1Hi greg, this has a little bit more questions than what I've been sending you 21. Can an organic mask that is sentient control its color change? can it change colors to match its surroundings?
42. Are there more matoran of light, or is takua the last one?
5ANSWER: There are others, I believe.
63. Are all turaga the same height, just like toa?
7ANSWER: Probably
84. On a scale of 1/10 how much elemental power does a turaga have?
9ANSWER: Probably a 1 or a 2
105. Once a mask has been made can it still be reformed?
126. Are there more cities like metru nui, or is that the only one?
13ANSWER: There are other cities, yes
147. Have you seen any of the bionicle movies?which ones?
15ANSWER: I've seen all three, I had to to do my job.
168. Why is it that in legends of metru nui everyone has an english accent?
179. Why is it that in mask of light everyone speaks with an american tone?
18ANSWER TO 8-9: No idea, I had nothing to do with voice casting the movies.
1910. How many pms do you get every day?
20ANSWER: Varies.
2111. What is 1 human year in bionicle?month?week?
22ANSWER: We haven't established a system of time for the Matoran.
2312. Do you now how to become a set designer?
24ANSWER: Most set designers have an art or architecture background from school. They also speak Danish, as all set design work is done in Denmark.
2513. If the Inika become turaga will their masks stay organic?
26ANSWER: They would, but that is not something we are worrying about.
2714. Can a ko-matoran attach an eye lens to any mask?
28ANSWER: Any Matoran mask maker can attach add-ons to any mask.
29Thanks thats almost triple of what I usually send you.
1Here's some stuff I asked Greg.
2Hey Greg, I got some more questions.
31) Do you know which coloured set sells the best?
42) Do you leave your sets all over your house on display?
53) In BA# 9, when the Toa Hordika shot their rhotuka at Roodaka and it freed Makuta, where did she go when his hand came out and grabbed her?
64) In BA# 4, when the Toa Metru were awakening the matoran, and turining into Turaga, I'm pretty sure you said somewhere that they never knew that would happen. Were they on planning on protecting the matoran? Were they just going to live a normal life on Mata Nui? Were they planning on going back to Metru Nui?
75) When Makuta was still alive, did he want the Mask of Time? I mean during the time of the Toa Nuva.
86) In the "Let's get a new book" topic, we suggested that Scholastic bring back Bionicle Legends #7 in exchange of postponing the Encylopedia. It's actually better. If it is postponed until 2008, it can summarize all of the MoLi saga. Is this a good idea?
9That's all the questions I have for now, thanks Greg.
101) Usually red. 112) No, my wife would kill me if I did that 123) Makuta got her to safety 134) Going back to Metru Nui at that point was not an option -- Makuta was free, and Metru Nui was in ruins. Had they remained Toa, they would have guarded the Matoran on Mata Nui. 145) Not really -- he knew where it was, and he knew Vakama would go through with his threat to destroy it if Makuta tried to get it. 156) My editor originally suggested that the Encyclopedia be a Christmas 2008 book. But the Scholastic sales people want it for Christmas 2007, because the first edition sold so well.
1Here's some questions, I asked recently that I got answers for.
2Hey Greg. I have a few questions I've wanted to ask.
31. Legacy of Evil doesn't mention where the Piraka got the antidermis, so where did they find it?
42. Is the Kanohi Dragon still on Roodaka's homeland?
53. Any chance that you'll release the origin of the Krana and other stuff you didn't have room for, thanks to the decreased book schedule, online or try to fit it into 2008 or something?
64. Do you like it when you have more freedom in a book, like Legacy of Evil?
75. Have you read any of the Marvel Civil War titles? 85a. If so, what are your thoughts/opinions on it?
9Thanks for your time.
101) When they built the vat, it was collected out of the air. It wasn't something they carried around with them. 112) Yes 123) It won't fit into 2008. Best I can do is do it online if they have room. 134) Yup 145) I have read it, yes. I have been a little disappointed. Marvel positioned this like it would be two sets of heroes with different opinions, and neither side would be "bad" or "good" -- just sincerely opposed. Instead, what we got is an obvious "Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic are being mind-controlled" story, and Spider-Man revealing his identity to the world and then in the very next issue having a tantrum about why he did something so stupid. So you can already see that five minutes after the storyline ends, someone (Eternity, the Stranger, Dr. Strange, somebody) will undo everything that changed in the storyline
1I have a few questions on a couple of theories, and some other stuff thrown in:
21) This is a thought that accured during school-- why do masks always have the same shape, other than a general tradition? I mean, is it possible to make, say, a Miru in the shape of a Kaukau? It'd seem so, as I don't see why shape would matter, unless you prove me wrong otherwise.
