11) Do we know the (first) 2008 location? 22) Do the "evil" '08 matoran know the ('08) Makuta? 33) Do you have the BIONICLE Encyclopedia?![]()
44) Will there be three titans in the summer or more? 55) Have you seen all 08 sets? 66) Which Legends book is Krakua in? 77) Why can't you read Epics or Short Stories (on BZP)?
8some off-topic
98) Do you know who "Weird Al" Yankovic is? 108b) If so, Do you like his songs?
119) What second languge did you choose in school? 1210) About how many PM's do you get per day?
13Thanks again![]()
151-2, 4, 5) Can't answer it 163) Yes 176) Bionicle Legends #10 187) Because if I make a point of not reading them, then no one can accuse me of stealing their ideas. It's the same reason LEGO Company will not look at product ideas from outside the company. 198) Yes 208b) I'm not that familiar with most of them 219) Latin 2210) It varies. 25-50, most days
23and a old
24I only have one question, i saw a qoute in the OGD some time ago.
25It was about the The Toa of Plasma Zaktan had killed, you gave an answer like the ToP(Toa of Plasma) still was alive![]()
26so my question is: Is the ToP dead?
28Something I am leaving an open question right now, though I may resolve it in future if I have room. Right now, I don't consider it relevant to the story I'm telling.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, it's me again, i had some questions about Gadunka. 21. I know that Gadunka found his Squid launcher on the seafloor, but how does he know how it works?
31a. Where does he get the squids?
4Not that hard to learn how to squeeze a trigger -- chimps can do it. As for the squids, there are plenty floating around that were fired by the Barraki.
1Some new stuff from Greg. Also, Swamp of Secrets is half done

2Hello Greg, I have a couple of questions today:
31) You recently told us that all Winter sets were going to be in Legends 9. That means that no Web-Serials were planned for 2008 originally right?
42) When asking for If the Av-Matoran have Mask powers, you reply telling that they don't actually, but that Av-Matoran were prototypes for Matoran. So, do they have any special function/skill that others don't? 53) Are we going to find out who are the leaders for the Nuva and Makuta of 2008 (Just Phantoka) in the bios or Legends 9? 63a) The same but looking forward to know who's the mysterious Toa Ignika?
74) I see people that is putting the name of the projectiles, as well as the name of the place here on BZP. Since this info is in the catalog, those are not fair game right?
85) In Nuva Blog 8 info about the Red Star is given. By the time being, has the battle on Karzahni finished?
96) Also, you said a lot of times that only Phantoka Makuta have the 42 Rahkshi powers. Are we going to learn in Swamp of Secrets why the other supposedly three don't?
10Thanks for answering,
121) No. There's no law that says if characters appear in books they can't also be in web serials. Maxilos and Matoro are in the books and in a web serials. 132) Yes 143) Probably both 153a) Yes 164) I don't have info that that is in the catalog. My info from BZP is that those are leaked names. 175) Yes 186) If not there, in the bios
1he only dude from January sets that we donĀ“t know anything about (name, picture...) but he/she/it was confirmed to come out... 

1Pretty much clarification about Av-Matoran. According to #1, the Av-Matoran have moved back into the Universe Core...
2I understand you said that the Universe Core and the Av-Matoran homeland are different places. Unfortunately, of the information about the two, I'm not quite sure which applies to which. Could you please tell me what's right and what's not?
3The Av-Matoran started out in their homeland. They colonized the Universe Core, but they later left it. Now, are only a few Av-Matoran are there now (the one's we'll see in '08).
4From where were the Av-Matoran taken during the Time Slip? What place once was protected but now is not?
5Also, is there a Makuta assigned to each the Universe Core and the Av-Matoran homeland? You said we were going to see two more Matoran next year as a parts of other sets. Are those Matoran going to be Av-Matoran as well?
61) It's never been stated how many Matoran are in the core in 2008. Remember, we only did a handful of Matoran sets in 2001, and there were 1000 Matoran on Mata Nui. 72) From their homeland, they weren't in the core at that point 83) No there was no Makuta assigned to where the Av-Matoran were, because we know the Makuta did not know where they were. And yes, the two extra Matoran will be Av-Matoran asd well.
