11. Where do the MoL Seahorse and Pirahna come into play? And what are there names? Are they Rahi? 2All creatures on Mata Nui are Rahi. But these two are just background creatures in an underwater scene, they don't play a part in the story.
32. Will the Toa of Light be in the comics this year? 4Yes.
53. Who built things like the Ussanui and the Exo? If you can't tell me, have you guys actually discussed that yet? 6Yes, we know.
74. When will the Bohrok-Toa relationship be revealed? 2004? 8No, not in 2004. 2004 has do with other secrets.
95. Why doesn't whoever make the masks just create a bunch of super-masks and give them to the Toa? It makes sense. 10Maybe because they are not in a position to make anymore... you will find out more about this in 2004.
116. Who gave the Rahi the masks? 12Makuta.
137. Does anything happen when a Matoran ir Turaga's mask gets removed? 14Yes -- you can pretty much assume it is something bad.
158. What are Kraata labels, or names? 16I don't have official ones yet.
32. Will the Toa of Light be in the comics this year? 4Yes.
53. Who built things like the Ussanui and the Exo? If you can't tell me, have you guys actually discussed that yet? 6Yes, we know.
74. When will the Bohrok-Toa relationship be revealed? 2004? 8No, not in 2004. 2004 has do with other secrets.
95. Why doesn't whoever make the masks just create a bunch of super-masks and give them to the Toa? It makes sense. 10Maybe because they are not in a position to make anymore... you will find out more about this in 2004.
116. Who gave the Rahi the masks? 12Makuta.
137. Does anything happen when a Matoran ir Turaga's mask gets removed? 14Yes -- you can pretty much assume it is something bad.
158. What are Kraata labels, or names? 16I don't have official ones yet.
1Does anyone have a photo of the ash bear thing???
2Not yet.

3Anyways, I just sent one to Greg, and here is part of the one I sent him today (I've sent him 2.)
4Sorry to bother you again, but I just have to ask a few questions to clear some stuff up with Lord Lupus and I.
5Anyways, can a Bohrok Kal function without the Krana Kal? 6No, Bohrok-Kal are artificial life just like Bohrok are. They still need their krana-kal as a "driver."
72. Can the Matoran use the masks that they use, e.g., Jala can make a force field protecting him? 8No. Matoran masks are ceremonial in nature. They do serve an important function, because losing his mask affects a Matoran the way it does a Toa -- but they do not have Great or Noble mask powers.
93. You said that the Matrorans used Protodermis to build things. Does that mean that they build Ussuls, or just that they build machinery with it? 10I believe Ussal crabs are living creatures, and Matoran cannot create life. They use it to build structures, tools, etc.
11hehehehe..... I thought that about the Protodermis, but I thought that some people would want to ask.

13Oh, and here is something else (this is from the second one I sent him):
14Yes, a Toa who loses his mask becomes extremely sluggish and weak.
16Edit: I have an exo: Finally.

