1Hi Greg, just a quick question. 2Since the Barraki's armies are made of Rahi (with a few exceptions-Nocturn, for example), how do they control their armies? Most Rahi are not very intelligent.
3No, they're not. But many animals, even in our world, instinctively follow and "alpha male" or "alpha female" among them, and for these creatures, that is what the Barraki are.
4Just something that was bugging me.
3No, they're not. But many animals, even in our world, instinctively follow and "alpha male" or "alpha female" among them, and for these creatures, that is what the Barraki are.
4Just something that was bugging me.
1Interesting.... so pridak is an Alpha male: (cool)

1one question on the barraki log at bionicle.com it says that a cord of stone extends from a moutain peak were dose it go
please tell me 

1Hi greg: this is my first pm to you, so here goes::: (hopefully you can answer these)
21: is maxilos actually makuta?
32: Why is the first toa visiting the pit?
43: were is karzanni at the moment (whats he doing??)
54: what are the stars in metru nui that ko-matoran study?
65: I found through the toyfairs description that maxilos's weapons are blackfire swords. what are those?
76: lastly, what does toyfairs description of spinax being maxilos's energy hound emply?
91-2) I cannot discuss future sets or storyline 103) On his way from his realm 114) Can't answer it 125-6) See answer to questions 1 and 2 - it's too early for me to discuss sets that aren't in stores for another five months
21: is maxilos actually makuta?
32: Why is the first toa visiting the pit?
43: were is karzanni at the moment (whats he doing??)
54: what are the stars in metru nui that ko-matoran study?
65: I found through the toyfairs description that maxilos's weapons are blackfire swords. what are those?
76: lastly, what does toyfairs description of spinax being maxilos's energy hound emply?
91-2) I cannot discuss future sets or storyline 103) On his way from his realm 114) Can't answer it 125-6) See answer to questions 1 and 2 - it's too early for me to discuss sets that aren't in stores for another five months
1hi Greg i just have a few more questions
21)You said that all the toa died, how?
31a) Can a toa be affected by old age?
42)I read that Hydroxan was the pit jailor and Maxilos and Spinax were the pit guard, is that true? (I read it in BS01 wiki if your interested)
53) On that same website it said that Maxilos was a guardian robot that got taken over by a evil influence, was that influence Makuta?
64)Was Hydroxan brought back by the light that went out from the mask at the end of Bionicle Legends#6 or was it something else?
74a)If the light didn't ressurect Hydroxan what did it do?
8on a different note,
95)Where can i find the inika combiners?
106)Is there going to be a combination of all the titans like Vezon and Kardas this year?
117)Areyou going to release a mutated Brutaka as a set?
12thanks in advance for answering my questions but i apprecciate if you cannot answer some of them.
141) In various ways over time, it wasn't just one event 151a) I would assume so, but they have very long lifespans 162) I cannot discuss summer sets. 173) See answer to #2 184) No, it was not the light 195) If we did any, and I don't recall if we did, they would be in past issues of LEGO Magazine or LEGO BrickMaster or eventually on BIONICLE.com. Off the top of my head, I don't remember if we made any. 206) No idea 217) No plans for that -- Brutaka's role in the 2007 storyline is already over with
1Hey Greg. Here's some questions about the Rahkshi: 21:We know that there are wild Rahkshi with different colors. Was that the result of different Kraata being dipped inside EP? 32: Let's assume that there's a Turahk here. If a Fear kraata suit carries an Anger kraata, which power would it be able to use? Both?(I'm assuming that there was sort of a error here, such as Takanuva removing a kraata, and another kraata crawls inside). If the new kraata inside had a different power level, what would happen?
4Thanks for your time.
51) Yes 62) Can't happen. A kraata of Type A cannot control Rahkshi armor of Type B. But to get to the heart of your question, the power comes from the kraata, the armor is just armor.
1Pointless stuff.
2Some things I've been meaning to ask:
31.When other members ask about Sarda or Brutaka's possible death, you reply that if a corpse is not seen, don't assume they're dead. My question is: What about Mavrah? His corpse was never seen.
42.If the Toa Metru had remained Hordika, would their physical apearance continue to change?
53.Is Takanuva's destiny to awake Mata Nui, or is it something else?
6That's all, thanks.
71) True, but I have confirmed on BZP that Mavrah is dead. 82) Yes 93) Something else. The Toa Nuva's destiny is to awaken Mata Nui, and Takanuva is not a Toa Nuva.
1Hi again.
