1Interesting things here...I think.2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again.[ol type='1'[li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long?[li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/olThank you for your time.
31) Yes 42) That gets revealed later in the year 53) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 64) No 75) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 86) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
9So what was Greg saying yes to in answer 1?
10They always looked that way.
1Interesting things here...I think.2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again.[ol type='1'[li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long?[li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/olThank you for your time.
31) Yes 42) That gets revealed later in the year 53) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 64) No 75) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 86) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
9So what was Greg saying yes to in answer 1?
10They always looked that way.
11ok thanks
1Hmmm, that last answer sounds like we'll get Toa and villains (probably 3 and 3) at the beginning of the year, and the other six later... 2Khote
3That would be an interesting way to release the sets next year.
4Or Maybe they release the Mahri (in a new form), they re-release the Toa nuva and the titans are the enemies?
1Interesting things here...I think.2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again.[ol type='1' [li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long? [li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/olThank you for your time.
31) Yes 42) That gets revealed later in the year 53) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 64) No 75) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 86) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
9I got the answer (For all that didn't understand the original):
101)Um, I'm a little confused on your answer. Could explaina bit more (I'm unaware of what the 'yes' is answering')? 11Another question: Do matoran live in "The World that feeds the World"?
12Thanks for the answers Greg:
131) Yes, they always looked that way 142) I can't answer this
15Ah, well. Worth a shot.
1Sorry to PM you so late, but I have only three questions.
21. Is Umbra a member of a species, or is he one-of-a-kind?
32. Does Umbra have the ability to use Kanohi?
43. Is Sidorak's right hand machanical, or is it something his whole species has?
61) One of a kind 72) No 83) Can you explain your question a little more?
1Thanks for last reply, Greg: Here are some little questions for today
21) So Makuta can only inhabit a body that is alive but with no spirit or a robot like Bohrok, Maxilos, etc? 31) Yes
42) If a creature was mutated by the Mutagen on land, would it look like what it was supposed to look like but still be able to breathe air? 52) Hard to say, because the mutagen does not exist on land.
63) Is the Mutagen basically an adaption substance that causes creatures to adapt to their surroundings? 73) I wouldn't say that, no, because that gives the mutagen too much credit.
84) Jaller Mahri will eventually have to leave his Hahnah crab behind, correct? 94) Depends on if he ever makes it back to land again.
105) Can you reveal the mask of Kindred's proper name? 115) No, I did Sonar this week, Kindred is next week
126) When the Ignika animate objects, does it have to channel it's power into it in order to keep it animated? 136) It grants the item the most microscopic fraction of its power imaginable
147) Is the vehicle that Lesovikk's set have the very same one that he uses to travel to the Pit? 157) I haven't seen the set yet, so can't comment
168) Did the Great Beings create the Red Star? 178) Can't answer it
189) When the Red Star transformed the Matoran into Inika, did it's energies give life to the masks? 199) That was a result of the lightning, yes
2010) In which book will Nocturn's curse be mentioned? 2110) I think #7
22Thank you very much =)
23Vezok-Piraka of Water

21) So Makuta can only inhabit a body that is alive but with no spirit or a robot like Bohrok, Maxilos, etc? 31) Yes
42) If a creature was mutated by the Mutagen on land, would it look like what it was supposed to look like but still be able to breathe air? 52) Hard to say, because the mutagen does not exist on land.
63) Is the Mutagen basically an adaption substance that causes creatures to adapt to their surroundings? 73) I wouldn't say that, no, because that gives the mutagen too much credit.
84) Jaller Mahri will eventually have to leave his Hahnah crab behind, correct? 94) Depends on if he ever makes it back to land again.
105) Can you reveal the mask of Kindred's proper name? 115) No, I did Sonar this week, Kindred is next week
126) When the Ignika animate objects, does it have to channel it's power into it in order to keep it animated? 136) It grants the item the most microscopic fraction of its power imaginable
147) Is the vehicle that Lesovikk's set have the very same one that he uses to travel to the Pit? 157) I haven't seen the set yet, so can't comment
168) Did the Great Beings create the Red Star? 178) Can't answer it
189) When the Red Star transformed the Matoran into Inika, did it's energies give life to the masks? 199) That was a result of the lightning, yes
2010) In which book will Nocturn's curse be mentioned? 2110) I think #7
22Thank you very much =)
23Vezok-Piraka of Water
1Hi greg, just some stuff:
2QUOTE 3Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they? 4Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself? 5Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)? 6I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians. Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?
7Thank you for your time.
81) Yes 92) That gets revealed later in the year 103) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 114) No 125) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 136) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
141: Did you mean to say the tryna, or was the new mask name on purpose?
152: In #6, could we actually see... three villans and three heros next year, around x-mas? No more all villans, or all heros?
163: Any hints to what lesovikk's destiny is?
174: In BA#10, makuta ordered vakama to kill voparak, even though he knew vakama could'nt hurt him. Whats up with that?
185:You missunderstood my sheild ? on nuparu:
19"From out of the darkness swims Toa Nuparu to challenge the evil Barraki: His Aqua Blaster Blade send shockwaves through the pit, while his shield protects him from attack. Fire the Cordak revolving blaster to drive off the fiercest enemy."