32) You have stated before that the Toa Nuva will discover the Toa Inika on Voya Nui in BL5. Does this mean that they will see them? Or just learn about them from Axonn or some other entity? 4I'd guess the second one, as the TN are locked up somewhere. . . I donno.
53) You've also stated that Mata Nui is in a place that you can go to, not some freaky spirit dimension thing. Does this mean that the Toa Inika will travel there, and will they actually see Mata Nui?
64) Can you put an object like a rock or something in a Zamor?
75) I bet I've heard it before, but why did the DH/BOM war start? 85/A) How big was the first attack that was in BL4? It stated that there were a lot of things attacking, but not a number.
96) What happened to the Toa fortress in BL4? Was it destroyed by the Frosteulus? (sp?) Or is it still there, just abandoned?
107) What is your favorite aspect about LEGO? Personally, mine is how they interact with the fans, unlike most companies.
118) Do you watch Survivor or American Idol?
12That's it:
13Thanks in advance,
151) It is entirely possible to do that, just as it is possible to make a Stop sign triangular and yellow instead of octagonal and red. But suppose you are a Toa in Metru Nui, and you desperately need a Hau to fight off an attack. You run into the Great Temple to get one (since you didn't think to put one on your suva) ... but since the mask shapes don't match their powers, you have to try on every mask in the place until you find a Hau. Doesn't make much sense, right? So the Matoran carve the masks in set ways so that someone using the mask will know what power it has before he puts it on.
162) Toa Nuva return in Bionicle Legends #5.
173) I can't answer this one.
184) Good question. I don't know if the outer shell of a zamor is strong enough to carry something solid, I would have to think about it.
195) The DH/BOM war started because The Shadowed One found out Makuta killed Nidhiki and Krekka. And I am not sure which quote you are referring to from Bionicle Legends #4, can you give me the quote?
206) It is in ruins.
217) That certainly makes LEGO different from other companies. As an employee, I also like the fact that they care so much about people and their families.
228) I used to watch Survivor, don't anymore, and never really watched Idol. I do watch Amazing Race, though.
235/A-- "Visorak:" 24Dark Hunters flooded to the walls to defend the fortress, but the scene quickly devolved into chaos. Visorak Oohnorak used their power of mimicry to shout out contradictory orders in the voices of Zaktan, Ancient, and even the Shadowed One. Vohtorak made berserker charges at the base of the walls, trying to punch holes in the stone. Boggarak scaled the walls, launching their spinners and turning defenders into dust.
259) Thought of another one-- if you could make a movie about one of the three years ('01, '02, '03) that there wasn't a movie, which would it be? ('01 for me)
261) Oh, hundreds, easily. 272) Well, there was a movie for '03 -- Mask of Light. I would probably say '02, because I think the Bohrok invasion would be very visual, if only because of the sheer numbers of them, plus the scenes in the nests would be creepy.
28Just some questions. . . 29and BTW, I meant '06. (XD>.<)
1Hello there mr farshtey, I have some questions concerning the kanohi Iden. 21. If matoro went into a vahki, with his mask, wouldn't he be stuck in the vahki because he is no longer wearing the mask?
32. Could matoro posess inanimate objects, using his mask.
43. Has any other toa ever worn a kanohi Iden?
54. what would the abilities of a noble kanohi Iden be?
6Now some general questions.
71. What would the abilities of the other Inika's masks be as noble kanohi?
82. Is the zone of darkness like a parallel dimension or a pocket dimension?
93. About how big is the dark hunter island?
104. Who is your favorite character?
115. Which is your favorite rahi?
126. Which is your favorite book?
13thanks in advance
141) No. As long as the mask is on his physical body, his spirit has access to its power. 152) No. 163) It's likely, because it was a Matoran mask when Matoro got it, so it must have been carved in tribute to the Great Mask version.
171) Really don't have time to list all this, sorry. 182) I consider it a pocket dimension 193) You'll get a better picture of it in the Atlas 204) Kopaka 215) I don't really have one 226) BA #10 and Bionicle Legends #4
23just some questions I was wondering about
1Hi Greg. I've read BL4 5 times already and after carefully analyzing everything I think I can analyze about it, I've got a small bundle of questions to ask you about it (and I won't post this until BL4 spoilers are OKed). The first couple are questions, but more confirmation questions so I don't feel stupid for assuming something and being wrong :
21) The green vapor and tentacles hovering over the Piraka in Makuta's chamber were in fact Makuta, right?
32) So it was Makuta that gave the Piraka the idea to find the Ignika, right?
42.2) Can you please confirm (if not, no hard feelings, but it's driving me nuts) if Makuta is the Antidermis or not?
