1hi Greg I have questions.1. will we see the oringinal leader of the brotherhood of makuta as a set o combiner?2.does takanuvas new "form" have to do with his biocast?Thanks:
21) No plans for that at the moment 32) It gets mostly explained in his biocast
4the oringinal leader wont be a set this year

1Hey Weon- I PMed Greg earlier and he told me that the summer makuta are NOT mutated.
1A long time ago I asked if you had writen any non-Bionicle books that a teen would like. I don't remember getting anything back, perhaps the server ate it? Thanks.
2(I also have some questions, of course)
31) You have used that anolgy of a mad "Lego Monster" being put down to avoid hurting other people. Does that mean that if the Bionicle Universe went sour, it could affect other Universes the GBs made? 41a) Could these by accesed by the charecters? 51b) Could this be the reboot? A whole nother universe?
62) Even the GBs feared the Mask of Life but they make multiple universes. It seems crazy to make such a dangerous thing every time and why do they care if they can make new Universes? 72a) It the Bionicle Universe important to them somehow?
83) Do all Makuta have the "Shadow Hand?"
94) Can Makuta posses corpses?
105) How will the Order keep themselves hidden from the new team of five now that they are working for them.
116) What exactly did Brutaka mean by:
12"I'll go out, stick you in the dirt and see if anything grows?"
13I hope your year is off to a good start
14The other novels I wrote (which are long out of print) were aimed more at a college age and older audience, as they tended to be a good deal more violent than the stuff I do now.
151) Or the universe that exists around it -- remember, the Matoran universe is just the domes, it's not the planet or the stars or whatever else might be out there. 161a) We have no evidence that the GBs have made other universe that could or couldn't be accessed, that is just speculation at this point. 171b) Well, I will tell you this -- if the GBs created another universe, it would be a domed one like what we have now. 2009 is not set in a domed universe.
182) I don't understand your question. Where did I ever state they made multiple Ignika? 192a) Yes
203) Yes
214) No. Since a Makuta would be unable to reanimate said corpse, it would be pointless, so I do not allow them to do it.
225) Simple. Brutaka handles the recruitment, they don't meet anyone else in the Order, and he doesn't tell them who they are working for.
236) Well, what does it sound like to you? Sounds like he is going to stick the person in or under the ground to me.
1I've got three questions.
21) How did Spiriah get his Midak and Tridax 31b} And where/who did he get them from? 42) Where is Krakua right now?
61-1b) Follow the story and find out 72) Metru Nui
10WHOA. Krakua is on Metru NuiThat's new.. isn't it?
11Well we know who told lewa to get the sundial

2Hi Greg, I guess the other PMs didn't send a few weeks ago, so I'm trying again. Some questions are updated.
31. Will we be seeing any Kraata in 2008?
42. Where is Keetongu at the moment? 52a. Is he still helping the Visorak victims? 62b. Will we be seeing him in 2008?
73. Does each Av-matoran have to have the corresponding Nuva to use its powers? 83a. If Solek swapped places with Photok on Pohatu's back, which power would he have? Solid light objects, fast running or none?
94. If the Heart Of The Visorak was placed at the bottom of the sea, would the Visorak still try to get to it? 104a. What would they do if it was on a boat, or floating?
115. When you say that many popular characters are returning in The Final Battle, are they characters from 1throughout the storyline?
126. Are you writing the books past 2008?
137. Is there going to be a mini movie in summer?
148. Is there any storyline reason why Spiriah's matoran has no mask?
159. Do you expect a lot of the BZPower population to leave at the start of 2009?
1610. Will we ever see Ahkmou again? I guess not.
1711. Does Karda Nui have a Makuta looking over it, like MoMN had Metru Nui, and Icarax had Karzahni? 1811a. Do all of the Phantoka Makuta have a place like this to "look over"? 1911b. When will you release some of their "territories? I'm especially looking forward to finding out where Vamprah used to "look over". 2011c. Will these be released on the OGD or in your blog? or neither?
2112. Are all of the matoran in Karda Nui Av-Matoran or Shadow Matoran? 2212a. Were they all once Av-Matoran (excluding Vican)?
