1A PM again, filled with stupid and Brutaka questions: 2(WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS::

3Sorry if you already had a PM from me, asking your questions, but I think something went wrong on the previous PM. So here are my questions (again):
41. Brutaka is dragged away by a giant squid from Kalmah; Is Brutaka dead?
52a. Why would the Barraki want to lose a powerfull ally like Brutaka so fast? Are they afraid for him? Or was it 'the lye' of an Order of Mata Nui?
62b. Ehlek is created by the OoMN to fight te BoM, right? Can't he remember himself anything about the OoMN? If so why not?
72c. If he does know there some kind of order, why wouldn't he tell?
83. WHAT is Brutaka?
94. What's Vezon goal now, after he's unfused from Kardas, the Ignika seperated from him?
105. Can any mutated sea creature (like the Barraki & Brutaka) only be 'cured' by the Ignika? Can't Keetongu help?
116. When will the bionicle.com site be ready?
127. Will Zyglak appear in the storyline?
13Thanks for your time (again) and answering (again).
151) If you didn't see a corpse, don't assume he's dead 162a) Remember, Brutaka said, "You're working for me now." He wasn't going to be an ally, he wanted to be their boss. 172b) He wasn't created by the OOMN, he was modified by them, and they didn't come up and introduce themselves while tampering with his species. 183) I don't understand your question. 194) Getting the Ignika back 205) Keetongu can only reverse the effects of Visorak venom -- nothing else. 216) I don't understand your question, the site's been updated 227) Yes
23Okay, thanks.
24A few reactions.
25On 2a: That's a stupid move, he didn't say that when he was with the Piraka... Does Zaktan still assumes Brutaka is an 'ally'?
26On 3: Before taken away by the giant squid of Kalmah, Brutaka said: "you don't know who I am, you don't know WHAT I am..."
27So, WHAT is Brutaka?. Who he is, I already know.
28And on 6: When will the Kanoka club points be back?
292a) He needed the Piraka to get the mask from its guardians. He didn't feel he needed the Barraki just to get the mask from Dekar, so why should he kiss up to them? 303) He's an Order of Mata Nui member who snaps people like the Barraki in two before breakfast (Go Brutaka316) No idea, I don't work on the website.
11. Out of the barraki, who changed the least? 22.why did ehlek have more af his own species in his armies then the other barraki?
31) Ehlek, because he already breathed water so didn't need that change 42) Basically, because he felt more comfortable with an army of water-breathers than with air-breathers, with whom he felt little in common
1I got interesting questions and answers...
2Questions...1. Does Hydraxon wear a Mask? 32. Does Maxilos wear a Mask? 43. Is the Toa from the first Toa Team a Toa of Air? 54. Is he in the Pit? 64a. If not, where is he?
71-2) No and no 83) Yes 94) Yes, but he is not a prisoner there
10Well if he's not a pisoner there, he must be a Pit Guard: (Not the Pit Jailer)
1Well if he's not a pisoner there, he must be a Pit Guard: (Not the Pit Jailer)
2Err...I seriously doubt it, since that Toa was supposed to be released in a store exclusive set, and Lego usually doesn't release a character twice....also, none of the Titans are green, which is confirmed to be his color, so there's little chance of that happening....
1Two quick questions and answers...

21. Does the Jailor wear a Mask? 32. Is the Jailor and Pit Guard the same being? Or are they two different people? Because jailor means guard...So I would think you are referring to one person, but with two different titles...
41) No 52) No, the guard works for the jailer. They're not the same being.
1Here's some info(That doesn't really reveal anything) about Maxilos:
2Hiya, Greg. I have some questions for you today:
31) Is Maxilos in any way related to Makuta?
41a) If not, does Maxilos know of Makuta?
51b) Or is Maxilos Makuta himself? Just in another form.
62) Does Hydraxon's mask do anything?
73) Is there a reason why the Mahri and Barraki have so little armor? Is it so they can move faster underwater?(I always thought that was the reason)
84) What is yourr favorite Rahi?
95) Who is your favorite Toa, set-wise and story-wise?
106) Do you own any Barraki yet?
117) How strong is Botar compared to Axonn or Brutaka? Physically, I mean.
128) Do the squids the Barraki shoot from their launchers have faces? Because on the cover of comic #7, it showed the squid that Kalmah shot had eyes and a mouth.
139) Do the blue squids in the squid packs have any special powers?
1410) You said that Nocturn is physically stronger than Makuta. Does that mean Nocturn could lift that door in Makuta's lair? Because Takutanuva is stronger than Makuta and Nocturn is physically stronger than Makuta, right?
15That's all for now.
