1Well, the island of Mata Nui is ON the Matoran universe, pretty much on the roof of Metru Nui. Maybe we're going a bit farther away.
1i bet it's an honest mistake 

1Greg probably meant that we are not going to see any new matoran again 

1Hi Mr. Farshtey, hope you're doing well,
21. What was Hafu's job on Metru Nui before the GC? (I'm asking for Biosector01)
32. Biosector says that Mavrah wore a purple pakari. Is this canon?
4Thanks a lot .
61) Given his talents as a carver, I would assume he did that job on Metru Nui as well. 72) I don't recall if it states that in the book or not, it's possible it was an answer I gave someone at some time -- no one has asked me anything about Mavrah in years.
8Can anyone confirm if Greg said Mavrah wore a purple pakari?
1Dunno if any of this is new, but...
2Hey Greg, I haven't PMed you in a long time because I knew you had lots of questions coming every day, so I cut down on questions for a while. However, I now have some questions for you... 31. Have the amounts of PMs you receive every day gone down? 42a. Takanuvas size increase will come after the web serials, right? 52b. When will it occur (in what book)? 63. Will Takadox be in FoF anymore?
71) A little, it varies 82a) Correct 92b) Bionicle Legends 11 103) Haven't decided
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, hope you're doing well,
21. What was Hafu's job on Metru Nui before the GC? (I'm asking for Biosector01)
32. Biosector says that Mavrah wore a purple pakari. Is this canon?
4Thanks a lot .
61) Given his talents as a carver, I would assume he did that job on Metru Nui as well. 72) I don't recall if it states that in the book or not, it's possible it was an answer I gave someone at some time -- no one has asked me anything about Mavrah in years.
8Can anyone confirm if Greg said Mavrah wore a purple pakari?
9Yes, he did.
1Can you post the quote? It would help.
1Hmm ###### i have been away from this so long can someone tell me where i can atch the story from the Toa Mahri arrive underwater and so on?
1http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Saga_Guides 2It's got everything you need to know.

1Hi, 2Sorry, I know this isn't the best place for posting member questions, but is it safe to put BL10 Spoilers up as long as they are in a spoiler tag? I have a couple pms full of them, and was wondering if we are at the point where we can post them. I couldn't find the date where the period started, so... yeah. Thanks.
1Hi, 2Sorry, I know this isn't the best place for posting member questions, but is it safe to put BL10 Spoilers up as long as they are in a spoiler tag? I have a couple pms full of them, and was wondering if we are at the point where we can post them. I couldn't find the date where the period started, so... yeah. Thanks.
3According to the Community Calender, you will have to wait until July 15th to post BL10 spoilers in spoiler tags.
1Hi, Mr, Farshtey. A friend and I were talking about some stuff in Bionicle, and we came to a bit of a disagreement that I was wondering if you could shed a bit of light on.
2Say you're just minding your business one day just strolling along, when some evil person, like a Dark Hunter or Makuta comes up behind you and gives you a hard thump over the head and knocks you out. They then proceed to mess with your head to make you darker than before. Then you wake up. Are you more likely to attack them in revenge, or side with them?
3Thanks, Mr. Farshtey.
4Well, if he can mess with your head to change your morality under those circumstances, couldn't he also delete your memory of who attacked you, and make you think it was some Toa?
5Something Taki and I were curious about. And it looks like Taki's theory is still on track.

1Hello Greg,
2If you have the time, could you answer these questions?
31) Would you put it beyond a Makuta to mess with someone as mentally potent as Mata Nui? (In other words could they be behind the nightmares he has?)
42) Will the final battle be all-out or will some be minding their own business? (Axonn or remote Toa?)
53) Are all matoran of the same age or are some created later than others? 63a) If there are younger matoran could you tell us who they are? 73b) Are here any visual differences between matoran of different ages?
84) How exactly did Teridax beat Icarax in MC9, is he mentally stronger?
101) No. The nightmares he is having have to do with the awareness that many comatose patients have of what is going on in the world around them. 112) I can't discuss future storyline 123) Matoran have been created over the course of the last 100,000 years, so they are not all the same age. 133a) I don't have a list. 143b) No. 154) He let Icarax exhaust himself with attacks, and then he beat him when his guard was down. Same way Ali used to win all those boxing matches.
1Hi, 2Sorry, I know this isn't the best place for posting member questions, but is it safe to put BL10 Spoilers up as long as they are in a spoiler tag? I have a couple pms full of them, and was wondering if we are at the point where we can post them. I couldn't find the date where the period started, so... yeah. Thanks.
3According to the Community Calender, you will have to wait until July 15th to post BL10 spoilers in spoiler tags.

