1Hey Greg, just a few questions;
2First a non-BL#1 question:
31) How did the Turaga know the names of the Toa Olda while on Mata-Nui?
4Allright, now a few about BL#1:
52) When will it be allright to post spoilers for BL#1, such as this Q/A post?
63) Is the source of Avak's powers a clue towards the source of Zaktan's and the rest of the Piraka's?
74) How did Zaktan know that the Toa Nuva were Nuva? Have there been Nuva other than the ones we know, in the past?
81) Simple. Vakama has visions. 92) An official topic has already been opened for it. 103) No 114) If you read BL #1, you know that he isn't sure either how he knows the name.
12Hey Greg- thank you for being patient enough to answer questions every day from hundreds of members on this board. I'll make it quick-
131) If Zaktan's weapon is made of Protodites, how effective is in it combat? Are his protodites able to stay still and tightly packed together for long enough to take a blow from Tahu's flame sword?
14And one Off-topic, something I'm just a little curious about-
152) How did you get the patience to answer so many questions every day? Why do you allow us to send you PMs with questions all the time?
161) Yes 172) Because I enjoy it. Answering questions on here is one of the highlights of my workday. Yes, sometimes the questions are repetitive, but they also serve some useful purposes -- they let me know what you guys care about, what you don't, what you are confused by that maybe we can make clearer, and sometimes they challenge me to think about story elements in different ways.
14) How did Zaktan know that the Toa Nuva were Nuva? Have there been Nuva other than the ones we know, in the past?
24) If you read BL #1, you know that he isn't sure either how he knows the name.
3You know, thats kind of eerie....
4Well, It seems as The Piraka have brought a lot to Bionicle... I mean, they can do so much::
5I had some questions for greg that I asked awhile ago and that I just found in my pm Box and I'm not sure if I've posted them, so I will. Theyre nothing important, just things I had been wondering.
6QUOTE 7Hey greg:I just finished Time Trap,and I have to say,Kudos to you::The way you made Makuta act was so cool.Well,anyways,I have some questions about it.
81.How did The Karzahni get to the Great Furnace Ruins?
92.Did Makuta know that the Karzhani was present on Metru-Nui?
103.What happened to Keetongu after Vakama fled from Makuta?
114.Where were the Rahaga when the Battle at the Great Temple was going on?
125.Since the Shadowed One aged a Thousand years,did his appearance change at all?
136.What about his strength?Did it diminish at all?
147.How did the Dark Hunters React to the Shadowed One's increased age?
158.Did Voporak go with The Shadowed One back to the Dark Hunter's Island?
169.Is it possible that the Kakama TSO kicks into the Ocean on his way to Metru-nui,belonged to Kodan?
1710.Is it possible for Voporak to undo the effect his shield had on TSO?
1811.Just to be clear,after Vakama blows up the energized protodermis,The Great Temple is completely leveled,right?
1912.When Vakama spoke with Krakua,was it another one of his visions,or was it the effect of that Krana/Kraata Hybrid thing being attached to his mask?
20Okay,that about wraps my questions up.Thanks:
221) Well, we know it was growing from a log used for the boat that took the Toa Metru back to Metru Nui, so it was possible for it to show up anywhere in the city 232) Yes -- he hired it to pretend to be the Morbuzakh 243) It made its way to safety 254) Most likely back in the Archives freeing Rahi 265) Not so you would notice 276) Most likely 287) If they had any reaction, they kept it to themselves so as to continue living long lives 298) Yes 309) Doubtful. It was a great mask and Kodan was not a Toa. 3110) No. He can't de-age things 3211) It's heavily damaged, yes 3312) It was a combination of the fact that the hybrid lets you see the future and Krakua having the power of telepathy
1Some quite good stuff here:
21) In Legends Of Metru Nui, when Makuta reveals himself, he is described as having "a face all too well-known to the Toa Metru." That seems to imply that the Matoran had seen Makuta before, either in person or on, say, carvings. Could you shed some light on this? 31) I have no doubt they had. If not, why would Makuta have needed to disguise himself at all -- he did it because otherwise everyone would know right away he was there and wonder why. Remember what Vakama said -- that Makuta had pledged to protect the Matoran -- as a BOM member, that was part of his job, so yes, they knew who he was. 42) About when were the Dark Hunters founded? About how long after Mata Nui descending / before the DH-Toa War? 52) Fairly early on, but I would say thousands of years after Mata Nui descended. 63) Did Makuta ever before have the form he took in LoMN? Such as when he fought the Toa Hagah? 73) I doubt it. The form he had in LOMN was the result of his merging with Nidhiki, Krekka, and Nivawk, which had never happened before. 84) Any chance we may see more of The Shadowed One in BIONICLE Legends #4? 94) That is extremely possible 105) In the DH-Toa war, is it possible that Lhikan or Nidhiki fought against any of the Piraka? 115) Yes, that is possible 126) A lot of Toa fell in the DH-Toa War - Did any of them join the Dark Hunters, like Nidhiki? 136) Not from that war, but there are other ex-Toa among the Dark Hunters.
1Ooh... More Ex-Toa.
3What's funny is actually pretty much publicly answered that one here. If Time Trap was any indication of what to expect with the Dark Hunters' past, I can't wait until that comes out.Ikki 14) Any chance we may see more of The Shadowed One in BIONICLE Legends #4? 24) That is extremely possible
4©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
16) A lot of Toa fell in the DH-Toa War - Did any of them join the Dark Hunters, like Nidhiki? 26) Not from that war, but there are other ex-Toa among the Dark Hunters.
3That just rocks: It means we'll find out more about these other ex-Toa who became DHs in the DH guide this summer: Wonder who they are... I thought Nidhiki was a lone ex-Toa amonst the DHs...
1Well, we know that at least one of them is a Dark Hunter contest winner. Fan-name is "Shakuto" (check out BS01 wiki), but knowing the legal process of LEGO, he won't have that name in the storyline. 2Okay, stuff about Island of Doom here. Do not click unless you want book spoilers.
349. Indirectly? Do I hear the word "underground" coming up again? 3510. Yay: I wonder what it is? 3611. They haven't figured out any more? Ah, well. They probably will.
Master of the Rahkshi
31. Soooo...the Piraka get the virus from inside Voya Nui. Are we going to learn how it got there? 41) No, they didn't. They built the vat and the virus collected inside of it. It didn't come from inside the island.
52. Did Zaktan "know" about the virus the same way they all knew about the Mask of Life after finding Makuta's armor? 62) Yes, although I am not sure even he knows the full truth about it
73. Does the virus do anything other than make the Matoran slaves? Are there any other effects? 83) Can't answer it
94. How does it work, anyways? Does it just make the victim obey the commands of only the one who infected them with it, or do they obey anyone, like the Zadakh's Staffs of Suggestion? 104) It seems to make you obey Piraka commands, because it won't work for the Toa
115. Sooo...the Avak's powers seem to be courtesy of the Brotherhood. Does this go for all of the Piraka or just Avak? 125) Some them were augmented by the Brotherhood. Remember, prior to the war, the Brotherhood hired the Dark Hunters all the time, so it would make sense they would improve their operatives.
136. If the above is yes, it it just the extra ones, or were they modified with the vision powers as well? 146) I would have to double-check, but I believe the vision powers are natural
157. Is this typical of Dark Hunters? I mean, the way Avak puts it, it sounds like it's common practice for the Shadowed One to ship Dark Hunters to the Makuta and say, "Here, see what you can do with them." At least, before the war. 167) Pretty typical
178. Did Hakann really sabotage Vezok's pod? Actually, will it really come to matter? 189) Yes, he did
199. Are Mount Valmai and both the fortresses the only important places? Or will, say, the Nui Caves, or the Lost Land play an important part? 208) Some other locations will play parts indirectly in future years.
2110. Does the Mask of Life have a Bionicle name, or is it just Mask of Life? 2210) It does have a name, we have just not put it in the story yet
2311. Okay, you probably can't answer this, but I'll give it a shot anyways: Are there any other "Legendary" power-level masks out there aside from the Vahi and Mask of Life? 2411) No way for me to answer that -- if I say no, and then we decide to do another one down the line, I would be giving you false info.
261. Really? I was kinda confused on that, 'cause they were talking about planting the gathering crystal in the ground. 272. He doesn't? Maybe there's something else in there. 283. Hmm...maybe it does, then... 294. Okay. 305. Cool: 316. All right: 327. So, that means a lot of mutated Dark Hunters. 338. Nasty, nasty.
349. Indirectly? Do I hear the word "underground" coming up again? 3510. Yay: I wonder what it is? 3611. They haven't figured out any more? Ah, well. They probably will.