161) No and most likely not, no reason for him to 172) No, don't think so, not unless management decides it should 183) I have no doubt the set designer had that in mind -- the last thing you want underwater is a ton of armor dragging you down. 194) Krahka 205) Kopaka 216) Nope 227) He is probably not as physically strong as they are. Their job is combat, his is not 238) Well, all squid have eyes and mouths (beaks), even in our world 249) No 2510) But Nocturn is not as strong as Takutanuva
2Hiya, Greg. I have some questions for you today:
31) Is Maxilos in any way related to Makuta?
41a) If not, does Maxilos know of Makuta?
51b) Or is Maxilos Makuta himself? Just in another form.
62) Does Hydraxon's mask do anything?
73) Is there a reason why the Mahri and Barraki have so little armor? Is it so they can move faster underwater?(I always thought that was the reason)
84) What is yourr favorite Rahi?
95) Who is your favorite Toa, set-wise and story-wise?
106) Do you own any Barraki yet?
117) How strong is Botar compared to Axonn or Brutaka? Physically, I mean.
128) Do the squids the Barraki shoot from their launchers have faces? Because on the cover of comic #7, it showed the squid that Kalmah shot had eyes and a mouth.
139) Do the blue squids in the squid packs have any special powers?
1410) You said that Nocturn is physically stronger than Makuta. Does that mean Nocturn could lift that door in Makuta's lair? Because Takutanuva is stronger than Makuta and Nocturn is physically stronger than Makuta, right?
15That's all for now.
161) No and most likely not, no reason for him to 172) No, don't think so, not unless management decides it should 183) I have no doubt the set designer had that in mind -- the last thing you want underwater is a ton of armor dragging you down. 194) Krahka 205) Kopaka 216) Nope 227) He is probably not as physically strong as they are. Their job is combat, his is not 238) Well, all squid have eyes and mouths (beaks), even in our world 249) No 2510) But Nocturn is not as strong as Takutanuva
1Just a few questions here, I know you might not be able to answer some of these.
21) The pit jailer was killed, but what about the Pit guard? 32) The pit jailer is an OoMN member, but what about the Pit guard? 43) You said Maxilos is not wearing a mask (even though that really looks like one)... what about Hydraxon? Kanohi or not? 54) Are any of the 2007 Titans guardians of the Ignika? 65) Do any of the 2007 Titans aid the Mahri directly? 76) Is Gadunka created in some way by the Ignika or the mutagen? 87) Can you confirm (just to dispell some rumors) that Makuta is not a set in 2007? 98) Will Vezon appear in his place in the internet story? 109) Any idea when the internet story will appear? Is it written/finalized?
121) Not killed 132) Nope 143) Nope, not to my knowledge 154) No 165) I can't answer this, follow the story 176) See answer to #5 187) It's impossible for me to confirm or deny this, as I cannot discuss future sets 198) No idea. 209) Parts of it are written, but when it goes up on the net depends on the web producer, not me
I PMed Greg with several questions. I put his answers in bold.
Then I PMed him again with more questions. Again, the answers are in bold.
Some of those questions led to other questions, so I asked them.
So now I have a clearer vision of what the Bionicle Universe is like. Oh, and I can't resist saying this, but he revealed a special spoiler that I descided not ot post, as it feels good to be the only fan to know something about the future.
Let's just put it this way, someone will be make an appearance in Bionicle Legends #8.

2Some questions:
31) Are there any continents on the Bionicle planet?
42) Are there any other inhabitable planets in the Bionicle Universe
53) What is the name for Toa lhikan's Toa team? You know, like Hagah, Mata, Metru, etc.
64) What was the name for Dume's team?
7If you can't answer any of those, than that's OK.
81) Well, we know there is a large continent that Voya Nui was once a part of.
92) No idea. We don't deal with outer space in BIONICLE up to this point. It's not a part of the story bibles.
103-4) We didn't name either one, although it is reasonable to assume Lhikan's team would have been called Toa Metru, since they were protecting Metru Nui.

12Ok, here are a couple questions
131) How did makuta get his Kraahkan? Is it part of his essence? Did he forge it? Was it a gift? Something else?
142) How often do you acknowledge that Makuta has over 40 abilities?
153) Do all the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta were a Kraahkan?
164) How would you describe the state people are in when hypnotized by Takadox? Completely blank minded? Very aware of what's happening but unable to dissobey Takadox? Enslaved but blissful? Something else? I'd like a detailed explenation on this.
175) Where did Takua come from, since he was actually a matoran of light sent to Metru Nui.
186) Is relation between the names for the Ignika and the Inika just a coincidence?
197)in terms of sets, the Inika are taller than the Nuva. Would they be taller than them in the storyline as well?
208) Would the Mahri matoran be bigger than the normal matoran?
219) I noticed that Matoran always wear masks, and that along with other things I read over time began to make come up with the question I am about to ask. In the Matoran culture, would being maskless be the equivilent to being, uh, neked in ours? I didn't know how to state that.
