1The takanuva size thing is just a set. He is still the same.
1After Matoro died, did anyone take over as Nuju's translater? Does he still talk in rahi speak? I also heard that there were two instances where Nuju spoke matoran after learning the language as a Hordika. When did this occur?
usernamebio said:1After Matoro died, did anyone take over as Nuju's translater? Does he still talk in rahi speak? I also heard that there were two instances where Nuju spoke matoran after learning the language as a Hordika. When did this occur?
2I think one was talking to Toa Kopaka.
3Speaking of which...
4Toa Matoro can reanimate the dead... and he saved the Universe by sacrificing himself...
5LEGO got themselves dangerously close to lawsuits by dumb*** Christian groups who may have decided to shift their attention away from other things. Don't ask how.
Last Edit: by DEATH PANDA
1LEGO got themselves dangerously close to lawsuits by dumb*** Christian groups who may have decided to shift their attention away from other things. Don't ask how.
2Is this a question for Greg or are you just throwing it out there for Easter? If such a thing actually happened I'd be surprised if there was any reaction beyond 'o rly?' (So, yeah, I guess I am asking how because it sounds pretty silly.)
1Greg people say that the Ships in the summer sets are pohatu and lewa phantoka, and antroz. is this true?
1Tanaku -- 1) "Not organic" can also mean biomechanical. 2) You're getting ahead of story with the Brutaka questions ... relax, it will all be dealt with. 3) Dume and Takua are with the Makuta, and yes, the third Makuta is in charge of Artakha. 4) No, the virus has nothing to do with his size change. 5) No. Krika had no reason to take that form in the alternate universe. 6) The Gavla thing is author's license on my part, because she had to look like her set form in the story -- I didn't have time in the book to have her mutated by Mutran. And yes, viruses would be used for mutation purposes.
2MegaToaX - 1) Krakua appears in BL #10. Lesovikk may appear this year, but not certain yet. 2) Yes, it is Pohatu, Lewa and Antroz in the ships.
3Dr. House - 1) Krakua is a fan-built model which won a contest some time ago in LEGO Magazine. I don't recall the name of the winner off the top of my head. 2) Nuju no doubt chose another Ko-Matoran as a translator and taught him the language.
4Toa of Whimsy -- You are worrying a bit over nothing. What do you see as the basis for a lawsuit? There's a big difference between finding something objectionable and something being legally actionable. The complaints we get about BIONICLE tend to be about violence or dark themes in general ... the more religious-based complaints were mainly in 2001 when we first launched it. People who have those kind of issues with it simply don't pay attention to it, and so no longer complain. So far as I know, Consumer Services in the US got no complaints at all about the Matoro story.
2MegaToaX - 1) Krakua appears in BL #10. Lesovikk may appear this year, but not certain yet. 2) Yes, it is Pohatu, Lewa and Antroz in the ships.
3Dr. House - 1) Krakua is a fan-built model which won a contest some time ago in LEGO Magazine. I don't recall the name of the winner off the top of my head. 2) Nuju no doubt chose another Ko-Matoran as a translator and taught him the language.
4Toa of Whimsy -- You are worrying a bit over nothing. What do you see as the basis for a lawsuit? There's a big difference between finding something objectionable and something being legally actionable. The complaints we get about BIONICLE tend to be about violence or dark themes in general ... the more religious-based complaints were mainly in 2001 when we first launched it. People who have those kind of issues with it simply don't pay attention to it, and so no longer complain. So far as I know, Consumer Services in the US got no complaints at all about the Matoro story.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1What is BL#10 again?
1BIONICLE Legends 10: Swamp of Secrets, out this summer.
16) The Gavla thing is author's license on my part, because she had to look like her set form in the story -- I didn't have time in the book to have her mutated by Mutran. And yes, viruses would be used for mutation purposes.
21) Saying that, does that mean Chirox/Antrox/Vamprah are spreading this virus after taking away their light and not Mutran?
21) Saying that, does that mean Chirox/Antrox/Vamprah are spreading this virus after taking away their light and not Mutran?
11) No, it simply means in that case I did not have time to have a mutation induced via virus -- I had to take author's license so that her first appearance would be in set form.
1Will Krakua be in a vision or will he be a character?
1Why couldn't Mata Nui protect himself?
1Mata nui is not a fighter, he has people to fight for him. The toa, his fighters, are vulnerable, and when they are taken from a picture, you see mata nui as a baby in a battlefield, with no one to help it. That is basically why mata nui was overpowered.
megatoax said:1Mata nui is not a fighter, he has people to fight for him. The toa, his fighters, are vulnerable, and when they are taken from a picture, you see mata nui as a baby in a battlefield, with no one to help it. That is basically why mata nui was overpowered.
2no, Teridax was very VERY sneaky. and Mutran gave him the secrets of the universe he got from Tren Krom. 3you try hitting an invisible monkey who is throwing invisible poo at you, and knows exactly where you won't try to hit him.

1Greg, which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg, and why? ToW, shut your mouth about Christians. Our admin happens to be one.
Last Edit: by Toa of Cheese
1Mr. Farshtey,2(1)Has Takanuva figured out he can use Shadow yet? 3(2)What was his Av-Matoran power as Takua? What happened to that power?4(3)Will we ever see Darkmirror Gali?5(4)What do you think of this Tren Krom pic:6
7NOW TELL HIM OF YOUR POWER8(5)...Where are my pants!?9(6)Are Sonic Matoran very LOUD, by any chance?10(7)On a related note, do Magnetism Matoran pick up females very easily?11(8)Are Makuta useless at Ecosystem management?12(9)Has Vakama seen Krakua in Metru Nui yet? Did he get heart attack?13(10)So in Metru Nui, there were only Matoran of the six main elements (including one of light)?14(11)So will we see any of the other Matoran types in the story soon? We've only got seven kinds active in the plot at any time.15(12)What happened to Darkmirror Nuparu? Did he hack some Vahki and escape with them somewhere? Or did the BoM or the DH take him in order to obtain Vahki Hacking technology?16(13) Where's Axonn in Darkmirror?
1Is there any continents in the Bionicle universe?
toaofcheese said:1Greg, which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg, and why? ToW, shut your mouth about Christians. Our admin happens to be one.
2Been there, done that. Found out only questions allowed like this for example. What exactly happened to Roodaka after she was teleported away? Also, what happened to Brutaka/ how did he die in dark mirror.
Last Edit: by Cosmo Kramer
toaofcheese said:1Greg, which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg, and why? ToW, shut your mouth about Christians. Our admin happens to be one.

1I would like to know were they are.
1The continents? Get the Bionicle world book!
1I have Bionicle world and it only shows islands like Mata Nui, Odina, Xia and Destral(to name but a few).
1Are there islands like that and will they become relevant Mr. Farshtey?