1Here's what I got:
21) I've read what you've had to say on the Noble Kanohi, but I'm afraid I still don't understand. You say that the Noble masks have less power than the Great masks, but if you ask me the power to control others, lift objects with your mind, and turn invisible are pretty darn powerful: Now I'll admit, the Ruru and Rau seem a bit pointless, but still...
3---- Well, I look at it this way. Think of masks as the volume control on your TV. Great Masks are set at 10; Noble Masks are set at 5. Yes, they have cool powers, but the powers do not have the strength, range, or duration that Great Mask powers have.
42) And I also thought that the Turaga had all six of their masks already, because on Quest for the Masks card #109, it states: "Vakama soon proves his worth when he uses his Kanohi Matatu's powers of Telekenisis to aid Tahu..." (Lol, I'm only missing 11 cards.)
5-- My understanding is that the Toa were gathering Noble Masks as well on their quest.
63) Another question I've been meaning to ask you, is who are these other "Great Beings"? I assume that Mata-Nui and Makuta are not the only ones, and if they're not, why haven't the others tried to help our suffering island in a more direct way than just sending the Toa?
7-- Keep in mind that the Great Beings come from the beliefs of the Matoran... which may have evolved over time, the way any mythos does. We don't know what they may have referred to in the past.
84) And are Whairua and Akamai Great Beings/Spirits? In the MNOLG, when the Toa form the Kaita, they call things like: "Spirit of Valor: Hear me:" Do these "spirits" come down from "Paradise"? (<--Refernce to grey Mini-CD in Toa can.)
9No, and no.
105) One more: are the Toa 'lesser' Great Spirits?
11No, I don't believe so.
12Thank you very much for helping a Die-Hard fan understand more about the Bionicle universe: -bjj6
21) I've read what you've had to say on the Noble Kanohi, but I'm afraid I still don't understand. You say that the Noble masks have less power than the Great masks, but if you ask me the power to control others, lift objects with your mind, and turn invisible are pretty darn powerful: Now I'll admit, the Ruru and Rau seem a bit pointless, but still...
3---- Well, I look at it this way. Think of masks as the volume control on your TV. Great Masks are set at 10; Noble Masks are set at 5. Yes, they have cool powers, but the powers do not have the strength, range, or duration that Great Mask powers have.
42) And I also thought that the Turaga had all six of their masks already, because on Quest for the Masks card #109, it states: "Vakama soon proves his worth when he uses his Kanohi Matatu's powers of Telekenisis to aid Tahu..." (Lol, I'm only missing 11 cards.)
5-- My understanding is that the Toa were gathering Noble Masks as well on their quest.
63) Another question I've been meaning to ask you, is who are these other "Great Beings"? I assume that Mata-Nui and Makuta are not the only ones, and if they're not, why haven't the others tried to help our suffering island in a more direct way than just sending the Toa?
7-- Keep in mind that the Great Beings come from the beliefs of the Matoran... which may have evolved over time, the way any mythos does. We don't know what they may have referred to in the past.
84) And are Whairua and Akamai Great Beings/Spirits? In the MNOLG, when the Toa form the Kaita, they call things like: "Spirit of Valor: Hear me:" Do these "spirits" come down from "Paradise"? (<--Refernce to grey Mini-CD in Toa can.)
9No, and no.
105) One more: are the Toa 'lesser' Great Spirits?
11No, I don't believe so.
12Thank you very much for helping a Die-Hard fan understand more about the Bionicle universe: -bjj6
1I'm sorry if you're getting a lot of these, but I'm just pondering these questions, and thought I might ask you.If you can, please answer any that you're able to.
21.)Is the Toa of Light's weapon the spear Makuta has, except smaller, or not?
42.)Can the Rahkshi shift into an "alternate form" to travel at higher speeds (I could have sworn they were hover-boarding on their staffs in the movier trailer)?If they do, will they be able to in the sets themselves?
5Well, they can fly.. but I don't know that they have to shift forms to do it.
63.)Is one of the alternate models shown on the back of the Makuta box (the one with claws) supposed to be Graalok?
7No. There is no Graalok set.
84.)Does Makuta use Kraata, or are those Rahkshi backs on his legs and chest just the best pieces to use as armor?
9The kraata come from Makuta -- they are part of his essence.
105.)Will the second half of 2003 comics tell a story running alongside the movie that weren't shown, or something preluding the movie?
11The former.
126.)Does Makuta really have the killer voice in the movie as he does in the trailer, or were my ears decieving me due to a possible overdosage of playing games?
13I am sure the voice in the trailer is the voice from the movie.
14Thanks for reading this message (after all, you wouldn't be reading the thank you if you hadn't come this far:
15Mr. Farshtey has clearly been very helpful and tolerant of all these PMs: I'm glad I got such a great response.
1Well, I've got a few bits of information: 2(From a PM to Greg) 3Well, after seeing the official "Greg" topic in General Discussion, some questions suddenly crept up on me:
41. What exactly does the "story bible" look like? 5Look like? It's a manuscript. A story summary with some character descriptions.
62. Will there be any plans to release the rules of Koli? 7I am going to post them on BZP.
83. Will there be any details on what happened before the arrival of the Toa besides the GBA game?
10Thanks for your time, as I know you get quite a few questions a day.
11Hooray for Captain Spaulding:
12So, the big nuggets in this Q&A session was: 13The rules of Koli will be a BZP exclusive 14There will be a bit more info on what life was like before the Toa arrived 15The story bible is not a big, dusty book with many pages.
16Hooray for Captain Spaulding:
41. What exactly does the "story bible" look like? 5Look like? It's a manuscript. A story summary with some character descriptions.
62. Will there be any plans to release the rules of Koli? 7I am going to post them on BZP.
83. Will there be any details on what happened before the arrival of the Toa besides the GBA game?
10Thanks for your time, as I know you get quite a few questions a day.
11Hooray for Captain Spaulding:
12So, the big nuggets in this Q&A session was: 13The rules of Koli will be a BZP exclusive 14There will be a bit more info on what life was like before the Toa arrived 15The story bible is not a big, dusty book with many pages.
16Hooray for Captain Spaulding:
1I got my ones, too.
21. What's Makuta doing during the Bohrok & Bohrok-Kal saga? 3Recovering from his defeat and plotting.
42. Will the Bahrag fight the Toa Nuva and merged into one? 5No.
63. Can Toa Nuve(or Toa) changed into Toa Kaita without any tools? How they changed form, then? 7Why would they need tools to turn into kaita? They are merging their bodies and minds, they don't need tools to do that.
1Look at this, not important to the storyline, but this will help us understand Greg some more. 2(the second line underneath the question is his awnser)
3Hi Greg,I know recently lots of people have been sending you a million questions about Bionicle,well this is a little differnt.Instead of doing reaserch and all that,now you get to have some fun.I'm just gonna ask you some questions about you're opion on some stuff,like what you think of the sets and all that.
41:Which is you're favorite saga so far?(Ex:The Makuta saga,Bohrok saga,Bohrok Kal,etc etc) 5Oh, gee, I don't know .. I am kind of partial to the Kal, because they talk, and so were fun to write.
62:Which is your favorite Toa? 7Kopaka.
83:If you could only have one set,which would it be? 9Of BIONICLE? Maybe Makuta.
104:How many Bionicle sets do you now own? 11About 14.
12And last one:What is your personal favorite set out of them all? 13Probably the Exo-Toa.
14Thanks Greg in advance,you are a great BZP member.

1I just asked him some stuff, but here's a question I got some time ago.
4These weren't his exact words, considering I deleted it because my Inbox has certain storage problems.
5edit: Got 'em.
20Thanks for the info, Greg.
2Since I think you said that Taka Nuva wasn't the ToL, who is he?
3I never said he was. But I never said he wasn't.
4These weren't his exact words, considering I deleted it because my Inbox has certain storage problems.
5edit: Got 'em.
61. What are the consequences of the Rahkshi powers? Like for example, Lerhak, whatever it touches becomes poisoned like the poisoning on Earth, where they slowly die over time, or become Infected like the Madness on MNOLG?
7I believe Lehrak can control his power to the point where he can choose whether to poison someone so they would die or just so they would be very sick.
82. Can you give us even a VAGUE description of Graalok?
9She looks like a big bear made out of BIONICLE pieces.
103. How do the Rahkshi "fly?"
11It's just one of their abilities.
