1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
21) Do all Toa Hordikas have natural rhotuka spinners? 32) Do rhotukas become into whatever power or element they carry or do they only release the power on impact? 43) Can Lewa use his Skyblaster like a machinegun if Tanma's charging it? 53a) Can the other Toa Phantoka do the same? 64) By just flying around, the Makuta spread darkness in the UC. If Takanuva arrived there, would he be able to create more light for Karda Nui by his mere prescence or would he have to use his elemental powers? 74a) If Takanuva went Nova, would he be able to replace all the light that's been removed? 85) Can Shadow Leeches control Rahkshi? 95a) If yes, would the Rahkshi armor still be able to drain light? 106) The Phantoka makuta have an antidermis form as well, right? 117) What else can be placed inside Trydax Pods? 128) Do the Makuta's weapons have any powers you haven't revealed yet or are they just normal weapons? 139) How do the Piraka move now? Do they slither like snakes or do they drag themselves with their 'limbs'? 1410) Would a Toa of Plantlife's Nova Blast be enough to fill Mata Nui with vegetation again, or is it not even close? 1511) Which mask is stronger, the Miru or the Garai? If someone was levitating with a Miru and you used a Garai, would he be brought down or would he stay in the sky? 1612) Can a Toa charge their tool with an element and then throw it? Would the elemental energy leave the tool once it left the Toa's hands? 1712a) Can Tahu Nuva use his delayed fire ability to throw his sword at his enemy and when it struck can Tahu cause it to ignite? 1813) Can a Toa with an Iden possess Makuta armor? 1913a) If there is a Makuta currently inhabiting the armor, can the Toa attempt to remove the Makuta from the armor? 2014) Are there any plans for different elemental toa in the canister sets or would we still get the main six elements? 2115) Would Zaktan be able to absorb more Protodites into his body?
221) Yes 232) I don't understand your question 243) No, Tanma's power does not increase the weapon's rate of fire 253a) No 264) He would have to use his powers, Takanuva does not spread light everywhere he goes 274a) If Takanuva went nova, yes, plus he would probably kill an awful lot of the beings in the core 285) No 296) Yes, they are energy inside of armor 307) Nothing, they are made for shadow leeches 318) Just normal weapons 329) They swim like sea snakes 3310) Yes, it probably would 3411) Depends on whose will is stronger, the Miru wearer or the Garai wearer 3512) No 3612a) No 3713) Yes, if there is no spirit in the armor at that time. 3813A) No 3914) That is up to the set designers, not to me. 4015) From outside? No
41Nothing new, just some questions I had.
1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
21) Do all Toa Hordikas have natural rhotuka spinners? 32) Do rhotukas become into whatever power or element they carry or do they only release the power on impact? 43) Can Lewa use his Skyblaster like a machinegun if Tanma's charging it? 53a) Can the other Toa Phantoka do the same? 64) By just flying around, the Makuta spread darkness in the UC. If Takanuva arrived there, would he be able to create more light for Karda Nui by his mere prescence or would he have to use his elemental powers? 74a) If Takanuva went Nova, would he be able to replace all the light that's been removed? 85) Can Shadow Leeches control Rahkshi? 95a) If yes, would the Rahkshi armor still be able to drain light? 106) The Phantoka makuta have an antidermis form as well, right? 117) What else can be placed inside Trydax Pods? 128) Do the Makuta's weapons have any powers you haven't revealed yet or are they just normal weapons? 139) How do the Piraka move now? Do they slither like snakes or do they drag themselves with their 'limbs'? 1410) Would a Toa of Plantlife's Nova Blast be enough to fill Mata Nui with vegetation again, or is it not even close? 1511) Which mask is stronger, the Miru or the Garai? If someone was levitating with a Miru and you used a Garai, would he be brought down or would he stay in the sky? 1612) Can a Toa charge their tool with an element and then throw it? Would the elemental energy leave the tool once it left the Toa's hands? 1712a) Can Tahu Nuva use his delayed fire ability to throw his sword at his enemy and when it struck can Tahu cause it to ignite? 1813) Can a Toa with an Iden possess Makuta armor? 1913a) If there is a Makuta currently inhabiting the armor, can the Toa attempt to remove the Makuta from the armor? 2014) Are there any plans for different elemental toa in the canister sets or would we still get the main six elements? 2115) Would Zaktan be able to absorb more Protodites into his body?
