1Hello. A few things:
21. Is it possible that we might see a Skakdi protagonist sometime? Perhaps in a serial?
32. Will we be seeing Krahka again? 42a. Tren Krom?
53. Was the Mysterious Sundial ever used as a regular sundial at any point of its history or has it always been underground?
64. What types of currency do other non-Matoran species use? Or do they barter? 74a. Do non-Metru Nui Matoran also use Widgets?
85. I recall you saying that there was going to be a subplot in the books about how a bit of Makuta's essence was present in Jaller after his revival... Whatever happened to it?
96. I know that Rahi have no Light/Shadow balance and can't make moral decisions, but what about Keetongu?
101) I don't have plans for one 112) Not sure yet 122a) Doubt it, this year 133) No 144) Varies. Some barter, some have their own currency depending on what it is worth to them 154a) Yes 165) Actually, the subplot was going to be the Toa suspecting that such a thing might have happened, not that it actually did, and it was in the book that got cancelled. 176) I don't really see Keetongu as having a moral sense in the strictest terms either. I do see him as being somewhat empathic, hence his ability to discern "good" or "evil" as the emotions associated with each feel differently to him. And of course he hates the Visorak for what they did to his species.
1alright, I'm right on Keetongu not actually having darkness and light. In other words, he's a rahi, just an emphatic one.
1I think Keetongu would possibly be acting on primal rage, just primal decisions.
1You forgot to censor the last two. 

112 and 13 are just about Gorast's light-draining power, which is on BS01.
1Hello Mr. Farshty, A few new questions from me...
21) How does destiny work for fused beings? For the Toa Kaita it is easy because all of the Toa that combine have the same destiny, possibly the same for the Matoran-Nui, as I figure Nuhrii and co. probably had the same destiny, but what about beings such as Takutanuva? Was his destiny the same as Takanuva's, Makuta's, did he have both of their destinies, or his own new destiny, or perhaps even no destiny?
32) Is there a pocket dimension for every possible variable (This is a bad example since Matoran don't eat but say, whether a Matoran had Cheerios or Lucky Charms for breakfast), or just major, life-altering variables? 42a) If the former, then does this mean that there are a whole bunch of dimensions that are basically just copies of ours, that had a slight deviation at one point but that wasn't enough to change anything else in the future?
53) Could a Toa materialize their element from a distance, or only nearby? For example, A Toa of Iron is defending a group of Matoran that are near a deep chasm in the ground. The chasm is 50 feet away and he can't go over there because he is too busy fighting his enemies and so he materializes a bridge of metal over the chasm that the Matoran can cross and get to safety. Would this work or would he have to move over to the chasm to create the bridge?
64) Sorry, Spoilers for the Kingdom.
75) Do you have a role model, or person that you particularly admire and try to emulate? Mine is George Washington![]()
8Thank you very much .
91) When you fuse bodies and minds, you create a new being with a new destiny. 102) The physics theory states every time a decision is made -- because (to use your example) that choice of breakfast cereal could change someone's whole life. Let's say you opt for Cheerios that morning ... and you use up the box, and have to go out and get another one at the store ... and while you're gone, your house burns down. If you had chosen Lucky Charms, you'd have been home and died. 112a) Again, that's the theory, but you can't be sure what effect what seems to you a minor decision might have on the future. 123) He would probably need to be closer than 50 feet. 134) I shall not spoil... 145) My Dad, in some respects.
151) Interesting...Does that still hold true for the Kaita I wonder? 162) Alright, I can understand that... 172a) Okeydokey... 183) How close? 194) No spoiling for you . 205) Neat

1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 41) when brutaka revealed the OoMN in the pit, were takadox and carapar present 5if yes, when they met brutaka again in fof, did they guess he was working for the OoMN 62) when will you finish fof 9 73) have you seen trinuma's set form yet 8if yes do you have any comments 94) when i use the SoS web code on the bionicle website, it says code not found, what could be the problem
101) When did Brutaka reveal the OOMN in the Pit? 112) When I have time 123) Yes 134) No idea, far as I know, it's working -- other people on BZP have been able to see the story.
141) when he was trying to get the mask of like from dekar, no one believed him then 153) do you have any comments on trinuma's set form, does it have one of the nuva's mask or is it custom
165) in the OoMN BoM war serial, will you refer to the makuta as a makuta or will you be using names, any chance you will be using jerbraz johmak and tobduk just to save names
171) If no one believed him, would it matter? Takadox has probably forgotten all about that by now, and Carapar is dead. 183) It does have a Nuva mask, we don't do custom masks for combo models. 195) I haven't even started writing that serial yet, so too early to make decisions on it.