20In the storyline, does his sheilds blades spin, based off this description?
216: Any idea why all the gold was gone from the sets this year? And iron?
231) New name was the one I released this week. 242) I can't discuss this 253) Nope 264) Maybe he wanted Vakama to be humbled. 275) I don't have the set, so impossible to answer. We won't have them in-house until they hit stores. 286) Asking the wrong person. I am not a set designer.
29More things... I guess I was wrong abot the mask...
1Hello, I'd be greatful if you could awnser these please.
21. what in your opinion are the 3 most powerful masks? 32. When will we learn the shadowed one's real name? 43. Is nocturn nocturnal? 54. Which book are you most proud of? 65. Does the vahi have more powers then just slowing time and speeding up time? 76. Which is your favourite form of makuta so far? 87. Have you decided who wins between Makuta and Karzahni yet?
9Thanks in advance
101) Well, Life and Time are the first two ... Creation would be the third, if it existed, but we don't know that it does. 112) I see no reason to reveal it, it's not important to the story. 123) No 134) My favorite is BA #10 145) No 156) I don't really have a favorite 167) Basically, yes
17Ah good, time trap just arrived today. Number 1 might hint that their is a mask of creation.
1Just wondering will Makuta fight any Barraki? 2How about the Toa?
3GB #1
4Yes and yes
5More specificaly Takadox? 6Who did you say Spinax fights again?
7GB #1
8He does have one encounter with Takadox at least, yes.
9Spinax has fights with both Hydraxon and Maxilos, not sure of anyone else off the top of my head.
10When do they fight?
11Book 8
1don't know if there are any spoilers but for sure.
21: Maybe dumb question, but did Sidorak or Roodaka ever met Makuta in personal? 32: Will Roodaka rule Xia ever since she wants to climb the mountain again? 43: Did Pridak serve the Makuta of Metru Nui in personal or just the BoM? 54: Does Umbra know what will happen when the Great Spirit dies? 65: Who will win the Karzahni and Makuta battle? 76: Why do people always ask you question to reveal the mask names of the Mahri? 8Don't you get annoyed of it? 97: Have we ever met the person who placed the object that Mantax is searching for? 108: Does the Mutated Kikanalo still live? 119: Is there also some other bigger evil in the surrounding of the Great Beings, someone powerful that the BoM? Say something like Morgoth stood above Sauron in LoTR (if you know them). 1210: Does the OoMN know that the Hydraxxon was dead and that the Pit is shatterd?
131) Yes 142) Never know, she might 153) He served the BOM, not the Makuta of Metru Nui 164) I would tend to think not. Umbra knows he has to guard the mask, and that is pretty much all he knows. He doesn't really have any need to know anything but that. 175) You'll find out when it happens 186) People on here are just always hungry for spoilers 197) Can't answer it 208) Don't know, that was a long, long time ago that happened in the story (over 1000 years) 219) No. The Great Beings don't have an evil that they fight. 2210) They didn't until very recently. Had they known, then they never would have had Brutaka sent there.
23Question 10 is rather interessting, for the rest i don't know if there is anything new.
21: Maybe dumb question, but did Sidorak or Roodaka ever met Makuta in personal? 32: Will Roodaka rule Xia ever since she wants to climb the mountain again? 43: Did Pridak serve the Makuta of Metru Nui in personal or just the BoM? 54: Does Umbra know what will happen when the Great Spirit dies? 65: Who will win the Karzahni and Makuta battle? 76: Why do people always ask you question to reveal the mask names of the Mahri? 8Don't you get annoyed of it? 97: Have we ever met the person who placed the object that Mantax is searching for? 108: Does the Mutated Kikanalo still live? 119: Is there also some other bigger evil in the surrounding of the Great Beings, someone powerful that the BoM? Say something like Morgoth stood above Sauron in LoTR (if you know them). 1210: Does the OoMN know that the Hydraxxon was dead and that the Pit is shatterd?
131) Yes 142) Never know, she might 153) He served the BOM, not the Makuta of Metru Nui 164) I would tend to think not. Umbra knows he has to guard the mask, and that is pretty much all he knows. He doesn't really have any need to know anything but that. 175) You'll find out when it happens 186) People on here are just always hungry for spoilers 197) Can't answer it 208) Don't know, that was a long, long time ago that happened in the story (over 1000 years) 219) No. The Great Beings don't have an evil that they fight. 2210) They didn't until very recently. Had they known, then they never would have had Brutaka sent there.
23Question 10 is rather interessting, for the rest i don't know if there is anything new.
1Just wondering will Makuta fight any Barraki? 2How about the Toa?
3GB #1
4Yes and yes
5More specificaly Takadox? 6Who did you say Spinax fights again?
7GB #1
8He does have one encounter with Takadox at least, yes.
9Spinax has fights with both Hydraxon and Maxilos, not sure of anyone else off the top of my head.
11OMG. 12Maxilos is Makuta. 13Because Spinax fights
1OMG. 2Maxilos is Makuta. 3Because Spinax fightsMaxilos::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Makuta:
4Read the quote in its entirety. Specifically, this part:
5"not sure of anyone else off the top of my head."