1Hey Greg, what's up? I've got a question concerning the Toa Hagah, as there's been some debating on them recently:
2Can you confirm that their destiny was to save the Toa Hordika and to retrieve & secure the Mask of Light? If not, then what was their destiny, or has it even been completed yet?
3Thank you.
4Yes, that was their destiny.
5So the fact that they were mutated was part of their destiny too? Had they have been Toa still, would they have still saved the Toa Hordika? 6And are they still able to choose whether or not they turn into Turaga?
7Thanks for the quick reply.
8Had they not become Rahaga, all of history would have been changed. They might not have been in Metru Nui when the Hordika were falling to their deaths to be able to save them. As for becoming Turaga, yes, they do still have that option.
9By change in history, do you mean that the Metru would have died, allowing Makuta's plans to go along a lot easier and faster with their absence?
10Most likely, yes. With the Hordika dead, the Matoran would have remained in their pods in Metru Nui until awakened by Makuta, believing him to be their savior. When the Toa Mata finally arrived on Mata Nui, there would have been no one there to greet them -- and if they did find their way to Metru Nui, they would have discovered a thriving city totally dominated by Makuta and heavily defended by Rahkshi.
1Some more. There are some pretty interesting bits in this one...
2[ol type='1'[li]Can you tell us when we will discover... 31) why Tahu was chosen to be the leader of the Toa Mata? (I'm guessing Legends #10.) 42) the name of the first Toa ever created? (I'm also guessing Legends #10.) 53) which Makuta knocked one of Krekka's eyes out? (Still guessing Legends #10, though it could be anywhere.) 64) which Makuta conquered the Visorak to use as a Brotherhood army? (Guessing Legends #10 yet again.) 75) why the '08 Av-Matoran look the way they do (mostly referring to Gavla, Radiak, and Kirop)? (Guessing Legends #9 here.) 86) Takanuva's "critical role?" (I'm guessing Legends #11, for obvious reasons.) 97) the fate of the Toa Mahri? (I'm guessing Legends #8.) 10[li]Do you have any ideas in mind as to when we will discover... 118) the origins of Pit water mutagen? 129) more of the Av-Matoran Toa canister builder in Karzahni in Legends #2? 1310) the storyline significance of the "Bohrok & Balta" sculpture in the Order of Mata Nui's HQ? 1411) why the islands of Mata Nui and Metru Nui are the same shape? 1512) the indirect connection between the Bohrok's mission and Great Spirit Mata Nui's awakening? 1613) more about the master Makuta scheme? 1714) more about the Great Beings? 1815) more about the Red Star?[/ol191-7) Your guesses are correct
208, 9, 11) Not planning to go into that at this time 2110) Legends #10 2212) Not sure on this one 2313) 2008 2414) Down the road, but not for a while 2515) Upcoming chapter of the Nuva blog

1So Takanuva isn't Toa Ignika...
1Some new stuff from Greg. Also, Swamp of Secrets is half done :
2Hello Greg, I have a couple of questions today:
31) You recently told us that all Winter sets were going to be in Legends 9. That means that no Web-Serials were planned for 2008 originally right?
42) When asking for If the Av-Matoran have Mask powers, you reply telling that they don't actually, but that Av-Matoran were prototypes for Matoran. So, do they have any special function/skill that others don't? 53) Are we going to find out who are the leaders for the Nuva and Makuta of 2008 (Just Phantoka) in the bios or Legends 9? 63a) The same but looking forward to know who's the mysterious Toa Ignika?
74) I see people that is putting the name of the projectiles, as well as the name of the place here on BZP. Since this info is in the catalog, those are not fair game right?
85) In Nuva Blog 8 info about the Red Star is given. By the time being, has the battle on Karzahni finished?
96) Also, you said a lot of times that only Phantoka Makuta have the 42 Rahkshi powers. Are we going to learn in Swamp of Secrets why the other supposedly three don't?
