1#1. Is Vezon a Piraka?
2#2. How come the BIONICLE Comics, Books, Web info, movies, and the old Flash episodes all contradict in how some things happened?
3#3. In "Challenge of the Hordika" it says4The Toa Hordika looked around for the best vantage point from which to monitor the tower. Before he could find it, six VAHKI Vohtarak suddenly appeared around him.5Is VAHKI supposed to be Visorak?
6#4. Are Jaller and co the new Toa?
7#5. Who plans the BIONICLE story line, you or LEGO?
8#6. I heard that Nidhiki's four legged form was because of Roodaka, is this true?
9#7. Why do the Piraka all look the same? Are they all the same type of creature?
10#8. Do you help with any other LEGO themes other than BIONICLE?
11#9. I heard a theory suggesting that the Toa Nuva die, is this true?
12#10. How many PMs with questions do you get a day?
13#11. If the Matoran were on Mata Nui for 1000 years, than how come they make any technology advances?
161) I cannot discuss summer sets
172) You need to give me specifics if you want answers on this, because some things you may see as contradictions are not. Comics, books, and movies are all approved by the story team -- the old web games and Flash movies were not approved by the story team.
183) Yup
194) I cannot discuss summer sets
205) I work for LEGO, TN -- I am editor in chief of LEGO Magazine and part of the BIONICLE and EXO-FORCE story teams.
216) Yes
227) They are the same species
238) Yup
249) Well, if the Toa Nuva die, Mata Nui can never awaken, because it is their destiny to wake him up.
2510) It varies
2611) Hmmmm. Well, let me answer your question with a question -- if I dropped you on a tropical island for, say, five years, how many technological advances would you make? Would you be able to get all the raw materials you need, smelt ore, build a power station, etc.? Especially if you had amnesia and didn't even remember such things as power stations and transport systems existed?
1Kinda Interesting (especially the last one):
2Hi Greg
31) Does the Vezon & Fenrakk set contain a mask? 42) Is there a name for the ancient evil? 53) Will it be a set this year? 64) Do you already have a title for 7a. BL#4 8b. Exo-Force book
101) Yes 112) Yes 123) No 134) No, not an official one, and no
14OK, another one. 15Let's assume Jaller would become a Toa, wouldn't his mask be a great Hau since he currently wears Lhikan's noble Hau?
17It would indeed, IF he was wearing a Hau (Noble, Matoran, whatever) when he transformed.
2Hi Greg
31) Does the Vezon & Fenrakk set contain a mask? 42) Is there a name for the ancient evil? 53) Will it be a set this year? 64) Do you already have a title for 7a. BL#4 8b. Exo-Force book
101) Yes 112) Yes 123) No 134) No, not an official one, and no
14OK, another one. 15Let's assume Jaller would become a Toa, wouldn't his mask be a great Hau since he currently wears Lhikan's noble Hau?
17It would indeed, IF he was wearing a Hau (Noble, Matoran, whatever) when he transformed.
1Nothing ground-breaking. Just a few things I wanted to be certain of.
21. Is Zaktan the only Piraka with Protodites in his body? 3Yes
42. What are these Protodites exactly? 5Protodites are microscopic Rahi.
63. If yes on 1. Does Zaktan have an advantage over the other Piraka because of this? 7Potentially
84. Is there any news on your books coming to the EU? 9All I know about is UK at this point, but they often don't inform me on this stuff since I don't really need to know
105. Do you still enjoy Bionicle (and everything that comes with it) as much as when you started? 11More, probably, because I am doing the books now
Could that mean...
21. Is Zaktan the only Piraka with Protodites in his body? 3Yes
42. What are these Protodites exactly? 5Protodites are microscopic Rahi.
63. If yes on 1. Does Zaktan have an advantage over the other Piraka because of this? 7Potentially
84. Is there any news on your books coming to the EU? 9All I know about is UK at this point, but they often don't inform me on this stuff since I don't really need to know
105. Do you still enjoy Bionicle (and everything that comes with it) as much as when you started? 11More, probably, because I am doing the books now
13It would indeed, IF he was wearing a Hau (Noble, Matoran, whatever) when he transformed.

110. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
2A: Sorry, can't answer it.
