12. You said that Krakua's speech is the 2006 clue in BA#10...those heroes are not the Nuva, right? But are they the same Toa we play in the VNOLG?
2A: Yes
3That means Krakua wasn't talking about the Nuva.
411. Is the MoLi a Great Mask or more powerful like the Vahi?
5A: It's more powerful
6That is very interesting

7Great information dude.
120. In my earlier PM you told me that you'll fit in the Bohrok next year... but how? Do they actually appear, or just some kind of carvings are discovered or something? Is it going to be an archeological discovery, or something more major? Also, does Voya Nui have any connection to the Bohrok?
2A: Actually, I think what I said was that they would be a part of this story arc -- the story arc lasts three years

12. If yes, is it posible that Mata Nui can wear mol and mask of life to revive him? 27. If voya Nui is a float island, can it float to Mata Nui sea and Metru Nui sea? 310. Are there different types of army in each side(Dark hunteriraka,Krekka/Makata:rahkshi,visorak/Mata nui:toa) If yes, will we know more of them? 411. Why Roodaka don't follow Makuta and 'rule' matoran on mata nui as she wanted to become the queen of Makuta? 515. Why Piraka pseronally want to free the ancient evil? What is the pirce of it or who they are working for?
62) Mask of Light would not help him any 77) I said it was floating, not that it was moving. 811) Rule what Matoran? They were all in pods and rescued by the Toa. Makuta never ruled Metru Nui. 915) They don't. They want the mask, they have no idea what the consequences of their getting it would be.
102.So the only prupose of mol is to make matoran back to metru nui? If yes, How come it has a purpose lately? What is the purpose of its creator? 117. Isn't Mata Nui a float island then? What are the difference between them? 1211. No, I mean the time that Makuta take control of Mata Nui 1000 years using rahi. Why didn't Roodaka 'help' him? 1315. Why they want the mask? Since they cannot use it?
14More questions 151. When will we know more about 2006 toa? 162. Have u watched wos? what do u think about it? And which one is ur fav. movie? 173. Why didn't OOMN members try to save matoran on Mata Nui during the 1000 years before the toa come?
192) The purpose of the Mask of Light was to create a Toa of Light to defeat Makuta. 207) No. Mata Nui does not float, Mata Nui is part of a larger land mass which is simply underwater (in other words, the dome surrounding Metru Nui), just as most islands are. 2111) Help him do what? He didn't need any help. He didn't want the Matoran mutated, he wanted them to willingly obey him. She couldn't help with that. 2215) Simple. The Brotherhood of Makuta wants it and the Toa want it, so if the Piraka have it, both those groups have to do what they say if they ever hope to get it. If a bunch of thieves take over a building, it's not because they want to live there -- it's because they want to ransom it.
231) Probably not until after ToyFair in February 242) I have seen most of it. I liked it, although I always had a problem with Vakama betraying the Toa, it did not seem in character for him. 253) Well, one, because the will of Mata Nui had been that the Toa do that -- it was their job. There was no way for the OOMN to do that without revealing their existence to the Matoran, which they were not going to do. And the Matoran weren't in mortal danger, since Makuta was trying to scare them, not kill them.
1The ones about the Zamor are the most interesting, so I'll put them first. (Answers in B )
16Voya Nui Riddle Q:
19So, ¼ of the riddle is confirmed...
20Other stuff:
21) Would, say, Zaktan pick one up and it would go intangible through mental control?
31) Yes, they would have to go intangible so they could be "loaded."
42) How does what's in one make a difference to the effect?
52) Well, think of it this way. You're sick, and the doctor wants to give you a shot. If the syringe if full of medicine, you will be cured. If it's full of poison, well, that's pretty obvious. So what is in the syringe makes all the difference to the effect.
63) Why do they become intangible when they hit their targets?
73) To use another medicine analogy, think of the zamor sphere as a gel-cap. If the gel-cap doesn't dissolve in your system, the medicine inside it can't help you any. If the zamor sphere doesn't go intangible, it can't release its contents inside you.
84) Where do the Piraka keep them?
94) Stronghold.
145) What do they put in them that makes them do that?Earlier PMs 105) If they become intangible when they hit, how does the power trigger?125) But don't they make others enslaved to them?
115) It's not so much a power as a substance inside. Once they go intangible, then the substance is released inside you. The spheres themselves have no power, they are just means of delivery of whatever is inside.
135) Only because of what the Piraka put inside them. Not every zamor sphere does that, only the ones the Piraka are using. Other kinds of zamor spheres can do other things.
155) You'll find out when we start the story.
16Voya Nui Riddle Q:
171) Where a world has gone under, come lightning and thunder -- does that mean parts of Voya Nui are breaking off due to lightning strikes?
181) No, it refers to the fact that one part of Voya Nui already sank beneath the waves a long time back.
19So, ¼ of the riddle is confirmed...
20Other stuff:
211) How long do Dalu's weapon effects last?
221) Not that long, a matter of minutes.
232) I might have missed this, but what exactly is a mental blast? Like, what do they do?
242) It's an attack on your mind
253) What would Vezok's water daggers do? Wouldn't they just splatter on whatever they hit?
263) Well, think about what a slow drip of water can do over time -- erode even massive rock. Now think about what a super-powered, high speed BIONICLE water dagger can do.
274) What's an ice peg for?
284) Climbing glaciers.
295) Couldn't Vezok technically be able to use his harpoon on, say, a high tree branch, and pull himself up?
305) Technically, sure, but water-based creatures are not big on climbing trees.
316) Can Vezok use his buzzsaw as a tool to cut through things?
326) Possibly, but his daggers could do the same thing and from a distance
357) But doesn't thermal imaging vision do that?Earlier PM 337) What's infrared Vision?
347) It allows you to see heat patterns, so you can spot someone in the dark.
367) Infrared vision sees radiated heat, so it is basically the same thing.
378) How do Avak's prisons counter attacks? Do they redirect them?
388) Depends on the person. For example, let's say that Avak was imprisoning Hakann. First, the bars would be made of super-cold ice to counter magma balls or heat vision. And then they would also be able to vibrate and give off a terrible hum, so Hakann couldn't concentrate to use his mental blasts. Each cage is tailored specifically to its prisoner.