1I know, I only asked 2 questions last time. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure that I didn't ask any old questions.Sorry about last time and my pathetic attempt of questions.After this i won't bug you for a few months.i hope there's noting about the movie in here...
2What's with the Bohrok Va? Can they work without krana? 3Yes, they carry krana, but they do not possess them the way Bohrok do. The Va work pretty much automatically, they are not driven by krana.
4Do the same set combiners have any significance? 5Yes, some do.
6In the MNOLG the Po-Koran at the souvenir (I know someone did) stand says that the path of destiny was made by the ancient sculptors or something like it. Later on Hafu claims that he made the statues (on the Bohrok movie). Is there any significance? 7Possibly - I didn't write MNOLG, so there's a lot of stuff in there whose origin I do not know.
8If the symbols are the key to the protocage, then how come we've heard that a Xa Kal has to free the Bahrag? 9You need both -- the symbols undo the lock, the Xa Kal reenergizes the Bahrag.
10Any idea what the Rahkshi Kaiti will look like? 11Yes, actually. And what is kind of cool is that there are two Kaita, but they don't look the same. They look really different.
12Is there another island on the planet of unknown name? 13Your guess is as good as mine.
14Will anyone figure out what makes Micheal Jackson tick?(don't answer that)
15Do the Rahkshi fold up like Bohrok? 16No.
17If you flip Mata Nui upside down, it looks like a face. Is this Mata Nui and/or does it have any significance? 18That's a question for another day.
19Does Makuta make the Kraata with the kraata pans on his legs and chest? 20I believe he pulls them out of himself.
21I heard that the Rahkshi came out of the canisters (in their movies) that Akami and Wairuh didn't chop open. Is this where they were stored or is it just a dupe? 22I don't think that is the case. I don't believe that Makuta began creating the Rahkshi until after his first defeat by the Toa.
23The sound files on the Kal CDs, is there a hidden link? Is it a test run? Were they trying to blow up the discs? 24Have no idea what you're asking about.
25Why couldn't the Kal canisters been made just a little wider so the discs would fit through better? I had to open the plastic 'case' on the disc to fit it out. 26That's not a question I can answer -- that has to do with product design and manufacture, not my area.
27Any idea how much it costs to make a silver/metal krana or how much they're worth? 28No.
29Can anything on Mata Nui be killed? If so, then why were the disabled Krana put in a pit? Would this be how the Nuva beat the Kal and Va? What did Jala mean in the MNOLG by "we lost many tohunga in rahi attacks"? 30Yes, it is possible for people and things to lose their lives on Mata Nui.
31Why would the new matoran carry the fishing nets if they aren't weapons? 32They're not fishing nets -- they are koli sticks.
33What is the disk like thing that seems to fit in to the fishing net? 34A koli ball.
35So, if the new matoran assemble themselves like the Toa first did, they basically get obliterated (possibly for deed) and are given or find new parts? 36Huh? Who said anything about them being obliterated?
37Was the mol found by chance?(like Takua tipping)(also I'm not making refrence to proficies) 38Can't answer movie plot questions.
39Why were the Rahkshi powers mixed up?(that threw my chess board out the window real quick) 40The stuff that appeared on the web came from a PR guide for ToyFair, which had errors in it. Fan sites just took it whole and posted it, instead of checking with anyone involved with BIONICLE first.
41Can the Nuva Cube be destroyed? 42I don't know.
43A frequently asked question: How could the Toa beat the Kal if they have a shield protecting them from any outside attack?(metal krana) 44Well, you will have to wait until May and find out...
45Can Kraata control another creature? 46Only in the sense that it can infect a mask and make the wearer a servant of Makuta.
47What is Protoderms? In the commercial, we saw the Toa come out of it and then stand on it: What's with that? 48Protodermis is still something of a mystery, but it can be liquid or solid.... and can evidently alter its state very quickly.
49You say the Vahi is orange because it is not a used color. Turaga Vakama's masks are orange also. If they are a different color I wouldn't know because I don't have any.(I saw one though
50Yes, but Vakama's masks are not Great Masks. The Vahi is an orange Great Mask.
51Bringing up the Noble masks, it even says on the Kanohi power and worn by site it says the Toa must collect six noble masks in addition to their Great masks. Nothing to do with giving them to Turaga there: 52But how often do you see the Toa or Toa Nuva wear the Noble Masks? They don't have enough raw power for a Toa to bother with them, they give them to the Turaga.
53Can the Toa regain their powers if their symbols are all stuck on the cube? 54No. They have to retake possession of the symbols.
55If the Vahi can slow down time around a certain area, then if someone/something went to close or tried to attack, wouldn't they de frozen as well? 56Possibly. The trick is to get semi-close, get ready to attack, then suddenly return time to normal and strike before the opponent can react.
57Where did the Rahkshi armor come from? 58Can't answer, move plot question.
59I noticed that the Rahkshi have the same body as the new matoran. Any significance? 60Not that I know of.
61In the mol trailer on line it says Makuta is immortal. If that's true, will he never stop coming back? 62I haven't seen that trailer, but I do not believe he is immortal.
63Is it possible to uninfect a mask? 64Not that I know of.
65Yes, I know it's long and I apologize for that; but in the long run it probably saves a lot of time
by answering alot at once)
66and let's not forget how much i thank you in advance:
67oh yeah, i this the longest message you ever got from a member?
2What's with the Bohrok Va? Can they work without krana? 3Yes, they carry krana, but they do not possess them the way Bohrok do. The Va work pretty much automatically, they are not driven by krana.
4Do the same set combiners have any significance? 5Yes, some do.
6In the MNOLG the Po-Koran at the souvenir (I know someone did) stand says that the path of destiny was made by the ancient sculptors or something like it. Later on Hafu claims that he made the statues (on the Bohrok movie). Is there any significance? 7Possibly - I didn't write MNOLG, so there's a lot of stuff in there whose origin I do not know.
8If the symbols are the key to the protocage, then how come we've heard that a Xa Kal has to free the Bahrag? 9You need both -- the symbols undo the lock, the Xa Kal reenergizes the Bahrag.
10Any idea what the Rahkshi Kaiti will look like? 11Yes, actually. And what is kind of cool is that there are two Kaita, but they don't look the same. They look really different.
12Is there another island on the planet of unknown name? 13Your guess is as good as mine.
14Will anyone figure out what makes Micheal Jackson tick?(don't answer that)
15Do the Rahkshi fold up like Bohrok? 16No.
17If you flip Mata Nui upside down, it looks like a face. Is this Mata Nui and/or does it have any significance? 18That's a question for another day.
19Does Makuta make the Kraata with the kraata pans on his legs and chest? 20I believe he pulls them out of himself.
21I heard that the Rahkshi came out of the canisters (in their movies) that Akami and Wairuh didn't chop open. Is this where they were stored or is it just a dupe? 22I don't think that is the case. I don't believe that Makuta began creating the Rahkshi until after his first defeat by the Toa.
23The sound files on the Kal CDs, is there a hidden link? Is it a test run? Were they trying to blow up the discs? 24Have no idea what you're asking about.
25Why couldn't the Kal canisters been made just a little wider so the discs would fit through better? I had to open the plastic 'case' on the disc to fit it out. 26That's not a question I can answer -- that has to do with product design and manufacture, not my area.
27Any idea how much it costs to make a silver/metal krana or how much they're worth? 28No.
29Can anything on Mata Nui be killed? If so, then why were the disabled Krana put in a pit? Would this be how the Nuva beat the Kal and Va? What did Jala mean in the MNOLG by "we lost many tohunga in rahi attacks"? 30Yes, it is possible for people and things to lose their lives on Mata Nui.
31Why would the new matoran carry the fishing nets if they aren't weapons? 32They're not fishing nets -- they are koli sticks.
33What is the disk like thing that seems to fit in to the fishing net? 34A koli ball.
35So, if the new matoran assemble themselves like the Toa first did, they basically get obliterated (possibly for deed) and are given or find new parts? 36Huh? Who said anything about them being obliterated?
37Was the mol found by chance?(like Takua tipping)(also I'm not making refrence to proficies) 38Can't answer movie plot questions.
39Why were the Rahkshi powers mixed up?(that threw my chess board out the window real quick) 40The stuff that appeared on the web came from a PR guide for ToyFair, which had errors in it. Fan sites just took it whole and posted it, instead of checking with anyone involved with BIONICLE first.
41Can the Nuva Cube be destroyed? 42I don't know.
43A frequently asked question: How could the Toa beat the Kal if they have a shield protecting them from any outside attack?(metal krana) 44Well, you will have to wait until May and find out...
45Can Kraata control another creature? 46Only in the sense that it can infect a mask and make the wearer a servant of Makuta.
47What is Protoderms? In the commercial, we saw the Toa come out of it and then stand on it: What's with that? 48Protodermis is still something of a mystery, but it can be liquid or solid.... and can evidently alter its state very quickly.
49You say the Vahi is orange because it is not a used color. Turaga Vakama's masks are orange also. If they are a different color I wouldn't know because I don't have any.(I saw one though

51Bringing up the Noble masks, it even says on the Kanohi power and worn by site it says the Toa must collect six noble masks in addition to their Great masks. Nothing to do with giving them to Turaga there: 52But how often do you see the Toa or Toa Nuva wear the Noble Masks? They don't have enough raw power for a Toa to bother with them, they give them to the Turaga.
53Can the Toa regain their powers if their symbols are all stuck on the cube? 54No. They have to retake possession of the symbols.
55If the Vahi can slow down time around a certain area, then if someone/something went to close or tried to attack, wouldn't they de frozen as well? 56Possibly. The trick is to get semi-close, get ready to attack, then suddenly return time to normal and strike before the opponent can react.
57Where did the Rahkshi armor come from? 58Can't answer, move plot question.
59I noticed that the Rahkshi have the same body as the new matoran. Any significance? 60Not that I know of.
61In the mol trailer on line it says Makuta is immortal. If that's true, will he never stop coming back? 62I haven't seen that trailer, but I do not believe he is immortal.
63Is it possible to uninfect a mask? 64Not that I know of.
65Yes, I know it's long and I apologize for that; but in the long run it probably saves a lot of time

66and let's not forget how much i thank you in advance:
67oh yeah, i this the longest message you ever got from a member?
1PS members are goning to get a vahi? ALLLLL Right: 2i'm gonna ask greg if he knows what else the ps members will get. then i'll edit the post with the answer.
3Crovahk: Do you know what the P.S. members will be getting? 4GregF: I know they will be getting a Rahkishi, but anyhtings else i'm not to sure (or something like that). 5Crovahk:O.K. thanks
3Crovahk: Do you know what the P.S. members will be getting? 4GregF: I know they will be getting a Rahkishi, but anyhtings else i'm not to sure (or something like that). 5Crovahk:O.K. thanks

