1I wonder when the biocast and the mutran chronicle are going to come out. I cant wait to learn more about the makuta and what happens to takanuva in the pocket dimension. Though I wonder why takanuva went to the pocket dimension.
1Hello Greg. Just a few questions to ask.21) In the Toa Nuva Blog, it was stated that the Toa Nuva was teleported to Artakha. However, in BL8, it said that the Toa Nuva sought out a map to Artakha and thus journeyed to the island that way. Which one is the right one?
32) Is 2008 still considered as a part of the 2006/2007 story arc?
43) When exactly does Federation of Fear occur? Does it occur just before BL8?
54) How did the Order knew about the exsistence of Vezon?
65) Are there any locations we don't know about which you can reveal to us?
76) Are all the breathing apparatus similar to a helmet?
87) The original leader of the BoM is a Makuta, right?
9Thank you.10~ Bioran
111) Help me out -- where is there a reference to a map in the book? There is this line -- "Only after a recent series of quests had they been given information on how to find the island, and that by a mysterious figure whose face they never saw" -- but that is not a reference to a map. The "information" they were given was "I will teleport you there."
122) Yes
133) No, Federation of Fear takes place after BIONICLE Legends #8, during the events of BIONICLE Legends #9 and #10.
144) Well, the Order has had the Piraka as prisoners since the events of Bionicle Legends #8, would have been pretty easy to find out from them.
155) No. If you don't know about them, there's a reason not to have told you.
166) Yes
177) Correct
181) Ah, sorry about that. Must have mis-read it.
193) But wasn't Vezon surrounded by Zyglak before he was teleported to the cell? I thought the group of Zyglak was killed by the Piraka in BL8...or is this another group of Zyglak?
20And just 2 questions I forgot to ask:
218) Is the prison cell seen in FoF on Daxia?
229) If the time when the Makuta want Mata Nui to be reawakened comes, will they stop fighting the Toa Nuva and simply let them reawaken Mata Nui?
23Thanks again.24~ Bioran
253) He was rescued before the Zyglak were killed, but you are talking about something that happened basically minutes before Matoro died. By the time Vezon revives, it's Book 9. 268) Yes 279) Good question -- let me ask one back -- if you were a Toa and you knew a Makuta wanted you to do something, would you do it?
28~ Bioran
1QUOTE 2i haven't done this b4 becuse my come could not load bzpower last time so forgive me if i do anythig offensive 3i have some questions 41.)Did brutahka rejoined the order (pls dun say u cant answer that). 52.)Is takanuva going to be titan size or u r going make him have ussanui or a rahi like Lhikan 63.)Can u tell me which district the phantoka makuta is assighed too
71) Yes 82) I cannot discuss summer sets 93) I haven't released this info yet 10Hope this is helpful
71) Yes 82) I cannot discuss summer sets 93) I haven't released this info yet 10Hope this is helpful
1There is just one minor flaw in Greg's explanation on the Avsa
4Greg just forogt the Phantoka Makuta are blind
27). What's the purpose of Vamprah having a Tridax Pod when he can just create Shadow Matoran with his mask? 37) Okay, you are Vamprah. You see a bunch of Av-Matoran. You can use your mask and corrupt them one at a time, if you concentrate on it. Or you can drop your pod and corrupt four at a time without having to concentrate on it. If you use both, you can get five Matoran all at once.
4Greg just forogt the Phantoka Makuta are blind

1There is just one minor flaw in Greg's explanation on the Avsa
27). What's the purpose of Vamprah having a Tridax Pod when he can just create Shadow Matoran with his mask? 37) Okay, you are Vamprah. You see a bunch of Av-Matoran. You can use your mask and corrupt them one at a time, if you concentrate on it. Or you can drop your pod and corrupt four at a time without having to concentrate on it. If you use both, you can get five Matoran all at once.
4Greg just forogt the Phantoka Makuta are blind![]()
5...and your forgetting they can see through the eyes of the Matoran.

1I really hope that it doesn't happen to Takanuva, he's my favorite Bionicle character
2Actually, if he could conrtol himself than it would be awsome becuase he would have light and dark powers.
3The powers sound cool but a white with black Takanuva doesn't sound cool
4I see what you mean.