Gaaki 11) Where a world has gone under, come lightning and thunder -- does that mean parts of Voya Nui are breaking off due to lightning strikes?
21) No, it refers to the fact that one part of Voya Nui already sank beneath the waves a long time back.
3I suppose it's the hollow that creates the 'U' form of Voya Nui, that big bay might have been part of Voya Nui's land mass long time ago. And about lightning, it was also said by Krakua in Time Trap that the heroes would embrace lightning, if I remember correctly, so I'm suspecting that we'll see a Toa of Lightning, maybe. 4Khote
11. Since Garan and co. know that the Piraka aren't Toa, do they try and stop them from getting the Mask of Life? 21) Follow the story and find out
32. Why did the Piraka leave the Dark Hunters? 42) Because DH's have to turn any treasure they find over to the Shadowed One, they don't get to keep it for themselves.
53. You said that Avak "Can create from thin air using his mind a living prison that will counter the powers of any foe". What exactly is this living prison? Also, if something interrupts him and he loses focus, would the prison disappear (sort of like what happened to Nuju when he lifts Vakama at the end of Bionicle 2)? 63) What it is depends on who he is imprisoning. What would work for Kopaka Nuva would not work for Lewa Nuva, etc. And yes, concentration is important
74. Did the Piraka know or hear about the Visorak? 84) Sure, but the Visorak rampage was 1000 years ago -- it's ancient history
95. This is a weird question, but what happens if the Protodites that form Zaktan's eyes fly off to somewhere else? Would he still see, even though the eyes are not attached to his body? Could he spy on the other Piraka or the Toa like that? 105) Actually, my assumption would be it wouldn't be an issue, as protodites all have eyes.
116. Were Brutaka or Axxon ever mutated be someone/something? 126) No
137. Do the Brutaka and Axonn sets feature any new 'skulls' underneath the masks? 147) No idea, the sets are not out yet so I haven't built them
158. I'm a bit confused about the whole '2006 Toa' thing... Will there or will there not be Toa in 2006 other than the Nuva? 168) Reason you are confused is that I am not allowed to discuss summer sets, it's too early
17Just some random questions. 1 is kinda interesting.
119. What is the Axonn/Brutaka combiner supposed to be? Some character with storyline importance, or just the "standard Rahi"?
2A: Haven't seen it yet, so can't answer this
3Where has anybody seen it? I'd be very interested.
4There's a picture of an Axonn and Brutaka combiner from that German catalogue with the unofficial inaccurate information about them. You can find that picture in the Official Brutaka and Axonn Topic .
Gaaki 11) Where a world has gone under, come lightning and thunder -- does that mean parts of Voya Nui are breaking off due to lightning strikes?
21) No, it refers to the fact that one part of Voya Nui already sank beneath the waves a long time back.
3I suppose it's the hollow that creates the 'U' form of Voya Nui, that big bay might have been part of Voya Nui's land mass long time ago. And about lightning, it was also said by Krakua in Time Trap that the heroes would embrace lightning, if I remember correctly, so I'm suspecting that we'll see a Toa of Lightning, maybe. 4Khote
5Actually, if you look closely at the map on Piraka.com, you can see some underwater land in the "U" shape.

1QUOTE 2I have a few questions: 31.What would a prison for Takanuve be? A hall of mirrors? 42.Can you give me an Avak quote? 53.Can you give me a Velika riddle for us to solve? 64.Will the Matoran go back to their former jobs on Metru Nui? 75.Are there any Vahki left? 86.Will Matoran like Hewkii start playing Akilini as well as Kolhii? 97.If Avak used his prison on Reidak, what would happen? The second time, would Reidak break out? Or would the prison change?
101) Anything through which light cannot pass through or which would be able to reflect or absorb his light. 112-3) It's after midnight here, don't have time to go hunting through manuscripts rights now 124) Probably 135) Doubtful 146) They might, or they might invent new sports 157) Imprisoning is not the same as defeating. Defeating means you knock him out or in some other way physically or mentally beat him, and that is what he adapts to, not means of confinement.
101) Anything through which light cannot pass through or which would be able to reflect or absorb his light. 112-3) It's after midnight here, don't have time to go hunting through manuscripts rights now 124) Probably 135) Doubtful 146) They might, or they might invent new sports 157) Imprisoning is not the same as defeating. Defeating means you knock him out or in some other way physically or mentally beat him, and that is what he adapts to, not means of confinement.
1Hi everyone: I've got new answers from Greg.
2Hi Greg: I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.
I have a few questions: 3I know you can't discuss the summer canisters sets any currently, so when will you be able to start answering some questions about them? 4At what time will we know who the summer canister sets are? 5You said that by the beginning of the year, we would know why the Toa Nuva aren't in the comics, but we don't. Could you tell us? 6Since the Toa Nuva go in canisters to Voya Nui, will they disassemble themselves/lose their memory? 7At what point in the storyline will the summer canister sets appear? 8Will we see any old characters in the main storyline, besides the Toa Nuva and the brief appearances of the Turaga? 9Do all of the Voyatoran have special weapons like the six sold in stores, or is it just those six? 10Is Takanuva going to really be important anymore, as he has fulfilled his destiny of defeating Makuta? 11Couldn't, technically, a few of the Bohrok Kal return? I mean, those that were destroyed by their powers couldn't, but those like Tahnok Kal and Gahlok Kal, wouldn't their powers eventually wear off? 12Now that the Matoran are off of Mata Nui, will the Bohrok continue with their mission? 13We know that there can be a Toa of Gravity and Sonics, and it is assumed that there are Toa of the other Kal elements too. What regions would these come from? For example, would the Toa of Gravity come from the Onu section of an island, or would they come from a village of Gravity? 14Thanks for your time, and Happy New Year:
151) Most likely not before ToyFair in February. 162) Put simply, the Toa Nuva are not being re-released the year and the comics need to focus on sets we are trying to promote. Also, part of the point of 2006 is to bring in new fans who don't know the past history -- making them have to get caught up on who the Toa Nuva are to understand the comics would just be confusing for them. So the Toa Nuva will show up in the books, which tend to be read by more hardcore fans, and won't show up in the comics. 173) No. The Toa were in their canisters for a 1000 years, floating in the ocean, before they hit Mata Nui. They are in canisters for a matter of days in 2006. 184) May, probably 195) Possibly in book #4, but that is not written yet so I don't know. 206) Yes, they are all armed 217) My understanding is that there is a future role for Takanuva, yes 229) Maybe, but we have no plans to bring them back into the story. 2310) They can't, because the Bahrag are imprisoned. Until they are freed and can wake the Bohrok up again, they can't do anything. It's also not the proper time for them to act anyway -- remember, Makuta woke them up early. 2411) You are assuming other islands would be broken up into the same six elements as Mata and Metru Nui are. It's not necessarily so.

2Hi Greg: I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year.

