1Here's nothing all that important, but question 1's reply is rather interesting... on Dezalk's part.
25My thoughts:
261) Hmm... so the fanbase may have an unofficial image of Dezalk after all...? 272) No comment 283) Ah, so that's where Karzahni is... 294) So it seems we'll be seeing our favorite crab and mantis forms next year for Carapar and Takadox. 305) Why was she outside the village for so long, I wonder? 316) Ooh... cool: 327) No comment 338) Interesting... 349) Yay, return of classic MNOLG content: 3510) Interesting...
2Sorry to bother you, GregF, but I've got a couple more questions to ask. I some of these in two earlier PMs. You replied to the first, but for some reason the PM did not come through. Your reply to the second was that you were going to PM the answers later that week, but unfortunately did not get around to doing it (don't worry, I don't blame you.
3Being that time has passed between then and now, some questions have already been answered, others unanswered, so I deleted and added a few questions to the list.
41. In VNOLG, apparently this Matoran was to appear, but didn't. Therefore, he had no role in the non-canon game. My question is: would it be alright if the fanbase called him Dezalk, since we have no picture of Dezalk?
52. When the Toa Mahri returned to Metru Nui, did they still have their "breathing tube" gills, only disfunctional?
63. Will Karzahni's current location/status be revealed?
74. I read on BS01 that Carapar, Takadox, Brutaka, and others will return as a team to stop the BoM, on BIONICLEStory.com in a web serial. Obviously, since the other members of the team (Spiriah, Roodaka, Vezon) are air-breathers, Brutaka and the others have to escape the Pit and become land breathers. When this happens, will Carapar and Takadox return to their powerful, handsome, pre-Pit forms?
85. How did Idris end up a water-breather? What I mean to ask is what she was doing that got her mutated.
96. Lesovikk found Idris's future breathing apparatus lying in the Pit, damaged. Is it Ehlek's old breathing apparatus?
107. How did Brutaka escape the Giant Squid? I was hoping to find out a bit more on that.
118. How did Brutaka realize that the Maxilos robot swimming nearby Matoro was actually Makuta?
129. Is the telescope mentioned in Into the Darkness the one on the Ta-Koro beach in MNOLG?
1310. I know that nobody was there to watch it happen, but just pretend someone was watching Dekar's transformation into Hydraxon. What would they see? Would they see Dekar slowly transform? Would he transform very quickly? Would they even see the transformation, or would it be a bright flash and then it's over? Just a hypothetical question.
14Thanks in advance:
151) Okay by me 162) Yes 173) Possibly, in a serial, but I can basically tell you his status is under heavy guard on Daxia 184) No. The only thing that can reverse what happened to the Barraki is the Kanohi Ignika, the Order can't do it. Keep in mind how Ehlek functioned on the surface all those years before the Barraki got sent to the Pit. 195) Same thing Sarda was doing, she was out in open water and her air bubble ran out. 206) Yes 217) Defeated it. Nothing more complicated than that. Someone who can go toe to toe with Makuta can certainly beat a big Rahi. 228) Because he has been shadowing the players in this drama since he escaped the squid. All he needed to hear was one conversation between Maxilos and Matoro to figure it out. 239) Yes 2410) Very quick transformation. If it was slow, Dekar would have drowned before it was done.
25My thoughts:
261) Hmm... so the fanbase may have an unofficial image of Dezalk after all...? 272) No comment 283) Ah, so that's where Karzahni is... 294) So it seems we'll be seeing our favorite crab and mantis forms next year for Carapar and Takadox. 305) Why was she outside the village for so long, I wonder? 316) Ooh... cool: 327) No comment 338) Interesting... 349) Yay, return of classic MNOLG content: 3510) Interesting...
1It's true Solek is a girl Greg confurmed it
2No, Gavla is a girl.
3Why doesn't somenone ask Greg and post his answer here:::::::::::::::::
4He doesn't need to. Galva is female, the only female Av-Matoran set, I believe. Why would Solek be female? I mean, there's a small chance, but I really think Solek is a confirmed male.

6EDIT: Now that I'm looking back at the former pages, I'm confused, I don't know what gender Solek is, nevermind...
1Looky what I got::
2Me again:
31- When i read the last DOD, i was wondering what happened to Idris? Did she die when Mahri Nui exploded? 42- I heard in you say in ODG that '08 was a race against the clock. Is this about the Ignika's total death thingy? 53- Are all '08's sets at the UC at the time of Matoro's death? 64- Do you know how many summer sets there are next year? Could you tell me?
71) No. Idris is with the other Matoran who escape up the cord in Book 8. 82) Yes 93) No. The six canister Makuta, the six Matoran sets, Mutran and Vican are there, and that's it. The Nuva aren't there yet and Toa Ignika doesn't exist yet. 104) About the same number as there were this year.
11I feel proud:::
2Me again:
31- When i read the last DOD, i was wondering what happened to Idris? Did she die when Mahri Nui exploded? 42- I heard in you say in ODG that '08 was a race against the clock. Is this about the Ignika's total death thingy? 53- Are all '08's sets at the UC at the time of Matoro's death? 64- Do you know how many summer sets there are next year? Could you tell me?
71) No. Idris is with the other Matoran who escape up the cord in Book 8. 82) Yes 93) No. The six canister Makuta, the six Matoran sets, Mutran and Vican are there, and that's it. The Nuva aren't there yet and Toa Ignika doesn't exist yet. 104) About the same number as there were this year.
11I feel proud:::