2313. Will we ever get to see the reactions of the Metru Nui Matoran when they see the Mahri?
2414. Are there any extra stories planned as of now for this year? Like The Many Deaths Of Toa Tuyet last year?
2515. This'll probably sound pretty stupid, but does The Swamp hold a lot of secrets, or just one enormous one?
2616. Are all of the current toa in existence in teams, excluding Lesovikk?
2717. So MoMN is certaintly not going to be a set, or is it unknown at the moment? 2817a. Have the people of BZP ever seen MoMN's real name before? And by that I mean in any BZP article too. It's just something I'm a little suspicious about.
29That should be it for a while now, hopefully. Thanks in advance.
301) No plans for that. 312) He is still helping Visorak victims, too soon to tell if he will reappear in story. 323) No. Any Toa will do. 333a) Solid light objects. That is Solek's power. The power has no connection to the Toa you are with. 344) Yes 354a) Swim for it 365) At this point, it is more likely they will return in second half web serial, as I have no room for non-set characters in the last book. 376) That is is up to Scholastic and to fans, who drive book sales. 387) There should be more CGI this year, yes, don't know what or when it will be. 398) Follow the story and find out 409) That is impossible for me to predict. There are many BZPers who are in their teens, 20s, even 30s, who we would usually expect would be gone already. So there may well be some who will move on, as there are every year. Others will be intrigued by the end of '08 and by the changes for '09, plus the movie coming, and stick around. 4110) Might show up in a web serial this year. 4211) No. The Makuta did not even know Karda Nui's location until a week ago. 4311a) Yes 4411b) I am in no rush 4511c) Depends on where I have room to go into it. Might be in the Mutran serial. 4612) Yes 4712a) Yes 4813) I leave that for fan fiction, I haven't got the room to spend on Metru Nui right now. 4914) MDTT was written at the request of BZP for a project they were planning to do that did not happen. I would like to do more, but may not have the time. 5015) I can't discuss summer storyline 5116) Not necessarily, no 5217) Not a set this year, no 5317a) No, they have not.
54Number 10 and 11 seem quite interesting...
2Hi Greg, I guess the other PMs didn't send a few weeks ago, so I'm trying again. Some questions are updated.
31. Will we be seeing any Kraata in 2008?
42. Where is Keetongu at the moment? 52a. Is he still helping the Visorak victims? 62b. Will we be seeing him in 2008?
73. Does each Av-matoran have to have the corresponding Nuva to use its powers? 83a. If Solek swapped places with Photok on Pohatu's back, which power would he have? Solid light objects, fast running or none?
94. If the Heart Of The Visorak was placed at the bottom of the sea, would the Visorak still try to get to it? 104a. What would they do if it was on a boat, or floating?
115. When you say that many popular characters are returning in The Final Battle, are they characters from 1throughout the storyline?
126. Are you writing the books past 2008?
137. Is there going to be a mini movie in summer?
148. Is there any storyline reason why Spiriah's matoran has no mask?
159. Do you expect a lot of the BZPower population to leave at the start of 2009?
1610. Will we ever see Ahkmou again? I guess not.
1711. Does Karda Nui have a Makuta looking over it, like MoMN had Metru Nui, and Icarax had Karzahni? 1811a. Do all of the Phantoka Makuta have a place like this to "look over"? 1911b. When will you release some of their "territories? I'm especially looking forward to finding out where Vamprah used to "look over". 2011c. Will these be released on the OGD or in your blog? or neither?
2112. Are all of the matoran in Karda Nui Av-Matoran or Shadow Matoran? 2212a. Were they all once Av-Matoran (excluding Vican)?
2313. Will we ever get to see the reactions of the Metru Nui Matoran when they see the Mahri?
2414. Are there any extra stories planned as of now for this year? Like The Many Deaths Of Toa Tuyet last year?
2515. This'll probably sound pretty stupid, but does The Swamp hold a lot of secrets, or just one enormous one?
2616. Are all of the current toa in existence in teams, excluding Lesovikk?
2717. So MoMN is certaintly not going to be a set, or is it unknown at the moment? 2817a. Have the people of BZP ever seen MoMN's real name before? And by that I mean in any BZP article too. It's just something I'm a little suspicious about.
29That should be it for a while now, hopefully. Thanks in advance.