151) Most likely not before ToyFair in February. 162) Put simply, the Toa Nuva are not being re-released the year and the comics need to focus on sets we are trying to promote. Also, part of the point of 2006 is to bring in new fans who don't know the past history -- making them have to get caught up on who the Toa Nuva are to understand the comics would just be confusing for them. So the Toa Nuva will show up in the books, which tend to be read by more hardcore fans, and won't show up in the comics. 173) No. The Toa were in their canisters for a 1000 years, floating in the ocean, before they hit Mata Nui. They are in canisters for a matter of days in 2006. 184) May, probably 195) Possibly in book #4, but that is not written yet so I don't know. 206) Yes, they are all armed 217) My understanding is that there is a future role for Takanuva, yes 229) Maybe, but we have no plans to bring them back into the story. 2310) They can't, because the Bahrag are imprisoned. Until they are freed and can wake the Bohrok up again, they can't do anything. It's also not the proper time for them to act anyway -- remember, Makuta woke them up early. 2411) You are assuming other islands would be broken up into the same six elements as Mata and Metru Nui are. It's not necessarily so.
1Quickly after my last PM to him, I asked him this:
25. This is a weird question, but what happens if the Protodites that form Zaktan's eyes fly off to somewhere else? Would he still see, even though the eyes are not attached to his body? Could he spy on the other Piraka or the Toa like that? 35) Actually, my assumption would be it wouldn't be an issue, as protodites all have eyes.
4Does that mean that he sees from every Protodite he have? All of them?
5So technically, he can send one microscopic Protodite to see whatever he wants to see, and his body will remain in the same place?
6It means the protodites will see, but whether he will see what they see depends on if they feed their visual input back to his nervous system. My assumption is that they would, otherwise he would have a problem directing his disparate parts.
1Couple Piraka powers/zamor spheres questions...
21) Avak's cages counters attacks, but is that only for the prisoner? Would it also counter attacks from someone on the outside trying to free the prisoner?
31) No, they only work on the prisoner because they are tailored to his or her individual powers
42) You said Zaktan's protodites have eyes so he can see even when seperated... would it allow him to basically see in all directions at once, all the time?
52) I would say no, but only because he chooses not to -- all that visual stimuli fed into a mind that is not designed for that much stimuli would be too hard to sort out
63) Okay, Zamor go intang. when they hit the target. What happens to the empty sphere after that? Goes back to tangible after hitting and lands on the ground behind the target? What if it falls into the ground, does gravity keep pulling it down? Or does it just not go through ground usually?
73) Once it is empty, it passes through the target and goes back to being tangible. It does not go intangible again when it hits the floor because it is empty at that point.
84) Are they reused, or do the Piraka just replace them with new ones every time they fire?
94) They can be reused, yes, if they are reloaded.
105) And does the whole surface have to go totally intangible at once? Or could only the top half be commanded mentally, for example, to become intangible so the Piraka (or whoever) filling it with stuff could still hold it?
115) The latter
1hello mister Farshtey,
2First of all I realed time trap, the fist bionicle book couse I cloud not buy Bionicle books in The Netherlands since now.
3But I have 2 little questions
4First one: In time trap Toa Krakua tells vakama that he will not exist if vakama does not completes his destiny 5Is Toa Kruaka one of the new 2006 toa?
6Second one: In 2006 we will begin a new 3-year story arch, so that wloud mean that it stops at end 2008 7Is this the end of Bionicle? or are there more bionicle plans after that?
8Thats it, Thank you in advance
91) No, he's not. Krakua is a fan-built model (winner of the Toa Building Contest we had last year), so LEGO does not own the rights to produce him as a set. 102) No, BIONICLE is not ending at the end of 2008. Just this particular story ends in 2008. Then, assuming set sales are still good, we start another story.
1As some of you may know, there has been talk about something called the "Virus". 2Below are my questions and the answers fro Greg.
3QUOTE 4Dear Greg, 5In the secret of the virus topic, people are wondering what the virus is.
6#1. Is the Virus another name for the protodites that make up zaktan? 7#2. Are the Zamor spheres[story wise hollow? 8#3. What are Protodites classified as? 9#4. Is the virus a typo, misinformation, or real? 10#5. Can Zamor spheres carry biological weapons?
11Thanks for your time:
121) No. 132) Yes 143) Microscopic Rahi 154) That is how the Piraka and Matoran refer to it, so it is legit 165) Yup
3QUOTE 4Dear Greg, 5In the secret of the virus topic, people are wondering what the virus is.
6#1. Is the Virus another name for the protodites that make up zaktan? 7#2. Are the Zamor spheres[story wise hollow? 8#3. What are Protodites classified as? 9#4. Is the virus a typo, misinformation, or real? 10#5. Can Zamor spheres carry biological weapons?
11Thanks for your time:
121) No. 132) Yes 143) Microscopic Rahi 154) That is how the Piraka and Matoran refer to it, so it is legit 165) Yup
1All right, questions to Greg. Most of them are just things I wanted clarified and timing stuff.
191. Okay. 202. ...that just doesn't sound fair... 213. They're spelled correctly on the first release?: That's a first. 224. Yay: 235. Darn. I wanted to hear more about him. 246. Interesting...a fortress? That must be where the resistance is fighting out of. And I wonder if the "green belt" is the forest... 257. Okay. 268. In Dark Destiny? Time to start coming up with random theories again.
Master of the Rahkshi
21. Okay, about this "virus", when will we learn what Zaktan knows? Or more than Zaktan knows? 3As a secondary part, will we learn where it came from and how the Piraka got it? 41) You will learn more about it as the year goes on, and you will learn where they got it from in the beginning of the year.
52. Okay, Reidak question: Can he adapt to mask powers? Say, Onua uses his Pakari to knock him out, or Tahu blocks him with his Hau. Can he adapt to that? And can he adapt to purely non-power physical attacks? Say, if someone knocks him out with a rock? 62) Yes and yes, provided the power was actually used to defeat him, not just block him or annoy him.
73. Vezon and Fenrakk: When will we get more info about them, about when will we see them in the storyline, and are they even spelled correctly? 83) They are spelled correctly, but don't hold your breath waiting on info -- they do not come out until summer and they are not in the story until fall.
94. You said that you would try to make the playsets have more of a role this year. Any luck? 104) Yes
115. When will we learn more about the Turaga? Or is he just going to be a background character, only mentioned in the context of "Our Turaga died a thousand years ago"? 125) There is really no storyline reason to go into him -- he's been dead for a thousand years and has nothing to do with this storyline.
136. Are there many "locations" on Voya Nui? Like, for instance, Canyon of Unending Whispers, Great Furnace, and the Fountains of Wisdom on Metru Nui? And do we get to see many of them? 146) There are some, yes -- a Piraka stronghold, a Matoran fortress that appears briefly, the lake of lava, the volcano, the "green belt," a fair number.
157. Can you tell me anything about the "Lava Lake" of Voya Nui? Or isn't there all that much to tell? 167) It's pretty much what it sounds like.
178. About what time/book will we learn where the Matoran got their weapons? 188) BIONICLE Legends #2 reveals that. I can tell you now that they did not make any of them themselves.
191. Okay. 202. ...that just doesn't sound fair... 213. They're spelled correctly on the first release?: That's a first. 224. Yay: 235. Darn. I wanted to hear more about him. 246. Interesting...a fortress? That must be where the resistance is fighting out of. And I wonder if the "green belt" is the forest... 257. Okay. 268. In Dark Destiny? Time to start coming up with random theories again.