6That means Greg couldn't remember anyone else that Spinax "fights." He simply forgot about Makuta.

1oh it's just that in the leaked descriptions it says an evil intelligence takes over maxilos so ok i was a bit too quick off the mark sorry.
1Hi greg, just some stuff on my mind:
21: Do you know if Nocturn will show up in any more comics or Bionicle Legends#8?
32: I hope you can answer this, but does hydraxon carry exploding booomerangs, and extra packs of cordak ammo?
43: Did hydraxon get picked for his job specificly, to guard the pit? If he was, that is a serious symbol of power.
54: Does Gadunka kind of just "get in the way of things" this year, since he shouldnt even be in existance?
65: Do you guys have a name for spinax's species?
76: Does Karzahni gain any new powers after his mutation, or not?
87: Does the order have a plan for what to do if mata nui died?
98: Do you think the old pit would be strong enough to hold a makuta in, or not?
109: I hate to say it, but you still didnt get my ? on nuparu's weapon. In the storyline, does it rotate, or is it just a sheild? Not the set.
121) Nocturn is in the May comic, I know, and I believe he does appear in Book 8 132) In the set or in the story? 143) Yes 154) I think someone who can eat you with one bite sort of counts as more than just "getting in the way" 165) Energy hound 176) I don't know yet, it's too soon to make that decision 187) What can they do? The universe will end in three days or so, and they don't have the power to change that 198) Yes, I do 209) I haven't used it in the storyline that much, and there is no mention in the product description of it rotating.
21This might be helpful, the spinax ?, since we now know his species name:
1We knew his species name from since we saw the pictures of him.
1OMG. 2Maxilos is Makuta. 3Because Spinax fightsMaxilos::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Makuta:
4Read the quote in its entirety. Specifically, this part:
5"not sure of anyone else off the top of my head."
6That means Greg couldn't remember anyone else that Spinax "fights." He simply forgot about Makuta.He forgets things sometimes.
7I think I remember an asnwer to a question saying that Maxilos doesn't fight Makuta, but he fights Spinax. That would prove that he is, in fact, Makuta, if I remember correctly. 8Khote
1hi greg. just a few questions.
21. Could you be able to buy the toa mahri right now since you work for lego?
32. can the Zyglak talk?
43. Are the matoran supposed to look like Metru nui matoran originally? ( voya mat. got fixed, Mata mat. got shrunk then fixed, mahri, mat. mutated)
54. will makuta have a bodie of his own or will he have to posses someone?
65. Do you know what 2008 sets look like?
81) No, we don't get them into the company store until they hit regular stores 92) Yes 103) Some are, we have no idea if all Matoran everywhere look the same 114) Makuta's armor got crushed, so until he gets new armor, he has to possess other bodies 125) Some of them
21. Could you be able to buy the toa mahri right now since you work for lego?
32. can the Zyglak talk?
43. Are the matoran supposed to look like Metru nui matoran originally? ( voya mat. got fixed, Mata mat. got shrunk then fixed, mahri, mat. mutated)
54. will makuta have a bodie of his own or will he have to posses someone?
65. Do you know what 2008 sets look like?
81) No, we don't get them into the company store until they hit regular stores 92) Yes 103) Some are, we have no idea if all Matoran everywhere look the same 114) Makuta's armor got crushed, so until he gets new armor, he has to possess other bodies 125) Some of them
1Some questions for you, Greg.
21. Is Sidorak's right hand fully mechanical (as in he lost that hand at some point in his life, and had it replaced with a mechanical one)? Or are those enlarged claws something his whole species has?
32. Would a Turaga Nui be able to use Great Kanohi?
43. When will Makuta's new form be released as a set?
54. Were Vahki used on other Matoran islands, or were they only created and used on Metru Nui?
65. Are there other planets in the BIONICLE universe?
76. If The Shadowed One respects Takanuva for defeating Makuta, why does he want "Dweller" to kill him?
87. If TSO was still at full strength (if he wasn't aged by Voporak's time shield), how strong would he be?
91. Nocturn/Makuta level strength 102. Axonn/Brutaka level strength 113. Keetongu level strength 124. Sidorak level strength 135. Reidak/Carapar/Krekka level strength
148. Same question for Voporak.
159. Can Voporak talk?
1610. Why would Voporak serve the BoM and the DH? After all, a being capable of ageing anything into dust is a force to be reckend with.
17Thanks GregF.
181) Scott, there is nothing in the story bible to indicate Sidorak ever lost a hand. My assumption is that is a tool he is carrying. 192) I would say no. 203) I can't discuss future set plans 214) Only Metru Nui 225) Impossible for me to answer -- since that info isn't relevant to our story, it does not exist in the story bibles 236) You can respect someone and still not like him and consider him a threat. If Takanuva can beat Makuta, what could he do to TSO or Dark Hunters? 247) Probably more along the lines of Sidorak. TSO isn't a brawler. He's a strategist. 258) I would probably class Voparak a little below Keetongu. He doesn't really need a lot of physical strength, since he ages everything. 269) I don't recall if he ever spoke in the story 2710) Why would Validus serve the Fatal Five when he is 200 times stronger than any of the rest of them? Why would Ultimo serve the Mandarin? Because some beings are followers, and some are leaders. Voporak is not a leader.