101) When did Brutaka reveal the OOMN in the Pit? 112) When I have time 123) Yes 134) No idea, far as I know, it's working -- other people on BZP have been able to see the story.
141) when he was trying to get the mask of like from dekar, no one believed him then 153) do you have any comments on trinuma's set form, does it have one of the nuva's mask or is it custom
165) in the OoMN BoM war serial, will you refer to the makuta as a makuta or will you be using names, any chance you will be using jerbraz johmak and tobduk just to save names
171) If no one believed him, would it matter? Takadox has probably forgotten all about that by now, and Carapar is dead. 183) It does have a Nuva mask, we don't do custom masks for combo models. 195) I haven't even started writing that serial yet, so too early to make decisions on it.
1Hello Greg. I hope you can answer these ones: 21) If I kill a past Bitil the present one has summoned, am I creating a temporal paradox? 32) Will we learn how the Order member in Mahri Nui died? 43) We saw Chirox cutting a part of Kojol's armor, and it didn't kill him. How much of a Makuta's armor can you cut? Does it weaken him? 54) In the first battle of the new comic, Gali, Tahu and Onua were out of the pictures, but they went into the battle too, didn't they? 65) If the Ignika can turn someone into was he was before, could it turn the Shadow Matoran into Av, Ta, Le-Matoran? 76) Let's suppose a Po-Matoran was turned into a Toa of Stone and then, into a Toa of Shadow, can the Ignika turn him into a Shadow Matoran? 87) When the Order will attack the BOM, will the DH take the opportunity to attack then as well? 98) Could the spy act in this way? 109) The Order can't have a spy in the Makuta's rank, but could they have any in the lieutenants (like Sidorak) ? Or are the Mana-Ko enough? 1110) Personally, I agree with your post on your blog concerning "Dark Mirror", but did you heard bad reactions about it? 1211) In Dark Destiny, Jaller has a vision of "What if Takua died instead of Jaller?" The Toa are finally outnumbered and killed by new Rahkshi. But currently, the Makuta are ordered NOT TO KILL the Nuva. So, was the vision wrong? 1312) Now that Antroz' armor is breached, am I right saying that he can choose between waiting in his armor and die in a few week or become an errant cloud like Teridax until he finds a body? 1413) Are there still a few Exo-Toa in Destral Teridax and Antroz could use as bodies? 1514) Axonn conquered many cities by himself before being recruited by the Order. So, would the inhabitant of the universe say he used to be a Barraki? 1615) Why do all the Shadow Matoran serve the BoM? I understand losing light makes you evil, but not all villains agree to serve the Makuta. 1716) The future where Krakua guards the island, it is the destined future, or a possible one? 1817) Lariska seems to be more aware than Brutaka. Am I right saying, being weaker than him, she relies more on observing enemies? 1918) Can the followings repair a Makuta's armor? 2018a) Nynrah ghost 2118b) The staff of Artakha 2218c) The Mask of regeneration 2319) In FoF 9, when Brutaka spoke about the dimension full of shadow-eaters, was it bluff? 2420) Last year, the Barraki didn't know or didn't believe that the Toa needed the Ignika to save the universe. But would they have know, would they have helped, or would they watch the universe being destroyed as a revenge? 2521) Do the Order's servant have their mind shielded?
26Thank you for all
271) Present one will cease to exist. 282) I doubt it, it's really not important to the story 293) Cutting armor isn't going to harm them -- it's just armor -- what harms them is their energy leaking out of the hole. 304) They were in the early stage of the battle, then they went to the swamp. Their role in it is detailed in BIONICLE Legends #9. 315) I would say no, because shadow Matoran did not become what they are through a natural evolution -- they became what they are due to a violent attack. Ignika cannot turn back time, it can only evolve you or devolve you along the line you would have followed anyway. 326) Good question. I would say yes. 337) It wouldn't surprise me in the least 348) In what way? 359) They don't have active spies in the BOM, it's too risky. OOMN agents are mentally shielded, and a Makuta would get suspicious if part of one of their lieutenants' mind was shielded. 3610) Not particularly, no -- it was posted mainly because BZPers sometimes tend to see the world as very black and white, without realizing it is mainly shades of gray. 3711) Nope -- the Plan might have well have been changed had Takanuva never existed, so the Toa Nuva's lives would not have needed to be preserved. 3812) Or finding some way to seal the armor enough that his energy is not leaking out 3913) Arguably, but they aren't going to. Teridax is fine where he is right now, and I can't bring Exo-Toa into main story, they aren't sets this year. 4014) No 4115) What's their alternative? If they rebel, the Makuta kill them. 4216) Destinies change when timelines diverge, so hard to say which timeline he was speaking from. 4317) Yes 4418a) Yes 4518b) Yes 4618c) Yes 4719) No, it wasn't 4820) Had they known and believed it, they probably would have at least stood aside. 4921) Have to. If they are aware of the OOMN, they have to.