1This is about the "virus" from Zaktan's Bionicle.com bio.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey.I'm sorry to have to bother you, but I have a question that is being highly debated.In Zaktan's bios, it says that, "he alone may know the true secret of the Zamor spheres," but in his bio on Bionicle.com says that, "he alone may know the true secret of the virus."If you can answer my question, does the virus have anything to do with the way the Piraka enslave the Matoran with their Zamor spheres? or does it have to do with something else (like Zaktan's condition or the Voya Nui Matoran's appearance)?
3Thank you for your time.
4The virus is what the Piraka put in the zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran. Why the Voya Nui Matoran look that way will be revealed in BIONICLE Legends #2 and how Zaktan wound up being made of protodites will be revealed in the Dark Hunters Guide next summer.

1This is about the "virus" from Zaktan's Bionicle.com bio.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey.I'm sorry to have to bother you, but I have a question that is being highly debated.In Zaktan's bios, it says that, "he alone may know the true secret of the Zamor spheres," but in his bio on Bionicle.com says that, "he alone may know the true secret of the virus."If you can answer my question, does the virus have anything to do with the way the Piraka enslave the Matoran with their Zamor spheres? or does it have to do with something else (like Zaktan's condition or the Voya Nui Matoran's appearance)?
3Thank you for your time.
4The virus is what the Piraka put in the zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran. Why the Voya Nui Matoran look that way will be revealed in BIONICLE Legends #2 and how Zaktan wound up being made of protodites will be revealed in the Dark Hunters Guide next summer.
7This "virus" must be te thing that made the Matoran hunched like that, because the virus had to be repeatedly "injected" to stay effective, and had...adverse effects on the MAtoran, and may cause PIraka to mutate into protdites:
8am i close?
1No, that's actually quite off. The Matoran look that way well before the events of the Piraka arriving on Voya Nui. As they've only been there for a matter of weeks before the Toa Nuva arrive.
2And only Zaktan is made of protodites, which was inflicted upon him, and we'll find out how and why in the Dark Hunter's Guide. Obviously.
2And only Zaktan is made of protodites, which was inflicted upon him, and we'll find out how and why in the Dark Hunter's Guide. Obviously.
1Now just check out what I've found... it's amazing: We can play the VNOLG THIS MONTH: See for yourself:
21. When will the VNOLG be online? In the Nov BZP article, it said that it would appear at the end of 2005:
3A: Last info I had was sometime in January.
42. Is there anything you could share about the VNOLG? (I'm not talking about who we are playing as)
5A: I have no info on it, I didn't work on the project. It was done by the web team in conjunction with a game developer in France.
63. What exactly is this virus that Zaktan seems to know about? Everyone suggests that it's actually just connected to "The Secret of the Zamor Spheres" thingy...
7A: The "virus" is what the Piraka put into their zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran.
84. Does Avak know about the "virus" too?
9A: All of the Piraka know it exists, yes.
10Actually, I was asking whether he knows about the "secret" or not, which is described in Avak's bio...
115. What I think of the Piraka is that they have no unity -- is this gonna be a key part of the story that's gonna have major significance over 2006's events?
12A: Yes
13COOL: That's definitely gotta do with the "What darkness divides, a cut will unite" line -- which might end in the Piraka turning on each other:
146. Out there... in the ocean... were there ever other canisters containing Toa other than the Olda?
15A: That depends on what you are asking. Are you asking about the Mata Nui ocean? No. Are you asking did Toa ever travel on Metru Nui level in canisters? Yes.
167. What's the Voya Nui Lava Lake? I guess it's one of the "dotted" locations on the map, isn't it?
17A: Exactly what it sounds like, a lake filled with lava, not unusual on an island with an active volcano
188. Does "Come lightning and thunder" (of the riddle/poem) signify Axonn and Brutaka?
19A: Nope
22What does this part mean?
23A: I hesitate to try and interpret this because I did not write the verse.
24Man, I thought he wrote the whole riddle: Well, there are things even the big G can't answer...
I guess we'll have to just wait until it's clear to us...
2510. How come Hakann's lava gun only has 5 shots left? Also, is there a way to obtain more "ammo" for it?
26A: No idea what you are referring to.
27I was actually referring to Hakann's bio where his tool is mentioned to have only 5 (
shots left to use:
28Hey, I'm the 5000th poster in this entire topic:

21. When will the VNOLG be online? In the Nov BZP article, it said that it would appear at the end of 2005:
3A: Last info I had was sometime in January.
42. Is there anything you could share about the VNOLG? (I'm not talking about who we are playing as)
5A: I have no info on it, I didn't work on the project. It was done by the web team in conjunction with a game developer in France.
63. What exactly is this virus that Zaktan seems to know about? Everyone suggests that it's actually just connected to "The Secret of the Zamor Spheres" thingy...
7A: The "virus" is what the Piraka put into their zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran.
84. Does Avak know about the "virus" too?
9A: All of the Piraka know it exists, yes.
10Actually, I was asking whether he knows about the "secret" or not, which is described in Avak's bio...
115. What I think of the Piraka is that they have no unity -- is this gonna be a key part of the story that's gonna have major significance over 2006's events?
12A: Yes
13COOL: That's definitely gotta do with the "What darkness divides, a cut will unite" line -- which might end in the Piraka turning on each other:
146. Out there... in the ocean... were there ever other canisters containing Toa other than the Olda?
15A: That depends on what you are asking. Are you asking about the Mata Nui ocean? No. Are you asking did Toa ever travel on Metru Nui level in canisters? Yes.
167. What's the Voya Nui Lava Lake? I guess it's one of the "dotted" locations on the map, isn't it?
17A: Exactly what it sounds like, a lake filled with lava, not unusual on an island with an active volcano
188. Does "Come lightning and thunder" (of the riddle/poem) signify Axonn and Brutaka?
19A: Nope
21What darkness divides, a cut will unite
22What does this part mean?
23A: I hesitate to try and interpret this because I did not write the verse.
24Man, I thought he wrote the whole riddle: Well, there are things even the big G can't answer...