28Hmm. Well I guess Sidorak's right "hand" could be a type of gauntlet.
1That last answer was amusing, since before his mutation, Voporak WAS a leader on his island. Sidorak's clan leader.
1I'm kinda worrying about your BIONICLE Story poll... Why are you asking about it?
2Well, first, no one is talking here about not doing story. But a ton of money gets spent each year on the comic and on the website, and sometimes it's a good idea to show the marketing team that yes, the story matters, the comic matters, and they boost set sales. If they don't boost set sales, then you will always have some questioning why we are spending money on them. No real research has been done on how story affects sales since late 2001, and with the comic focus groups, that seems to be starting up. So I am being proactive and trying to get some research I can show higher-ups.
1QUOTE 2hello again Mr.Farshey, I've got some questions about your anwsers.
3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5hello, Mr. Farshey. I'm a new member here, you can call me shadow rahkshi. I have some questions to ask you.
61. which of the following could be toa elements? 71a: antimatter 81b: shadow 91c: crystal 101d: protodermis 112. what kinds of enviorments do secondary-element matoran (plasma, gravity,ETC.) live in? 123. does the red star have anything to do with the great beings? 134. could you please put these in order from strongest to weakest? 14mata nui great beings karzahni makuta artahka 155. what exactly is "shadow energy"? 166. scince mata nui is going to die soon, wouldn't the barraki want to temporarally ally with the toa mahri just to restore mata nui? bacause if they don't there won't be a universe left for them to conquer. 177. who's the stealthiest barraki? 188. why was zaktan immune to the effects of antidermis? 198a. is it because he knew it was makuta, and therefore agreed to help him all along?
20thank you Mr. farshy for your anwsers: 21-shadow rahkshi
221) At this point, none. There are no Matoran of Shadow, so there can't be Toa of Shadow. We don't know that antimatter even exists in this universe. Crystal is too narrow a power, and protodermis too broad -- since everything is made of protodermis, you would basically have a Toa of Everything.
232) We haven't met them in the story so impossible to speculate.
243) Can't answer it
254) What do you mean by strongest? Physically? I mean, Mata Nui is physically more powerful than the Great Beings, but they made him and he answers to them.
265) Pretty much the same as light energy, only darkness
276) You are assuming that the Barraki know he will die and that they would believe it if they were told -- neither is the case.
287) Probably Mantax
298) No, it was because Makuta had to let someone near him so the zamor spheres could get made. If none of the Piraka could approach, then they couldn't make the spheres.
301b. could makuta create a matoran of shadow? or could an infected matoran become a toa of shadow?
313. do you know if the red star might have any future storyline significance?
324. I mean in terms of power in general. like how axonn would be more powerfull then a mauka. the mauka might be stronger, physically, but axonn's an OoMN, is of a higher status, and has more powers then a mauka.
336. but if the barraki were to be informed of the news by a reliable scorce, would they listen to the mahri then?(I'm guessing that they'd try to blackmail the mahri)
34and some additional questions.
351. to escape the end of the universe, could one escape to the surface world, hop in a toa canister, and float away on the endless sea?
362. is voya nui part of the the surface world? (unrelated to #1)
373. why did the makuta of metru nui try to rebel? because he had such high status already, how could he want more?
384. I know it's only a legend, but, theoretically, could a toa nui control protodermis? because when the toa mata combined their elemental energies, they ended up with protodermis.
395. this doesen't really have to do with bionicle, but do you have any pets?
406. is it okay just to call you Greg?
41once again, thanks for your anwsers:
42-shadow rahkshi
Simply wearing an infected mask would not allow you to become a Toa of Shadow. You are under Makuta's influence then, but your basic element has not changed. 443) Even if I did, I couldn't say anything. 454) If you are talking power in general, it's Great Beings, Mata Nui, Makuta, and Karzahni and Artakha pretty much tied 466) What would a "reliable source" be to the Barraki? They don't trust anyone. They hate Toa, they hate the BOM, and they don't know the OOMN exists, so who are they going to listen to?
471) Arguably 482) It is now, it's not supposed to be 493) Power is like a drug -- with some beings, once they have some, they just want more 504) I would say no. Any being who controls all protodermis would unbalance the story. 515) No, not anymore, my wife is allergic 526) Yes
53hmm... #1 is interesting. theories, anyone?
3QUOTE 4QUOTE 5hello, Mr. Farshey. I'm a new member here, you can call me shadow rahkshi. I have some questions to ask you.
61. which of the following could be toa elements? 71a: antimatter 81b: shadow 91c: crystal 101d: protodermis 112. what kinds of enviorments do secondary-element matoran (plasma, gravity,ETC.) live in? 123. does the red star have anything to do with the great beings? 134. could you please put these in order from strongest to weakest? 14mata nui great beings karzahni makuta artahka 155. what exactly is "shadow energy"? 166. scince mata nui is going to die soon, wouldn't the barraki want to temporarally ally with the toa mahri just to restore mata nui? bacause if they don't there won't be a universe left for them to conquer. 177. who's the stealthiest barraki? 188. why was zaktan immune to the effects of antidermis? 198a. is it because he knew it was makuta, and therefore agreed to help him all along?