2210) Is there a reason that 2001 rahi could wear kanohi masks on various parts of them but no other rahi can? I'm not talking about marketing, more of a storyline thing.
2311) Who's smarter: Takadox or Zaktann?
2412) It says in their descriptions Carapar's armor can prodect against anything accept electrical attacks but that Pridak's teeth can rip through anything, even BoM armor. So my question is: Could Pridak chew through Carapar's armor or not?
2513) would the mutagene in the pit's waters affect you if you dived into it but had something to provide air for you to breathe?
2614) Which would be more powerful: Takutanuva or Mata Nui?
2715) Do you like...*shivers*...vegetables?
281) Hasn't been revealed 292) I don't really understand your question. Only thing I would say is that so far, not counting this year, I have really only written one Toa-Makuta encounter, and that was BA #10. The other ones -- the webisode in 2001, and the movies -- were not written by me. 303) Hasn't been revealed yet. I am hoping to do more with the BOM in future story, so I don't want to hash all this out now. 314) A being in trance has his/her conscious mind asleep and his/her subconscious awake, so it is somewhat like a sleep state. Once awakened, they are perfectly normal, but may react to post-hypnotic suggestions that put them back into trance or cause them to do things they are unaware of. While this is obviously a fantasy story and you cannot hypnotize as easily as Takadox does, I am trying to base what he does off real hypnosis where I can. 325) He came from the homeland of the Matoran of Light, which will get revealed in future story, I believe 336) I would say, in story terms, no -- remember that Inika means "energy from a star" and Ignika, one has to assume, means "life" -- and its role is reviving life energy -- so it would make sense the spellings would be close. 347) Nope. They are taller because of more points of articulation in the set. 358) Yes 369) No. But it would be foolish, since a Matoran without a mask will eventually go into a coma. 3710) There are other Matoran who also have masks or what look like masks, such as the Kanohi dragon. But the 2001 storyline was about, in part, getting the masks off the Rahi, so it was much more prevalent in set design then. 3811) Tough one. I don't think there's a big difference, and frankly, I'd love to team them up. 3912) With difficulty, and Carapar would probably break him before he got too far. 4013) Yes, as long as you are exposed to it in some way. If the thing you have protects you from exposure to the water, then no. 4114) Mata Nui. Takutanuva is very powerful, but he cannot maintain the order of the universe -- Mata Nui can. 4215) Some, yes. I like peas, I like carrots, I like spinach, I like corn .. green beans are sorta dull ... brussel sprouts and artichokes do nothing for me ... not as big on lima beans as I once was ... like cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli I have to be in the mood for. My wife makes me eat lots of vegetables and fruit and not as much chocolate as I would like

44OK, I left in the questions that I will need to rephrase and the ones that lead to other questions in the quote. Some are just my reaction to the answer.
452)So I guess that means you don't acknowledge it that much then. OK, I'll rephrase it. There are 40 different types of Kraata, which are drawn from his essence. Plus, Makuta has the Kraahkan (well, not anymore), which can fill a hero's heart with darkness. Look up "Makuta" on the Wikipedia to see the full list.
464) Oooooo, post hypnotic suggestions. I am quite familiar with that term and a lot of other things having to do with hypnosis. Basically it is a lot like a trance in real life instead of the typical fictional trance accept, as you said, a few differences. I was wondering, in real life you can't order someone to do something that they normally wouldn't do, so would this apply with Takadox or is this another rule you descided to break in order to help make the story easier?
475) I'm sudspecting Arthaka, but hey, surprise me. This isn't a question, just a reaction.
489) OK, I read that on the Wikipedia the day before I read your PM, what a coincidence. Anyway, I wondered if this would also happen if a Toa removed His/her mask.
4910) you said "matoran", did you mean "rahi?"
5012)I'm guessing what your reply means. Pridak could chew threw Carapar with difficulty but Carapar would snap him in two before Pridak could do too much damage. Or by "break" did you mean stop?
5113)OK, I'm rephrasing my question. If you had scuba gear allowing you to breathe water would your ability to breathe water be affected by the Pit's mutagene? I guess I wasn't specific enough when I wrote that question.
522) It gets acknowledged as I need to acknowledge it, basically. If I need him to use a Rahkshi power in a scene, then he does. If I don't, he doesn't. I'm aware he has them, but I'm not going to show them in use just to show it. 534) No. While it is true that you cannot normally make someone do something they have a pre-existing moral objection to, you can alter their view of reality. For example, you would never jump out of a high window, right? But a skilled hypnotist can make you think the window is the door to your bedroom at home and out you would go. 545) No, the Matoran of Light did not come from Artakha -- would be too obvious 559) No. Toa whose masks get removed are weakened but will not lapse into a coma like Matoran do 5610) Yes 5712) Interpret it how you like 5813) I would say yes. Scuba gear would keep you from breathing the water in, but it would not protect your entire physical body from exposure to the mutagen. The only thing we know that does that is the air bubbles the Matoran travel inside or a vehicle like a sub. If it can touch your body, it will mutate you unless you are somehow immune to it as a species.