505) Hum, I think Greg said it could have turned the Toa Hordika into Toa Metru, or de-fused Prototype... But there is no contradiction, maybe tha Ignika would not use its "devolution" power to do so. 517) I like Greg's humor. "wouldn't surprise me", as if he was a reader of the story . 5210) Well, I really applause on this. Even if only BZPers will read it, you really need courage to go from science fiction writer to commited writer. 5319) Really cool, Brutaka is really dangerous for Makuta. 5420) So, heroes had to fight them only because of one misunderstanding.
55Does anyone else notice number 11? Taka has something major to do with the plan . . . .
1Hello Greg. I hope you can answer these ones: 21) If I kill a past Bitil the present one has summoned, am I creating a temporal paradox? 32) Will we learn how the Order member in Mahri Nui died? 43) We saw Chirox cutting a part of Kojol's armor, and it didn't kill him. How much of a Makuta's armor can you cut? Does it weaken him? 54) In the first battle of the new comic, Gali, Tahu and Onua were out of the pictures, but they went into the battle too, didn't they? 65) If the Ignika can turn someone into was he was before, could it turn the Shadow Matoran into Av, Ta, Le-Matoran? 76) Let's suppose a Po-Matoran was turned into a Toa of Stone and then, into a Toa of Shadow, can the Ignika turn him into a Shadow Matoran? 87) When the Order will attack the BOM, will the DH take the opportunity to attack then as well? 98) Could the spy act in this way? 109) The Order can't have a spy in the Makuta's rank, but could they have any in the lieutenants (like Sidorak) ? Or are the Mana-Ko enough? 1110) Personally, I agree with your post on your blog concerning "Dark Mirror", but did you heard bad reactions about it? 1211) In Dark Destiny, Jaller has a vision of "What if Takua died instead of Jaller?" The Toa are finally outnumbered and killed by new Rahkshi. But currently, the Makuta are ordered NOT TO KILL the Nuva. So, was the vision wrong? 1312) Now that Antroz' armor is breached, am I right saying that he can choose between waiting in his armor and die in a few week or become an errant cloud like Teridax until he finds a body? 1413) Are there still a few Exo-Toa in Destral Teridax and Antroz could use as bodies? 1514) Axonn conquered many cities by himself before being recruited by the Order. So, would the inhabitant of the universe say he used to be a Barraki? 1615) Why do all the Shadow Matoran serve the BoM? I understand losing light makes you evil, but not all villains agree to serve the Makuta. 1716) The future where Krakua guards the island, it is the destined future, or a possible one? 1817) Lariska seems to be more aware than Brutaka. Am I right saying, being weaker than him, she relies more on observing enemies? 1918) Can the followings repair a Makuta's armor? 2018a) Nynrah ghost 2118b) The staff of Artakha 2218c) The Mask of regeneration 2319) In FoF 9, when Brutaka spoke about the dimension full of shadow-eaters, was it bluff? 2420) Last year, the Barraki didn't know or didn't believe that the Toa needed the Ignika to save the universe. But would they have know, would they have helped, or would they watch the universe being destroyed as a revenge? 2521) Do the Order's servant have their mind shielded?
26Thank you for all
271) Present one will cease to exist. 282) I doubt it, it's really not important to the story 293) Cutting armor isn't going to harm them -- it's just armor -- what harms them is their energy leaking out of the hole. 304) They were in the early stage of the battle, then they went to the swamp. Their role in it is detailed in BIONICLE Legends #9. 315) I would say no, because shadow Matoran did not become what they are through a natural evolution -- they became what they are due to a violent attack. Ignika cannot turn back time, it can only evolve you or devolve you along the line you would have followed anyway. 326) Good question. I would say yes. 337) It wouldn't surprise me in the least 348) In what way? 359) They don't have active spies in the BOM, it's too risky. OOMN agents are mentally shielded, and a Makuta would get suspicious if part of one of their lieutenants' mind was shielded. 3610) Not particularly, no -- it was posted mainly because BZPers sometimes tend to see the world as very black and white, without realizing it is mainly shades of gray. 3711) Nope -- the Plan might have well have been changed had Takanuva never existed, so the Toa Nuva's lives would not have needed to be preserved. 3812) Or finding some way to seal the armor enough that his energy is not leaking out 3913) Arguably, but they aren't going to. Teridax is fine where he is right now, and I can't bring Exo-Toa into main story, they aren't sets this year. 4014) No 4115) What's their alternative? If they rebel, the Makuta kill them. 4216) Destinies change when timelines diverge, so hard to say which timeline he was speaking from. 4317) Yes 4418a) Yes 4518b) Yes 4618c) Yes 4719) No, it wasn't 4820) Had they known and believed it, they probably would have at least stood aside. 4921) Have to. If they are aware of the OOMN, they have to.