124. On the back of the Makuta box at the Toy Fair, there was a combiner made of Pewku, Gukko, and Makuta. What is this mystery monster? Does it play a part in the storyline, comic and movie alike? Or is it just another dud for the audiance's pleasure?
13Another dud? I don't think any combo model is a dud.
145. What happens when a Kraata is removed from a Rahkshi? Does the Rahkshi die? Or just lose its powers?
15The kraata basically is the Rahkshi... the Rahkshi armor is armor for the kraata.
166. What can a Kraata do outside a Rahkshi? Does it just sit around like a dead fish? Or does it do something worth being cautious about, like snuffing the life out of you?
17If it touches your mask, it infects it.
187. Will the Toa change again?
19Not that I know of.
20Thanks for the info, Greg.

1Well here are mine, they are coded in Bold and Italic, the 2Bold writing is mine and the Italic is Gregs:
3Hi Greg, I know that you have been swamped with questions – so from now on 4If I am going to PM you questions I will do it with weeks between each PM. 5So here are the first group, than you won't hear from me in a long time.
61) In comic 11 the Bohrok are heading back to their nests, does this mean they will be safe, if so how are they going back into slumber -- when they hatched 7The cover of their chamber was broken? Does this also mean the return of 8The Bohrok in future storylines?\
9The Bohrok may come back someday, yes.
102) It has become apparent that the people who made and laid the masks 11Throughout Mata-Nui, were the one who made the protodermis tubes 12and the Exo-Toa. But is it possible that they made the Ussanui and the 13Toa themselves?
14Actually, no, as I understand it the people who made the masks are not the same people who made the protodermis tubes. You will learn who made the masks probably next year.
153) The Turaga will reveal to the Matoran (and a Kewa and Ussal called puku) 16The gift of knowledge that will ultimately transform them, won't they. 17Was this same 'gift' used to give the Turaga their unique look that 18Separates them from the Matoran? And why don't they transform the 19Toa so that they can protect Mata-Nui with the greatest of ease?
20The Toa have already been transformed .. and no the secret did not make the Turaga look different. Something else did.
214) In one topic someone asked if Makuta would return after the Rahkshi, 22And you said yes. But I don't believe that person stated it so well, so 23I'll restate it... will Makuta return after the Mask of Light movie?
24Yes, but in a different way .. you will understand when we reach '04.
255) Will there actually be enemies in the early quarter of 2004, and will there 26Be any more 'God' (think Mata-Nui, Makuta) characters in any part of 27The 2004-2005 span? And was the 2004 movie delayed until 2005 to coincide 28With the end of that 'book'?
29No, the 2004 movie was delayed because of the amount of time it would take to produce it. There are new enemies in '04, but not sure when in the year they are being released.
306) In the November-December 2001 Lego Club Magazine there was a teaser 31For the Bohrok, under it were the words 'January 2002... The Truth Will 32Hatch:'. But, what was the 'truth', is it something you aren't revealing yet?
33The truth was that the Bohrok came from Mata Nui... were a part of it... had a role to play... and might, in fact, be somehow related to the Toa.
347) You once told me that the Toa of Light would be an ongoing character in 35The Bionicle mythos, but that eliminates the term 'Six heroes – One destiny' 36What do you intend to do with that?
37Well, the destiny of the Toa was to free the Matoran from Makuta... IF that happens, then that catchphrase no longer applies.
38Once again thanks for your time:
1this is what i sent him and what i got back:
2i have 3 questions, and they're about protodermis.
31: Did you really intend to have protodermis mean 'first skin'? 42: Is this really the stunning revelation I value it to be? 53: Does protodermis have anything to do with skin?
6i know you probably get 53646759 pm's daily, but i just want these questions to be answered.
7I did not come up with the name protodermis, so I really don't know what the genesis of it was. But since no BIONICLE character has skin, I tend to doubt it has to do with skin as we understand the term.
1I have two more questions that I asked Greg, and once again he was most helpful.
21. ZUZU: What kind of buildup do the Matoran of the island go through? Is it like a body-buildup workout kind of thing, or is it like an upgrade sort of thing where they concentrate and find their inner strength?
3GREG: They rebuild themselves, much like the Toa constructed themselved when they first came to Mata Nui.
42. ZUZU: Is there only one Vahi on Mata Nui? And why is it orange?
5GREG:Yes, only one Vahi .. and it's orange because of that, so it is not in one of the six Toa colors.
6Hi again. I have a couple questions that I sent earlier but saw the message on the board which said they were accidentally deleted, so: 71. Are the kraata the reason the Rahi masks were infected, since they've been around for years?
92. Does LEGO have any intent to continue the little relationship stories with Huki/Maku and Jala/Hahli?
10That may happen on the web or in the online games. It won't happen in the comics. 11I'll edit this post when I ask some more.
21. ZUZU: What kind of buildup do the Matoran of the island go through? Is it like a body-buildup workout kind of thing, or is it like an upgrade sort of thing where they concentrate and find their inner strength?
3GREG: They rebuild themselves, much like the Toa constructed themselved when they first came to Mata Nui.
42. ZUZU: Is there only one Vahi on Mata Nui? And why is it orange?
5GREG:Yes, only one Vahi .. and it's orange because of that, so it is not in one of the six Toa colors.
6Hi again. I have a couple questions that I sent earlier but saw the message on the board which said they were accidentally deleted, so: 71. Are the kraata the reason the Rahi masks were infected, since they've been around for years?
92. Does LEGO have any intent to continue the little relationship stories with Huki/Maku and Jala/Hahli?
10That may happen on the web or in the online games. It won't happen in the comics. 11I'll edit this post when I ask some more.
1Can you anwera few qeustions i have?
2Thanks soooo much for answering these.
3ExoToa: After the Toa defeted Makuta the first time then later they found the bohrok, Where was (Or is) Makuta? Is he still in the Mangiai or somewhere else?
4Greg: He's in his lair.
5ExoToa:Exactly How much Time have the Toa Spent on Mata nui?
6Greg: In the Monlg it seems as if the collection of the masks and the defet of Makuta takes only one day. 7No, it took longer than a day, trust me. But I don't know the exact amount of time.... I don't know for example if a Mata Nui day is the same as our day.
8ExoToa :Are You annoyed by the constant PMs you get?
10ExoToa :so the Matoran actually have a age. Like Maku and Huki are 21 or 16Greg:

12ExoToa :as you said erleir you said (I think) that you had seen a "Version" of MOL. Does that mean you whatched the movie or you saw a preview of some sort 13(Witout answering any movie plot qeustions)
14Greg :I have seen the first 20 minutes of the movie, complete, but without music yet.
15ExoToaL also has there beeen a finalized date for thr MOL reliese
16Greg :I believe it is mid-September.
17thanks in advance
11) At LEGO Magazine are you the Amazing Redini? 2Yes.
32) In what media (comics, website...) will we see the Matoran getting turned large and powerful? If at all? 4Probably the web.
53) Are the Avohkii and Kraahkan Kanohi or Kanohi Nuva? 6I would guess they are Kanohi, since neither Makuta nor Takanuva is strictly a nuva the way the Toa of are.
74) If the Toa of Light has always been there, was he at one time a Toa olda? Or has he always been a Nuva?
8Nope, he was never a Toa olda.
95) How did the Toa of Light get to Mata Nui? Did he arrive in a canister like the Toa?
10Wait and see.
116) Will the larger matoran be able to ride in the Boxor? If not, what will happen to the Boxors?
12They will probably just rebuild the Boxors so they can accomodate a larger driver.
1I got a few answers from GregF
2Sorry to bother you but a few questions have been itching in my mind,
31. How do you think Lego intends to continue their "collectibles" in 2004 if the story is just the turaga recounting the past? 4Well, they had a REALLY interesting past...
52. Just before the emprisonment of the bahrag they said "you dared oppose your brothers" what does this mean? 6It was the Bahrag's way of hinting that there is some connection between the Toa and the Bohrok...
7On bionicle.com it says "the coming of the kal" one of six but the rahkshi are in comic 12 (part 3 of 6) the link is here
8I'm not sure why it would say one of six on the web, since it doesn't say one of six on the comic book.
10thanks in advance, 11Buzz987
12So the bohrok are related to the Toa
2Sorry to bother you but a few questions have been itching in my mind,
31. How do you think Lego intends to continue their "collectibles" in 2004 if the story is just the turaga recounting the past? 4Well, they had a REALLY interesting past...