2510. How come Hakann's lava gun only has 5 shots left? Also, is there a way to obtain more "ammo" for it?
26A: No idea what you are referring to.
27I was actually referring to Hakann's bio where his tool is mentioned to have only 5 (

28Hey, I'm the 5000th poster in this entire topic:

4He can carry only five shots around at a time in his launcher, unless he's near lava streams (recharge stations, basically).Jabbadeep 110. How come Hakann's lava gun only has 5 shots left?Also, is there a way to obtain more "ammo" for it?
2A: No idea what you are referring to.
3I was actually referring to Hakann's bio where his tool is mentioned to have only 5 (shots left to use:
5©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM
1Hi Greg, have a few questions for you. If you don't mind answering.
3I know this may be dealing with story, but I'll ask anyway:
4Can you tell me where the Piraka Stronghold is?
51) Um, it's on the island -- there is a map of Voya Nui in the Jan. LEGO Magazine that will show you where
6Will the Mask Of Life be sold? Will we actually have it?
72) I don't have this info yet
8You've said before that there will be nine new masks, six in a new texture, will those six be brand new masks? Like ones we've never heard of before?
93) Yes
10Now this is a theory, but, let's say if Jaller were to become a Toa would his mask remain a Hau? Since it belonged to Lhikan, or could his mask 'evolve' into something different?
114) If he were wearing a Hau when he became a Toa, yes.
12If the new summer sets are Toa, when will they be appear in the story?
13Will we know the Origin of the six canister sets from their first appearance?
145) They don't appear in the story until spring
15Will Jaller have an important role in 2006?
166) Follow the story and find out.
18Thanks very much for your time.
20Not much, but it is interesting. Tried to pull some info out from 2006. The last question about Jaller has me curious.
3I know this may be dealing with story, but I'll ask anyway:
4Can you tell me where the Piraka Stronghold is?
51) Um, it's on the island -- there is a map of Voya Nui in the Jan. LEGO Magazine that will show you where
6Will the Mask Of Life be sold? Will we actually have it?
72) I don't have this info yet
8You've said before that there will be nine new masks, six in a new texture, will those six be brand new masks? Like ones we've never heard of before?
93) Yes
10Now this is a theory, but, let's say if Jaller were to become a Toa would his mask remain a Hau? Since it belonged to Lhikan, or could his mask 'evolve' into something different?
114) If he were wearing a Hau when he became a Toa, yes.
12If the new summer sets are Toa, when will they be appear in the story?
13Will we know the Origin of the six canister sets from their first appearance?
145) They don't appear in the story until spring
15Will Jaller have an important role in 2006?
166) Follow the story and find out.
18Thanks very much for your time.
20Not much, but it is interesting. Tried to pull some info out from 2006. The last question about Jaller has me curious.
1This is how GregF pronounces it. Not sure if it means this is official, but it would probably be pretty darn close. Ironically, this is been the way I've pronounced them.
2How do you Pronounce Piraka and the Piraka's names?
4Hah-can 5A-vack 6Zack-tan 7Ray-dack 8Vay-zock 9Thock
11Where did you find this?
1Seeing as this topic is for posting answers recieved from Greg for asking him questions, I'd say he got that from Greg.