20thank you Mr. farshy for your anwsers: 21-shadow rahkshi
221) At this point, none. There are no Matoran of Shadow, so there can't be Toa of Shadow. We don't know that antimatter even exists in this universe. Crystal is too narrow a power, and protodermis too broad -- since everything is made of protodermis, you would basically have a Toa of Everything.
232) We haven't met them in the story so impossible to speculate.
243) Can't answer it
254) What do you mean by strongest? Physically? I mean, Mata Nui is physically more powerful than the Great Beings, but they made him and he answers to them.
265) Pretty much the same as light energy, only darkness
276) You are assuming that the Barraki know he will die and that they would believe it if they were told -- neither is the case.
287) Probably Mantax
298) No, it was because Makuta had to let someone near him so the zamor spheres could get made. If none of the Piraka could approach, then they couldn't make the spheres.
301b. could makuta create a matoran of shadow? or could an infected matoran become a toa of shadow?
313. do you know if the red star might have any future storyline significance?
324. I mean in terms of power in general. like how axonn would be more powerfull then a mauka. the mauka might be stronger, physically, but axonn's an OoMN, is of a higher status, and has more powers then a mauka.
336. but if the barraki were to be informed of the news by a reliable scorce, would they listen to the mahri then?(I'm guessing that they'd try to blackmail the mahri)
34and some additional questions.
351. to escape the end of the universe, could one escape to the surface world, hop in a toa canister, and float away on the endless sea?
362. is voya nui part of the the surface world? (unrelated to #1)
373. why did the makuta of metru nui try to rebel? because he had such high status already, how could he want more?
384. I know it's only a legend, but, theoretically, could a toa nui control protodermis? because when the toa mata combined their elemental energies, they ended up with protodermis.
395. this doesen't really have to do with bionicle, but do you have any pets?
406. is it okay just to call you Greg?
41once again, thanks for your anwsers:
42-shadow rahkshi

471) Arguably 482) It is now, it's not supposed to be 493) Power is like a drug -- with some beings, once they have some, they just want more 504) I would say no. Any being who controls all protodermis would unbalance the story. 515) No, not anymore, my wife is allergic 526) Yes
53hmm... #1 is interesting. theories, anyone?
1OMG. 2Maxilos is Makuta. 3Because Spinax fightsMaxilos::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Makuta:
4Read the quote in its entirety. Specifically, this part:
5"not sure of anyone else off the top of my head."
6That means Greg couldn't remember anyone else that Spinax "fights." He simply forgot about Makuta.He forgets things sometimes.
7Are you sure about that? look...
91. another member asked if Gadunka was a problem and you said he could eat you in one bite. So does Gadunka try and eat someone?
102. in another post you said that Spinax fights Hydraxon and Maxilos. What about makuta?
112a. if he fights Maxilos, how come they come ion a set like vezon and fenrrak?
123. have you seen the mahri up close as sets?
134. is 2007 the sixth year for bionicle?
145. will umbra be any more importance in the stoyline since he is a set?
155a. what about irrnak?
166. what would the zyglak say to toa who walk into there teritory?
181) Well, if you looked like that, and were in a fight, what would you try to do? 192) I stand behind my answer 202a) Follow the story and find out 213) No. We won't get them in-house until they hit stores. 224) No, the seventh 235) Not really -- Umbra's job is to guard the mask, and the mask has been taken, so all he is doing right now is waiting for it to come back. 245a) Irnakk only exists if Piraka are in the nightmare chamber -- it's a legend, not a real thing. 256) It would want them dead because the Toa are followers of Mata Nui
11. In all of Lego's contests, where if you win you get a lego set of your choice up to $100, do you get one set, or do you choose sets up to $100. Like could I 6 canister sets, a titan, and some box sets, or just one set?
2It used to be one set only, but we changed it so you can get multiple sets
5Pheoo, what a great answer
2It used to be one set only, but we changed it so you can get multiple sets
3I'm kinda worrying about your BIONICLE Story poll... Why are you asking about it?
4Well, first, no one is talking here about not doing story. But a ton of money gets spent each year on the comic and on the website, and sometimes it's a good idea to show the marketing team that yes, the story matters, the comic matters, and they boost set sales. If they don't boost set sales, then you will always have some questioning why we are spending money on them. No real research has been done on how story affects sales since late 2001, and with the comic focus groups, that seems to be starting up. So I am being proactive and trying to get some research I can show higher-ups.
5Pheoo, what a great answer

1Hello Mr. Farshtey , I got the Atlas and Adventures 7,8 and 9, They were really good books., and I got some questions, hope you can answer them
21.-Does Destral has a specific Makuta that always stays there?
32.-Did Artahka forged the Toa Mata´s tools?