1Hey Greg: Just a few questions...
21) When will we learn the name and role of the Piraka combiner models?
32) Do you plan on buying any of the Piraka or 2006 sets?
41) Whenever I get the chance to create them 52) I already have bought all six Piraka
6Master of Rahkshi, after seeing your questions I wish I hadn't read all but the fourth fifth of the book...not because of spoilers, but because of something really cool that I didn't read in the book

1Hi Greg, have a few questions that, hopefully, you can shed some light on.
3It's been said that some members of the Order Of Mata Nui are content with the Vahi being in the hands of Toa. My question is this: Why would some members be concerned with this? And will it be addressed in Legends?
41) I believe all that has been stated was that Order was content to have it in Toa hands. I don't recall ever saying some members were, some members weren't or implying there was some division in the Order.
5During this arc, will we be learning anymore info, if vague at that, on what exactly the Red Star is?
62) Well, it does come back into the story this year
7I've read that the names Vezon and Vezok are more than just choice names. Does the connection have an important factor later this year? Or is it just minor?
83) It does matter, yes
9Has the Red Star always been around? If not, when did it come into existence? Or at least begin to Orbit that specific planet?
104) Can't answer it
11Although it's very small to story, and not important, will the Bionicle planet ever be named? Does it even have a name?
125) I have no idea whether we will name it or not. Probably not until it becomes relevant to the story to do so.
13On what level of power would Axonn and Brutaka be considered? Makuta level? More, less even? Would they be considered Toa? Or do they have a group name that specifies their 'species'?
146) Not enormously less than Makuta, greater than Toa
15Since there is a War going on between the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters, is it reasonable to say that the Brotherhood has amassed an army of soldiers. Or is it only Brotherhood members fighting in this war? Could their soldiers be Rahkshi?
167) Rahkshi, Visorak, EXO-TOA, pretty much the same beings who made up their original army.
17How many members would you say are apart of both the Order Of Mata Nui, and the Brotherhood Of Makuta? The standard Six? Hundreds? Possibly even thousands?
188) Much more than six.
19Was it hard to get approval from Lego to write such a violent Book as Legends #1? Will the other books be of this same calibar? Were you excited with the way this came out? Are you happy with the level of action you were able to reach?
20Was it something you had hoped to achieve for some time?
219) If the company had any issues with Book 1, they were not conveyed to me. I did dial things back a little bit in Book 3, not because they asked me to but because of the nature of the story -- the Toa start getting some payback in Book 3, and Toa as a rule are not sadistic characters the way that Piraka are. Also, if every book has the same tone, it will get monotonous after a while. It also helps a little that some of the more intense moments in Book 1 happen offscreen and are left to the reader's imagination -- I have always felt it takes a lot more creativity to scare people that way than just to throw a lot of violence at them. 22___________________________________
23Thanks for taking your time to answer.
25The Red Star still has me curious. Here's hoping I'm pretty near to it with my original theory.
3It's been said that some members of the Order Of Mata Nui are content with the Vahi being in the hands of Toa. My question is this: Why would some members be concerned with this? And will it be addressed in Legends?
41) I believe all that has been stated was that Order was content to have it in Toa hands. I don't recall ever saying some members were, some members weren't or implying there was some division in the Order.
5During this arc, will we be learning anymore info, if vague at that, on what exactly the Red Star is?
62) Well, it does come back into the story this year
7I've read that the names Vezon and Vezok are more than just choice names. Does the connection have an important factor later this year? Or is it just minor?
83) It does matter, yes
9Has the Red Star always been around? If not, when did it come into existence? Or at least begin to Orbit that specific planet?
104) Can't answer it
11Although it's very small to story, and not important, will the Bionicle planet ever be named? Does it even have a name?
125) I have no idea whether we will name it or not. Probably not until it becomes relevant to the story to do so.
13On what level of power would Axonn and Brutaka be considered? Makuta level? More, less even? Would they be considered Toa? Or do they have a group name that specifies their 'species'?
146) Not enormously less than Makuta, greater than Toa
15Since there is a War going on between the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters, is it reasonable to say that the Brotherhood has amassed an army of soldiers. Or is it only Brotherhood members fighting in this war? Could their soldiers be Rahkshi?
167) Rahkshi, Visorak, EXO-TOA, pretty much the same beings who made up their original army.
17How many members would you say are apart of both the Order Of Mata Nui, and the Brotherhood Of Makuta? The standard Six? Hundreds? Possibly even thousands?
188) Much more than six.
19Was it hard to get approval from Lego to write such a violent Book as Legends #1? Will the other books be of this same calibar? Were you excited with the way this came out? Are you happy with the level of action you were able to reach?
20Was it something you had hoped to achieve for some time?
219) If the company had any issues with Book 1, they were not conveyed to me. I did dial things back a little bit in Book 3, not because they asked me to but because of the nature of the story -- the Toa start getting some payback in Book 3, and Toa as a rule are not sadistic characters the way that Piraka are. Also, if every book has the same tone, it will get monotonous after a while. It also helps a little that some of the more intense moments in Book 1 happen offscreen and are left to the reader's imagination -- I have always felt it takes a lot more creativity to scare people that way than just to throw a lot of violence at them. 22___________________________________
23Thanks for taking your time to answer.
25The Red Star still has me curious. Here's hoping I'm pretty near to it with my original theory.
1Sorry about my curiosity- I just love asking questions to one of the creators himself![]()
21) When will you be able to give out quotes from BL #2?
32) Will we learn about any more of the Ex-Toa Dark Hunters in the Dark Hunters guide?
43) Who at Lego is mainly responsible for the creation of the Dark Hunters? Were they always in the story bible? Did you help invent characters like The Shadowed One?
54) In a year without a movie, you are the main storyteller- how much of the Piraka came from your ideas?
65) In a previous question, you stated you had not written about the Piraka combiners- does this mean they will play even less of a part than previous combiner models? Can we even expect to see them?
71) Don't know, it's not a priority for me. 82) Yes 93) The concept came from the story team in 2002, when plans were made for Nidhiki and Krekka. No, the story bibles tend to deal with that year's story, so the 2001 and 2002 bibles did not mention the DH. And I did invent TSO, yes, I create most of the combiner identities. 104) Oh, some, and some came from the rest of the team. The Piraka's roles within the group and their goal came from the team as a whole, the powers came from me. 115) No, just means I haven't written them up yet. If they showed up, it was going to be at the end of the story anyway.
1Hello. There are just a couple of questions I would like answers to.
21. Right here is a map that looks pretty official, and the most surprising thing to me is that, according to the text, Voya Nui broke off from the mainland. By "mainland", does it really mean that there is actually a main continent on the planet?
31) Or two, or three ... we have not yet begun to explore this universe.
42. Do the Piraka use their teeth for eating?
52) They certainly could -- Rahi eat, no reason Piraka couldn't
6Thank you. Your help is appreciated.
21. Right here is a map that looks pretty official, and the most surprising thing to me is that, according to the text, Voya Nui broke off from the mainland. By "mainland", does it really mean that there is actually a main continent on the planet?
31) Or two, or three ... we have not yet begun to explore this universe.
42. Do the Piraka use their teeth for eating?
52) They certainly could -- Rahi eat, no reason Piraka couldn't
6Thank you. Your help is appreciated.
1My my, so there may be a main continent on the planet? Or possibly more then one? I an only imagine...
1Some more questions:
21. What is your opinion on the Summer canister sets? Do you like them? Dislike them? How do they compare to previous canister sets?
32. Does the Mask of Life have a defined shape? For example, if I asked you to sketch it, could you, theoretically, sketch it for me?
43. Any chance Voporak might make an appearance in BL#4?
54. Does BL#4 have a title yet?
65. The new Voya Nui map tells how Voya Nui broke off from the Bionicle Mainland. Does that refer to a much, much larger island, or is there actually a continent of sorts somewhere on the Bionicle planet?
7And a final, random question:
86. Have you seen any prototype '07 sets yet?
9Thanks for your time![]()
111) Since they are summer canister sets, we don't have them here yet. I have only seen images. And I am not sure how much my opinion is worth on this subject, since I work for LEGO -- even if I HAD something negative to say (and I don't) I wouldn't say it about sets we are trying to sell.
122) It may have, but it's not one I know at this point
133) It's possibe
144) Not an official one, no
155) There is a larger land mass, yes
166) I have only seen sets in one focus group, and I wouldn't even call those prototypes, because it was so early in the process.

