1I believe the whole "sensing" bit is actually a pretty obvious thing, because if -you- transformed into a spider you wouldn't be very good at it, and I'm willing to bet neither would Krahka. It's not her appearance, it would be the way she acted...which is how Roodaka spotted her in the first place.
1Couple more questions, number one is old news by now, but number two is very interesting.
2Hey, Greg, a couple Takanuva questions, if you've got the time:
31) You said recently that Takanuva would probably be able to alter his coloring--could you explain how that would work? Would he just concentrate on a different color and his armor would shift to that hue? 41a) Also, would the ability of Light Matoran to change colors be related to the fact that color is actually shown by light? (photons bouncing off matter and into your eyes) 51) His armor would not change color -- how your eye perceived the color of his armor is what would change. 61a) Yes
72) It was stated in the Takanuva Bionicle Encyclopedia entry that "Takanuva has recently been experimenting with speed" could you clarify what that means? Does it perhaps mean that he's attempting to develop his light elemental powers in order to achieve something like Umbra's light ability? 82) Yes
9Thanks for your time,![]()
1thats interesting info Tolkien, so takanuva is perhaps trying to move at light speed if you can call it that
1Yet another question. 2Does Idris have a electro-blade? Because this looks like one: 3http://www.biosector01.com/wiki/index.php?...Image:Idris.jpg
4GB #1 5Are tha Mo Creation and Alternate Futures Greate Masks.
61) Most likely, it seems like most of the Matoran sets do 72) Alternate Futures, yes, Creation may not even exist -- it's a legend, no one knows if it is a real thing or not
8Yeah, but if it existed (I beleive it does) would it be Geat
9Not something I have decided. I generally don't worry about stuff until and unless it needs to become involved in story.
1Well, of course it would be great if it is real. (I agree, I think it is real; even though I DON'T agree wit your sig. Ice Toa rule

1will he reply to everyone

1I just need something confirmed/clarified today:
2Matoro is the one who carries the Ignika right? He is not the one who wears it later on? I'd just like this clarified because I've seen a lot of people create theories about him wearing it.. but I strongly believe that someone else wears it. So can you confirm this for me, please?
4Since who is destined to wear the mask does not get revealed until the end of 2007, I cannot rule anyone in or out this early without ruining story for people. So anyone can theorize about anyone they want, and come the end of the year, they will know if they're right or not.
5Looks like we'll find out by the end of this year.. I still don't think it's Matoro though..
1I just need something confirmed/clarified today:
2Matoro is the one who carries the Ignika right? He is not the one who wears it later on? I'd just like this clarified because I've seen a lot of people create theories about him wearing it.. but I strongly believe that someone else wears it. So can you confirm this for me, please?
4Since who is destined to wear the mask does not get revealed until the end of 2007, I cannot rule anyone in or out this early without ruining story for people. So anyone can theorize about anyone they want, and come the end of the year, they will know if they're right or not.
5Looks like we'll find out by the end of this year.. I still don't think it's Matoro though..
7Looks like it's gonna be MoL all over again.
1I just need something confirmed/clarified today:
2Matoro is the one who carries the Ignika right? He is not the one who wears it later on? I'd just like this clarified because I've seen a lot of people create theories about him wearing it.. but I strongly believe that someone else wears it. So can you confirm this for me, please?
4Since who is destined to wear the mask does not get revealed until the end of 2007, I cannot rule anyone in or out this early without ruining story for people. So anyone can theorize about anyone they want, and come the end of the year, they will know if they're right or not.
5Looks like we'll find out by the end of this year.. I still don't think it's Matoro though..
7Looks like it's gonna be MoL all over again.
8The Avohkii and the Ignika are the same: MoL MoL

1When Are the re-made Nuva coming out?
1'I think', adventurer. 'I think'. Anyway, it was quite a while ago i read it, so i'm not sure. Don't flame me if i'm wrong ah:
1Woohoo: new nuva:

1Really old trivia from some PMs I dug up. Please don't tell me that some of these are old news, I know that already.
16And more:
2Hey Greg. Some random questions:
31. How strong is the lightning in the Inika's elemental blasts? Stun, lethal, etc.? 42. If any of the Inika absorb their element and release it, would it still be charged? 53. If, say, Nuparu causes an earthquake, would it still be charged? 64. In Bionicle Legends#3 Jaller warns Vezok not to underestimate them because "...poor, novice Toa that I am, I could slip ... and burn your head clean off." Has that sort of thing happened before? 75. Umbra is very dedicated, but is he sadistic? Does he enjoy killing the people who come for the mask? 86. Will we ever learn why the other OoMN members fear Botar?