1QUOTE2I don't know if you're the person to ask about this but since I can't ask anyone else... I was just looking at the picture of Tahu for the upcoming "Bionicle The Game" and I realized that he was not in Nuva form. Since I doubt the Toa will change back (will they?) and they're Nuva now, I'd assume that this game takes place pre-battle-with-the-Bahrag. If so can you tell me when?
3You mean the software game coming up? No, the software game encompasses both the Bohrok and the Rahkshi, so the Toa are both olda and Nuva in the game.
1seriously the last one: 2Once again tons of questions. But don't worry; I'm running out of ideas:
3What do the Va containers look like?(ones not shown in MNOLG) 4I don't know, we never did art for them.
5Do Turaga have elemental powers? 6Not that I know of, no.
7Are the Bohrok's elemental powers in the krana or the Bohrok? 8The Bohrok.
9What happened to the kraata the Turaga caught? 10You'll find out in July.
11Are the krana olda still alive despite their link to the Bahrag being broken? 12Yes.
13Do you have any pictures of the unfinished kraata aka Proto – crocs? 14No, I don't get much in the way of concept art.
15Would you rather have lots of questions in one message or fewer questions in lots of shorter messages? 16Makes no difference.
17On the Kanohi Nuva site it says that an infected mask can be worn by any creature on Mata Nui. How is this possible when there are creatures that don't wear masks? 18Just because they don't wear them doesn't mean they can't wear them.
19How would a kraata attach to a toa's face? 20The toy can attach in much the same way that the krana do, but they will not be attaching in the storyline.
21In every series, will there be some kind of mask/face control parasite thing? Will Lewa always somehow manage to get controlled by one? 22No, and no.
23Is there going to be a movie to wrap up or finish each of the 'books' or as I think of them, chronicles? 24I have no idea. Probably depends on how the first one does.
25If we BZPers can add the Vahi to the storyline, then how fixed is the remaining portion of Bionicle? 26Part of the reason that the Vahi could be added to the storyline is that I came up with the Kal storyline (with assistance from the rest of the team), but the rest of the story team was focused more on the movie story. So I had a lot more flexibility with what I could do with the Kal story.
27Might there be Rahkshi Nuva series? 28Not that I know of.
29What's up with Bionicle: The Album? 30As far as I know, that deal is on hold.
31Why do the 3d characters look like they were attacked by Levahk Kal and and their masks got vacuumed to their faces? 32Have no idea what you are talking about.
33Do you get mad at members because you think we're spaming? 34No, I don't get a lot of spam. If someone sends me dumb PMs, I just stop reading theirs in future.
35Did Makuta control the Bahrag? 36No.
37You said that it is bad for a matoran to not have a mask. In the MNOLG they seem to be just startled when their masks come off and run away. What could be so bad? Do the kanohi give them life?(I know you can't answer that) 38You're right, I can't.
39Just for the record, and because I probably have more time to be on BZP, could you just tell me what the rules of Koli are so I can post them for you?(yes in a new topic also) 40No, I have been asked not to post them because BIONICLE.com plans to post them.
41How do you keep your sanity all day? 42I don't.
43What did you do before you worked in the Bionicle division? 44BIONICLE is just part of my job. I also write for the LEGO Magazine, the Shop At Home catalog, and some of the web stuff.
45What's the new site on Bionicle.com about? Right now it seems kind of pointless. 46Which new site?
47Just how much do you really use your computer? 48Constantly.
49Are any other people involved with the comics or other aspects of Bionicle going to become members? 50I have no idea, that's up to them.
51Do the kraata live after Makuta is removed? 52You would have to ask them.
53In the trailer it says that Makuta is immortal. So basicly, he's coming back again and again and again and again and again and again... 54And he'll always be around and around and around... 55(the music guru thing) 56I personally do not believe he is immortal.
57How come some Rahi have more than one mask? 58Maybe more than one is needed to control them.
59Does the MNOLG involve Rahkshi? 60Yes.
61What do you think about when you're making a comic? 62How to fit everything into 12 pages.
63Is it hard to learn how to change online stuff? 64I don't know, that isn't part of my job.
65How come there weren't any Korahk/Ko Koro updates? White is discriminated against:::::
66Will we ever find out everything about Bionicle? Will the story die if we do? 67I doubt you will ever know everything.. is there anything in the world you ever find out everything about?
68Would you like it if someone sent you a message that didn't contain questions about Bionicle? 69I can't imagine why they would.
70Will there be anymore new masks or heroes? 71Can't answer it.
72By obliterated I meant you said that the matoran changed themselves the same way as the toa did when the first camee to Mata Nui. Understand what I meant better now? 73No.
74Could the Korahk's handsheids spin and be used as a weapon? 75No.
76It shows Kopaka using the noble masks by changing them all in one mask. If he used them like that, then how could he separate the gret masks from the noble masks? Rephrased, how can masks de combined into one mask and then separated for the Turaga? 77I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to. Toa can call upon masks as they need them, but they obviously don't carry all six or 12 with them at once. They summon them from elsewhere.
78Were the Bohrok awake before? 79Possibly.
80Thanks in advance as many PMs you have read have said. I'm sure this will be the last of me for a loooong time. K?
3What do the Va containers look like?(ones not shown in MNOLG) 4I don't know, we never did art for them.
5Do Turaga have elemental powers? 6Not that I know of, no.
7Are the Bohrok's elemental powers in the krana or the Bohrok? 8The Bohrok.
9What happened to the kraata the Turaga caught? 10You'll find out in July.
11Are the krana olda still alive despite their link to the Bahrag being broken? 12Yes.
13Do you have any pictures of the unfinished kraata aka Proto – crocs? 14No, I don't get much in the way of concept art.
15Would you rather have lots of questions in one message or fewer questions in lots of shorter messages? 16Makes no difference.
17On the Kanohi Nuva site it says that an infected mask can be worn by any creature on Mata Nui. How is this possible when there are creatures that don't wear masks? 18Just because they don't wear them doesn't mean they can't wear them.
19How would a kraata attach to a toa's face? 20The toy can attach in much the same way that the krana do, but they will not be attaching in the storyline.
21In every series, will there be some kind of mask/face control parasite thing? Will Lewa always somehow manage to get controlled by one? 22No, and no.
23Is there going to be a movie to wrap up or finish each of the 'books' or as I think of them, chronicles? 24I have no idea. Probably depends on how the first one does.
25If we BZPers can add the Vahi to the storyline, then how fixed is the remaining portion of Bionicle? 26Part of the reason that the Vahi could be added to the storyline is that I came up with the Kal storyline (with assistance from the rest of the team), but the rest of the story team was focused more on the movie story. So I had a lot more flexibility with what I could do with the Kal story.
27Might there be Rahkshi Nuva series? 28Not that I know of.
29What's up with Bionicle: The Album? 30As far as I know, that deal is on hold.
31Why do the 3d characters look like they were attacked by Levahk Kal and and their masks got vacuumed to their faces? 32Have no idea what you are talking about.
33Do you get mad at members because you think we're spaming? 34No, I don't get a lot of spam. If someone sends me dumb PMs, I just stop reading theirs in future.
35Did Makuta control the Bahrag? 36No.
37You said that it is bad for a matoran to not have a mask. In the MNOLG they seem to be just startled when their masks come off and run away. What could be so bad? Do the kanohi give them life?(I know you can't answer that) 38You're right, I can't.
39Just for the record, and because I probably have more time to be on BZP, could you just tell me what the rules of Koli are so I can post them for you?(yes in a new topic also) 40No, I have been asked not to post them because BIONICLE.com plans to post them.
41How do you keep your sanity all day? 42I don't.
43What did you do before you worked in the Bionicle division? 44BIONICLE is just part of my job. I also write for the LEGO Magazine, the Shop At Home catalog, and some of the web stuff.
45What's the new site on Bionicle.com about? Right now it seems kind of pointless. 46Which new site?
47Just how much do you really use your computer? 48Constantly.
49Are any other people involved with the comics or other aspects of Bionicle going to become members? 50I have no idea, that's up to them.
51Do the kraata live after Makuta is removed? 52You would have to ask them.
53In the trailer it says that Makuta is immortal. So basicly, he's coming back again and again and again and again and again and again... 54And he'll always be around and around and around... 55(the music guru thing) 56I personally do not believe he is immortal.
57How come some Rahi have more than one mask? 58Maybe more than one is needed to control them.
59Does the MNOLG involve Rahkshi? 60Yes.
61What do you think about when you're making a comic? 62How to fit everything into 12 pages.
63Is it hard to learn how to change online stuff? 64I don't know, that isn't part of my job.
65How come there weren't any Korahk/Ko Koro updates? White is discriminated against:::::
66Will we ever find out everything about Bionicle? Will the story die if we do? 67I doubt you will ever know everything.. is there anything in the world you ever find out everything about?
68Would you like it if someone sent you a message that didn't contain questions about Bionicle? 69I can't imagine why they would.
70Will there be anymore new masks or heroes? 71Can't answer it.
72By obliterated I meant you said that the matoran changed themselves the same way as the toa did when the first camee to Mata Nui. Understand what I meant better now? 73No.
74Could the Korahk's handsheids spin and be used as a weapon? 75No.
76It shows Kopaka using the noble masks by changing them all in one mask. If he used them like that, then how could he separate the gret masks from the noble masks? Rephrased, how can masks de combined into one mask and then separated for the Turaga? 77I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to. Toa can call upon masks as they need them, but they obviously don't carry all six or 12 with them at once. They summon them from elsewhere.
78Were the Bohrok awake before? 79Possibly.
80Thanks in advance as many PMs you have read have said. I'm sure this will be the last of me for a loooong time. K?
1here is mine:
2hey i hope ur not too busy..if not here are some questions
3#1if all the toas blasts into one creates proto and changes them, how come they didnt change when fighting makuta? 4Because, while they fired at Makuta simultaneously, they did not actually combine their powers into one stream of force. Each attack hit separately.
5#2why havent we seen the copper huna in the storyline? 6My understanding is that copper masks are ceremonial, therefore there really hasn't been any room to fit it in (in the comic, at least).
7#3does the copper mask have any additional powers? 8Again, I may be wrong, but the only copper makss I am aware of are the Copper Masks of Victory.
9#4what purpose does the copper komau serve? 10See answer to 3.
11#5where did nuparu get the parts not included with the gahlok to build the boxor-i mean its not like he carries all the parts in his backpack? 12He no doubt crafted them from solid protodermis.
13thats all
2wowowow::: when i logged onto bzp, i saw i had 1 new message. this almost never happens to me.
but anyways, i was so surprised when i saw it was from gregf::: it was in response to something i had posted earlier, saying that it seemed too early to be planning the kals demise, and that they didn't last long enough. it was a pretty dumb topic, and it was immediatly closed because it was supposed to be in the offical bohrok-kal discussion forum, but gregf responded by sending me this message:
6it doesn't really say that much, but the fact that it was from greg himself was so amazing: does he often send people messages, or am i special? maybe this is nothing special, but for someone with like 11 posts, it very exciting. i feel so honored:::