1hey greg. . .just 2 questions. . thanks for your time
21. How long was Jaller at Karzhani's realm?
32. Is there another Piraka around Voya Nui besides the 6 we know of?
4thanks again
6You'll find out the answers to both questions as the story goes on.
7i dont know. . .didnt answer much . ...but the second question. ...he didnt say no to it (yeah he also didnt say yes but hey). ..Vezon anyone? fenrahkk is probably its rahi riding thing like takanuva and lhikan.. . . . ::shrug::

11. Can anyone wear more than one mask? like vakama in lomn? 21) Yes, but it is not accepted practice
31. Does that mean that Vakama was wearing the Vahi and the Huna at the same time? I assumed it was the movie team taking liberties with appearance to hide the Toa's face. If you actually can use two mask powers at the same time, it's a hugely important piece of information.
4Big difference between wearing two masks and being able to use two mask powers. Not being ambidextrous, I can hold two pens, but not write legibly with both at the same time.
52. When exactly do the Toa Metru/Turaga find out about the Toa Olda? We see the Metru land on Mata Nui with no knowledge of them (that we know of), yet by the time the Toa appear their names and even appearances are known to the Matoran.
6Well, a thousand years went by, spent on an island with a Turaga who has visions of the future. I am sure that helped the process.
8we have stated repeatedly that Toa, Turaga and Matoran do not eat -- three incarnations whose root is Matoran. However, it has also been stated (on BZP and elsewhere) that Rahi DO eat as we eat.
9Wait, WHAT?: Rahi ingest, digest, and defecate?
10I never said anything about defecation. What I said was that Rahi are capable of absorbing energy on contact the same way Matoran do, but they don't know this, so they chew their food. If they do swallow it, my guess is their systems are so efficient that there is no waste. Note the Muaka in BIONICLE issue #2, who waits for Lewa to fall into his mouth ... or the Muaka in BIONICLE Adventures #1 (I believe) who is said to consider Rahkshi a "delicacy."
114. Do all Legendary masks "leak" power like the Vahi did, or is that unique to the Vahi?
12Well, so far the story has only dealt with one legendary mask, so we will find out when we see more.
135. So Hakann's mental blasts do physical damage? I assumed the effect would be the same as Onewa's offensive use of the Komau, tearing up the target mentally.
14Getting torn up mentally hurts. It hurts a lot. It can also make you black out. That seems to me to be physical damage.
156. If you are expecting it, is it possible to minimize the damage done by Hakann's blasts?
16If you have some way to shield yourself mentally, otherwise, no. Your best defense is to find some way to shatter Hakann's concentration so he cannot unleash a blast.
177. In Time Trap Was Voporak in the water, or somewhere on the Great Barrier? Where did that large water blast come from?
18Came from underwater, and no, Voporak did not cause it. Voporak was on the Great Barrier.
198.Is the name "Makiki toad" a new form of "Makika toad" due to legal purposes, or a typo?
20Just a typo, I believe
219. Will we ever learn about Sentrahk's background, and why he is considered unliving?
22Yup -- there is info on him in the Dark Hunters guide this summer.
2310. Is it really true that, as far as you know, Makuta is dead? After reading Island of Doom I can't help but think otherwise.
24It is true that he is dead as far as the Matoran and Toa know, and for our purposes right now, that is what counts. His body (what there is of it) was buried under rubble at the end of MOL and it is still there as we begin 2006.
25Next batch...
261) Big difference between wearing two masks and being able to use two mask powers. Not being ambidextrous, I can hold two pens, but not write legibly with both at the same time.
271. Ah... I'm still not sure of the distinction between "wearing" and "having." So Vakama wore two masks at once (leading to a half-Vahi/half-Huna mask), while the Toa Nuva have more than two masks, wearing once at a time? Or was Vakama in the same situation as the Nuva, except movie-stylized?
28I don't understand your question. You asked about the Toa being able to use two powers at once, and to my knowledge, we have never shown that (maybe I am mistaken). What I know we have shown in the movies is masks being overlaid on other masks ... now consider this (just a theory here, not fact): We know that under normal circumstances, a Toa can change masks merely by thinking about it, thus transporting one mask back to the suva and summoning another (see Kopaka in issue #1). BUT -- if the mask you wish to don is NOT on your suva (i.e., the Vahi), is it possible that you use it by simply overlaying it on the one you are already wearing, thus avoiding the potentially fatal mistake in battle of having no mask on at all for a few seconds? I don't know, I am just throwing that out there.