9Thanks in advance.
101) Lethal to a Matoran, probably not to someone stronger, which is good since Toa do not kill. 112) Yes 123) No, you can't really charge an earthquake 134) He's making a threat, he's not saying that happened. Vezok is assuming they are rookie Toa and easily beaten, and he is warning him about the dangers of rookie Toa. 145) No. He is not there for pleasure. 156) Yes
16And more:
17Hey Greg. Got a few more random questions:
181. Why does the Shadowed One like chopping off people's hands (as opposed to other forms of cruel and unusual punishment)? 192. Was the Alliance [the League of Six Kingdoms on the same power level as the other three organizations when the deal was struck? 203. I've heard rumors about the Akaku's powers including heat vision, being able to see through illusions, and telescopic vision (briefly implied in comic #1, Tales of the Masks and Mask of Light respectively). Is this true?
21Thanks for your time.
221) That was a little tip of the hat to Star Wars, which has always been big on chopping off hands 232) No 243) The telescopic vision is not a power of the mask -- it's courtesy of the add-on lense. As for the heat vision, I don't recall anything like that in comic #1 -- I just went through it again, where does Kopaka use heat vision? As for Tales of the Masks -- what Kopaka is doing there is using his X-ray vision to look inside the masks. Illusions woud not have an "inside" -- they are basically just holograms, so all surface -- so if his X-ray vision reveals the masks to be solid objects, they are obviously not illusions.
25I mis-stated #3 - not heat vision as in with red beams shooting out of his eyes, more like infrared vision. Sorry for the confusion.
26You are correct, then. It does state he can see patterns of heat. Originally, the Mask was just being referred to as "Mask of Vision" and the idea was that it would have a bunch of vision powers, but that was later scaled back as we got closer to the actual release of the characters. So that is a power he is never referred to as using anyplace else.
1Hi greg, just some stuff:
21: Just to make sure, whatever someone or something that ressurected hydraxon is not from this year, or 01, right?
32: Were would you put gadunka on this strenth chart?
4Tatorahk 5Nocturn 6Makuta 7Axonn 8Brutaka 9Botar 10Krekka 11Keetongu 12Sidorak 13Toa
143: How long have you guys known the shadowed one's name?
154: Do the mahri know the names of thier own masks? Ex: Matoro: Tryna
165: Is the name of nuparu's weapon just "sheild" since it is only a sheild?
171) I have only stated it is not from 2001. 182) Probably in the Keetongu neighborhood, maybe a bit less than that 193) Since the DH Guide 204) Nope
21Darn it: I almost had the name of nuparu's sheild: Oh yes, gadunka seems to have a bit less power than I thought...
11a.Have we seen the entity inside Maxilos before? 21b.If yes, then in what year? 31c.If no, then is Maxilos the robot's name or the entity's name? 42.Wouldn't Vezok have been mutated when he had to swim ashore in BL1? 53.About how long would you have to exposed to the Pit mutagen to be able to breathe water? 64.Does Garan know Defilak? 75.In Ignition 1, when they should the example of a Matoran being hit with a Zamor sphere, what kind of mask was that Matoran wearing? 86.Do you know the true name of the Mask of Alternate Futures?(like how Hau is the Mask of Shielding's true name)
9Thank you for answering my questions:
101) I can't discuss future storyline 112) No. The water around Mahri Nui is mutagenic -- that's almost at the bottom of the ocean -- the water closer to the surface is not. 123) Not all that long. 134) Yes 145) I have no idea. It wasn't important to the story what non-powered mask he had on, so I didn't worry about it. 156) I haven't given it one yet
162.But wouldn't the mutagen float to the surface? 173.Specifically, how long? Like an hour or a minute? 186.Will it be revealed in the future?
192) Obviously not 203) I don't have a specific time for you, but obviously it's less time than it would take the average Barraki to drown 216) Most likely, yes
22Wow, that Pit mutagen works fast:
1In the Bionicle Universe is there a difference between healing and regeneration? 2Because Kalmah has some regenerative abilities, but couldn't fix his blinded eye. If Pridak had ripped the eye out would it have grown back. So he can regenerate, but not heal 3The same goes for Nocturn. If Pridak hadn't ripped it off, but incapacitated it somehow, would he have healed from that, or be left with a useless arm?
4Yes. If you study Earth lizards, some of them can regenerate limbs if they lose them. They cannot regenerate eyes or internal organs, etc. That's what this is based on.