1I PMed Greg a LOT of times, yet never took the time to post the here.[/QUOTE][QUOTE 21) What is the virus on bionicle.com in Zaktans bio?
32) Was vezon and the other one (forgot his\her name) overpriced, or will it realy (sp?) cost $75?
43) Will Evo be a set?
54) If you say we don't want to know what Krana are made of does that mean there is an official answer?
65) If yes, then what is the point of having an official answer if we will never find out? Or will we find out?
71) It's what the Piraka put in the zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran 82) It's a $30 set 93) Evo?? 104) Yes 115) There are also official answers to where is Mata Nui, what put him to sleep, how do you wake him up, and we aren't telling you those yet either. If we release every official answer we have, then there is no mystery and BIONICLE would die, plus we lose things we can use for later storyline.
12Evo is the nickname for he anciant evil.
13After seeing the new playset, I have a few more.
141) Are those non Piraka minifigs the Toa Igniters? Or at least the summer sets? I think it is obvous(sp?) that they are, but I just wanna be sure.
152) If they are, are they jaller and co.? I can see that the red one has a gold body.
16I cannot discuss summer sets
17Lariska, a female dark hunter, tried to kill Nidhiki in Ga-Metru during the Toa-Dark Hunter war. Nidhiki struck a bargain with the dark hunter to betray the rest of the Toa in Metru Nui at the time. Falling into a trap surrounding a trap, Nidhiki is banished from Lhikan's sight, and goes with the dark hunters to their base island. Later, the Shadowed One, the leader of the dark hunters, gave him the job of training Dark Hunters. Soon, wishing to go on a mission rather than teaching, he went on a mission with Krekka, although he wished he was partenered up with someone else- anyone else. The mission was to steal the still-in-development Kanoka launchers (take note, this happens thousands of years before kanoka gained widespread use). He also learns of a plan to steal the Makoki stones, six carved pieces of some sort of special rock that fit together to form a sphere. Upon his return to the Dark Hunter's base island, he encounters Roodaka. Roodaka wanted Dark Hunter training from The Shadowed One. When the Shadowed One denied her, Nidhiki secretly struck a deal to train her. It seems this was a trap, and soon, Nidhiki found out that Roodaka was only using him to get training from the Shadowed One. The result of this trap was the mutation of Nidhiki from a noble, but traitorous Toa, into the insectoid Dark Hunter we have seen today due to Roodaka's Rhotuka power.The Dark hunter's base island was once called Tara-Nui until strange creatures called Piraka drove them out
18I found that on wikipedia, I dont think it is right, but I dont have the encyclopedia, and so I have not read Birth of a dark hunter.
19There are some parts that are accurate, there are some parts that are not. For one thing, Nidhiki did not offer to train Roodaka -- what he offered was to reward her for getting him off the island and introducing him to people who might employ him. And the whole thing about the Dark Hunter's base name and the Piraka, etc. -- it's all bogus. Don't trust Wikipedia, Darth, anyone can write anything there.
20Is th part about Nidhiki's mutation true?
21Nidhiki was mutated by Roodaka's spinner, but not for the reasons stated there. Basically, TSO did not want to give Roodaka training ... and at the same time, he knew Nidhiki wanted to escape from the island and not be a Dark Hunter. So Roodaka "bought" training from TSO by changing Nidhiki into a form so horrible no Matoran community would ever welcome him again, and the only place he would be wanted would be among Dark Hunters.
22I saw B3 and couldn't tell, does keetongu speak matoran or another language (I only saw it twice, and norik alwys has to translate.) 23And whats a tickle spinner?
24Keetongu has his own language, but speaks a very small amount of Matoran.
25I would assume a Rhotuka spinner that causes a tickling sensation when it hits you
26what is Artahka?
27Artakha is a place first mentioned in the online game done in conjunction with Mask of Light. It is a possibly mythical land where Matoran could "work in the light" without fear of any harm coming to them. According to legend, Matoran workers who excelled were allowed to go there, but no Matoran remembers if it really exists or, if so, where it is.
29I dont think you can anser(sp?) this, but will taka battle karhzinni? and if he so not a nuva, why is his name takanuva ? and why is it takanuva not taka nuva?
30Well, let me see if I can answer these in order:
311) No. Takanuva is on Metru Nui, Karzahni is not 322) If he was a Toa Nuva, his name would be "Taka Nuva," like Tahu Nuva or Gali Nuva. He's not, which is why it is all one word -- Takanuva.
34then why deos he have "nuva" at all? and if Karzahni is not on metru-nui, and jaller is, how does he give jaller the visons?
351) Because that is what the head of the story team chose to name him. 362) You are going to have to follow the 2006 story to find out this answer. But logic would dictate that if a) Jaller meets Karzahni and Karzahni is not on Metru Nui then c) Jaller must not be on Metru Nui when he meets him.
38Is there a story for the clear avokhii that comes with takanuva?
39Not really -- my theory has always been that simply is the mask in its active mode.
401. why did takua's name chang when he became a toa, but the toa metru stayed the same? 412. if taka is an olda, why does he have nuva armer?
421) Because if we kept the same name, everyone who saw the Mask of Light movie cast list would have immediately known Takua became the seventh Toa 432) Because that is how the set designers designed him.
44if turaga have elemental power how come they never use it?
45Well, for one thing, it is pretty low-powered. But also, how do you know they never used it? They probably used it lots of times during the 1000 years before the Toa got to Mata Nui. But once the Toa were there, there was really no reason for the Turaga to use it, because they had Toa to defend the Matoran.
461: Do the Toa Hagah have a cominder model? 472: Are there more Visorak, Vahki or Bohrok? 483: what will be the collectable for 2006 be, and will it be the same for the whole three years, or will it change?
491) No idea 502) Not to my knowledge 513) I can't discuss 2006 product
52On number two I meant which one are there more of?
53Ohhh ... the largest number is Bohrok.
54About how many of each are there?
55Thousands of Bohrok ... hundreds of Visorak ... there were hundreds of Vahki, now there are only a couple dozen active.
56Do you make the names? If yes, is it hard and how do you do you make such good names? because I cant make good names.
57I didn't use to, but I do now. It's very hard, because you have to try to find words that don't mean anything in any other language and aren't already trademarked by somebody else.
591: Does Roodaka's spinner just change the outside? Cuz I thought the rahga should still have elamentel power. 602: How did kohli go from rock to what it is now? 613: you said you would post the rules of kohli on bzp, can you send me the link or the rules?
621) Toa and Turaga have elemental power, Rahaga do not. Why would Roodaka want to leave them that sort of energy to fight her with? 632) I don't understand your question. 643) They were posted ages ago. If you can't find them here, they will be on www.bioniclesector01.com when that is back up soon.
65in mnolg1 kohli was kicking a rock why isn't like that now?
66Well, they don't play kolhii in Metru Nui, but the sport did change on Mata Nui. Sports do that over time ... and from place to place. In its early years, baseball was played in different ways in different parts of the US.
32) Was vezon and the other one (forgot his\her name) overpriced, or will it realy (sp?) cost $75?
43) Will Evo be a set?
54) If you say we don't want to know what Krana are made of does that mean there is an official answer?
65) If yes, then what is the point of having an official answer if we will never find out? Or will we find out?
71) It's what the Piraka put in the zamor spheres to enslave the Matoran 82) It's a $30 set 93) Evo?? 104) Yes 115) There are also official answers to where is Mata Nui, what put him to sleep, how do you wake him up, and we aren't telling you those yet either. If we release every official answer we have, then there is no mystery and BIONICLE would die, plus we lose things we can use for later storyline.
12Evo is the nickname for he anciant evil.
13After seeing the new playset, I have a few more.
141) Are those non Piraka minifigs the Toa Igniters? Or at least the summer sets? I think it is obvous(sp?) that they are, but I just wanna be sure.
152) If they are, are they jaller and co.? I can see that the red one has a gold body.
16I cannot discuss summer sets
17Lariska, a female dark hunter, tried to kill Nidhiki in Ga-Metru during the Toa-Dark Hunter war. Nidhiki struck a bargain with the dark hunter to betray the rest of the Toa in Metru Nui at the time. Falling into a trap surrounding a trap, Nidhiki is banished from Lhikan's sight, and goes with the dark hunters to their base island. Later, the Shadowed One, the leader of the dark hunters, gave him the job of training Dark Hunters. Soon, wishing to go on a mission rather than teaching, he went on a mission with Krekka, although he wished he was partenered up with someone else- anyone else. The mission was to steal the still-in-development Kanoka launchers (take note, this happens thousands of years before kanoka gained widespread use). He also learns of a plan to steal the Makoki stones, six carved pieces of some sort of special rock that fit together to form a sphere. Upon his return to the Dark Hunter's base island, he encounters Roodaka. Roodaka wanted Dark Hunter training from The Shadowed One. When the Shadowed One denied her, Nidhiki secretly struck a deal to train her. It seems this was a trap, and soon, Nidhiki found out that Roodaka was only using him to get training from the Shadowed One. The result of this trap was the mutation of Nidhiki from a noble, but traitorous Toa, into the insectoid Dark Hunter we have seen today due to Roodaka's Rhotuka power.The Dark hunter's base island was once called Tara-Nui until strange creatures called Piraka drove them out
18I found that on wikipedia, I dont think it is right, but I dont have the encyclopedia, and so I have not read Birth of a dark hunter.
19There are some parts that are accurate, there are some parts that are not. For one thing, Nidhiki did not offer to train Roodaka -- what he offered was to reward her for getting him off the island and introducing him to people who might employ him. And the whole thing about the Dark Hunter's base name and the Piraka, etc. -- it's all bogus. Don't trust Wikipedia, Darth, anyone can write anything there.
20Is th part about Nidhiki's mutation true?
21Nidhiki was mutated by Roodaka's spinner, but not for the reasons stated there. Basically, TSO did not want to give Roodaka training ... and at the same time, he knew Nidhiki wanted to escape from the island and not be a Dark Hunter. So Roodaka "bought" training from TSO by changing Nidhiki into a form so horrible no Matoran community would ever welcome him again, and the only place he would be wanted would be among Dark Hunters.
22I saw B3 and couldn't tell, does keetongu speak matoran or another language (I only saw it twice, and norik alwys has to translate.) 23And whats a tickle spinner?
24Keetongu has his own language, but speaks a very small amount of Matoran.
25I would assume a Rhotuka spinner that causes a tickling sensation when it hits you
26what is Artahka?
27Artakha is a place first mentioned in the online game done in conjunction with Mask of Light. It is a possibly mythical land where Matoran could "work in the light" without fear of any harm coming to them. According to legend, Matoran workers who excelled were allowed to go there, but no Matoran remembers if it really exists or, if so, where it is.
29I dont think you can anser(sp?) this, but will taka battle karhzinni? and if he so not a nuva, why is his name takanuva ? and why is it takanuva not taka nuva?
30Well, let me see if I can answer these in order:
311) No. Takanuva is on Metru Nui, Karzahni is not 322) If he was a Toa Nuva, his name would be "Taka Nuva," like Tahu Nuva or Gali Nuva. He's not, which is why it is all one word -- Takanuva.
34then why deos he have "nuva" at all? and if Karzahni is not on metru-nui, and jaller is, how does he give jaller the visons?
351) Because that is what the head of the story team chose to name him. 362) You are going to have to follow the 2006 story to find out this answer. But logic would dictate that if a) Jaller meets Karzahni and Karzahni is not on Metru Nui then c) Jaller must not be on Metru Nui when he meets him.
38Is there a story for the clear avokhii that comes with takanuva?
39Not really -- my theory has always been that simply is the mask in its active mode.
401. why did takua's name chang when he became a toa, but the toa metru stayed the same? 412. if taka is an olda, why does he have nuva armer?
421) Because if we kept the same name, everyone who saw the Mask of Light movie cast list would have immediately known Takua became the seventh Toa 432) Because that is how the set designers designed him.
44if turaga have elemental power how come they never use it?
45Well, for one thing, it is pretty low-powered. But also, how do you know they never used it? They probably used it lots of times during the 1000 years before the Toa got to Mata Nui. But once the Toa were there, there was really no reason for the Turaga to use it, because they had Toa to defend the Matoran.
461: Do the Toa Hagah have a cominder model? 472: Are there more Visorak, Vahki or Bohrok? 483: what will be the collectable for 2006 be, and will it be the same for the whole three years, or will it change?
491) No idea 502) Not to my knowledge 513) I can't discuss 2006 product
52On number two I meant which one are there more of?
53Ohhh ... the largest number is Bohrok.
54About how many of each are there?
55Thousands of Bohrok ... hundreds of Visorak ... there were hundreds of Vahki, now there are only a couple dozen active.
56Do you make the names? If yes, is it hard and how do you do you make such good names? because I cant make good names.
57I didn't use to, but I do now. It's very hard, because you have to try to find words that don't mean anything in any other language and aren't already trademarked by somebody else.
591: Does Roodaka's spinner just change the outside? Cuz I thought the rahga should still have elamentel power. 602: How did kohli go from rock to what it is now? 613: you said you would post the rules of kohli on bzp, can you send me the link or the rules?
621) Toa and Turaga have elemental power, Rahaga do not. Why would Roodaka want to leave them that sort of energy to fight her with? 632) I don't understand your question. 643) They were posted ages ago. If you can't find them here, they will be on www.bioniclesector01.com when that is back up soon.
65in mnolg1 kohli was kicking a rock why isn't like that now?
66Well, they don't play kolhii in Metru Nui, but the sport did change on Mata Nui. Sports do that over time ... and from place to place. In its early years, baseball was played in different ways in different parts of the US.
1Disclaimer: The last questions were asked first, back in November.
2there is some debate over this on the boards- you said before that we have 9 new masks. 6 canisters, 2 titans, and the Mask of Life. Now, people on the boards keep debating that Jaller and Co. are becoming Toa and their old masks will have a new texture; here is my question:
31) Will the 6 new canister masks be brand new masks, with new powers?
41) Yes, they will be brand new masks with brand new powers. Also, i have never confirmed that the Mask of Life is coming out in plastic this year -- I don't have that information yet.
51) On the new Piraka bios over at Bionicle.com, it states that Zaktan is the only one who knows the true secret of the 'virus.' Is the 'virus' what the Piraka use in their Zamor spheres?
62) Did you write the bios on Bionicle.com?
73) How far is the story team on 2007?
81) Yes 92) Not all of them, no. A lot of the web content for the Piraka was written in Denmark, not by me 103) We have it pretty well roughed out
111) I am very interested in how the story is plannetd- you said that the 2005 story summary that we found at the very beginning of the year (the one where Sidorak and Roodaka were Makuta's former luitenants) was written back in 2003- is that roughly the progress you have made into 2007?
122) Also, when you say that 2006-2008 is a three year arc- have you made basic summaries on the next two years with slightly more detail on 2007? If you have, are they the definate story, or will there still be a few slight tweakings on 2008 towards the end of this year/ beginning of next?
133) What kinds of guidlines do you have from Lego about what you are allowed to put into the Bionicle novels? Have you made any plans for novels after 2006?
141) Basically, the way things normally work is that we have initial prototypes of models for a given year, and we start building the storyline based on those. (This arc is a little different in that we mapped the general arc out in 2004.) But if 2007 were a normal year, than what would happen is we would have prototypes by fall '05 and our first story meetings shortly after. That would produce a rough summary of the story. We would then have further meetings early in '06, produce character descriptions -- these all have to be done by spring '06, because that is when I start writing 2007 books.
152) Yes, we do have a rough outline for all three years, including locations and villains. There can be changes based upon what sets end up looking like or just ideas we get in talking.
163) There really are no written guidelines -- I have been writing for LEGO long enough to know what I can and can't get away with. As for 2007, I am working on the assumption that there will be more novels, but Scholastic has not done their spring '07 schedule yet.
171) If Zahktan is made of hundreds of tiny rahi that each hold part of his consiousness, would Hakann's mind blast be nearly as effective compared to it being used on, say, Vezok?
182) You have stated that Dume is the leader of Metru-Nui- what does that make the Turaga? Is Dume the High Ruler and the other Turaga just the go-to leaders of each Metru?
191) Sure it would. His mind is simply more spread out, but it's still a mind.
202) The Turaga are a council of advisers for Dume, sort of like a city council is for a mayor
21I sure hope you don't mind all the questions I have been asking the 22past few days- can't promise these will be the last, though.
231) Which novel are you on at the moment? Are you enjoying it?
242) With the '06 Toa, will you do something similar to the Piraka by making their 25leader not the red Toa?
263) You have stated that you did not enjoy the idea of Vakama being the traitor- 27how much of the '05 Story did you help plan? Did you have any power against that 28element of the story, and did you try to change it?
294) Which Toa do you think should have been the traitor?
305) If there was a Toa Guide, would we learn the masks and weapons of the other Toa Hagah?
316) Is Krakua the only Toa you accepted during the contest, or did you save other Toa in the event you have to write a Toa guide and do not have enough of them?
327) Which Toa Team has been your favorite to write about?
33I am in between books -- I just finished Book 3, now I am on the first EXO-FORCE chapter book, 34then I do Book 4. 352) The leader will be the character who is most logical to fulfill that role 363) That element of the story was born out of the movie plot, so I really had 37no power to change that. 384) My choice would have been Matau, because he was originally intended to 39be the one most unhappy with the change. 405) I doubt it. Since the Toa Hagah do not exist as sets, there would be no 41way to photograph them and so no point in doing entries on them. 426) No, I did not save any of the entries, because we don't have plans for a 43guide like that and once we have sent out prizes or rejected entries we 44to pack them up to be disposed of. 457) Probably the Metru, because they had more human flaws
46Hey Greg: Just a few questions...I'll understand if you can't answer a few.
471) How long have the Piraka been Dark Hunters?
482) Did the Priaka fight in the Toa/Dark Hunter War? Did they fight in 49the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunter war?
503) Will Voya Nui be a prominent setting for the next three years?
514) Who would win in a fight: a Rahkshi or a Piraka?
525) Which Legends novel have you had the most fun writing? Why?
536) Which of the canister villians do you like the least set-wise? story wise?
547) When you have children, would you encourage them into liking Bionicle?
551) Oh, quite a while 562) Probably yes to both 573) Can't answer it 584) Probably a Piraka, because he can outthink a Rahkshi 595) Well, I have only done two so far, so a little early for this question 606) I can't really say set wise, story wise probably the Bohrok because they 61couldn't speak and has so little personality. 627) Well, since I don't have kids yet, and since it would probably be at 63least 7 years after I had them before they could get into BIONICLE, I need to 64concentrate on keeping the line going that long first
1Matoran Pronounciations:
2How do you pronounce the Voya Nui Matoran names?
3Gah-ran 4Vell-lee-kah 5Pie-ruck 6Kah-zee 7Dah-loo 8Ball-tah
10I suggest lego should put the voice on bionicle.com, near the character bios. 11You know, we can not make clear the right pronounciatopn without the movies.
12Edit: 1000 posts finally