5It has come true, the prophecy that was fortold has came true
6Hopefully he isn't black with white,that will almost ruin him completely
1Hey againI got s'more questions
21) (Yes, another Piraka question) Ok. The OoMN took the Piraka for interrogation right? So.. my question is.. are the Piraka now amphibious, or are they being interrogated in an underwater chamber or something?
32) The domed helmet Brutaka wears is his breathing aparatus.. so does it look the same as the one Ehlek used or has it been improved upon?
43) Has Brutaka been re-instated to the Order?
54) Why can't Mantax work with Takadox? I forgotI mean, Carapar was hypnotized by Takadox, so he should be the one who can't work with him. Can you clear this up for me?
65) Have you decided what the Mask of Intangibility look like? 75b) If yes, can you gimme a description?
86) The adaptive armor given to the Toa Nuva adapts to the environment right? It doesn't have a fixed form right? So suppose the Toa go into some underwater place, the armor would adapt to give them some breathing equipment or something?
9Ok, that's all I have to ask youThanks in advance
10(sorry for all the smileys)
111) They are in the equivalent of an aquarium. 122) Pretty much the same 133) On a probationary basis, yes 144) Because Mantax is the one who discovered Takadox betrayed the League, at which point Takadox tried to kill Mantax. 155) No, no reason for me to do so -- I don't think in pictures, I think in words, so I don't imagine how things look. 166) We will see if they ever go underwater with it
17Nothing new.. maybe

1Some questions for you:
21a. You said Taka's serial is around present day. Is it possible to access pocket dimensions at other points in time using the olmak? 3b. If Takanuva brought a character out of the pocket dimension and into his(Taka's) original dimension, would anything happen?(e.g. paradox, universe implosion, etc.)
42. Could Takanuva's biocast be considered something like DC's Elseworlds series? In case you don't know, Elseworlds is stories like "What if Bruce Wayne had become Earth's Green Lantern?"
53. Does Brutaka still have his olmak in FoF?
64. Since Kanohi Nuva can only be made be immersing destined kanohi in EP, does that mean each power of mask only comes in one shape?
75. If the gate at Karzahni stops all light, how'd the crazy av-matoran get in?
86a. Is the mask of creation anything like the box for a puzzle? 9b. Does it have any relation to Taka knowing how to construct the ussanui?
107. Do the summer sets have an overall term for them like Phantoka is for the winter ones?
118. If say, a toa mahri was destined to become a toa nuva, would they be superior design-wise, since the original nuva are upgraded forms of very old toa models?
129a. Will any of Mutrans..."creations" be revealed in his serial? 13b. Is his serial called "The Mutran Chronicles"?
1410. Will any OOMN members appear in any serials this year?
1511. Have you planned any new elements for this year's serials, like you did with Lightning and Iron?
1612a. Why was Takua so badly disguised as a matoran? 17b.Was Takua his original name, or a disguise too?
1813. Are all matoran that are destined to become toa destined to do so in a particular way? E.g. could Jaller have used one of Lhikan's Toa stones?
1914. You said an Iden user could enter empty Makuta armor. And that Makuta can't use certain powers(like shape-shifting) without their armor. I highly doubt it, but would a toa-spirit in Makuta armor gain any powers?
2015a. You said the Kraahkan has some powers a toa of shadow wouldn't. Can you give me some examples of these powers? 21b. In the Avohkii 22c. Does this apply to other elemental masks, like the Garai too?
23That's all I've got for now. Please answer what you can, and thanks in advance.
24-Shardwing Prime-
251) No. The Olmak does not allow for time travel. 261b) No, because that isn't happening with Takanuva in that dimension 272) Yes, I know what it is. I consider it closer to some of the parallel Earths done in DC and Marvel or the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of ST: TOS 28So who's gonna grow a beard?293) Yes 304) I don't think I understand your question 315) He didn't come overland, he came by ship before Karzahni was landlocked. 326a) Huh? 336b) No, Takanuva didn't have access to that mask. 347) Yes 358) I can't speak to this, I am not a set designer. 369) Possibly 379b) Yes 3810) One already has, Brutaka 3911) Not at the moment, no 4012a) He wasn't badly disguised. His original mask broke and the one he got as a replacement did not fit correctly. 4112b) His original name was Takua 4213) Normally, how you become one is also destined 4314) No. 44didn't think so... 4515) Shadow power cannot, by itself, create anger and fear. Light power, by itself, cannot bring understanding, turn anger to peace or enemies into allies. 46Neat: 4715c) No
48Some follow-up: 491b. But in theory, what would happen?
