1Just some minor thigs here:
21) When Mata Nui dies (and before the universe hs ended of course): will lightstones stop shining? 31) Probably right before, yes, at some point they would
42) When Mata Nui dies (and before the universe hs ended of course): will the Red Star stop shining? 52) No
63) Is the Red Star even considered part of the Matoran universe or is "universe" just eveything on the planet of the Matoran? 73) "Universe" is the domes and everything inside them, because that is the universe in the eyes of the Matoran. So no, red star would not be affected.
84)How much of a year's storyline is fixed from he pre-2001 storyline bilble and how much (refining) work is done by you and the storyline team? 9I mean if you take 2006, what was written about that year in the storyline bible? Just the facthat there's a Mask of Life and some Toa go seach it, or was it even known who the Toa, Matoran, Island, Titans...... were and their names and what they do? 104) Who the specific characters are, their weapons and powers, etc. is not set in the old bible, because it is based on what the set designers come up with. For example, the Piraka had vision powers, because the sets had light-up eyes -- there was no way they could know in 2000-2001 that we would do sets with light-up eyes five years down the road. What's set is major directions of story and settings, etc.
21) When Mata Nui dies (and before the universe hs ended of course): will lightstones stop shining? 31) Probably right before, yes, at some point they would
42) When Mata Nui dies (and before the universe hs ended of course): will the Red Star stop shining? 52) No
63) Is the Red Star even considered part of the Matoran universe or is "universe" just eveything on the planet of the Matoran? 73) "Universe" is the domes and everything inside them, because that is the universe in the eyes of the Matoran. So no, red star would not be affected.
84)How much of a year's storyline is fixed from he pre-2001 storyline bilble and how much (refining) work is done by you and the storyline team? 9I mean if you take 2006, what was written about that year in the storyline bible? Just the facthat there's a Mask of Life and some Toa go seach it, or was it even known who the Toa, Matoran, Island, Titans...... were and their names and what they do? 104) Who the specific characters are, their weapons and powers, etc. is not set in the old bible, because it is based on what the set designers come up with. For example, the Piraka had vision powers, because the sets had light-up eyes -- there was no way they could know in 2000-2001 that we would do sets with light-up eyes five years down the road. What's set is major directions of story and settings, etc.
1I have only one question for you to anwser, Mr. Farshtey, that just randomly popped out of my head while reading OGD. 2So, we know how the Matoran of Light are able to seemingly change their colors. We know that they're really gold and white. As was Takua. But when the Matoran on Mata Nui, at the end of the Kal saga were "rebuilt" with stronger bodies, was Takua gold and white even then or have other parts been added to his body that were already red and blue? In other words, without that color changing effect, would he be still gold and white or would he be (at least at parts) red and blue due to the alterings of his body? Or am I misinterpreting something here?
3Oh, and while I'm here I'd like to ask if that crazy Matoran from BL2 was still able to do this "trick" after his "fixing"?
4Thanks, and excuse me for robbing you of a few minutes of life. I'm sure there was another thing I wanted to ask but I seem to have forgotten it.
5Your question makes a lot of sense, because it would not make sense that he would have been given gold and white parts to rebuild himself with. So I would say your latter option probably would have made sense when he was a Matoran.
6And answer to your second question is yes, that's why he did not appear gold and white to Jaller and his crew.
7Just some things I wanted to clarify.
1Erm, not sure if anyone's asked this, but is there gonna be a set including the Mask of Life?
2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4Thanks for answering the fans questions. You are one of my favorite authors:
51. You said in your blog that you and the Bionicle team were going to nail down whether 2009-11 was going to be a trilogy or not. Can you tell us whether it is or not?