53) Do you know TSO's name?
63.2) If so, can you reveal it?
7After reading BL4, I've come to realize that almost all the info in the Official BoM Topic is incorrect, so I want to clear some things up.
84) Makuta (the one we know) is in fact the strongest and most powerful Makuta?
95) So the BoM members are not equal in power?
106) Is the Metru Nui Makuta the leader of the BoM?
117) Will we find out how many BoM members there are in the Atlas?
12Other questions on BL4
138) So Plant Control is now an "element?" Because in the first chapter, it said that the blue-green armored Toa had the power to control plants. Was that his element or is Kanohi power?
149) How did the Kanohi Dragon wind up frozen deep beneath Metru Nui's surface in the first place?
1510) There were 4 Toa of Ice in Toa Lhikan's team of 11, or were they more reinforcements (because in the book, it said that the Kanohi Dragon was defeated, thanks in no small part to 4 Toa of Ice).
1611) Though you probably won't tell me why this is, do you know why Zaktan survived TSO's eyebeams?
1712) So the Mana-Ko were more of Makuta's guardians?
1813) Were they really a Manas Kaita, or a completely different thing?
1914) The canisters that the Piraka used, were they the Toa Nuva's canisters from when they were Toa Mata?
2014.2) If not, where did they come from?
2115) Where did Vezon get his canister from?
22I'm pretty sure that's it for BL4 questions. I'm gonna get started re-reading all of the books to refresh the storyline in my head (as I always do when I get a new BIONICLE book). In about a week and a half after that, I'm gonna have more questions for you, I'm sure. I'm gonna buy BL2, 3, and 4 for my cousins (who are getting into BIONICLE) so they can learn more about it and I can help the sales a little.
23Thanks in advance Greg.
24- Toa Lhikan Hordika
251) Yes 262) Yes 272a) Going to keep that to myself for now 283-3a) I haven't bothered to make up a true name for him, simply because I can't get Legal to clear something I don't plan on putting in story 294) In terms of experience, yes. 305) No team is totally equal in power, because different members have different experiences, different amounts of time in combat, etc. 316) He is now. Once the others fell into line behind his actions, he became de facto leader because it was his plan 327) No. 338) I am calling him, for myself, "Toa of the Green" 349) The result of an ancient defeat 3510) No, they were part of the 11 team. 3611) Yes 3712) Actually, there is more to the Mana Ko than you know ... more to be revealed next year 3813) Different thing 3914) Yes 4015) Canister belonging to an OOMN member who had come to Mata Nui shortly after the Toa Metru arrived, and was later slain by Makuta (and that is your scoop of the day)

1TLH, I didn't know we were allowed to post BL4 spoilers. Well then I'm gonna post up what I've been saving for a while: question and answers about BL4. Oh and there's a little interesting tidbit about Mata Nui's location.. :
2Hello again Mr.F: I have a few questions, some regarding BL4:
31. Can I assume that Makuta is indeed still alive as the Piraka..4None of them noticed wisps of green vapor that hovered near the ceiling or the smoky tendrils drifting down toward them.
5And seeing as how Makuta's energy could be described as vapor (both forms of gas) wouldn't that mean Makuta was there and descended into the Piraka's minds, speaking to them of Voya Nui?
62. Where was the seventh Toa canister located on Mata Nui? 72b. Was it Takanuva's? 82c. If not, who's was it?
93. Was Vezok considered to be leader of the gang before the Vezon incident which caused him to become slightly less intelligent?
104. Any idea on when BL5 is coming out?
115. What book are you currently working on? 125b. Which books have you already finished?
136. Do you ever get Writer's Block?
147. What was the unnamed BoM island called in 2007? Was it Xia?
158. Is there any signifigance into what Vezok said about Zaktan:16One day, he's going to do something beyond what we can imagine, Vezok thought. Maybe replace the Shadowed One... maybe get his hands on something that will make theToa and the Brotherhood bow down to him... or maybe just lead us into the fire and destroy us all.
179. Is it true that the Makuta we know is the most powerful of the BoM?
1810. Was the symbol that Zaktan touched to activate the rooms rearranging power a symbol of Voya Nui? How could this be since Voya Nui wasn't broken off of the mainland until the GC.. Unless it was already that shape beforehand.
1911.20When it was done, the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken... and a reign of darkness would begin that no Matoran ever dreamed of in his most horrifying nightmares.21Does that mean Mata Nui was placed under an Evil Curse? If he were to be awakened, would he become evil?