2wowowow::: when i logged onto bzp, i saw i had 1 new message. this almost never happens to me.

4I definitely see your point regarding the Kal. But the BIONICLE comic story pretty much has to keep pace with the other things going on in BIONICLE, and with the movie coming out in September, we have to start teasing that story in July.
6it doesn't really say that much, but the fact that it was from greg himself was so amazing: does he often send people messages, or am i special? maybe this is nothing special, but for someone with like 11 posts, it very exciting. i feel so honored:::

1I got some new answers from Greg.
39Thanks, Greg. Aloha to the LEGO staff from me.
2I'm sorry to bother you again, so I will make ABSOLUTE SURE that I get all my questions in here. 3------
41. Now that we know what the extent of Lerahk's powers are, what is the extent of the other five powers? 5Not sure what you mean by "extent." The powers are pretty self-evident, I think. 6Thanks
72. What will the attacks look like? Like for example, I see Shatter and Topple as slamming the staff into the ground and it cracking, like Pohatu did in MNOLG, or, by some miracle, you've watched the second-to-last episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise, what Galvatron did to create the lava burst?
8That may happen, but in some cases those powers are used at range, so there is no need for ground-slamming. 9Hmm. Neat. Until then, one can dream, can't he?
103. When I meant dud, I meant that something that doesn't appear in the storyline. So... will the... thing on the back of the Makuta box appear in the storyline? 11The Makuta-Jaller-Takua combo may appear in the comic, it is not in the movie. 12Hmmm... ~goes off theorizing names~
134. Can you give us an idea HOW Makuta will pull the Kraata out of himself? Will he shoot them out like a slot machine? Genetically breed them in that emerald reliquary in the movie? Or stick his hand in his gut and yank it out?
14Wait and see15Hmmm...
165. What are the lightstones/heatstones made of?
17I will have to go back and check. 18D'oh: 196. Will the Toa of Light stay after the movie? Or will he die or something?
20No plans for him to die that I know of. 21Good 227. How long do YOU think Bionicle's going to last?
23I can't really say, it depends on how long the toys sell. 24Good enough for me:258. Have you even CONSIDERED using something from within the vast forums that make up BZP in your storyline?
26No. First off, the overall storyline comes from a story bible prepared by the story team overall -- with the exception of the Kal story, I don't have leeway to make major changes. Secondly, if I use someone else's story idea, LEGO could get sued -- which is why i don't read any fan fic. 27I understand. 289. What is your favorite set, past or future? I vote Makuta.
29Makuta is very nice.. I also like the Exo-Toa a lot. 30Exo's neat, but a pain to build... 3110. Is it possible for the Toa to discharge their elemental power without their weapons? Because in comic #1, Kopaka said "The power is in me. The sword is but the focus." In my opinion, they can discharge, but it would be highly unstable and fly everywhere like a bomb.
32I think you are probably close to right... it would be highly dangerous, if even possible. 33Weird... ~straps on hardhat and ducks as Kopaka explodes in Ice energy~
34And finally, the million-dollar question: Do you ever get tired of getting bombarded by these questions?
35Only when I get the same ones a lot (no, not any of yours this post), because people haven't bothered to check the forums and see the answer has already been posted. (I've answered "why is the Vahi so dangerous?" like 97 times now.) 36Wow...37-----
38Mahalo (thanks)
39Thanks, Greg. Aloha to the LEGO staff from me.