21. Do Nocturn and Takadox glow in the dark in the story?
32. Is there a difference between blue squids and orange squids?
43. Does Hydraxon wear a mask?
53b. If no to 3, do Hydraxon and Maxilos use Toa Metru head pieces and mask-like pieces (cause it sure seems like it...)?
64. Are the Toa Mahri's masks plastic, or rubber?
75. From the ToyFair pics, the Mahri use Toa Metru heads, so these masks are compatible with other heads, besides the Inika's, right?
86. What is your middle name?
91) Yes 102) No 113) Not to my knowledge 123b) I don't have the sets, so no idea 134) See answer to 3b 145) See answer to 3b 156) Todd

11-Have any of the Mahri Nui Matoran been mutated by the Pit mutagen? 22-Is the Pit mutagen there for a reason or is it just a coincedence? 33-If a Toa can still fight without a mask(albeit weaker), does this mean Axonn could still defeat someone without a mask? 44-Will the Ignika change form again? 55-Could Tahu use Pohatu's Kakama Nuva?(I know he has a red Kakama Nuva, but I'm asking if he can use the one specifically on Pohatu's face.)
6Thank you for taking some time off to answer these questions.
71) Yes, that is why they are bigger than Voya Nui Matoran 82) It was not released intentionally 93) Yes 104) Possibly 115) Yes. When you take a mask off, it turns gray, and then when you put it on it changes color to match you. The masks are not geared to specific Toa.
1hi Greg i just have a few more questions
21)You said that all the toa died, how?
31a) Can a toa be affected by old age?
42)I read that Hydroxan was the pit jailor and Maxilos and Spinax were the pit guard, is that true? (I read it in BS01 wiki if your interested)
53) On that same website it said that Maxilos was a guardian robot that got taken over by a evil influence, was that influence Makuta?
64)Was Hydroxan brought back by the light that went out from the mask at the end of Bionicle Legends#6 or was it something else?
74a)If the light didn't ressurect Hydroxan what did it do?
8on a different note,
95)Where can i find the inika combiners?
106)Is there going to be a combination of all the titans like Vezon and Kardas this year?
117)Areyou going to release a mutated Brutaka as a set?
12thanks in advance for answering my questions but i apprecciate if you cannot answer some of them.
141) In various ways over time, it wasn't just one event 151a) I would assume so, but they have very long lifespans 162) I cannot discuss summer sets. 173) See answer to #2 184) No, it was not the light 195) If we did any, and I don't recall if we did, they would be in past issues of LEGO Magazine or LEGO BrickMaster or eventually on BIONICLE.com. Off the top of my head, I don't remember if we made any. 206) No idea 217) No plans for that -- Brutaka's role in the 2007 storyline is already over with
22The only Inika combiner-Toa Jovan-is displayed on www.bionicle.com in the building section.
1Hi Mr. F: More ?'s. I apologize, but I'm very curious about a lot of stuff:
21: were are the toa nuva right now?
32: when is the earliest you can start revealing stuff about the 07 titans and the mahri? 43:who is weaker (Physicaly) takadox or elehk?
54:when can we get some info on the zyglak?
65o you think you could tell me any new stuff in the atlas? Pleeeaaassseee::???
76:what is the first toa's name?
87:how is 08's and 09's story coming along?
98: which book are you writing right now (bionicle wise?)
10lastly, do you think you could give legends #8's title (if you have it). 11thanks a bunch
121) On their way to Metru Nui 132) Probably late spring 143) Takadox 154) March 165) Nope 176) First Toa ever or member of first Toa team? Two different beings 187) Fine 198) BIONICLE #8 209) Downfall
21look at #9. very interesting.
1Hey: I read somewhere that the books name was Downfall..I think it was in the news section...
1Awesome information here...

2Some questions...1. Is the Toa of the first Toa Team mutated by the Pit mutagen?
32. What element does the first Toa created wield?
43. Will we know what his mask was?
51) Can't answer it 62) Air 73) I haven't seen the set close-up, so I don't know if it's a new mask or an old mask
82. I think you misread my question, or I asked it poorly...I meant the very first Toa created...The one that's going to be in the second Encyclopedia, I think...What element does he wield? And will we know his mask?
9Okay, I need you to clarify for me -- do you mean the first Toa ever to exist, or the member of the first Toa team, because they are two different beings.
10Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
11Water, it was a she, and no
1Awesome information here...
2Some questions...1. Is the Toa of the first Toa Team mutated by the Pit mutagen?