301) No plans for that. 312) He is still helping Visorak victims, too soon to tell if he will reappear in story. 323) No. Any Toa will do. 333a) Solid light objects. That is Solek's power. The power has no connection to the Toa you are with. 344) Yes 354a) Swim for it 365) At this point, it is more likely they will return in second half web serial, as I have no room for non-set characters in the last book. 376) That is is up to Scholastic and to fans, who drive book sales. 387) There should be more CGI this year, yes, don't know what or when it will be. 398) Follow the story and find out 409) That is impossible for me to predict. There are many BZPers who are in their teens, 20s, even 30s, who we would usually expect would be gone already. So there may well be some who will move on, as there are every year. Others will be intrigued by the end of '08 and by the changes for '09, plus the movie coming, and stick around. 4110) Might show up in a web serial this year. 4211) No. The Makuta did not even know Karda Nui's location until a week ago. 4311a) Yes 4411b) I am in no rush 4511c) Depends on where I have room to go into it. Might be in the Mutran serial. 4612) Yes 4712a) Yes 4813) I leave that for fan fiction, I haven't got the room to spend on Metru Nui right now. 4914) MDTT was written at the request of BZP for a project they were planning to do that did not happen. I would like to do more, but may not have the time. 5015) I can't discuss summer storyline 5116) Not necessarily, no 5217) Not a set this year, no 5317a) No, they have not.
54Number 10 and 11 seem quite interesting...
1#3 is the only real interesting thing... not really
2Hi Greg. I just have a few questions.
31. In the picture of Spiriah, he has a Midak and a Tridax. How did he get these if the Midak is from Artahka and the Tridax is from the Brotherhood, which he ran away from? Is it just a set thing?
41b. Also, it looks like he has a maskless matoran on his back. Is this just a set thing again?
52. You confirmed in a pm from someone else that there would be a white titan this year. That's Takanuva, correct?
63. So those dead experiments found in the water were like prototype shadow leeches, right?
74. There's been something that's bugging me. The OoMN have been talking about a war with the BoM lately, doing all this preparing, and what not. Yet, you said there aren't going to be sets of them this year and they won't be battling the BoM with the Nuva at the Final Battle. It just seems weird that they do so much, they make the Nuva do so much, and then at the "end", they're not even there.
85. One last thing. Krakua is working for the OoMN. I thought they don't let Toa in the Order.
9Thanks in advance. Yubel
101-1b) Follow the story and find out 112) Did I? I don't recall confirming that, but I have confirmed Takanuva is coming out this year. 123) Yes 134) You are assuming the battle is confined to Karda Nui. Consider this -- we have 8 Makuta in Karda Nui, total, by the end of the year. Then we have MOMN, who is elsewhere. When have we said there are only 9 Makuta in total? What if there are a bunch more outside of Karda Nui, who could head there as reinforcements? Wouldn't it make sense for the OOMN to send a force to tie those Makuta down so they can't help against the Toa Nuva? 145) You answered your own question. "Working for" is not the same as "in" -- Roodaka worked for the BOM, but she was not a Makuta, therefore not a member of or in the BOM.
1Some stuff about the Order and the Makuta.
201) On a probationary basis, yes 212) Never had the chance 223) Not for some time 234-5) It fixed any damage actually caused by the Great Cataclysm 246) Botar went and got him. 257) If they appear, it will only be in web serials 268) Yes 279) No 2810) Probably four or five 2911) By Av-Matoran? One 3012) Takanuva is in the equivalent of the present day in that dimension 3113-16) Haven't released this info yet 3217) No
2Hey Greg, aome questions about the serials and the Makuta. 31) Is Brutaka considered a member of the Order again? 42) Did Gali tell the other Nuva about the Red Star? 53) When will we learn what is in the Star? 64) Did the Staff of Artahka fix the cracks in Metru Nui near the Coliseum? 75) Did it fix the buildings? 86) How did Brutaka get out of the Pit? 97) Will the Dark Hunters be appearing in 2008? 108) Does the Order know the location of Karda Nui? 119) Do the Dark Hunters? 1210) About how many stalactite villages were there originally? 1311) How many are still inhabitated? 1412) How many years before or after the time when the Cataclysm was supposed to happen is the alternate timeline at when Takanuva gets there? 1513) What island is Antroz the Makuta of? 1614) And Vamprah? 1715) Chirox? 1816) Mutran? 1917) Is Spiriah's name based off of something?