504. Kanohi, like the hau and those of the Hagah, have been shown to be forgable in shapes other than their "normal" ones. Does this extend to kanohi nuva?
516b. Will we find out how Takanuva knew how to build the Ussanui?
528. I meant storyline-wise, since the Toa Mata were created a long time ago, and might have inferior/aged mechanical parts.
53And some new ones:
541a. Does MOMN know of the great beings? 55b.After a question from InnerRayg, KoE suggested MOMN might attack the brotherhood when he got bored of his new power. Is it possible he might try to take down the GBs instead?
562a. Elemental powers are a unison of body and mind, so a spirit can't use elemental powers. If two toa of different elements switched bodies could they still use elemental powers? 57b.If so, whose, their spirit's or their body's?
583a. If a makuta in its armor used an Iden, what would happen? 59b. If a Makuta shapeshifted to a mask-wearing rahi and used an iden would their body stay morphed, or revert to the armor form?
604. Are pocket dimensions random, or do they exist the way that's theorized by the Schrodinger's cat theory(one dimension for every outcome to every decision)?
615. Of Matoran, Toa, and Turaga, which would have the longest lifespan(assuming they stayed in that form until death)?
626a. Could a noble Kiril fix MOMN's armor? 63b.If not, a great one?
64That's all. Please answer what you can.
671b) Sorry, Shard, but I am averaging 40 PMs a day with 10 questions each right now -- that's 400 questions a day -- I don't have time to answer hypotheticals. 68aw man: that one's really bugging me now. Imagine an army of Kopakas: 69He missed the rest of my followups. 701.No answer... 712a) Spirit's 72interesting. 733) His spirit would leave his armor. 74I wonder if a toa could go in and then break his armor and become antidermis... 753b) Stay morphed 76And that, boys and girls, is how a toa can turn into a rahi: 774) I am a big fan of the cat theory myself, but we also see some pockets (like in the young reader I just wrote) that seem to bear no relation to any decisions made in the standard universe. 78Interesting. I guess now we know why the young readers don't impact the main story... 795) I see no difference in lifespan, since they are all of the same species. 80I figured maybe Toa would live longer since they're powerful, but then again, heroes inherently have short lifespans 816a) Probably not 826b) Quite possibly, yes 83hmmm. Perhaps, fix the armor and infiltrate the brotherhood with an iden?
84Nothing, much. The Iden and Schrodinger's cat ones are interesting though...
85-Shardwing Prime-
1Dear Greg:
2Hope you had a good holiday. I have a "few" questions regarding the storyline:
31) Does the First Toa have a major role in this year's storyline or will she only make a cameo? 41a) Will she appear in the current timeline or in the pocket dimension where Takanuva ends up going to? 51b) Will she appear in a flashback? 61c) Can we know
72) Does the SoA affect organic things as well? 82a) When it was used, did it affect the Matoran in any way? Like for example did it transform the Karzahni and Metru Nui Matoran back to their original forms?
93) Is a Great Kanohi Kiril capable of healing?
104) Could a Great Kanohi Matatu be capable of creating telekinetic force fields or is it limited to moving objects?
115) How exactly does the Lifeblade function? (for BS01Wiki)
126) What would happen if a Shadow Matoran if it was struck with a Midak sphere?
137) Is Spiriah capable of releasing Shadow Leeches?
148) Is Mata Nui aware that Matoro sacrificed himself to save him? If not, what would he have done if he did know?
159) When can we expect to see the Summer sets?
161) I cannot discuss future storyline 172) No 182a) No 193) No 204) Moving objects only 215) It is basically like any other Toa tool, it channels his elemental power, in this case life. 226) It would hurt. 238) Mata Nui is asleep. 249) Earliest official images will be after ToyFair in February.
256) Could you elaborate? I mean what exactly is life in terms of elemental energy?
267) So then what would cure a Shadow Matoran? Or is the Shadow thing permanent?