505) Hum, I think Greg said it could have turned the Toa Hordika into Toa Metru, or de-fused Prototype... But there is no contradiction, maybe tha Ignika would not use its "devolution" power to do so. 517) I like Greg's humor. "wouldn't surprise me", as if he was a reader of the story . 5210) Well, I really applause on this. Even if only BZPers will read it, you really need courage to go from science fiction writer to commited writer. 5319) Really cool, Brutaka is really dangerous for Makuta. 5420) So, heroes had to fight them only because of one misunderstanding.
55Does anyone else notice number 11? Taka has something major to do with the plan . . . .
56Um... didn't we know that already? At least, I thought we did...
1I thought he just affected the plan because Teridax didn't plan on having his armor crushed...
1But that means, Takanuva has something to do with keeping the Nuva alive. If there was no Takanuva, no Nuva. Like something bad would happen if the Nuva were killed of a ToL was in existence...
1A continuation of my last set of questions...
221) Why would combining beings with the same destiny make a being with a different one?
233) 20 feet...that's actually farther then I thought.
2Hello Mr. Farshty, A few new questions from me...
31) How does destiny work for fused beings? For the Toa Kaita it is easy because all of the Toa that combine have the same destiny, possibly the same for the Matoran-Nui, as I figure Nuhrii and co. probably had the same destiny, but what about beings such as Takutanuva? Was his destiny the same as Takanuva's, Makuta's, did he have both of their destinies, or his own new destiny, or perhaps even no destiny?
42) Is there a pocket dimension for every possible variable (This is a bad example since Matoran don't eat but say, whether a Matoran had Cheerios or Lucky Charms for breakfast), or just major, life-altering variables? 52a) If the former, then does this mean that there are a whole bunch of dimensions that are basically just copies of ours, that had a slight deviation at one point but that wasn't enough to change anything else in the future?
63) Could a Toa materialize their element from a distance, or only nearby? For example, A Toa of Iron is defending a group of Matoran that are near a tall chasm in the ground. The chasm is 50 feet away and he can't go over there because he is too busy fighting his enemies and so he materializes a bridge of metal over the chasm that the Matoran can cross and get to safety. Would this work or would he have to move over to the chasm to create the bridge?
74) Spoilers
85) Do you have a role model, or person that you particularly admire and try to emulate? Mine is George Washington
9Thank you very much .
101) When you fuse bodies and minds, you create a new being with a new destiny. 112) The physics theory states every time a decision is made -- because (to use your example) that choice of breakfast cereal could change someone's whole life. Let's say you opt for Cheerios that morning ... and you use up the box, and have to go out and get another one at the store ... and while you're gone, your house burns down. If you had chosen Lucky Charms, you'd have been home and died. 122a) Again, that's the theory, but you can't be sure what effect what seems to you a minor decision might have on the future. 133) He would probably need to be closer than 50 feet. 144) Spoilers 155) My Dad, in some respects.
16Thanks for the quick responceI got a couple extensions.
171) Does that still hold true for the Mata and Nuva Kaita where each person that makes them up has the same destiny?
183) About how close would he need to be? Right next to the place?
19Thanks again.
201) Yes 213) No, but within 20 feet, I'd say
221) Why would combining beings with the same destiny make a being with a different one?

1Hello sir. Hope I'm not bothering you.
21. Have the Matoran from Karzahni been repaired on Metru Nui? 32. Could a Makuta store his energy in two sets of armor? 43. Do the Makuta have a name/term for there energy? 54. Does Mutran have Teridax's "unique" powers, since he (Mutran) was the one to meet Tren Krom? 65. Are all of the members of Brutaka's team now insane from meeting Tren Krom?
71) I am sure they are working on it 82) No 93) Not that we know of, no 104) What powers are you referring to? 115) Do they seem like they are to you?
