13) Last (and probably least): HOw is the official title of a Toa:
2Toa Team Name (like Toa Mahri Jaller) 3or 4Toa Name Team (like Toa Jaller Mahri - which by they way sounds quite like Toa Calamari; made my laugh and I wondered if anyone else noticed) 53) It's Toa Team name followed by proper name
6That's... kind of akward in some cases. Toa Nuva Onua? I thought we always said Onua Nuva, or Jaller Inika. I guess when you include the Toa title part of it, it changes.
7I know I find that sort of annoying,

1Makuta of Oz, there's no need to shout at us. In a topic as large as this, it's perfectly possible to miss a couple of posts when you're reading through it.
2But in answer to your question, I did see your 'Makuta-is-Gadunka theory'. But if Greg has said it's a Rahi, I would be inclined to think that it's just a Rahi, nothing more. We can't really tell at this point, the story has only just begun.
2But in answer to your question, I did see your 'Makuta-is-Gadunka theory'. But if Greg has said it's a Rahi, I would be inclined to think that it's just a Rahi, nothing more. We can't really tell at this point, the story has only just begun.
3Plus, in the same way the Vahi won't travel thru time, the Ignika can't bring people back from the dead.4And again, I quote...
510) You said that the corrosion of the seawater damages the Maskof Life and that it's life energies would spill into the water. Does this have some cross-reaction with the mutagen in the water? 610) Not yet 7(uuh... what dos that mean..... Gadunka?)10Greg has just said that inanimate beings will be filled with life. So if it isn't the pit jailor, I guess it could be Gadunka.
811) If answer to 10 is "yes". Could this fill inanimate beings with life? 911) See answer 10
1Hello, Greg. I'm not sure if you got my previous message, so I thought I'd send it again just in case, but better organized this time...
21. The Toa Mahri's revolving blasters are called Cordak/Cordak Blasters, right? 32. Their ammo; Are they like canisters of air? (Would make sense considering their enemies) 43. Would a (story) reason for Kongu having two Cordak be because he can just shoot air at his opponents, rather than using a tool to control it (Which would be near imossible under water...). (And was this one of those things where you had to make a story reason due to a foolish thing done by the set designers?)
5Anywho, I think that's it... Regardless of what you answer, thanks for your time.
61) Yes 72) No. The blasters were not originally made for underwater use, so they are not an air weapon 83) No. And I don't consider it a particularly foolish thing -- he has two blasters because the focus groups liked him with two.
9Just some stuff I thought of after seeing Kongu... There was more, but I'd prefer that that stay private. (And before any of you start askin' if I can post this, yes, I can)
1Hello, Greg. I'm not sure if you got my previous message, so I thought I'd send it again just in case, but better organized this time...
21. The Toa Mahri's revolving blasters are called Cordak/Cordak Blasters, right? 32. Their ammo; Are they like canisters of air? (Would make sense considering their enemies) 43. Would a (story) reason for Kongu having two Cordak be because he can just shoot air at his opponents, rather than using a tool to control it (Which would be near imossible under water...). (And was this one of those things where you had to make a story reason due to a foolish thing done by the set designers?)
5Anywho, I think that's it... Regardless of what you answer, thanks for your time.
61) Yes 72) No. The blasters were not originally made for underwater use, so they are not an air weapon 83) No. And I don't consider it a particularly foolish thing -- he has two blasters because the focus groups liked him with two.
9Just some stuff I thought of after seeing Kongu... There was more, but I'd prefer that that stay private. (And before any of you start askin' if I can post this, yes, I can)
10NOOOOOOOOOOOO: Well, theres another Mahri I aint buying. Oh well, just Hahli is fine. She'll make an awesome set if they dont change her at all.
1Since it's now 2 weeks after the release date, I'm posting some questions asked earlier about Bionicle Legends#6 City of the Lost.
21) Which of the new Matoran (Reysa, Gar, Kyrehx, Sarda, Idris) will actually be released as sets? 31) Sarda and Idris, far as I know 42) When the squid caught Brutaka at the end, why didn't Brutaka just teleport it away? Doesn't his mask work underwater anymore? 52) If a giant squid grabbed you from behind unexpectedly, would you have the presence of mind to automatically know what to do? 63) Do the Barraki intend to kill Brutaka, or are they ''saving'' him for the moment? (He might perhaps be of future use?) 73) The Barraki really don't care what happens to him, he's of no use to them. If he survives, fine; if he doesn't, they don't care 84) What happens to Kyrehx? She was part of Takadox's and Carapar's plan, wasn't she? 94) We have 11 more months of story to tell.
111) But why Sarda? He's already dead in the story, isn't he? 121) Did you see a corpse? 132) Well, I would expect Brutaka to know... he's a veteran, and doesn't seem like the type to panic... to me. 142) I don't know, look how he lost it fighting Axonn when Axonn wouldn't go down. I don't think calm, cool and collected really applies to Brutaka.
161) But if the Takea devoured him, would there be a corpse left to see? 171) He's not dead. He's a set later this year
21) Which of the new Matoran (Reysa, Gar, Kyrehx, Sarda, Idris) will actually be released as sets? 31) Sarda and Idris, far as I know 42) When the squid caught Brutaka at the end, why didn't Brutaka just teleport it away? Doesn't his mask work underwater anymore? 52) If a giant squid grabbed you from behind unexpectedly, would you have the presence of mind to automatically know what to do? 63) Do the Barraki intend to kill Brutaka, or are they ''saving'' him for the moment? (He might perhaps be of future use?) 73) The Barraki really don't care what happens to him, he's of no use to them. If he survives, fine; if he doesn't, they don't care 84) What happens to Kyrehx? She was part of Takadox's and Carapar's plan, wasn't she? 94) We have 11 more months of story to tell.