11. Are the 06 Toa Jaller, Hahli, Nuparu, Hewkii, Kongu, and Matoro? Someone recently found out on brickset that they would be released or maybe re-released? 22.Will the Ancient Evil be released as a set? If not, Will it be a combiner? 33. If no to 1 will the 06 Toa at least be Matoran we know? 44.If yes to 1 will Takanuva lead them? 55.Will the Nuva meet Kahrzhani? Or only Jaller? 66.Since the protodites were forced on to Zaktan, will we find out what he was before them? And can he get them removed and go back to that form? (I need to know for an epic i'm writing) 77.Will the new comics still be published by DC? 88.Since Dume rules Metru-Nui, are the Rahaga and Turaga like his council? 99.How do the matoran feel since they have a new single ruler instead of six? 1010.Will we ever find out what island Voya-Nui broke off from? And what happened to the land that broke off of Voya-Nui?
111) No information has been released by LEGO on the summer sets yet, so I am not going to comment on rumors from non-LEGO company sites. 122) If the ancient evil gets released, it will mean the Piraka won and the universe is coming to an end, meaning there won't be much point in more sets
133) Can't answer it. '06 sets are not out until summer, so no one needs to know about them yet. 144) No. Takanuva is staying on Metru Nui, he is not involved in this year's story. 155) The Nuva do not meet Karzahni, no 166) It is not a matter of getting them "removed." It is what he is made of now. It's like if I turned you to metal -- you can't remove the metal, it's what you are made of. And no, there is no known way to reverse the process. 177) Yes 188) Turaga are, Rahaga have left again. 199) What the Matoran care about is that they be treated with respect and honesty, regardless of who is leading them. 2010) We do plan to reveal that info before too long, yes
111) No information has been released by LEGO on the summer sets yet, so I am not going to comment on rumors from non-LEGO company sites. 122) If the ancient evil gets released, it will mean the Piraka won and the universe is coming to an end, meaning there won't be much point in more sets