1I've thought about it, and it's about time we got some information on the Barraki... Along with other things...
111) Power 122) Almost the entire known universe 133) Large 144) Not very 155) He hit it 166) No 177) I don't think there was much of a difference between them 188) No, that's what his talons are made of 199) No. Poisoned food would not affect its basic energy
2Why had the Barraki tried to overthrow Mata Nui? 3How much land or territory had the Barraki taken control of before they were sent to the Pit? 4How large were the armies of the Barraki? 5How intelligent would you say the Vampiric Squid are? 6How had Nocturn destroy his island? 7Would a being mutated by the waters of the Pit be able to evolve to a point where they'd regain the ability to breathe air? 8Which Barraki Army would you consider the most brutal? 9Protosteel is the hardest KNOWN BIONICLE material, right? Does that mean the material used to make Ehlek's Tri-Talons is unknown? Well, unknown to most residents... 10Can Matoran get poisoned by absorbing 'food' which is, well, poisoned?
111) Power 122) Almost the entire known universe 133) Large 144) Not very 155) He hit it 166) No 177) I don't think there was much of a difference between them 188) No, that's what his talons are made of 199) No. Poisoned food would not affect its basic energy
1These were two questions I asked Greg, although one of them was a while ago. They're not important to the storyline, but I found them interesting.
2This is rather pointless to the BIONICLE storyline, but I was interested in this. Apparently on Wikipedia, it said the Kanohi Kraakhan (or whatever the mask Makuta wears) may be a reference to the old Norse sea monster, the Kraken. Is this true, or merely coincidence? If it is true, why is it a reference to it?
3There is no connection between the two. It's not a reference to the Kraken and was never intended to be.
4Thanks for taking you time to look at this.
5I used to think that, in parts of the movies (specifically Web of Shadows), they used lines from the books and put them into the script. But then I realized how long it takes to make a movie, especially an animated one, and wondered if the opposite was true.
6So, my question is, did the movie scripts use lines from the books, or did you use lines in the books from the script?
7The movie novelizations are based off the movie scripts, as all movie novelizations are, and not the other way around.
8I meant like in Web of the Visorak, beginning with "Well that stunk", and several other scenes, and they used them in Web of Shadows. Also in the comics in 2004 and Legends of Metru Nui, with "Thanks for dream-sharing". Not the novelizations. Sorry about the confusion, I should have been a bit more clear.
9Same answer. I have the scripts well in advance, and part of my job is tying the story into them as much as I can. If the first thing that, say, Nuju said in the movie after the boat crash was, "Whose idea was this?" -- then that has to be the first thing he says in that scene in the other books and in the comics, otherwise there is a contradiction.
1Here are some REALLY interesting Q&A from GregF (see the first question)
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have some quick questions for you, if you don't mind.
41)Did Jovan's team use the Ignika because of the Great Disruption? 52) I have heard somewhere that the 2008 location (the world that feeds the world right?) is in the sky. Is it true? 63) When you say that the Barraki have conquered "all the known universe" does it include places outside the BIONICLE planet too?
91) Yes 102) I cannot discuss anything about 2008 -- it's February of 2007, you shouldn't be worrying about next year yet 113) No. I am referring the universe of the Matoran, which is inside the domes
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have some quick questions for you, if you don't mind.
41)Did Jovan's team use the Ignika because of the Great Disruption? 52) I have heard somewhere that the 2008 location (the world that feeds the world right?) is in the sky. Is it true? 63) When you say that the Barraki have conquered "all the known universe" does it include places outside the BIONICLE planet too?
91) Yes 102) I cannot discuss anything about 2008 -- it's February of 2007, you shouldn't be worrying about next year yet 113) No. I am referring the universe of the Matoran, which is inside the domes
1Here are some REALLY interesting Q&A from GregF (see the first question)
2QUOTE 3Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have some quick questions for you, if you don't mind.
41)Did Jovan's team use the Ignika because of the Great Disruption? 52) I have heard somewhere that the 2008 location (the world that feeds the world right?) is in the sky. Is it true? 63) When you say that the Barraki have conquered "all the known universe" does it include places outside the BIONICLE planet too?
91) Yes 102) I cannot discuss anything about 2008 -- it's February of 2007, you shouldn't be worrying about next year yet 113) No. I am referring the universe of the Matoran, which is inside the domes
12The first question is old news, just so you know.
1Hi Mr. F, just have a few questions here:
21. How powerful would you say Karzahni is compared to Makuta (both mental and physical)?
32. Out of these characters, could your order them from the most powerful to the least: Mata Nui, Makuta, Karzahni, Artahka, TSO, Takutanuva?