111) But why Sarda? He's already dead in the story, isn't he? 121) Did you see a corpse? 132) Well, I would expect Brutaka to know... he's a veteran, and doesn't seem like the type to panic... to me. 142) I don't know, look how he lost it fighting Axonn when Axonn wouldn't go down. I don't think calm, cool and collected really applies to Brutaka.
161) But if the Takea devoured him, would there be a corpse left to see? 171) He's not dead. He's a set later this year

GregF Toa_Hewkii
2I just got finish reading Bionicle Legends 6 so, I have a few things to ask:
31. Was it the Barraki that made Makuta want to over throw Mata nui (At the end of the prologue)?
42. Dekar thinks that if he gives the mask to some one else, it will transfer the curse to the other, is that what would happen?
53. What happend to Idris?
64. Was Dekar the po matoran that defilak made the sea-craft (AKA Submarine) for?
75. Are the Inika in the "Cord"?
86. if so, Is the bolt of light that goes up the "Cord" (The mask of life) the way it changes the Inika?
101) They got him started thinking, yes 112) Yes 123) She's in Mahri Nui 134) Nope 145) Yup 156) That is certainly a possiblity, TH
1Bionicle Legends#6 questions, edited for convenience. QUESTIONS ANSWERS .
21. Are the two terms "the League of the Six Kingdoms" and "the Barraki" synonymous, as they both refer to the alliance of Pridak, Carapar, etc.? 31) No. LOSK refers to a political alliance -- sort of like NATO. Barraki refers to the individual leaders of the respective kingdoms involved.
42. Was Turaga Jovan the Turaga whom Defilak was recalling fragmentary memories of? 52) Yes
63. Venom Eels are fully organic, correct? If that is true, then are the distantly-related Lava Eels fully organic as well, despite their living in the biomechanical world? 73) Well, we know there are some completely organic beings in the BIONICLE world, including krana and kraata ... but I don't see lava eels as 'related' to venom eels.
84. Mata Nui created the Barraki as a potentially effective means of running the universe more efficiently. How were the Barraki intended to make the world run more smoothly? 94) Back in Italy in the '40s, people excused Fascism by saying that "the trains ran on time." Dictatorial government excels at maintaining order, because it suppresses all freedom.
105. Did Mata Nui create Ehlek specifically or his entire race as well? 115 ) Not sure I follow you ... Mata Nui created his entire race.
126. Does any other information about razorcrabs, thornplants, the Pillars of Salt, the Salt Mountain, the Lowlands, the mountain with the stone cord, or the High Mountains exist? 136) Not yet, we just started the story
147. Mahri Rock is the upside-down triangle that Mahri Nui rests on, correct? So Mahri Nui is the city while Mahri Rock is actually the whole "island"? 157) Yes
168. Which of the formations mentioned two questions above rest on Mahri Rock? 178) Would have to go back and check my map
189. Are the sea caves where Dekar took the Ignika on Mahri Rock or somewhere off its edge? 199) Somewhere else
2010. The Matoran of Mahri Nui weren't affected by the mutagen in the waters of the Pit as drastically as the Barraki were because they didn't have as long an exposure, but why aren't they affected while swimming from bubble to bubble? 2110) Most times, when Matoran are moving between large bubbles, they have their personal air bubble around them which protects them from the water
2211. Is there any chance at all that we'll see Sarda again, or is he truly dead? 2311) If you don't see a corpse, don't assume he's dead
2412. Is Morak mentioned at all anywhere in the books? 2512) Not by name, no.
2613. There seems to be a property of the Kanohi Ignika (at least, as of Bionicle Legends #6) in that it does not allow any living thing in close proximity to it to die. Dekar was unable to kill any of the Venom Eels that were attacking the city, and the mask supplied Dekar with air when his bubble was running out. The book also stated that the Ignika was losing energy in the form of air bubbles because it was damaged. This next question is threefold: 2713a. Is the Ignika losing energy in the form of air bubbles specifically, or is it actually losing life energy in that it is supplying it to those near it, thus why it wouldn't allow the Venom Eels to die by regenerating their tissue or Dekar to drown by giving him air? 2813b. The thing that is damaging the Ignika is indeed the mutagen, correct (or is it perhaps because the seawater is corrosive)? 2913c. When I read that the mask gave Dekar air when he was in danger of drowning, I thought how the mask might have worked for water-breathers in danger of drowning on land -- the Barraki, specifically. Do the Barraki want the Mask of Life because they believe that if they go up to the surface while in posession of the mask, it will allow them to survive the pressure changes and to breathe air because it will not let them die? 3013) You are jumping a little too far ahead. The reason the venom eels weren't dying is that the Ignika's curse on Dekar was that he couldn't kill anything. It wasn't because they were in proximity to the mask. It was because he possessed the mask. 31No, the Barraki do not believe the mask will not let them die. They believe the mask can turn them back into what they were before. 32And yes, the mask is suffering because of the mutagen. The water is not corrosive, if it was the inhabitants of the area would have been eaten away long ago.
3314. My final question -- do you regularly receive many comments or criticisms via PM from the online BZP community regarding your books/writing? 3414) Most of the criticisms I get have to do with things I have no control over, like length of the books, release schedule, where they are in the stores, etc.