201) On a probationary basis, yes 212) Never had the chance 223) Not for some time 234-5) It fixed any damage actually caused by the Great Cataclysm 246) Botar went and got him. 257) If they appear, it will only be in web serials 268) Yes 279) No 2810) Probably four or five 2911) By Av-Matoran? One 3012) Takanuva is in the equivalent of the present day in that dimension 3113-16) Haven't released this info yet 3217) No
1I've got three questions.
21) How did Spiriah get his Midak and Tridax 31b} And where/who did he get them from? 42) Where is Krakua right now?
61-1b) Follow the story and find out 72) Metru Nui
10WHOA. Krakua is on Metru NuiThat's new.. isn't it?
11Well we know who told lewa to get the sundial
13Maybe he told Matoro to use the mask?
1That is a great theory. Krakua also might be the one who told Gali to use the telescope and the Akaku?
1Hiya Greg: Just a few questions for you.=)
21. Why are Photok, Tanma, and Solek orange, green, and white, instead of their normal Av-Matoran colors...It's not like they need to hide.
32. You said Makuta that did not go along in The Plan were killed-Did they not get on board because they were "good", or because they thought the plan wouldn't work and Mata Nui would kill them?
43.Do the Makuta's plan involve Mata Nui staying asleep, forever?
54.I'm curious as to why the Makuta simply do not kill the Nuva. Even with three of them blind, they still have their Matoran 'Eyes' and two of them are perfectly well.
65. Any reason why Mutran got an assistant in the first place? Chirox doesn't have one. 75a. Where did Vican come from, originally? 85b. How did Mutran pick/capture him?
96.Where did the creatures in the swamp come from?
107. Were the plants/trees at the floor of the core before the water flooded in?
118. Are there any structure in the swamp?
129. Are all the Makuta of the BoM (Except MoMN) in Karda Nui right now?
1310. When will we discover where MoMN is?
1411.FoF is up, where's the Taka and Mutran stories?
151) At this point, using an equivalent of a chameleon effect is second nature to Av-Matoran. They are trained their whole lives never to let anyone see what they truly are, so at this point they do it by reflex. 162) Because they thought the plan wouldn't work and so were insufficiently enthusiastic about it. 173) I cannot discuss this. 184) And the Toa Nuva are curious about that too ... why do you think the Makuta would allow the Toa to live? 195) Because Mutran chose to create one. And we have no idea that Chirox never had one, simply that he did not bring him to Karda Nui. 205a) Another island 215b) That gets explained in one of the books. 226) The ocean outside the domes 237) No 248) You'll find out when the story goes down there 259) I doubt it very much. 2610) When it becomes important that you do so. 2711) Binkmeister's plan is to stagger the serial chapter releases, so instead of putting them all up at once and then no one needing to visit the site for another two weeks, he will do a chapter of one one week, a chapter of another the next, etc., so there is new content every week.
12009 is not set in a domed universe.
2WOAH this opens alot of possibilities
4Yeah. And it wasn't created by the GB's either? I'm going to have to think about that, before I come up with anything.
5And another thing: Why do the GB's only create domed universes? That sounds suspicious to me. Maybe they aren't as powerful as we (or I) originally thought...
1up a lot more questions. sorry to bother you.
21: i have heard that the dimention takanuva goes to have toa that are evil, and the DH and BoM are good. can i conform that? 32: when is the next ferdation of fear comming out? 43: did the makuta know that the mask of life would be on karda nui? a yes or no would do. 54: i don't understand photok's toa-matoran power. how does he ues it when pohatu has a mask of speed? 65: how do the mahri breath air again? 76: by sets, who has the most warriors? the toa or the Makuta? 87: are there any more av-matoran in karda nui? 98: how do you pronounce: radiak, photok, icarax, and ignika? 109: is there a reason that the phantoka makuta want the matoran? 1110: if so, why? 1211: is there any reason that spiriah has a midak? a simple yes or no would do. 1312: if so, why does he have it, and where did he get it? 1413: my guess, spiriah's matoran is shadow. 1514: is there any known toa of shadow? 1615: why does vican want to be a le-matoran again? 1716: does mutran treat vican badly? 1817: if so, is there a reason? 1918: how recent is bioniclestory updated? 2019: do you like getting all the questions everyone gives you? 2120: do you collect the bionicle sets?
22pardon my spelling.