43. Are either Maxilos or Spinax alive and active at this point?
54. Could the Ignika be repaired or is it damaged forever?
65. With the whole Makuta vs. Karzahni battle, will it be a physical brawl or more of a battle of wits?
76. In comparison to say a standard Toa, how large is Karzanhi (is he like as large as a titan)?
87. Is the mutagen in the water.. sentient/alive in any way?
98. Is Tyrant still alive? 108b. If so, is he still beneath the waves?
121) Less powerful 132) I really prefer not to answer these kind of questions. This is something it is better for fans to debate. 143) Both 154) Time will tell 165) Physical 176) Most likely, yes 187) No 198) Can't answer it
1Hi Mr. F, just have a few questions here:
21. How powerful would you say Karzahni is compared to Makuta (both mental and physical)?
32. Out of these characters, could your order them from the most powerful to the least: Mata Nui, Makuta, Karzahni, Artahka, TSO, Takutanuva?
43. Are either Maxilos or Spinax alive and active at this point?
54. Could the Ignika be repaired or is it damaged forever?
65. With the whole Makuta vs. Karzahni battle, will it be a physical brawl or more of a battle of wits?
76. In comparison to say a standard Toa, how large is Karzanhi (is he like as large as a titan)?
87. Is the mutagen in the water.. sentient/alive in any way?
98. Is Tyrant still alive? 108b. If so, is he still beneath the waves?
121) Less powerful 132) I really prefer not to answer these kind of questions. This is something it is better for fans to debate. 143) Both 154) Time will tell 165) Physical 176) Most likely, yes 187) No 198) Can't answer it
20tryant must be important if greg wont release information about him
1Some new ones, edited for your mouse's sake.
2Ehlek was left in the original Pit with his breathing apparatus, right? 3Yes 4After the Cataclysm, did he leave it in the original Pit before moving to the Outer Pit? 5Destroyed in the quake 6If the answer to the question above is yes, then would it be possible that this machine is one of the things that Mantax is looking for? 7Good guess, but not
8The member of the first Toa team: was he mutated by the black water? 9Haven't decided yet 10What about the Jailer? 11No
12Are the Pit Jailer and Pit Guard two different beings? 13Yes indeed
14Why is there an Idris set? Wouldn't it be better to name it Kyrehx, since she had a more important role in the story? 15I don't really see her as having that much more important of a role, she only is really featured in Book 6
16Takea sharks aren't that big, right? Like, they're as tall as a Matoran, but certainly longer? 17I see them as being about the size of great whites
18Is Defilak's craft, the one attacked by the Takea in Book 6, the same one that we saw in one of the playsets this year (the one with the claw and Cordak blaster)? 19No
20The gigantic eel heard sounds of battle inside the stone cord. Will this battle be featured in BIONICLEstory.com? 21Probably
22Where will be first see the Zyglak in the story? 23Their first appearance is in the March comic, unless something gets up on the web before then
24Enjoy: 25Khote
2Ehlek was left in the original Pit with his breathing apparatus, right? 3Yes 4After the Cataclysm, did he leave it in the original Pit before moving to the Outer Pit? 5Destroyed in the quake 6If the answer to the question above is yes, then would it be possible that this machine is one of the things that Mantax is looking for? 7Good guess, but not
8The member of the first Toa team: was he mutated by the black water? 9Haven't decided yet 10What about the Jailer? 11No
12Are the Pit Jailer and Pit Guard two different beings? 13Yes indeed
14Why is there an Idris set? Wouldn't it be better to name it Kyrehx, since she had a more important role in the story? 15I don't really see her as having that much more important of a role, she only is really featured in Book 6
16Takea sharks aren't that big, right? Like, they're as tall as a Matoran, but certainly longer? 17I see them as being about the size of great whites
18Is Defilak's craft, the one attacked by the Takea in Book 6, the same one that we saw in one of the playsets this year (the one with the claw and Cordak blaster)? 19No
20The gigantic eel heard sounds of battle inside the stone cord. Will this battle be featured in BIONICLEstory.com? 21Probably
22Where will be first see the Zyglak in the story? 23Their first appearance is in the March comic, unless something gets up on the web before then
24Enjoy: 25Khote
1No, I don't think so. Greg always states that he likes to leave some questions unanswered to add some "color" to the story.
3mybe but couldnt he just have said that?
4Tch Tch. You guys are getting it all wrong. Greg didn't answer because he han't thought about it 'cause Tyrant isn't important to the dtoryline. I think.
1Just read Bionicle Legends#6. I quite liked how you did Takadox and Carapar, and the whole murder mystery astect of the first few chapters. But I have a few questions.
21) What exactly was safe hour? Could you explain it to me?