124) I read on BS01 that because of the information Mutran learned from Tren Krom, Teridax knows how the universe works, so he can do thing like raising the protodermis pillars out of the sea in LoMN. 135) Execpt for Vezon, not really, but I thought no one could look at Tren Krom and remain sane.
144) No, I have never stated his ability to raise the pillars had anything to do with what Mutran learned. What he got from Mutran was how best to attack Mata Nui. 155) You're talking about very strong-willed people here, though -- and even with that Lariska came dangerously close to going mad.
161. Just wondered. 172. Darn. 183. So we keep calling it antidermis then. 194. My bad. 205. Interesting.
1Good thing Brutaka's not insane.
1This was a very long conversation with GregF I've had over the course of a little less than a week. Nothing new here, just some questions on my S&T contest entry, as well as some others.
2Hello again, Greg. First off, I really liked Dark Mirror #8. That battle was really intense .
3Now, on to the questions...
4First, I have some questions on my Xian weapon entry.
51) Could there be a weapon that could fire Makuta viruses? 61A) If yes, are the viruses big enough to be shot individually, or are they microscopic, like our world's viruses? I'm guessing the latter, but I wanted to make sure. 72) Could there be a weapon that was built with both mechanical and organic components, and thus be sentient (similar to the Inika's masks)? 82A) If yes, could the Vortixx make such a thing?
9I also have some questions on the bionicle universe.
103) I remember you making an analogy that the Matoran are like cells to Mata Nui. Would Koro/Metru of Matoran be sort of like tissues? (As in an organization of cells of the same type, working together to do a single task) 113A) Could Toa perhaps be like white blood cells? 124) How are Bitil and Krika's mask powers too nasty for Toa? They don't sound that bad. 135) Is Mutagen connected in any way to Makuta viruses? 146) What exactly can the Mistika Makuta do with their Nynrah Ghost Blasters? I know that it would allow them to get access to the T# vehicles, but what other use are they? 157) I think I asked you this before, but how do Rahkshi with powers like healing, temporary invulnerability, ETC. fight? I know they'd be useful in battle, but how does the Rahkshi attack offensively?
16Thank you once again for answering my questions .
171) I won't rule it out, but you have to think about how you are going to keep the viruses alive while they are in there, and it probably would only be effective at very close range 182) There's a difference between being organic and being sentient ... sentient means the organics would have to be alive, so I would say no, that is beyond the Vortixx's ability to do. 193) I wasn't really planning to extend the analogy to other things -- the analogy I made was that Mata Nui is not that aware of what Matoran are doing the same way you are not aware of what your individual cells are doing. 204) Well, Bitil's violates a law of nature by messing with the timestream, and Krika's causes nature itself to not want you around. 215) No 226) Think about it -- control anything mechanical -- what are Toa? Bio-MECHANICAL. 237) Well, limited invulnerability means you can't be harmed very easily, so you can just fight physically. And healing means you stay in the back and heal other Rahkshi if their kraata get damaged in battle. You aren't a warrior anymore than a medic is in battle.
241) Could they be contained in some sort of dart-like projectile that injects them into a target? 252) Sorry if I phrased that in a confusing way. I don't mean they were one in the same, just that the weapon had organic components and also is somewhat similar to what you could call life. Not as in it is an actual organism, but basically it grows its own ammo, recoils to touch, and has some chemoreceptive tentacles on it (or is that still impossible for the Vortixx to make?). 264) So nature actually doesn't like Krika if he activates his mask power? I thought his repulsion was more like two magnets repelling each other. Interesting... 276) Whoa, that's awesome . They could turn the Nuva into living puppets . 287) Now I see. That makes sense.
29I have one other quick question about my Xian weapon: could it be possible to have this weapon integrate with the user's mind, so they could telepathically choose which virus the weapon would produce?
30Thanks for your time and answers,
31~Shadow Rahkshi
321) How do they stay alive in the dart? 332) No, they can't create life. 344) Nope, that's how he flies -- the ground actually repels him 355) Arguably
361) There's an organic pod at the back of the dart with fluid inside that contains the viruses. Would that work? 372) Can the weapon still be partially organic, grow its own ammo, and have chemosensitive tentacles without being alive then? Sorry I'm being so stubborn, it's just those concepts are so crucial to the weapon. 385) So if the weapon were to have chemosensitive tentacles, could they act as a secondary sense for the user to help them detect enemies (because the weapon is intigrated into their mind)?
39One additional question: Say Takanuva were to succumb to one of his dark impulses. Could he, technically, absorb all the light from a normal Matoran, thus turning them into a shadow Matoran?
