1Greg, do you think that, since there is so much info on the bohrok, Vezon, Bahrag, etc, in the cancelled BL7--that that WOULD build up anticipation and sales would shoot up?
2And, I forgot to ask on the phone--what is the Bionicle World Art thing? Is it just a big book of random art from around-theworld artists? And when will it be coming out?
2And, I forgot to ask on the phone--what is the Bionicle World Art thing? Is it just a big book of random art from around-theworld artists? And when will it be coming out?
1TC - Unfortunately, no, because the only buzz about that is on MOD and BZP -- and that doesn't equal enough people to sell enough books. A lot of great effort was put in on the sites in the wake of the news, but in the end, it didn't result in business improving. Too many people on these sites just read the spoilers and don't bother to buy books.
2As for BIONICLE World, that is the atlas, or at least a name I have heard may be used for the atlas.
2As for BIONICLE World, that is the atlas, or at least a name I have heard may be used for the atlas.
1And are the Toa Mahri surely the Inika, mutated to be in the water the Barraki were?
1Greg, my little brother has a question for you. He wants to know why Botar didn't ever just go and take Makuta to the pit. Is Makuta stronger?
1TC - I cannot discuss the Toa Mahri. The sets don't come out until summer.
2TOS - Couple of things at play here:
31) Botar only takes you to the Pit after you have been defeated. Makuta has never been defeated for all that long, and --
42) Let's say Botar does grab him and exile him. Now you have the whole BOM up in arms because their leader has been kidnapped. And before they're through, they will uncover the existence of the OOMN, which the Order does not want at this point because it would vastly reduce their effectiveness.
2TOS - Couple of things at play here:
31) Botar only takes you to the Pit after you have been defeated. Makuta has never been defeated for all that long, and --
42) Let's say Botar does grab him and exile him. Now you have the whole BOM up in arms because their leader has been kidnapped. And before they're through, they will uncover the existence of the OOMN, which the Order does not want at this point because it would vastly reduce their effectiveness.
1Disousa -- Why bother? As Rahaga, she had them caged until Norik and Iruini broke them out. After that, she never got close enough to them to use her spinner, and when she did finally catch them, she used them as bait to trap the other Toa Hordika. Dead bait is useless.
2Also keep in mind -- they stole and hid the Mask of Light. Dead, they couldn't tell her where it was.
2Also keep in mind -- they stole and hid the Mask of Light. Dead, they couldn't tell her where it was.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1Post edited -- leaked pics are not allowed.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
Originally posted by Shiruk : Toa Of The Storm:1 Greg, seeing as the mahri pics are located here: (ps dont look if you want a surprise in summer) (link removed ) .... and it clealy states that the inika are the mahri then can you give us a hint to the inkas transformation?2Dude! Remove that link NOW, that's a leaked picture!
3Greg- Is there ever going to be a Mask of Intangibility, allowing a user to pass through solid objects unharmed while remaining fully visible?
4-Private Rabin Delano Donut
1Shiruk - No pictures have been released to the public by the LEGO Company. The only thing achieved by people hunting down set pics this early is that they are left with nothing to talk about or look forward to the rest of the year (and then midway through the year they complain they are bored because they know everything already). At any rate, my policy remains the same -- until LEGO Company releases pics for fans, not retailers, I cannot discuss summer sets.
2PD - Pretty much impossible for me to answer an "ever" question. If the designers make a new mask shape, it's always possible we could assign it a power like that.
2PD - Pretty much impossible for me to answer an "ever" question. If the designers make a new mask shape, it's always possible we could assign it a power like that.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1greg, on the new bionicle.com in the short video, is the mask thats falling from the ocean's surface a new form of the mask of life?
2 also greg, 2 other questions...
31. 4is this a official final/prototype cover for bionicle world?
52.what are the three things across the cover's bottom?
2 also greg, 2 other questions...
31. 4is this a official final/prototype cover for bionicle world?
52.what are the three things across the cover's bottom?