221) Yes 232) I don't understand your question 243) No, Tanma's power does not increase the weapon's rate of fire 253a) No 264) He would have to use his powers, Takanuva does not spread light everywhere he goes 274a) If Takanuva went nova, yes, plus he would probably kill an awful lot of the beings in the core 285) No 296) Yes, they are energy inside of armor 307) Nothing, they are made for shadow leeches 318) Just normal weapons 329) They swim like sea snakes 3310) Yes, it probably would 3411) Depends on whose will is stronger, the Miru wearer or the Garai wearer 3512) No 3612a) No 3713) Yes, if there is no spirit in the armor at that time. 3813A) No 3914) That is up to the set designers, not to me. 4015) From outside? No
41Nothing new, just some questions I had.
42Perhaps, but it's still very intresting.
1I like that Makuta.Krika,Gorast or Bitil,which one?
1A few things I asked greg
3mr Greg,
4A few questions
51) Were the toa mata originally matoran because on your exerpt for bs01 pohatu doesnt know what a toa is?
62)Can the kanohi faxon copy mask powers?
73) When will the storyline significance of the sundial be revealed?
84) Does spiriah have the midak and tridax pod when fof starts?
9Thanks in advance,
10Toa Robert
111) No, they were never Matoran. But Pohatu had only recently come to life in that scene, so why would he know what the term Toa meant? 122) No 133) In the biocast 144) Yes
18mmm....very interesting..

2A few things I asked greg
3QUOTE4mr Greg,
5A few questions
61) Were the toa mata originally matoran because on your exerpt for bs01 pohatu doesnt know what a toa is?
72)Can the kanohi faxon copy mask powers?
83) When will the storyline significance of the sundial be revealed?
94) Does spiriah have the midak and tridax pod when fof starts?
10Thanks in advance,
11Toa Robert
121) No, they were never Matoran. But Pohatu had only recently come to life in that scene, so why would he know what the term Toa meant? 132) No 143) In the biocast 154) Yes
163) When will the storyline significance of the sundial be revealed? 173) In the biocast
18mmm....very interesting..

1Here's some good news for you guys; an analysis on what drives the Makuta. I love it that this story has gotten good enough to where you -can- analyze it
2My question is simple; We've known Makuta as a rule are highly intelligent, powerful beings. Now, as villians this presents us with a whole new kind of villian; evil-doers who don't just want pain, but have a concrete goal and can easily compromise to achieve it. I believe that your characterization of them has been as highly critical thinkers with a definate goal in mind, would this be correct? For example, the idea that they won't follow someone who does anything but give better reasons for their plan to work (ala Icarax) makes me believe they don't respect just pure power, but pure intellect and reason. An alternate comparison could be them as Kal; Highly intelligent beings created for a purpose, but when given power they realize they could rule by themselves and wish for more. Would this be an accurate comparison?
3In addition, is their higher goal basically to control the universe, to shape it in their own universe, or something like that? I mean, I realize they do it for power, but I don't know if it's the Matoran they want to control, or if it's just the universe they want. They have no respect for Matoran, so I don't know why they would really want them for anything but hero worship.
4This also makes it really hard for me to hate Makuta. I just love anyone who thinks intelligently, even if they are twisted and power-hungry.
5I would say it is a very accurate comparison and a very thoughtful analysis.
6As for their ultimate goal -- I basically see a few different things at work with the Makuta. The first is that they resented the fact that Mata Nui got all the honor and respect when they felt they did all the work, so they want to rectify that. And I think that has morphed into an absolute refusal to ever be "under" anyone again ... they don't want to answer for their actions to any being they consider inferior, and they consider all other beings inferior.