43.-Did Artahka forged the tool that were in the Toa Canisters?like the ones that were in the Inika´s canisters
54.-You have told us that the Order doesn´t know about the flooded Pit, but in the Atlas it seems that they know, so, Do they know?
65.-Does the Order know about the Death of Mata Nui?
76.-When they say in the Mahri Nui chapter that they lost contact with their observer, was the observer Hydraxon?
87.-Is it true that you said that is probable that not all the Mahri fight against Gadunka?Does something bad happen?![]()
98.-Judging by the quote you gave us from a second Hydraxon-Nocturn fight in BL8, Nocturn indeed appears in Downfall, right?
109.-Will we get to know more of this "Super-Olmak" from the BoM?
1110.-Do they have Cordak Blasters in Daxia?
1211.-Will the web serials have names (for example, "Karzahni´s attack")?
1312.-In Adventures#8 says that Sidorak cursed in a language that had been old when Metru Nui was new, By whom was this language used?
1413.-In Ignition#7, a "Giant Sworm" attacks Carapar, is this "Giant Sworm" a canon Rahi? If it is, could you provide us with a name, please?
1514.-Will you classify the vehicles and Rahi from this year´s playsets? 16(I hope that you will can classify the Rahi, because we need images in Bs01Wiki for the other Barraki´s armies)
1715.-Are there hopes for Hydraxon to know who are Prisoners and whot aren´t? Maybe later in the year? (I hope so, he would be a good ally for the Mahri)
1816.-Whay kind of troubles does Hydraxon give to the Mahri?, does he want to capture them?
1917.-Does Hydraxon think that Maxilos is also a Pit escapee?
2018.-Have you watched "HEROES"? (I think that in US it´s on NBC)
2119.-I don´t know if I asked this before, but... Have you ever listened music from Sarah Brightman? (If not, I think that you may like her music)
2220.-Will you be there all the days of the Comic-Con?(hope yes, because maybe I will go)
23That´s all Mr. Farshtey, thank you very much
241) Most likely 252) Most likely 263) Not necessarily, no, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility 274) They do now, yes 285) They will when it happens. Everyone will. 296) No. 307) The team simply has to split up. There are a lot of menaces to deal with 318) Nocturn does appear, but the quote was actually from 7, not 8 (my mistake) 329) No 3310) No 3411) I'd think so 3512) By beings you have not met in the story 3613) I'm not sure what you're referring to. There is a giant venom eel in the book, and a swarm of small venom eels that serve Ehlek 3714) I haven't done it yet, I may 3815) Only if he wises up 3916) Yes 4017) No, he knows Maxilos -- Maxilos has worked for him as a guard for ages 4118) No 4219) Only on the Phantom soundtrack 4320) I believe so

1I'm kinda worrying about your BIONICLE Story poll... Why are you asking about it?
2Well, first, no one is talking here about not doing story. But a ton of money gets spent each year on the comic and on the website, and sometimes it's a good idea to show the marketing team that yes, the story matters, the comic matters, and they boost set sales. If they don't boost set sales, then you will always have some questioning why we are spending money on them. No real research has been done on how story affects sales since late 2001, and with the comic focus groups, that seems to be starting up. So I am being proactive and trying to get some research I can show higher-ups.
3I really hope nothing bad comes out of this. Hopefully they're just confirming what they already know. If not we mat see even less story, I really hope that doesn't happen and I doubt it will, luckily

1Don't worry Adventurer, they're just doing it to confirm what we already know to be true. All the fans, BZP or not, appreciate the story to some extent. Even if it's just to know the Toa are good guys and the Barraki are bad, it's still an important part to the line and would spell downfall if it was removed.
11. When Jovan's team had to use the Ignika, did the Ignika lead them through the Pit and then to the WTFTW, or did it lead them straight to the WTFTW? 22. Is the WTFTW the source of light stone energy? 33. Was the WTFTW created after or before Artahka and Karzahni? Did it come before or after the first Toa? 44. Did Mata Nui or the Great Beings create the first Toa? 55. Will we learn who is to actually wear the Ignika this year or next? 66. Who is your favorite character to write about overall from the last two years? 77. Will Mata Nui have a speaking part when he awakens? 88. Has the story bible about the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui been written yet, or is it still under development? 99. Who's stronger physically, Karzahni or Artahka? 1010. Have you written any other books other than Exo Force and Bionicle? 1111. When you say the WTFTW is the core of the Bionicle universe, do you mean core like at the equater, or core like a seed is to an apple? 1212. Is this map accurate? Link.
13Thanks for your time.![]()
141) There was no reason to go through the Pit. The Pit is a long way north of the WTFTW --- remember, Voya Nui drifted north when it broke off its continent. It was still a part of its continent when Jovan was active.
152) Haven't decided.
163) Before
174) Great Beings
185) Can't answer it
196) Matoro
207) Can't answer it
218) Not something we have started on yet.
229) I am not sure there is much difference
2310) Yes. I wrote three novels in the 90s and wrote or co-wrote over 35 game books, plus two history books for kids.
2411) Core as central source of power for the Matoran universe.
2512) It's hard to tell because of the perspective. I see the RWT as being a lot farther away from Mahri Nui, for one thing.