1Hi again mr Farshtey.
2I have a few questions for you.
3who wrote the Bionicle Bible? 4The BIONICLE story team, which is based in the US and in Europe.
5where is the cave that the Turaga put the Kraata in?(if you cant give me an exact, could you at least give a Koro?) 6Po-Wahi.
7how far did the Bahrag move between comic #8, and comic #11?(if at all) 8Further down.
9where were you on the night of friday the 4th? hm?(disregard this Q, I couldn't resist)
10are there any more foil comics planned? 11Not sure.
12will there be any more "shrunk" comics at McD's? 13That depends on if we do another McDonald's promotion.
14do you have copies of all the omics?(including promo's and the ones that came in the canisters?) 15Yes, I think so.
16If a Kraata is removed from its Rahkshi, can another take its place? 17It would have to be of the same "species" of kraata, I think.
18would an unKraataed Rahkshi be like a unKraned Bohkrok?(reprogramable) 19No. It would basically be an empty suit of armor.
20these next few are questions about you( you don't have to answer all of them, but please try to answer as many as possible)
21how old are you? 2237
23what computur do you type BZP stuff in?(home work, or other)? 24Both. Work, usually.
25where do you live(state)? 26CT
27have you ever met the LEGO president? 28Yes.
29were you ever a boy scout? 30No.
31where did you grow up?(state) 32NY
33will we ever see a pic of you? 34I can't see why you would
35thanks in advance.
37seems like evry time i go to PM him, the list of Q's that was in my head dissapears, and I have to think up more Q's, and then as soon as I send the PM, I remember all the Q's that I was gonna ask him. :
2I have a few questions for you.
3who wrote the Bionicle Bible? 4The BIONICLE story team, which is based in the US and in Europe.
5where is the cave that the Turaga put the Kraata in?(if you cant give me an exact, could you at least give a Koro?) 6Po-Wahi.
7how far did the Bahrag move between comic #8, and comic #11?(if at all) 8Further down.
9where were you on the night of friday the 4th? hm?(disregard this Q, I couldn't resist)
10are there any more foil comics planned? 11Not sure.
12will there be any more "shrunk" comics at McD's? 13That depends on if we do another McDonald's promotion.
14do you have copies of all the omics?(including promo's and the ones that came in the canisters?) 15Yes, I think so.
16If a Kraata is removed from its Rahkshi, can another take its place? 17It would have to be of the same "species" of kraata, I think.
18would an unKraataed Rahkshi be like a unKraned Bohkrok?(reprogramable) 19No. It would basically be an empty suit of armor.
20these next few are questions about you( you don't have to answer all of them, but please try to answer as many as possible)
21how old are you? 2237
23what computur do you type BZP stuff in?(home work, or other)? 24Both. Work, usually.
25where do you live(state)? 26CT
27have you ever met the LEGO president? 28Yes.
29were you ever a boy scout? 30No.
31where did you grow up?(state) 32NY
33will we ever see a pic of you? 34I can't see why you would
35thanks in advance.

37seems like evry time i go to PM him, the list of Q's that was in my head dissapears, and I have to think up more Q's, and then as soon as I send the PM, I remember all the Q's that I was gonna ask him. :