5So don't expect Iruini's Rhotuka spinners to give you back that missing arm
1hey, I recently heard you tell a BZP mem that the substance around pridak's face is natural coloring, but I distinctly remember you saying that it was blood a short while back, so... 2I'm Confused 3can you explain plase?
5What I said was that one of the set designers suggested the red color because of its resemblance to blood, which kind of goes to sharks. But the official word from the franchise manager who runs BIONICLE is that the red color was simply chosen for contrast (and she would know, it's her call) with the white, just as we used silver on the 2004 Matoran masks. She also said that if fans chose to interpret it as blood, that was up to them, but we were not presenting it that way.
6I went on to state that it would NOT be presented as blood in the storyline or in the marketing. And once I saw the set, it made no sense to present it as blood, because it is not layered on top of the figure as it would be if it was blood from an exterrnal source. It is intermingled with the white of the pieces. If you punch someone in the nose and it bleeds and you get some on you -- is it going to be layered on top of your fist, or is it going to be intermingled with your flesh as if it was part of you?
7So, summing up, official position of the company is it is not blood, and it is not being presented as blood in the story but as part of his natural coloring, just as Carapar has black as part of his natural coloring.
9thanks for clearing that up 10New Questions 111. don't suppose you've seen Lesovikk yet have you? 122. is it possible that when mata nui dies there will be a second great cataclysm? 133. this is from BZPower member name removed- "would fusion the Tryna and ignika with the fusion staff be able to bring somebody back from the dead, use the tyna part to reanimate and ignikapart to fully give new life?" 144. when the BOM learn he has died, will it be liker a signal flare to "go to stage 2"? 155. do you know when the Nuva will be released again (you don't have to say when, I just kinda wanted to know if you do) 166. who comes up with the kanohi powers? 177. ummmm.... ready to give any mask names yet?188. what did you major/minor in? 199. did you say that we would be seeing familiar faces in 2008? 2010. would you say that Mata nui's death is about the biggest event thus far in the story? 2111. why did you join BZPower?
2212. favorite drink? 23-Z
241) No, on vacation 252) No, not like the first. As shown in Bionicle Legends #2, this disaster has more to do with flooding than earthquakes 263) Not going to happen, #1 -- and #2, when you combine two masks or two disks, you get a third power that is often unrelated to the first two. You don't get power #1 plus power #2 -- you get power #3. 274) Basically, yes, they know what the rest of the plan is 285) I can't discuss future set plans 296) I do 307) Can't, they are at the office and I am not. 318) Communications 329) I may have, but the story has also changed since I said that 3310) It's one of a couple over the next couple years 3411) Basically, because when I joined we were coming up on the first movie, and there were a lot of rumors going around that BIONICLE was ending in 2003 after the movie came out. So I came on to correct the misinformation. 3512) Apple juice
1Hey Greg.
2I was just curious, as you know members are confused as to The BoM's plan. They planned for Mata-Nui dying all along? Don't they know the universe will go poof?
3My theory is that they are actually counting on the Toa Mahri to get the mask of life, and some how, use it to put the Makuta in charge instead of Mata-Nui. Or something.
4Could this be correct? At least tell me if I'll close. (I understand, though, if you can't answer.)
5As you know, I cannot discuss future storyline -- you will need to wait and see what happens. But the BOM knew it was at least POSSIBLE Mata Nui might suffer severe injuries and die as a result of what was done. (Think of it this way -- person A puts sleeping powder in person B's drink, intending just to knock him out. But person A drinks the drink while they are going downstairs ... they fall asleep, fall down the stairs, and break their neck.)
1Hey Greg.
2I was just curious, as you know members are confused as to The BoM's plan. They planned for Mata-Nui dying all along? Don't they know the universe will go poof?
3My theory is that they are actually counting on the Toa Mahri to get the mask of life, and some how, use it to put the Makuta in charge instead of Mata-Nui. Or something.
4Could this be correct? At least tell me if I'll close. (I understand, though, if you can't answer.)
5As you know, I cannot discuss future storyline -- you will need to wait and see what happens. But the BOM knew it was at least POSSIBLE Mata Nui might suffer severe injuries and die as a result of what was done. (Think of it this way -- person A puts sleeping powder in person B's drink, intending just to knock him out. But person A drinks the drink while they are going downstairs ... they fall asleep, fall down the stairs, and break their neck.)
6Thats an interesting answer.That either means that the BoM overdid their attack or that Mata Nui suffered physical injuries whilst he was asleep.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey, this is my first time asking questions, so any rules you have for people on posting your answers or a link to them would be helpful.