62. Will we hear Artakha's voice a lot during Downfall?
73. Will Karzanhi be seen only online or in Prisoners of the Pit & Downfall?
84. Is there any truth to the hinting in the atlas that Roodaka will rule Xia?
95. Will Karzanhi lead his Matoran/Manas army to Mahri Nui? 105a. If not, what will they do?
116. How does Hydraxon feel/get along with/etc with Maxilos & Spinax (both before and after the Great Cataclyism?
127. Can you tell us any other year that Hydraxon's form of ressurection or whatever isn't from?
138. Has the number of Toa in the universe changed from 50?
149. Will the Oomn start looking for Artakha soon?
1510. Will the Toa Nuva tell them where it is?
171) Hasn't been decided yet 182) Not a lot, no 193) Only online 204) Time will tell 215) See answer to #4 - I can't discuss future storyline 226) He considered Maxilos an ally, but also pretty much the same way you might think of your car or your PC. He's aware Maxilos is just a machine. 237) No 248) Not recently 259) It's possible 2610) No, the Nuva won't get the opportunity to do so

2QUOTE 3Hi Greg,
4Thanks for answering the fans questions. You are one of my favorite authors:
51. You said in your blog that you and the Bionicle team were going to nail down whether 2009-11 was going to be a trilogy or not. Can you tell us whether it is or not?
62. Will we hear Artakha's voice a lot during Downfall?
73. Will Karzanhi be seen only online or in Prisoners of the Pit & Downfall?
84. Is there any truth to the hinting in the atlas that Roodaka will rule Xia?
95. Will Karzanhi lead his Matoran/Manas army to Mahri Nui? 105a. If not, what will they do?
116. How does Hydraxon feel/get along with/etc with Maxilos & Spinax (both before and after the Great Cataclyism?
127. Can you tell us any other year that Hydraxon's form of ressurection or whatever isn't from?
138. Has the number of Toa in the universe changed from 50?
149. Will the Oomn start looking for Artakha soon?
1510. Will the Toa Nuva tell them where it is?
171) Hasn't been decided yet 182) Not a lot, no 193) Only online 204) Time will tell 215) See answer to #4 - I can't discuss future storyline 226) He considered Maxilos an ally, but also pretty much the same way you might think of your car or your PC. He's aware Maxilos is just a machine. 237) No 248) Not recently 259) It's possible 2610) No, the Nuva won't get the opportunity to do so
1'Toa Nittany' date='Apr 16 2007, 03:56 PM' post='4364484'
2Erm, not sure if anyone's asked this, but is there gonna be a set including the Mask of Life?
3The MoLi is not coming out in plastic. The only one is on the back of Vezon's head.
4Actually, Greg said IF it is coming out in plastic it will be in 2008.
1Just some of my curiosities...
2Hey Greg, just thought I'd ask you some questions, if you wouldn't mind.
31)For the Piraka's mutations, do you think they would still be recognizable?
42)Can you order these four guys in terms of physical strength? 5Keetongu 6Hydraxon 7Carapar 8Krekka
93)Would the Piraka ever join the Barraki's armies(assuming the Barraki get everything back up and running)?
104)In an actual fight(no hypnosis) who would win: Ehlek or Takadox?
115)Just something I was thinking of: If a Makua was in his/her energy form floating around, could an energy blast(from, say, Axonn) disperse the gas and cause it to lose cohesion?
126)When Axonn goes into his 'fit of rage' like in his fight against Brutaka, is he pretty much invincible?
137)How is Karzahni powerful? You told me before he wasn't a physically powerhouse, and all he has is a chain and energy crackling from his gauntlets, so how come he is so powerful?
148)Was Mata-Nui's death in the original story bibles?
159)Is Mata-Nui the matoran universe, as in the actual universe? There is a theory going around about it.
1610)Pridak once bit off Nocturn's arm, but in an actual all-out fight, would Nocturn win?
1711)I thought this fight would be interesting: Who would win-Ehlek or Carapar?
18Thanks for your time Greg:
201) Yes 212) Carapar, Krekka, Hydraxon, Keetongu 223) The Piraka are too untrustworthy to have in your army 234) I guess I would lean toward Ehlek, but there are a lot of variables in any fight that can tilt it either way 245) No. 256) I modelled that after the berserker rages of the early Viking warriors, where they are just so full of adrenalin they don't even notice pain. But it did not make them or Axonn invulnerable. 267) He's brilliant and he's a master at breaking the spirits of his enemies 278) Yes 289) I can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui. 2910-11) Again, with the number of variables possible in any combat, it's impossible to pick a winner with any certainty
13) "Universe" is the domes and everything inside them, because that is the universe in the eyes of the Matoran. So no, red star would not be affected.2Holy Cow: That raises some very interseting points on what exactly Mata-Nui is. Does that mean that if the Matoran where to flee to Mata-Nui or the surface they would live? Or does that mean that Mata-Nui is in essence what ever it is that the matoran see?