52. Just before the emprisonment of the bahrag they said "you dared oppose your brothers" what does this mean? 6It was the Bahrag's way of hinting that there is some connection between the Toa and the Bohrok...
7On bionicle.com it says "the coming of the kal" one of six but the rahkshi are in comic 12 (part 3 of 6) the link is here
8I'm not sure why it would say one of six on the web, since it doesn't say one of six on the comic book.
10thanks in advance, 11Buzz987
12So the bohrok are related to the Toa

1Here are some more I got.Here they are...
21. How long will Bionicle last? 3For as long as it sells well.
42. Will Tahu Nuva be the only one to use the Mask of Time?(Vahi) 5For now, yes.
63. How many Bionicle movies are they planning to make? 7More than one
8Thanks for your Time.
9Tahu Master of Fire
21. How long will Bionicle last? 3For as long as it sells well.
42. Will Tahu Nuva be the only one to use the Mask of Time?(Vahi) 5For now, yes.
63. How many Bionicle movies are they planning to make? 7More than one
8Thanks for your Time.
9Tahu Master of Fire
1Hia again: Love the comics:
21) When Tahu puts on the Vahi in Comic 11, why isn't it grey in the centre? Is it just an error?
3No, the Vahi is not affected by the lack of elemental energies. It is not a Nuva mask, for one thing, and its power is way beyond a normal Kanohi.
42) If the Toa can change into the Kaita at will, why didn't they merge to stop the Bohrok swarms?
5Good question -- well, look at it this way. You have six swarms of Bohrok on the island -- so let's say 60,000 to 600,000 Bohrok. They are attacking all over. Isn't it better to be able to counter them in six places on the island, then merge into Kaita and only be able to confront them in two? Plus the Kal can form Kaita too, so turning into a Kaita is not an automatic win.
63) How did the Toa Nuva form the Toa Nuva Kaita in Comic 11 when gali was supposed to be with Onua and Pohatu?
7Gali's time with Onua and Pohatu took place in between issues 10 and 11.
84) Will there be any relationships between the characters in the movie?
9In terms of romantic relationships? No -- they are going to be a little too busy fighting Rahkshi to worry about that.
105) Did Makuta unlesh the Bohrok?
126) Does Makuta have a boss?
13Not that I know of, no.
147) What is it like in 'Paradise?'
15I think the name says it all, don't you?
168) Are there other spirits like Mata Nui, Makuta, the Toa, etc?
17I don't know. I do not believe the Toa are spirits, however.
1QUOTE 2Err.. Mr Greg Farshtey, would you answer my questions?
3I remember the Nuva slogan image, where it´s two weird things in the back, they were the Kal? And if they were, why the bumps had four eyes?
4No, they weren't the Kal. The Kal story had not been written yet when that image was created.
5Does the Kraata existed long time ago? Because you say the Turaga have been catching. 6Yes.
7Does the Vahi will be destroyed in reason it´s too powerful? And if it, can the destroyed mask turn into Protodermis? 8It won't be destroyed.
9There was a promo CD that said there were more lifeforms, and there were pictures where it showed in last the Bohrok, then Krana, then two stange things, the actual lifeforms of Mata Nui, it is true?
10I have no idea. I never saw that.
11Does the island will be reduced to ruins, after those Rahi, Bohrok, Bohrok Kal, Rahkshi, etc?
13Thanks in advance,
14Secret Informer X.
3I remember the Nuva slogan image, where it´s two weird things in the back, they were the Kal? And if they were, why the bumps had four eyes?
4No, they weren't the Kal. The Kal story had not been written yet when that image was created.
5Does the Kraata existed long time ago? Because you say the Turaga have been catching. 6Yes.
7Does the Vahi will be destroyed in reason it´s too powerful? And if it, can the destroyed mask turn into Protodermis? 8It won't be destroyed.
9There was a promo CD that said there were more lifeforms, and there were pictures where it showed in last the Bohrok, then Krana, then two stange things, the actual lifeforms of Mata Nui, it is true?
10I have no idea. I never saw that.
11Does the island will be reduced to ruins, after those Rahi, Bohrok, Bohrok Kal, Rahkshi, etc?
13Thanks in advance,
14Secret Informer X.
1heres mine could i ask a few questions?
21)we all know there are the WM and SS krana-kal out,but are there any details you can give about the third rare mask this year?
3I don't know anything about a third rare mask.
42)on www.maskofdestiny.com it said there is a gray hau in the takanuva set.can you say anything about that?
5That is news to me. The only mask I know of in the Takanuva set is the Mask of Light.
63)on the back of the makuta box in toy fair pictures it shows a strange "kaita" type of model made from takanuva,gukko.the TOL and makuta.will it be in the story or can you not tell us that for now
7There are two merged models -- one is Makuta and the Toa of Light, which will be in the story.. one is made from Makuta, the Gukko and Pewku models, and that may not show up in the comic.
8really sorry if i'm bothereing you 9thanks in advance.
21)we all know there are the WM and SS krana-kal out,but are there any details you can give about the third rare mask this year?
3I don't know anything about a third rare mask.
42)on www.maskofdestiny.com it said there is a gray hau in the takanuva set.can you say anything about that?
5That is news to me. The only mask I know of in the Takanuva set is the Mask of Light.
63)on the back of the makuta box in toy fair pictures it shows a strange "kaita" type of model made from takanuva,gukko.the TOL and makuta.will it be in the story or can you not tell us that for now
7There are two merged models -- one is Makuta and the Toa of Light, which will be in the story.. one is made from Makuta, the Gukko and Pewku models, and that may not show up in the comic.
8really sorry if i'm bothereing you 9thanks in advance.
1Hears what I got.
19So heres the summery. Kratta are the Rahkshi. The Rahkshi armor is just armor. Kinda like the Bohrok... Vakama won't tell where he got the Vahi. The Kratta are more like serpents of leaches. The Matoron change happens between the Kal and Rahkshi. They change to get them ready for what's coming.
20O.K. Any Questions?
21Oh, judging from Greg saying something about protodermis playing a big role in the near future, I think the Matoron will be changed via protodermis. I mean, the Toa Nuva arn't changing again, so...
2Ok. I know you are very busy, Mr. Farshtey, but please answer some of my questions.
3Biomaniac: Will Makuta stay as the prime enemy in Bionicle forever? 4Greg: Wait and see.
5Biomaniac: Will the Toa Nuva go under yet another transformation? 6Greg: None planned.
7Biomaniac: I know you mentioned something about the Matoron changing physically in comic 13. Will this have anything to do with the Rahkshi? 8Greg: Well, sort of, but it happems before the Rahkshi ever show up. It is to prepare them for any future threats.
9Biomaniac: Everybody is saying the Rahkshi are sort of Anti-Toa. Is this true? 10Greg: I don't know, what do you mean by that?
11Biomaniac: The Kratta arn't really in control of the Rahakshi, right? You know, they infect masks... I always wondered where infected masks came from... 12Greg: The kraata basically are the Rahkshi... the Rahkshi armor is just armor.
13Biomaniac: Kratta are sort of Jellyfish, right? 14Greg: They are more like.. sort of serpents or leeches.
15Biomaniac: I've heard that Tahu got his Vahi from Vakama. Where did Vakama get the Vahi? 16Greg: Good question... he's not telling.
17Thanks in advance: Also, thanks for putting the Vahi in the storyline:
19So heres the summery. Kratta are the Rahkshi. The Rahkshi armor is just armor. Kinda like the Bohrok... Vakama won't tell where he got the Vahi. The Kratta are more like serpents of leaches. The Matoron change happens between the Kal and Rahkshi. They change to get them ready for what's coming.
20O.K. Any Questions?
21Oh, judging from Greg saying something about protodermis playing a big role in the near future, I think the Matoron will be changed via protodermis. I mean, the Toa Nuva arn't changing again, so...
1Sorry; I know I don't have any answers from GregF, but I was wondering how you guys catch him online to PM him? Whenever I'm online, he's not. ![]()
2DANG COMPUTER:::I'm really sorry about the triple post, I tried to stop from posting because of mistakes in my post but my computer messed up:
(waits for Mod to come in and smack Bionicle#1 upside the head.)
3Someone doesn't have to be online for you to pm them. The message will be sent and they will get it as soon as they go online.