3That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...![]()
5Wait, what image? Sorry, I haven't been to Bionicle.com lately. But anyways, I wonder, if what Greg is implying is true, why would Jaller not be wearing a Hau when he transforms into a Toa (if he does)?
6torritorri 7

110. About that famous image around BIONICLE.com -- Voya Nui being peeped at from some giant green eye with circles around it... what is it actually? You said you couldn't answer it last year.
2A: Sorry, can't answer it.
3That answer just makes me believe even more of my original theory about that: That 'eye' is Voya Nui being viewed at from some body in space -- possibly the red star, and that it's sort of a viewing panel for someone... somewhere...![]()
5Wait, what image? Sorry, I haven't been to Bionicle.com lately. But anyways, I wonder, if what Greg is implying is true, why would Jaller not be wearing a Hau when he transforms into a Toa (if he does)?
6torritorri 7![]()
8We know a mask can be used to turn Matoran into toa. 9Takanuva isn't wearing a pakari anymore. 10And kanohi can get damaged and replaced.
11And the image was a countdown to the 2006 look of Bionicle.com. 12It's gone now.
1Questions in normal, answers in bold ,comments in italic.
11The other questions were about Exo Force.
21)That grey Kakama TSO kicked away in Time Trap,was it powerless or it was actually grey? 31) All Kanohi, with the exception of Vahi and the Mask of Light, turn gray when not being worn. 4Just a confirmation. 52)Those small arm-like things that end in Chronicler staffs in the Brutaka set,what are they? Extra arms? 62) I cannot discuss summer sets 7Aren't they out in March,at least for Europe? 83)Who's your favourite? Axxon or Brutaka? 93) I really don't have a favorite 10Intersting how he doesn't have a favourite.They must be both great.
11The other questions were about Exo Force.
1Let's assume Jaller would become a Toa, wouldn't his mask be a great Hau since he currently wears Lhikan's noble Hau?
3It would indeed, IF he was wearing a Hau (Noble, Matoran, whatever) when he transformed.
4Keep in mind that this is neither confirmation, nor denial of the question. Greg has not outright said that Jaller's not wearing a Hau when he transformed. He hasn't also said that he will be wearing a Hau. All that was answered was that he would be wearing a great Hau if the Mask of Shielding was worn at the time of transformation.
5I, personally hope that there'll be brand new masks for the canister sets, and that the above paragraph is completely wrong. But the most important thing to remember is, why would Greg imply something about sets that won't come out for a long while, and that could [doubtful jeopardize sails?
1Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it confirmed that the masks would be all-new shapes and powers? I thought that was old news...
1Questions , Answers, Comments.
21)Can Roodaka create cages of shadow, or shadow bonds like Makuta did to Keetongu in Time Trap? Or does her shadow power just hurl shadow blasts?
31) Only the latter
4Thought so.
52)It seems like fire blasts coming from a Fire Toa just need oxygen to keep flaming. Well, I had a theory: if Vakama had kept launching fire at Voporak in Time Trap, and Voporak kept aging the blasts when they touched his time shield, maybe the oxygen that the fire would've consumed in a year would be used in a milisecond; after a little while, Voporak would've suffocated, since all the oxygen around him would transform in CO2, making it impossible for him to breath (Like what Makuta did with the vacuum but in a different way), and then he would pass out. Is that possible?
62) Nope, because the age field is far enough away from his body that he would still have air in close to him. Also, he is not being surrounded by a wall of flame, so oxygen from behind and to the sides would still be reaching him.
7But maybe after enough seconds... Bones¡¡¡ will have to look at this
83)Will Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon and Fenrakk play a big enough role?
93) A big enough role for what? They are all sets so yes, they all play major roles.
10I meant, more than Nivawk, for example. A big enough role all the year, like the Piraka.
114)You told a member that Vezon and Vezok having similar names is not a coincidence. Does this mean there is a storyline reason?
124) Yes
13Greg is known to come up with great reasons for everything, so no worries here.
145)Can a Zamor contain, let's say, an explosion, and it wouldn't harm anyone near unless the outside becomes intangible?
155) An explosion, or an explosive? The latter possibly, the former no.
16An explosion that lasts enough to be transported and to hit its objective. It seems like they can't.
176)What about radiation? Could a Zamor contain some kind of nocive radiation and pass near someone without harming him/her?
186) Arguably
19Let's argue
207)Is there a reason for Hakann to dislike Rahi, or is he just... Rahiphobic? Something like what Nidhiki had with bugs?