10Thanks for answering,
121) No. There's no law that says if characters appear in books they can't also be in web serials. Maxilos and Matoro are in the books and in a web serials. 132) Yes 143) Probably both 153a) Yes 164) I don't have info that that is in the catalog. My info from BZP is that those are leaked names. 175) Yes 186) If not there, in the bios
19We already know that the "special power" is to change color using their light powers.
1Some new stuff from Greg. Also, Swamp of Secrets is half done :
2Hello Greg, I have a couple of questions today:
31) You recently told us that all Winter sets were going to be in Legends 9. That means that no Web-Serials were planned for 2008 originally right?
42) When asking for If the Av-Matoran have Mask powers, you reply telling that they don't actually, but that Av-Matoran were prototypes for Matoran. So, do they have any special function/skill that others don't? 53) Are we going to find out who are the leaders for the Nuva and Makuta of 2008 (Just Phantoka) in the bios or Legends 9? 63a) The same but looking forward to know who's the mysterious Toa Ignika?
74) I see people that is putting the name of the projectiles, as well as the name of the place here on BZP. Since this info is in the catalog, those are not fair game right?
85) In Nuva Blog 8 info about the Red Star is given. By the time being, has the battle on Karzahni finished?
96) Also, you said a lot of times that only Phantoka Makuta have the 42 Rahkshi powers. Are we going to learn in Swamp of Secrets why the other supposedly three don't?
10Thanks for answering,
121) No. There's no law that says if characters appear in books they can't also be in web serials. Maxilos and Matoro are in the books and in a web serials. 132) Yes 143) Probably both 153a) Yes 164) I don't have info that that is in the catalog. My info from BZP is that those are leaked names. 175) Yes 186) If not there, in the bios
19We already know that the "special power" is to change color using their light powers.
20Actually, a couple of pages back, Mr. Farshtey said that the mask powers the Av-Matoran were originally going to have are now abilities of theirs, so he wasn't talking about the color change ability. [url="http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?act=findpost&pid=4805592]

1Just some questions about 2008.
21. Can you just gives us a tidbit o the peronalities of the new Matoran? 32. Are the Phantoka working for Icarax? 43. Will know how on Earth the Toa Ignika came to be? 54. What are those red orbs in the Phantoka's chest?
6Thank you.
71, 3, 4) You'll find out in 2008 82) No. Phantoka is a term that applies to both the January Toa Nuva and Makuta sets
21. Can you just gives us a tidbit o the peronalities of the new Matoran? 32. Are the Phantoka working for Icarax? 43. Will know how on Earth the Toa Ignika came to be? 54. What are those red orbs in the Phantoka's chest?
6Thank you.
71, 3, 4) You'll find out in 2008 82) No. Phantoka is a term that applies to both the January Toa Nuva and Makuta sets
1Hang on, just to clear this up for me and others. The Nuva don't have new Kanohi powers? (This is not to Greg)
1The Toa Nuva's mask powers are exactly the same. The only thing that has changed are their appearance.
1Hang on, just to clear this up for me and others. The Nuva don't have new Kanohi powers? (This is not to Greg)
25. You said somewhere that the Nuva have new mask shapes, but they have the old powers, are they still Nuva masks or are they just regular old kanohi like the Mahris?
35) They are still Nuva masks. Nuva without Nuva masks would be pointless.
1Some more. There are some pretty interesting bits in this one...