22Hmm, I sincerely hope you can answer some of these. Thank you so much Mr.F:
231) Follow the story and find out. 242) The seventh canister belonged to an Order of Mata Nui member who arrived on Mata Nui shortly after the Matoran did, and was killed by Makuta. Takanuva never had a canister, because he didn't come to Mata Nui from off-island -- he turned into a Toa there. 253) Not really, no. Zaktan was. 264) Should be in stores probably November sometime. 275) I am working on BIONICLE Legends #7 (the postponed version, not the originally planned version) 286) Not usually. 297) No, it was not Xia. 308) Yes. He led the group to Makuta's lair and eventually to Voya Nui, which isn't going to end well for the Piraka. 319) Most skilled and experienced. 3210) It was that shape beforehand. The portion of Voya Nui that broke off didn't appear until after Voya Nui had already broken off the continent and reached its current position -- it was a new portion of the landmass. 3311) No, Mata Nui is not under a curse that will make him become evil.
34If I understand correctly, then for number 10, does that mean that there is still some of Voya Nui on the Main Continent?
35And for number 8, does that mean that only one Piraka will survive this year?
36Who was the OoMN member? Was he a Toa?
37And was Vezon's canister that of the OoMN member's?
381) No. Let me see if I can make sense of it for you. Okay, you have the city of Hartford in the center of Connecticut. Something cataclysmic happens and Hartford shoots up into the sky. Then over time, new land forms around the city, changing its shape. And then even later, that land breaks off and falls back to Earth, leaving Hartford in the same shape it was before. 392) No 403) No, Toa are not recruited into the OOMN, and except for the Inika and Nuva (at the end of this year), no Toa even knows the OOMN exists. Toa are like police, and they have to very public and adhere to a strict moral code, because they need the trust and the respect of the Matoran in order to do their jobs. OOMN members are like CIA agents -- they do the things Toa can't do.
41Just one more thing, and I hope you can at least give me some sort of answer, but for number 11, could you explain how a reign of darkness would occur hence the reawakening of Mata Nui?
42And you said he was in a Physical place right? Could anyone waltz into that area?
43Oh yes and about the Voya Nui thing, the land that broke off in the explination above, is tha the Lost Land you are referring to? If so, then is it back on the Mainland or something?
44Sorry to bother you again. But that'll be all today.
451) No, sorry, I can't answer this. What I have shared on it is all we want fans to know right now. 462) Yes, he is, and yes, it is quite easy to get to him. 473) No, it's not. Voya Nui traveled quite a long way from the mainland before it stopped moving. So it is sort of like this:
48Mata Nui Voya Nui
49Metru Nui Mainland
50EEP, I'm quite sorry but my curiosity is strong. 2 more and I swear that'll be all.
511. Is Mata Nui "sanctuary" if you will, a place we've already been to? If not has anyone we know been there already?
522. Do the Inika stay underwater for the whole 2007? And do the Nuva face the Bahrag once again?
53Thank you MR.F for your uber-smartness.
541) Can't answer it 552) Sorry, cannot discuss 2007 storyline
1The Toa Inika and Toa Nuva are recruited into the OoMN at the end of 2006:? Awesome: This is huge: Why were you holding that one back?
2Greg didn't say they would be recruited, he said that no other Toa besides the Nuva and Inika would know about the OOMN.

1Couple of things on Bionicle Legends#4. Answer #2 is the most interesting.
2Hi Mr. F,
3I just read Bionicle Legends#4 (brilliant book, by the way), and I have a few questions about it. I was hoping you could answer them. Thanks in advance.
41) Zaktan discovered a secret BoM chamber and thus found out about all the BoM's plans. The book states that the BoM's plan includes, should the Toa Mata prove too difficult to kill, they should be made to believe they had won (even if it cost the life of a BoM member). Then the BoM's true plan would unfold, and eventually the Great Spirit would be allowed to reawaken. Then a period of darkness would follow. 5My question is: Will we find out what this ''true plan'' is? And when? 61) You will find out about it as it unfolds over the next couple years.
72) The book refers to the Makuta we know as ''the Makuta of Metru-Nui''. Does this mean other lands had their own ''Makuta''? Meaning it's more like a job title than a personal name? 82) Yup. It is a job title and a species name, and you are the first person to know the latter![]()
93) Did Roodaka intend to put Zaktan in the right direction to the secret BoM chamber? Why would she do that? 103) Roodaka is playing all sides against the middle. By giving the DH a shove in the right direction, she helps to check the BOM even as is she doing the same to the DH.
114) Why was Roodaka so eager to get the Kanohi Dragon after it was defeated? Did she want to use it to attack other lands, perhaps? 124) Or study it, find some way to duplicate its power to make a weapon.