32)Were the gifts from Mata Nui things the Voya Nui Matoran dropped? If so, why only monthly?
43) What is so bad about Brutaka being dragged into the black water, since he can already breathe underwater and he still retains his weapon?
54) Will the green first Toa be visiting the Pit, or has he been there for a long time?
65) Will his design resemble that of the Mahri's?
7Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
81) It was the one hour when no sea predators were active, so prey fish could swim in safety 92) Yes, and it was monthly because that is how often they did the ritual. As far as they knew, the Mahri Nui Matoran were dead, so they weren't dropping supplies -- it was like a memorial service 103) Um, well, he was being dragged by a giant squid, so if he doesn't get the proper leverage, it would probably crush him to death. 114) Visiting 125) No idea, have not seen the set
21) What exactly was safe hour? Could you explain it to me?
32)Were the gifts from Mata Nui things the Voya Nui Matoran dropped? If so, why only monthly?
43) What is so bad about Brutaka being dragged into the black water, since he can already breathe underwater and he still retains his weapon?
54) Will the green first Toa be visiting the Pit, or has he been there for a long time?
65) Will his design resemble that of the Mahri's?
7Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
81) It was the one hour when no sea predators were active, so prey fish could swim in safety 92) Yes, and it was monthly because that is how often they did the ritual. As far as they knew, the Mahri Nui Matoran were dead, so they weren't dropping supplies -- it was like a memorial service 103) Um, well, he was being dragged by a giant squid, so if he doesn't get the proper leverage, it would probably crush him to death. 114) Visiting 125) No idea, have not seen the set
1Hey Greg, I've got some more questions for you.
21. Throughout the Bionicle story, it's been indicated that it's the destiny of the Toa Nuva and/or Takanuva to awaken Mata Nui. However, I read in General Discussion that you gave a reply saying that the Toa<b>Inika</b> are going to awaken Mata Nui. Which is it? 32. Speaking of the Nuva, why are they freeing the Bahrag? Is it necessary somehow for the island of Mata Nui to be restored to its original state for the universe to stop being screwy? 43. Is there more than one Kanohi Dragon? 54. Does Makuta know-or care-that Vengeance is after him? 65. Will the Great Beings ever return, or have they basically pulled the whole supreme being "good luck with your existence, I'm going to find something else to do" trip?
7As a side note, did you get the message I sent you with questions about Karzahni?
81) What you read was a typo on my part 92) Well, we know the Bohrok's mission is part of Mata Nui's overall plan for the universe, they just did it at the wrong time. We are approaching the right time. 103) It's possible, certainly 114) Makuta could really care less 125) I can't discuss this
1Just read Bionicle Legends#6. I quite liked how you did Takadox and Carapar, and the whole murder mystery astect of the first few chapters. But I have a few questions.
21) What exactly was safe hour? Could you explain it to me?
32)Were the gifts from Mata Nui things the Voya Nui Matoran dropped? If so, why only monthly?
43) What is so bad about Brutaka being dragged into the black water, since he can already breathe underwater and he still retains his weapon?
54) Will the green first Toa be visiting the Pit, or has he been there for a long time?
65) Will his design resemble that of the Mahri's?
7Thanks in advance, Matoran Hewkii
81) It was the one hour when no sea predators were active, so prey fish could swim in safety 92) Yes, and it was monthly because that is how often they did the ritual. As far as they knew, the Mahri Nui Matoran were dead, so they weren't dropping supplies -- it was like a memorial service 103) Um, well, he was being dragged by a giant squid, so if he doesn't get the proper leverage, it would probably crush him to death. 114) Visiting 125) No idea, have not seen the set
13I hope it doesn't end that way... I don't want my favorite character to die that way...
1Hi Mr. F, just have a few questions here: 26. In comparison to say a standard Toa, how large is Karzanhi (is he like as large as a titan)?
36) Most likely, yes
4I remember an old answer saying that he imagined him nearly Brutaka-sized. 5Khote
6Yep, thats on me. Here ya go, refresh your memories: Refresh them::
7thank you. just 1.
8how big is karzahni? is he toa sized, ultimate dume sized, axonn sized, etc?
9thanks in advance.![]()
10I see him as Brutaka sized, myself
11Uh, well, yeah.
1It won't. As Mr. Farshtey says, "If you don't see a corpse, don't assume he/she is dead."
3What if the giant squid swallowed Brutaka? Then we won't see a corpse, but he is dead... Anyway I asked GregF once what he thought, he said: Do you think an Order member will be killed by a squid? Anyway, Brutaka won't return until 2008, too bad...