217) Well, you meet a lot of humans who dislike animals, so why would it be so strange Hakann would feel the same way?
22I was asking if there was a reason. It seems like there's not.
238)I read some spoilers about BL #1. There it said something about Zaktan eliminating a Toa of Plasma. When Avak went to check, he saw a half-devoured mask. Was it chewed by Zaktan's protodites, since masks aren't made of organic protodermis?
248) I am not going to answer this, because I prefer readers to imagine for themselves what happened.
25Well, I imagine it that way.
269)Will Krahka return sometime soon? I suppose she will escape from the Zone of Shadows, since she has transformed into Kahgarak before, so I hope she returns soon.
279) Don't know
28Let's wait.
2910)Is Zaktan able to grow spikes out of his body? Like, if someone is bear-hugging him?
3010) I am not sure what you are asking here
31Well, he's made of protodites, he can change his shape, can he change it to grow spikes out of his body?
3211)The Piraka seem to get information from a strange source, they get ideas that just seem to pop on their minds, like the info about the Mask of Life and the fact that the Nuva were, well, Nuva. Will the Makuta (I'm talking in plural) actually appear in this story arc?
3311) I cannot discuss future storyline
34Oow. Supposed so, but I didn't lose anything with asking.
3512)If the Nuva (Or another Toa team) succeed on finding the Mask of Life, it would just help to keep Mata Nui alive, but it wouldn't awaken him, right?
3612) Right
37Ok... I was right... that's scaring me...
3813)The one who created the Toa 'Olda' canisters, is someone we have heard of or seen before?
3913) Nope
40Let's wait... again.
4114)I heard (I haven't seen a quote though, so this could be false) that the Bohrok are going to return during this three-year story. I suppose it's not in their old form, maybe in their biological appearance (Since it seems like they evolved from living beings). I just want to know if it's true that they will return.
4214) It is possible, but it is not definite
4415)Do the OoMN members have a kind of vow that don't allow them to kill? I'm asking this because I suppose they are quite powerful, and since Karzahni was killing one (And I don't think that it's powerful enough to defeat an OoMN member), did that one ever try to defend himself?
4515) No, there is no such vow. But anyone can lay low a superior being if they strike by surprise -- look what Makuta did to Mata Nui
46I had to bold that -- so Mata Nui knew Makuta was betraying him, but he didn't know when. Interesting...
4716)That stars in Metru Nui's cave ceiling, are they organic matter, or inorganic?
4816) They are energy
49Another clue at the nature of the stars.
5017)Does the name 'Piraka' actually mean something? Is it the name that the gang gave to themselves, with any important meaning (Like Hagah meaning 'Guardian')?
5117) Yes, it means roughly translated "thief and murderer"
52Hope no one knew that. Now I'm the first to give you... the meaning of the word Piraka. EDIT: Nevermind. Stupid BL #1
53Remember, this answers were brought to you by 54Khote
21)Can Roodaka create cages of shadow, or shadow bonds like Makuta did to Keetongu in Time Trap? Or does her shadow power just hurl shadow blasts?
31) Only the latter
4Thought so.
52)It seems like fire blasts coming from a Fire Toa just need oxygen to keep flaming. Well, I had a theory: if Vakama had kept launching fire at Voporak in Time Trap, and Voporak kept aging the blasts when they touched his time shield, maybe the oxygen that the fire would've consumed in a year would be used in a milisecond; after a little while, Voporak would've suffocated, since all the oxygen around him would transform in CO2, making it impossible for him to breath (Like what Makuta did with the vacuum but in a different way), and then he would pass out. Is that possible?
62) Nope, because the age field is far enough away from his body that he would still have air in close to him. Also, he is not being surrounded by a wall of flame, so oxygen from behind and to the sides would still be reaching him.
7But maybe after enough seconds... Bones¡¡¡ will have to look at this

83)Will Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon and Fenrakk play a big enough role?
93) A big enough role for what? They are all sets so yes, they all play major roles.
10I meant, more than Nivawk, for example. A big enough role all the year, like the Piraka.
114)You told a member that Vezon and Vezok having similar names is not a coincidence. Does this mean there is a storyline reason?
124) Yes
13Greg is known to come up with great reasons for everything, so no worries here.
