1semi-big revelation on how the mask of life gets off Vezon's head.
131) Most likely. He probably would have just used Rahkshi. 142) Not really, no. Because Makuta's overall plan has been in the works for thousands of years, and it involves the Mask of Life. 153) Can't answer it 164) The latter 175) Follow the story and find out 186) No 197) I have no plans to reveal it at the moment 208) The Great Beings do. No one else does, to my knowledge
21More physical than magical? Sweet:
2Hey Greg, sorry if you've been getting a lot of these lately, but I couldnt resist,
31)If Makuta had never been crushed by a door and still had his physical form, would that mean he would never had told the piraka about the MOLi, and therefore they would have never gone to Voya Nui?
42)Since Makuta is the AE, does that mean that the whole "if the piraka get the MOLi then an AE will be unleashed" thing been going on for only about a month?
53)Are Makuta's "most bitter enemies" the Barraki, or characters we haven't heard about?(all right if you cannot answer this one)
64)For the process of getting the Ignika off of Vezon's head, is more of a "magical" thing(the Ignika sort of floats off or something like that), or is it more physical(it gets ripped off of his head?
75)How does Makuta intend to hold off Mata Nui's death if the Piraka get the MOLi?
86)Do the Toa Nuva do any fighting in Bionicle Legends#5?
97)When will Makuta's real name be revealed?
108)You say that Mata Nui is quite easy to get to. Does anyone know where he actually is?
11thanks so much for your time:
131) Most likely. He probably would have just used Rahkshi. 142) Not really, no. Because Makuta's overall plan has been in the works for thousands of years, and it involves the Mask of Life. 153) Can't answer it 164) The latter 175) Follow the story and find out 186) No 197) I have no plans to reveal it at the moment 208) The Great Beings do. No one else does, to my knowledge
21More physical than magical? Sweet:
1But if it were as physical as head ripping, would that be a little too extreme for Bionicle in terms of violence? I know that violence has upped a little this year, but head ripping? I don't like the idea. Hopefully Matoro will get it "magically" instead.
1Well head-ripping was just an example Cheese gave. Greg probably just meant it'll be physical, maybe less violent than tearing it off his head.
1Yeah, I kinda figure that once Matoro figures out how to touch it without Vezon attacking him, he'll touch the Mask and it'll kinda just defuse from his head by itself.
1And, if it involved head ripping, Vezon couldn't have attacked Matoro in the former Bionicle Legends #7 next year, don't you think? 2Khote
3Actually couldn't that send Vezon to attack Matoro? Think about it, if you had something glued to your head that was as big as a plate, and someone you didn't like tried to rip it right off, wouldn't you try to attack them/slam their head into a wall? Correct me if I misread your post Khote.
1But if it were as physical as head ripping, would that be a little too extreme for Bionicle in terms of violence? I know that violence has upped a little this year, but head ripping? I don't like the idea. Hopefully Matoro will get it "magically" instead.
2I think you misread the quote. He didn't say "head-ripping," he said "ripping it off his head." Pulling the mask off his head isn't the same as pulling his head off his body.


1And, if it involved head ripping, Vezon couldn't have attacked Matoro in the former Bionicle Legends #7 next year, don't you think? 2Khote
3Well BIONICLE characters don't bleed to the best of our knowledge. So odds are that Vezon's head armor will be [sarcasmslightly[/sarcasm damaged


1Not really anything interesting... O_O
2Okay. This is my first time PM'ing you, so... yeah...
31) If a matoran made a mask with the power of fate (Calix), But had a shape of the miru... Would it still be called a calix?
42) Planetperson sugests that Vahki can fly... Is this true??? (I never heard of them flying.)
53) In the matoran language. Does Mata-nui mean great spirit? 63a) If yes to question 3. Does Mata mean spirit?
81) Yes. If I make a stop sign that says "Stop" inside a yellow triangle, it is still a stop sign, just in the shape of a Yield sign. 92) Yes, they do fly -- they flew in the comics in 2004 and in the books. 103) I can't discuss this, sorry. I don't have anything official on it.
1New PM with awesome answer. The creator of the BOM: Here is is:

2Hi Greg, I've got one question for you today about something that just occured to me:
31) I read (in BIONICLE Ignition 1) that if the Piraka get the Kanohi Ignika an Ancient Evil (Makuta) born from an ancient curse will be unleashed. How exactly was Makuta born from an ancient curse?
41a) Will this curse be explained or explored within the 3-year arc?
51b) Does the Kanohi Ignika have anything to do with this curse?
6Thanks for your time Greg.
7- Toa Lhikan Hordika
81) He wasn't created by the curse. The Brotherhood was created by Mata Nui. The Brotherhood as it is currently constituted is connected to a curse, but I cannot tell you exactly how that is.
91a) I don't know yet ... offhand, I would say no, because we have a lot more story planned post 2008.
101b) No, nothing at all.

1wow, thats cool. a bit confusing thou
13a) If yes to question 3. Does Mata mean spirit?
33) I can't discuss this, sorry. I don't have anything official on it.
4Greg said that Iden means spirit. i pm'd him.
53. are Matoran mask names the Matoran word for its power (as in Ignika means life; Vahi means time; etc.?) 63) That seems to be the pattern
7it took me some time to find the pm, my computer stalled.
121) The Barraki do not "come from" underwater -- they are not natives of the sea. 132) They know most things. 143) No, he does not.
151) The entire BOM 162) Nope - haven't for 80,000 years or so 173) Nope
18So the BOM haven't fought their bitter enemies for eighty thousand years: Woah...
2Hi Greg, i have a few questions again
31. Seeing as Amphibax and the Barraki come from underwater, could this mean that there would be worlds underwater? 42. If yes, would the BOM or even DH know about them? 53. Does Amphibax, if you can answer, have any connection with the Barraki?
6Oh, and these are related to Makutas enemies...
71. Are they just his, or the entire BOMs? 82. Do they...fight, on a regular basis? 93. Have we seen them before?
10And just one concerning the Mana Ko...are they important to the BOM?
121) The Barraki do not "come from" underwater -- they are not natives of the sea. 132) They know most things. 143) No, he does not.
151) The entire BOM 162) Nope - haven't for 80,000 years or so 173) Nope
18So the BOM haven't fought their bitter enemies for eighty thousand years: Woah...
1to elaborate on someone's response from Greg about Makuta posessing Matoro:
7Oooooooh, tell us more Greg, tell us more:
8and need i say?
2Hey Greg, i know you're likely getting sick and tired of the makuta questions, but i was wondering
3You said that makuta in antidermis form can posses a living body with no spirit, so theoretically speaking...
4We know/suspect matoro is gonna be the new carrier of the MoLi, and he has the mask of spirit, so, makuta could follow the toa and wait for the right moment when matoro has the mask, uses his, and then makuta can posses matoro and use the MoLi.
5possible/gonna happen?
6That is certainly something that is possible ... but if it were to happen, it might be for different reasons than you think.
7Oooooooh, tell us more Greg, tell us more:
8and need i say?
Mr. Burns 9Exxxxxxxxxxxxxelent:
1sorry if this is the wrong topic, but what is gregs PM/account name?
1to elaborate on someone's response from Greg about Makuta posessing Matoro: 2That is certainly something that is possible ... but if it were to happen, it might be for different reasons than you think. 3Oooooooh, tell us more Greg, tell us more:
4and need i say?
5Gain influcence over Inika, I'm thinking??
3I don't think the Barraki are the bitter enemies of the BoM Greg Farshtey were talking about...I would think the enemies would be in great numbers, or at least close to the number of BoM members...And I would think that there are more than 6 members...Since there are only 6 Barraki next year, I don't think they are the bitter enemies...1Just a little theory: Back then, 80000 tears ago, the BoM was still good, and defeated the Barraki who were sent to the Pit. Sounds logical? 2Khote
1Well, this topic has made my day by showing Makuta doesn't die by getting crushed by a mere DOOR... and that we'll be seeing some head-tearing sometime in the future.
2Makuta is Antidermis... that's great. I'm loving Greg more and more, considering he's taken the villain from the first three years and made him more complex and dark than we could possibly imagine:
3So the Barakii aren't water-birthed creatures, huh? Weird... considering they seem so fit for underwater...
4*PM's Greg*
2Makuta is Antidermis... that's great. I'm loving Greg more and more, considering he's taken the villain from the first three years and made him more complex and dark than we could possibly imagine:
3So the Barakii aren't water-birthed creatures, huh? Weird... considering they seem so fit for underwater...
4*PM's Greg*
1Where'd we learn that there were only six Barraki? If you mean that old book synopsis for Bionicle Legends#6 a few months ago, that was a placeholder and untrue, for the most part.