1Where is Mutran available on shop at home? 

1Greg doesn't really deal with sales, so he might not know. And there's no reason we would know.
1Some new stuff I got from Greg, not sure if any of it is worth anything. For a moment it made me think Makuta had a hive mind, though . . .
31. Since Takanuva is going to play a larger role this year, will he be rereleased as well?
42. How many Makuta are members of the Brotherhood of Makuta? If you can't answer that, is it a large number, or a small one?
53. Are all Makuta now shadow-elements, or just THE Makuta?
64. Can you tell us how the Toa Nuva received new versions of their masks? 7A)If normal disks can't forge Kanohi Nuva, how do you make them? 8
Since Artahka is an expert inventor, could he make a Kanohi Nuva?
95. What are the Mahri and Hagah going to be doing while the Nuva are off fighting in the Universe Core?
106. Was the decision to kill Matoro off a hard one? 11A) Were there originally any other Toa on the chopping block aside from him?
127. There's been a lot of buzz over the Ignition thing at the moment, and I was wondering: When the Mask of Life kills everything, does it absorb all that life energy like the Nui Stone absorbs Toa energy, or does it just destroy that energy? 13cool.gif If it absorbs the energy, could someone take advantage of this by putting on the mask as it absorbed that energy? 14C)Could anyone in the Bionicle Universe survive the process of absorbing the collective life-force of the universe? 15D) If so, would this put them on par with only the Great Spirit, or with the Great Beings?
168. Understandably, the ethics or morality of the Great Beings is somewhat questionable now that we know they've set an object in the universe which could potentially kill every living thing. Are the Great Beings inherently good or evil, or are they like, say (and I know its incorrect to compare them like this) the gods in roman or greek mythology, capable of good and evil without having to align themselves this way or that?
179. Do the Toa Nuva still have no memory of their lives prior to Mata Nui?
1810. The old promotional images of Tahu's arrival show him putting himself together once out of his canister, and his colors are dull. When he arrived, did he assemble himself? 19
Does a Toa's colors dull when they go into a canister? 20C)If Tahu was dissassembled, then why wasn't Kopaka at the start of the comics?
2111. Could Makuta use the Mask of Light? Or rather, could any Makuta use it? 22A) Could Takanuva use the Mask of Shadows?
2312. In terms of power, is Karzahni less capable than Makuta? I know Makuta is very cunning, and that that generally enables him to emerge victorious, but overall is Karzahni less powerful than him?
2413. Karzahni and Artahka have been in the universe longer than Mata Nui and Makuta, right? 25A)If they've been there longer than Mata Nui, how did the universe survive without him?
2614. You've said the Great Beings can't access the Bionicle Universe at this time, how is that? Is something preventing them, or are they just so far away they don't have time to know its falling apart?
2715. Do the Great Beings wear masks?
2816. Do the Great Beings put Great Spirits in charge of their other universes, too?
29That's all I can think of for now. Thanks:
301) I can't discuss this 312) I can't answer this 323) All Makuta are THE Makuta 334) They got them from Artakha, and Artakha made the Nuva masks 345) The Mahri are guarding Metru Nui, and the Hagah are dealing with the situation on Xia 356) No 366a) No 377) Absorbs it 387b) No, because if they are there, they die too 397c) No 408) Let's say you build something -- a great, mechanized LEGO model -- and it runs wild and becomes a threat, wouldn't you spare the rest of creation by destroying what you created? 419) No, not much of it 4210) Yes, they did build themselves 4310b) Haven't thought about it 4410c) He was. Issue 1, page 1, he is rebuilding himself. Go back and look at it. 4511) It wouldn't be a good idea, since light is toxic to them 4611a) Yes, but again not wise 4712) Makuta has 40 powers, Karzahni does not 4813) Yes 4913a) The universe was still in the process of being formed then 5014) They are way, way too far away 5115) I can't discuss how they look 5216) Hasn't been revealed
53Okay, thanks.
54I have two more, I think.
551.In question three, when I said THE Makuta, I meant the Makuta of Metru Nui, so I suppose I should rephrase my question like that. Are all Makuta Shadow elemental, or just the Makuta of Metru Nui?
562. You introduced the power of one of the new Makuta masks the other day as Corruption, and said it could cause things to break apart. Isn't this like the Rahkshi power that Guurahk or Panrahk had? I can't remember which of them, but I thought one had a staff which did something like that. And if it was a Rahkshi power, doesn't that mean a Makuta could use that power already?
571) Yes 582) The Rahkshi had powers like disintegration and shattering, this is more slow rotting away. So, for example -- Antroz is fighting a Toa. If he uses the first two powers, the Toa's mask is just gone. If he uses his mask power, it is a slower process, meaning he can use it to force the Toa to give up before his mask is gone and he is helpless.
31. Since Takanuva is going to play a larger role this year, will he be rereleased as well?
42. How many Makuta are members of the Brotherhood of Makuta? If you can't answer that, is it a large number, or a small one?
53. Are all Makuta now shadow-elements, or just THE Makuta?
64. Can you tell us how the Toa Nuva received new versions of their masks? 7A)If normal disks can't forge Kanohi Nuva, how do you make them? 8