145)Can a Zamor contain, let's say, an explosion, and it wouldn't harm anyone near unless the outside becomes intangible?
155) An explosion, or an explosive? The latter possibly, the former no.
16An explosion that lasts enough to be transported and to hit its objective. It seems like they can't.
176)What about radiation? Could a Zamor contain some kind of nocive radiation and pass near someone without harming him/her?
186) Arguably
19Let's argue

207)Is there a reason for Hakann to dislike Rahi, or is he just... Rahiphobic? Something like what Nidhiki had with bugs?
217) Well, you meet a lot of humans who dislike animals, so why would it be so strange Hakann would feel the same way?
22I was asking if there was a reason. It seems like there's not.
238)I read some spoilers about BL #1. There it said something about Zaktan eliminating a Toa of Plasma. When Avak went to check, he saw a half-devoured mask. Was it chewed by Zaktan's protodites, since masks aren't made of organic protodermis?
248) I am not going to answer this, because I prefer readers to imagine for themselves what happened.
25Well, I imagine it that way.
269)Will Krahka return sometime soon? I suppose she will escape from the Zone of Shadows, since she has transformed into Kahgarak before, so I hope she returns soon.
279) Don't know
28Let's wait.
2910)Is Zaktan able to grow spikes out of his body? Like, if someone is bear-hugging him?
3010) I am not sure what you are asking here
31Well, he's made of protodites, he can change his shape, can he change it to grow spikes out of his body?
3211)The Piraka seem to get information from a strange source, they get ideas that just seem to pop on their minds, like the info about the Mask of Life and the fact that the Nuva were, well, Nuva. Will the Makuta (I'm talking in plural) actually appear in this story arc?
3311) I cannot discuss future storyline
34Oow. Supposed so, but I didn't lose anything with asking.
3512)If the Nuva (Or another Toa team) succeed on finding the Mask of Life, it would just help to keep Mata Nui alive, but it wouldn't awaken him, right?
3612) Right
37Ok... I was right... that's scaring me...
3813)The one who created the Toa 'Olda' canisters, is someone we have heard of or seen before?
3913) Nope
40Let's wait... again.
4114)I heard (I haven't seen a quote though, so this could be false) that the Bohrok are going to return during this three-year story. I suppose it's not in their old form, maybe in their biological appearance (Since it seems like they evolved from living beings). I just want to know if it's true that they will return.
4214) It is possible, but it is not definite
4415)Do the OoMN members have a kind of vow that don't allow them to kill? I'm asking this because I suppose they are quite powerful, and since Karzahni was killing one (And I don't think that it's powerful enough to defeat an OoMN member), did that one ever try to defend himself?
4515) No, there is no such vow. But anyone can lay low a superior being if they strike by surprise -- look what Makuta did to Mata Nui
46I had to bold that -- so Mata Nui knew Makuta was betraying him, but he didn't know when. Interesting...
4716)That stars in Metru Nui's cave ceiling, are they organic matter, or inorganic?
4816) They are energy
49Another clue at the nature of the stars.
5017)Does the name 'Piraka' actually mean something? Is it the name that the gang gave to themselves, with any important meaning (Like Hagah meaning 'Guardian')?
5117) Yes, it means roughly translated "thief and murderer"
52Hope no one knew that. Now I'm the first to give you... the meaning of the word Piraka. EDIT: Nevermind. Stupid BL #1

53Remember, this answers were brought to you by 54Khote
117)Does the name 'Piraka' actually mean something? Is it the name that the gang gave to themselves, with any important meaning (Like Hagah meaning 'Guardian')?
217) Yes, it means roughly translated "thief and murderer"
3Ecks to da Dee: That is hilarious. Well, kinda pridictable, but still.

4TMD woz 'ere
Khote 1Hope no one knew that. Now I'm the first to give you... the meaning of the word Piraka.
2I knew that (

1The other interesting thing is that Mata Nui didn't know when Makuta was going to strike.
3Why would he? I mean, ol' Mak would have been kinda secretive, don'tcha think?
4TMD woz 'ere
5Yeah, Makuta would be secretive, but even if Mata Nui never found out, he still knew Makuta would try something like this.