4I asked GregF what was up with the mini-sized comic 10 and he said: "they are an experiment we are doing this year. Some kids said they would would like a comic that is smaller, easier to carry around in a backpack, etc.. There are a total of three planned this year, but they have not been very popular, so I don't know if there will be any after this year."
5Oh, and the matoran are not going to be changed by protodermis, GregF has said that in the past.

1Here's what I got... Again...
21) In one of the first promotional images of the Kal, you can see 4 or 5 Kal demolishing one (of the three?) stone towers at Kini-Nui and swinging from it King Kong-style. Later, in Kohrok Kal's video, he is knocking down another tower. Why are they destroying the Kini-Nui?
3That is probably just artistic license... it never happens in the story bible.
42) Someone once asked you (in one of the official "Answers from GregF" topics):
5"24. Who are they (the Kal) working for? 6Hmmmm... at the end of the day... themselves."
7Does this mean that the Kal will somehow betray the Bahrag?
8No, what it means is that the Kal are not controlled by the Bahrag or taking orders from anyone. They are carrying out their mission in the way they see fit.
93) You've said that the Rahi won't be helping Makuta in the movie because their infected masks were removed. Well... how'd they get infected in the first place? Couldn't Makuta re-infect them?
10The kraata infected them. And yes, they could get infected again, but if you had six Rahkshi working for you .. would you want to bother with Rahi who had already failed against the Toa?
114) Mask of Destiny has just reported that there will be some sort of special mask this year, but they said they couldn't give any details. All I want to know is: will it be widely available, or will it be something no one has any real chance of getting?
12Can't answer it -- don't know for sure what they are referring to.
21) In one of the first promotional images of the Kal, you can see 4 or 5 Kal demolishing one (of the three?) stone towers at Kini-Nui and swinging from it King Kong-style. Later, in Kohrok Kal's video, he is knocking down another tower. Why are they destroying the Kini-Nui?
3That is probably just artistic license... it never happens in the story bible.
42) Someone once asked you (in one of the official "Answers from GregF" topics):
5"24. Who are they (the Kal) working for? 6Hmmmm... at the end of the day... themselves."
7Does this mean that the Kal will somehow betray the Bahrag?
8No, what it means is that the Kal are not controlled by the Bahrag or taking orders from anyone. They are carrying out their mission in the way they see fit.
93) You've said that the Rahi won't be helping Makuta in the movie because their infected masks were removed. Well... how'd they get infected in the first place? Couldn't Makuta re-infect them?
10The kraata infected them. And yes, they could get infected again, but if you had six Rahkshi working for you .. would you want to bother with Rahi who had already failed against the Toa?
114) Mask of Destiny has just reported that there will be some sort of special mask this year, but they said they couldn't give any details. All I want to know is: will it be widely available, or will it be something no one has any real chance of getting?
12Can't answer it -- don't know for sure what they are referring to.
1I had a conversation with greg, via PM 2[QUOTE=Me and GregF
8[QUOTEMe:Is the Toa of Light's name Taka? It makes sense, after his name being Taka Nuva. 9[/QUOTE]
10No, sorry. TOL's name is Takanuva, one word.
11Greg 12[/QUOTE]
13Me:If it's one word, then would his name have to be
Takanuva Nuva?
He is like the Nuva, only golden colored. 14[/QUOTE]
15No, his name is just Takanuva. He is not a Toa morphed by protodermis, therefore he is not a Toa Nuva in the same way that the other Toa are.[/QUOTE]
16Me:But then where did Takanuva come from? 17[/QUOTE]
18You'll have to watch the movie and find out.
19Greg 20[/QUOTE]
8[QUOTEMe:Is the Toa of Light's name Taka? It makes sense, after his name being Taka Nuva. 9[/QUOTE]
10No, sorry. TOL's name is Takanuva, one word.
11Greg 12[/QUOTE]
13Me:If it's one word, then would his name have to be

15No, his name is just Takanuva. He is not a Toa morphed by protodermis, therefore he is not a Toa Nuva in the same way that the other Toa are.[/QUOTE]
16Me:But then where did Takanuva come from? 17[/QUOTE]
18You'll have to watch the movie and find out.
19Greg 20[/QUOTE]
1Okay, I have asked a lot of questions and GregF has given a lot of answers. I did get a whopper message about the bahrag just before the great glitch of 2003. Now it's gone. Well, I have a few other questions that have been answered.
2KotT: I was wondering if matoran ate food because I saw a Ga-Koran selling fish in Ono-Koro on MNOLG. If so, do they also eat protodermis? Whenua called it the "Stuff of Life".
3GregF: Actually, that is a very good question... I will bring it up at the story meeting and see what people say. But no, I do not believe they eat protodermis. They build things with it.
4KotT: I think a toa is 22-24 feet tall but everyone says they are 5-6 feet tall. (to scale) If you compare the height of a toa to the height of a minifig the toa is above 4 times taller, making the toa 24 feet. Help:
5GregF: Toa are, I believe, roughly 6 feet tall (a bio is equal to about a meter in height). Toa were never meant to be in scale to a mini-fig, as there are no mini-figs in the BIONICLE universe, so the comparison isn't relevant.
6KotT: 1. Since the Va only carry the Krana, how do the Bahrag control them? Are they alive?
7GregF: They aren't controlled by the Bahrag. They have a very basic programming that adapts to changing circumstances. If the Bahrag controlled them, they would have shut down when the Bahrag were captured.
8KotT: 2. If somebody is wearing a krana or infected, will a komau work on the victim?
9GregF: Possibly. It would be worth a try.
10KotT: 3. Are there some males in Ga-koro and females in other villages?
11GregF: No, all Ga-Matoran are female. All other Matoran are male.
12KotT: 4. Is Tamaru a girl?
13GregF: No, Tamaru is from Le-Koro. There are no females in any of the other villages.
14KotT: 5. Even though Gali doesn't have a boyfriend, do any of the toa have a crush on her?
15GregF: Not that I know of -- I really don't pay attention to this stuff, because there is no room for it in the comic anyway.
16Yes, I did actualy think at one time the Toa were 24 feet tall, that Tamaru was a girl, etc.
But I did have reason to beileve that. The height of a toa, for example, was partly derived from the movie of onua assembling himself. His footprints made him look like he weighed alot, making it more likely for him to be really big. And Tamaru was crying once in MNOLG, and seemed really worried about Maku when she was thrown back like they were two girls, and were really close friends.
2KotT: I was wondering if matoran ate food because I saw a Ga-Koran selling fish in Ono-Koro on MNOLG. If so, do they also eat protodermis? Whenua called it the "Stuff of Life".
3GregF: Actually, that is a very good question... I will bring it up at the story meeting and see what people say. But no, I do not believe they eat protodermis. They build things with it.
4KotT: I think a toa is 22-24 feet tall but everyone says they are 5-6 feet tall. (to scale) If you compare the height of a toa to the height of a minifig the toa is above 4 times taller, making the toa 24 feet. Help:
5GregF: Toa are, I believe, roughly 6 feet tall (a bio is equal to about a meter in height). Toa were never meant to be in scale to a mini-fig, as there are no mini-figs in the BIONICLE universe, so the comparison isn't relevant.
6KotT: 1. Since the Va only carry the Krana, how do the Bahrag control them? Are they alive?
7GregF: They aren't controlled by the Bahrag. They have a very basic programming that adapts to changing circumstances. If the Bahrag controlled them, they would have shut down when the Bahrag were captured.
8KotT: 2. If somebody is wearing a krana or infected, will a komau work on the victim?
9GregF: Possibly. It would be worth a try.
10KotT: 3. Are there some males in Ga-koro and females in other villages?
11GregF: No, all Ga-Matoran are female. All other Matoran are male.
12KotT: 4. Is Tamaru a girl?
13GregF: No, Tamaru is from Le-Koro. There are no females in any of the other villages.
14KotT: 5. Even though Gali doesn't have a boyfriend, do any of the toa have a crush on her?
15GregF: Not that I know of -- I really don't pay attention to this stuff, because there is no room for it in the comic anyway.
16Yes, I did actualy think at one time the Toa were 24 feet tall, that Tamaru was a girl, etc.

11. Which is which of the Bahrag? Is Cahdok blue? Or is it Red? I am very confused. 2I consider Cahdok to be blue.
32. Do the Bahrag generate the Krana? If so, how? 4Yes. Trust me, you don't want to know.
53. Can you reveal anything about the Turaga's past at the moment? I am terribly anxious to know something about that, and really don't want to wait till 2004. 6No, sorry, I can't. It's too closely tied in to the 2004 storyline.