7I think you are going to particularly like one of the summer Makuta, who has supported the Plan and continues to do so, but also does it in a very fatalistic way -- he realizes that, if the Makuta win out, the universe will NOT be better off ... that while it won't be "doomed" in a physical sense, in a spiritual sense it will be. And he has no illusions about how much further the Brotherhood will plunge as a result. But he sees it as a runaway train now, that no single being can stop, and that perhaps his past actions mean he deserves no better than to live in the Hades that will result from the Plan coming to fruition.
9Very intresting... I think I love the makuta, but that one sounds the best. Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha:
1Here's some good news for you guys; an analysis on what drives the Makuta. I love it that this story has gotten good enough to where you -can- analyze it
2My question is simple; We've known Makuta as a rule are highly intelligent, powerful beings. Now, as villians this presents us with a whole new kind of villian; evil-doers who don't just want pain, but have a concrete goal and can easily compromise to achieve it. I believe that your characterization of them has been as highly critical thinkers with a definate goal in mind, would this be correct? For example, the idea that they won't follow someone who does anything but give better reasons for their plan to work (ala Icarax) makes me believe they don't respect just pure power, but pure intellect and reason. An alternate comparison could be them as Kal; Highly intelligent beings created for a purpose, but when given power they realize they could rule by themselves and wish for more. Would this be an accurate comparison?
3In addition, is their higher goal basically to control the universe, to shape it in their own universe, or something like that? I mean, I realize they do it for power, but I don't know if it's the Matoran they want to control, or if it's just the universe they want. They have no respect for Matoran, so I don't know why they would really want them for anything but hero worship.
4This also makes it really hard for me to hate Makuta. I just love anyone who thinks intelligently, even if they are twisted and power-hungry.
5I would say it is a very accurate comparison and a very thoughtful analysis.
6As for their ultimate goal -- I basically see a few different things at work with the Makuta. The first is that they resented the fact that Mata Nui got all the honor and respect when they felt they did all the work, so they want to rectify that. And I think that has morphed into an absolute refusal to ever be "under" anyone again ... they don't want to answer for their actions to any being they consider inferior, and they consider all other beings inferior.
7I think you are going to particularly like one of the summer Makuta, who has supported the Plan and continues to do so, but also does it in a very fatalistic way -- he realizes that, if the Makuta win out, the universe will NOT be better off ... that while it won't be "doomed" in a physical sense, in a spiritual sense it will be. And he has no illusions about how much further the Brotherhood will plunge as a result. But he sees it as a runaway train now, that no single being can stop, and that perhaps his past actions mean he deserves no better than to live in the Hades that will result from the Plan coming to fruition.
9Very intresting... I think I love the makuta, but that one sounds the best. Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha:
10That is one of the most interesting things that I have read in OGD.
11Here is some questions about shadow leeched and Takanuva. They will REALLY clear some things up.
121) When are shadow leech attacks you, how lon gdoes it take to corrupt you? 132) If a leech landed on a matoran's back while the matoran was attached to Pohatu, would he be able to go so fast that the leech wouldn't be able to hold on, thus saving the matoran? 143) If a leech was thrown off of soemone and the leech had sucked out half of that person's light, how would this effect the being in question? 154) When you are leeched, is your mask affected in any way? 164a) To go further, if Takanuva was leeched he would become a Shadow toa. Now, would he still have power over light because of the mask, right? And would he be able to "refill" his soul with light? Or would he not want to be light, having been turned evil? 174b) Say a leech attached itself to Takanuva. Would he be able to keep filling himself with light, making the leech explode because of all the light sucked into it?
18Thanks you so much,
19Thanks again, 20Toa Krogo
211) Not that long, but it varies depending on what kind of being you are 222) Nope 233) You'll find out in 2008 244) He would still have his mask power, but he might find it very difficult to control .. he might not even want it anymore. And no, he could not refill himself with light. 254a) Takanuva would certainly be a feast for a leech, but the leech could handle it.
26Verrry interesting, me thinks. I am consructing a theory, and based on #3 I think that Takanuva will have half of his light sucked out.