276) Are you asking with reference to your earlier question 5? We have already seen some of what the Ignika can do -- evolving and devolving beings, altering them, and then throw in things like speeding up life processes or just removing life altogether. 287) At this point, I have not decided if it possible to cure one. I have to make a decision in the next month, for Bionicle Legends #11.
29Not much interesting stuff. But yay, we at least know when the cure will appear...
1Some new questions from Greg, some old (just asked them to clarify).
162) Does this mean we finally have confirmation that Acid could be an element?:?
Aqua I
2Hello Greg. Thanks for answering my last batch of questions, I just have a few more.
31a) Storywise, Do all Toa have the same basic body design? 41b) If so, which set design is closer to it, of those we have seen so far?
52) In a previous PM, you said that you "don't think acid will ever be a Toa element." Does this mean it could be a non-Toa element similar to how Shadow used to be, or merely a power like rahi control?
63a) I read on the OGD that Krakua is currently in Metru-Nui. Can more information on this be revealed yet? 73b) If so, can you tell us when/how he got there, whether this has something to do with the OoMN or if anyone knows he is there yet?
84a) Was the Makuta that Conjurer attacked affected in any way? Is it possible he is a Makuta that we have already seen, or will see? 94b) Is it at all reasonable to argue that the Makuta that Krekka denied passage to was the Makuta of their island, as I can see no reason why else a Makuta would be there?
111) I would say no. How Toa look seems to depend on how the Matoran who turn into them believe they look. 122) Most likely a non-Toa element. 133) No, you will find out more about that in Bionicle Legends #10. 144) I can't see why he would have been affected, since Conjurer lost the fight. 154b) I have not specified which Makuta are in charge of where yet.
162) Does this mean we finally have confirmation that Acid could be an element?:?

1Hi Greg. I'm loving Dark Mirror and Takanuva, it's great seeing my favorite Bionicle character in such a great role again.
21. While he can only use it with his left hand, has the sheer power of Takanuva's light power been decreased?
32. If yes, he can he use his Mask of Light to make up for the power lost?
43. Would you say that his shadow powers are as strong as they would have been if the had become a full Toa of Shadow?
54. Would he still be a Toa of Light, or would he officially be a Toa of Light and Shadow?
65. Has gaining shadow powers changed his personality? (it didn't seem to have changed him personality wise in the first chapter of Dark Mirror, but I just want to make sure)
76. Will we see Brutaka's maske get damaged and his becoming a full member of the OoMN in Federation of Fear?
87. How was a Shadow Leech able to get all the way from Karda-Nui to Metru-Nui?
98. Would you say Takanuva is perhaps better prepared to use shadow powers since he had spent time as Takutanuva?
101) No, not really 113) Yes 124) Technically, you might call him a Toa of Twilight 135) It had just happened in chapter 1, though, give it time 146) His mask was damaged by exposure to the waters of the Pit 157) I keep getting this question. Why is it impossible for a Makuta to have gone to Karda Nui, gotten a shadow leech, and gone to Metru Nui with it? The entire BOM membership is not in Karda Nui. 168) No, because he never used them as Takutanuva
17A lot of interesting stuff here about Takanuva. We have a new title for him (Toa of Twilight) and he's essentially a Toa with total control of 2 elements. Also, looks like we're in for a more gradual change to his personality. Brutaka's mask is slightly interesting, but only a little.
21. While he can only use it with his left hand, has the sheer power of Takanuva's light power been decreased?
32. If yes, he can he use his Mask of Light to make up for the power lost?
43. Would you say that his shadow powers are as strong as they would have been if the had become a full Toa of Shadow?
54. Would he still be a Toa of Light, or would he officially be a Toa of Light and Shadow?
65. Has gaining shadow powers changed his personality? (it didn't seem to have changed him personality wise in the first chapter of Dark Mirror, but I just want to make sure)