74. Has the storyline team worked on the planet and what is beyond Mata Nui yet? 8I am sure the top echelon of the team has, but it has not been relevant to the rest of us.
95. When a person is immersed in protodermis, do they become Nuva? Even if a Bohrok or Matoran were? 10Only if it is their destiny to be so.
116. Where do the Turaga get all these prohecies? The Amaja-Nui? Or are they just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, old? 12Well, they are really old... that is certainly part of it.
137. Has the story team worked on Mata Nui's unit of time? 14No, although I think I made a reference to "seven suns" in place of days in one of the comics.
158. Was it the Kraata that infected the Koli balls in the MNOLG? 16Not that I know of, but not sure.
179. Are the Kraata intelligent? (Can they speak, think apart from Makuta?) 18No, as far as I know they do not speak.
1910. In the movie, will it show the Makuta version that you can but, or just the Toa version(as seen in the trailer). Also, will the Toa version of Makuta be featured as a set or will it be buildable. 20I am not sure what you mean by "Toa version" -- the Makuta in the trailer is the Makuta in the movie, and I believe the same one we are offering as a set.
2111. What will the next collectibles name be? (Kanohi, Krana, Kraata, ???) 22Has not been decided yet.
2312. Are you annoyed at getting all of these messages ever? 24No.
32. Do the Bahrag generate the Krana? If so, how? 4Yes. Trust me, you don't want to know.
53. Can you reveal anything about the Turaga's past at the moment? I am terribly anxious to know something about that, and really don't want to wait till 2004. 6No, sorry, I can't. It's too closely tied in to the 2004 storyline.
74. Has the storyline team worked on the planet and what is beyond Mata Nui yet? 8I am sure the top echelon of the team has, but it has not been relevant to the rest of us.
95. When a person is immersed in protodermis, do they become Nuva? Even if a Bohrok or Matoran were? 10Only if it is their destiny to be so.
116. Where do the Turaga get all these prohecies? The Amaja-Nui? Or are they just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, old? 12Well, they are really old... that is certainly part of it.
137. Has the story team worked on Mata Nui's unit of time? 14No, although I think I made a reference to "seven suns" in place of days in one of the comics.
158. Was it the Kraata that infected the Koli balls in the MNOLG? 16Not that I know of, but not sure.
179. Are the Kraata intelligent? (Can they speak, think apart from Makuta?) 18No, as far as I know they do not speak.
1910. In the movie, will it show the Makuta version that you can but, or just the Toa version(as seen in the trailer). Also, will the Toa version of Makuta be featured as a set or will it be buildable. 20I am not sure what you mean by "Toa version" -- the Makuta in the trailer is the Makuta in the movie, and I believe the same one we are offering as a set.
2111. What will the next collectibles name be? (Kanohi, Krana, Kraata, ???) 22Has not been decided yet.
2312. Are you annoyed at getting all of these messages ever? 24No.
1here is the one I got back today
27okay, thinks that i found interesting.
281: the Kraata are put in a cave, hm, I wonder which cave that is?
292: Takanuva everybody, not Taka Nuva
2hi Mr Farshtey. here are a few Questions.
31: 4If you could write for another Lego storyline, what would it be.(eg.(what does that mena anyways)9jack stone, adventurers). 5Greg: I already write for pretty much all the LEGO storylines, through the magazine and the web.
62: 7why dont you chose an avatar, or put somthing in you sig. 8I don't have the time, and it's not that important to me.
93: 10what do the Turaga do with the Kraata when the catch them? 11They put them in stasis and hide them in a cave.
124: how many Kraata are there, not types, but acctually on the island at any givin time. 13Oh, who knows .. dozens, probably.
145: tha map of Mata-Nui in the Lego Mag a couple of years back had the length of the island listed as 257 Kio, however, the map that I got at toys'r'us (when they had the copper Huna promo) lists it as 357 Kio, which number is correct? 15I would go with 357, because that is what BIONICLE.com says.
166: Takanuva or Taka Nuva, which is the correct spelling. 17Takanuva.
187: is there more than 1 Ussanui? 19Not that I know of.
208: will the prise for the Lego advance reveiwer contest be bionicle related, and where can I find a complete list of rules for the contest, they are not online. 21As far as I know, the prize for the advance reviewers is going to be the chance to play with a new set and the chance to maybe get their review published. No, the sets being sent out for the first batch are not BIONICLE related. The only rules I am aware of were in the January issue of the LEGO Magazine.
229: why is the amazing Rendini so evasive in his answering of questions? 23does he have something to hide? maybe a few headless skeletonss in his closet? 24How evasive he is depends on the question, I guess.
25A suggestion, please do not make any more comics in the smaller size(no more after the 2 more that are gonna be small this year), cause i am a (semi) big time comic collecter, and I like my comics the conventional size. 26I like the big size too.
27okay, thinks that i found interesting.
281: the Kraata are put in a cave, hm, I wonder which cave that is?
292: Takanuva everybody, not Taka Nuva

1Here's my second's qeustions: 2[/QUOTE]Sorry to bother you(again), but I have a few questions I want to ask you:
31. What's the use of this mask? 4a. Golden Mask 5b. Mask of Valor 6c. Mask of Wisdom
7a) The Golden Masks have the powers of all six Great Masks. 8b and c) These masks are worn by the Toa Kaita.
92. How the Raskshi use the Kraata? Moved the Kraata from its back to its head? 10The kraata basically are the Rahkshi -- the Rahkshi are the armor that the kraata wears.
113.What's the power of the Kraata(each evolution stages)? 12They don't have individual powers like the masks do. They make the Rahkshi stronger and faster as they evolve.
134.What's the diferencense between the Rahi and other creature. Tell me as more as you can. 14All non-intelligent creatures on Mata Nui are called Rahi. Some Rahi have, or had, masks that were infected by the kraata that made them servants of Makuta. But even those who did not are called Rahi.
155. Can we see the ToL on the Flash movie? 16Not yet, as far as I know.
176. Can Bohrok/Bohrok Va merged into Bohrok Kaita/Bohrok Va Kaita if they want to? 18Not that I know of.
197. Do Bionicle character eat? 20I don't believe so, but I don't have an official answer.
218. What's the power that changed the Bohrok-Kal? 22They were mutated by the Bahrag.
23Hope you can answer.
31. What's the use of this mask? 4a. Golden Mask 5b. Mask of Valor 6c. Mask of Wisdom
7a) The Golden Masks have the powers of all six Great Masks. 8b and c) These masks are worn by the Toa Kaita.
92. How the Raskshi use the Kraata? Moved the Kraata from its back to its head? 10The kraata basically are the Rahkshi -- the Rahkshi are the armor that the kraata wears.
113.What's the power of the Kraata(each evolution stages)? 12They don't have individual powers like the masks do. They make the Rahkshi stronger and faster as they evolve.
134.What's the diferencense between the Rahi and other creature. Tell me as more as you can. 14All non-intelligent creatures on Mata Nui are called Rahi. Some Rahi have, or had, masks that were infected by the kraata that made them servants of Makuta. But even those who did not are called Rahi.
155. Can we see the ToL on the Flash movie? 16Not yet, as far as I know.
176. Can Bohrok/Bohrok Va merged into Bohrok Kaita/Bohrok Va Kaita if they want to? 18Not that I know of.
197. Do Bionicle character eat? 20I don't believe so, but I don't have an official answer.
218. What's the power that changed the Bohrok-Kal? 22They were mutated by the Bahrag.
23Hope you can answer.
1I asked Greg some more questions:
2Greg, I have some questions about the Bohrok, and I would be very grateful if if you would answer them. 3Thank you very much for your time.
41. You previousely said to another member that the Va were not tamed. But in the background of one of the panels on Comic #10, there is a squad of Kohrak Va working on the village: What's going on here?
5Comic 10? There are no shots of villages in comic 10. Besides, I said the Va were not tamed -- I did not say that the Matoran didn't THINK they were tamed.
62. How were the Bohrok created? Were they built, did they evolve, or were they bred? 7The Bohrok would have had to be built, I would think, because they are not alive.
83. Are the Bahrag biomechanical creatures like the Bohrok? 9Yes, I believe so.
104. Were the Bohrok-Kal transformed by the Bahrag, and if so, how? If not so, how? And when? 11Yes, they were, ages ago. They were mutated.