2[ol type='1'[li]Can you tell us when we will discover... 31) why Tahu was chosen to be the leader of the Toa Mata? (I'm guessing Legends #10.) 42) the name of the first Toa ever created? (I'm also guessing Legends #10.) 53) which Makuta knocked one of Krekka's eyes out? (Still guessing Legends #10, though it could be anywhere.) 64) which Makuta conquered the Visorak to use as a Brotherhood army? (Guessing Legends #10 yet again.) 75) why the '08 Av-Matoran look the way they do (mostly referring to Gavla, Radiak, and Kirop)? (Guessing Legends #9 here.) 86) Takanuva's "critical role?" (I'm guessing Legends #11, for obvious reasons.) 97) the fate of the Toa Mahri? (I'm guessing Legends #8.) 10[li]Do you have any ideas in mind as to when we will discover... 118) the origins of Pit water mutagen? 129) more of the Av-Matoran Toa canister builder in Karzahni in Legends #2? 1310) the storyline significance of the "Bohrok & Balta" sculpture in the Order of Mata Nui's HQ? 1411) why the islands of Mata Nui and Metru Nui are the same shape? 1512) the indirect connection between the Bohrok's mission and Great Spirit Mata Nui's awakening? 1613) more about the master Makuta scheme? 1714) more about the Great Beings? 1815) more about the Red Star?[/ol191-7) Your guesses are correct
208, 9, 11) Not planning to go into that at this time 2110) Legends #10 2212) Not sure on this one 2313) 2008 2414) Down the road, but not for a while 2515) Upcoming chapter of the Nuva blog
27wheres number 11?
18, 9, 11 ) Not planning to go into that at this time
1heres some new stuuf from greg:
2hi greg....i was wondering some things about the Toa Ignika..
31)When will we find out who he is.....in BL8 or BL9??
42) in the picture that was released by lego of the Toa Ignika, is his armor yellow...or gold???
53)is the Toa Ignika one of the Mahri???
64) because of his color scheme.....some people think that he is Hewkii...........is his color scheme related to hewkii???
75) is the Toa ignika more powerfull than the Toa Nuva???
8Thanks for your time greg::::::
91) Bionicle Legends 9 -- Bionicle Legends 8 is still 2007 story. 102) No idea 113, 4, 5) This is all 2008 storyline, so I can't discuss it
2hi greg....i was wondering some things about the Toa Ignika..
31)When will we find out who he is.....in BL8 or BL9??
42) in the picture that was released by lego of the Toa Ignika, is his armor yellow...or gold???
53)is the Toa Ignika one of the Mahri???
64) because of his color scheme.....some people think that he is Hewkii...........is his color scheme related to hewkii???
75) is the Toa ignika more powerfull than the Toa Nuva???
8Thanks for your time greg::::::
91) Bionicle Legends 9 -- Bionicle Legends 8 is still 2007 story. 102) No idea 113, 4, 5) This is all 2008 storyline, so I can't discuss it
1Hi Greg.
21. I found a quote in the OGDT(it must be nice to have a topic entirely divoted to you, ) that there are the 6 Toa Hagah, 6 Toa Nuva, 6 Toa Mahri, Lesovikk, Krakua, the Toa in stasis in TSO's fortress, and 35 other Toa. That makes 56 Toa in all. And I would say that the first Toa is one of those 35. Right. 32. Other than the Toa Nuva, are there any other Toa guarding the UC? 43. If Krakua is in 2008, does that mean that his island fortress he's protecting is near the Mainlad/UC? 54. Artakha was orignally conected to a larger continent, but that continent was destroyed. That means Artakha would be in a pretty big dome, right? 65. A kraata-krana hybrid is a creation of the BoM (since the two in story have been near Makuta's bases), correct? 76. The Bohrok were originally bio-mechanical creatures, right? 87. You say that most of the 2008 canister villains are Makuta. Does that mean that one or more are not? 98. Is/are there one or more Makuta assigned to protect the mainland? 109. I can't get straight if the UC or the mainland is flooded, and then the holes open, allowing water in, but no more water is getting in...I'm confused. Could you clarify a little? 1110. If the Toa Mata masks are Artakha style, are the Toa Metru's masks Metru Nui style? 1211. Is there a direct way between Karzahni and Artakha? 1312. Will any OoMN members be sets next year? 1413. Is Mata Nui the leader of the OoMN?
15I can't remember if there were any other questions, so there they are. Thank you for your time.