32. What element does the first Toa created wield?
43. Will we know what his mask was?
51) Can't answer it 62) Air 73) I haven't seen the set close-up, so I don't know if it's a new mask or an old mask
82. I think you misread my question, or I asked it poorly...I meant the very first Toa created...The one that's going to be in the second Encyclopedia, I think...What element does he wield? And will we know his mask?
9Okay, I need you to clarify for me -- do you mean the first Toa ever to exist, or the member of the first Toa team, because they are two different beings.
10Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
11Water, it was a she, and no
12Way to go female Toa:
1WOAH: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] The first toa was a toa of WATER??? 2Anyway, here's what I have.
3hi, Greg... 4Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but like other fans, I do have some quetions which only one person here in Bzpower can answer officially...
51) Did Ehlek have a breathing apparatus to use on land, or is he an amphibian? 62) Who would you say if stronger, Takutanuva or Nocturn? 72a) If Takutanuva was stronger, does that mean he is the strongest being we have met so far? 83) How much does Kanohi Pakari Nuva increase the Toa Nuva's strength? Does it make the user any stronger than say... Carapar? 94) What did you mean by 'toughness' in the stat sheets in bionicle.com? 105)Are Takea sharks' teeth stronger than Pridak's? 116) Are Kalmah's Giant squid the same as the vampiric squid, except bigger? 127) How big are the giant squid anyway? 138) Are Pridak's shark tooth blades as strong as his teeth? 149) How would you compare Carapar's armor with that of the BoM's? 1510) Will The Makuta make an appearance this year? 1611) Is it possible for the Makuta to take over a mechanical body? That is, a robot? 1712) How well can Kalmah detect things behind him using his sensory tentacles? Can he determine, for example, which Barraki is behind him?
18Thanks for your time, Greg. PLEASE answer: 19BIG thanks, 20pirakahakann
211) Breathing apparatus 222) Takutanuva 232b) No. I would say Tahtorak would be stronger than Takutanuva. Tahtorak is Godzilla-level strength 243) I really prefer not to quantify things like this 254) Natural armor, resistance to damage, that sort of thing. 265) No 276) No 287) About as big as the ones in our world 298) Probably not 309) BOM's can shapeshift, his can't 3110) Follow the story and find out 3211) Yes 3312) Pretty well, he is sensing movement in the water
1Hi Mr. F. This should be my last message for a while.
21: when will we find out were mata nui is sleeping?
32: does makuta have his new body yet?
43: when will comic one go up on bionicle.com?
54: also, I havent seen any changes on bionicle story.com. is the web producer slacking?
65: how did karzanni know to go to mahri nui to find makuta? and how does he know how to get there?
76: were is vezon at the moment?
87: has kardas fought tahtorahk yet?
98: when will we find out what the mutagen did to the piraka?
109: how/who accidentaly put the mutagen in the water?
1110: what is the first toa that is going to be a set's name?
1211: what is the name of his (deaceased) team?
141) Can't answer it 152) All that has happened in the story so far this year is what's in Bionicle Legends #6 163) As soon as they have the Flash animation done 174) No, the web producer was sick for three weeks. 185) You'll find out when we tell that story 196) Haven't decided yet 207) No 218) Again, it's going to depend on where I can fit them in and if I can fit them in, I don't have a lot of extra story room with one book being cut from the schedule 229) Can't answer it 2310) Can't answer it 2411) Can't answer it
25darn. to many cant answer it's.
26(eep: the first toa was a girl?: [img]http://www.bzpower.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif[/img] it is fair and just:

1Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
2Water, it was a she, and no
3Wow, I expected it to be a Toa of Fire:
4There was a quote in 'The barraki revealed' that had Mantax talking to a toa of water, perhaps it could have been her?
1Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
2Water, it was a she, and no
3Wow, I expected it to be a Toa of Fire:
4There was a quote in 'The barraki revealed' that had Mantax talking to a toa of water, perhaps it could have been her?
5Grg said that the first toa ever was a toa of water. We meet a toa from the first toa team this year in the story, who is a toa of air.
1Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
2Water, it was a she, and no
3Wow, I expected it to be a Toa of Fire:
4There was a quote in 'The barraki revealed' that had Mantax talking to a toa of water, perhaps it could have been her?
5I doubt that. Greg said that we would only see the first Toa ever in the Atlas.
1yo mr. F. I couldnt hold my promise (I triedsince I'm such a bionicle geek, so here I am again:
21: when will the first toa (set) be out to buy?
32: you said someone else comes pakaged (sorry for my bad spelling) with sarda and idris. any hints to who this is?