12Again, thank you for your time.
13I know, I know... I meant to say Comic #9, but I said 10 instead.
2Greg, I have some questions about the Bohrok, and I would be very grateful if if you would answer them. 3Thank you very much for your time.
41. You previousely said to another member that the Va were not tamed. But in the background of one of the panels on Comic #10, there is a squad of Kohrak Va working on the village: What's going on here?
5Comic 10? There are no shots of villages in comic 10. Besides, I said the Va were not tamed -- I did not say that the Matoran didn't THINK they were tamed.
62. How were the Bohrok created? Were they built, did they evolve, or were they bred? 7The Bohrok would have had to be built, I would think, because they are not alive.
83. Are the Bahrag biomechanical creatures like the Bohrok? 9Yes, I believe so.
104. Were the Bohrok-Kal transformed by the Bahrag, and if so, how? If not so, how? And when? 11Yes, they were, ages ago. They were mutated.
12Again, thank you for your time.
13I know, I know... I meant to say Comic #9, but I said 10 instead.
1I just took out a couple from my large amount of questions. Don't worry, the others aren't important.
2Me: Will the Toa Nuva use the exos to battle Makuta and the Rahkshi? 3[/BGregF: No
4[BMe: How strong, fast, and smart can a kraata get in its six stage of development? 5GregF: Very
6Me: Do the kraata have any method of attack when they are out of the Rahkshi? 7GregF: The kraata's main power is the ability to infect masks. It is not designed for combat.. it is designed for stealth.
8Me: Will the kanohi nuva come in the kraata packs? 9GregF: Yes, I believe so.
10Me: Is the combined might of the Rahkshi, either kaita or seperate, comparable to the might of the Bahrag? 11GregF: Probably more powerful, although they are not symbiotic.
2Me: Will the Toa Nuva use the exos to battle Makuta and the Rahkshi? 3[/BGregF: No
4[BMe: How strong, fast, and smart can a kraata get in its six stage of development? 5GregF: Very
6Me: Do the kraata have any method of attack when they are out of the Rahkshi? 7GregF: The kraata's main power is the ability to infect masks. It is not designed for combat.. it is designed for stealth.
8Me: Will the kanohi nuva come in the kraata packs? 9GregF: Yes, I believe so.
10Me: Is the combined might of the Rahkshi, either kaita or seperate, comparable to the might of the Bahrag? 11GregF: Probably more powerful, although they are not symbiotic.
1Which is rarer: a copper color Huna, or a Vahi?
2(GregF: PM me with the answer and I'll update the post, thank you::![]()
3sorry this isnt a topic to contribute questions but to give questions and answers 4but i can answer your question vahi def. they gave out copper huna at toys r us i used to have 9 of them
1Key: Greg-Mine 2Here are mine in chronological order:
3March 24th 2003:
41) In comic 11 the Bohrok are heading back to their nests, does this mean they will be safe, if so how are they going back into slumber -- when they hatched 5The cover of their chamber was broken? Does this also mean the return of 6The Bohrok in future storylines?
7The Bohrok may come back someday, yes.
82) It has become apparent that the people who made and laid the masks 9Throughout Mata-Nui, were the one who made the protodermis tubes 10and the Exo-Toa. But is it possible that they made the Ussanui and the 11Toa themselves?
12Actually, no, as I understand it the people who made the masks are not the same people who made the protodermis tubes. You will learn who made the masks probably next year.
133) The Turaga will reveal to the Matoran (and a Kewa and Ussal called puku) 14The gift of knowledge that will ultimately transform them, won't they. 15Was this same 'gift' used to give the Turaga their unique look that 16Separates them from the Matoran? And why don't they transform the 17Toa so that they can protect Mata-Nui with the greatest of ease?
18The Toa have already been transformed .. and no the secret did not make the Turaga look different. Something else did.
194) In one topic someone asked if Makuta would return after the Rahkshi, 20And you said yes. But I don't believe that person stated it so well, so 21I'll restate it... will Makuta return after the Mask of Light movie?
22Yes, but in a different way .. you will understand when we reach '04.
235) Will there actually be enemies in the early quarter of 2004, and will there 24Be any more 'God' (think Mata-Nui, Makuta) characters in any part of 25The 2004-2005 span? And was the 2004 movie delayed until 2005 to coincide 26With the end of that 'book'?
27No, the 2004 movie was delayed because of the amount of time it would take to produce it. There are new enemies in '04, but not sure when in the year they are being released.
286) In the November-December 2001 Lego Club Magazine there was a teaser 29For the Bohrok, under it were the words 'January 2002... The Truth Will 30Hatch:'. But, what was the 'truth', is it something you aren't revealing yet?
31The truth was that the Bohrok came from Mata Nui... were a part of it... had a role to play... and might, in fact, be somehow related to the Toa.
327) You once told me that the Toa of Light would be an ongoing character in 33The Bionicle mythos, but that eliminates the term 'Six heroes – One destiny' 34What do you intend to do with that?
35Well, the destiny of the Toa was to free the Matoran from Makuta... IF that happens, then that catchphrase no longer applies.
36March 26th 2003:
371) You said once in the Official Greg topic that Makuta would return, but 38In a different sense, could this mean a prequel to the first 'book' of the 39Bionicle legend? I mean, you did say that it was a good place for new people 40To jump in and for the fans from the start to learn a bit about the Turaga and 41Matoran.
42That's one possibility, but I don't have a story bible for 2004 yet.
432) In a topic in General Discussion you said that IF the Toa defeat Makuta their 44Destiny will have been fulfilled; does that mean something will happen to them? Or will everything be normal? In fact will they ascend to the heavens?
45No, they won't ascend to the heavens. They may run into some newer challenges, down the road.
463) Someone asked you if the residents of Mata-Nui will discover any more 47Islands in the future or that there will be more islands revealed, you replied 48'Yes and no' does this mean that Mata-Nui was once/will be different from the 49Current layout?
50It basically means that the storyline is going to focus more on what's under the surface of the island, rather than on other islands.
514) What is the actual title of the Bohrok-Kal saga or was it part of the Bohrok 52saga? Will there ever be a saga that explains the origins of the Turaga and 53Matoran?
54No title.. and yes.
555) Where are the canisters the Toa arrived in they seemed to just leave them on the each in their 'landing' site, and why did they land unassembled – wouldn't it be better if they came out fully assembled?
56I would assume the Matoran put the canisters someplace. As for why they arrived disassembled.. well, best reason I can think of is that the toy arrived disassembled too.
576) How do the Bahrag make the Krana? And where are the Krana stored 58when not in use, do they go on the walls? That brings me to think, did the 59people who made the Exo-Toa make the Bahrags lair?
60I've never gotten close enough to a Bahrag to ask. And yes, it is very possible that the same beings built the Exo-Toa and the Bahrag lair.
61March 27th 2003:
622) In one topic in general discussion you said that the 63Kraata have been around long before the Rahkshi 64and have been hunted by the turaga -- But then 65you said they are a part of Makuta, if they came 66from him then why have they been around so long?
67Well, Makuta has been around for ages.
68That brings up some sub questions:
69A) Why did you say the Turaga have hunted them, but 70not Matoran have hunted them?
71Because the Turaga have done it quietly .. they didn't want the Matoran to panic.
72B ) If they have been captured why didn't we see that 73happen? And why don't the Matoran exploit them?
74They are way too dangerous to be "exploited." And the comics, at least, have not focused on the activities of the Turaga. After all, the Toa didn't even know they were doing it.
75C) How far back, have they been hunted that is.
76Since shortly after the Matoran arrived at Mata Nui.
77D) Do they speak or do the Rahkshi?
78Nope to both.
793) You said the Bohrok may come back some day, but 80how are they going to -- The Bahrag would have 81been dealt with? This also brings up a few sub que- 82stions:
83No, the Bahrag are still imprisoned. So some way would have to be found to free them .. or the Bohrok would have to be brought back in some other capacity. It's also possible they may come back in a story where we learn how they came to be.
84A) Do the Krana breath, and do they need nurishm- 85ent?
86I doubt they need to eat, but they might need to breathe.
87B ) Do the Bohrok hatch with Krana in them?
89C) Once you said that the Bohrok are in some way rel- 90ated to the Toa, what do you mean by that? Will 91that be revealed in the '04 storyline?
92No, it won't be revealed in '04. It is a story for a later date.