95. What are the Mahri and Hagah going to be doing while the Nuva are off fighting in the Universe Core?
106. Was the decision to kill Matoro off a hard one? 11A) Were there originally any other Toa on the chopping block aside from him?
127. There's been a lot of buzz over the Ignition thing at the moment, and I was wondering: When the Mask of Life kills everything, does it absorb all that life energy like the Nui Stone absorbs Toa energy, or does it just destroy that energy? 13cool.gif If it absorbs the energy, could someone take advantage of this by putting on the mask as it absorbed that energy? 14C)Could anyone in the Bionicle Universe survive the process of absorbing the collective life-force of the universe? 15D) If so, would this put them on par with only the Great Spirit, or with the Great Beings?
168. Understandably, the ethics or morality of the Great Beings is somewhat questionable now that we know they've set an object in the universe which could potentially kill every living thing. Are the Great Beings inherently good or evil, or are they like, say (and I know its incorrect to compare them like this) the gods in roman or greek mythology, capable of good and evil without having to align themselves this way or that?
179. Do the Toa Nuva still have no memory of their lives prior to Mata Nui?
1810. The old promotional images of Tahu's arrival show him putting himself together once out of his canister, and his colors are dull. When he arrived, did he assemble himself? 19

2111. Could Makuta use the Mask of Light? Or rather, could any Makuta use it? 22A) Could Takanuva use the Mask of Shadows?
2312. In terms of power, is Karzahni less capable than Makuta? I know Makuta is very cunning, and that that generally enables him to emerge victorious, but overall is Karzahni less powerful than him?
2413. Karzahni and Artahka have been in the universe longer than Mata Nui and Makuta, right? 25A)If they've been there longer than Mata Nui, how did the universe survive without him?
2614. You've said the Great Beings can't access the Bionicle Universe at this time, how is that? Is something preventing them, or are they just so far away they don't have time to know its falling apart?
2715. Do the Great Beings wear masks?
2816. Do the Great Beings put Great Spirits in charge of their other universes, too?
29That's all I can think of for now. Thanks:
301) I can't discuss this 312) I can't answer this 323) All Makuta are THE Makuta 334) They got them from Artakha, and Artakha made the Nuva masks 345) The Mahri are guarding Metru Nui, and the Hagah are dealing with the situation on Xia 356) No 366a) No 377) Absorbs it 387b) No, because if they are there, they die too 397c) No 408) Let's say you build something -- a great, mechanized LEGO model -- and it runs wild and becomes a threat, wouldn't you spare the rest of creation by destroying what you created? 419) No, not much of it 4210) Yes, they did build themselves 4310b) Haven't thought about it 4410c) He was. Issue 1, page 1, he is rebuilding himself. Go back and look at it. 4511) It wouldn't be a good idea, since light is toxic to them 4611a) Yes, but again not wise 4712) Makuta has 40 powers, Karzahni does not 4813) Yes 4913a) The universe was still in the process of being formed then 5014) They are way, way too far away 5115) I can't discuss how they look 5216) Hasn't been revealed
53Okay, thanks.
54I have two more, I think.
551.In question three, when I said THE Makuta, I meant the Makuta of Metru Nui, so I suppose I should rephrase my question like that. Are all Makuta Shadow elemental, or just the Makuta of Metru Nui?
562. You introduced the power of one of the new Makuta masks the other day as Corruption, and said it could cause things to break apart. Isn't this like the Rahkshi power that Guurahk or Panrahk had? I can't remember which of them, but I thought one had a staff which did something like that. And if it was a Rahkshi power, doesn't that mean a Makuta could use that power already?
571) Yes 582) The Rahkshi had powers like disintegration and shattering, this is more slow rotting away. So, for example -- Antroz is fighting a Toa. If he uses the first two powers, the Toa's mask is just gone. If he uses his mask power, it is a slower process, meaning he can use it to force the Toa to give up before his mask is gone and he is helpless.
1Is Mata Nui the Great Being or the Great Spirit? I don´t see the difference...please help me guys 