1QUOTE 21) Will there be brickmaster exclusive issues of the bionicle comics this year also? Because I just ordered brickmaster and I baought just the magazine and the comics.
32) I was also wondering if you could reveal anything about 2006 that no one has been able to find out yet? I would love to be a first person and also I am a huge fan of your work in the comics.
41) Yes, but not for the first few issues. We want people to get used to the new art style, so we don't want to do BM-exclusive comics for the first couple issues. 52) No, sorry, I can't
32) I was also wondering if you could reveal anything about 2006 that no one has been able to find out yet? I would love to be a first person and also I am a huge fan of your work in the comics.
41) Yes, but not for the first few issues. We want people to get used to the new art style, so we don't want to do BM-exclusive comics for the first couple issues. 52) No, sorry, I can't
1Well, actually, we've already seen ALL of the old masks that will be repeated this year -- the Doomtoran's.
2The rest all have new masks:
9There you have it -- so most of this year's masks will be new ones...
2The rest all have new masks:
- 3Piraka (they don't have masks, but like the Hordika, they have new faces)
- 4Axonn
- 5Brutaka
- 6Toa Igniters (they've gotta have new masks, since Greg said this year there'll be at least 9 new masks, 6 of them in a new texture (whatever that means))
- 7Vezon and Fenrakk (we don't whether it/he/she wears a mask, but if it does, it's gotta be a new mask
- 8Mask of Life (Greg says he doesn't know whether it'll be coming out in plastic or not, but it'll be great if it does
9There you have it -- so most of this year's masks will be new ones...

11. Any explanation for the objects-that-appear-to-be-wheels on the chariot in the Voya Nui playset?
22. What exactly does the "strobe light" mentioned here function as?
33. Going for looks, what's your favorite set of 2006?
4Thanks in advance:
61) Why do you need an explanation? 72) No idea 83) Vezon and Fenrakk
91) I believe you said that there are no wheels in the Bionicle universe, and the set, obviously, makes use of wheels on that chariot thingy.
10Speaking of Vezon, is it coincidence that his name looks so much like Vezok's?
121) Correct. There were no wheels on Mata Nui or Metru Nui, which up to now has been the "BIONICLE universe." 2006 is not set on Mata Nui or Metru Nui. 132) No, it's not
14Couple interesting things up there, eh?
1[*Toa Igniters (they've gotta have new masks, since Greg said this year there'll be at least 9 new masks, 6 of them in a new texture (whatever that means)) 2[/LIST
3There you have it -- so most of this year's masks will be new ones...
4I think a new texture means that It is a mask with normal powers (like hau) but in a new shape.. 5So a Mask with a Hau power.. 6But No/a new HAU shape
12.Will the Ancient Evil be released as a set? If not, Will it be a combiner?
22) If the ancient evil gets released, it will mean the Piraka won and the universe is coming to an end, meaning there won't be much point in more sets
3Sounds really interesing now... Piraka and Toa Nuva both are willing to get mask of life to revive their 'Great Being'.
4Besides, I guess the dume is makuta again, ask the toa nuva to get mask of life, like he asked vakama to make mask of time