231) I never said the BOM and DH are good. What I said was they are the last ones left fighting for freedom. Freedom can mean the freedom to do good, or the freedom to do evil. And a dictatorship by heroes can be just as bad as a dictatorship by villains. 242) Probably two weeks or so. 253) They expected it would show up there, yes 264) He makes Pohatu faster. 275) Mask of Life made them amphibious. 286) By sets? You mean this year or in total? 297) Sure 308) Ray-dee-ack, Fo-tock, Ih-cah-racks, Igg-nee-kah 319) Because if an Av-Matoran were to become a Toa, he would become a Toa of Light, and the Makuta don't want any more Toa of Light around. By corrupting them, they can't become Toa of Light. 3211-12) Follow the story and find out 3314) No 3415) If you looked like that, wouldn't you? 3516) Depends on your point of view 3618) You need to ask Binkmeister this question, he is in charge of the web site 3719) Yes, except when I get the same question over and over because people aren't sharing info. 3820) I have some yes, I also collect the Batman and Indiana Jones sets
1First of all well done of Federation of Fear, very well written.
21) In federation of fear ho do all of the characters talk if they are wearing water breathing apparatus to keep them from dieing?
32)Have you decided whether 2009 is a single year or if it is a trilogy 2009-11
43)Since MoMN has lost his armour if he went back to his base could a new set be made so that his energy wouldn't dissapate?
54)If he is inhabiting a body which isn't his own would his energy disapate after a while as well?
65)When the set designers start do design the sets how much do you give them to work with? Eg setting only or other stuff like weapons and masks?
71) If you put on a clear helmet, do you think it cuts off all sound? I used to have a toy space helmet when I was a little kid, my parents could hear me just fine when I wore it. 82) I can't discuss this. 93) No, the Makuta do not have the ability to make that armor. 104) No. Only dissipates if he isn't in a body. 115) Setting only.
12Hmmm, maybe it means that we are going into a different dimension, i mustask some questions to Greg
1#3 is very interesting. If the Makuta can't make their protosteel armor, then who made it in the first place?
1It was discovered on Artahka?
3Created, my mistake.

2A special form of Protodermis, it can be considered a type of Metallic Protodermis. It's the hardest known form of metal in existence, and was created by the artisans of Artakha. It was to be used in conjunction with Ehlek's species, but the plan was scrapped. Ehlek still uses his Tri-Talons, which are made of Protosteel. Protosteel also composes the armor that Makuta wear. Another property of Protosteel is conducting electricity. Toa Mahri Hahli's Toa Tool, the Protosteel Talons, the Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield carried by Nuparu, and Pohatu Nuva's Twin Propellers are also made of Protosteel. The only known thing that can shatter Protosteel is another Protosteel object.
3Created, my mistake.


1I wrote part of that. 

1Hello GregF, I just have a few questions for you: 21) I have seen images of Bionicle sets called Rockoh T3, Jetrax T6, and Axalara T9. They look almost like Toa to me, but somewhat like Makuta. Could you tell me if they are good or evil? 31a) Could you also say what they are? 42) I have heard on Biosector01.com that in Federation of Fear, Brutaka will teleport Takanuva into an alternate dimension where Toa are evil and the BoM and DH are good. The Summer 2008 Takanuva set looks incredibly evil and huge. Does he look like that because he becomes evil once he enters the dimension? I'm confused about his appearance. 53) Will Hydraxon appear in the future storyline? 63a) If so, will he transform back into Dekar?
7That's all for today:
7That's all for today:
1I really hope that it doesn't happen to Takanuva, he's my favorite Bionicle character
2Actually, if he could conrtol himself than it would be awsome becuase he would have light and dark powers.
3Ehhh... not so much. his powers would be great, but he would be in with the bad guys due to the leech::

1I really hope that it doesn't happen to Takanuva, he's my favorite Bionicle character
2Actually, if he could conrtol himself than it would be awsome becuase he would have light and dark powers.
3Ehhh... not so much. his powers would be great, but he would be in with the bad guys due to the leech::4Superpowerful toa corrupted thoughts= BAD. 5EDIT: Was Q #13 in nara567's list skipped accidentaly or on purpose? Hmm...

7Captian raven575
1Hello Mr. Farshty. I have a few new questions for you. Well actually just two big ones.