26Just some interesting things to note.
17. Will Mata Nui have a speaking part when he awakens? 28. Has the story bible about the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui been written yet, or is it still under development?
37) Can't answer it
48) Not something we have started on yet.
5Just some interesting things to note.
7Um, like pretty much confirmation that Mata Nui will be awakened: Wow, major news.
1Answers in bold , comments in italics.
2Hi Greg, just a few colourful 'of plant life' questions:
31. Is the Toa of the Green at the Toa Fortress the only Toa of his type there has been so far? 4Oh, I doubt it - I am sure there have been others. Yay: 52. As there can be a Toa of Plant Life, can there be a Toa of Rahi, or is there just a little power over Rahi in other Toa (e.g. Nokama)? 6I have a hard time seeing a Toa who creates animals Not exactly what I meant, but heh. 73. Which parts of a Toa of Plant Life are blue and which green (arms blue, legs green, mask green?), or do you not really know? 8No idea. I don't picture characters when I create them and there is no model of him Interesting. I would picture a character if I created one, but that's just me. 94. Presumably there could be Matoran of Plants? Would they be green and blue too? 10Yes Ooh. Good.115. Could there be a Bohrok with some power over plants? 12No, you have seen all the Bohrok powers Oh yeah. Duh: Why did I ask that question?
136. Could there be Skakdi with plant life powers? 14Possible Yay:
157. I read that Plant Life Rahkshi are brown and green, is this true? 16Don't recall if we said that or not Hmm... 178. How does blue come in to being a colour representing plants? 18Cause I decided it did Nice answer there. Heh.
19And three different questions:
209. How long ago was it when the Makuta came to Zakaz? 21I would have to check my timeline Darn it. 2210. Can Skakdi be weakened like the Matoran, and if so, do they, like the Matoran, become smaller in stature? 23The Matoran were weakened by being put in the pods. A Skakdi would not fit in a pod. Not exactly what I meant, I understand a Skakdi wouldn't fit. 2411. Where did the Toa Mahri get their new masks from? 25Can't answer it, they haven't come into the story yet Aww. 2611a. And also, when Toa in general choose to be Turuga, where do they get their noble masks from? Or are they the same masks, also weakened? 27Same masks, transformed Thought so

1Hi Greg, I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Here Are some questions:
21) Can you give us some information about Gadunka please? I ask this because we know a lot from the other titans.
32) Voporak, The Shadowed One and Makuta may have the same height right?
43) The story part of the Toa Nuva and the Bahrag will be just for read, or something like a comic or flashes? 53a) It was suposed to be launched now in April, with an issue of "How To Make Krana" right?
64) I hope you can answer this one: You can give us a Maxilos quote? If not, at least he can talk right?
75) About the Mask names: What mask come next? Mask Of Kindred, or the first we ask for?
86) Mata Nui (Island) was created with the purpose to be the dome from Metru Nui, but It destiny was be the refuge for the Matoran Right?
97) You have plans to reveal us more about the past of the Nuva? Like some of the adventerues in The World That Feeds The World
108) How Metru Nui Is connected with other Islands?
119) In 2005 was supposed to relase some content about Dume's rescue right? How he was awekaned?
1210) After the events of Mask Of Light, are the Nuva more United? At least they respect more? (Epecially Tahu and Kopaka)
1311) What will be the Bahrag reaction to the Nuva when they will be freed?
1412) We will know who is the observer of Mahri Nui (The one In the Atlas)?
1513) You will reveal TSO name? You (Lego company) payed for that name right?
1614) The trap from the Karzahni set belongs to Karzahni or to somone else?
1715) Don't know If somone asked this before, but does Lesovikk have a Mask power? If yes, you can reveal us what mask is (Power)?
18Thanks on advance
191) What do you want to know? 202) They might, yes 213) The Toa Nuva story is just text, yes, but it has nothing to do with how to make krana. 224) He can talk, yes 235) Mask of Kindred 246) Islands really don't have destinies. 257) No, we aren't planning more flashback stories 268) By sea 279) His pod malfunctioned 2810) Yes, I'd say so 2911) All the Bahrag care about is being free to do their job. They don't hold grudges. 3012) Maybe, maybe not 3113) I never said I put the name through Legal 3214) You'll find out when we reach that point in the story 3315) I have not seen the set yet, so I don't know what mask he wears
1Just some misc. stuff.
2Hello again.
31.) Sorry if you've answered this recently, but I'm still a bit behind in the OGD. So what's your take on elemental Kanohi? I read that they can basically grant the wearer as much control over the element as a Toa of the element. That seems a bit unbalanced to me, since in theory, a Toa (or whoever) could have multiple elemental Kanohi and basically be a super Toa.
42.) The mask of Quick Travel says that the wearer can teleport anywhere within their field of vision. Does that mean if you trap a wearer in a box, they can't teleport out of it since they can't see out?
53.) Confirmation: Miru lets you hover, Kadin cannot simply hover, right?
64.) I remember (I think...) in some of the old online movies, when the Toa had their Golden kanohi, the shape of the mask would change depeneding on the power they were accessing. But is that how it works? I thought the Golden Kanohi is a single mask with 6 powers, right, so that the Toa didn't have to worry about Suva/mask-switching.