1Yeah or maybe Tahu, Gali and Onua will have half of their life sucked out
but I think you are right with Takanuva

1I really hope that it doesn't happen to Takanuva, he's my favorite Bionicle character
27Thank you. 28Two more things: (I swear, this is the last PM on this subject1Hi. Once again, I don't mean to be pushy, but this is for the BS01 wiki.
21. Four out of the six villages on Mata Nui had a military protecting them that was named- (The Ta-Koro Guard, the Ussalry, the Gukko Force, and the Sanctum Guard.) We've also heard in the past that Po-Koro has one and that they ride Dikapi. By this logic, Ga-Koro would probably have one, too. 3Now, I read not too long ago on Wikipedia that the other two were called the Motara Guard and the Naho Navy. I'm not sure if this was a fan's name for them or if they're official, but do you know?
41a. If they aren't already official, do you think they could be used as names for them purely on the wiki? They sound realistic enough and the words are official and everything.
52. I know you don't work on it, but I just thought I'd say that the new BIONICLE site looks great. It... Exudes classiness.
61) Never heard of them. 71a) If they're not official, I'd rather not have them used in a context that makes it look like they are. 82) I would suggest you PM Binkmeister and let him know this, he is the one who produces the site and I am sure he would appreciate hearing it.
9Uh, sorry for the four-day-late response. 10If I put up a template on the page stating that they were fan-made terms, would you deem it acceptable? (I know that Lake Naho and the Motara Desert are canon locations, so that's not an issue.)
11And two more questions: 123. Does Karda Nui have a dayight cycle like Metru Nui and other domes?
134. If so, does it have stars and/or sun-holes?
141) Fine if you make it clear they are fan-built 153) No 164) No
17I hate to bug you too long on one subject, but I've got a few more questions about the military on Mata Nui.
181. I know the Ta-Koro Guard is still being used on Metru Nui. Can the same be said for the other five organizations?
192. The Ta-Koro Guard and Gukko Force have been left leaderless now that Jaller and Kongu are Toa. Has anybody taken their places? 202a. If so, do you know who?
213. We already had official mention that Po-Koro's guard-force rides Dikapi, so that's been kept on the wiki. Bioran says that the Naho Navy, however, has no need to be there as we have no information on it besides a fan-made name you approved. (He wants actual storyline events and details.) 22Based on this old animation, it would seem that Ga-Koro Fishing Staffs (pre-Kohlii sticks) and sharpened bamboo poles were used as weapons by the guards in Ga-Koro. Would you consider this as a detail about them that could be posted on their BS01 page? 23(It's a minor thing, but I think the Naho Navy should be mentioned on BS01.)
241) Yes 252) I am sure someone has, but since I don't need it for story, it's not something I have worried about. 263) I have no problem with their choice of weapons being posted.291. In these two animations, a Guard-force of some sort is seen clearly defending Po-Koro. (Putting up barriers, manning a Guard Tower, setting off the alarm, etc.) Is it safe to say that this is Po-Koro's Guard that we discussed earlier?
302. I'm not even involved in this one, but everybody's getting their knickers in a twist over it. Some people claim that, in this picture, the Matoran is Orkham. Several others insist that the color of his mask is more of a lighter lime-green sort and that he's just a random unnamed Matoran. ( I personally think he resembles a Le-Matoran named Makani.) How should it be labeled on the wiki?
311) Okay by me 322) No Matoran name was specified when the picture was created. Story pics are often done before little details like that are set, as they are intended to establish tone and mood.
1Do the Toa Nuva's name mean their element?
2Does Avohkii mean Light?
3Does Kraakhaan (sp?) mean shadow?
4Could a 2 toa mix their elements in a dual Nova Blast?
5Were the Shadow Toa that the Toa Mata fought...made form shadow leeches?
6Could a shadow leech pilot rahkshi armor?
7If Toa Ignika is aware of the countdown...Why doesn't he just kill all the Makuta in the UC?
8How recently were the shadow leeches discovered?
9The Universe means the domiverse right? So if Ignika goes Black all Mata-Nui kills over again..Couldn't they all go to Mata-Nui or any other surface island (if there are any more) and live on organic rahi and food?