Last Edit: by Daikunus: Keeper of the Moli
1hey, greg, is the information in BL7 going to be revealed anywhere else? or is it just going to be disregarded?
1i thought it was dono not domo, anyway greg what was toa jovans mission? was it to heal mata nui with the ignika? i am unsure of this @_@
1guys, i think it'd be a good ideaa to hold all further questions till greg can answer the ones we have posted
1Greg must be asleep or something, he has ALOT of Q's to answer...
1well legos gotta be busy right now right? i mean, begining of 07, and all this leaking of pics...not gooooooood....for them, i mean. great for us. =D and btw shiruk, it's domo, i took japanese last yearrr
1Daikunus - 1) Yes. 2) I have no info on what cover they are using or on its design. I don't see the covers before the books come out.
2Carbunicle - It's is basically a long stone structure with a labyrinth of tunnels inside which links Voya Nui and Mahri Nui.
3Nikara - If it shows up anywhere, it will be on BIONICLE.com (or possibly BIONICLEstory.com, I am not sure if that is the planned site for it or not)
4Shiruk - At the time Jovan was active, Mata Nui's health was imperiled by the Great Disruption, which was why the Ignika needed to be used.
5Nikara - Actually, leaked pics are not good for you either -- once you see them, what do you have left to discuss for the next 11 months until the 2008 sets come out? While all the people who didn't see them get excited in the spring as official images come out, you will be bored stiff because it will be old news.
2Carbunicle - It's is basically a long stone structure with a labyrinth of tunnels inside which links Voya Nui and Mahri Nui.
3Nikara - If it shows up anywhere, it will be on BIONICLE.com (or possibly BIONICLEstory.com, I am not sure if that is the planned site for it or not)
4Shiruk - At the time Jovan was active, Mata Nui's health was imperiled by the Great Disruption, which was why the Ignika needed to be used.
5Nikara - Actually, leaked pics are not good for you either -- once you see them, what do you have left to discuss for the next 11 months until the 2008 sets come out? While all the people who didn't see them get excited in the spring as official images come out, you will be bored stiff because it will be old news.
1good point. i guess i got 0wn3d. but what's the great disruption?
1Great Disruption is the period of the Matoran Civil War.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1What is the pit, exactly?
1My mistake on the Great Disruption question -- comes from reading the question too fast. Post has been edited to correct this.
2Max - They rebelled against Mata Nui, that's why they were condemned.
3Gabrhil - There have been two Pits. The first was a prison, which got shattered by the Great Cataclysm. The inmates escaped, were mutated by the waters outside, and so lost the ability to live on land -- making their new home effectively another prison.
4Toa of Cheese - Thank you for the first question, allows me to make my position clear. The fact that people want to go online and spread leaked images and info and ruin the story for people -- or that BZP chose to headline the information -- does not change my situation. LEGO policy is that I cannot discuss sets until the company has released images to the public. That has not happened yet. The images that are online have been leaked from retailer catalogs, and my using that as an excuse to start talking about stuff early would be the equivalent of condoning the practice. So, no, I am not going to discuss the Mahri, it's too early.
5As for the Nocturn thing, I have no objection to you sharing that.
2Max - They rebelled against Mata Nui, that's why they were condemned.
3Gabrhil - There have been two Pits. The first was a prison, which got shattered by the Great Cataclysm. The inmates escaped, were mutated by the waters outside, and so lost the ability to live on land -- making their new home effectively another prison.
4Toa of Cheese - Thank you for the first question, allows me to make my position clear. The fact that people want to go online and spread leaked images and info and ruin the story for people -- or that BZP chose to headline the information -- does not change my situation. LEGO policy is that I cannot discuss sets until the company has released images to the public. That has not happened yet. The images that are online have been leaked from retailer catalogs, and my using that as an excuse to start talking about stuff early would be the equivalent of condoning the practice. So, no, I am not going to discuss the Mahri, it's too early.
5As for the Nocturn thing, I have no objection to you sharing that.
1VE -- I have only glanced at it, I haven't had time to sit down and focus on watching it.