135) Are the Mana Ko in Makuta's lair simply influenced Rahi (by means of infected masks)? Or have they always worked for the Brotherhood? 145) More on Mana Ko will be revealed in the Atlas next year, so you will find out then.
15Thanks for your time.

12) The book refers to the Makuta we know as ''the Makuta of Metru-Nui''. Does this mean other lands had their own ''Makuta''? Meaning it's more like a job title than a personal name? 22) Yup. It is a job title and a species name, and you are the first person to know the latter
3Remember that in 2001 the enemy was always referred to as 'The Makuta', not 'Makuta'. I wonder if this was a subtle hint?
1I got these over a month ago (I think), and since BL4 spoilers can be discussed (I think) Here we are:
441) Yes 452) Or things I throw out for fans to theorize on -- I don't feel every single detail warrants a long explanation/story. Some things are thrown in to give the story some richness and color. 4610) Lariska's only power is her agility and her marksmanship, and Triglax I have not bothered to come up with powers for because he has never appeared in the story. 4711) No. 4812) Doubtful 4913) Yes 5014) TSO figured he might be of use someday -- he was ambitious, and as it turned out, he did wind up in a high-ranking position serving the BOM. Had he lived, TSO might have been able to use him as a spy. 5115) No. He stole the Makoki stones just before being recruited into the DH, so it wasn't his last mission before turning traitor 5216) When Mata Nui was awake, yes 5317) No. Krakua is from the future, not the past. 5418) Books always take precedence over MNOG 5519) Yes 5620) Can't discuss future storyline 5721) It belonged to an OOMN member who Makuta had killed some time back 5822) No. TSO knew about Vezon because Hakann told him. TSO assumed that, having Vezok's knowledge of the DH, Vezon would turn over the mask if he got it. 5923) Yes 6024) Not his intelligence, more his ability to think strategically 6125) Again, books take precedence. 6226) Nothing, it's still there. 6327) If Voporak got the Vahi, he would turn it over to TSO. 6428) Who knows? 6529) No. Roodaka is already selling the DH information, she is of more use to them working for BOM -- of course, she is selling BOM info on the DH too. 6630) Seven total, counting Vezon 6731) By attacking it and overwhelming its garrison of Visorak and Exo-Toa 6832) You're not supposed to understand it yet. 6933) Yes 7034) Can't answer it 7135) Yes
3I sent you another PM. Did you get it?
4I'll try to remember...
51. Was Triglax's name cleared by legal?
6Are the following things those details that you challenge yourself to explain later?
72.Toa of Plasma 83.Toa of Sonics mentioned in Ignition 1 94.Toa of Gravity 105.Toa of Gravity's turaga 116.Triglax 127.Vezok's tablet 138.Toa in stasis tube in TSO's fortress 149.Toa of the Green
1510.Do you know Lariska's and Triglax's powers?
1611.Is it possible that the Recorder is a BOM spy?
1712.Did Sidorak know Gladiator before BL4?
1813.Did he try to join the DH?
1914.Why did TSO keep him alive? What purpose did he serve?
2015.The Makoki stone isn't the tablet mentioned in Vezok's entry in the DH Guide, is it?
2116.Were the Toa once much more organized than they are now?
2217.Is the fortress in BL4 Krakua's Fortress?
2318.In BL4, the makoki stone is a tablet. In MNOLG, it is a sphere. Which is it?
2419.Were the Piraka's canisters the ones the Toa Mata arrived in?
2520.Does the fact that the Kraahkan sank the the seafloor have to do with future plot?
2621.Where did Vezon get his canister?
2722.Is this what happened? 28Vezon slipped away from the Mana Ko, went to the DH base, joined the DH (but never got fully recruited or a nickname), made his deal with TSO, and left?
2923. Do Vezon and Vezok share memories (That's how Vezon knows everyone's names, the Matoran language, etc.)?
3024.Was Vezok's intelligence transferred to Vezon?
3125.Piraka Attack bios state that Vezok and Reidak are the stupidest piraka. BL4 and the DH guide seem to disprove that. Which is true?
3226.What happened to the Kanohi Dragon after it was transported to Roodaka?
3327.What would happen to Voporak if he got the Vahi? Would Tso return him to Makuta (yeah right)? Would Voporak be forced to actually join the DH?
3428.Is Mimic's friend still alive?
3529.Will TSO force Roodaka to join DH?
3630.How many Piraka are on Voya Nui? (I just want to clear this up, some people believe there is an "8th Piraka", i personally don't.)
3731. How did TSO obtain a BOM fortress?
3832.I didn''t quite understand Makuta's plan. Was he going to save Mata Nui, awaken him, and corrupt him, making him evil?