934) Were the caves of the Bahrag and underground 94Kini-Nui (Mangaia) made by some ancient civilisat- 95ion, or is that a secret for '04?
96Well, you are at least partly right -- the caves and the nests and much of the underground were built by the same beings, most likely.
975) Will the beggining of 2004 bring new heroes? Bec- 98ause you did say you didn't know when in the year 99the enemies will be released?
100At this point, it is looking like heroes in the early part of the year, new bad guys later in the year. But nothing is definite yet.
1016) Are the Turaga way older than the Matoran?
102No, not really. At least, I don't think so .. 2004 should answer a lot of that.
103This is making the post uber huge, so i'm gonna' split the replys into 104threes.
3March 24th 2003:
41) In comic 11 the Bohrok are heading back to their nests, does this mean they will be safe, if so how are they going back into slumber -- when they hatched 5The cover of their chamber was broken? Does this also mean the return of 6The Bohrok in future storylines?
7The Bohrok may come back someday, yes.
82) It has become apparent that the people who made and laid the masks 9Throughout Mata-Nui, were the one who made the protodermis tubes 10and the Exo-Toa. But is it possible that they made the Ussanui and the 11Toa themselves?
12Actually, no, as I understand it the people who made the masks are not the same people who made the protodermis tubes. You will learn who made the masks probably next year.
133) The Turaga will reveal to the Matoran (and a Kewa and Ussal called puku) 14The gift of knowledge that will ultimately transform them, won't they. 15Was this same 'gift' used to give the Turaga their unique look that 16Separates them from the Matoran? And why don't they transform the 17Toa so that they can protect Mata-Nui with the greatest of ease?
18The Toa have already been transformed .. and no the secret did not make the Turaga look different. Something else did.
194) In one topic someone asked if Makuta would return after the Rahkshi, 20And you said yes. But I don't believe that person stated it so well, so 21I'll restate it... will Makuta return after the Mask of Light movie?
22Yes, but in a different way .. you will understand when we reach '04.
235) Will there actually be enemies in the early quarter of 2004, and will there 24Be any more 'God' (think Mata-Nui, Makuta) characters in any part of 25The 2004-2005 span? And was the 2004 movie delayed until 2005 to coincide 26With the end of that 'book'?
27No, the 2004 movie was delayed because of the amount of time it would take to produce it. There are new enemies in '04, but not sure when in the year they are being released.
286) In the November-December 2001 Lego Club Magazine there was a teaser 29For the Bohrok, under it were the words 'January 2002... The Truth Will 30Hatch:'. But, what was the 'truth', is it something you aren't revealing yet?
31The truth was that the Bohrok came from Mata Nui... were a part of it... had a role to play... and might, in fact, be somehow related to the Toa.
327) You once told me that the Toa of Light would be an ongoing character in 33The Bionicle mythos, but that eliminates the term 'Six heroes – One destiny' 34What do you intend to do with that?
35Well, the destiny of the Toa was to free the Matoran from Makuta... IF that happens, then that catchphrase no longer applies.
36March 26th 2003:
371) You said once in the Official Greg topic that Makuta would return, but 38In a different sense, could this mean a prequel to the first 'book' of the 39Bionicle legend? I mean, you did say that it was a good place for new people 40To jump in and for the fans from the start to learn a bit about the Turaga and 41Matoran.
42That's one possibility, but I don't have a story bible for 2004 yet.
432) In a topic in General Discussion you said that IF the Toa defeat Makuta their 44Destiny will have been fulfilled; does that mean something will happen to them? Or will everything be normal? In fact will they ascend to the heavens?
45No, they won't ascend to the heavens. They may run into some newer challenges, down the road.
463) Someone asked you if the residents of Mata-Nui will discover any more 47Islands in the future or that there will be more islands revealed, you replied 48'Yes and no' does this mean that Mata-Nui was once/will be different from the 49Current layout?
50It basically means that the storyline is going to focus more on what's under the surface of the island, rather than on other islands.
514) What is the actual title of the Bohrok-Kal saga or was it part of the Bohrok 52saga? Will there ever be a saga that explains the origins of the Turaga and 53Matoran?
54No title.. and yes.
555) Where are the canisters the Toa arrived in they seemed to just leave them on the each in their 'landing' site, and why did they land unassembled – wouldn't it be better if they came out fully assembled?
56I would assume the Matoran put the canisters someplace. As for why they arrived disassembled.. well, best reason I can think of is that the toy arrived disassembled too.
576) How do the Bahrag make the Krana? And where are the Krana stored 58when not in use, do they go on the walls? That brings me to think, did the 59people who made the Exo-Toa make the Bahrags lair?
60I've never gotten close enough to a Bahrag to ask. And yes, it is very possible that the same beings built the Exo-Toa and the Bahrag lair.
61March 27th 2003:
622) In one topic in general discussion you said that the 63Kraata have been around long before the Rahkshi 64and have been hunted by the turaga -- But then 65you said they are a part of Makuta, if they came 66from him then why have they been around so long?
67Well, Makuta has been around for ages.
68That brings up some sub questions:
69A) Why did you say the Turaga have hunted them, but 70not Matoran have hunted them?
71Because the Turaga have done it quietly .. they didn't want the Matoran to panic.
72B ) If they have been captured why didn't we see that 73happen? And why don't the Matoran exploit them?
74They are way too dangerous to be "exploited." And the comics, at least, have not focused on the activities of the Turaga. After all, the Toa didn't even know they were doing it.
75C) How far back, have they been hunted that is.
76Since shortly after the Matoran arrived at Mata Nui.
77D) Do they speak or do the Rahkshi?
78Nope to both.
793) You said the Bohrok may come back some day, but 80how are they going to -- The Bahrag would have 81been dealt with? This also brings up a few sub que- 82stions:
83No, the Bahrag are still imprisoned. So some way would have to be found to free them .. or the Bohrok would have to be brought back in some other capacity. It's also possible they may come back in a story where we learn how they came to be.
84A) Do the Krana breath, and do they need nurishm- 85ent?
86I doubt they need to eat, but they might need to breathe.
87B ) Do the Bohrok hatch with Krana in them?
89C) Once you said that the Bohrok are in some way rel- 90ated to the Toa, what do you mean by that? Will 91that be revealed in the '04 storyline?
92No, it won't be revealed in '04. It is a story for a later date.
934) Were the caves of the Bahrag and underground 94Kini-Nui (Mangaia) made by some ancient civilisat- 95ion, or is that a secret for '04?
96Well, you are at least partly right -- the caves and the nests and much of the underground were built by the same beings, most likely.
975) Will the beggining of 2004 bring new heroes? Bec- 98ause you did say you didn't know when in the year 99the enemies will be released?
100At this point, it is looking like heroes in the early part of the year, new bad guys later in the year. But nothing is definite yet.
1016) Are the Turaga way older than the Matoran?
102No, not really. At least, I don't think so .. 2004 should answer a lot of that.
103This is making the post uber huge, so i'm gonna' split the replys into 104threes.
1Key: Greg-Mine 2Here are mine in chronological order:
3April 1st 2003:
41) How did all those Rahi get infected masks, Makuta 5couldn't put all those infected masks on all those 6Rahi? That brings many other questions:
7All Rahi wear masks, so it was just a matter of infecting them.
8a- How did Makuta make infected masks?
9Kraata infect masks when they touch them.
10b- How are masks made anyway?
11That you will have to wait until next year to find out.
122) Where in the Bahrag nests were the Bohrok-Va 13sleeping before the Bahrag awoke, they didn't 14have chambers? And they had Krana of different 15color, but did they have powers – why were they 16different colors?
17Krana are dormant colors until they are fitted into a Bohrok, and no the Va had no special powers. They were in a corner of the nest we did not show.
183) What did the 'Before time' look like?
19Can't answer that, would give away too much of the story.
20April 2nd 2003:
212) Were the Matoran masks made by the same peop- 22ple who made the Great and Noble Kanohi? That 23brings to mind a few other questions like:
24Yes, probably.
25a- Are all masks in the BIONICLE mythos called Kanohi? 26As far as I know.
27b- How or why do the Rahi have masks on them in the 28first place? 29That is a story for down the road.
30c- Is the Vahi mask of time grey like all other Kanohi 31when not being worn? 32No, I don't believe it is, because it does not turn into a Toa color when worn. It remains orange.
