1Why are we asking questions? He's pulled a Houdini on us again.
1That's what we thought last time. Do people have to go crazy and make there civilization crash if a religeous or political leader is a fue minutes late to a meeting?
1He better come back soon or the questions will the pile up loads. I already made too many.
2And now I have a question as to what a Life Nova Blast is like- is it absorbing life energy from organisms around you and then blasting the opponent with it? Because if it is, it sounds very similiar to the Spirit Bomb on DragonBall Z, and Akira Toriyama get LEGO the hot bullets of lawsuit to die. And now I want to ask how many members of the LEGO BIONICLE design team watch DBZ >_>
1Mr. Farshtey, this is an exclusive warning:
2You would kill off many fans if...31. Mata Nui turns bad42. Makuta Teridax turns good53. Any of the Toa Nuva, Turaga of Mata Nui or Takanuva would die or turn bad64. Any of the Toa Nuva or Takanuva would become a Turaga
Last Edit: by Toanoopie
1All of those ideas sound awesome.
toanoopie said:1Mr. Farshtey, this is an exclusive warning:
2You would kill off many fans if...31. Mata Nui turns bad42. Makuta Teridax turns good53. Any of the Toa Nuva, Turaga of Mata Nui or Takanuva dies

6"Kill off"? Yes, And typing the letter W will transform me from an ordinary person into a RAMPAGING MONSTERY MONSTER THING RAAARGH RAAAAGRH
Toanoopie said:1What's up with "w"?

Toanoopie said:2What's up with "w"?

Toanoopie said:3"w"?

1Oh wow, kawaii. >_<
1Way off topic guys.
2Wait...why dont we make a goof off topic?
1We did, Silly time with toa of whimsy. Didn't work out well.
1I gotta see that...*looks at topic*...Whoa, weird...I'll have some fun with it later..
1Guys -- Please keep in mind that I answer questions online when I have spare time. It is not part of my job at LEGO, and there are times -- like recently, as I have been in the middle of house-hunting -- that I simply don't have as much time to spend on here as I would like. Please don't act like somehow you are "entitled" to my being here -- it something I do as a service to fans on my own time, not something I am being paid to do or required to do.
2Toa of Whimsy -- Actually, a life nova blast would be more likely to bring inanimate objects to life rather than kill everything. As for DBZ, I've never watched it, and I have no idea if it is even on the air in Denmark.
1MegaToaX - Krakua does appear in person, not in a vision.
2Toanoopie - I don't have mask info on the Hagah to release at this point. I will most likely come up with that in summer.
3Rabin - Their equipment goes intangible with them, and no, they cannot make others intangible. It's like the Mask of Speed, it's a mask that works on you, not on other people.
4TOW 1) Yes, on the shadow question. 2) Never developed, since he was never going to use it in story. 3) Don't know, I make the story up as I go and rarely know who will show up until I write it. 4) Not an art critic. 6) No, actually they are very quiet. 7) Please don't waste time with ridiculous questions like this. 8) I wouldn't say that, no. They make Rahi, half of what they do is ecosystem management. 9) No, and he probably will not. 10) Correct. 11) No idea. Since the other types are not sets, there is no real motivation to include them. 12) Remind me, was it stated something had happened to him in the story? 13) On Voya Nui.
5GH - Roodaka was spirited away by Makuta Teridax and dispatched back to Xia by him. As for Brutaka, we haven't revealed that yet.

31) Why did the Makuta Mistika take on the appearance of BUGS?42)Is there any particular reason why the 2007~2008 Villians are FURRIES- As in... they're all anthromorphized animals?53)In The Mutran Chronicles- the reason Miserix's Kanohi is not on the trophy wall is because it was the Kanohi Kraahkan and Teridax took it from him?64) What Kanohi is Miserix wearing then?75)What were the visitor timings/policies on Destral before Teridax took over?86) Sorry for bring in logics into BIONICLE Universe- but the Toa Nuva will not be able to actually drain Karda Nui of Light... Because as long as the processes producing the light are still working, there will still be light (If you used a Midak Nui skyblaster in a room with a lightbulb on, the lightbulb will only flicker a little, but since there are still electrons flowing through the bulb, there will still be light being produced). The Real problem the Toa Nuva should worry about is over-heating Karda Nui because when the Light spheres hit objects, some of the light energy is absorbed as heat. Or is there something we should know about the Swamp of Karda Nui and the method it uses to produce light?
1wow, Tow i don't' think you listened to a word greg said......
1TOW - 1) Summer storyline, can't discuss it.2 2) They're not. The Makuta are not animals, they are shapeshifters.3 3) Wrong, Miserix never wore the Mask of Shadows and Icarax did not get the Kraahkan until after the events of 2006 storyline.4 4) Hasn't been revealed yet5 5) There was no reason for anyone to visit Destral, unless expressly invited6 6) You can't apply Earth science to BIONICLE, so don't bother trying. Just a waste of your time.
Greg2660 said:1 2) They're not. The Makuta are not animals, they are shapeshifters.2Greg