1coninued from an earlier Q...
2the previous:
3It shows Kopaka using the noble masks by changing them all in one mask. If he used them like that, then how could he separate the gret masks from the noble masks? Rephrased, how can masks de combined into one mask and then separated for the Turaga?
4I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to. Toa can call upon masks as they need them, but they obviously don't carry all six or 12 with them at once. They summon them from elsewhere.
5so that could be like a suva?and the refrence was to MNOLG.
6Yes, a suva.
7and Jordan, you could just save your Qs to a word processing program and paste them in.
2the previous:
3It shows Kopaka using the noble masks by changing them all in one mask. If he used them like that, then how could he separate the gret masks from the noble masks? Rephrased, how can masks de combined into one mask and then separated for the Turaga?
4I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to. Toa can call upon masks as they need them, but they obviously don't carry all six or 12 with them at once. They summon them from elsewhere.
5so that could be like a suva?and the refrence was to MNOLG.
6Yes, a suva.
7and Jordan, you could just save your Qs to a word processing program and paste them in.
1Just a few questions I asked him.
2Sorry to bother you, but I have some more questions:
31. Can you give a hint to what enemy is after the Rahkshi? 4No.
52. There was a theory flying around that Mata Nui was the creator of the Bahrag, as a "defense system" and that Makuta tampered with them because he was jealous, so Mata Nui put them away to fix, but never got a chance to. When the Toa fought Makuta he woke them. That's why the Bahrag called the Toa "brothers" and wanted to change the land to the way it was before time. Can you prove or disprove this theory?
6No, as far as I know Makuta did not tamper with the Bahrag. They and the Bohrok were carrying out their original mission.
73. Can you give a hint to what is in the cinema-release movie? 8No.
94. How many PM's from BZP members do you get every day? 10About 25.
11Thanks, HN
1At what time frame (year, month, etc.) will we learn about:
2The Toa's creation
3The other islands around Mata-Nui
4Matoran Reproduction
5The Secret of the Bahrag, Bohrok, Kal, and Va, along with their creators
6I have no idea... the overall story arc for all seven books is known only to the heads of the story team. I know what is happening through 2004 at this point. Some things, like islands around Mata Nui, may never come up because they may not be important to the story.
7Also, I heard from (I think) the Proto Squad member that the ToL is Takua Nuva, not Takanuva. If it isn't, why the one part name? Is Taka maybe a name change for Takua like Jaller was for Jala? That would maybe mean that his name is Taka Nuva...
8Takanuva is one word, not two, and Takua's name is not changing -- it is Takua in the movie.
9What can you tell me about the Ussanui?
10All I know about it, based on seeing the movie, is that the Toa Nuva construct it based on in instructions from Takanuva, and that it has special places on it where you can put kraata so it can home in on Makuta. I don't know if it is alive or not, although based on what I have seen, I would tend to think not. But that's just my opinion.
2The Toa's creation
3The other islands around Mata-Nui
4Matoran Reproduction
5The Secret of the Bahrag, Bohrok, Kal, and Va, along with their creators
6I have no idea... the overall story arc for all seven books is known only to the heads of the story team. I know what is happening through 2004 at this point. Some things, like islands around Mata Nui, may never come up because they may not be important to the story.
7Also, I heard from (I think) the Proto Squad member that the ToL is Takua Nuva, not Takanuva. If it isn't, why the one part name? Is Taka maybe a name change for Takua like Jaller was for Jala? That would maybe mean that his name is Taka Nuva...
8Takanuva is one word, not two, and Takua's name is not changing -- it is Takua in the movie.
9What can you tell me about the Ussanui?
10All I know about it, based on seeing the movie, is that the Toa Nuva construct it based on in instructions from Takanuva, and that it has special places on it where you can put kraata so it can home in on Makuta. I don't know if it is alive or not, although based on what I have seen, I would tend to think not. But that's just my opinion.
1ok i ask gregf some qestion's and here's what he told me 2can you tell me what is the power of the mask of light? 3No. 42. do the kraata have leg's? 5Yes, sort of, in the movie they do. The toys don't. 63.will the rahkshi in the storyline come right after the bohrok kal? 7Yes. 84.why did takua leg color change'd does it have something to do with the storyline? 9You mean in the movie? It came about as part of his rebuilding. 105.can the krana talk? 11No, but the krana-kal are able to communicate telepathically. 126.how can the rahkshi fly? 13That is just one of their powers. 14thank you very much for your time
1ok, here's what I got from GregF:
28Thanks for the info GregF:
29I know it's probably not much, but at least it's something right? Hmm, sounds like we're going to find out about where the matoran came from:
2Hi, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me.In the "Official Greg Discussion" topic, I saw a question you answered:
32) In one topic in general discussion you said that the 4Kraata have been around long before the Rahkshi 5and have been hunted by the turaga -- But then 6you said they are a part of Makuta, if they came 7from him then why have they been around so long?
8Well, Makuta has been around for ages.
9That brings up some sub questions:
10A) Why did you say the Turaga have hunted them, but 11not Matoran have hunted them?
12Because the Turaga have done it quietly .. they didn't want the Matoran to panic.
13B ) If they have been captured why didn't we see that 14happen? And why don't the Matoran exploit them?
15They are way too dangerous to be "exploited." And the comics, at least, have not focused on the activities of the Turaga. After all, the Toa didn't even know they were doing it.
16C) How far back, have they been hunted that is.
17Since shortly after the Matoran arrived at Mata Nui.
18It sounds like the matoran came from some place else: Do you think you could tell me? Or will we find out later in the Bionicle storyline?
19Thanks for taking the time to read this:![]()
21Oh, well, the fact they came from elsewhere is no big secret -- remember, the original legend is that the the Great Spirit Mata Nui brought his people to this island, which they then named in his honor. So they had to have come from elsewhere, which indeed they do.
23Well, do you think you could tell me exactly where they come from? Or is that something we'll have to wait and find out about? Or will we ever find out at all?
24Thanks again:
26Oh, you will definitely find out...but I can't share it, it's part of a future storyline and I would get into trouble.
28Thanks for the info GregF:
29I know it's probably not much, but at least it's something right? Hmm, sounds like we're going to find out about where the matoran came from:
1The new sets are coming out in August & September. I asked him because I needed to save up.
1Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I have some questions that you may not be allowed to answer in detail, but I would appreciate any kind of response. 21. Can you give any info on how Takanuva is summoned/awoken in the movie? 3No, I can't. I am not allowed to give away movie plot points. 42. Does the Ussanui vehicle fly? (You've probably answered this before, but I haven't seen it posted.) 5I don't think so, no. 63. Why do the Toa Nuva build the Ussanui? Aren't there Matorans with better skill than them at construction? 7My guess is the Matoran are otherwise occupied at the time. 84. When removed, can a kanohi be worn by someone other than its original wearer? Or are they non-transferable? Also, if a Toa's kanohi gets knocked off, will they lose all the kanohi nuva they have collected or just the one they were using at the time? (I kind of think they just lose the one, since they call upon the powers of kanohi from their suva, where they are physically located.)
9When a Kanohi is not being worn, it turns all gray. If say, Lewa loses his mask, and it turns gray, then Gali could pick it up, don it, and it would turn her color. So they are not exclusive, no. If a Toa loses his mask, he also loses access to all of his other masks. He must be wearing a mask to summon another.
105. If you don't mind a personal question... do you use an Apple or a PC at work? 11I use a PC at work, and at home. 12Thanks a bunch: You are such an awesome guy.
1The rahkshi can form a kaita(or a nui)? 2Yes. 3If they can do it,what names they will have? 4Dont know yet. 5Were the Vahi was hidden? 6Vakama had it. 7Tahu Nuva will lost the Vahi(I think that he will lost the Vahi or he will defeat the rahkshi easily)? 8No,he doesnt lose it.But is incredibly dangerous to use,and for other reasons Tahu wont think of it(reasons which will obvious when you see the movie).
1Hello Greg, I just thought of a quick question:
21. The Bohrok obviously have "teeth," (the white things that are also Kohrok Va's claws) but can they open their mouths or BITE? (In the story)
3To my knowledge, they do not bite in the story, mainly because that would be too violent of an action for a LEGO publication.
42. How do the Toa control their masks? What I meen by this is, they can be using the Kakama and then switch over to the Miru using a mental comand. In comic #1, it appears as if Kopaka's new Hau "melds" with his Akaku, so in a sense, a Toa is wearing one mask that contains all the powers of all the masks he's collected. Is this true?
5No, it's not. Only the gold masks contained all the power of the six Great Masks. The morphing effect was him exchanging one mask for another. If he had not found the Hau, he could not have morphed the Akaku into it.
63. How/Why did the Bohrok/Bahrag awake? Was it Takua's entering the chamber in the MNOLG that woke them, or did Makuta awaken them? And if Makuta awakened them, why?
7Makuta awakened them as a distraction for the Toa in the wake of his defeat. It bought him time to restore his energies.
84. How come in the toys, the Bohrok Va have different colored Krana? ie: yellow, white...
9Well, in the same way that Kanohi masks are gray when not worn.. krana are different colors when not in a Bohrok.
105. You have said that you don't keep your sanity. Is it the penguins that steel your sanity?
11He didn't answer.
21. The Bohrok obviously have "teeth," (the white things that are also Kohrok Va's claws) but can they open their mouths or BITE? (In the story)
3To my knowledge, they do not bite in the story, mainly because that would be too violent of an action for a LEGO publication.
42. How do the Toa control their masks? What I meen by this is, they can be using the Kakama and then switch over to the Miru using a mental comand. In comic #1, it appears as if Kopaka's new Hau "melds" with his Akaku, so in a sense, a Toa is wearing one mask that contains all the powers of all the masks he's collected. Is this true?
5No, it's not. Only the gold masks contained all the power of the six Great Masks. The morphing effect was him exchanging one mask for another. If he had not found the Hau, he could not have morphed the Akaku into it.
63. How/Why did the Bohrok/Bahrag awake? Was it Takua's entering the chamber in the MNOLG that woke them, or did Makuta awaken them? And if Makuta awakened them, why?
7Makuta awakened them as a distraction for the Toa in the wake of his defeat. It bought him time to restore his energies.
84. How come in the toys, the Bohrok Va have different colored Krana? ie: yellow, white...
9Well, in the same way that Kanohi masks are gray when not worn.. krana are different colors when not in a Bohrok.
105. You have said that you don't keep your sanity. Is it the penguins that steel your sanity?
11He didn't answer.