3Runs of and PM's GregF
1Nothing big.
2Do you think you'll reveal why Zaktan survived to the Shadowed One's eyebeams? 3b- If yes, will it be in any upcoming book? Which one? 4I'm not planning to, if you reveal every last little mystery BIONICLE gets boring
5Is it possible to "super-charge" a mask with some sort of external energy source, increasing the extent of its power? (you know, to explain the theory of the "Olmak transportation system" for the BoM base) 6Not that we know of
7Can two Skakdi of the same element use their powers in tandem? 8No
9If Vezon does appear this year (in BIONICLEStory.com, I suppose), will he be mutated by the mutagen? 10I doubt it, he was not exposed to the water the way the other Piraka were.
11Will Karzahni be trapped forever in the Pit, now that he has been mutated and only breathes water? 12b- Can he rebuild himself again, to be able to breathe air? 13c- Will we see him after this year (or will he make any cameo appearance)? I mean, will he be able to return to land? 14You'll have to follow the story to find these answers
15I didn't understand something about the Zyglak: The Great Beings created the Matoran, then with what was left they created the krana, and the Zyglak were born from what was left from the krana's creation. Is that how it happened? 16Not exactly. They took what was left over from the Matoran creation to use it to create krana -- but only some of what they created came out krana, the rest came out zyglak
2Do you think you'll reveal why Zaktan survived to the Shadowed One's eyebeams? 3b- If yes, will it be in any upcoming book? Which one? 4I'm not planning to, if you reveal every last little mystery BIONICLE gets boring
5Is it possible to "super-charge" a mask with some sort of external energy source, increasing the extent of its power? (you know, to explain the theory of the "Olmak transportation system" for the BoM base) 6Not that we know of
7Can two Skakdi of the same element use their powers in tandem? 8No
9If Vezon does appear this year (in BIONICLEStory.com, I suppose), will he be mutated by the mutagen? 10I doubt it, he was not exposed to the water the way the other Piraka were.
11Will Karzahni be trapped forever in the Pit, now that he has been mutated and only breathes water? 12b- Can he rebuild himself again, to be able to breathe air? 13c- Will we see him after this year (or will he make any cameo appearance)? I mean, will he be able to return to land? 14You'll have to follow the story to find these answers
15I didn't understand something about the Zyglak: The Great Beings created the Matoran, then with what was left they created the krana, and the Zyglak were born from what was left from the krana's creation. Is that how it happened? 16Not exactly. They took what was left over from the Matoran creation to use it to create krana -- but only some of what they created came out krana, the rest came out zyglak
1hello, Mr. Farshey. I'm a new member here, you can call me shadow rahkshi. I have some questions to ask you.
21. which of the following could be toa elements? 31a: antimatter 41b: shadow 51c: crystal 61d: protodermis 72. what kinds of enviorments do secondary-element matoran (plasma, gravity,ETC.) live in? 83. does the red star have anything to do with the great beings? 94. could you please put these in order from strongest to weakest? 10mata nui great beings karzahni makuta artahka 115. what exactly is "shadow energy"? 126. scince mata nui is going to die soon, wouldn't the barraki want to temporarally ally with the toa mahri just to restore mata nui? bacause if they don't there won't be a universe left for them to conquer. 137. who's the stealthiest barraki? 148. why was zaktan immune to the effects of antidermis? 158a. is it because he knew it was makuta, and therefore agreed to help him all along?
16thank you Mr. farshy for your anwsers:17-shadow rahkshi
181) At this point, none. There are no Matoran of Shadow, so there can't be Toa of Shadow. We don't know that antimatter even exists in this universe. Crystal is too narrow a power, and protodermis too broad -- since everything is made of protodermis, you would basically have a Toa of Everything.
192) We haven't met them in the story so impossible to speculate.
203) Can't answer it
214) What do you mean by strongest? Physically? I mean, Mata Nui is physically more powerful than the Great Beings, but they made him and he answers to them.
225) Pretty much the same as light energy, only darkness
236) You are assuming that the Barraki know he will die and that they would believe it if they were told -- neither is the case.
247) Probably Mantax
258) No, it was because Makuta had to let someone near him so the zamor spheres could get made. If none of the Piraka could approach, then they couldn't make the spheres.