295) Getting torn up mentally hurts. It hurts a lot. It can also make you black out. That seems to me to be physical damage.
302. I was referring to the vaporized Kikanalo. I went back to Hakann's bio, however, and re-read it. "Mental blasts" could be interpreted as blasts of destructed energy generated by his mind, where I had assumed it meant the blasts targeted the target's mind. So are his "mental blasts" actually destructive beams which could blow apart rocks (which would not be affected by, say, Onewa's Komau)?
31(he didn't reply to that)
323. Does Voya Nui have the capability to make masks?
344. I'm not quite clear about Voya Nui breaking off a larger landmass and "rocketing upward." Will we ever learn more about that incident?
35Yes, you will know probably all about it before this story arc ends. This isn't one of those "keep it secret for 10 years" things -- it's meant to be a self-contained story we can tell in three years.
1Hey Greg: I have a couple of questions...
21) Though Silver Chute Spiders were called Silver Chute Spiders in Metru Nui, I was wondering what they were called on Mata Nui. Since many of them escaped to the island, I wondered what the Matoran would call them. Was it the same name, or was it still Silver Chute Spiders? I am asking because the "Chute" part in the name would seem kind of odd to Mata Nui Matoran.
32) Is Le-Koro near the Fau Swamp or the Kanae Bay? I have two different maps saying two different things.
43) Was it possible for Matoran on Mata Nui to have Kirils or Kualsis as masks?
5Thanks for the answers Greg:
61) Well, you are correct that they would not have used the word "chute" in the name. Most likely they would have called them "silver swamp spiders" or something like that, since they settled in Le-Wahi. 72) Le-Koro is built in the trees above the Fau Swamp. So it is not near the swamp, it is in the swamp. 83) Kirils, certainly ... but I am not sure on the Kualsi, because we do not know if Matoran mask makers in Metru Nui would have noted the shape of that mask and carved any.
1These are just some I had forgotten about...
anyway, enjoy this batch of 20 mainly about 2006...
21. I found out that the Toa Nuva travel to Voya Nui via their original Olda canisters or something... why such a bizarre way? Or is the sea water around Voya Nui corrosive that that's the only way?
3A: Well, what choice do they have? They are in Metru Nui, which is underground, and they have to go above ground to reach Voya Nui. They have two options -- hike overland to Mata Nui, build a boat, and go from there, or take the canisters, which is much faster. Remember, you can't take a boat straight from Metru Nui there, unless it is a submarine, because the waterways to the surface are flooded.
42. Vezok has water resistance -- what good will that do on Voya Nui? Or is it where he came from has corrosive water/seas?
5A: It would do him good elsewhere.
63. Where did the Piraka come from?
7A: Elsewhere.
84. Was Zaktan's protodite state inflicted upon him as a form of punishment or a biological enhancement?
9A: Follow the story and find out
105. Did TSO have any hand in that? Like he ordered it done or something...
11A: See answer to #4
126. How exactly did Dume awaken/escape?
13A: His pod malfunctioned
147. If you know about the Borg in Star Trek: TNG, they too have the "assimilation" power that Reidak has... to not be able to be defeated twice in the same method.
Did you create his power based on these Star Trek villains?
15A: Nope. Because the Borg's power applies strictly to weaponry, in that they can change their force field, etc. If you took away the mechanics of a Borg, it wouldn't be able to do that. For Reidak, this is a natural ability his organics can do too.
168. Did Nidhiki and Lhikan come from the same place? In Birth of a DH, it was said -- Where he (Nidhiki) came from, Toa striked from the shadows, if they didn't, they didn't have long to live:
17A: Most likely not.
189. What is the relationship between the Bohrok and the Olda?
19A: Hasn't been revealed yet
2010. Was Voya Nui always in the U-shaped form it is in now?
21A: Nope
2211. How exactly did the "Doomraga" die? (Voya Nui Turaga)
23A: Hasn't been revealed yet, as we haven't started telling the 2006 story yet
2412. Why is Voya Nui called the 'Island of Doom'?
25A: Cause it's not a fun place to visit
2613. Are Axonn and Brutaka stronger than Keetongu?
27A: Yes
2814. Neither are Rahi, right?
29A: Right
3015. Is Keetongu there when everyone greets the Matoran on Metru Nui at the end of BA#10?
31A: Nope
3216. Was Voya Nui always aboveground?
33A: Can't answer it
3417. How did the Mask of Life come to Voya Nui?
35A: It's always been there
3618. How did Dume know (in BL#1) about the Mask of Life and that it can revive the dying Great Spirit?
37A: By reading the stars
3819. You said that the Doomtoran have never seen a Toa... does that include their dead Turaga? (when he was a Toa, I mean)
39A: Yes, it does.
4020. Have the Doomtoran's memories been wiped at any point?
41A: No