161) Correct 172) No 183) No connection between the two. 194) The Atlas states it was once connected by a land bridge to another island, not that it was part of a continent. And you don't need that big of a dome for two islands. 205) Hasn't been revealed 216) Again, hasn't been confirmed. That is a theory Mavrah had but it's never been proven. 227) It means I can't discuss the rest of the year's sets 238) I don't think "protect" is the right word, because the only ones the mainland needs protection from are Makuta. 249) Think of it like this, you have two eggs, A and B. Egg A is the mainland, with the UC inside it (sort of like the yolk) and Egg B is the mainland's dome. So Egg A is inside Egg B, and both are in a pot of water. Part of Egg A's shell breaks off, and punches a hole in Egg B. Now you have water flooding from outside into Egg B through the hole and down as a waterfall into Egg A as well. Make sense? 2510) Yes 2611) No 2712) Not to my knowledge 2813) No. That would be pretty hard for him to do, since he never communicates directly with anyone in this universe.
29Hmmmm, so are the rest of the canister villains Makuta, or something else?

1Did the last post just prove that the Universe Core was in the mainland. If so, it could be good info.
1Does anyone know when the next chapters of DoD, TNB and ItD will be up?
1A few hours later.
11. I found a quote in the OGDT(it must be nice to have a topic entirely divoted to you, ) that there are the 6 Toa Hagah, 6 Toa Nuva, 6 Toa Mahri, Lesovikk, Krakua, the Toa in stasis in TSO's fortress, and 35 other Toa. That makes 56 Toa in all. And I would say that the first Toa is one of those 35. Right.21) Correct
3Wait a minute -- did Mr. Farshtey just say that the first Toa to be created is still ALIVE?:

11. I found a quote in the OGDT(it must be nice to have a topic entirely divoted to you, ) that there are the 6 Toa Hagah, 6 Toa Nuva, 6 Toa Mahri, Lesovikk, Krakua, the Toa in stasis in TSO's fortress, and 35 other Toa. That makes 56 Toa in all. And I would say that the first Toa is one of those 35. Right.21) Correct
3Wait a minute -- did Mr. Farshtey just say that the first Toa to be created is still ALIVE?:
5Yup. We'll learn her name next year, and she might even make an appearance.
1Yup. We'll learn her name next year, and she might even make an appearance.
2Quote, please? 3EDIT: To be precise: do we know that she is still alive by the time of the Toa Mahri? 4EDIT2: Never mind:
8Yes, she is7Does this mean that the first Toa ever in existence is still alive?61) Correct51. I found a quote in the OGDT(it must be nice to have a topic entirely divoted to you, ) that there are the 6 Toa Hagah, 6 Toa Nuva, 6 Toa Mahri, Lesovikk, Krakua, the Toa in stasis in TSO's fortress, and 35 other Toa. That makes 56 Toa in all. And I would say that the first Toa is one of those 35. Right.

1Hello Greg. Do you have time for these ones?
21) Makuta told the Mahri to destroy the cord. Actually, did they hace to do it, or did they speed up Mata Nui's death? 32) I quote you "Well, if the Inika don't do their job, the whole universe dies, right?". So, even if Mata Nui died, the Mahri did their job? 43) You could have say Umbra's Kanohi was a Kakama in Ruru's shape. You decided it was a powerless Ruru. So, if Umbra is so fast with a powerless mask, the perspective of Umbra wearing a mask of speed is formidale, isn't it? 54) You said Spinax will obey to Hydraxon because he was Hydraxon's longer than Maxilos. So even Spinax can't smell he's not the real Hydraxon, correct? 65) Could Axonn tell Hydraxon is not the real one, using his mask? 76) 2008 small set can be combined with Phantoka. Do you know if we'll be able to combine the small sets with the second wave? 87) The canister Makuta apparence comes from shapeshift, correct? 98) I heard that Icarax set will come with the Staff of Arthaka. Is this true? 109) I bet the tragic 2008 end is the death of some Toa Mahri. I'd say five of them.