13) "Universe" is the domes and everything inside them, because that is the universe in the eyes of the Matoran. So no, red star would not be affected.2Holy Cow: That raises some very interseting points on what exactly Mata-Nui is. Does that mean that if the Matoran where to flee to Mata-Nui or the surface they would live? Or does that mean that Mata-Nui is in essence what ever it is that the matoran see?
3Runs of and PM's GregF
4Well, isn't the island of Mata Nui the surface of the dome of Metru Nui? So if the universe-- the domes and everything withing them-- we're destroyed, wouldn't Mata Nui cease to exist as well? If Mata Nui dies and isn't revived, and those domes are destroyed then the only place the Matoran could go is back to the surface world, however.
1I have some information about Hewkii underwater.
2Hi Greg, I have one question.
3Because Hewkii is a Po-toa and he is traveling underwater, isn't he going to be bothered by that? Thank you.
5Hewkii is not a strong swimmer by any means, but he is better than most Po-Matoran were because he got lessons from Macku while on Mata Nui.
1Guys, just an FYI. You -need- to stop PMing Greg with "Who would win if So-and-so fought" questions. He doesn't want to answer them, they're annoying, and like he said, there are so many variables you can't tell anyway:
2Please, for the sake of our resident writer, stop bothering him with these and let's get some more pertinent information.
2Please, for the sake of our resident writer, stop bothering him with these and let's get some more pertinent information.
11. I'm confused about the contest in the March Lego mag. First it says draw your fav. Toa, then it says draw a Toa team fighting the Barraki underwater...? So all together you are supposed to fit 12 characters on it? 2A. No -- if you want to draw one Toa fighting one Barraki, that's fine. Just keep in mind that your goal is to create something that will make a good comic cover. 31. Ok, thanks. So it is supposed to be for the Sep. comic right? And then it would be smart for the Toa to be one of the Mahri right? 4A. We're not requiring that people draw the Mahri, because the Mahri are not out yet. Whatever Toa you draw will be turned into the Mahri by Stuart. 51. OK, so we could pose say Toa Tahu how ever we wanted Jaller posed and Stuart would work his magic? 6A. Yes 71. Do they have to look good to win, or are they judged as "Oh, this would look very good if it looked good." because I have an idea, but I can't draw BIONICLEs very well. So what I'm asking, could stick-figure-like characters win? 8A. We aren't placing restrictions on it and we don't expect the entries to be comic book art level. I am mainly looking for composition, more than anything else.
9Pheoo, finally got the entry sent in:
9Pheoo, finally got the entry sent in:
1I don't know if there are spoilers but anyway, just to be sure I will put it in the 2spoiler tags.
31: What a shock was that to hear Mata Nui is death in comic 9. Will that mean the 4Turaga in Metru Nui are going to die since in karzahni's vision the coliseum with the Turaga collapses. 52: What is Takanuva doing now? 63: When will we know the name and what mask the First Toa of Water wears? I am really curious, she sounds very cool. 74: Does the Bionicle world know that Metru Nui is being rebuild? 85: What is the BoM planning now?? 96: Since Mata Nui is death in comic 9, does that mean that next year is the last of the Bionicle storyline, I really hope not. 107: Is Voporak at Metru Nui now? Since he is searching for the Vahi. 118: What will happen to the Rahi at Mata Nui (island) when the Bohrok will be freed? Will they return to Metru Nui or will they just stay at Mata Nui to fight the bohork. Or hasn't it been decided. 129: Has Roodaka and Sidorak ever been to Destral? 1310: Non Bionicle and persanol question: Do you know the serie Dark Angel? What do you think of it?