33d- When a Matoran has his/her Kanohi removed what 34happens? 35You should find out next year.. assume it is something bad.
363) Are Kratta slow movers or are they quick movers, 37have you any news on a Kratta name yet? 38I would see them as being pretty quick. I don't have legally approved names for them yet.
394) On Mask of Destiny a BIONICLE news site, a reporter who went to 40the last Toyfair said that there was another third 41special Kanohi (not the Mask of Light or the Mask of 42Shadows, what is it?
43If there is, I have no idea what it may be.
446) Why haven't the Matoran and Turaga tried to sail 45very far from Mata-Nui? They have had plenty of 46time to make the voyage, or isn't there anything of 47interest out there beyond the area we can see?
48I think they have basically had enough problems just surviving on Mata Nui without going out and looking for more trouble.
497) The tunnels (well most of them) under Mata-Nui 50some nice architecture and patterns, but is it a who 51or is it a what that made them? And did they also 52make Kini-Nui?
53Maybe it is a who AND a what You never know. Anyway, I can't really reveal that yet.
548) Back in the time when the Toa-Nuva were just 55being brought to light there was this 56teaser, they don't look like Rahkshi or Bohrok 57-Kal, so what are they? (they don't look like Toa 58either.)
59I have heard two stories about the bumps in the protodermis-- one that they were meant to be Rahkshi, one that they were meant to be Toa Nuva. I have an email in to the original artist to get a definitive answer.
609) How many Bohrok, Bohrok-Va and Krana are there? 61Also, are there any like Bahrag creatures? Who 62or what made them?
63Thousands. And no, I think the two Bahrag are the only two there are.
6410) When Kopaka landed on Mata-Nui he emerged 65from his canister, he also said his dreams were 66dark ones. Does this mean they were asleep bef- 67ore they landed on Mata-Nui?
68I believe they were in stasis.
6911) When is the Proto-Squad website going to be 70updated next?
7212) After the Kal saga will the Toa still have the same 73problem they have now, their disagrements? If so 74will that effect the villages?
75Yes, but it should not spill over into the Matoran.
7613) After the Toa complete their destiny in defeating 77Makuta will they transform somehow or will they 78continue life as if nothing happened? Or will the 79next 'book' be a prequil?
80I don't have next book info yet, but I do know there are no immediate plans to transform the Toa again.
3April 1st 2003:
41) How did all those Rahi get infected masks, Makuta 5couldn't put all those infected masks on all those 6Rahi? That brings many other questions:
7All Rahi wear masks, so it was just a matter of infecting them.
8a- How did Makuta make infected masks?
9Kraata infect masks when they touch them.
10b- How are masks made anyway?
11That you will have to wait until next year to find out.
122) Where in the Bahrag nests were the Bohrok-Va 13sleeping before the Bahrag awoke, they didn't 14have chambers? And they had Krana of different 15color, but did they have powers – why were they 16different colors?
17Krana are dormant colors until they are fitted into a Bohrok, and no the Va had no special powers. They were in a corner of the nest we did not show.
183) What did the 'Before time' look like?
19Can't answer that, would give away too much of the story.
20April 2nd 2003:
212) Were the Matoran masks made by the same peop- 22ple who made the Great and Noble Kanohi? That 23brings to mind a few other questions like:
24Yes, probably.
25a- Are all masks in the BIONICLE mythos called Kanohi? 26As far as I know.
27b- How or why do the Rahi have masks on them in the 28first place? 29That is a story for down the road.
30c- Is the Vahi mask of time grey like all other Kanohi 31when not being worn? 32No, I don't believe it is, because it does not turn into a Toa color when worn. It remains orange.
33d- When a Matoran has his/her Kanohi removed what 34happens? 35You should find out next year.. assume it is something bad.
363) Are Kratta slow movers or are they quick movers, 37have you any news on a Kratta name yet? 38I would see them as being pretty quick. I don't have legally approved names for them yet.
394) On Mask of Destiny a BIONICLE news site, a reporter who went to 40the last Toyfair said that there was another third 41special Kanohi (not the Mask of Light or the Mask of 42Shadows, what is it?
43If there is, I have no idea what it may be.
446) Why haven't the Matoran and Turaga tried to sail 45very far from Mata-Nui? They have had plenty of 46time to make the voyage, or isn't there anything of 47interest out there beyond the area we can see?
48I think they have basically had enough problems just surviving on Mata Nui without going out and looking for more trouble.
497) The tunnels (well most of them) under Mata-Nui 50some nice architecture and patterns, but is it a who 51or is it a what that made them? And did they also 52make Kini-Nui?
53Maybe it is a who AND a what You never know. Anyway, I can't really reveal that yet.
548) Back in the time when the Toa-Nuva were just 55being brought to light there was this 56teaser, they don't look like Rahkshi or Bohrok 57-Kal, so what are they? (they don't look like Toa 58either.)
59I have heard two stories about the bumps in the protodermis-- one that they were meant to be Rahkshi, one that they were meant to be Toa Nuva. I have an email in to the original artist to get a definitive answer.
609) How many Bohrok, Bohrok-Va and Krana are there? 61Also, are there any like Bahrag creatures? Who 62or what made them?
63Thousands. And no, I think the two Bahrag are the only two there are.
6410) When Kopaka landed on Mata-Nui he emerged 65from his canister, he also said his dreams were 66dark ones. Does this mean they were asleep bef- 67ore they landed on Mata-Nui?
68I believe they were in stasis.
6911) When is the Proto-Squad website going to be 70updated next?
7212) After the Kal saga will the Toa still have the same 73problem they have now, their disagrements? If so 74will that effect the villages?
75Yes, but it should not spill over into the Matoran.
7613) After the Toa complete their destiny in defeating 77Makuta will they transform somehow or will they 78continue life as if nothing happened? Or will the 79next 'book' be a prequil?
80I don't have next book info yet, but I do know there are no immediate plans to transform the Toa again.
1I've once asked him what sets he had and he answerred at januari 2:
4As you can see he had the Kal long before us.
2I have all six original Toa, Onua Nuva, Muaka and Kane-Ra, and the six Bohrok-Kal. I have not picked up all the Toa Nuva yet, but I will as soon as they are in the company store.
4As you can see he had the Kal long before us.
1In another topic he said that the adventure concerning the Shadow Toa would be revealed in a schoolastic book.
2So, while we MAY NOT have the game to see them, at least we might see them there.
3Edit: Okay, FINALLY we have something about the bumps in the protodermis:
11As he said, mystery solved.
2So, while we MAY NOT have the game to see them, at least we might see them there.

3Edit: Okay, FINALLY we have something about the bumps in the protodermis:
4I finally had a chance to talk with the original artists who worked on the Toa Nuva image that included the now infamous "bumps in the protodermis" (about which I have received hundreds of questions). So I now know what they are --
5They are NOT the Rahkshi. 6They are NOT the other Toa Nuva.
7They are the kraata. But before you say, "They don't look like the kraata," the art was done before the final design of the kraata was finished, so there are some differences between the two.
8Also, the image is not meant to be taken literally -- the kraata did not pop out of the protodermis when the Toa Nuva did, nor were they ever even in those particular tubes. It's meant to be symbolic of the fact that a new menace is arising even as the Toa Nuva come into being.
9Mystery solved.
11As he said, mystery solved.
1He responded: "There is no plans at this time to kill him off."
2So he won't die. There are plenty of other ways to rid yourself of a character. I'd expect his disappearance will have something to do with the legend surrounding him, most probably his entrance to the storyline will be his exit. 3But of course, it would be interesting to see him stay. But wouldn't the answer have been a simple "yes" in that case?

1He responded: "There is no plans at this time to kill him off."
2So he won't die. There are plenty of other ways to rid yourself of a character. I'd expect his disappearance will have something to do with the legend surrounding him, most probably his entrance to the storyline will be his exit. 3But of course, it would be interesting to see him stay. But wouldn't the answer have been a simple "yes" in that case?![]()
4Yeah. Another way to make him "disappear" but not die is to make him a renegade (my word for wanderer, don't know why I use it) and only appear when he helps the other Toa.
1I asked GregF:
2Takua11: In the next Proto-Squad package will we get Vahi?
3GregF: We are looking to see if we have enough Vahi to do it:
4Ahhhh.... Noooo.... You PS'ers are soo lucky.... (But I'm not going to open THAT up again

5Anyways, more info:
6The Kraata are sentient. Greg said so himself...