3933.Were the smoky tendrils and green Vapor in Mangaia Antidermis?
4034.If they are is antidermis Makuta?
4135.The Piraka constantly refer to Makuta as the "Makuta of Metru Nui". Does this mean that Makuta is just a title and that he really has an individual name, and that other lands have Makuta's?
441) Yes 452) Or things I throw out for fans to theorize on -- I don't feel every single detail warrants a long explanation/story. Some things are thrown in to give the story some richness and color. 4610) Lariska's only power is her agility and her marksmanship, and Triglax I have not bothered to come up with powers for because he has never appeared in the story. 4711) No. 4812) Doubtful 4913) Yes 5014) TSO figured he might be of use someday -- he was ambitious, and as it turned out, he did wind up in a high-ranking position serving the BOM. Had he lived, TSO might have been able to use him as a spy. 5115) No. He stole the Makoki stones just before being recruited into the DH, so it wasn't his last mission before turning traitor 5216) When Mata Nui was awake, yes 5317) No. Krakua is from the future, not the past. 5418) Books always take precedence over MNOG 5519) Yes 5620) Can't discuss future storyline 5721) It belonged to an OOMN member who Makuta had killed some time back 5822) No. TSO knew about Vezon because Hakann told him. TSO assumed that, having Vezok's knowledge of the DH, Vezon would turn over the mask if he got it. 5923) Yes 6024) Not his intelligence, more his ability to think strategically 6125) Again, books take precedence. 6226) Nothing, it's still there. 6327) If Voporak got the Vahi, he would turn it over to TSO. 6428) Who knows? 6529) No. Roodaka is already selling the DH information, she is of more use to them working for BOM -- of course, she is selling BOM info on the DH too. 6630) Seven total, counting Vezon 6731) By attacking it and overwhelming its garrison of Visorak and Exo-Toa 6832) You're not supposed to understand it yet. 6933) Yes 7034) Can't answer it 7135) Yes
1wait a minute ... in toa lihkan hordikas post greg said the vapour on the celing was makuta and in kraakhan-user3000s post he said it was antiudermis... that means... makuta lives and is antidermis and therefore the AE [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img]
2m-m- me out
2m-m- me out

11) The green vapor and tentacles hovering over the Piraka in Makuta's chamber were in fact Makuta, right?
21) Yes
3And wait one second...
433.Were the smoky tendrils and green Vapor in Mangaia Antidermis?
634.If they are is antidermis Makuta?
8This is quite confusing...he said to TLH that the tendrils were the Makuta...then he said they were antidermis...but then he said he couldn't answer if they were Makuta...what?
9Something is very strange here...
1This is quite confusing...he said to TLH that the tendrils were the Makuta...then he said they were antidermis...but then he said he couldn't answer if they were Makuta...what?
2Easy explanation. The answers given by Greg are not posted in this topic in chronological order. I could sit on a PM I've had with Greg for six months, then post it here, with Greg saying "I can't answer this," right after someone who posted a PM they just received which answers the question I asked.
3Just one of many possible reasons.
1I'm going to make the crazy guess that Makuta isn't who we think he is. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if he was actually the Ancient evil who has seemingly taken over the BoM and turned them against Mata Nui.
2However, I have some questions concerning the OoMN member who showed up on the island of Mata Nui and was killed, and also to answer the question of the Kardas/Fenrakk relationship.
2However, I have some questions concerning the OoMN member who showed up on the island of Mata Nui and was killed, and also to answer the question of the Kardas/Fenrakk relationship.
31: In the LEGO Catalogue, it claims that Kardas is a more powerful form of Fenrakk. Is this true?
42: The OoMN member who went to Mata Nui shortly after the Matoran did, what was he there for?
53: Since he was killed, why were no more members sent to replace him?
64: Where was he hiding?
75: Why did Makuta never make mention of him? Surely he would love to reveal their secrets.
86: Wouldn't the Turaga have noticed the canister on the island and become suspicious?
91) Yes 102) To keep an eye on the Matoran 113) How would the OOMN know he was dead? Unless he was due to make a report and missed it. If his mission was make a report if something bad happens, when they got no report, they would assume things were fine. 124) No idea. 135) Makuta just knew some stranger showed up on the island who didn't belong there and he killed him. He didn't learn any secrets or that it was a member of OOMN. Makuta doesn't even know the OOMN exists for sure. 146) No. How much wandering do you think they did on Mata Nui in the year before Makuta's Rahi started attacking? And you know the OOMN member would have made a point of landing someplace where Matoran would not have easily stumbled on his canister.
1And wait one second... 2This is quite confusing...he said to TLH that the tendrils were the Makuta...then he said they were antidermis...but then he said he couldn't answer if they were Makuta...what?