75.) The March comic was several pages shorter than usual. Is this the new length for now?
86.) Once the Nuva start doing their new mini-missions, do you discuss in the writing how they suddenly know all this info about Arthaka, the Bohrok, etc.?
97.) Was it a coincidence that Voya Nui came to a stop directly above the Pit? There don't seem to be many coincidences in Bionicle.
108.) I've been meaning to ask this for a while. Is the old Bionicle logo officially scrapped? You know, the 2 swirlies with the 3 dots for Unity, Duty, and Destiny. I haven't seen it in forever.
119.) Is it still an unrevealed secret as to how the volcanoes of Mata Nui and Voya Nui have lava supplies?
12Thanks a lot:
131) In theory, you have a point. In practice, however, that's not going to happen in the story so the point isn't something I am worrying about. 142) Bingo. Works the same as Nightcrawler's teleportation power does. You can still use the mask, but the odds are pretty good you will wind up in the middle of a solid object and dying a painful death. 153) Right 164) The mask shapes did not switch in comics or books. They switched in the online movies to graphically demonstrate, "Oh, he's using a different power now" for those who didn't get what the golden masks did. 175) New length until September. Budget money was taken from the comics to make the mini-movie for the web. 186) The Nuva don't learn anything about the Bohrok -- the Inika learn about the krana. As for Artakha, yes, that will be covered. 197) It was as close to a coincidence as you get, simply because it came to a stop as a result of Mahri Nui breaking off and becoming essentially an anchor 208) No idea. Not my area. 219) Yup
17. Will Mata Nui have a speaking part when he awakens? 28. Has the story bible about the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui been written yet, or is it still under development?
37) Can't answer it
48) Not something we have started on yet.
5Just some interesting things to note.
7Um, like pretty much confirmation that Mata Nui will be awakened: Wow, major news.
9I don't think it's that big of news....I'm pretty sure we've always known that he will be awakened. Greg's been implying for awhile now that the whole reason the Nuva are coming back is because they have to awaken him.
17. Will Mata Nui have a speaking part when he awakens? 28. Has the story bible about the Toa Nuva awakening Mata Nui been written yet, or is it still under development?
37) Can't answer it
48) Not something we have started on yet.
5Just some interesting things to note.
7Um, like pretty much confirmation that Mata Nui will be awakened: Wow, major news.
9I don't think it's that big of news....I'm pretty sure we've always known that he will be awakened. Greg's been implying for awhile now that the whole reason the Nuva are coming back is because they have to awaken him.
10Yeah, I guess we have. 11But he's said in the past the Toa Nuva will only be rereleased if Mata Nui awakens. . . so. . . I guess your right.

1Hey Greg, just a question:
2In a recent PM you said that the Inika would learn about how Krana were made.. Would this be by any chance because of a tale from the Zyglak in otherwords, in the original BL7, were the Zyglak supposed to tell the Inika of how they came into being, with the krana?
4Yes, they were going to find out in the original Bionicle Legends 7
1Hello Greg:
2OK, I have a theory about the Mahri: somewhere in the OGD there is a post saying that the Mahri will not undergo another major transformation. Obviously this kinda stinks for the Mahri. My theory all relies on Nuparu; an inventor. Either somehow he finds the remains of Ehlek's breathing apparattus and makes six more for the team, or he makes them on his own. That or maybe the Ignika remutates them not back to Inika but into air-breathing Mahri.
3Hmm? Am I right?
4Also, one question.
5Why make the Mahri water-breathers? I mean in the case of Kongu, it's kind of.... null. I mean, the air he creates and controls is toxic to himself and his team. It be like Superman had the power to control Kryptonite, however, he is allergic to Kryptonite. Same with Jaller. Fire Water= Steam.
61) I can't discuss this because it deals with future storyline. 72) Lots of superheroes control powers that would be fatal if used against them. Even the Human Torch can be killed if he loses control of his flame. The reason to make them water breathers is that they are going to be functioning in an underwater environment and that's a lot easier to do if you breathe water.
2OK, I have a theory about the Mahri: somewhere in the OGD there is a post saying that the Mahri will not undergo another major transformation. Obviously this kinda stinks for the Mahri. My theory all relies on Nuparu; an inventor. Either somehow he finds the remains of Ehlek's breathing apparattus and makes six more for the team, or he makes them on his own. That or maybe the Ignika remutates them not back to Inika but into air-breathing Mahri.
3Hmm? Am I right?
4Also, one question.
5Why make the Mahri water-breathers? I mean in the case of Kongu, it's kind of.... null. I mean, the air he creates and controls is toxic to himself and his team. It be like Superman had the power to control Kryptonite, however, he is allergic to Kryptonite. Same with Jaller. Fire Water= Steam.
61) I can't discuss this because it deals with future storyline. 72) Lots of superheroes control powers that would be fatal if used against them. Even the Human Torch can be killed if he loses control of his flame. The reason to make them water breathers is that they are going to be functioning in an underwater environment and that's a lot easier to do if you breathe water.