the middle of something like this, it is very hard to make out what it is -- it's like standing in the middle of a corn maze, you can't tell what the shape of the maze is from inside it, you need to be way above it. 282) No
292. Does the thing have anything to do with the BBs? Maybe what they are digging?
302) No
11. Why did Teridax suck up all the power from Metru Nui's power plant? I know he was severely weakened by the Toa Hagah a few hundred years before the Metru Nui plot, so maybe that was to restore his energy from then? 22. How did this set off the Great Cataclysm? Perhaps it was just the shock of all Metru Nui Matoran being forced to stop working? 33. Do all members of Botar's species have the ability to teleport? 43a. If so, does it take time to hone the ability so that the user can travel anywhere in the universe instantly?
51) Correct 62) It didn't. What set off the cataclysm was Mata Nui falling asleep. Stealing power from the universe simply helped that process along. 73) Yes 83a) Like any ability, it takes practice to use
9Nice job, Adventurer.

1QUOTE 2Dear Greg, I have some questions that weren't sent to you yesterday,
31. Does Takanuva know he is in an alternative universe? 42. Are there any toa that are high-ranking, like generals? 53. What is the avohkii made of? 64. Did Tuyet aid Hydraxon during the GC or did she try to escape? 75. Did the protodax survive Voya Nui's descent? 86. Did Zaktan kill the toa of plasma he attacked? 97. Does Hydraxon have any Maxilos robots helping him capture runners? 108. When will we learn about the mutagen and where it came from?
11Thanks . 12P.S. why don't you just make a poll for whether or not maxilos's name is shared with the other robots?
131) Yes 142) I am sure there are 153) Protodermis, like everything else 164) No one knows. It's a mystery. 175) Some may have, some probably did not 186) He wants others to think he did, but whether he did or not is unknown in story, except to him. 197) If he runs across others in the ocean, I am sure they will help him 208) I don't have plans to go into that. 219) Because I'm not really dealing with the robots in story at this point, so what they are called isn't important right now.
31. Does Takanuva know he is in an alternative universe? 42. Are there any toa that are high-ranking, like generals? 53. What is the avohkii made of? 64. Did Tuyet aid Hydraxon during the GC or did she try to escape? 75. Did the protodax survive Voya Nui's descent? 86. Did Zaktan kill the toa of plasma he attacked? 97. Does Hydraxon have any Maxilos robots helping him capture runners? 108. When will we learn about the mutagen and where it came from?
11Thanks . 12P.S. why don't you just make a poll for whether or not maxilos's name is shared with the other robots?
131) Yes 142) I am sure there are 153) Protodermis, like everything else 164) No one knows. It's a mystery. 175) Some may have, some probably did not 186) He wants others to think he did, but whether he did or not is unknown in story, except to him. 197) If he runs across others in the ocean, I am sure they will help him 208) I don't have plans to go into that. 219) Because I'm not really dealing with the robots in story at this point, so what they are called isn't important right now.
1Hi Greg 2I just have a few questions 31: Is The Shadowed One as strong as Makuta Teridax? If not who is he comparable to in strength? 42: Did getting the Mask of Life ripped off him damage Vezons sanity even more? 53: Why is Gavla, The leader of the shadow matoran, paired with Vamprah? Shouldn't Gavla be paired with Antroz, the leader of the phantoka makuta?
6Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions
71) I would say no, since Teridax has 42 powers and TSO does not. I would put him more at Hydraxon level 82) No, what he saw before it got taken from him did more damage to his sanity than that 93) Ah, but then you would have the Makuta actually acknowledging that they care who leads the Matoran. They don't. If they did, Kirop would be the leader, as he was before he was corrupted. Pairing Gavla with Antroz would be honoring her position, which they are not going to do.
10Wow..... Hydraxon? Isn' that kinda weak?
6Thank you for taking your time to answer these questions
71) I would say no, since Teridax has 42 powers and TSO does not. I would put him more at Hydraxon level 82) No, what he saw before it got taken from him did more damage to his sanity than that 93) Ah, but then you would have the Makuta actually acknowledging that they care who leads the Matoran. They don't. If they did, Kirop would be the leader, as he was before he was corrupted. Pairing Gavla with Antroz would be honoring her position, which they are not going to do.
10Wow..... Hydraxon? Isn' that kinda weak?
1I'm very sorry for messaging you when your inbox is probably mostly filled up, but I'm desperate for info.
21) Is the Blade Burrowers map connected to the Sundial? 31a) Toa Nuva? 41b) Av-Matoran? 51c) Mata Nui? 61d) The Mata Nui symbol in Mangaia? 71e) Teridax? 81f) Mahri? 91g) Takanuva? 101h) Krakua?
112) Would an Arthon be created with a Sonic + Weaken disk?
123) Do you think that you could reveal some ways to make the newer masks with kanoka (since we know about the Garai)?
134) Do you think that you could do a poll to find out the Kanohi of the Hagah (Personaly, I see Bomonga with a Volitak or Huna, Kualus with a Faxon or Kadin, Gaaki with a Rau, and Pouks with a Mask of Sonics) ?
145) Are the Nynrah Ghosts in the Red Star? 155a) If not, anything we have seen or heard about?