1that's pretty cool. not only can makuta destroy toa, they can take off their masks. really useful power 

1Can you post the quote? It would help.
2That was about four years ago... I don't have the quote anymore, but since my mind is a good one (at least when it comes to BIONICLE), I will reconstruct the conversation from context:
3Me: What mask does Mavrah wear. 4Greg: Purple Pakari. 5Me: But wouldn't he look like Onepu from the Toa Whenua CD, then? 6Greg: No, his body colours may be different. 7Me: What are his body colours? 8Greg: I don't think in pictures, so I didn't bother to come up with them
9That's how I remember it. That last part was a GregF classical statement.

1Nuhrii, I can confirm remembering your quote, I'm surprised this information isn't already on BS01.
1Hi again Greg, sorry if I bothered you, I apologize, you can answer these whenever you want
21. Since Antroz leads the Phantoka Makuta, and he is Teridax's right-hand, who is Teridax's left-hand? Is it Krika? 32. Does it require three Toa to fuse into something? Because Prototype was two Toa who were hit with the Spear of Fusion. Did the third one die if there were three? 43. Do Makuta have specialties in the types of Rahi that they create? Ex. Chirox usually makes Rahi that are extremely dangerous (Doom Viper) 54. Was Takua the only Av-Matoran hidden on Metru-Nui? 65. Will the Shadowed One's name ever be revealed? 76. Was Takanuva's color scheme (before growth) the same as after he grew? (White and Gunmetal?) 87. Would the OoMN have asked Shadow Stealer to join them if he didn't join the Dark Hunters? 98. How many Toa of Light are/were there, or is Takanuva the only one? 109. What colors would you consider Lariska? 1110. Does Krahka still remember the Toa Metru? 1210b. Would she believe the Turaga if they told her? 1311. Are the Tahtorak and Kanohi Dragon still fighting? 1411b. If not who won?
15Thanks in advance.
161) He has no left hand 172) It requires three Toa to make a kaita. Prototype was not a kaita, just two Toa joined together with the Spear of Fusion 183) Yes 194) Yes 205) No. When I revealed Teridax's name, after polling BZPers to see if they wanted to know it (they did), I got hit with a wall of hysteria, with people claiming BIONICLE was ruined for all time because they didn't like the name. I see no reason to go through that again. 216) Yes 227) Been years since I wrote about that character, so not something I can answer off the top of my head 238) Takanuva is the only one, ever 249) I am not a visual person -- I think in words, not pictures -- so I don't imagine things like colors for my characters generally 2510) Yes 2610b) Why not? 2711) Who won gets revealed in the Toa Hagah serial this summer
28Responses 291) Oh... Thought it was Krika 302) But I read that they were hit AS they were fusing 313 &4) interesting 325) Aww... I really liked the name... 336) Ah... 347) Hmm... 358) WOW . 369) OK 3710) neat . 3810b) Neat 2 . 3911) Yeah .
21. Since Antroz leads the Phantoka Makuta, and he is Teridax's right-hand, who is Teridax's left-hand? Is it Krika? 32. Does it require three Toa to fuse into something? Because Prototype was two Toa who were hit with the Spear of Fusion. Did the third one die if there were three? 43. Do Makuta have specialties in the types of Rahi that they create? Ex. Chirox usually makes Rahi that are extremely dangerous (Doom Viper) 54. Was Takua the only Av-Matoran hidden on Metru-Nui? 65. Will the Shadowed One's name ever be revealed? 76. Was Takanuva's color scheme (before growth) the same as after he grew? (White and Gunmetal?) 87. Would the OoMN have asked Shadow Stealer to join them if he didn't join the Dark Hunters? 98. How many Toa of Light are/were there, or is Takanuva the only one? 109. What colors would you consider Lariska? 1110. Does Krahka still remember the Toa Metru? 1210b. Would she believe the Turaga if they told her? 1311. Are the Tahtorak and Kanohi Dragon still fighting? 1411b. If not who won?
15Thanks in advance.
161) He has no left hand 172) It requires three Toa to make a kaita. Prototype was not a kaita, just two Toa joined together with the Spear of Fusion 183) Yes 194) Yes 205) No. When I revealed Teridax's name, after polling BZPers to see if they wanted to know it (they did), I got hit with a wall of hysteria, with people claiming BIONICLE was ruined for all time because they didn't like the name. I see no reason to go through that again. 216) Yes 227) Been years since I wrote about that character, so not something I can answer off the top of my head 238) Takanuva is the only one, ever 249) I am not a visual person -- I think in words, not pictures -- so I don't imagine things like colors for my characters generally 2510) Yes 2610b) Why not? 2711) Who won gets revealed in the Toa Hagah serial this summer
28Responses 291) Oh... Thought it was Krika 302) But I read that they were hit AS they were fusing 313 &4) interesting 325) Aww... I really liked the name... 336) Ah... 347) Hmm... 358) WOW . 369) OK 3710) neat . 3810b) Neat 2 . 3911) Yeah .
1Hi again Greg, sorry if I bothered you, I apologize, you can answer these whenever you want
21. Since Antroz leads the Phantoka Makuta, and he is Teridax's right-hand, who is Teridax's left-hand? Is it Krika? 32. Does it require three Toa to fuse into something? Because Prototype was two Toa who were hit with the Spear of Fusion. Did the third one die if there were three? 43. Do Makuta have specialties in the types of Rahi that they create? Ex. Chirox usually makes Rahi that are extremely dangerous (Doom Viper) 54. Was Takua the only Av-Matoran hidden on Metru-Nui? 65. Will the Shadowed One's name ever be revealed? 76. Was Takanuva's color scheme (before growth) the same as after he grew? (White and Gunmetal?) 87. Would the OoMN have asked Shadow Stealer to join them if he didn't join the Dark Hunters? 98. How many Toa of Light are/were there, or is Takanuva the only one? 109. What colors would you consider Lariska? 1110. Does Krahka still remember the Toa Metru? 1210b. Would she believe the Turaga if they told her? 1311. Are the Tahtorak and Kanohi Dragon still fighting? 1411b. If not who won?
15Thanks in advance.
161) He has no left hand 172) It requires three Toa to make a kaita. Prototype was not a kaita, just two Toa joined together with the Spear of Fusion 183) Yes 194) Yes 205) No. When I revealed Teridax's name, after polling BZPers to see if they wanted to know it (they did), I got hit with a wall of hysteria, with people claiming BIONICLE was ruined for all time because they didn't like the name. I see no reason to go through that again. 216) Yes 227) Been years since I wrote about that character, so not something I can answer off the top of my head 238) Takanuva is the only one, ever 249) I am not a visual person -- I think in words, not pictures -- so I don't imagine things like colors for my characters generally 2510) Yes 2610b) Why not? 2711) Who won gets revealed in the Toa Hagah serial this summer
28Responses 291) Oh... Thought it was Krika 302) But I read that they were hit AS they were fusing 313 &4) interesting 325) Aww... I really liked the name... 336) Ah... 347) Hmm... 358) WOW . 369) OK 3710) neat . 3810b) Neat 2 . 3911) Yeah .
40My bet is on Tahtorak. He hasn't lost a single fight yet with anothet giant rahi, not counting the tie between him and the Zivon... plus, how can the literal godzilla of bionicle lose?