21. Since you have told us that matoran of light can change the color others see them as, had Takua known he was one, could he have used this to hide from the Rahkshi better?
31) He could have changed how they perceive his color, but he already was disguised, I am not sure just changing colors again would have thrown the Rahkshi off
42. Are domes completely underwater or do they have a section above water like Metru Nui-Mata Nui?
52) The only we know of that is partially above water is Mata Nui
63. Since Axxon opened a tunnel to the stone cord for the Inika, does he know Mahri Nui exists?
73) Yes
84. You have said that Takua's mask never fit him right, so the question is, are masks made for a specific matoran, or matoran tribe, if not, then why would his mask not fit him right?
94) Could be the heads of Matoran of Light are slightly different, time will tell
105. Is the Bionicle World flat or spherical?
115) No idea
12thank you for your time.
13and since Greg didn't give me any, if there are, can someone tell me either where to find them or what they are.
21. Since you have told us that matoran of light can change the color others see them as, had Takua known he was one, could he have used this to hide from the Rahkshi better?
31) He could have changed how they perceive his color, but he already was disguised, I am not sure just changing colors again would have thrown the Rahkshi off
42. Are domes completely underwater or do they have a section above water like Metru Nui-Mata Nui?
52) The only we know of that is partially above water is Mata Nui
63. Since Axxon opened a tunnel to the stone cord for the Inika, does he know Mahri Nui exists?
73) Yes
84. You have said that Takua's mask never fit him right, so the question is, are masks made for a specific matoran, or matoran tribe, if not, then why would his mask not fit him right?
94) Could be the heads of Matoran of Light are slightly different, time will tell
105. Is the Bionicle World flat or spherical?
115) No idea
12thank you for your time.
13and since Greg didn't give me any, if there are, can someone tell me either where to find them or what they are.
10Whoa there, turbo: No need to use such a condescending tone in your posts. Same goes for sarcasm.
1I just need something confirmed/clarified today:
2Matoro is the one who carries the Ignika right? He is not the one who wears it later on? I'd just like this clarified because I've seen a lot of people create theories about him wearing it.. but I strongly believe that someone else wears it. So can you confirm this for me, please?
4Since who is destined to wear the mask does not get revealed until the end of 2007, I cannot rule anyone in or out this early without ruining story for people. So anyone can theorize about anyone they want, and come the end of the year, they will know if they're right or not.
5Looks like we'll find out by the end of this year.. I still don't think it's Matoro though..
7Looks like it's gonna be MoL all over again.
8The Avohkii and the Ignika are the same: MoL MoL![]()
9We who are intelligent use "MoLi", but whatever works for you.
1Hello, I have some questions for you.
21. Has a Turaga Nui ever been formed?
32. How powerfull would one be? As strong as a Toa?
43. Do you think we will see Roodaka again?
54. Do you think that the Great Beings know Mata Nui is dying and will know when he dies?
65. Could the Inika focus their lighting alone, without their element, like just blast lightning?
76. If the Order had an army ready, do you think that since Mata Nui will be dead soon, they would attack the Brotherhood just to wipe them out before the universe ends?
87. What does Jaller call his crab?
9Thank you.
101) Probably at some point in history, but not in the story we have told I don't think 112) Don't know 123) Impossible for me to predict what the future might hold. 134) No and no. Think of it like this. You create a LEGO model and put it on the shelf in your room. Then you go off to go to college. While you're gone, the model falls off the shelf and breaks. How would you know about it? 145) No. 156) What would be the point? So they would die 12 hours before everyone else does? That would be a pretty useless way to spend the last few days of your life. 167) He doesn't name it
17With 7, I meant if he talks to it, what does he call it since it's not named? Does he call it Hanah Crab, Hanah, etc?
18He doesn't talk to it, it doesn't understand Matoran.
21. Has a Turaga Nui ever been formed?
32. How powerfull would one be? As strong as a Toa?
43. Do you think we will see Roodaka again?
54. Do you think that the Great Beings know Mata Nui is dying and will know when he dies?
65. Could the Inika focus their lighting alone, without their element, like just blast lightning?
76. If the Order had an army ready, do you think that since Mata Nui will be dead soon, they would attack the Brotherhood just to wipe them out before the universe ends?
87. What does Jaller call his crab?
9Thank you.