3Something is very strange here...
4I think it means that Makuta is Antidermis.
5If the tendrils are Makuta, and the tendrils are antidermis, then Makuta = Antidermis. A = B and A = C means B = C.
1I think it means that Makuta is Antidermis.
2If the tendrils are Makuta, and the tendrils are antidermis, then Makuta = Antidermis. A = B and A = C means B = C.
3Yeah, after all, you just used the Geometrical property of Transitivity.
4I think that those two questions and answers give us all of the proof that we need.
1Its quite obvious that Makuta and Antidermis and the AE are the same thing. Or at least it is until some plot twist changes everything...though thats unlikely. 2But it is really, ridiculously annoying. I mean, Makuta has been in every year in some form. Now we get this new and brilliant year that is supposed to not have Makuta in it, and yet he comes up. It is unimaginative. Its time to leave Makuta in the shadows for a while and some new villains to have a turn. Him worming into every plot is getting extremely annoying.
1i pm'd greg about this, i should get answers soon.
1Normally I'd agree, Kardas, but for some reason it doesn't bother me; maybe because I think Makuta is such a cool and creative villain? I honestly cannot say, but nobody seemed upset when Emperor Palpatine was the main villain in all six Star Wars movies.
2I dunno. Orginal characters being reused doesn't bother me all that much.
2I dunno. Orginal characters being reused doesn't bother me all that much.
1Since Makuta is the AE, I actually find it to be a rather creative and intelligent move. I was getting sick of Makuta because he wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. However, since it turns out that Makuta is actually something entirely different from what he ever have imagined, it just adds a totally new level to BIONICLE, making it just that more interesting.
1Stupid suggestion, but what if Makuta is Antidermis but not the Antidermis of Voya Nui? I seem to remember something about the vapor being Makuta's energy. What if the Antidrmis was another BoM member's energy? Another Makuta, as it were.
1It's possible, but it might be a bit confusing to regular fans; those that don't have the luxury of we BZPers get just found out there WAS a Brotherhood about half- to mid-way through 2005. We've known about them since late 04-early 05.
1i think the staff of fusion is actually a staff of fission(splits things, like vezon and vezok)
1i think the staff of fusion is actually a staff of fission(splits things, like vezon and vezok)
2No, it's a Staff of Fusion because it can "Fuse" beings. Only when it's set on reverse can it split beings apart. (Which is technically fission in a sense, but "fusion" is more descriptive and more accurate)

1Stupid suggestion, but what if Makuta is Antidermis but not the Antidermis of Voya Nui? I seem to remember something about the vapor being Makuta's energy. What if the Antidrmis was another BoM member's energy? Another Makuta, as it were.
2Yeah, exactly. Maybe there was a Voya Nui Makuta who was killed... that way it wouldn't be Our Makuta being shot into Dezalk... it would be Voya-kuta...
3-VK *heads over to BoM and AE/Anti topics...*-
1Well lets get this topic back on track i got these a while back:
14hi Greg
19Me out
There is more stuff but for some reason i cant post it 
2Hi greg, this is my first PM so forgive me if I do something stupid
3Anyway here are some questions: 41 Do toa tools rust or corrode over time?
52 When is BL4 out?
63 When will BS01 be running again?
7P.S will the piraka creature be a set?
8Thanks for your time
101) Not that we have seen so far 112) Fall 123) Asking the wrong person -- that issue is being addressed by BZP and BS01 staff. I am just a member here. 134) What Piraka creature are you referring to?
14hi Greg
15anyway there is this this topic about who nuva masks can be shared with. In my opinion a toa nuva can share his or her masks with whoever they want if they wish, be they matoran, toa or turaga. Or even a member of a completely different species like axxon, brutaca, roodaka or sidorak. Is that correct?
16Protector of fire and lava.
17That is correct, yes. After all, Tahu shared his shielding power with Takua to protect him from the lava in Mask of Light18.
19Me out

1Not too interesting Qs i asked a while ago..
131) No living ones have. 143) Yes 151) Not to my knowledge 162) Yes, but not up close 173) Not to my knowledge.
181) Not directly, as they don't want the BOM to know they exist. 192) See answer to #1 -- BOM members have killed OOMN members, but without knowing who they worked for 203) Far as the BOM knows, he's dead
21Well i find the answer to the second #2 interesting. OOMN members keeping an eye on Karzhani but not Artakha...
22I think #1 might have been answered before, but i still can't wait to get info on Artakha...