76. Will we see Brutaka's maske get damaged and his becoming a full member of the OoMN in Federation of Fear?
87. How was a Shadow Leech able to get all the way from Karda-Nui to Metru-Nui?
98. Would you say Takanuva is perhaps better prepared to use shadow powers since he had spent time as Takutanuva?
101) No, not really 113) Yes 124) Technically, you might call him a Toa of Twilight 135) It had just happened in chapter 1, though, give it time 146) His mask was damaged by exposure to the waters of the Pit 157) I keep getting this question. Why is it impossible for a Makuta to have gone to Karda Nui, gotten a shadow leech, and gone to Metru Nui with it? The entire BOM membership is not in Karda Nui. 168) No, because he never used them as Takutanuva
17A lot of interesting stuff here about Takanuva. We have a new title for him (Toa of Twilight) and he's essentially a Toa with total control of 2 elements. Also, looks like we're in for a more gradual change to his personality. Brutaka's mask is slightly interesting, but only a little.
1Vey interesting. So not all of the brotherhood is in the core.
1Got some sweet stuff here:

21)How could Takanuva been attacked by a Shadow Leech? Did a Makuta attack him? 31a)Maybe the Winning entry of the Makuta contest attacked him?(You really don't have to give me an answer, I understand if you can't.) 42)So, Tuyet is, uh ... Empress the Toa Empire? 53)In this wacky world, the Toa Mata were never stranded in the sea, right? 64)Takanuva is now half Shadow (Awsome: Thank you, thank you:
), it's only logical that he will have difficulty keeping dark, corrupting thoughts from overruling him, no? Or would he have better luck than most, cause of his five minutes as Takutanuva? 75)Kapura seemed like he didn't even know who Vakama was, does he exist in this world?
8Well, that's all folks. Thanks.9~CN
101) Yes 11Note he omitted 1a. Please don't go jumping the gun on this one. We have no other proof on this. 122) Pretty much 133) Correct 144) No, it is something he will have to struggle with 156) I read it more as he didn't know Vakama as a Turaga, but only as a Matoran, since the Toa Metru never existed.
1What Makuta contest?
1There's a contest where you can build a Makuta in the new BrickMaster Magazine.
1Could someone please ask Greg about Taka´s mask? I mean if it´s still the same or it´s been changed somehow during that shadow leech attack
1Uh, Artahka the ruler, I didn't know you had to PM GregF. Anyway, my parents probably wouldn't let me do any personal messaging things like that. Could someone at least try to answer my questions?
1Could someone please ask Greg about Taka´s mask? I mean if it´s still the same or it´s been changed somehow during that shadow leech attack
2Light sucking only alters color, not masks, tools and armor
3Actually, it doesn't even do that. None of the Shadow Matoran have their color altered. They are exactly the same color as they were before their light was drained.
1Could someone please ask Greg about Taka´s mask? I mean if it´s still the same or it´s been changed somehow during that shadow leech attack
2Light sucking only alters color, not masks, tools and armor
3Actually, it doesn't even do that. None of the Shadow Matoran have their color altered. They are exactly the same color as they were before their light was drained.
4Really? So does that mean that Radiak was always black and red?

1Got some new stuff on Dark Mirror here.
17Comments: 181) That would be interesting for Takanuva to have a struggle between his light and dark sides throughout the story. 192) Makes sense, as Icarax got the Krahkaan on Metru Nui, and Takanuva chased him. Icarax must've snuck out of the silver sea and ambushed Takanuva. 204) Just got a little confused there. 215) Hmm...wonder why he mentioned Krekka. Perhaps he'll appear futher on in the podcast.
2Hello, Greg. I must first say that the podcast is exellent, and a very original idea. I have some questions on it.
31) If Takanuva now controls light and shadow, isn't he now partially corrupted (like having a hordika side)? 42) Who fired the shadow leech at Takanuva? 53) In OGD you said to someone that the MoLi wouldn't drain in the parallel universe because the Toa's dominance is "good". But the BoM used to be good, too, and the mask now is close to turning black. So with Toa commiting acts of evil, wouldn't the MoLi drain regardless? 63) Did Brutaka himself teleport Takanuva, or did the OoMN have another Olmak? 74) Are Nidihki and Tuyet still alive in the pocket dimension? 85) Say a matoran in the pocket dimension gets turned into a Toa in a way the other Toa can't control/determine ( like getting hit from lightning of the red star). How would the other Toa react?