101) Probably at some point in history, but not in the story we have told I don't think 112) Don't know 123) Impossible for me to predict what the future might hold. 134) No and no. Think of it like this. You create a LEGO model and put it on the shelf in your room. Then you go off to go to college. While you're gone, the model falls off the shelf and breaks. How would you know about it? 145) No. 156) What would be the point? So they would die 12 hours before everyone else does? That would be a pretty useless way to spend the last few days of your life. 167) He doesn't name it
17With 7, I meant if he talks to it, what does he call it since it's not named? Does he call it Hanah Crab, Hanah, etc?
18He doesn't talk to it, it doesn't understand Matoran.
1A few questions for you.
21. Will we learn of anymore former Hand of Artakha members this year?
32. Can a Great Spirit create an entire univers like the Great Beings can? Though even if they could I bet it would be alot harder to do so for a Great Spirit.
43. Can a Great Spirit at least create intelligent life? (i.e. Toa, SKakdi, Matoran, Zyglak)
54. Could a Toa of Gravity use his elemental power to make himself "levitate" or "fly"?
65. Will the loser of the Tahtorak-Kardas fight be killed?
76. Will Makuta's new form be a Lego set?
87. Can the BoM create more of the armor they use, or does a Makuta have to be "born" with it.
98. Did Sidorak loose his right hand and had it replaced, or is it something his entire species has?
109. Why didn't Botar come and take Makuta away after he was incased in Protodermis by the Toa Metru?
1110. Do Zyglak have more or less strength then a Toa?
12That's it. Talk to ya later. 13![]()
141) No 152) No 163) Yes 174) He could arguably lessen his own gravity, yes 185) Doubt it, why sacrifice a good character needlessly? 196) Yes 207) Yes, they can forge armor 218) Was his hand missing in the movie? 229) Because if the leader of the BOM suddenly disappears, the rest of the BOM will want to know why and how. And eventually, they would discover the existence of the OOMN, which would mean the OOMN would lose their best weapon, their anonymity. It's not worth it to get rid of only one member of the BOM 2310) Probably more
1So Zyglax are more powerful than Toa? Thta's intresting, I thoguht they would be weaker...
1I just need something confirmed/clarified today:
2Matoro is the one who carries the Ignika right? He is not the one who wears it later on? I'd just like this clarified because I've seen a lot of people create theories about him wearing it.. but I strongly believe that someone else wears it. So can you confirm this for me, please?
4Since who is destined to wear the mask does not get revealed until the end of 2007, I cannot rule anyone in or out this early without ruining story for people. So anyone can theorize about anyone they want, and come the end of the year, they will know if they're right or not.
5Looks like we'll find out by the end of this year.. I still don't think it's Matoro though..
7Looks like it's gonna be MoL all over again.
8The Avohkii and the Ignika are the same: MoL MoL![]()
9MoL=Mask of Light 10MoLi=Mask of Life
1Hi: I just want to confirm some stuff:
21) Did the Zyglax cause the mutegan?
32) Gadunka is a guardian of the Ignika right?
43) Before something took over Maxilos, did he think like a Vahki?
54) Does anyone give the Mahri their weapons and kanohi?
65) Is the Nuva's mission to awake the Bohrok, so they can clear Mata Nui so the light can reach Metru Nui?
76) You said you won't say which year the thing that will revive Hydraxon is from, has it been in multiple years?
87) Is the thing Mantax is lookig for in the original Pit similar to a Maoki Stione?(Spelling?)
98) If Mantax finds this object and he escapes the Pit and he meets a BOM member, what will the BOM member's reaction be?
109) Who gives Gadunka his sea squid launcher?
1110) What is your leats favourite set?
1211) You said the end of BL8 is emotional, does it have anything to do with: 13Death? 14Artakha? 15The Nuva 16Makuta? 17the Barraki? 18The Mahri Nui Matoran? 19The Inika/Mahri?
2012) Can Takadox hypnotise multiple people at once?
2113) Is the world that feeds the world inhabited by matoran of light?
2214) Is the reason the HOA disbanded have anything to do with the coming of Mata Nui?
2315) Does the Toa form the First Toa team's destiny have any thing to do with: 24Makuta? 25Matoran? 26The Ignika?
281) No 292) No 303) No 314) I can't discuss future storyline 325) No 336) Can't answer it 347) Similar in what way? It is made of rock. 358) Probably kill him 369) He finds it 3710) I work for the company that makes the sets, you can't reasonably expect me to publicly go, "But I can't stand that one." 3811) See answer to #4 3912) Not that we have seen 4013) Can't answer it 4114) No 4215) See answer to #4
43Nothing too intresting...