23Oh, and i didn't mean Makuta being the AE is entirely uncreative. It is imaginative, but Makuta just being in the storyline at all is what i think we should have missed out this year. You have to admit, five years with the same villain behind everything
2Hi Greg. I have a few questions...
31. Have any OOMN members ever been to Artakha? 42. What do they think of it? 53. Will anything of Artakha (the ruler) be stated in the atlas?
61. Have any OOMN members been to Karzhani? 72. Are there any members keeping an eye on it? 83. Have the BOM been to either Artakha or Karzhani?
91. Do the OOMN deal with the BOM much, or do they spend their time with other things? 102. Do they hunt each other down? 113. Do the BOM know if Makuta is alive or not?
131) No living ones have. 143) Yes 151) Not to my knowledge 162) Yes, but not up close 173) Not to my knowledge.
181) Not directly, as they don't want the BOM to know they exist. 192) See answer to #1 -- BOM members have killed OOMN members, but without knowing who they worked for 203) Far as the BOM knows, he's dead
21Well i find the answer to the second #2 interesting. OOMN members keeping an eye on Karzhani but not Artakha...
22I think #1 might have been answered before, but i still can't wait to get info on Artakha...
23Oh, and i didn't mean Makuta being the AE is entirely uncreative. It is imaginative, but Makuta just being in the storyline at all is what i think we should have missed out this year. You have to admit, five years with the same villain behind everything

1Well I think fans would like to have the Makuta back, he's not an easy foe to defeat and we couldn't have him die so simply. No, this calls for either a one on one battle, or a war to defeat the big bad boss.
1I am excited that my theory about Makuta, AE, and Antidermis are all the same being proven correct. BIONICLE wouldn't be nearly as good if the Makuta of Metru Nui wasn't in it. Actually, if he wasn't, I might quit following the storyline and getting the sets and move over to getting more LEGO System sets.
2I am excited that my theory about Makuta, AE, and Antidermis are all the same being proven correct. BIONICLE wouldn't be nearly as good if the Makuta of Metru Nui wasn't in it. Actually, if he wasn't, I might quit following the storyline and getting the sets and move over to getting more LEGO System sets.
2I am excited that my theory about Makuta, AE, and Antidermis are all the same being proven correct. BIONICLE wouldn't be nearly as good if the Makuta of Metru Nui wasn't in it. Actually, if he wasn't, I might quit following the storyline and getting the sets and move over to getting more LEGO System sets.
1Me and my brother have a few more questions to ask you.
2My brother's questions:
31) will Lariska become a toy?
42) Have you created any characters that appeared in comics, books, or toys? If so, who?
5My questions:
61) Will the Toa fight against Vezon/Fenrakk and the Piraka in book 5?
72) How will the Piraka react when they see Vezon, the seventh Piraka, in the Chamber of the Mask
83) The Chamber of the Mask holds Vezon, Fenrakk, and Umbra in it, right?
94) Is the Chamber of the Mask in Mount Valmai?
105) Would it be okay if I post your answers in a topic?
111) No plans for that 122) In books, yes. In comics and toys, no.
131) Yes 142) Read the book and find out 153) No, Umbra is not in the chamber itself 164) No, not actually inside it, more like underneath it 175) Yes
18Don't mind the "post your answers in a topic" thing. Please don't.
1hi, i was thinking...
21. krakua has a suletu shaped like a hau. the toa hagah have masks shaped like the masks of old heroes. is there any connection between them? 31) Krakua's mask is not shaped like a Hau in the story. It's only shaped like a Hau in the model because the fan who built it only had access to existing parts. 42. is krakua's mask shaped like the mask of an old heroe? 52) No
63. norik's mask is shaped like a kiril; is the old hero dume? 73) No
84. is krakuas grey armor canonical? 94) Yes
105. you told Toa Lhikan Hordika that the green tendrils in Mangaia were makuta. you told Krahkaan-User3000 that the green tendrils were antidermis. before that, you said that the antidermis was the AE. basicly, you're saying the Makuta of Metru Nui is, in fact, the AE. what exactly are you talking about? 115) What do you find confusing about this? Seems pretty straightforward to me
12i appreciate the answers. thanks.
13you told Toa Lhikan Hordika that the green tendrils in Mangaia were makuta. you told Krahkaan-User3000 that the green tendrils were antidermis. before that, you said that the antidermis was the AE. basicly, you're saying the Makuta of Metru Nui is, in fact, the AE. what exactly are you talking about?
145) What do you find confusing about this? Seems pretty straightforward to me
15does this mean you are implying that makuta is the ancient evil? 16kurtrahk
19so heres the info: green tendrils are makuta; green tendrils are antidermis; antidermis is AE; Greg implies that makuta is AE; its obvious that makuta is AE by now.