2Although I do have a strange gut feeling that there will be only six. No idea why, though.
3Even though that the old synopsis was untrue, it wouldn't make much sense for there to be more than six Barakki seeing as how they are the new canister sets next January. And we all know the first sets of canisters come in 6.
2Dear Greg,
3This is a question about 2007, after a fashion, but I dont think you will be prohibited from answering it.
4When will the first 2007 storyline comic be released? That always happens before the sets come out, so I was just wondering if that could be expected for the next comic issue, or shortly thereafter.
5Thanks: 6T'Kol
8No, November wraps up 2006. First 2007 comic is January. More news on that to come.
2Dear Greg,
3This is a question about 2007, after a fashion, but I dont think you will be prohibited from answering it.
4When will the first 2007 storyline comic be released? That always happens before the sets come out, so I was just wondering if that could be expected for the next comic issue, or shortly thereafter.
5Thanks: 6T'Kol
8No, November wraps up 2006. First 2007 comic is January. More news on that to come.
GregF Mr. Bojangles GregF Mr. Bojangles 1Since I'm living in the UK, I'm unable to access the current Bionicle Legends series so pardon if these questions are outdated.
21. Since Makuta is the Antidermis, when the Zamor spheres contacted the matoran inslaved them. Did they have Makuta in them? 32. If yes, then when the Inika removed the Antidermis using the Protodermis, did this destroy part of Makuta? 43. Since the Bionicle world has an outer shell which contains places like Mata-Nui and Voya-Nui, while Metru-Nui 'inside', wouldn't there have to be some sort of large 'pillars' to make sure the outer shell would not be able to collapse and destroy practically everything? 54. If Voya-Nui was from the underground, how can it shoot up? Because surely there would be air around them? 65. The Matoran of Light, is there any significance which makes them superior to other Matoran? 76. Has the connection of Vezon & Vezok been annouced yet? If it has could you tell me what it may be? 87. How did Zaktan exactly turn into an army of protodites? And why? 98. How could the AE be Makuta? As you have said if the AE were to come into existence the Universe would end? 109. When it comes to forging Matoran maks, does the Kanoka powers need to fit the mask shape? As it would make sense for when Matoran may reach Toa that they might have those powers. 1110. Where are Kanoka from? As Kanoka makes masks, but I cannot figure out the their origins... 1211. I read somewhere that the Great Temple holds Great Kanohi, if it is true would this be needed?
13Thank you for your time.
141) Parts of him. 152) Yup. 163) Nope. Are there pillars inside a basketball to keep the outside from crushing the inside? 174) Not sure I understand your question. 185) I wouldn't say "superior," no, they just have an important role to play. 196) Yes. Vezok was shot with the spear of fusion set on reverse, and Vezon was split out of him. 207) The Shadowed One punished him for disobedience by trying to destroy him with his eyebeams. Instead of killing him, they converted his body into protodites. 218) No, I said "unleashed" -- I never said the AE did not exist before. 229) Basically, mask making is like road sign making. You can make a stop sign that's triangular and yellow, but it's a lot easier if you make it octagonal and red so that people can recognize it right away. Same way you can make a Hau that looks like a Miru, but it's a heck of a lot easier on everyone if you make it look like the Hau shape everyone recognizes. 2310) Kanoka disks are made by Matoran out of purified liquid protodermis which is heated and then cooled in molds. 2411) They held them at one time, not sure if there are any still in there after all this time.
253. But with basketballs it just air and the material of it. But this planet has a 'core' and a 'shell' so there must be something holding them in place...? 264. Put it simply, how did Voya-Nui from being underground suddenly been forced up to the outer shell.
273) I can't really explain more than that, because the fundamental nature of this universe is still on our "do not discuss" list. 284) Well it was precipitated by a universe-wide earthquake, if that helps.
1Hey Greg. One more question for you today:
21) In the S&T Forum somebody had thoerized that Axonn's axe was created from Onu-Metru Kanoka because it returned to Axonn in BIONICLE Ignition 2. Personally, I don't think that this theory is plausable because if I'm correct, Axonn and his axe predate Kanoka. Can you either prove or disprove this thoery?
31a) What exactly is Axonn's axe made out of? I mean like why can it return to him?
4Thanks in advance Greg.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
61) Yes, he predates Kanoka disks by a long way. 72) Because I wanted it to be like Thor's hammer.