40Thanks for your time and answers,
41~Shadow Rahkshi
421) Okay 432) I just don't think the Vortixx can do that. They build machines, if you start having them create organic life then you are giving them skills too close to those of Makuta. 445) Yes 456) Not something I have thought about, since it is not going to happen in story
461) Cool. 472a) Hey, you gave me an idea: since I was already planning this weapon to be a secret request from Teridax himself, could he have assisted in the construction of the weapon by creating some of the organic parts? 482b) Another idea: Could the Vortixx have accidentally put a mutagenic virus into a prototype of the weapon, thus mutating it so it became partially organic? 495) Yay .
50Thanks again for your time and answers,
51~Shadow Rahkshi
522a) If Makuta was going to assist with the weapon, he would just make it himself, he's not going to sit around with a bunch of Vortixx working happily away. 532b) Vortixx don't work with viruses.
542b) I mean as in the BoM provide the Vortixx with the viruses to use (like what Kojol did), and they use the mutagenic virus as the ammunition for the prototype. When they put the virus into the projectile, however, it instead mutates the projectile and the weapon along with it. Could it work that way?
55Again, I'm sorry I'm so stubborn with this whole organic weapon thing. My MOC is just so based around that concept that I might have some trouble entering into S&T#4. I probably should have asked you first before making the MOC.
56Makuta would never give out their viruses to the Vortixx to use, no. They don't want anyone else having the chance to study them and possibly learn how to work with them on their own. If you want to do this, I would suggest this -- the Vortixx build a weapon capable of housing a living thing like a virus, the BOM collects the weapons and then fits them with the viruses themselves for their own use. So the Vortixx never have anything to do with the viruses and no one but the BOM ever uses the weapons.
57Wait, if the BoM would never let anyone get their hands on their viruses, then what was Kojol doing by "presenting them with a new armor-eating virus he wanted them to incorporate into a weapon"? Still though, it's a reasonable idea. I might use it. As for the organics, could I just have them be a synthetic material somewhat similar to organic tissue that the Vortixx stumbled on?
58Thanks for your time and answers,
59~Shadow Rahkshi
601) Right, and you saw how well that worked out for Kojol -- pretty good reason not to do it again, dontcha thing? 612) My concern is you are then creating an entirely new substance that hasn't been in story before, and I am not sure I want to make that big of an addition to canon through a BZP story contest.
621) But that was only because he knew the location of Artahka, and thus was assasinated by the OoMN. Or do the BoM still not trust them, since they think the Vortixx were responsible? 632) Idea: could the substance that makes up my weapon be the same substance of whatever is dipped into EP to make Krana? I'm guessing no, because you probably already have an answer to what that substance is, and it would be too big an addition to canon story, but it's worth a shot. At least that would tie in to actual events and not be an entirely new concept.
64Thanks for your time and answers,
65~Shadow Rahkshi
661) Right, but the BOM knows nothing about the OOMN. All they know is Kojol brought the Vortixx a virus to work with and died as a result. 672) Wouldn't make sense, no.
68Alright, I'll go work on my actual bio and see what I can come up with for the weapon substance. I'll be using your idea that the Vortixx make a weapon capable of holding something like a virus, but before the Vortixx can do anything with it, the weapon mysteriously "goes missing". In the mean time, you won't have any more PMs from me to clog up your folders .![]()
69Thanks for your time and answers,
70~Shadow Rahkshi
1Just wondering. Am I allowed to post questions and answers about Bionicle Legends#10 and/or The Kingdom yet?
1No, you're not, according to the S&T Spoiler Policy.
1No offense Shadow Rahkshi, but you'd think you would get the hint that the weapon just couldn't happen 

1Wow, your (SR) entry's similar to mine.
1No offense Shadow Rahkshi, but you'd think you would get the hint that the weapon just couldn't happen
2I know, but my MOC looks almost like a handheld Rahi with a dart in its mouth, so it'd be kinda pointless if it wasn't sentient and/or organic. I'm also just a stubborn person to begin with.

3Wow, your (SR) entry's similar to mine.
4So does yours shoot viruses too? Aw, I thought I was on to something...
1Hi, 2Nothing new, just some things:
3Hi GregF, 4I have some questions, wich I hope you can answer.
51) If a matoran wears a powerless mask, and then becomes a toa, he/she still wears the same mask, only with power, right?
62) What element do you see yourself as a toa, with what mask? (just interested)
73) Will you ever reveal if there is a way to cure the effect of a shadow leech? 83a) could there be more?
94) Do the Bohrok have any connection to the Blade Burrowers map?