21. I found out that the Toa Nuva travel to Voya Nui via their original Olda canisters or something... why such a bizarre way? Or is the sea water around Voya Nui corrosive that that's the only way?
3A: Well, what choice do they have? They are in Metru Nui, which is underground, and they have to go above ground to reach Voya Nui. They have two options -- hike overland to Mata Nui, build a boat, and go from there, or take the canisters, which is much faster. Remember, you can't take a boat straight from Metru Nui there, unless it is a submarine, because the waterways to the surface are flooded.
42. Vezok has water resistance -- what good will that do on Voya Nui? Or is it where he came from has corrosive water/seas?
5A: It would do him good elsewhere.
63. Where did the Piraka come from?
7A: Elsewhere.
84. Was Zaktan's protodite state inflicted upon him as a form of punishment or a biological enhancement?
9A: Follow the story and find out
105. Did TSO have any hand in that? Like he ordered it done or something...
11A: See answer to #4
126. How exactly did Dume awaken/escape?
13A: His pod malfunctioned
147. If you know about the Borg in Star Trek: TNG, they too have the "assimilation" power that Reidak has... to not be able to be defeated twice in the same method.

15A: Nope. Because the Borg's power applies strictly to weaponry, in that they can change their force field, etc. If you took away the mechanics of a Borg, it wouldn't be able to do that. For Reidak, this is a natural ability his organics can do too.
168. Did Nidhiki and Lhikan come from the same place? In Birth of a DH, it was said -- Where he (Nidhiki) came from, Toa striked from the shadows, if they didn't, they didn't have long to live:
17A: Most likely not.
189. What is the relationship between the Bohrok and the Olda?
19A: Hasn't been revealed yet
2010. Was Voya Nui always in the U-shaped form it is in now?
21A: Nope
2211. How exactly did the "Doomraga" die? (Voya Nui Turaga)
23A: Hasn't been revealed yet, as we haven't started telling the 2006 story yet
2412. Why is Voya Nui called the 'Island of Doom'?
25A: Cause it's not a fun place to visit
2613. Are Axonn and Brutaka stronger than Keetongu?
27A: Yes
2814. Neither are Rahi, right?
29A: Right
3015. Is Keetongu there when everyone greets the Matoran on Metru Nui at the end of BA#10?
31A: Nope
3216. Was Voya Nui always aboveground?
33A: Can't answer it
3417. How did the Mask of Life come to Voya Nui?
35A: It's always been there
3618. How did Dume know (in BL#1) about the Mask of Life and that it can revive the dying Great Spirit?
37A: By reading the stars
3819. You said that the Doomtoran have never seen a Toa... does that include their dead Turaga? (when he was a Toa, I mean)
39A: Yes, it does.
4020. Have the Doomtoran's memories been wiped at any point?
41A: No
1A few answers nothing real big
2[QUOTE] Since the new Toa names are out I have a few questions.
31. Is Hewkii gold?
42. Is Onepu black?
53. Are the others their normal colors?
6Thanks for you time.[/QUOTE]
7Actually, LEGO has not officially released any names for the summer sets, and I am not allowed to comment on summer sets. It's January. No one needs this info yet.[/QUOTE]
8I kinda figured that.
9[QUOTE[QUOTEI only have 2 today
101. When Zahktan took the Toa of Plasma away. Avak went to go see what happenend. All he found was toa armor a half devoured mask and a puddle. Can you explain what happenend to the Toa of Plasma?
11Off Topic
122. Have you ever thought about putting an about the author page in any of the books?
13Thanks in Advance:[/QUOTE]
141) Nope -- leaving that to your imaginations. 152) No, not really. [/QUOTE]
16I wish he would an about the author page.
17[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few Keetongu Questions
181. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become?
192. If Keetongu did get hit could he cure him self?
203. Could Sidorak and Roodaka get mutated by venom?
214. If so would they have to find Keetongu to become healed?
225. If so would Keetongu even heal them?
23Thanks for your time:[/QUOTE]
241) Since Keetongu has the ability to counteract Visorak venom, I doubt it would affect him 253) Yes 264) Possibly 275) I doubt it -- Keetongu only uses his power on the deserving[/QUOTE]
28Maybe we should mutate them.
29QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few Keetongu Questions
301. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become?
312. If Keetongu did get hit could he cure him self?
323. Could Sidorak and Roodaka get mutated by venom?
334. If so would they have to find Keetongu to become healed?
345. If so would Keetongu even heal them?
35Thanks for your time:[/QUOTE]
361) Since Keetongu has the ability to counteract Visorak venom, I doubt it would affect him 373) Yes 384) Possibly 395) I doubt it -- Keetongu only uses his power on the deserving[/QUOTE]
401. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become? 41It says that large amounts of Venom would affect him in the Rahi Guide. 42[/QUOTE]
43There's no way to predict what venom will do to someone. That is why the Visorak did experiments[/QUOTE]