43: when will sarda, idris and ??? be avalible to buy?
54: is 07 going to go out with a bang?
65: do you have any idea if someones making another bionicle game like 06?
76: last ?, will we see all the titans and the toa in Bionicle Legends#7?
8thank yow.
91) Summer 102) Nope 113) Summer 124) I think so 135) No, sorry, don't know 146) Just barely -- Gadunka only makes a really short appearance, but Hydraxon and Maxilos are both in the book.
15but i like gadunka:
1QUOTE 2Hello Mr.f: Just 2 Qs about the toa. 3About how the toas started to decline more rapidly: 41. does Maya-Nui have to be awake for Matoran to be created?
52. Are the toa's numbers declining more because no more matoran can be created and that means that the matoran with the right destinies are getting exterminated?
6Thank you:
71) No 82) No 9[/QUOTE]
10Aww. I thought I was on to something...
52. Are the toa's numbers declining more because no more matoran can be created and that means that the matoran with the right destinies are getting exterminated?
6Thank you:
71) No 82) No 9[/QUOTE]
10Aww. I thought I was on to something...

1Sorry, GregF...I meant the first Toa ever to exist...What element did he wield? And will we know what mask he wore??
2Water, it was a she, and no
3Wow, I expected it to be a Toa of Fire:
4There was a quote in 'The barraki revealed' that had Mantax talking to a toa of water, perhaps it could have been her?
5Doubtful, as the First Toa is only going to be mentioned in passing the Atlas, not in the books.
11.What would happen if the Ignika was broken?
21.The power of life would spread to everywhere in the universe. Everything would come to life, like water, rocks, air. Some beings would age very quickly, some would age backwards, some would lose their life force, and some could absorb the life force by touch. The universe would be a basic madhouse until Mata Nui's inevitable death ended it all.
3That is very interesting. And the first Toa ever is a water Toa? Kind of makes sense, as water Toa are considered the wisest of all six elements.
1Nothing much here...
2QUOTE 3Hi, sorry if this is your 50th PM or something like that. 41.Why didn't the Makuta of Metru Nui overun Mata Nui with Exo-Toa or Visorak? 52.Has the OOMN been secretly killing or jailing Dark Hunters or BOM members? 63.In the time before Lhikan was captured was he one of the universes most experienced toa(with the obvious exception of the first toa and first toa team member)? 74.Might the OOMN try to capture the renegade BOM member and question him or even(my hopes aren't high) recruit him(forgiving his possible crimes for their services)or send him to the pit? 85.Tampering with Ehlek's species seems a bit cruel (especially for a org following the will of Mata Nui)or were they all as evil as Ehlek? 96.Were the OOMN planning on giving Ehlek's species more powers? 107.Was the only reason Makuta fought and won against Mata Nui because he got him by surprise? 118.About how many BOM members could Mata Nui take on at once and win? 12Thanks for taking the time:
131) And do what then? He didn't want the Matoran dead. If he had wanted that, he could have killed them on Metru Nui. He wanted them to respect him and honor him the way they do Mata Nui. You don't get that by slaughtering people. 142) They did at one time, a long while back 153) I would say no 164) They would not recruit him, or send him to the Pit, because as long as he is out there, he is something else the BOM has to worry about. 175) Well, the Order are not Toa -- they don't worry about being sure everyone honors them and trusts them -- they do what they feel has to be done, the things Toa can't do. 186) Nope 197) Yes 208) Probably all of them
21Anyone knows when or why OOMN jailled BOM or Dark Hunters? 22-Makuta of Oz
2QUOTE 3Hi, sorry if this is your 50th PM or something like that. 41.Why didn't the Makuta of Metru Nui overun Mata Nui with Exo-Toa or Visorak? 52.Has the OOMN been secretly killing or jailing Dark Hunters or BOM members? 63.In the time before Lhikan was captured was he one of the universes most experienced toa(with the obvious exception of the first toa and first toa team member)? 74.Might the OOMN try to capture the renegade BOM member and question him or even(my hopes aren't high) recruit him(forgiving his possible crimes for their services)or send him to the pit? 85.Tampering with Ehlek's species seems a bit cruel (especially for a org following the will of Mata Nui)or were they all as evil as Ehlek? 96.Were the OOMN planning on giving Ehlek's species more powers? 107.Was the only reason Makuta fought and won against Mata Nui because he got him by surprise? 118.About how many BOM members could Mata Nui take on at once and win? 12Thanks for taking the time:
131) And do what then? He didn't want the Matoran dead. If he had wanted that, he could have killed them on Metru Nui. He wanted them to respect him and honor him the way they do Mata Nui. You don't get that by slaughtering people. 142) They did at one time, a long while back 153) I would say no 164) They would not recruit him, or send him to the Pit, because as long as he is out there, he is something else the BOM has to worry about. 175) Well, the Order are not Toa -- they don't worry about being sure everyone honors them and trusts them -- they do what they feel has to be done, the things Toa can't do. 186) Nope 197) Yes 208) Probably all of them