1Hi Greg
2ive just got got a couple of questions about the first toa team member
31)Is he going to appear in the 2007 stoyline? 4Yes 51a) If so will he play a important role in the story 6In a sidestory, yes 72) ive heard he hasnt fullfilled his destiny is it true? 8Yes 92a) If so i think ive got any idea why he has'nt, is it possible that his destiny is to use OR find away to repair the ignika that would explain why he hasnt fullfilled his destiny if theres no broken mask to repair for the moment ? 10No, his destiny isn't connected to the Ignika
11Thank you

1Have fun reading this stupid questions and of course some Brutaka questions:
2Hi GregF,
31a. Maxilos=Makuta? 41b. If Makuta manage to get a new body, will he have all his 42 Rahkshi powers again?
52. The Kanohi Kraakhan was trowed into the silver sea by Reidak? Is the Kraakhan still there?
63. The Piraka betrayed TSO, what have they done? (Stealing the Zamor Spheres?)
74. 3 Strongest Rahi: Kardas, Gadunka and Tathorak? If not, wich are the 3 strongest Rahi...
85. What's Takuanuva doing at the moment? Join the Toa Nuva on their special mission?
96. Who's stronger (in general terms): Brutaka or Roodaka?
107. Where's the Mask of Time at the moment?
118. The Piraka want to Ignika, like a robber wants a diamant, since it worth much, how do the Piraka get 'paid'?
129. (Let's assume Brutaka is alife.) After time will past, will outward mutations eventually appear?
1310. Did Brutaka already possesed his Kanohi Olmak when he 'came into being', or was it given to him by someone?
1411. Brutaka Vs. the Barraki; who would win?
1512. How ís your Dutch?
16Thanks for your time.
171) Maxilos is a summer set, meaning I can't discuss him 181b) He would have most, but probably not all. For example, Makuta's armor is designed for shapeshifting, so it changes as he wants it to. A new body would not have that ability. 192) Yes 203) They went off on their own to loot Makuta's lair, without permission and with no intention of sharing any loot they found 214) I wouldn't put Gadunka in there, and you're forgetting the Kanohi Dragon, the Razor Whale, etc. 225) He is guarding Metru Nui 236) Brutaka. Roodaka doesn't rely on physical strength to win battles so much. 247) With Vakama 258) Well, let's say the Toa want it and the Brotherhood of Makuta wants it. So the Piraka promise the Toa they will never give it to the BOM, in return for the Toa promising never to try to stop anything the Piraka do ever again. 269) It's possible 2710) Can't answer it 2811) Brutaka is a lot more powerful than any one individual Barraki, but there are six of them with huge armies, so it's hard to predict 2912) I don't speak any Dutch.
30Hi GregF,
31A few reactions:
322) So, if Makuta gets a new body... can he use the Kraakhan again? 337) And Vakama is protected by Takuanuva? Since now Vakama is a Turaga, he isn't so strong anymore, so someone need to protect him... 348) Are the Piraka aware of the enormous power of the Ignika? 3510) Since it's not relevant to the story, right?
36A few extra questions:
371. You said Vezon was after the Ignika, since the Ignika is in Mahri Nui, will Vezon go there, and be mutated?
382. Do the Piraka still breath air?
393. Who do you think is the smartest Bionicle character (don't count the Great Being and the Great Spirit Mata Nui...)?
404. When I asked if Axonn and Brutaka were already friends before they joined the Order, you said: "I'm not sure if they knowed eachother then." But they were both in the Hand of Artakha, did they never met while they were in the Hand of Artakha?
415. In the coming Bionicle Atlas, will we learn some more about the OoMN and their 'headquarter'?
426. Brutaka is no longer an Order member, right?
437. Axonn & Brutaka were not prototype Toa, right?
448a. Does Brutaka belong to a species? 458b. If so, are they murdered by the Barraki? (When they still were warlords?)
469. Makuta wanted to execute the Barraki... but Botar intervened, why didn't the Order want to execute the Barraki? I mean, they killed so much innocent people.
4710. Does Zaktan know about the ultimate victory of the BoM?
48Thanks for your time.
492) Yes 507) It hasn't really been necessary. The only person who knows Vakama has it is Makuta, and Makuta knows if he goes after it, Vakama will destroy it. 518) Yes 5210) Just not something I have worried about
531) Can't answer it 542) At this point, yes 553) No idea 564) The Hand was scattered pretty far and wide, so they may not have met then 575) Yes 586) Technically, no 597) No 608) Yes 618b) No. The Barraki's job was to keep order, not slaughter entire species 629) Because that is what the Pit is for 6310) In general
64Hi GregF,
65First a few reactions:
668) Why don't they want to use it?
676)So he is still considered as a member? 687)So they were prototype toa? If so, why didn't the HoA or the BoM didn't create any more like them, I mean Axonn and Brutaka are pretty powerfull...