42. Was Turaga Jovan the Turaga whom Defilak was recalling fragmentary memories of? 52) Yes
63. Venom Eels are fully organic, correct? If that is true, then are the distantly-related Lava Eels fully organic as well, despite their living in the biomechanical world? 73) Well, we know there are some completely organic beings in the BIONICLE world, including krana and kraata ... but I don't see lava eels as 'related' to venom eels.
84. Mata Nui created the Barraki as a potentially effective means of running the universe more efficiently. How were the Barraki intended to make the world run more smoothly? 94) Back in Italy in the '40s, people excused Fascism by saying that "the trains ran on time." Dictatorial government excels at maintaining order, because it suppresses all freedom.
105. Did Mata Nui create Ehlek specifically or his entire race as well? 115 ) Not sure I follow you ... Mata Nui created his entire race.
126. Does any other information about razorcrabs, thornplants, the Pillars of Salt, the Salt Mountain, the Lowlands, the mountain with the stone cord, or the High Mountains exist? 136) Not yet, we just started the story
147. Mahri Rock is the upside-down triangle that Mahri Nui rests on, correct? So Mahri Nui is the city while Mahri Rock is actually the whole "island"? 157) Yes
168. Which of the formations mentioned two questions above rest on Mahri Rock? 178) Would have to go back and check my map
189. Are the sea caves where Dekar took the Ignika on Mahri Rock or somewhere off its edge? 199) Somewhere else
2010. The Matoran of Mahri Nui weren't affected by the mutagen in the waters of the Pit as drastically as the Barraki were because they didn't have as long an exposure, but why aren't they affected while swimming from bubble to bubble? 2110) Most times, when Matoran are moving between large bubbles, they have their personal air bubble around them which protects them from the water
2211. Is there any chance at all that we'll see Sarda again, or is he truly dead? 2311) If you don't see a corpse, don't assume he's dead
2412. Is Morak mentioned at all anywhere in the books? 2512) Not by name, no.
2613. There seems to be a property of the Kanohi Ignika (at least, as of Bionicle Legends #6) in that it does not allow any living thing in close proximity to it to die. Dekar was unable to kill any of the Venom Eels that were attacking the city, and the mask supplied Dekar with air when his bubble was running out. The book also stated that the Ignika was losing energy in the form of air bubbles because it was damaged. This next question is threefold: 2713a. Is the Ignika losing energy in the form of air bubbles specifically, or is it actually losing life energy in that it is supplying it to those near it, thus why it wouldn't allow the Venom Eels to die by regenerating their tissue or Dekar to drown by giving him air? 2813b. The thing that is damaging the Ignika is indeed the mutagen, correct (or is it perhaps because the seawater is corrosive)? 2913c. When I read that the mask gave Dekar air when he was in danger of drowning, I thought how the mask might have worked for water-breathers in danger of drowning on land -- the Barraki, specifically. Do the Barraki want the Mask of Life because they believe that if they go up to the surface while in posession of the mask, it will allow them to survive the pressure changes and to breathe air because it will not let them die? 3013) You are jumping a little too far ahead. The reason the venom eels weren't dying is that the Ignika's curse on Dekar was that he couldn't kill anything. It wasn't because they were in proximity to the mask. It was because he possessed the mask. 31No, the Barraki do not believe the mask will not let them die. They believe the mask can turn them back into what they were before. 32And yes, the mask is suffering because of the mutagen. The water is not corrosive, if it was the inhabitants of the area would have been eaten away long ago.
3314. My final question -- do you regularly receive many comments or criticisms via PM from the online BZP community regarding your books/writing? 3414) Most of the criticisms I get have to do with things I have no control over, like length of the books, release schedule, where they are in the stores, etc.
1The first of 4-5 Pm's from Greg about BL6
2Hey Greg,
3I just finished Bionicle Legends 6 and I must say it was a great way to start off 2007. The Barraki each have very cunning and unique personalities. They were a nice change from the Piraka. It was a more cunning andd tactical beginning which really appealed to my style of reading. I was suprised to see that Botar actually met and talked to Makuta. 4I have some questions I hope you can answer and I promise they won't go out on the forum unless you give the go ahead.
51. When Makuta thinks about the Barraki's attempt to overthrow Mata-Nui he says it was foolish to even attempt it. But it also said that with the thoughts of the Barraki the idea begins to form in Makuta's head about overthrowing Mata-Nui?
62. How fast does the mutagenic agent work?
73. How did the mutagenic agent come to be? 83b. Was it always in the water? 93c. Or did the pit have something to do with creating it?
104. 2 Matoran touched the Ignika: Kyrehx and Dekar. I didn't really catch on to how the Ignika cursed them. Could you tell me how?
115. The water seems to be affecting the Ignika causing it to crack, now that it has started cracking will 'life' pour out of it like time did with the Vahi?
127. At the end of BL5 Axonn opened up a way for the Inika to travel to Mahri Nui, down something like a stone shaft. In BL6 the giant venom eel seemed to be distracted by something traveling down the giant stone shaft. Was it the Inika?
138. What exactly did the Mutagenic agent do to Brutaka?
149. Is the fourth faction called the League of the Six Kingdoms?
1510. What are the 'Six Kingdoms'?
1611.Sarda was feed to Takea sharks by Pridak, correct?
17Thanks for answering the ones you can. 18I can't wait for whatever else you have in store for us.