21Anyone knows when or why OOMN jailled BOM or Dark Hunters? 22-Makuta of Oz
1Hello Greg, thanks for always answering
21. Have you seen the leaked images of the Mahri? I kn ow you can't discuss them but I think you can answer that one.
32. Tahu still has the Vahi right?
43. Is it true that Toa Norik and Toa Iruni were going to be Toa Dume and Toa Nidika originally?
54. How do you pronounce "Dume"? Doomay? Doom?
65. Do you remeber who the first member was that PMed you?
76. This isn't for BZP but I'm just wondering; do you like the Wii? Do you know what it is for that matter?
87. When someone asked you if Botar was as tall compared to others as he is setwise, you answered something like: "Yes height is cannon". Does that mean that the Inika are alot taller then the Nuva?
98. How long aprox. were the Mata in canisters?
109. Is the Bionicle Atlas going to be called Bionicle World or is that a rumor?
1110. You are aloud to say "Jaller Mahri" and "Nuparu Mahri" etc. but you can't discuss them correct?
1211. Is this you holding the page? http://cache.lego.com/images/bionicleews...s_interview.jpg
1312. Thanks for the Ignition 7 cover preview:
14That's all for now, over and out, bionicle_fan_nuva
151) No, I haven't 162) No, Vakama does 173) For about 15 seconds before the idea was rejected 184) Doo-may 195) No 206) I know what it is, I don't have one or much interest in getting one. 217) No. Toa height in sets is based on the number of points of articulation in the model. We didn't have that many points in the Nuva, thus the models are shorter 228) Can't answer it 239) That is the title I have seen on Amazon, that's all I know about it 2410) I can say them now, yes, because the ToyFair images have been released 2511) Yes
21. Have you seen the leaked images of the Mahri? I kn ow you can't discuss them but I think you can answer that one.
32. Tahu still has the Vahi right?
43. Is it true that Toa Norik and Toa Iruni were going to be Toa Dume and Toa Nidika originally?
54. How do you pronounce "Dume"? Doomay? Doom?
65. Do you remeber who the first member was that PMed you?
76. This isn't for BZP but I'm just wondering; do you like the Wii? Do you know what it is for that matter?
87. When someone asked you if Botar was as tall compared to others as he is setwise, you answered something like: "Yes height is cannon". Does that mean that the Inika are alot taller then the Nuva?
98. How long aprox. were the Mata in canisters?
109. Is the Bionicle Atlas going to be called Bionicle World or is that a rumor?
1110. You are aloud to say "Jaller Mahri" and "Nuparu Mahri" etc. but you can't discuss them correct?
1211. Is this you holding the page? http://cache.lego.com/images/bionicleews...s_interview.jpg
1312. Thanks for the Ignition 7 cover preview:
14That's all for now, over and out, bionicle_fan_nuva
151) No, I haven't 162) No, Vakama does 173) For about 15 seconds before the idea was rejected 184) Doo-may 195) No 206) I know what it is, I don't have one or much interest in getting one. 217) No. Toa height in sets is based on the number of points of articulation in the model. We didn't have that many points in the Nuva, thus the models are shorter 228) Can't answer it 239) That is the title I have seen on Amazon, that's all I know about it 2410) I can say them now, yes, because the ToyFair images have been released 2511) Yes
1AMAZING DISCOVERY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
2Hi it's me. i think i pmed you but it didn't get through or something. anyway i haev some questions. thanks in advance.
31. I have a theory: You said the Cordak Blasters were for the Pit Jailer incase someone in the Pit tried to escape. But then the Barraki salvaged them. My theory is that Maybe the Inika somehow find out that there is a mutagen in the water so they either a.) steal the salvaged Barraki's Cordak Blasters or b.) borrow the Jailers and also somehow get/make some kind of armour that protects them from the mutagen. This armour also contain their own mask powers which explains the new masks. they then change their names to the Toa Mahri because the Matoran don't trust them. Is this theory ok?