69A few extra questions:
701. If the Barraki should manage to use the Ignika and become airbreathers again (leave Ehlek), even if they manage to get on the land, their practicly lost right? I mean, the BoM hates them... the OoMN will go after them... and if they don't join the DH, TSO will order to kill them since they are of no use to him then.
712. Mantax is searching for something valuable in the ruins of the Pit, is it valuable to everyone, or only to Mantax?
723. If I say: "evil intelligence", wich Bionicle character pops up in your mind?
734. In BL6 Brutaka says towards Ehlek and Carparar: "Ah, you were important once." Does that mean he knows a lot about the League of Six Kingdoms and such?
745. Since Brutaka is shielded against telepatic attacks, does that mean that Takadox can't hypnotise him?
756. Can Artakha Bulls fly?
767. Why are all Rahi afraid for the Visorak? (The BoM almost created every species of Rahi.)
778. Makuta gets a new body, will it be stronger then his Shadow Titan Form? And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right?
789. If Brutaka should survive the attack of the giant squid, what do you think he's planning to do next then?
7910. What do you think is the strongest Rahi?
80Thanks for your time.
818) Piraka cannot wear masks, and they don't realize it can be used if you aren't wearing it. 826) I said he wasn't a member 837) I meant no, they were not prototype Toa. Toa are never made in that size model.
841) You forget that the DH and the BOM are busy warring with each other, and the OOMN is busy gearing up for war with the BOM. So it might be no one would notice they were back until it was too late.
852) It's valuable to the Barraki
863) No, no, sorry, not getting me that way -- I am not commenting on future storyline
874) Sure. Most people do. It's not like they were a secret organization.
885) No. Hypnosis is not telepathy.
896) Not to my knowledge, no
907) Same reason a lot of people are afraid of spiders or snakes -- it's instinctive
918) I can't discuss what his new body will be like
929) We'll see. His role in this year's story is over, I know that
9310) Of the ones we have seen so far, I would say the Tahtorak
94Hi GregF,
95First a few reactions:
968) I understand, I mean, Vezon is also a Piraka but he could use the Ignika. 976 & 7) Just to clear things up for me.
981) Can the Barraki set up armies so fast then? And if it should happen, why don't the BoM and the OoMN gang up? I mean, war is peace. (Expression in my country.)
992) Is it/are it (a) weapon(s)?
1003) Sorry, could give it a try...
1016) There's that topic that Artakha is the City of the Sky... So, just curious if Artakha Bulls could fly...
1028) You can still answer the second part: And when Makuta was in his Shadow Titan Form, Nidikhi and Krekka were still part of him, right? And about the first part, I think the Shadow Titan Form is more powerful... Makuta (2003 set) looks better than Maxilos...
1039) I think Brutaka doesn't deserve to die that way, but it's your choice...
10410) I do count Kardas as a Rahi, I think you should take that in your conclusion...
105A few additional questions:
1061. Are you planning on making an OoMN guide, if so, will it be written in the same persective as in the DH guide (TSO telling)
1072. What's the official release date of the Atlas?
1083. You said that the Barraki do have more "team spirit" than the Piraka... But, all the Barraki don't want Pridak as their leader... they all want to be the leader themself... also, Kalmah did an attempt to become the leader, but he loosed the battle (and one eye), why don't they gang up against him? Does he has the same thing as, maybe a to extreme example,110, I mean he was one of the "best" dictators.109Adolf Hitler
1114. Does Zyglak already exist in the story, or has he still to be created?
112Thanks for your time.
1131) When did Vezon ever actually use the power of the Ignika? He used powers the Ignika granted to him, he never used the mask itself
1141) The BOM cannot ally with the OOMN, because they don't know the OOMN exists and the OOMN doesn't want them to know. And yes, given their reps, the Barraki probably could attract a lot of mercenaries and thugs fairly quickly 1152) No
1166) Artakha is not a city in the sky, it's an island on an ocean
1178) What form are you referring to?
11810) I did count Kardas. I still think, if you are talking sheer physical strength, then Tahtorak is more powerful. Whether that means he would BEAT Kardas is another matter, but in terms of sheer muscle, he is more powerful
1191) Scholastic has no plans to do more guides after this year's Encyclopedia
1202) April 1, I believe
1213) Actually, we don't know that Kalmah tried to seize the leadership role, he simply didn't want to do something Pridak told him to do. If he had actually tried to overthrow Pridak, he would be dead now. The Piraka are basically a gang of thieves; the Barraki are like a military alliance between nations -- they don't have to like each other, but they know they need each other.
1224) Zyglak already exists
1You can't fool Greg:
He catches everything.

1What's there to catch? I still don't understand why Greg wouldn't answer.
1BS01 says that Maxilos is taken over by an evil intelligence... so I asked wich Bioncle character pops in his head first so that we know who the evil intelligence is...
1I would guess that it was Makuta. He is supposed to be returning this year.
1I agree with you all the way