9Thanks for your anwsers, and good luck with the other serials:
10~Shadow Rahkshi
111) It is something he will have to struggle with, yes 122) Icarax 133) No, because that is not the Ignika's universe. It's not set to work there. 144) Brutaka did it himself 155) Indeed they are. So is Krekka. 166) He would be invited to be part of the Empire, and if he refused, he would be imprisoned or killed.
17Comments: 181) That would be interesting for Takanuva to have a struggle between his light and dark sides throughout the story. 192) Makes sense, as Icarax got the Krahkaan on Metru Nui, and Takanuva chased him. Icarax must've snuck out of the silver sea and ambushed Takanuva. 204) Just got a little confused there. 215) Hmm...wonder why he mentioned Krekka. Perhaps he'll appear futher on in the podcast.
1can some one post a written form of the takanuva serial
2it wont download for me
3This is the wrong place to post that. And you can find it here: Dark Mirror. Enjoy:
1Hey Greg, first off, I want to say awesome job with this new batch of serials (looking forward to the Mutran Chronicles), and because they're so awesome, I've had a few questions pop up about them that I'd like to get off of my chest.
21) In this alternate universe/dimension, what is an "identity tablet"? 32) So Takanuva is now a Toa of Light and a Toa of Shadow? 43) Concerning Takanuva's 2008 form, is his new appearance courtesy of the Shadow Leech, or is that only credited to it in part or not at all? 54) What Makuta was in Metru Nui to send (a) Shadow Leech(es) after Takanuva? 65) Are you enjoying writing about Vezon again? 76) How did the OOMN know where to find Makuta Spiriah? 87) Any chance we'll find out the Makuta of Metru Nui's name before the next book?
9Thanks in advance Greg.
10- TLH
111) Pretty much what it sounds like -- the equivalent of an ID card 122) Yes, I refer to him as a Toa of Twilight 133) In part ... the change in armor color is because of the leech, the change in size comes later. 144) Icarax 155) Yes 166) Oh, the OOMN knows lots of things. 177) That is possible, because it may appear in the Mutran Chronicles before the book comes out.
182) But whichever way you say it, he's now a Toa of 2 elements, right? 198) Does this make him more dangerous to the BoM since he now controls both the element that they're weakest against, and the element that was once "exclusive" to them? 209) Seeing as Vezon hasn't had any direct contact with any Makuta, why did the OOMN bother saving him and recruiting him? 2110) A while back in 07, I recall asking you some questions involving the MoMN. I forget exactly what we had said, but I recall you saying that perhaps the Kraahkan didn't originally belong to him. Now that we know he wasn't the original leader of the BOM, is it possible that he stole the Kraahkan from this former leader as you had implied back then?
22Thanks again Greg.
23- TLH
242) Yup 258) I don't really think so, because shadow power is not going to harm them any. It leaves him divided, and therefore not as much of a threat. 269) Precisely for that reason. You know and I know that Vezon has no special powers ... but the Makuta don't, they know nothing about him. 2710) Follow the story and find out

1Could someone please ask Greg about Taka´s mask? I mean if it´s still the same or it´s been changed somehow during that shadow leech attack
2Light sucking only alters color, not masks, tools and armor
3Actually, it doesn't even do that. None of the Shadow Matoran have their color altered. They are exactly the same color as they were before their light was drained.
4On the contrary:
5Just a quickie about Takanuva becoming a "Toa of Twilight" (should that be an official title?): Were there any visible side effects in appearance from the partial attack? Like, color changes or anything? I assume there might be, but I'm not sure. If you can and there are, would you be able to tell us?
6Thanks in advance:
7Yes, there are, and you will see them when the images of the set get released in Feb.
1I can't PM Greg. A board message pops up and it says I'm not allowed to use this feature. What's problem?
1Hello Greg, I have only one question (sorry for being so abrupt):
21. I'm not sure whether you can answer this or not, but seeing as how Takanuva will be re-released, will his form be his alternate "universe" form, or his form in the "going to Karda Nui" form?
3Thanks for your time.
4He doesn't have an alternate universe form, K. His set form is the same form he has before he ever gets there in the biocast.
1But he doesn't get big before he goes to Dark Mirror.
1Who says he gets big? 

1I think Greg mentioned Taka getting bigger in it. I also like the sound of Toa of Twilight, it's cool.