4That's all for now. atlas
5I cannot comment on most of this, but I will tell you that the Mahri get their new team name from the Matoran of Mahri Nui, specifically from Defilak.

2Hi it's me. i think i pmed you but it didn't get through or something. anyway i haev some questions. thanks in advance.
31. I have a theory: You said the Cordak Blasters were for the Pit Jailer incase someone in the Pit tried to escape. But then the Barraki salvaged them. My theory is that Maybe the Inika somehow find out that there is a mutagen in the water so they either a.) steal the salvaged Barraki's Cordak Blasters or b.) borrow the Jailers and also somehow get/make some kind of armour that protects them from the mutagen. This armour also contain their own mask powers which explains the new masks. they then change their names to the Toa Mahri because the Matoran don't trust them. Is this theory ok?
4That's all for now. atlas
5I cannot comment on most of this, but I will tell you that the Mahri get their new team name from the Matoran of Mahri Nui, specifically from Defilak.

18.About how many BOM members could Mata Nui take on at once and win?
28) Probably all of them
3Very interesting. But if he's that powerful, how did he get put to sleep? I know he was apparently taken by surprise, but still...
4Is it confirmed that Makuta put Mata Nui to sleep by himself? Or could he have used something else, like a machine, for example?
1i think the nuva have to free the bahrag so they can make the bohrok make Mata Nui barren again.
11. How long have yo been writing the Lego Mag.?
22. Does Mahri Nui have 6 sections? Ta-Mahri, Ga-Mahri etc.?
33. To us the word "BIONICLE" is a series of comics, books, and movies. What does "BIONICLE" mean to a character such as Tahu or Vakama?
44. Are you happy with the results of the choronicler vote results? I voted for Maku, but now that I think about it, I like Kopeke even better.
55. Why didn't the Turaga (plural) of Mata Nui reveal to the Matoran how they could rebuild themselves sooner?
66. Why was Keetongu on the cover of the Dark Hunters quide?
77. Are "Nuva" and "Inika" words in the Matoran langeuge or just titlesames? If thay are words what do they mean?
88. Do you think Exco-Force could ever get as popular as BIONICLE?
99. How many non-BIONICLE books have you written? What are there titles? Would you suggest them to the age group of BIONICLE fans?
1010. What would you say to someone who has to subscriptions (under different names) to the Lego mag. so that they could get extra copies of the BIONICLE comic and sell them on ebay? PURE CURIOSITY I promise.
1111. What do you like better, Kanooka or Rhotuka?
1212. At one point Toa Vakama said something roughly like "Someday there will be a battlle that can be won by simply removing the enemy's mask" was that a cameo (per say) of the Rahi saga?
1313. I don't have the mini Bohrok comics anymore (from Mc-donalds) but did you write them?
14Thanks a ton Greg, you are awesome.
151) Since October of 2000 162) No 173) Hard to say ... we have heard them refer to the "way of the BIONICLE," so it may be their idea of system of philosophy or the course of history, etc. 184) Doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me. 195) Because it might have raised questions on how they knew that they weren't prepared to answer 206) Cause Scholastic made an error 217) Well, we know Inika means "energy from a star," because Jaller says that's what it means. The meaning of "nuva" has not been revealed, but I always assumed it meant something like "new" 228) Well, the books are selling almost as well as BIONICLE's -- I think the only thing that might hold it back is that the storyline is aimed younger and is not as deep as BIONICLE's, so the potential for a site like this on it is limited by that. 239) I wrote three novels, which were aimed more at adults, back in the '90s, and 35 or so roleplaying game books which were probably 12 and up ... and the other books I have had published have mostly been aimed at kids younger than the BZP audience. 2410) I would wish them luck, given that the comic is given away free with a LEGO Club membership, I am not sure how much you are going to be able to sell it for. If it's an old issue, you might get something for it -- but there are almost 1.5 million kids out there with a copy each month, so they're not scarce. 2511) No preference 2612) Yes, it was an in-joke 2713) Yes
22. Does Mahri Nui have 6 sections? Ta-Mahri, Ga-Mahri etc.?
33. To us the word "BIONICLE" is a series of comics, books, and movies. What does "BIONICLE" mean to a character such as Tahu or Vakama?
44. Are you happy with the results of the choronicler vote results? I voted for Maku, but now that I think about it, I like Kopeke even better.