141) It means the process of the universe's end will begin. The whole thing doesn't happen instantaneously, it takes a few days. 152) Guarding Metru Nui 163) I don't have plans to release that info, she is not relevant to the story I'm telling. 174) Those who have some reason to care do 185) Same thing they have always been planning 196) There are no plans to end BIONICLE. We are working on 2009 sets and storyline right now. 207) No 218) Most likely they will emigrate back to Metru Nui or leave the island some other way 229) It's possible 2310) Never saw it
31: What a shock was that to hear Mata Nui is death in comic 9. Will that mean the 4Turaga in Metru Nui are going to die since in karzahni's vision the coliseum with the Turaga collapses. 52: What is Takanuva doing now? 63: When will we know the name and what mask the First Toa of Water wears? I am really curious, she sounds very cool. 74: Does the Bionicle world know that Metru Nui is being rebuild? 85: What is the BoM planning now?? 96: Since Mata Nui is death in comic 9, does that mean that next year is the last of the Bionicle storyline, I really hope not. 107: Is Voporak at Metru Nui now? Since he is searching for the Vahi. 118: What will happen to the Rahi at Mata Nui (island) when the Bohrok will be freed? Will they return to Metru Nui or will they just stay at Mata Nui to fight the bohork. Or hasn't it been decided. 129: Has Roodaka and Sidorak ever been to Destral? 1310: Non Bionicle and persanol question: Do you know the serie Dark Angel? What do you think of it?
141) It means the process of the universe's end will begin. The whole thing doesn't happen instantaneously, it takes a few days. 152) Guarding Metru Nui 163) I don't have plans to release that info, she is not relevant to the story I'm telling. 174) Those who have some reason to care do 185) Same thing they have always been planning 196) There are no plans to end BIONICLE. We are working on 2009 sets and storyline right now. 207) No 218) Most likely they will emigrate back to Metru Nui or leave the island some other way 229) It's possible 2310) Never saw it
1Message Forwarded From GregF
2I have a few questions. Thanks in advance.
31) I remember you saying that the lightning of the toa Inika is lethal to a matoran. I know it hasn't been confirmed that they exist but if they do, would matoran of electricity be able to survive it?
42) (I didn't read time trap.) Are mental attacks able to get trough Voporaks time shield?
53) Could Vezok overload himself by copying a too powerfull ability?
64) Will Makuta get mutated by the pit mutagen?
75) How does Karzahni know about Mahri Nui?
81) I don't recall saying that offhand, but I doubt a T of E would be any better off -- Fire Matoran, for example, have a resistance to heat and flame, but if a Toa of Fire nails one with a bolt of flame, he's still going to be hurt/killed. He's not immune. 92) Nope. Mental energy is still energy, and all energy can age. 103) More likely by copying too many at once 114) Follow the story 125) Gets revealed later on
13Yeah, nothing new.
101. Too bad.
112. YAY:
123. So she's a good engineer. Hmmmm...
21. Could you perhaps give us a quote from one of the Toa Mahri or Maxilos? I don't think we've got a Maxilos quote yet.
32. It is now about the middle of April. Could you please tell us the names of the Toa Mahri's Masks? I'll understand if you can't, though.
4An Exo Force question:
53. Is Hitomi really an Exo Force character? And if she is, could you describe her a bit?
61) I don't have the time to go quote searching right now 72) Here's one - Mask of Sonar is Kanohi Arthron 83) Yes, she is. She is the Sensei's grandaughter and a very skilled engineer
101. Too bad.
112. YAY:

123. So she's a good engineer. Hmmmm...
1It's been some time since I sent some questions, so:
21. Is it true Lesovikk has a vehicle?
31a. If so, what is it?
42. BS01 claims Pohatu Mata's weapons are his "shoes". Is this true?
53. I read in OGD that Hydraxon is giving the Mahri trouble. But his set discription says that he's allied with the Mahri? Which is it?
64. Is Hydraxon no longer a member of OoMN because he's belived dead?
75. I haven't read the OGD in some time, so what are Roodaka's and the Piraka's species called?
86. What's this about a Matoran of Light in Karzahni?
97. How will anyone survive through Mata Nui's death?
101) Yes 112) Haven't seen the set yet 123) No. He doesn't have shoes. Those are his feet. 134) Basically, yes 145) Roodaka is a Vortixx, the Piraka are Skakdi 156) Yes -- the crazed Matoran who showed Jaller and his group the Toa canisters in Bionicle Legends #2 was a Matroran of Light 167) Follow the story and find out
17Um, you didn't answer #3.
18Hydraxon is basically a good guy, but he's convinced that anyone who is down in the Pit must be an escaped prisoner. So he fights the Barraki as well as the Toa.
19-Master of Ice and Sonic
1Some questions for ya.
21. If Makuta transformed into another being (say a Toa of Fire) would he have access to that form's powers? (fire bolts, fireballs, etc.)