45[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few today
461. How come we never saw Great Komaus or Rau etc.
472. Is Brutaka stronger then Axonn or vice versa.
483. Is it possible to have Nuva mask of a Kiri?
494. Avak is skilled with his prisions. What would a prision for Pohatu be?
505. Will a few of the Piraka still be alive at the end of this year?
521) Had no need for them in the story. 532) No, i would say they are about equal 543) Of a Kiril? Only if the Kiril was exposed to energized protodermis was destined to change. 554) It would need to be two things. One, it would need to be strong enough to withstand pounding by boulders. And two, it would need to constantly change its vibration rate to prevent Pohatu using the Mask of Speed to vibrate out of it. 565) At this point, the plan is to continue to have the Piraka in the story in some form in 2007. 57[/QUOTE]
58Ooh they are the same strength.
2[QUOTE] Since the new Toa names are out I have a few questions.
31. Is Hewkii gold?
42. Is Onepu black?
53. Are the others their normal colors?
6Thanks for you time.[/QUOTE]
7Actually, LEGO has not officially released any names for the summer sets, and I am not allowed to comment on summer sets. It's January. No one needs this info yet.[/QUOTE]
8I kinda figured that.
9[QUOTE[QUOTEI only have 2 today
101. When Zahktan took the Toa of Plasma away. Avak went to go see what happenend. All he found was toa armor a half devoured mask and a puddle. Can you explain what happenend to the Toa of Plasma?
11Off Topic
122. Have you ever thought about putting an about the author page in any of the books?
13Thanks in Advance:[/QUOTE]
141) Nope -- leaving that to your imaginations. 152) No, not really. [/QUOTE]
16I wish he would an about the author page.
17[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few Keetongu Questions
181. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become?
192. If Keetongu did get hit could he cure him self?
203. Could Sidorak and Roodaka get mutated by venom?
214. If so would they have to find Keetongu to become healed?
225. If so would Keetongu even heal them?
23Thanks for your time:[/QUOTE]
241) Since Keetongu has the ability to counteract Visorak venom, I doubt it would affect him 253) Yes 264) Possibly 275) I doubt it -- Keetongu only uses his power on the deserving[/QUOTE]
28Maybe we should mutate them.
29QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few Keetongu Questions
301. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become?
312. If Keetongu did get hit could he cure him self?
323. Could Sidorak and Roodaka get mutated by venom?
334. If so would they have to find Keetongu to become healed?
345. If so would Keetongu even heal them?
35Thanks for your time:[/QUOTE]
361) Since Keetongu has the ability to counteract Visorak venom, I doubt it would affect him 373) Yes 384) Possibly 395) I doubt it -- Keetongu only uses his power on the deserving[/QUOTE]
401. If Keetongu got a big dose of venom what would he become? 41It says that large amounts of Venom would affect him in the Rahi Guide. 42[/QUOTE]
43There's no way to predict what venom will do to someone. That is why the Visorak did experiments[/QUOTE]
45[QUOTE[QUOTEJust a few today
461. How come we never saw Great Komaus or Rau etc.
472. Is Brutaka stronger then Axonn or vice versa.
483. Is it possible to have Nuva mask of a Kiri?
494. Avak is skilled with his prisions. What would a prision for Pohatu be?
505. Will a few of the Piraka still be alive at the end of this year?
521) Had no need for them in the story. 532) No, i would say they are about equal 543) Of a Kiril? Only if the Kiril was exposed to energized protodermis was destined to change. 554) It would need to be two things. One, it would need to be strong enough to withstand pounding by boulders. And two, it would need to constantly change its vibration rate to prevent Pohatu using the Mask of Speed to vibrate out of it. 565) At this point, the plan is to continue to have the Piraka in the story in some form in 2007. 57[/QUOTE]
58Ooh they are the same strength.
1Hey Greg, 2I was wondering...from the playset image we've seen, there appears to be a yellow canister set...and supposedly no brown set...any product wise or legal reason for the change? Or is it purely story related? 3-Timekeeper
4Sorry, TK, I cannot discuss anything about the summer sets at this time. It's too early.
5Nothing new here, just basically same ol' same ol'.
1Come to think of it, he Piraka are sooo tough and strong -- they had already defeated the Toa Nuva: You think they could be killed do easily? Now that they're gonna survive 2006, 2007 must have plenty characters -- including the Piraka, on top of new characters...
15. Will a few of the Piraka still be alive at the end of this year?
25) At this point, the plan is to continue to have the Piraka in the story in some form in 2007.
3Oh wow...Looks like we won't be seeing the end of these guys in '06 (Too bad - I was hoping they'd meet their fate this year...)
5Well, nothing says they won't get what's coming to them eventually...give it time I say