10Thanks for your time,
121) Yes, a Great Mask version of it 132) Not something I have thought about 143) Yes, there is way, it gets revealed later in the year 154) No
1I sent this PM roughly a week ago, and haven't received a reply, so perhaps the server ate them?
21. How powerful is the control a Makuta has over being wearing an infected mask? Does he just tell the being what to do, or can the Makuta bend the being's will to do anything he wants. Does the infection allow a Makuta to see through the eyes of the infected, commanding where it goes and what it does? That could explain how Teridax knew what was happening on the surface of Mata Nui.
32. Is there a limit to how many beings a Makuta can have under his control via infected masks? I ask because I assume it takes concentration to make infected beings do your bidding. Perhaps all the Rahi Teridax had under his command had less collective will than, for example, Lewa?
43. Which is sort of related to 2, is it harder to control a Toa wearing an infected mask as opposed to a Rahi, such as a Kane-Ra?
54. Did Nivawk sport an infected mask, or something similar? Or was he just loyal to Teridax?
6Thanks for all that you do,
81) How much he can get the wearer to do depends on the willpower of the wearer and how much it is resisting. And yes, Teridax can, if he wishes, view events through the eyes of those he influences. 92) Also he is not necessarily sending out orders to every one at once. 103) Yes 114) No, Nivawk was simply loyal to Teridax, he was a pet, basically
121. Just as I thought.

11. Is Krika's speical power Spoiler?
22. Is was Spoiler that turn the Miskuta in too what there are, right?
33a. Since people who have read BL10 know that Krika wears the Kanohi Spoiler, can you now reveal the Matoran names for Gorast's and Bitil's masks? 43b. What about their speical power?
54. Would you consider Krika's mask name a BL10 spoiler?
6Thanks Greg (great work on BL10 by the way).
71) You mean Spoiler? No 82) The Spoiler locked them into the forms they had already shapeshifted into 93) Nope, because the majority have people have not read the book and spoilers are not yet involved 104) Until LEGO announces the name, yes, just not a big one
111. Which is true? If Takanuva uses his light power too much, he will only be able to control shadow. Or: If Takanuva uses his shadow power too much, he will only be able to shadow.
121) Using his shadow power too much will simply make using shadow more appealing, because it's easier to use. But it won't mean he loses his light powers. Using his light power too much would mean that, because the psychic shield caused by the shadow leech makes it impossible for him to regenerate light. So the more light he uses, the more shadow will predominate.
13Just some stuff I was wondering about.

1Hi Mr Farshtey, I have some questions:
21) What is plasma, I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it says something about an ionized gas. So, what is it in the Bionicle universe? 32) Masks are magnetic, correct? 42a) If so, why don't they stick to things all the time? 53) Do bionicles have brains? 64)If a Matoran loses a limb, can it be replaced? 75) What will the second part of The Kingdom be released with? 8Thanks for your time,
101) Yup, that's what it is 112) Depends on if they are made from metallic protodermis or not. The Inika's masks, for example, were organic and so not magnetic. 122a) You are confusing magnetic and able to be affected by magnetism. A nail is made of metal and can be affected by a magnet, it is not a magnet itself. 133) They obviously have minds, but whether they have organic brains has not been revealed 144) Yes 155) It works with the same code as the first part, it is just tacked on to the first part of the story so it's all one document.
16Ah ha, so toa/matoran/makuta/turaga heads are magnetic?
17We have always worked on the assumption that masks were held on magnetically, or at least I have -- the same way that Takua was obviously using magnetism to grab his kolhii stick in Mask of Light.
18How would he have done that?
19How would who have done what?
20How would Takua use magnetism to pick up a Kohlii stick?
21Back when we first started doing the comics, we had to deal with the fact that the sets had no hands, yet they had to be able to pick up and hold things. So what we came up with was that BIONICLE characters could turn magnetism on and off to pick up and hold things. If you watch the movie, as Takua passes his kolhii stick, he reaches his hand out and the stick flies into his hand. Stick's made of metal, he's using magnetism, so there you go -- same as if you hold a magnet by a nail, the nail moves to the magnet.
22Is the magnet hands thing still in the storyline, or has that been dropped?
23It's still considered part of the comic interpretation, but in the books they are considered to have hands because the books go with the movie interpretation of things.
1Magnetic power, that is cool. I wish it's in the book.
1I have accurately asked about 2009. Here correspondence:
7While all is very foggy, but one I now know - I relative Greg . . .:-)
2Greetings, Greg . I live in Russia . I am a manager of a site about Bionicles. Also I have also a forum.