3Oh yes. Shapeshifters. Who seem to enjoy taking the forms of animals.
4Sorry >_>.
5And why does Gavla's mask look like she has a moustache? Oh wait... those are TEETH. except that hole they always put over the mouth region of the mask is causing confusion with a moustache, and Hahli Inika's Elda had snorkels that looked like a moustache.
6Why did Teridax refer to Carapar as the "spawn" of a Brakas Monkey when you have confirmed Biomechanical Rahi cannot reproduce and have "spawn"?
7BTW... Why do most BIONICLE females look very masculine? It's a very strange.
1ToW stop failtrolling the thread >_>
1In Dark Mirror,
21. What does Artakha think of The Toa Empire?32. Why's Brutaka dead and Axonn still alive? Didn't he try to stop 4 The Toa Empire like Brutaka did? Or did he get away?53. The Great Cataclysm never occured, so Voya Nui(Great Voyage)6 never broke off the Southern Continent, so it was never called7 "Voya Nui"(derived from the fact it's floating). Then why does8 Bomonga refer to it as "Voya Nui"?94. Do Tuyet and the rest of The Toa Empire know that they all10 actually live underground? Iff so, have they ever (attemted to) 11 conquer the surface world?125. How in the world can Kodan keep track off all he Toa in the 13 world? Even in the organized ranks of The Toa Empire, that's 14 practicly impossible, isn't it?
15Besides, could you make one off the story serials in "video" form?
1I don't think they (DM Toa Empire) have any interest in the surface world since there is ABSOLUTELY NOBODY UP THERE. If they tried going up there, they would be like Pioneers staking claims over empty patches of land that were technically nobody's in the first place.
2And sorry Mr. Farshtey for the annoying you with many questions and the assertion that the Makuta of 2008 are furries, we all know that's impossible- Unless Vamprah owns a Rouge The Bat Doll and sleeps with it every night, or Antroz and Gorast have Y*** with each other (Which can be made possible by a sickminded application of the shapeshifting power).
Last Edit: by DEATH PANDA
1dude calm down about all the sets, he doesn't design the sets.
1TOW - "Spawn" is simply the closest English equivalent to what he said -- remember these stories are translated from Matoran. As for your question about BIONICLE females -- the physical differences between females and males in our world largely relate to the ability to reproduce. BIONICLE females have no such ability, therefore the physical differences would not be logical for them to have.
2Toanoopie - 1) As long as they leave him alone, I don't think he much cares. 2) You don't send both Axonn and Brutaka out immediately to stop an invading force, because you would leave only Umbra to defend the Ignika if they lose. 3) For clarity's sake. If I come up with some totally new name for it, I would confuse readers who would not know what I was referring to. 4) They have no idea there is any surface above their sky. 5) No. It's no different than, say, the Elias Sports Bureau keeping track of all the baseball players. If the information gets sent to you, then you have it. 6) We don't have a budget to be able to do the amount of animation needed for a serial. That would practically be like doing a 10-episode TV series.
1Then why does Roodaka have br- *is flung out a window*
2Never mind. I just hope LEGO remembers that some people have trouble of moving out of certain conceptions about males and females (particularly conceptions relating to physical appearance) and that some people (like myself) have preferences that their favorite fictional characters can actually be told apart in terms of gender by physical appearance and body structure where voice and facial differences are not available.
3And... here's three random questions... 4(1) This concerns the type of Rahi Matoran like to keep as pets- Were the Makuta responsible for them victims to Chirox's bullying? How many of these Makuta got executed by Krika?
5(2) Which element do gases that are not breathable fall in, such as Methane, Carbon Monoxide, and others (Soot does not go here as it is floating Carbon particles)?
6(3) This is a joke question and will need a joke answer- what would you think if you DO catch Vamprah sleeping with a Rouge the Bat doll?
1TOW - Then those people need to either adjust to the fact that this is a science fantasy with a logical reason for no physical differences between genders, or if they can't, to follow another story. To me, it would make no sense to give BIONICLE females secondary sexual characteristics when there is no biological reason for them to have them. For that matter, how do you know females of the Great Beings's species would be shaped like human females -- and if not, why would they have modelled their creations after human females?
21) I don't understand your question.32) We have no element in the story that covers that, because there is no Toa who deals with that.43) I have no idea what you're referring to, and am really much too busy for joke questions. I'd also suggest that you remember that there are kids on this site, so we all have to be aware of what we're saying -- the last thing MOD needs is parents on their back.
11) Why does Kongu have 2 cordak blasters and no toa tool?22) Is a blaster considered a toa tool?33) Where are all of these cordak ammo being found?44) I thought the Rahga's mutation was permanent after a while. How can Roodaka just change them back? 55) What was the job of Tren Quam?66) How did he kill Karapar/Carapar, exactly?
Greg2660 said:

11) I don't understand your question.
23) I have no idea what you're referring to, and am really much too busy for joke questions. I'd also suggest that you remember that there are kids on this site, so we all have to be aware of what we're saying -- the last thing MOD needs is parents on their back.

41) Then may I restate? Here you go: Did MAKUTA responsible for making RAHI of the kind MATORAN WOULD LIKE KEEPING AS PETS end up as THE BUTT OF MEAN MAKUTA JOKES on Destral and end up getting mocked by Chirox? How many of those Makuta still remain in the BoM?
53) No, not THAT kind of doll! <shudder> A normal plush doll! WITH NO LEWD MODIFICATIONS. The question was what you'd say to Vamprah if you CAUGHT him asleep with a plush doll of this thing?
Last Edit: by DEATH PANDA
11) Keep in mind that the kind of Rahi that Matoran were keeping as pets in Metru Nui were things like lava eels - not exactly warm and cuddly. Their "pets" (Pewku included) were perfectly sound Rahi who had roles to play in the grand scheme of things -- they weren't puppies and kittens with no more purpose than being cute. So the Makuta would have no reason to react the way you are suggesting.
2DGH - 1) Well, if you had to go up against six huge armies, which would you prefer -- weapons you could fire from a distance, or something you had to be right in the middle of the enemy to use? 2) In the sense that elemental power can be channeled through it if need be, yes. 3) The Barraki had a cache of it, which they stole from Hydraxon's armory in the Pit. 4) Roodaka was the one who originally made them Rahaga using her Rhotuka spinner. What she did, she can undo. 5) Tren Krom oversaw the Matoran universe during the time before Mata Nui existed. 6) Turned his body to a crystalline substance, then shattered it.
Last Edit: by Greg2660
1I do have a few questions to ask real quick...
21. Will we ever really learn the reason behind the Sundial being in the Archives?
32. Was there purpose behind leaving the telescope and mountain intact, or was it done for Gali to do her job first, then it would be destroyed? IE, was it there in the first place?
43. Apparantly on BS01, it says the sundial is linked to Takanuva. Was this through when he opened it, or is there more to it than we're letting on?
54. I heard from a buddy how you commented 2009 won't be in the domes, but you also are reluctant to mention it's on the surface either. If those are the only two places we heard of, where else could it be, or am I just misunderstanding?
65. Will the Blade Burrowers play any larger role in the storyline, or are they pretty much done with their role?
76. Concerning the old monsters we've come to know and love (Kardas, Tahtorak, Kanohi Dragon), are they in reserve or will they play a role eventually?
8Not sure how much you plan to answer/can answer, whatever you can say will help. Thanks Greg. -RR/Swert
1 Just wondering, I know Bionicle is a science fantasy type story featuring a world with several unexplored areas, but I would like to know;
2Is there anywhere on/within the Bionicle planet witch technology several times more advanced than anything we have seen thus far in the story, and if so, will we ever go there or would that create the "real life physics to Bionicle physics" problem that often pops up?
Last Edit: by Biocore