32. Which Order member (or servent) do you like best (story wise)?
4Axonn 5Brutaka 6Botar 7Hydraxon 8Maxilos 9Spinax 10Umbra 11Mana-Ko
123. Will we learn more about the founding members of the OoMN anytime within the next 2-3 years?
134. Can Tahtorak speak in sentences (like "Hi. How are you?)?
141) No 152) Probably Axonn 163) I can't discuss future storyline 174) No
1It's been some time since I sent some questions, so: 22. BS01 claims Pohatu Mata's weapons are his "shoes". Is this true?
32) Haven't seen the set yet
4-Master of Ice and Sonic
5Another point to make here, as to avoid confusion. The name BS01 gives is "feet additions." We are not saying shoes, we are just saying that instead of having a Toa Tool like everyone else, his neat individualized thing was huge feet.
1(-1-)Has it been stated that Mata-nui will be awakened? 2(-2-)What is your favourite year, based on storyline? 3(-3-)When did you release all this information on Matoran of light? 4(-4-)How are Toa able to use masks? Is it Toa energy, Mental, or Physical etc.?
61) It has been stated that if we want to awaken him, the Toa Nuva have to become main focus of story again. That's about it. 72) 2004, because that is when I started doing the books 83) There wasn't that much released, and it was all recent 94) Anybody can wear a mask, but the ability to tap into its power has to do with mental discipline and the physical ability to handle the power. Matoran don't have the mental discipline, and Turaga don't have the physical ability to wield that much power anymore.
14. Is Hydraxon no longer a member of OoMN because he's belived dead?24) Basically, yes
3That doesn't sound right -- Hydraxon isn't an OoMN member because he's believed dead. Believed by whom? By the OoMN, I suppose, since they are the only ones who could take the title from him. So, if the OoMN knew that he was dead, why didn't they replace him? And why didn't they investigate? If they had at least gone to see what had happened, they would've noticed that the Pit had been flooded, right? 4Khote
1Some questions for ya.
21. If Makuta transformed into another being (say a Toa of Fire) would he have access to that form's powers? (fire bolts, fireballs, etc.)
32. Which Order member (or servent) do you like best (story wise)?
4Axonn 5Brutaka 6Botar 7Hydraxon 8Maxilos 9Spinax 10Umbra 11Mana-Ko
123. Will we learn more about the founding members of the OoMN anytime within the next 2-3 years?
134. Can Tahtorak speak in sentences (like "Hi. How are you?)?
141) No 152) Probably Axonn 163) I can't discuss future storyline 174) No
18About the Tahtorak question, if that is so, then why did it say in the atlas that a dying Tahtorak told an OoMN member about their Skakdi plan? I should ask Greg about this sometime.
1Hi Greg, I have some questions, mainly about the comic contest:
21. My lego magazine hasn't shown up yet. Would I be allowed to send my Comic Cover Contest entry, even though my magazine hasn't come?
32. It says "Draw a picture of a team of toa fighting the Barraki..."Do you know if I must draw the Mahri in a battle, or could it be another team?
4Now, I have real questions:
51. Has the water around Mahri Nui become mutagenic due to the Great Cataclysm? (like a vat of toxic waste cracking and spilling into the sea, or something like that?)
62. Did the OoMn first invent protosteel?
73. Skakdi were originally peaceful creatures. Did they have evil grins, or was that the tampering of the BoM member?
84. Jaller is getting annoyed at Matoro, right? Is Jaller becoming bitter with everyone else on the team?
101) Yes, but if you are concerned that your March magazine has not shown up, I recommend checking in with LEGO Customer Service. Your subscription may have run out. 111) No 122) Most likely it was invented by the residents of Artakha 133) That is just the expression they have adopted 144) No, he has no reason to
15Man, I still don't know if I draw the Mahri or not.

1About the Tahtorak question, if that is so, then why did it say in the atlas that a dying Tahtorak told an OoMN member about their Skakdi plan? I should ask Greg about this sometime.
2Greg may have forgotten this, or he meant that Tahtorak can only speak in phrases.
3I assume that is the implication-obviously they can speak, but probably not in coherently intelligent sentences. more like "Skakdi...plan...kill...all..." or something.
1Just wondering could matoran survive the death if they climbed to the surface like Mata Nui or Voya Nui? Or is death inevitable? 2Would everybody die, even the rahi? 3Ramdomly: 4Will the store exclusive sets be in Canada? 5Are release date for books same here as in the US?