1Mata Nui is the one and only Great Spirit. The Great Beings are the ones who created the Matoran universe and everything in it before Mata Nui, who was also created by them.
1Is Mata Nui the Great Being or the Great Spirit? I don´t see the difference...please help me guys
2Mata Nui's a Great Spirit, and he(it) was created by Great Beings. Hope that helps:
3-Shardwing Prime-
1I was just on BIONICLESector01 and saw an article on Karda Nui. Has it been confirmed that Karda Nui is the offical name? 2If it has, I must've missed it. Any thoughts on this matter?
3I saw that. I also saw that when Matoro uses the Ignika, it blinds the Phantoka Makuta. Now they use the Shadow Matoran for eyes. Is this true?
1The Supreme Toa, you have to PM your questions to Greg via the link on the first post of this topic. 

1QUOTEhey greg, i have some questions for you,hope you are not too busy1.are the av matorans powers exclusive to each other or do they all have the same powers? (like could tanma run at the speed of light like photok can?)2.who is the leader of the av matoran?thanks in advance1) Exclusive2) They don't really have an official leader right now. Kirop was their leader, and he is on the other side now. finnaly found out who was the former leader of the av matoran 

1Hi Greg. I just wanted confirmation on something another member got in a Lego magazine. It said that the Phantoka Makuta were blinded by the light and energy used to bring Mata Nui back to life. Is this true? And is it just because they were in Karda Nui(another spoiler in there), or were all the Makuta blinded?
2Thank you for your time.
41) Yes, it is true. 52) The ones who were in the air were blinded -- so Chirox, Vamprah, and Antroz. Mutran is not and neither is Icarax.

1Mutran wasn't in the air? Then why'd he give Vican piggy-backs? I can understand the three can sets, but.....
1Hi again Greg. Just wondering, there were 12 Toa disks, right?
2I don't recall there being 12 -- we only ever saw one, Vakama's.
3Hmmm...okay then. I'll give you the reason why I thought 12.
4All the Toa Metru had one, they just didn't do anything with it. That makes six. And then there were the ones the Order of Mata Nui made to fool Makuta, which was another six, making twelve. Am I right, or do you still say one?
5Six makes sense, but I don't think we ever said the OOMN actually made six others -- so it would have been six plus, but I don't know that it was 12.

1Are the Phantoka Makuta really blind, requiring the help of Shadow Matoran to see? I personally think that makes them a lot less awesome, so is it true or not?
2Chirox, Antroz and Vamprah are, yes. One, because I needed a reason they would carry Matoran out with them, and two, I needed to give the Nuva some kind of edge or they are dead in the first 45 seconds of the fight.
3Ah. Fair enough.
1Ok then.
2That solves that mystery. Thanks alot. Karda Nui aye? I wonder why Karda? All I can think of about Karda is Kardas Dragon(if thats how u spell it). 32008 is looking like an intersting year, very interesting indeed. Vamprah, Chirox and Antroz are blind. That puts a spin on things. 4Thanks for settling that.
2That solves that mystery. Thanks alot. Karda Nui aye? I wonder why Karda? All I can think of about Karda is Kardas Dragon(if thats how u spell it). 32008 is looking like an intersting year, very interesting indeed. Vamprah, Chirox and Antroz are blind. That puts a spin on things. 4Thanks for settling that.
1If the Av-matoran are the living source for the ammo of the Midak Skyblasters, then what supplies Toa Ignika's?
1If the Av-matoran are the living source for the ammo of the Midak Skyblasters, then what supplies Toa Ignika's?
2First off, it's only Tanma who can generate Midak, and 3the Ignika might use it'sd own energy.
4Oh yeah, forgot Tanma is the only one that can create the ammo

1Has it been confirmed that Tanma is the only one that can make the Midaks? Some one should go PM greg about that.
1Are the Phantoka Makuta really blind, requiring the help of Shadow Matoran to see? I personally think that makes them a lot less awesome, so is it true or not?
2Chirox, Antroz and Vamprah are, yes. One, because I needed a reason they would carry Matoran out with them, and two, I needed to give the Nuva some kind of edge or they are dead in the first 45 seconds of the fight.
3Ah. Fair enough.
4ah, good 5i was wondering how the nuva were gonna take on the makutas when it was so hard for them to beat the rakshi
1It's also a good set gimmick. (read bones' blog). Who would want a set that is blind to battle the Nuva? So buy the counterparts to give them a chance. And saddly, I want to buy Radiek now.