201) Yes. It's sort of like a cop nabbing a robber trying to rob a bank, and then realizing that someone really smart could do the robbery. 212) Some aspects, really fast, some aspects, slower 223) Can't answer it at this time 234) Well, everywhere Kyrehx went, plant life grew wild; and Dekar was no longer capable of killing anything, everytime he inflicted a wound on something, it healed automatically 245) Yes 257) That is certainly a good guess 268) Made him a water-breather 279) Yes 2810) The six empires once ruled by the Barraki 2911) Sarda's fate remains a mystery
1hi greg i just have a few questions, though i apriciate you may not be able to answer them because of storyline reasons
21)Is Gadunka in anyway related to makuta?
32)What is your opinion on the toa Mahri?
43)How are the Mahri transformed?
54)Is the jailor alive or dead at this moment?
65)Will we see a mutated Brutaka this year?
76)What happened to all the toa to make there numbers go down so dramatically?
87)Are all the toa ever created mutated at one time or another?
91) No 102) I work for LEGO, Shadow, so you pretty much have to expect a positive answer here, right? 113) Not revealing this yet 124) Not alive yet, I believe 135) Brutaka has already appeared in Bionicle Legends #6, and isn't slated to appear anymore this year 146) They died 157) Nope.
16interesting, the toa all died yet the ones we have encountered seem to be invincible
1Since Bionicle Legends#6 spoilers are now allowed since its been two weeks since its release, I think its safe to post these.
41Please note I asked these questions back in January so Toyfair hadn't aired by then
2Hi Greg, the new short film on www.bionicle.com, do you know who the artist/song name is?
3Thanks for your time.
4Toa Axzaa
5P.S I've just read Bionicle Legends#6, its brilliant, you've utdone yourself yet again
6I don't have that info, but I may be able to find out for you
7That be great if you good, thanks again. And once more, Bionicle Legends#6 is brilliant, you have REALLY outdone yourself
8#7 is actually better than #6, at least the second half of it is - some great fight scenes
9Okay then, i'll take your word about BL7, also if I may, could I ask a few questions about Bionicle Legends#6 (I won't post this to the OGD until BL6 spoilers are allowed) if thats okay with you?
101) The 300 fott-long Venom Eel in Bionicle Legends#6, will it be seen as a set or combiner? Or will it be like a sort of a character that is featured in the books but is not a set? (Is it Gadunka from the trade catalouge? You don't have to answer this if you don't want to)
112) About Brutaka - it says that he is dragged off by a giant squid of Kalmah's, we can' exactly presume that he is killed so can I say that he will appear maybe in Bionicle Legends#7?
123)Who is your favourite to write about in the 07 saga?
134) When Pridak touches the Ignika at he end of Bionicle Legends#6, their is a bright flash of light, when Kyrehx and Dekar touch it, nothing happens, were they not cursed by it in someway or is how they are cursed revealed in Bionicle Legends#7?
145) In Bionicle Legends#4 it says that the release of the Kanohi Dragon was 4000 years ago, but in the Bionicle Legends#6 Prologue, it says that the Kanohi Dragon was released sometime before the Barraki's attempt at taking down the Great Spirit? Is this refercing that the KD was released before the Barraki's seige?
156) It says that Jovan took the term 'Turaga' after he and his team used the Ignika, does this mean he was the first Turaga?
16Well, thats sort of it, thanks for your time yet again and I look forward to Bionicle Legends#7
17Toa Axzaa
181) No, it's not Gadunka -- Gadunka is in scale to the Toa figures. There are no plans for a model of the eel.
192) He does not appear anymore this year.
203) Takadox, so far
214) The light is not connected to the curse. It's a totally different thing.
225) Don't forget that KD had been out at least once before, because it was imprisoned behind a block of ice when the DH found it in book #4
236) No, he was not the first Turaga. The universe came into being 100,000 years ago or so, Jovan became a Turaga some 20,000 years later
24Thanks for the answers Greg, maybe I can just ask a few more questions?
251) Was Brutaka mutated at all whilst during the hours of his arrival at the Pit?
262) You've said that Ehlek's tri-talons came from the OoMN, was that when they tried to use Ehlek's species as a combanat against the BoM?
273) If that bright light was not connected to the curse, was it sort of a guardian to defend itself? Can you give me a hint?
284) When Mantax is down by the remains of the old Pit, is he serching for something?
295) The 300 foot long venom eel shatters part of the stone cord, can I assume thats what the Inika are traveling down to get to Mahri Nui?
306) What would you say the OoMN are? Because when they tried to invent an army of Ehlek's species to confront the BoM, they seem like those who are willing to destroy anything that may pose a threat, whilst when Botar 'saves' the Barraki 8000 years back, they seem sort of order that will condemn those who refuse to redeem themselves, can you help me out?
317) What does Botar mean when he says in Bionicle Legends#6, 'the Pit calls'?
32Thanks for your time again Greg
33Toa Axzaa
341) Yes, otherwise he would have drowned 352) Yup 363) It was a cry for help, in a sense 374) Yup 385) Yes 396) I see the OOMN as like the CIA -- the people who do the thing that more public law-enforcement agencies can't or won't. They do what they have to do to carry out the will of Mata Nui and preserve order. 407) It's a metaphor.
41Please note I asked these questions back in January so Toyfair hadn't aired by then
1Just a quick question on the Cordak Blasters-- 2You said they are not made for underwater use (and thus don't launch air, but now the Mahri are shown using them. 3Just a quick theory I whipped up, but were they designed and/or built in the old Pit, before the dome was shattered?
4Thanks in advance,
6Yes -- they were part of the weaponry designed and built for the jailer and Pit guard to use in case of an escape attempt, and later salvaged by the Barraki.