1These are just some I had forgotten about... anyway, enjoy this batch of 20 mainly about 2006...
21. I found out that the Toa Nuva travel to Voya Nui via their original Olda canisters or something... why such a bizarre way? Or is the sea water around Voya Nui corrosive that that's the only way?
3A: Well, what choice do they have? They are in Metru Nui, which is underground, and they have to go above ground to reach Voya Nui. They have two options -- hike overland to Mata Nui, build a boat, and go from there, or take the canisters, which is much faster. Remember, you can't take a boat straight from Metru Nui there, unless it is a submarine, because the waterways to the surface are flooded.
42. Vezok has water resistance -- what good will that do on Voya Nui? Or is it where he came from has corrosive water/seas?
5A: It would do him good elsewhere.
63. Where did the Piraka come from?
7A: Elsewhere.
84. Was Zaktan's protodite state inflicted upon him as a form of punishment or a biological enhancement?
9A: Follow the story and find out
105. Did TSO have any hand in that? Like he ordered it done or something...
11A: See answer to #4
126. How exactly did Dume awaken/escape?
13A: His pod malfunctioned
147. If you know about the Borg in Star Trek: TNG, they too have the "assimilation" power that Reidak has... to not be able to be defeated twice in the same method.Did you create his power based on these Star Trek villains?
15A: Nope. Because the Borg's power applies strictly to weaponry, in that they can change their force field, etc. If you took away the mechanics of a Borg, it wouldn't be able to do that. For Reidak, this is a natural ability his organics can do too.
168. Did Nidhiki and Lhikan come from the same place? In Birth of a DH, it was said -- Where he (Nidhiki) came from, Toa striked from the shadows, if they didn't, they didn't have long to live:
17A: Most likely not.
189. What is the relationship between the Bohrok and the Olda?
19A: Hasn't been revealed yet
2010. Was Voya Nui always in the U-shaped form it is in now?
21A: Nope
2211. How exactly did the "Doomraga" die? (Voya Nui Turaga)
23A: Hasn't been revealed yet, as we haven't started telling the 2006 story yet
2412. Why is Voya Nui called the 'Island of Doom'?
25A: Cause it's not a fun place to visit
2613. Are Axonn and Brutaka stronger than Keetongu?
27A: Yes
2814. Neither are Rahi, right?
29A: Right
3015. Is Keetongu there when everyone greets the Matoran on Metru Nui at the end of BA#10?
31A: Nope
3216. Was Voya Nui always aboveground?
33A: Can't answer it
3417. How did the Mask of Life come to Voya Nui?
35A: It's always been there
3618. How did Dume know (in BL#1) about the Mask of Life and that it can revive the dying Great Spirit?
37A: By reading the stars
3819. You said that the Doomtoran have never seen a Toa... does that include their dead Turaga? (when he was a Toa, I mean)
39A: Yes, it does.
4020. Have the Doomtoran's memories been wiped at any point?
41A: No
43wow, alot of questions and answers. But nice info Jabbadeep.
1Note Greg said that some of them will be around in one form or another. So some may die.
1Well, my questions don't include 2006 ones...
Greg Me 2Hello, Greg: I have some questions... (Well, ain't that a surprise)
31 - I know Krahka can only morph into someone if she looks at them. Now, what if she looks at someone that wears a Akaku using a mirror? She would be able to turn into this person, but the Akaku would be reversed?
42 - Are the Bohrok/Kal powers elements?
5Well, that's all.
61) Probably yes 72) Some probably would be, if your litmus test is can a there be a Toa of it, but we do not know yet that all of them are.
1Finally, I've got some important ones to share with ya...
some confirmations, etc.
41. Does that mean that none of the Piraka will die this year?
5A: It means what it means
6Now... what does that actually mean?
72. Now that Axonn/Brutaka are at sale in UK Argos/Tesco stores, can you share more about them?
8A: Nope. I was told March, the first magazine info on it is March - if the stores chose to put stuff out early, that is up to them, but it doesn't change my schedule.
9Awww... I thought he'd tell all since they were released already:
103. Was that red beast at Mount Valmai in BL#1 Axonn or Fenrakk?
11A: Do you mean the one that Avak and Hakann fought? No, they created that with their elemental powers.
124. Is Vezon and Vezok the same person?
13A: Since they are obviously two different sets, no. Vezok does not turn into Vezon
145. Is Fenrakk a Rahi?
15A: I can't discuss summer sets, you know that
166. Currently, where are Axonn and Brutaka on the island? Are they together?
17A: No, they're not
187. Was Voya Nui the only piece of land which broke off from the large mainland?
19A: That we know of at the moment
208. What's Voya Nui's size compared to Mata Nui/Metru Nui?
21A: I don't have official sizes for it yet
22Man, when are they ever going to scale it?
239. When will we know the MoLi's powers?
24A: Well, the storyline is going on for three years, so I am in no rush
25Do you know that that might mean we won't even know it after this year?
2610. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
27A: Sorry, can't answer it.
28That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...