12)It seems like fire blasts coming from a Fire Toa just need oxygen to keep flaming. Well, I had a theory: if Vakama had kept launching fire at Voporak in Time Trap, and Voporak kept aging the blasts when they touched his time shield, maybe the oxygen that the fire would've consumed in a year would be used in a milisecond; after a little while, Voporak would've suffocated, since all the oxygen around him would transform in CO2, making it impossible for him to breath (Like what Makuta did with the vacuum but in a different way), and then he would pass out. Is that possible?
22) Nope, because the age field is far enough away from his body that he would still have air in close to him. Also, he is not being surrounded by a wall of flame, so oxygen from behind and to the sides would still be reaching him.
3But maybe after enough seconds... Bones¡¡¡ will have to look at this![]()
55)Can a Zamor contain, let's say, an explosion, and it wouldn't harm anyone near unless the outside becomes intangible?
65) An explosion, or an explosive? The latter possibly, the former no.
7An explosion that lasts enough to be transported and to hit its objective. It seems like they can't.
8Looks like I've got two things to clear up...

92) it was concluded in a recent S&T topic that Voporok's power of "aging" artificially imposes the effects of the environmental and inborn processes that cause it, without requiring the target to actually interact with an environment... That means that time is not simply being sped up.
10Put simply, as... a spoilery being was thrown into the timesheild and aged several thousand years in a second... if he was simply being sped up in time, he'd have to eat for those thousand years, shouldn't he? And so he should die of starvation long before he dies of old age. Didn't happen that way. Because the power just aged him. It didn't make him have to interact with his environment as he would have had to during that three-thousand year stretch normally.
11So I would assume the same thing would apply to the fire. It wasn't aging by using up all the oxygen there. The oxygen wasn't moving around more quickly to move in and replace the CO2, so the fire should have been instantly snuffed out anyways, and the same amount of oxygen would be there. I don't think that's what happened, though, since Mr. Spoilery Guy didn't die of starvation. I think the power of Voporak simply artificially imitates aging in its target. So it artificially made the fire use up its "fuel" (whatever that is when made by a Toa... could be elemental energy if it's not a materialized substance), so it went out that way. Not the oxygen fuel, whatever's reacting with the oxygen.
12And final note on that... Interesting that Greg did call that oxygen...

135) An explosion is simply an area of high pressure moving out to mix and balance out with an area of high pressure. If you blow up a bomb, for example, the high energy there makes everything around it expand rapidly (since heat causes expansion), and generally speaking convert to a gas, and because matter seeks equilibrium the new high pressure moves outward. So you couldn't "hold" an explosion unless you froze it in time, since an explosion is a motion.
14You could, though, theoretically, trigger an explosion inside a Zamor. If (IF) the Zamor wall was resistant to high pressure, it might keep the resulting high pressure matter inside until released... then you'd have a pure pressure explosion occur upon release. I'd tend to doubt a sphere that's described as "glass" would handle that though, and even if it could, the force of the explosion would probably just make the wall go intangible anyways, and poof there goes your storage plan. Also, hold it long enough, and the energy might escape on its own, and the pressure would go down as the matter cools down again.
15So... conclusion? Explosive, yes, high pressure material, unlikely (ask Greg bout that'n...), explosion, no.

11) How do Matoran view time? Do they have 12 month, 365 day a year calenders?I have seen many measures of "1000 years before," does that have the same significance to a Matoran as it would to a human?
22) Do you have a specific idea of how Matoran view age? What would be the average lifespan of a Matoran?
33) Was Vakama around during the Toa/Dark Hunter war? The Kanohi Dragon?
44) Are Toa still made during the time Mata Nui is asleep?
55) Is Matoran the plural form as well as the singular?
66) How long did you harbor the idea of The Shadowed One before it was finally made as a combiner?
77) Will there be any new functions on future sets?
88) Is there any possibility of returning to the Nuva as the main characters post-2008? Will they be important to the cast at any time during this 3-year arc?
99) Do you have ideas for the Bionicle Mainland? Will we be visiting it at some point in the future?
1010) Are Kanohi masks a possible collectable in the near future?
1111) The Shadowed One finds a mask of speed belonging to one of Lhikan's brothers- did Lhikan's initial team consist of Toa wearing the same masks as the Olda?
1212) In the past, the villian canister sets have been swarm enemies that could be featured in a future story (Such as the Rahkshi in Time Trap, the Visorak on Voya Nui). As the Piraka are much more in-depth than these sets, is there any possibility of a mention of them in later story years? This makes roleplaying with the sets much more entertaining.