7Would the "Pit Guard" happen to be either the Toa from the First Team, or Maxilos/Hydraxon? They both happen to have Cordak Blasters. . . and I'm guessing there's either going to be a battle over the Cordak Blasters, or the Mahri will steal 'em.
8Also, "Deep Encounter" is the phrase for the Mahri, correct? (Just like "Creeps From the Deep" was for the Barraki)
91) It's not the Toa from the first team, no 102) No idea. It might be, but they don't run taglines by me
11I can't believe I was right: Haha: It also sounds like the Pit Guard happens to be either Hydraxon or Maxilos.

1I can't believe I was right: Haha: It also sounds like the Pit Guard happens to be either Hydraxon or Maxilos.2And also, I believe "Deep Encounter" is the Mahri phrase, since it was on a Mahri poster at a different Toy Fair.
4A mahri poster???:::, there aren´t any photos on that, I want to see it

1I can't believe I was right: Haha: It also sounds like the Pit Guard happens to be either Hydraxon or Maxilos.2And also, I believe "Deep Encounter" is the Mahri phrase, since it was on a Mahri poster at a different Toy Fair.
4A mahri poster???:::, there aren´t any photos on that, I want to see it![]()
5Okay, here you can see the words "Deep Encounter" in caps to the right. 6

1whoa, haven't seen that pic before
1Hey Big G,
2Wondering this:
31. Can you rate these from most to least intelligent and logical: 4Makuta, TSO, Takadox, Pridak, The Toa Metru, The Toa Nuva, Dume, The Rahaga, Roodaka, Axonn, Brutaka?
52. Since official photos of the Toa Mahri are released, are you allowed to release information about them?
6Thanks in advance,
81) I don't see huge differences among these characters when it comes to intelligence. 92) I can answer some things based on the set pics, but I am still not discussing story elements related to them.
10My Comments: 111. Ooh, wasn't expecting that. 122. YAY:
1Completely random trivia over several PMs, answers in bold:
21. I have seen people calling the 2007 launchers (the miniguns, not the squids) Cordak blasters. Is that their actual name? 31) Yes 42. Are the Toyfair sets prototypes? 52) As far as I know, yes. Toyfair sets come from what we have in the Enfield showroom, and when it comes to summer sets, they are almost always prototypes at this time of year. 63. Where did Jaller get the Hahnah crab? And why is it so content to sit quietly on a minigun-like thing? 73) It sort of adopted him, but I haven't dealt with its being attached to the weapon in the story yet. 84. Barring that Toa do not kill, is it possible for Hahli to squeeze people to death now? 94) Based on what? 105. Is it Spinax or Spinaz? 115) Spinax 126. Since the Hand of Artakha was not as public as the Toa are now, what could Shadow Stealer be missing, if not the fame? 136) The sense of belonging ... the authority ... the power ... 147. - 157) -
164. Now that everyone is underwater, she could increase the water pressure around her opponents. 174) I suppose she could, same as Kongu could do in the air
181. Was there any one event that reduced the Toa's numbers so drastically (like Order 66 and the purge with the Jedi?) 191) Not that has been revealed 202. Did they start to decline faster after Mata Nui was put to sleep? 212) I would say no.
227 is removed for personal reasons.
21. I have seen people calling the 2007 launchers (the miniguns, not the squids) Cordak blasters. Is that their actual name? 31) Yes 42. Are the Toyfair sets prototypes? 52) As far as I know, yes. Toyfair sets come from what we have in the Enfield showroom, and when it comes to summer sets, they are almost always prototypes at this time of year. 63. Where did Jaller get the Hahnah crab? And why is it so content to sit quietly on a minigun-like thing? 73) It sort of adopted him, but I haven't dealt with its being attached to the weapon in the story yet. 84. Barring that Toa do not kill, is it possible for Hahli to squeeze people to death now? 94) Based on what? 105. Is it Spinax or Spinaz? 115) Spinax 126. Since the Hand of Artakha was not as public as the Toa are now, what could Shadow Stealer be missing, if not the fame? 136) The sense of belonging ... the authority ... the power ... 147. - 157) -
164. Now that everyone is underwater, she could increase the water pressure around her opponents. 174) I suppose she could, same as Kongu could do in the air
181. Was there any one event that reduced the Toa's numbers so drastically (like Order 66 and the purge with the Jedi?) 191) Not that has been revealed 202. Did they start to decline faster after Mata Nui was put to sleep? 212) I would say no.
227 is removed for personal reasons.
GregF Toa_Hewkii
1Ok, I know I'm probable getting annoying, but I really needed to ask you these:
21. Do the mahri have "Scuba" gear (Tubes), or can they breath under water?
32. In Bionicle Legends #6, it says:Bionicle Legends #6 p. 25
4What she could not know, as she rushed for the Council chamber, was that she was carrying the legendary Kanohi Mask of Life. Nor could she comprehend that its arrival would herald the beginning of the end of mahri nui.
5Does that possible mean that the matoran will go back to Metru nui?
63. What happend to the other 5 Turaga on Voya nui Because:Bionicle Legends #6 p. 107
7They returned the mask to its underground chamber and the transformed into smaller, less powerful forms. one, the former Toa leader, remained aboveground to watch over the mask, taking on the title "Turaga."
8It says one stayed above ground (Joven) but it doesn't say anything about the others, what happend to them?