25. Will a few of the Piraka still be alive at the end of this year?
35) At this point, the plan is to continue to have the Piraka in the story in some form in 2007.
41. Does that mean that none of the Piraka will die this year?
5A: It means what it means
6Now... what does that actually mean?

72. Now that Axonn/Brutaka are at sale in UK Argos/Tesco stores, can you share more about them?
8A: Nope. I was told March, the first magazine info on it is March - if the stores chose to put stuff out early, that is up to them, but it doesn't change my schedule.
9Awww... I thought he'd tell all since they were released already:
103. Was that red beast at Mount Valmai in BL#1 Axonn or Fenrakk?
11A: Do you mean the one that Avak and Hakann fought? No, they created that with their elemental powers.
124. Is Vezon and Vezok the same person?
13A: Since they are obviously two different sets, no. Vezok does not turn into Vezon
145. Is Fenrakk a Rahi?
15A: I can't discuss summer sets, you know that
166. Currently, where are Axonn and Brutaka on the island? Are they together?
17A: No, they're not
187. Was Voya Nui the only piece of land which broke off from the large mainland?
19A: That we know of at the moment
208. What's Voya Nui's size compared to Mata Nui/Metru Nui?
21A: I don't have official sizes for it yet
22Man, when are they ever going to scale it?

239. When will we know the MoLi's powers?
24A: Well, the storyline is going on for three years, so I am in no rush
25Do you know that that might mean we won't even know it after this year?

2610. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
27A: Sorry, can't answer it.
28That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...

1Wow, great answers there, Jabbadeep, but this one:
4What about Takua & Pewku and Takanuva? They were indeed the same person, and they even came out the same year: I think that's not a valid answer from Greg...
Jabbadeep 24. Is Vezon and Vezok the same person?
3A: Since they are obviously two different sets, no. Vezok does not turn into Vezon
4What about Takua & Pewku and Takanuva? They were indeed the same person, and they even came out the same year: I think that's not a valid answer from Greg...

1Wow, great answers there, Jabbadeep, but this one: Jabbadeep 24. Is Vezon and Vezok the same person?
3A: Since they are obviously two different sets, no. Vezok does not turn into Vezon
4What about Takua & Pewku and Takanuva? They were indeed the same person, and they even came out the same year: I think that's not a valid answer from Greg...5Khote
6What makes it not valid? It comes from Greg, it says directly they are two seperate entities. We are not talking about two years back, we are talking about now.
110. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
2A: Sorry, can't answer it.
3That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...![]()
5Are you sure that's an eye? I thought it was just a Zamor sphere.

110. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
2A: Sorry, can't answer it.
3That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...![]()
5Are you sure that's an eye? I thought it was just a Zamor sphere.![]()
6so did I

1I mean, it's not a good example. 2Khote
3What's not a good example? Yours is the only example given...
4I too thought Greg said that when the sets were released he could talk about Axxon and Brutaka. I guess not though.. 5Cool info anyway.
6The fact that Greg said that since they're two different sets, they're obviously not the same person. That's not correct at all, since in '03 we had two different sets that were the same person. 7Khote
1The point is, Khote, that Greg confirmed this is NOT the case this year, even if it was in 2003.
11) You say you've bought all the Piraka- what do you do with them? Do you have them near you while you write, for inspiration or something of the sort?
22) Have you started BL #4 yet?
33) Do you have any title ideas for BL #4?
44) Is the Amazon.com german translation mistake trustable information?
51) I build them and put them on my shelves. 62) Nope 73) Yes, but there is no official title yet 84) I haven't looked at them and I don't intend to, since I cannot discuss the summer sets until they are coming out. By then, you will have official info from the comics and the magazine to look at.