1313) Was the Visorak on Voya-Nui just a stray? Would a stray Visorak still be extremely dangerous?
14Thanks 15
161) We have never established a system of time for the Matoran -- we tend use ours, because referring to things as days and weeks is just easier for readers to understand. 172) Easily tens of thousands of years 183) Probably, yes 194) They still come into being, yes. 205) Yes 216) I didn't. The combiner got made, I had to come up with what it was, and that is how I came up with the character. Sets come first, story comes second. 227) Asking the wrong person, I am not the set designer. He's in Denmark. 238) Again, no way for me to answer this -- story is outlined through '08, we have not had an '09 meeting yet, so I can't predict what might happen after this arc. 249) Yes 2510) No idea, that call gets made in Denmark 2611) Not necessarily, just that particular Toa did 2712) We do, at this point, plan to keep them around in some form in 2007. 2813) It was a Visorak that got marooned there during the cataclysm
1The other interesting thing is that Mata Nui didn't know when Makuta was going to strike.
3Why would he? I mean, ol' Mak would have been kinda secretive, don'tcha think?
4TMD woz 'ere
5Yeah, Makuta would be secretive, but even if Mata Nui never found out, he still knew Makuta would try something like this.
6Yes, but it would seem that Mata Nui would have forseen it. He knew he was going to be put to sleep, he knew that Makuta would try to change the destiny of the Toa Metru... my point is that he knows things (

1Hello Mr F I have some questions for you
21) How strong are Makuta's shadow blast, stronger than Roodaka?
32) Where does Makuta hurl his shadow energy blast from his fingertips like in Time Trap or his staff.
43)What are Brutaka's Powers
54)can you give us the 2006 toa's mask powers?
65)Is it possible to burn Zaktan's protodites, because Tahu could have just burn him in the battle.
76)Will we ever see Tahtanorak?
87) can you give us the bio of Venok and Fenrak
98)It it possible for a toa of earth to dig himslf out of Avak's prison
109)Is Avak's prison shape spherical or cubic?
1110)What happens if all the Piraka combine thaere elemental powers togeter, would they sent sseperate elemental attacks at ther opponets or a protodermis attack?
121) Yes 132) He can use either one, the same way Tahu could shoot flames from his hands or his sword 143) I cannot discuss summer sets 154) See answer to #3 165) Yes, but here's the problem -- let's say Tahu shoots a jet of flame at Zaktan. Zaktan just makes his protodites open a hole and the flame shoots right through without harming him. 176) Tahtorak was shown in one of the comics in 2004, also in the Rahi Guide book. 187) See answer to #3 198) No, because an Avak prison would be designed to counter his powers. So, for example, he might suspend a Toa of Earth way up in the sky 209) Depends on what Avak needs it to be
21) How strong are Makuta's shadow blast, stronger than Roodaka?
32) Where does Makuta hurl his shadow energy blast from his fingertips like in Time Trap or his staff.
43)What are Brutaka's Powers
54)can you give us the 2006 toa's mask powers?
65)Is it possible to burn Zaktan's protodites, because Tahu could have just burn him in the battle.
76)Will we ever see Tahtanorak?
87) can you give us the bio of Venok and Fenrak
98)It it possible for a toa of earth to dig himslf out of Avak's prison
109)Is Avak's prison shape spherical or cubic?
1110)What happens if all the Piraka combine thaere elemental powers togeter, would they sent sseperate elemental attacks at ther opponets or a protodermis attack?
121) Yes 132) He can use either one, the same way Tahu could shoot flames from his hands or his sword 143) I cannot discuss summer sets 154) See answer to #3 165) Yes, but here's the problem -- let's say Tahu shoots a jet of flame at Zaktan. Zaktan just makes his protodites open a hole and the flame shoots right through without harming him. 176) Tahtorak was shown in one of the comics in 2004, also in the Rahi Guide book. 187) See answer to #3 198) No, because an Avak prison would be designed to counter his powers. So, for example, he might suspend a Toa of Earth way up in the sky 209) Depends on what Avak needs it to be
1Not much but, oh well.
21) Does the lost land on Voya Nui play any important role in the story line?
32) Will there be any movie in 2007 or 2008?