21) Fascinating what InnerRayg recently sent you, but for as smart as the Makuta are I think that they have overlooked one big point. For a being like the MoMN, it is never enough. He grew resentful and discontent with being under any other being and so he created an amazing master plan that seems to be able to overthrow the most powerful being in the universe and establish himself and his kind as absolute rulers. But eventually he will grow discontent with sharing that power as well, and when he does what is to stop him from coming up with another plan to distroy the rest of the Brotherhhod? The other Makuta can't possibly believe that that will not eventually happen?
32) So the purpose of the Sundail will be revealed in the Biocast eh? Unless Takanuva was intending to bring the Sundial with him to Karda-Nui I can't see how he will even have it with him to use, so my theory is this. The Sundial must have some way of having a use even when you are in another pocket universe, the only thing that I can think of is that the Sundial either A) Has the ability to summon Takanuva wherever he is (even if he's in another dimension) which would make sense considering that you said that the Sundial has something to do with Takanuva. Or B ) That the Sundial of this universe can create a sort of interdemensional gate with the Sundial of the pocket universe (if it even has one). Are either of these close?
4Thank you very much in advance.
51) Ah, good point, KoE ... very good point indeed. 62) Nope. You should know by chapter 2 or 3 of the biocast what it is used for.
71) I wonder........... 82) Well I'm stumped.

1Hi, Greg. I just came up with more questions about the current Bionicle storyline. Hope you'll answer them.![]()
21). Now that Takadox and Carapar are on land, will their squid ammo still work in draining life energy out of their targets? 31b). If they can't, is it because the squids died since they can't breathe air? 42). Are Takadox and Carapar grateful that they got out of the pit? 53). Have the rest of the Barraki discovered about Takadox and Carapar's disappearance? 63b). If so, what are they going to do? 74). What is Hydraxon doing now? 85). Are the Adaptive Armor that Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 96). Are the Adaptive Armor that Tahu, Onua, and Gali now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 107). What's the purpose of Vamprah having a Tridax Pod when he can just create Shadow Matoran with his mask? 118). Can Mutran use his Mask of Mutation on his fellow Makuta? 129). When Antroz use his Mask of Corruption to decompose objects, can he reverse the process and put the decomposed object back in their original form?
13Well, that's all for now, hope you'll answer them. Thanks:
141) No. The squid would die on land, they are water-breathers, and I doubt they were allowed to keep those weapons in captivity anyway. 152) Gratitude is not really in their emotional playbook. 163) They think they're dead 174) Hunting Pit escapees 185) Not in '08, no, that's what the sets look like. 196) Same answer. 207) Okay, you are Vamprah. You see a bunch of Av-Matoran. You can use your mask and corrupt them one at a time, if you concentrate on it. Or you can drop your pod and corrupt four at a time without having to concentrate on it. If you use both, you can get five Matoran all at once. 218) Mutran does not have a Mask of Mutation. Recheck BIONICLE.com. 229) No
23Number 3 surprised me. Maybe the Barraki thought Takadox and Carapar are dead due to the events in Downfall, I don't know.
1Hey Greg, do you think you can tell me where these quotes from Bionicle.com are from?
Icarax 2"I have fought tougher Toa than you before. And as I stepped over their bodies, I will step over yours."
Koopaka 3"All right, then, you Matoran ride with us. Stay low, keep your mouths shut, and try not to get killed."
Lewa 4"I am a Toa-hero, here to save you from ... whatever it is you need saving from."
Pohatu 5"You know, I've seen things crawl out from under rocks that had more class than you Makuta. And I'm a Toa of Stone – I know rocks."
Tanma 6"The life of one Matoran doesn't matter compared to the fate of the whole universe."
Solek 7"This is just like that time you fought the acid-spitting air serpents, remember that?"
Photok 8"Hiding and running away doesn't make us safe or wise ... it makes us cowards."
Radiak 9"Why are you hiding? You always used to talk so brave ... come out and fight:"
11Some are from Book 9, and some I just made up for BIONICLE.com
12Which are made up?
14First four are from story, rest are made up for the website or the story bible.