9My sister and brother (9) asked me to ask you:
101. Who is the next toa (I all ready told her you can't tell her)?
112. Why does it seem that all the air Toa act crazy?
131) I can't discuss storyline related to the Mahri 142) No, not necessarily. 153) They left and went other places. Voya Nui didn't require six Turaga anymore than Metru Nui did. 161) Can't answer it 172) Just their nature -- they are free spirits, as a rule
1Few more questions answered by Greg Farshtey...

2Quick questions... 31. Does the Jailor wear a Great Mask? 42. If so, will it be a new mask power? 53. When will we see a Great Kiril? So far we have only seen a Noble Kiril...It would be nice to see the Great Kiril show up...
61) Doesn't have mask powers 73) When a set designer chooses to put one in a set, I guess
1Toa Hewkii: About your question number 3: Maybe one of the other 5 Turaga is Dume...
1It is possible, but Jovan's team was transformed into Turaga around 78.000 years ago, and Dume became the leader about 14.000 years ago... Too much time without a job, isn't it?
1Just some stuff from GregF:
22Just some stuff from GregF:
43Just some stuff from GregF:
2QUOTE 3Hey there, O lord of the Tigers biggrin.gif 4Anyhoo, like all annoyances in life, I come bearing questions of trivial importance:
51-Will Ehlek betray the Barraki in any way? 62-Are the Toa Mahri going to remain in their newest form or will their look undergo changes again?(I ask for fan-fic-comic reasons, and will not share this with other members if it is against your wishes) 73-Do the Barraki have any kinship with their soldiers? 84-Takadox, I heard, is your fav. Barraki- That said, have you ever like given him more thought-over when creating him? What about other favourite characters? 95-Do you sometimes dislike the way the sets look, picturing something different? 106- Am I allowed to depict fan-created sets(Including fan-created pieces) in illustrated fan-fics? 117-Will Jaller and all of them(Inika/Mahri) still be around when Mata Nui wakes? 12Thanks for your tim, and have a good one, kay
13Your psychotic friend, 14Johnny C.
151) Don't know yet 162) No plans to transform them again that I am aware of 173) Nope 184) No, I wouldn't say that I have. He just kind of reminds me of a character from one of my non-BIONICLE novels, who was based on the legend of a Russian millpond spirit. 195) No. I am not a visual person, so I don't pay a lot of attention to the look of sets beyond what I need to write about them. I think in words, not pictures. 206) If it's a fan fiction and you're not charging for it, then you can do what you like with your models. 217) Can't discuss future storyline
22Just some stuff from GregF:
23QUOTE 24Hey there, O lord of the Tigers biggrin.gif 25Anyhoo, like all annoyances in life, I come bearing questions of trivial importance:
261-Will Ehlek betray the Barraki in any way? 272-Are the Toa Mahri going to remain in their newest form or will their look undergo changes again?(I ask for fan-fic-comic reasons, and will not share this with other members if it is against your wishes) 283-Do the Barraki have any kinship with their soldiers? 294-Takadox, I heard, is your fav. Barraki- That said, have you ever like given him more thought-over when creating him? What about other favourite characters? 305-Do you sometimes dislike the way the sets look, picturing something different? 316- Am I allowed to depict fan-created sets(Including fan-created pieces) in illustrated fan-fics? 327-Will Jaller and all of them(Inika/Mahri) still be around when Mata Nui wakes? 33Thanks for your tim, and have a good one, kay
34Your psychotic friend, 35Johnny C.
361) Don't know yet 372) No plans to transform them again that I am aware of 383) Nope 394) No, I wouldn't say that I have. He just kind of reminds me of a character from one of my non-BIONICLE novels, who was based on the legend of a Russian millpond spirit. 405) No. I am not a visual person, so I don't pay a lot of attention to the look of sets beyond what I need to write about them. I think in words, not pictures. 416) If it's a fan fiction and you're not charging for it, then you can do what you like with your models. 427) Can't discuss future storyline
43Just some stuff from GregF:
44QUOTE 45Hey there, O lord of the Tigers biggrin.gif 46Anyhoo, like all annoyances in life, I come bearing questions of trivial importance:
471-Will Ehlek betray the Barraki in any way? 482-Are the Toa Mahri going to remain in their newest form or will their look undergo changes again?(I ask for fan-fic-comic reasons, and will not share this with other members if it is against your wishes) 493-Do the Barraki have any kinship with their soldiers? 504-Takadox, I heard, is your fav. Barraki- That said, have you ever like given him more thought-over when creating him? What about other favourite characters? 515-Do you sometimes dislike the way the sets look, picturing something different? 526- Am I allowed to depict fan-created sets(Including fan-created pieces) in illustrated fan-fics? 537-Will Jaller and all of them(Inika/Mahri) still be around when Mata Nui wakes? 54Thanks for your tim, and have a good one, kay
55Your psychotic friend, 56Johnny C.
571) Don't know yet 582) No plans to transform them again that I am aware of 593) Nope 604) No, I wouldn't say that I have. He just kind of reminds me of a character from one of my non-BIONICLE novels, who was based on the legend of a Russian millpond spirit. 615) No. I am not a visual person, so I don't pay a lot of attention to the look of sets beyond what I need to write about them. I think in words, not pictures. 626) If it's a fan fiction and you're not charging for it, then you can do what you like with your models. 637) Can't discuss future storyline
1Does anyone no the special feature for the lid of the Barraki?
1Does anyone no the special feature for the lid of the Barraki?
2This isn't really the place to talk about that. However, if you must know, the Barraki canisters including their lids have no special feature. They do look cool though.
3Actually they do. On the inside yooh can stick a 6x6 flat lego square peice. Sorry for the Off-Topic-ness.