1Good one...
1This one is awkward ^^U but it cleared some things for me:
112) No 123) Doubt it.
2Hi Greg, hope you're doing fine. 3Here are some questions:
41)First off, could we assume that the entire "1 year break" that Teridax gave to the matoran of Mata Nui was spent by Teridax battling Icarax?
52)Was it also one of the reasons he kept true to his word? 63)Were all the Rahi that Makuta Teridax used against the Toa Mata (the Tarakava, the Muaka,the Kane Ra, the Nui Jaga, the Nui Rama and the Nui Kopen) created by him?
7...And that's all for now...I hope those questions will not sound too noobish..
101) Oh, goodness, no. Teridax fought Icarax for maybe a day, not a year.
112) No 123) Doubt it.
1Well thanks a lot Bzpower people... now we'll never find out TSO's name... i'm kinda annoyed at that....
1This one is awkward ^^U but it cleared some things for me: 2Hi Greg, hope you're doing fine. 3Here are some questions:
41) Spoiler 52)Was it also one of the reasons he kept true to his word? 63)Were all the Rahi that Makuta Teridax used against the Toa Mata (the Tarakava, the Muaka,the Kane Ra, the Nui Jaga, the Nui Rama and the Nui Kopen) created by him?
7...And that's all for now...I hope those questions will not sound too noobish..
101) Spoiler 112) No 123) Doubt it.
13Hey Mero, MC9 spoilers aren't allowed 'till tomorrow.

1This one is awkward ^^U but it cleared some things for me: 2Hi Greg, hope you're doing fine. 3Here are some questions:
41) Spoiler 52)Was it also one of the reasons he kept true to his word? 63)Were all the Rahi that Makuta Teridax used against the Toa Mata (the Tarakava, the Muaka,the Kane Ra, the Nui Jaga, the Nui Rama and the Nui Kopen) created by him?
7...And that's all for now...I hope those questions will not sound too noobish..
101) Spoiler 112) No 123) Doubt it.
13Hey Mero, MC9 spoilers aren't allowed 'till tomorrow.![]()
14Actually, they are allowed. But they need to be in spoiler tags.

15Guidelines Here.