55. Why didn't the Turaga (plural) of Mata Nui reveal to the Matoran how they could rebuild themselves sooner?
66. Why was Keetongu on the cover of the Dark Hunters quide?
77. Are "Nuva" and "Inika" words in the Matoran langeuge or just titlesames? If thay are words what do they mean?
88. Do you think Exco-Force could ever get as popular as BIONICLE?
99. How many non-BIONICLE books have you written? What are there titles? Would you suggest them to the age group of BIONICLE fans?
1010. What would you say to someone who has to subscriptions (under different names) to the Lego mag. so that they could get extra copies of the BIONICLE comic and sell them on ebay? PURE CURIOSITY I promise.
1111. What do you like better, Kanooka or Rhotuka?
1212. At one point Toa Vakama said something roughly like "Someday there will be a battlle that can be won by simply removing the enemy's mask" was that a cameo (per say) of the Rahi saga?
1313. I don't have the mini Bohrok comics anymore (from Mc-donalds) but did you write them?
14Thanks a ton Greg, you are awesome.
151) Since October of 2000 162) No 173) Hard to say ... we have heard them refer to the "way of the BIONICLE," so it may be their idea of system of philosophy or the course of history, etc. 184) Doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me. 195) Because it might have raised questions on how they knew that they weren't prepared to answer 206) Cause Scholastic made an error 217) Well, we know Inika means "energy from a star," because Jaller says that's what it means. The meaning of "nuva" has not been revealed, but I always assumed it meant something like "new" 228) Well, the books are selling almost as well as BIONICLE's -- I think the only thing that might hold it back is that the storyline is aimed younger and is not as deep as BIONICLE's, so the potential for a site like this on it is limited by that. 239) I wrote three novels, which were aimed more at adults, back in the '90s, and 35 or so roleplaying game books which were probably 12 and up ... and the other books I have had published have mostly been aimed at kids younger than the BZP audience. 2410) I would wish them luck, given that the comic is given away free with a LEGO Club membership, I am not sure how much you are going to be able to sell it for. If it's an old issue, you might get something for it -- but there are almost 1.5 million kids out there with a copy each month, so they're not scarce. 2511) No preference 2612) Yes, it was an in-joke 2713) Yes
18.About how many BOM members could Mata Nui take on at once and win?
28) Probably all of them
3Very interesting. But if he's that powerful, how did he get put to sleep? I know he was apparently taken by surprise, but still...
4Is it confirmed that Makuta put Mata Nui to sleep by himself? Or could he have used something else, like a machine, for example?
5-Aero-, there is so little information on how Makuta did it that it's not even funny. That's one of the biggest mysteries of Bionicle.
1Hi Greg,
2"1. Is Takanuva staying in Ta-Metru? 3A. He is in Metru." 41. Yeah but could you say which Metru?
5"2. Any idea when the January comic will come out on the web? Because it's now Feb.... 6A. Web producer has been out sick the last few weeks, that is why the delay" 72. Well it is starting to look like we may get Ignition 7 before 6, what sickness does she have?
8"3. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 9A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003)" 103. They had seven "books" planned out and the first one was 3 years long? So they had roughly 21 years mapped out?
11"4. Tahu still has the Vahi right? 12A. No, Vakama does" 134. Will Tahu get it back if Vakama thinks him strong enough?
14"5. Why was Keetongu on the cover of the Dark Hunters guide? 15A. Cause Scholastic made an error" 16What would you have liked on the cover? TSO?
17"6. How many non-BIONICLE books have you written? What are there titles? Would you suggest them to the age group of BIONICLE fans? 18A. I wrote three novels, which were aimed more at adults, back in the '90s, and 35 or so role-playing game books which were probably 12 and up ... and the other books I have had published have mostly been aimed at kids younger than the BZP audience. " 196. OK the RPG's, were they one series? I want to look them up.
207. Do you only read the numbered parts in PMs?
211) Not something I have worried about. My guess is he is staying in the Coliseum, since that is relatively intact. 222) I don't really think that's anyone's business but hers. 233) Yup 244) No. Tahu has no need of it. It's not a mask you just use casually. 255) Yes, TSO 266) I wrote for a number of RPG lines -- Torg, Bloodshadows, Shatterzone, Indiana Jones, a little for Star Wars, Tales From the Crypt, quite a few 277) I read all of the PMs, but sometimes I only respond to actual questions 28OK, Hey Screenguy, could you edit the topic post again and write something like not to bother about asking GregF Qs about future storyline, Qs about sets etc?
2"1. Is Takanuva staying in Ta-Metru? 3A. He is in Metru." 41. Yeah but could you say which Metru?