1Assuming that BL6 spoilers are allowed...

2I've got some questions.
31. In the bios on Bionicle.com, why do the Barraki have squid launchers that hold and launch three squid?
42. Will the Nuva retrieve the Inika's masks?
51) Most likely the images are from prototypes 62) I can't discuss future storyline
7Thanks for answering those; I've got a few more after reading BL6. I understand if you can't answer some of these.
81. Is Ehlek's suspicion that a Barraki betrayed them true?
92. Will Reysa, Gar, Idris, Sarda, and Kyrehx be sets?
103. In the beginning, during the Matoran Council, a Po-Matoran mentions two of his friends disappeared. He says one of them was taken from the fields of air. Is this Reysa? 113b The Po-Matoran says his other friend tried to reach the world above and never returned. Is this the Matoran that saved Hahli in BL5?
124. Are Hydraxon, Gadunka, and Maxilos&Spinax prisoners of the Pit (After all, BL7 is called Prisoners of the Pit, and they all appear in BL7, catch my drift?)?
131) I haven't decided. 142) Idris and Sarda will, the others will not 153) Why do you think it is? 163b) Yes 174) No. The title refers to the Barraki
183. Well, I believe Reysa was working in the fields of air with the hydruka when something took him away.
19Ah, yes, at the beginning... yup, he's dead.
201. So does this mean he's the one the Po-Matoran was referring to?
212. What's the point of giving Reysa a name if all he does is appear and get killed. I think you said that names cost $10,000 apiece.
223. Can you tell me anything about the titans, specifically Hydraxon?
231) I would have to go back and check the quote 242) Read that section of the chapter over. How do you write it without ever giving him a name? And if you don't give him a name, doesn't that tip the reader off immediately that he's going to die and ruin the suspense? 253) I cannot discuss summer sets

1Just a couple of questions I asked Greg. 2QUOTE 3G'day: I've got a couple of questions(well that's obvious) 41.So let me get this straight....the pakari nuva doesn't even make Onua Nuva stronger than Carapar?(It's just ina previous post you said that onua was weaker than krekka with his nuva mask on and in another you said that carapar was stronger than krekka) 52.For makuta to get a new physical form will he have to find a shell or something he can posses or are there otherways? 63.What is Karzahni's height?(feet or metres) 74. Could Pridak swim as fast as a shark? 85.Why did makuta enslave rahi, awaken bohrok etc. if he knew Vakama's destroy the universe threat was genuine? 96.Will the matoran of metru-nui go back to usuing kanoka disks? 107.Was the reason OOMN gave Ehlek's species's protsteel claws because it's BOM armour's only weakness? 118. What happened to Ehlek's specie's fighting the BOM?Didn't it work out? 129.Why didn't Brutaka kill the giant squid that took him away? 1310.Would the barraki be masters at most forms of hand to hand combat? 1411.Who would win a fight between Axonn vs Vezon and Fenrakk?
151) I really don't get into all this quantifying stuff. This is more a fan game. Characters are generally as strong as I need them to be for the purposes of the story. 162) He would need to find either a completely mechanical body or else a living biomechanical body whose spirit is absent. 173) No idea. 184) Yes 195) Because the deal Makuta made with Vakama was for one year of peace. Vakama was only going to destroy the mask if Makuta tried to take it, because let's face it, destroying the mask meant wiping out the future of all the Matoran as well. 206) It's possible, yes 217) Yes 228) It never happened 239) How do you know he didn't? You saw him disappear into the black water, you never saw what happened after that 2410) Some yes, some no. Is every general a master at combat moves? 2511) Probably Vezon, because Axonn's powers are all physical, and every time he hit Vezon, Vezon would get stronger.
151) I really don't get into all this quantifying stuff. This is more a fan game. Characters are generally as strong as I need them to be for the purposes of the story. 162) He would need to find either a completely mechanical body or else a living biomechanical body whose spirit is absent. 173) No idea. 184) Yes 195) Because the deal Makuta made with Vakama was for one year of peace. Vakama was only going to destroy the mask if Makuta tried to take it, because let's face it, destroying the mask meant wiping out the future of all the Matoran as well. 206) It's possible, yes 217) Yes 228) It never happened 239) How do you know he didn't? You saw him disappear into the black water, you never saw what happened after that 2410) Some yes, some no. Is every general a master at combat moves? 2511) Probably Vezon, because Axonn's powers are all physical, and every time he hit Vezon, Vezon would get stronger.
1I got some questions answered. Since there are BL6 spoilers inside, I waited until after the 15th to post them.
205&6 were asked before the time that we saw set pics.

2Hi, Mr Fashtey. I have some questions.
31. I heard that Sarda and Idris were the Matoran store exclusives coming out. Is this true? ( I had hoped it would be Gar)
42. Was Sarda killed by the Takea in BL6?
53. In BL6, one Matoran's friend reportedly went up to the surface world. Is this the same Matoran who saved Hahli?
64. How far did the Mystrious Light go? (so the Turaga could see it?)
75. Do you know if the Maxilos and Spinax set is a steed/rider set?
86. I saw two other sets, #8926 Undersea Attack and #8927 Terrain crawler. Do you suppose these are playsets or other things non-Bionicle? (i.e.,Undersea Attack=Aqua Raiders and Terrain Crawler=Exo-Force)
9That's all for now.