41) It will in future, yes 52) There are no plans for more movies at this time. If we were doing one for '07, it would have had to be written last year and be animated this year.
1Not much just a little Zaktan info:
2Just two questions 31: Zaktan(sp?) is made out of protodites, and is still a whole being right?
42: He is made out of protodites, so can they think seprately, and Zaktan can think seperately, or is it that his "brain" or the "Head Protodites" do the thinking, and send the message to the rest of the protodites? (Like a Hydra)
5Thx for your time: 6Rahaga Norik AKA: Bob
7Here is how it works.
8Zaktan was once a whole being, just like Tahu or Nidhiki or a Matoran. Then he got changed so his body was made out of protodites, sort of like if I changed you so that your body was made out of living LEGO bricks. The protodites do not have separate consciousness -- each protodite has a portion of his consciousness in it. Since all the protodites have a certain portion of that consciousness, it isn't necessary for certain protodites to only be the head, or only be the arms, or only be the legs -- they are all equal, and can fulfill any role.
1Hey, Greg: I recently got BL#1, and I have to say it is one of your best books. Needless to say, I have some questions about it.
21)If Vezok's canister developed a leak, then wouldn't Vezok have drowned before getting to Voya Nui? 32)About how many Matoran lived in the settlement prior to the coming of the Piraka? 43)What is the closest island to Voya Nui? 54)Is "Piraka" considered a species name or just the nickname? 65)Is there any way to reverse the effects of zamor? 76)When Zaktan talks, does it sound like all these different voices with different pitches, volume etc. or is it the same voice spoken many times? 87)Will the Nuva get looted? 98)Will the entire story arc be focused on different islands, or just Voya Nui? 109)How far in progress are you in BL#3? 1110)Where is the Resistance at the time of the Piraka/Toa Nuva fight? 1211)Why didn't they help them? 1312)Were the zamor the Piraka made the very first zamor? If not, then who made the zamor?
14Thank you for your patience and time.
151) Depends on how bad a leak it was and how long it lasted before he got out. Obviously, he got out before he drowned. 162) Hundreds 173) Can't answer it 184) Team name, not species name 195) Follow the story and find out 206) Same voice spoken many times 217) Folllow the story and find out 228) See answer to #7 239) It's done 2410) They haven't met the Toa Nuva yet at that point, they are elsewhere on the island 2511) See answer to #10 2612) Hasn't been revealed yet
1Ther have been a few questions I've been dyign to ask, and so:
21) Will the similarity between the Kraahkan, the Pakari, and the face of the stone carving of Mata Nui ever make its way into the storyline?
3Far as I know, any similarity between Pakari and Kraahkan is purely a coincidence, and I am not sure which stone carving you are talking about. I have seen stone carvings of the Hau and the Avohkii on Mata Nui, but not the Kraahkan.
42) Is there a storyline reason as to why Voya Nui looks like an inverted version of the BIONICLE logo?
5Hard for me to say as I did not design the island
63) We've already talke dof religion. But will Evolution, a very controversial idea, (though I like it), get asay in the Bionicle storyline? I mean, for instance, Will we learn that the Doomtoran evolved their hunchback shapes to deal with their rocky terrain, or something like that?
7We do explain how they got their shapes in Book 2, but no direct plans for that, no. Basically, something like that will happen when and if it makes sense for the story. We won't include it just to include it.
84) Vezon doesn't link to the 'Piraka Kaita' bulding contest, right? RIGHT?
9Absolutely right.
105) We will never find out whether Matoran can have children, of course. Can you confirm thta for me?
11Actually, I can confirm it. Matoran do NOT have children. There is no such form of reproduction in BIONICLE, and Matoran do not enter the world as children.
126) Lego would never DREAM of seeing a BZP creation and then offering buying the rights for it, right?
13No way I can answer this, because it would not be my decision. Best chance of that would be if LEGO Factory decided to go in that direction.
147) Is the Shadowed One a Rahi?
15No, he is not
1I don't see why evolution would be controversial. There is religion in BIONICLE, after all -- the Matoran worship Mata Nui, right? Then, we have the point that BIONIWorld is another dimension/reality/whatever; everything that happens there doesn't have any relation with our Earth. Again, why evolution would be something controversial? Is anyone not okay with it? It's not like saying, "Hey, Anubis guides the Matoran to the Underworld:" or "Odin will punish the Toa for their acts." Evolution. It's something natural. It's something that even exists in our reality. 2Khote
1Evolution. It's something natural. It's something that even exists in our reality.