1Hi, Greg. I just came up with more questions about the current Bionicle storyline. Hope you'll answer them.![]()
21). Now that Takadox and Carapar are on land, will their squid ammo still work in draining life energy out of their targets? 31b). If they can't, is it because the squids died since they can't breathe air? 42). Are Takadox and Carapar grateful that they got out of the pit? 53). Have the rest of the Barraki discovered about Takadox and Carapar's disappearance? 63b). If so, what are they going to do? 74). What is Hydraxon doing now? 85). Are the Adaptive Armor that Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 96). Are the Adaptive Armor that Tahu, Onua, and Gali now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 107). What's the purpose of Vamprah having a Tridax Pod when he can just create Shadow Matoran with his mask? 118). Can Mutran use his Mask of Mutation on his fellow Makuta? 129). When Antroz use his Mask of Corruption to decompose objects, can he reverse the process and put the decomposed object back in their original form?
13Well, that's all for now, hope you'll answer them. Thanks:
141) No. The squid would die on land, they are water-breathers, and I doubt they were allowed to keep those weapons in captivity anyway. 152) Gratitude is not really in their emotional playbook. 163) They think they're dead 174) Hunting Pit escapees 185) Not in '08, no, that's what the sets look like. 196) Same answer. 207) Okay, you are Vamprah. You see a bunch of Av-Matoran. You can use your mask and corrupt them one at a time, if you concentrate on it. Or you can drop your pod and corrupt four at a time without having to concentrate on it. If you use both, you can get five Matoran all at once. 218) Mutran does not have a Mask of Mutation. Recheck BIONICLE.com. 229) No
23Number 3 surprised me. Maybe the Barraki thought Takadox and Carapar are dead due to the events in Downfall, I don't know.
24Oh...I think that GregF kinda pointed out a very interesting thing in his 5th answer...maybe that the Nuva will be our main heroes next year after all...I mean...not in 08? This can only mean that they will somehow appear next year in another form.
1That would be awesome.
1Yeah, but I'd be kinda sick of the Nuva, as it would their 5th year as the main heroes.
1Actually, only their 3rd. I believe that the Bohrok-Kal and the Rahkshi were the same year, and this is their second.
1Actually, only their 3rd. I believe that the Bohrok-Kal and the Rahkshi were the same year, and this is their second.
2Not exactly. He said 5th year as the main heroes. Not as sets. And wouldn't you agree that the Mata and the Nuva are the same heroes?
3But anyways, it doesn't really matter how many times the sets get reused, because they'll always be different. We run into problems only storywise, really.
1Hi, Greg. I just came up with more questions about the current Bionicle storyline. Hope you'll answer them.![]()
21). Now that Takadox and Carapar are on land, will their squid ammo still work in draining life energy out of their targets? 31b). If they can't, is it because the squids died since they can't breathe air? 42). Are Takadox and Carapar grateful that they got out of the pit? 53). Have the rest of the Barraki discovered about Takadox and Carapar's disappearance? 63b). If so, what are they going to do? 74). What is Hydraxon doing now? 85). Are the Adaptive Armor that Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 96). Are the Adaptive Armor that Tahu, Onua, and Gali now has ever going to change into another shape in 2008? 107). What's the purpose of Vamprah having a Tridax Pod when he can just create Shadow Matoran with his mask? 118). Can Mutran use his Mask of Mutation on his fellow Makuta? 129). When Antroz use his Mask of Corruption to decompose objects, can he reverse the process and put the decomposed object back in their original form?
13Well, that's all for now, hope you'll answer them. Thanks:
141) No. The squid would die on land, they are water-breathers, and I doubt they were allowed to keep those weapons in captivity anyway. 152) Gratitude is not really in their emotional playbook. 163) They think they're dead 174) Hunting Pit escapees 185) Not in '08, no, that's what the sets look like. 196) Same answer. 207) Okay, you are Vamprah. You see a bunch of Av-Matoran. You can use your mask and corrupt them one at a time, if you concentrate on it. Or you can drop your pod and corrupt four at a time without having to concentrate on it. If you use both, you can get five Matoran all at once. 218) Mutran does not have a Mask of Mutation. Recheck BIONICLE.com. 229) No
23Number 3 surprised me. Maybe the Barraki thought Takadox and Carapar are dead due to the events in Downfall, I don't know.
24Oh...I think that GregF kinda pointed out a very interesting thing in his 5th answer...maybe that the Nuva will be our main heroes next year after all...I mean...not in 08? This can only mean that they will somehow appear next year in another form.
25Or they might just appear in story and look different, and not be released as sets, leaving us with not much of an idea of what they look like.
1I guess you could say 4 1/2 years, since they were the main characters before the Inika in '06.