6GB #1
71) They would pretty much be toast, because the odds are the tunnels will flood before they can make it all the way up. 82) It is possible some aquatic Rahi would last the longest, but eventually the collapse of the food chain would doom them too 93) Yes 104) Yes, I think so
11A bit of random info.
11. When Mata Nui awakes, what will be his first reaction and emotion? 22. What will the OoMN do as soon as Mata Nui is awake? 32a. The Brotherhood? 43. After he is awake, what will Mata Nui's reaction to the Brotherhood? 53a. Will he deal with them personally? 64. Can Mata Nui change his physical form like Makuta, or is it a fixed form/appearence? 75. Is his physical form taller or shorter than an average Matoran?
91-3) Impossible to predict 104) No, he is not a shapeshifter 115) I cannot discuss Mata Nui's appearance
12Nothing big, but we know now that MN isn't a shape-shifter.
1Hi Greg, I have some questions, mainly about the comic contest:
21. My lego magazine hasn't shown up yet. Would I be allowed to send my Comic Cover Contest entry, even though my magazine hasn't come?
32. It says "Draw a picture of a team of toa fighting the Barraki..."Do you know if I must draw the Mahri in a battle, or could it be another team?
4Now, I have real questions:
51. Has the water around Mahri Nui become mutagenic due to the Great Cataclysm? (like a vat of toxic waste cracking and spilling into the sea, or something like that?)
62. Did the OoMn first invent protosteel?
73. Skakdi were originally peaceful creatures. Did they have evil grins, or was that the tampering of the BoM member?
84. Jaller is getting annoyed at Matoro, right? Is Jaller becoming bitter with everyone else on the team?
101) Yes, but if you are concerned that your March magazine has not shown up, I recommend checking in with LEGO Customer Service. Your subscription may have run out. 111) No 122) Most likely it was invented by the residents of Artakha 133) That is just the expression they have adopted 144) No, he has no reason to
15Man, I still don't know if I draw the Mahri or not.![]()
16Sorry I missed this earlier Calex....you can draw whoever you want. Even fan characters.
1Really? Okay, thanks. 

1Interesting things here...I think.
2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again. 3[ol type='1'[li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long?[li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/ol 4Thank you for your time.
51) Yes 62) That gets revealed later in the year 73) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 84) No 95) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 106) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
1Interesting things here...I think.2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again.[ol type='1'[li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long?[li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/olThank you for your time.
31) Yes 42) That gets revealed later in the year 53) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 64) No 75) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 86) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
9Guess he forgot about the Kanohi Tryna. 10Anyway...
11Hey Greg, I sent this earlier but I think the server ate it... but my question is, are the Mahri capable of forming a Toa Nui? Because at least four of those current Toa have combined their bodies before to form a Matoran Nui, so would that experience lend them any knowledge of how to form a Toa Nui?
12Also, have you been following this season of LOST? I only just got into it last season, but it is definately one of my favorite tv shows now. 13Thanks:
141) The Toa Nui is a legend -- one has never existed and there is no reason to believe one ever will exist. The experience of merging in the past would more likely make it possible for the Mahri to form Kaita.
152) Yes, I have
1Interesting things here...I think.2Sorry, but perhaps you didn't recieve my last PM Greg. Just in case, I'm sending the questions again.[ol type='1'[li]Before their Transformation, did the Toa Mata always look like they did in '01 or was this due to being in the canisters for so long?[li]Why is Karzahni heading to Mahri Nui?[li]Do have the names of the Mahri's masks? If so, what are they?[li]Was the object Mantax is looking for placed by Mantax himself?[li]Will there be a Prisoners of the Pit Guide for the winning entries of the contest (Granted enough enter)?[li]I'm assuming that you've figured out the names of next years villians.Will next year be similar to '06 and this year (i.e. Focus on the villians at the beggining of the year)?[/olThank you for your time.
31) Yes 42) That gets revealed later in the year 53) I have only released one name, Arthron, the Mask of Sonar 64) No 75) No, Scholastic isn't planning to do any more guides other than the next Encyclopedia 86) Product mix is going to be a little different next year
9So what was Greg saying yes to in answer 1?
1I hope so. Seeing as the storyline takes place in two places, I wouldn't be surprised.