2The only evolution ever proven in our world is within a species: as in, there are many different dogs, but they're all dogs. And there are many different horses, but they're all horses. Never once have we seen a horse-dog.
3But that's off-topic. The Matoran don't really "worship" Mata-Nui anymore -- that was removed from the story. Although, we have seen some possible "evolution" in BIONICLE with hints that point to the Bohrok once being totally biological.
1I don't see why evolution would be controversial.
2It would be controversial because, as a religion, not everyone's gonna agree with it. Same reason they're not putting Muslim beliefs in BIONICLE-- it just wouldn't work. Personally, I don't feel strongly enough against evolution to mind if it showed up, but some other people might. Better for LEGO to stick to the safe side of religion --the none-side-- so they don't get sued or such.
3Evolution. It's something natural. It's something that even exists in our reality.
4And so does Odin, lol:
1Actually I'm a big Evolution fan and a humanist, and harbour a dislike for evangelical christianity. However, I appreciate that a minority would be offeneded if Evolution ever got a wind, and so it seems that Bionicle are just 'presuming' that animnals and people change over years.
2I mean, as Khote said, Evolution is natural. They're Presuming that too, only they aren't actually calling it Evolution. Example: The diversity of species on Voporak's island.
2I mean, as Khote said, Evolution is natural. They're Presuming that too, only they aren't actually calling it Evolution. Example: The diversity of species on Voporak's island.
1Evolution. It's something natural. It's something that even exists in our reality.
2Never once have we seen a horse-dog.
3And why should we? Evolution is meant to adapt species to their environment, like some birds (I don't remember the name) from an island that got different kinds of beaks even when they were from the same species. It depended on the island they were living in in the Juan Fernández archipelago. But then, that's Off Topic too. 4Khote
1The only evolution ever proven in our world is within a species: as in, there are many different dogs, but they're all dogs. And there are many different horses, but they're all horses. Never once have we seen a horse-dog.
3Hey buddy, aren't you confusing this with Mutation, or, judging by your example, Cross breeding?
4Don't worry, chummy. It's a common mistake to make. You see it in Kids cartoons and badly written sci-fi novels.
5Oh, and Khote, they wre known as the Galapagos Islands. There is also a Book of the same name. You sound like the kind of guy who would love it.
1Seeing as these guys are bio-mechanical beings, and we have seen that they are able to add/remove pieces of themselves, I wouldn't think that it would be considered evolution as much as adapting to an enviroment. Its possible that a Matoran's organic tissue would alter to accomodate new parts ans functions, but again, not evolution to me.
2Also, I know we can discuss somewhat here, but a debate on evolution would be better in another topic or, better yet, a private conversation.
2Also, I know we can discuss somewhat here, but a debate on evolution would be better in another topic or, better yet, a private conversation.
1Also, more proof of evolution is that we're going to lose the little toe of our feet.
2Funny, mine hasn't fallen off yet.
3Hey buddy, aren't you confusing this with Mutation, or, judging by your example, Cross breeding? Don't worry, chummy. It's a common mistake to make. You see it in Kids cartoons and badly written sci-fi novels.
4Huh, I do not read or watch either. But yes, I think I did mix that up. My bad. It still find it funny I have more in common with my goldfish than a chimp.
1Whoah, soudns like some rivalry brewing up here...we're all friends,right?
1You could try saying how you know this.
11.are vezon and vezok twins 22.and as twins are they the true leaders of the piraka
3Vezon and Vezok can not be twins, as biological reproduction does not happen in the Bioniverse. Also, if you have a question for Greg, I would suggest PMing them to him, and then posting the answers here.

4*takes in deep, deep breath as to not get caught up in the whole ________vs._________ debate going on*
11.are vezon and vezok twins 22.and as twins are they the true leaders of the piraka
3Vezon and Vezok can not be twins, as biological reproduction does not happen in the Bioniverse. Also, if you have a question for Greg, I would suggest PMing them to him, and then posting the answers here.![]()
4*takes in deep, deep breath as to not get caught up in the whole ________vs._________ debate going on*
5true but you're forgetting about the bahrag twins