11Thank you:
121) Cutting the cord had nothing to do with his death. In fact, if they DIDN'T do it, they would have hastened his death. 132) No, the Mahri haven't done their job at this point - their job was to save his life. 143) Yes, but if you can already go at light speed, it would sort of be like bringing a candle to a bonfire. Not really much help. 154) Nope 165) Probably, yes 176) I believe so 187) Yes 198) No, it's not 209) Well, you'll find out in a few weeks
211) Makuta was genuine. 222) Their role is not ended. 233) I was supposing the Kakama multiply your speed. Seems like it doesn't. 246) Maybe all Matoran will turn good. Anyway, if Tahu can carry Radiak, we don't need other small sets. 259) I think all of tem will die except Matoro who will turn into Toa Ignika. But number 2 seems to indicate they still have to save Mata Nui.
1Hello Greg. Do you have time for these ones?
21) Makuta told the Mahri to destroy the cord. Actually, did they hace to do it, or did they speed up Mata Nui's death? 32) I quote you "Well, if the Inika don't do their job, the whole universe dies, right?". So, even if Mata Nui died, the Mahri did their job? 43) You could have say Umbra's Kanohi was a Kakama in Ruru's shape. You decided it was a powerless Ruru. So, if Umbra is so fast with a powerless mask, the perspective of Umbra wearing a mask of speed is formidale, isn't it? 54) You said Spinax will obey to Hydraxon because he was Hydraxon's longer than Maxilos. So even Spinax can't smell he's not the real Hydraxon, correct? 65) Could Axonn tell Hydraxon is not the real one, using his mask? 76) 2008 small set can be combined with Phantoka. Do you know if we'll be able to combine the small sets with the second wave? 87) The canister Makuta apparence comes from shapeshift, correct? 98) I heard that Icarax set will come with the Staff of Arthaka. Is this true? 109) I bet the tragic 2008 end is the death of some Toa Mahri. I'd say five of them.
11Thank you:
121) Cutting the cord had nothing to do with his death. In fact, if they DIDN'T do it, they would have hastened his death. 132) No, the Mahri haven't done their job at this point - their job was to save his life. 143) Yes, but if you can already go at light speed, it would sort of be like bringing a candle to a bonfire. Not really much help. 154) Nope 165) Probably, yes 176) I believe so 187) Yes 198) No, it's not 209) Well, you'll find out in a few weeks
211) Makuta was genuine. 222) Their role is not ended. 233) I was supposing the Kakama multiply your speed. Seems like it doesn't. 246) Maybe all Matoran will turn good. Anyway, if Tahu can carry Radiak, we don't need other small sets. 259) I think all of tem will die except Matoro who will turn into Toa Ignika. But number 2 seems to indicate they still have to save Mata Nui.
26There aren't going to be any small sets in the summer release anyway. Greg confirmed this. And I think the "combining" of the small sets with the canisters is pretty cheap. I mean you just stick them on their backs. I wouldn't consider that combining, more of just... attaching.
1Pretty interesting stuff, methinks...
2Hi, I'm Yoshimitsu. This is my first PM to you, so please forgive any mistakes. Just a few questions,
31. Sorry I can't find the exact source, but I do recall that at one point in the OGD you said that 2008 would have large, non-playset sets over the $40 price range. Are these still planned for release?
42. Possibly a silly question, but are Chirox and Antroz male or female? I know Vamprah is confirmed to be male.
53. Another question from the bowels of the OGD, but I also remember you saying that some 2008 sets would have a more, "technic" look to them. Are you referring to any sets we have seen?
6Many thanks to you, the story team, and the set designers. Keep up the outstanding work:
71) Yes 82) Both are male 93) No
2Hi, I'm Yoshimitsu. This is my first PM to you, so please forgive any mistakes. Just a few questions,
31. Sorry I can't find the exact source, but I do recall that at one point in the OGD you said that 2008 would have large, non-playset sets over the $40 price range. Are these still planned for release?
42. Possibly a silly question, but are Chirox and Antroz male or female? I know Vamprah is confirmed to be male.
53. Another question from the bowels of the OGD, but I also remember you saying that some 2008 sets would have a more, "technic" look to them. Are you referring to any sets we have seen?
6Many thanks to you, the story team, and the set designers. Keep up the outstanding work:

71) Yes 82) Both are male 93) No