5"2. Any idea when the January comic will come out on the web? Because it's now Feb.... 6A. Web producer has been out sick the last few weeks, that is why the delay" 72. Well it is starting to look like we may get Ignition 7 before 6, what sickness does she have?
8"3. When the first (BIONICLE) comic was released, how far in the storyline had you planned up to? I'm guessing up to the end of the Kal. 9A. The head of the story team already had the first seven "books" of BIONICLE mapped out (the first book was 2001-2003)" 103. They had seven "books" planned out and the first one was 3 years long? So they had roughly 21 years mapped out?
11"4. Tahu still has the Vahi right? 12A. No, Vakama does" 134. Will Tahu get it back if Vakama thinks him strong enough?
14"5. Why was Keetongu on the cover of the Dark Hunters guide? 15A. Cause Scholastic made an error" 16What would you have liked on the cover? TSO?
17"6. How many non-BIONICLE books have you written? What are there titles? Would you suggest them to the age group of BIONICLE fans? 18A. I wrote three novels, which were aimed more at adults, back in the '90s, and 35 or so role-playing game books which were probably 12 and up ... and the other books I have had published have mostly been aimed at kids younger than the BZP audience. " 196. OK the RPG's, were they one series? I want to look them up.
207. Do you only read the numbered parts in PMs?
211) Not something I have worried about. My guess is he is staying in the Coliseum, since that is relatively intact. 222) I don't really think that's anyone's business but hers. 233) Yup 244) No. Tahu has no need of it. It's not a mask you just use casually. 255) Yes, TSO 266) I wrote for a number of RPG lines -- Torg, Bloodshadows, Shatterzone, Indiana Jones, a little for Star Wars, Tales From the Crypt, quite a few 277) I read all of the PMs, but sometimes I only respond to actual questions 28OK, Hey Screenguy, could you edit the topic post again and write something like not to bother about asking GregF Qs about future storyline, Qs about sets etc?
1Hi greg, I have-oh, you know what I'm here for:
21: If kardas kept getting defeated, could he get as strong as mata nui eventually, or is there a limit to his power?
32: how many pages is the new encyclopedia?
43: will the encyclopedia have the end of the 07 storyline in it?
54: Have you decided on why mantax searches the original pit every night?
64a: if yes, could you tell me why?
75: didnt you say as of right now maxilos is active?
85a: if yes, you also said that all that has happened right now in the storyline is book 6. you told me when asked that mauta does not have his new body yet. does this prove makuta is not maxilos?
96: when will gadunka be created?
107: will the zyglak come out as a set like irrnak did in the spring?
118: is it possibal for the first toa to complete his destiny since all his teamates are dead?
129: oh, how many pages are prisnors of the pit and downfall going to be?
13thank you:
141) No, he is not going to reach Mata Nui level strength. 152) No idea. 163) No 174) Yes 184a) Why would I want to reveal a future story point on BZP, instead of someplace where many more BIONICLE fans could see it? 195) Yes 205a) I never said Makuta was Maxilos. BZP is assuming that based on press kit info. 216) Gadunka already exists, just not in his set form 227) No. Zyglak is a combo model only, not a set for sale. 238) Yes. 249) Same number of pages as Book 6 was, probably around 120
258... is surprising.

1Prisinors of the pit is already out. What is Downfall? Legends 7?
1Hi Mr. F. just some ?.
21: how is it possible for the first toa to complete his destiny if the rest of his team is dead? didnt you say that you have to have a full team to do it?
32: were and when are you going to reveal what mantax is doing in the pit?
43: does the first toa have a big role in the story?
54: I have a theroy. Gadunka right now is just a small fish, but the mask of life mutated him. correct?
65: what store will the first toa and the matoran combo be exclusive to?
76: do you think you could reveal any mask powers of the mahri, besides the tryna, kindred and stealth?
87: in the nocturn vrs. hydraxon fight, does nocturn challenge hydraxon, or is it the other way around?
98: does the first toa and the mystery matoran combo pack figure apper in the books at all?
109: do you guys have an idea what comes after 08?
11thanks in advance:
121) Depends on the destiny. After all, Takanuva is considered a seventh Toa and has fought beside the Toa Nuva, but his destiny is different from theirs. Part of Norik and Iruini's destinies were to save the other Rahaga, so their destinies were different from their team's 132) Book 8 143) As I almost always have to ask ... first Toa ever or member of first Toa team? 154) I can't discuss summer storyline 165) I don't have this info 176) Nope 187) Other way around 198) Most likely not. I don't have room. 209) Yes, we discussed that last fall
21why would hydraxon challenge nocturn?