166) Are there Bohrok on Voya Nui?
177) Can you tell exactly how the 'Mysterious Thing' in the SoS is connected to the Mata/Nuva?
188) Why were the Great Disks even created?
199) Will we learn of the being/s that tampered with the Blade Burrowers? 209a) Do we already know?
2110) During which DM chapter will we learn about Takanuva's connection with the Sundial? 2210a) Where did he get the smaller sundial? It seemed to appear out of nowhere...
2311) Is the Vahi in DM in the same or different design as the one in our universe?
2412) Are any of the Barraki any species we know?
2513) Where did all of the EP come from that leaked over Mata Nui (island)?
2614) Is the Pit Mutagen located anywhere else other than we have seen it?
2715) You said that 2008 was the year that you would explain the unexplained in Bionicle. Does that mean that you could give us some more info about Lesovikk/Lhikan/Jovans teams?
2816) Any ideas on what you will use the spare accepted names (i.e. Artidax) on?
29Thanks .
301) One BZPer already guessed what they are building yesterday, so I am sure if you look around you will see his theory
312) Since Arthron are not made in Metru Nui, they may very well not be made using disks
323) See answer to #2 -- if the masks are not made in Metru Nui, no reason to believe they were made using Kanoka
334) No, I will decide that on my own when the time comes
345) No and no. (That would make no sense -- we know they made the weapons carried in summer, and no one in the Matoran universe has access to the red star, so how would they have gotten them?)
356) No
367) No. It's summer story, so why would I want to do that?
378) So that the Vahi could one day be made from them.
389) You already know
3910) Simple. Whack the large sundial with a shrink disk, and it shrinks.
4011) Same, for the sake of clarity only
4112) No
4213) Inside the Matoran universe
4314) Yes.
4415) No, that wasn't what I was referring to. I was referring to big mysteries dating back to 2001, not doing massive flashbacks to every Toa team ever mentioned.
4516) No, not yet
46Interesting stuff in bold. I thought that 9 was interesting...
1Be proud of me guys, I figured out the Blade Burrower's map. -
22) I was re-reading the Mutran Chronicles when I came across the description of the "map" they were tunneling. By any chance, does the map look like this? -
42) Oh, very good, Adventurer .
5Should have known you would figure it out eventually...

1I'm very sorry for messaging you when your inbox is probably mostly filled up, but I'm desperate for info.
21) Is the Blade Burrowers map connected to the Sundial? 31a) Toa Nuva? 41b) Av-Matoran? 51c) Mata Nui? 61d) The Mata Nui symbol in Mangaia? 71e) Teridax? 81f) Mahri? 91g) Takanuva? 101h) Krakua?
112) Would an Arthon be created with a Sonic + Weaken disk?
123) Do you think that you could reveal some ways to make the newer masks with kanoka (since we know about the Garai)?
134) Do you think that you could do a poll to find out the Kanohi of the Hagah (Personaly, I see Bomonga with a Volitak or Huna, Kualus with a Faxon or Kadin, Gaaki with a Rau, and Pouks with a Mask of Sonics) ?
145) Are the Nynrah Ghosts in the Red Star? 155a) If not, anything we have seen or heard about?
166) Are there Bohrok on Voya Nui?
177) Can you tell exactly how the 'Mysterious Thing' in the SoS is connected to the Mata/Nuva?
188) Why were the Great Disks even created?
199) Will we learn of the being/s that tampered with the Blade Burrowers? 209a) Do we already know?
2110) During which DM chapter will we learn about Takanuva's connection with the Sundial? 2210a) Where did he get the smaller sundial? It seemed to appear out of nowhere...
2311) Is the Vahi in DM in the same or different design as the one in our universe?
2412) Are any of the Barraki any species we know?
2513) Where did all of the EP come from that leaked over Mata Nui (island)?
2614) Is the Pit Mutagen located anywhere else other than we have seen it?
2715) You said that 2008 was the year that you would explain the unexplained in Bionicle. Does that mean that you could give us some more info about Lesovikk/Lhikan/Jovans teams?
2816) Any ideas on what you will use the spare accepted names (i.e. Artidax) on?
29Thanks .
301) One BZPer already guessed what they are building yesterday, so I am sure if you look around you will see his theory
312) Since Arthron are not made in Metru Nui, they may very well not be made using disks
323) See answer to #2 -- if the masks are not made in Metru Nui, no reason to believe they were made using Kanoka
334) No, I will decide that on my own when the time comes
345) No and no. (That would make no sense -- we know they made the weapons carried in summer, and no one in the Matoran universe has access to the red star, so how would they have gotten them?)
356) No
367) No. It's summer story, so why would I want to do that?
378) So that the Vahi could one day be made from them.
389) You already know
3910) Simple. Whack the large sundial with a shrink disk, and it shrinks.
4011) Same, for the sake of clarity only
4112) No
4213) Inside the Matoran universe
4314) Yes.
4415) No, that wasn't what I was referring to. I was referring to big mysteries dating back to 2001, not doing massive flashbacks to every Toa team ever mentioned.
4516) No, not yet
46Interesting stuff in bold. I thought that 9 was interesting...
47@9: I guess the Makuta did.