101) No. "Ta" is a Matoran prefix meaning "fire," but "Tahu" does not mean fire. 112) Yes 123) Yes 134) Two Toa could go nova at the same time, yes, if they wanted to destroy everything for hundreds of miles around, including their friends 145) No. Shadow leeches did not exist until just recently. 156) No, nor can shadow leeches be used to make Rahkshi armor 167) Have you considered that, being what he is, he isn't aware of what is causing the imbalance? Only that there is one? 178) See answer to #5 189) If the domed universe ends, though, eventually the island of Mata Nui will most likely collapse because the domed universe it is part of will fall apart. And we don't know of there being any other surface islands, outside of Voya Nui, none have ever been shown to exist.
14) When you are leeched, is your mask affected in any way? 24) He would still have his mask power, but he might find it very difficult to control .. he might not even want it anymore.
3Maybe this explains Spiriah's little piggyback friend without a Kanohi?:
4Not unless Spiriah's matoran once had a MoL. Greg answered that question in regards to Takanuva who hypothetically would be turned into a Toa of Shadow.
1The Universe means the domiverse right? So if Ignika goes Black all Mata-Nui kills over again..Couldn't they all go to Mata-Nui or any other surface island (if there are any more) and live on organic rahi and food?
29) If the domed universe ends, though, eventually the island of Mata Nui will most likely collapse because the domed universe it is part of will fall apart. And we don't know of there being any other surface islands, outside of Voya Nui, none have ever been shown to exist.
3Keep in mind that the organic birds shown on Mata Nui had to come from SOMEwhere.

1The birds just lived on the surface of Mata Nui.
1Hi Greg, I sent these questions in earlier, but I think the server ate them. Just want to say that I'm really excited about 2008, it looks like it'll be the best year yet.
21. Does Gali's mask of water breathing have any use now that her adaptive armor can just modify itself to serve the same purpose?
32. Nokama, Kopaka, and Hewkii are/were the second in command of their respective teams, correct?
43. You said Antroz leads the 08 Makuta, does he command Icarax as well?
54. Have we seen any examples of Mutran or Chirox's experiments not introduced in 2008?
65. How was Matoro even able to freeze Makuta? Why didn't Makuta use his Ice Resistance power?
76. Would you say the Makuta are relatively content with their positions in the Brotherhood and work well together? Better than the Barraki?
87. Could you give me an example of some kind of power the Toa Ignika would use in a fight?
98. Do the other Makuta, excluding Icarax obviously, know the MoMN is alive?
109. Will Hydraxxon ally himself with Lesovikk, or will he assume the Toa is another escaped prisoner?
1110. Have Toa every tried to organize themselves into an organization like the BoM or OoMN?
1211. In his bionicle.com bio, it says Vican wants to be restored to his original form. Does he want to be restored to a Le-Matoran, or just get rid of all the mutations Mutran performed on him?
1312. You've said Po-, Ko-, Ta-, Onu-, Ga-, and Le-Matoran are the most important types of Matoran. Have the other tribes been jealous of the increased importance of the 6 main tribes?
1413. If Shadow is, and has always been evil, why would Mata-Nui create a species of incredibly powerful beings that were aligned with Shadow from the start?
151) I think you can make an argument it does not, but since she won't be going underwater in 2008, it's not something I have to address this year. 162) Correct 173) While in Karda Nui, yes 184) Oh, it's entirely possible. 195) Because Matoro ambushed him. All Makuta's power does is give him a heightened resistance to cold, it doesn't make him immune to it. 206) Yes, because outside of being under MOMN, they are all equals 217) Sure. Let's say you were attacking him. He could speed up all your life processes to the point where your body couldn't take it and you dropped dead. 228) They all know. That is why they are still following his plan. 239) We don't yet know if or when the two will even cross paths. 2410) No. 2511) Get rid of the mutations. He knows of no way he can go back to being a normal Matoran, since Makuta can fill you with light again. 2612) I don't think so, no. 2713) Because shadow was not regarded as evil until the Makuta rebelled -- the analogy I use is the swastika, which prior to the rise of the Nazi party was in fact a very positive symbol. It was the association with the Nazis that made it into a symbol of murder and depravity.