1I aked GregF a question about the name "Rahkshi", because I had found something rather interesting about it.
2Hello, Mr. Farshtey. I really appreciate your help here at BZP, keeping all of us updated with the latest news, and answering pressing questions. I'm really looking forward to the future of Bionicle, as I'm sure you and the rest of the staff will keep up the great work:
3I have one small question that I would like to ask you.
4Is there any story behind the name "Rahkshi"? Is it completely made-up, or does it mean something? I ask this, because a "Rakshi" is a type of alcoholic drink from Nepal.Were you aware of this?
5--Rahi Zaku
6I think they made it up, or tried to anyway, but as you know, just about everything means something in another language.
1Okay. Since we've been trying to decipher the writing on the MoL. I thought I'd ask Greg for some help.
7He replied:
10So it looks like we're going to work this out ourselves for now. Though it appears that the writing will be deciphered for us in the movie. If I'm mistaken, Greg, please correct me.
2In the preview of the Mask of Light movie.There is a shot of somebody holding the MoL with writing clearly visible on the inside of the mask.
3Now...I've noticed a ton of members trying to make out what is engraved on the MoL.
4Are you able to tell us what it says?I'm guessing that since it's on the preivew...it's free info to anyone who can translate it, but we're having a heck of a time.So is it something you are able to give us some help with?
5Thanks, 6-T
7He replied:
8No, not really. I mentioned to the story team that you guys were trying to translate it, and they said, "good, that's what they're supposed to do." But apparently from our end the translation is a secret until the movie comes out.
10So it looks like we're going to work this out ourselves for now. Though it appears that the writing will be deciphered for us in the movie. If I'm mistaken, Greg, please correct me.

1Okay. Since we've been trying to decipher the writing on the MoL. I thought I'd ask Greg for some help.
2In the preview of the Mask of Light movie. There is a shot of somebody holding the MoL with writing clearly visible on the inside of the mask.
3Now...I've noticed a ton of members trying to make out what is engraved on the MoL.
4Are you able to tell us what it says? I'm guessing that since it's on the preivew...it's free info to anyone who can translate it, but we're having a heck of a time. So is it something you are able to give us some help with?
5Thanks, 6-T
7He replied:
8No, not really. I mentioned to the story team that you guys were trying to translate it, and they said, "good, that's what they're supposed to do." But apparently from our end the translation is a secret until the movie comes out.
10So it looks like we're going to work this out ourselves for now. Though it appears that the writing will be deciphered for us in the movie. If I'm mistaken, Greg, please correct me.![]()
11Lol. Sneaky buggers. Making us use our brains, now, are we?

1I have a few questions for you. I'm sure you get thousands, so take your time.
21:if 'the officail greg discusion topic' you said the toa nuva do not have a big focis in 2004. is there going to be a new hero? (besides TOL?) 3Did I say that? Anyway, can't answer 2004 plot questions at this point.
42: have you seen the real model of the rahshi in real life? if so, how do those 'head plate' things attach? 5Do you mean the thing with the spikes? They attach to a the body to form a hinge, so they can be lifted up to place the kraata inside.
63: the lurahk's power is to 'turn landscape into mush.' 7could you describe that, in a more descriptive way? (like, it turns land into swamp?) 8That description was inaccurate. Lerahk's power is that his staff poisons whatever it touches, including the ground.
94: somthing more fun: what's your favorete rahkshi? mines turahk. (red one)is colloring is just cool.10Hmmmm... I think Lerahk.
11thats all. I think you do great comics:
12thats mine. greg put his relpys in the quote, to make it easyer, that was nice.

13ps: silly greg. I meant the head. :rollyeyes:
1I have a question for you Oh Greg:
2Does the Takua leg color change on accident or on purpose and did he like it?
3Also: 4Were the matoran afraid to under go the change and do they like the way they end up[as did Pewku and the Gukko bird(i heard it went into the same change of Pewku or were they war-bred)?
5Thank GregF 6P.S. I hope you like your Farshtey Flakes:
7I am assuming the leg color change was a result of his upgrade, and I am sure he was fine with it.
8They were probably nervous at first, but they trust the Turaga and knew they would not make them do something that would harm them.
10I hope this has not been answered:
1Here are my questions
2mindstormgirl: Did Makuta build the Bohrok or someone else?
3Greg: No, I do not believe Makuta built the bohrok or the bahrag.
4mindstormgirl: How was the exo toa fighting the bohrok kal in comic #11?
5Greg: After the Bahrag were captured, the Exo-Toa went into automatic mode and, on their own, began guarding the protodermis prison. Unfortunately, they were not powerful enough to stop the Kal.
2mindstormgirl: Did Makuta build the Bohrok or someone else?
3Greg: No, I do not believe Makuta built the bohrok or the bahrag.
4mindstormgirl: How was the exo toa fighting the bohrok kal in comic #11?
5Greg: After the Bahrag were captured, the Exo-Toa went into automatic mode and, on their own, began guarding the protodermis prison. Unfortunately, they were not powerful enough to stop the Kal.
1bilbo- how do you pronounce Rahkshi? 2Greg- Rock-she 3bilbo-What in the world do the silver and copper olda masks do? The ones in the olda mask and krana packs. 4Greg-Well, I know that the Copper masks are masks of victory.. they are ceremonial masks that Matoran wear when they win a competition. The only silver masks I know of are the Mask of Wisdom that the Toa Kaita wore.
5bilbo- do the bohrok have to do Makuta? Is the mask o shadows Makuta's mask? 6Greg- Only insofar as Makuta unleashed the Bohrok early... but as far as I know, he did not create them nor did he control them.Yes, it is.
5bilbo- do the bohrok have to do Makuta? Is the mask o shadows Makuta's mask? 6Greg- Only insofar as Makuta unleashed the Bohrok early... but as far as I know, he did not create them nor did he control them.Yes, it is.
Roca @Toa of Dessert,Apr 10 2003, 10:15 PM 1Anyway, I really don't like it how everyone thinks he has the answers to every problem.
2Well guess what. HE DOES:
3He's one of the head storyline writers. I'm pretty sure if he doesn't know something...it doesn't exist.
4So before you decide to grace us with such a well thoughtout comment, make sure you actually consider what the guy does.
6No proto deduction this time. See it again though...and there will be one.
7Yeah, just to add something here, Greg put the Vahi into the storyline because he knew we wanted it. He knows the stuff here, believe me.
8Maybe we should only post if were are contributing to the 9collection of answers, Maybe?
1Sorry to bother you again, but I have a few questions that are bugging me.
21st: You said that the cube was the lock to the cage, and that when the symbols are placed into it, the cage will dissapear, and then the bahrag will be free.Does this mean that the Toa will lose their powers permenantly?
3Who said the cube was going to dissolve? The cage disappears, the cube doesn't.
42nd:Are the symbols going to play a role ever again? 5It's possible... I'm not certain.
63rd: (Just have to ask this) What was your favorite comic to write? 7My favorites so far were issue #1 and issue #12.
84th:You said that the Bohrok Kal need to bring the Xa's into the chamber to re-energize the Bahrag.Does this mean that they are asleep?And does this mean that if one krana Xa is missing, the Bahrag won't awake?
9No, they don't all need to touch them with a krana-kal xa. They just need to be touched with one. Their energies have faded somewhat during their imprisonment.
10Thank you a lot for your time.
11Huh.... I thought I read a post that said the cube would dissolve....