3At me to You a question... That can you tell what will be in following year? For I have already got confused (though at me and there are communications with the Russian representation LEGO)...
4Hi TP,
5How nice to hear from you -- my family is Russian, on my father's side.
6All I can tell you about 2009 is that we will not be in the Matoran universe, the way we have been in 2001-2008. It's going to be the start of the next chapter in the BIONICLE story, new universe, many new characters, new villains -- a big new start.
7While all is very foggy, but one I now know - I relative Greg . . .:-)
1Cool, half Russian.
1The magnetism thingy is kinda new. Cool
1Hi, 2Nothing new, just some things: 3Hi GregF, 4I have some questions, wich I hope you can answer.
51) If a matoran wears a powerless mask, and then becomes a toa, he/she still wears the same mask, only with power, right?
62) What element do you see yourself as a toa, with what mask? (just interested)
73) Will you ever reveal if there is a way to cure the effect of a shadow leech? 83a) could there be more?
94) Do the Bohrok have any connection to the Blade Burrowers map?
10Thanks for your time,
121) Yes, a Great Mask version of it 132) Not something I have thought about 143) Yes, there is way, it gets revealed later in the year 154) No
17Wait- when most people asked "Is there a way to turn back the shadow av-matoran?", he replies "Can't answer it" or somehting like that. Either i missed something, or Greg just confirmed that it's possible that the shadow av-matoran can become normal?
18Someone please tell me if either i missed something, or this is new.
1Wow, lot of juicy stuff here... unfortunatly, can't share most of it, BL10 spoilers, so I'll re-post the whole pm later...
2Hi Greg, 36) Will the system for changing masks change in 2009 along with the character-naming, or will it stay the same as it is now... however it works now, that is.
47) Is the BM rahi a cliff screecher? Don't ask why I thought of that, there just seems to be a lot of reasons why it could be one...
59) D'you plan on getting any of the summer sets? Axalara is definitly(SP?) going to be my first, at all costs. It has to be one of the best sets I have seen in a long time - so big, too .
6Well, thanks for reading this, and hope you have a good day (Considsering it's Monday ) 7~Hydro
86) I can't discuss 2009, but note that I said A mask will be crucial to 2009 -- not that we would be doing a whole host of new masks and mask powers. 97) No 109) I like Axalara too, depends on what kind of space I have in my house for it
1Hey Greg . How are you doing? I hope you're fine. here are some questions for you.
21. Does Lariska miss Nidhiki? 31) No. She's a mercenary. Mercenaries don't waste time mourning people who died 1000 years ago. 42. Has Miserix ever taken his huge dragon form before? 52) Yes 63. If they live, will the FoF team be included in the upcoming war? (Seeing Vezon attempt killing a makuta would be cool) 73) I can't discuss future storyline 84. Would Kopaka have the spiked visor that Lewa and Pohatu have if he got into Jetrax? 94) His mask would change in some way, yes 105. Other than Matau becoming evil, are there any storyline changes you would make? 115) No, not really 126: Do all Toa of Air have bad luck? (Getting mutated, Hordika, Infected, etc.) 136) The Toa of Air we have shown in the story have tended to be reckless by nature -- reckless people tend to get into more dangerous situations
14The only interesting thing is that Miserix has taken his dragon form before. Oh well.
1Vaka, he has said before that there was a way to reverse it that would be revealed later, multiple times in the past.
1i find this to be interesting 26) I can't discuss 2009, but note that I said A mask will be crucial to 2009 -- not that we would be doing a whole host of new masks and mask powers3is this new? sounds like a legendary mask hunt again. sigh.
4We've already done that. I'm sure Greg can figure out a way to use a powerful mask without either finding it, or making its destruction a destruction of the universe.
1I have accurately asked about 2009. Here correspondence:
2Greetings, Greg . I live in Russia . I am a manager of a site about Bionicles. Also I have also a forum.
3At me to You a question... That can you tell what will be in following year? For I have already got confused (though at me and there are communications with the Russian representation LEGO)...
4Hi TP,
5How nice to hear from you -- my family is Russian, on my father's side.
6All I can tell you about 2009 is that we will not be in the Matoran universe, the way we have been in 2001-2008. It's going to be the start of the next chapter in the BIONICLE story, new universe, many new characters, new villains -- a big new start.
7While all is very foggy, but one I now know - I relative Greg . . .:-)
8Wait, beside the fact that GregF is half Russian, he said: "we will not be in the Matoran universe, the way we have been in 2001-2008." 9Is this just me, because I thought Mata Nui (the island) was outside the Matoran Universe