1just two things:
21. i have a theory that one of the current 13 Toa are destined to wear the Ignika. am i correct?
32. does krakua exist yet?
43.has the story team discussed krakua at all recently?
54. shouldnt karzahni have a lot of powers, considering he managed to make hot ice, waterfalls of dust, and take the life of matoran and put it into rocks (he made it so when matoran sit down, they turn to rock and the rock comes to life)?
6okay, so maybe i doubled it........
7"thaks": 8kurtrahk
91) Can't answer it 102) Can't answer it 113) No, he is not on our radar screen at the moment, since we cannot put him out as a set. 124) When have we said Karzahni did all that personally?

1Even though that the old synopsis was untrue, it wouldn't make much sense for there to be more than six Barakki seeing as how they are the new canister sets next January. And we all know the first sets of canisters come in 6.
2Why not? There were hundreds -- probably thousands -- of Visorak and Bohrok and Rahkshi, and they were canister sets of only six different kinds.
1just thought you might like to see what Greg said in hot topic #7:
9pretty cool, aint it?
11to add to that, they had a 7th piraka, didnt they? 12you could also get a speacial edition kahgerak in 'the battle of metru nui' set.

2After numerous requests, I have decided to share a TINY bit of 2007 info -- nothing that should really spoil anything -- just to give you something to chew over as we head for the end of 2006 ..
3-- "Barraki" is a title, not a species name, and is the Matoran word for "warlord."
4-- 2007 will feature an appearance by a member of the very first Toa team ever in existence (and no, you have not met him before)
5-- Read the first, web-exclusive battle between Makuta and Karzahni
6Also, a bit of Toa trivia that I am just throwing in --
7The maximum number of Toa ever in existence in the universe at one time was 3000. There are now fewer than 50 left (hey, it's a dangerous job)
9pretty cool, aint it?
10Why not? There were hundreds -- probably thousands -- of Visorak and Bohrok and Rahkshi, and they were canister sets of only six different kinds.
11to add to that, they had a 7th piraka, didnt they? 12you could also get a speacial edition kahgerak in 'the battle of metru nui' set.

1YES: Greg has made reference to THOR: I love his crazy ideas.
TLH 1Hey Greg. One more question for you today:
21) In the S&T Forum somebody had thoerized that Axonn's axe was created from Onu-Metru Kanoka because it returned to Axonn in BIONICLE Ignition 2. Personally, I don't think that this theory is plausable because if I'm correct, Axonn and his axe predate Kanoka. Can you either prove or disprove this thoery?
31a) What exactly is Axonn's axe made out of? I mean like why can it return to him?
4Thanks in advance Greg.
5- Toa Lhikan Hordika
GregF 61) Yes, he predates Kanoka disks by a long way. 72) Because I wanted it to be like Thor's hammer.
8Even though Axonn predates Kanoka, couldn't it be made from the same or a similar material? 9Kanoka disks are just purified protodermis shaped into a disk. Maybe Axonn's axe is a similar type of purified protodermis, but shaped into an axe rather than a disk.
1No, I don't think so. If you read Marvel Comic books, you'd see that Thor and his hammer have a sort of "connection". Like, only Thor can hold it (to anyone else, it weighs a ton) and it returns to him when he throws it. I think that it's more of a mystical thing with Axonn's axe than a more logical thing.


1So the axe is like Mjolnir? Then its special made for Axoon by some one. Intresting.