1This what I asked GregF, these are the answers.
2MK: Will the first part of the 2004 have any significance on the future storyline besides filling in "pot holes"?
3GF: You will have to wait and see, but every thing in BIONICLE ties into the overall plotline.
4MK: Are you aware the Mask Of Shadows, Kraahkan, has "kraa" like from kraata and "hk" from rahkshi. Does this have a purpose that you know of?
5GF: Yes, but i have no idea if that was intentional or not.
6MK: Does Takanuva have a "tool" besides Ussanui, and if you could reveal it, could you tell me what it is?
7GF: Yes, he does, and no, I can't.
8MK: Is there a purpose for Ussanui sounding like Ussal Nui?
9GF: I believe that was intentional, yes.
2MK: Will the first part of the 2004 have any significance on the future storyline besides filling in "pot holes"?
3GF: You will have to wait and see, but every thing in BIONICLE ties into the overall plotline.
4MK: Are you aware the Mask Of Shadows, Kraahkan, has "kraa" like from kraata and "hk" from rahkshi. Does this have a purpose that you know of?
5GF: Yes, but i have no idea if that was intentional or not.
6MK: Does Takanuva have a "tool" besides Ussanui, and if you could reveal it, could you tell me what it is?
7GF: Yes, he does, and no, I can't.
8MK: Is there a purpose for Ussanui sounding like Ussal Nui?
9GF: I believe that was intentional, yes.
Roca @Toa of Dessert,Apr 10 2003, 10:15 PM 1Anyway, I really don't like it how everyone thinks he has the answers to every problem.
2Well guess what. HE DOES:
3He's one of the head storyline writers. I'm pretty sure if he doesn't know something...it doesn't exist.
4So before you decide to grace us with such a well thoughtout comment, make sure you actually consider what the guy does.
6No proto deduction this time. See it again though...and there will be one.
7Don't you think that's a tad harsh? I mean, he's by far our best resource, and he knows way more than we do, absolutely: But I also think that it's a mistake the way we all think he's the All-Knowing-All-Powerful-God-of-Bionicle. Any way, my answers:
81) Can 6 Matoran really join into one, like in the McDonald's comic, or was it something just for that comic? Will we ever see it in the story again? 9Yes, they can -- and yes, you might, although Matoran rarely play a big part in the comic.
102) If Kraata can infect masks, and can get close enough to touch a Rahi's mask, why can't they just infect all of the Matoran?
11They could, possibly, which is why Turaga hunt them. Also, you are talking about getting close to a dumb animal, as opposed to an intelligent Matoran. A Muaka might get close to a kraata thinking it is something good to eat... a Matoran would know to run away from it.
123) Since Kraata can infect masks, would it be possible to have Mukaus, Hois, and Fikous all be servants of Makuta? (Since they wear masks?) 13Yes, if Makuta so wished. But I think he feels he has done the Rahi thing and it didn't work, so he is on to other plans.
144) In the movie clip on Bionicle.com where the Toa battle Makuta, are all the pieses swirling overhead the parts of the defeated Shadow Toa?
15No, the shadow Toa battle was never shown on the web.
16Thank you so much Greg: ~bjj6
1sorry if this is bothering you, but i have some questions
2#1-can the kraata hook onto the toas head like kanohi 3The toy can, but the kraata do not do that in the story. They have no reason to -- their job is to infect masks, they can't take over minds on their own.
4#2-what is the life span of a matoran? 5Have no idea.
6#3-why does lewa always get infected, ex. makuta, krana, and then he has a kanohi nuva thats infected, what with that? 7Because Lewa is the most reckless of the Toa and plunges into things without thinking first. And I do not know what the role of the infected Miru is, but it is not in the storyline or in the movie.
8#4-is there a turaga for takanuva? 9No.
10#5-what does graalok the ash bear look like? 11Like a bear made out of TECHNIC pieces.
12thanks for your time 13~Dart, Matoran of light~
14i ask dumb questions.....
1Here's some questions I asked him:
15I think that clears up the shadow Toa debate.
2Hello, I have a few more questions:
3A: I read in the Greg discussion topic this answer to a question: 4QUOTE 54) In the movie clip on Bionicle.com where the Toa battle Makuta, are all the pieses swirling overhead the parts of the defeated Shadow Toa?
6No, the shadow Toa battle was never shown on the web.
7Does this mean there were shadow toa? Could you give me some info on these shadow toa?
8The shadow Toa were originally intended to appear in the first PC game, which was cancelled. Currently, they are slated to appear in the first Scholastic BIONICLE novel. They are essentially dark versions of the Toa created by Makuta.
9B:What does the Ussanui do? I mean, is it a submarine for the ToL, or car for the ToL, or a plane etc. 10It's a vehicle.. I think of it as kind of like a bobsled, because it has runners.
11C: Takanuva(ToL) has mostly the same parts as Gali Nuva, except for mask and tool. Am I correct?
12Don't know, but Takanuva isn't Gali Nuva.
13Thanks for your time, 14HN
15I think that clears up the shadow Toa debate.
1Here's some questions I asked him: 2Hello, I have a few more questions:
3A: I read in the Greg discussion topic this answer to a question: 4QUOTE 54) In the movie clip on Bionicle.com where the Toa battle Makuta, are all the pieses swirling overhead the parts of the defeated Shadow Toa?
6No, the shadow Toa battle was never shown on the web.
7Does this mean there were shadow toa? Could you give me some info on these shadow toa?
8The shadow Toa were originally intended to appear in the first PC game, which was cancelled. Currently, they are slated to appear in the first Scholastic BIONICLE novel. They are essentially dark versions of the Toa created by Makuta.
9B:What does the Ussanui do? I mean, is it a submarine for the ToL, or car for the ToL, or a plane etc. 10It's a vehicle.. I think of it as kind of like a bobsled, because it has runners.
11C: Takanuva(ToL) has mostly the same parts as Gali Nuva, except for mask and tool. Am I correct?
12Don't know, but Takanuva isn't Gali Nuva.
13Thanks for your time, 14HN
15I think that clears up the shadow Toa debate.
17about the ToL having mostly the same parts as Gali Nuva, I thought the ToL have the same parts as the rest of the other Nuva's
1Sorry if im starting to get on your nerves, but i got more questinos :
2#1 do the bohrok kal have more than 1 krana-kal each? 3Yes.
4#2 this isnt really a question, but in Theft of fire, the Matoran, that had a Red speed, black body, and red feet, i had thought of him before that update was there. I had thought of him when you guys came up with the boxor. 5I haven't seen the update, so don't know what you are referring to.
6#3 why are their no creatures in ko-koro, or ko-wahi on bionicle.com? 7It's frozen there, so not many creatures exist.
8#4 wich is your favorite matoran? and have you made up any matoran? 9I don't really have one, and no.
10#5 what were the peices swirling above makuta in the MNOLG? was that the peices of his true form? 11Those were pieces of the form he had assumed at that time, I believe.
12#6 am i getting on your nerves? 13No.
14~Thanks for your time, Dart, Matoran of light and toa of Metal~
15SO nowe all know what those peices above makuta were