111) Yes, it is true. Gar won't be a set. 122) If he was, would make no sense to make a set of him 133) Yes 144) No. It was only underwater. 155) I can't discuss summer sets 166) I can't discuss summer sets
172. I have a theory on how he survived: All the Takea attacked while Sarda's air bubble was still functioning, and when the touched the air, either were to scared to fight, killed or injured, allowing Sarda to live. Can you tell me if it's a good theory or not?
19That could certainly have been a factor in it, yes.
205&6 were asked before the time that we saw set pics.

7Hydraxon wears a mask, but there is no mask power to it...It's a powerless mask...
1So that means that he indeed wears a mask, but it doesn't have powers? 2Khote
3Umbra wore a mask with having any powers to it.
4Not to mention all the Matoran.
5Please. I know that. I was just asking if Greg's answer, that sounded a bit vague to me, meant that Hydraxon indeed wore a mask. 6Khote
1Well, here's a pretty long PM, with some stupid questions of course (and a lot of Brutaka questions):
2Hi, GregF,
3I have a few questions, hope you want answer them, you don't have to of course.
41. Why did the OoMN chosed Brutaka for the job? 52. Brutaka says: If I am here... and more importantly, the Mask of Life is here... the Toa are not far behind? Did Brutaka and the Toa Inika met eachother? 62. Are you planning to let Brutaka and the Piraka come back in 2008? 73. Brutaka and the Piraka are both affected by the mutagen, but the changes aren't big, are they? 84. How can Brutaka be so obseded by the Ignika?, he never touch it. 95. Do you know if the Bionicle Legends books are purchaseable in Holland, and were?
10Sorry for all the Brutaka questions, just a big Brutaka fan.
11Thank you very much for reading this and for your time,
131) Because he was a strong and skilled fighter 142) Yes. Brutaka was in the Piraka Stronghold in Bionicle Legends #3 when the Inika fought the Piraka 153) I can't discuss 2008 163) Too soon to tell 174) You don't have to touch something to want it. It's an artifact of power. 185) Not to my knowledge. They only get published in foreign countries if there is a publisher in that country willing to publish them
19Hi GregF, thank you very much, the answers made me think, so I have again some questions.
201. Were Brutaka and Axonn already friends before they joined the OoMN? 212. How is Brutaka 'born'? 223. The Piraka betrayed Brutaka, why would he gang up again with villains, with the risk of getting betrayed again? 234. Why doesn't Brutaka first go back to the surface, to take some Zamor Spheres? (Or can't he, since he's already mutated, so only can breath water.) 245. Why didn't Brutaka just opened a gate to the Chamber of the Mask of Life? 256. Can I read in the Atlas wich is the home island of Brutaka? 267. Why did Axonn and Brutaka became friends? 278. Wikipedia says that, right before Brutaka is taking away by Botar, there's sanity in his eyes, does he still care about the friendship he has/have with Axonn? 289. Is Takutanuva the strongest person ever excisted, since it is said that he is the perfect balance between Light and Darkness. 2910. What's the downside on writing?
30Again thanks for answering:
311) I am not sure they knew each other before then. 322) I cannot discuss how anything in the BIONICLE universe comes into being. 333) Because they were useful pawns. 344) He cannot breathe air anymore. The sea makes you a water-breather, not an amphibian, plus Botar would just send him back to the Pit. 355) He obviously did not want to take the risk of stealing it himself. He wanted someone else to steal it and then take it from them. 366) No. 377) Why do any two people become friends? 388) I think Brutaka regretted having to fight his friend, but his reasons for doing it still exist. I think he realizes how low he has sunk, but at the same time, he still lacks faith in Mata Nui so he can't redeem himself 399) It's impossible for me to say that in 100,000 years of history no one has existed who was more powerful than he was. 4010) I am not sure there is a "downside." I think there only is one if you are a really social person (which I'm not) and you like to be around lots of people, because writing is a very solitary occupation. You need quiet and you need time to work, and if you are doing freelance work like I do for Scholastic, you have to be very self-disciplined. I am up at 6 am on the weekends and working all morning long, and I just have to postpone having any fun until my day's work is done.
41Allright, I understand. Thanks for answering. I only have a few left (for now).
421. You said, if Brutaka should made it to the surface (let's assume he can breath air), Brutaka would take him back to the Pit, but Botar does only take the ones that are defeated, (the first time, Brutaka was unconcious), so, should that result in Botar fighting Brutaka?
432. Do Zamor Spheres work in the (mutagen) water?
443. Antidermis makes Brutaka stronger and meaner, are the effects permanently?
454. Do the blades on Brutaka's back have a special meaning, or are it just extra weapons?
465. How did Vezon manage to get so easily to the mask? I mean, you have Axonn, (Brutaka) and Umbra guarding the mask. And why did you chose Fenrak to 'fuse' with Vezon?
476. I heard that the Piraka, after their defeat, wanted to wait on the one(s) that return with the Ignika, don't they suppose to run, I mean Sentrak and a few other Dark Hunters are after them.
487. Do all the mutated creatures (mutated by the mutagen water) ressemble an animal?
498. Do you (dis)like answering question about your books?
50Thanks for answering GregF.
511) No, he'd just teleport him again 522) I can't see why they wouldn't 533) Not meaner, just stronger, and no 544) Extra weapons 555) Because the mask wanted him there; and I chose it because Vezon rides Fenrakk in the set 566) But they don't know that. Hakann is the only one who knows TSO knows where they are, none of the others do. 577) I hate to make a blanket statement that they do, since this encompasses so many different things 588) No, I don't dislike it -- if I did, I wouldn't come here. Some of the questions I get, though, people would find the answers to if they actually read the book instead of just the spoilers online