28The only one I find particularly interesting is 7, Toa Ignika is definitely not someone you want to mess with. Also, it's nice to see a team of villains that can work really well together and cooperate.
21. Does Gali's mask of water breathing have any use now that her adaptive armor can just modify itself to serve the same purpose?
32. Nokama, Kopaka, and Hewkii are/were the second in command of their respective teams, correct?
43. You said Antroz leads the 08 Makuta, does he command Icarax as well?
54. Have we seen any examples of Mutran or Chirox's experiments not introduced in 2008?
65. How was Matoro even able to freeze Makuta? Why didn't Makuta use his Ice Resistance power?
76. Would you say the Makuta are relatively content with their positions in the Brotherhood and work well together? Better than the Barraki?
87. Could you give me an example of some kind of power the Toa Ignika would use in a fight?
98. Do the other Makuta, excluding Icarax obviously, know the MoMN is alive?
109. Will Hydraxxon ally himself with Lesovikk, or will he assume the Toa is another escaped prisoner?
1110. Have Toa every tried to organize themselves into an organization like the BoM or OoMN?
1211. In his bionicle.com bio, it says Vican wants to be restored to his original form. Does he want to be restored to a Le-Matoran, or just get rid of all the mutations Mutran performed on him?
1312. You've said Po-, Ko-, Ta-, Onu-, Ga-, and Le-Matoran are the most important types of Matoran. Have the other tribes been jealous of the increased importance of the 6 main tribes?
1413. If Shadow is, and has always been evil, why would Mata-Nui create a species of incredibly powerful beings that were aligned with Shadow from the start?
151) I think you can make an argument it does not, but since she won't be going underwater in 2008, it's not something I have to address this year. 162) Correct 173) While in Karda Nui, yes 184) Oh, it's entirely possible. 195) Because Matoro ambushed him. All Makuta's power does is give him a heightened resistance to cold, it doesn't make him immune to it. 206) Yes, because outside of being under MOMN, they are all equals 217) Sure. Let's say you were attacking him. He could speed up all your life processes to the point where your body couldn't take it and you dropped dead. 228) They all know. That is why they are still following his plan. 239) We don't yet know if or when the two will even cross paths. 2410) No. 2511) Get rid of the mutations. He knows of no way he can go back to being a normal Matoran, since Makuta can fill you with light again. 2612) I don't think so, no. 2713) Because shadow was not regarded as evil until the Makuta rebelled -- the analogy I use is the swastika, which prior to the rise of the Nazi party was in fact a very positive symbol. It was the association with the Nazis that made it into a symbol of murder and depravity.
28The only one I find particularly interesting is 7, Toa Ignika is definitely not someone you want to mess with. Also, it's nice to see a team of villains that can work really well together and cooperate.
1Just some theoretical questions about the alternate universe Takanuva's being thrown into.
21) The Toa Mata were never summoned, I assume, correct? 32) And the Toa Metru were never created? 43) In this universe, as it takes place before the Hagah rebellion, would Norik and the gang side with the remainder of the Brotherhood or with the Toa? 54) Is the Order active in this universe? 65) Is Botar still doing his job?
7Non-pocket dimension questions 86) When did Tuyet's actions occur? I know it's after the Kanohi Dragon (4,000 yrs. ago) and before the DH-Toa War (3,000 yrs. ago) but was it exactly 3,500 years ago or some other time? 97) Is the Pit repaired, yet still flooded? (As all the prisoners are aquatic creatures now...) 108) Is the Pit functional again? Such as filled with prisoners and monitored by Hydraxon and Spinax (and Maxilos, if he's been fixed)? 119) Would there be a chance that the Piraka and Karzahni be transferred to the Pit after their interrogations? 1210) What happened to the Hagah after Brutaka took Roodaka away from Xia? 1311) As the DH Tracker hates Roodaka and is tracking Spiriah, would he try to kill Roodaka if he discovered the Federation of Fear? 1412) The "Southern Isles" mentioned by the Barraki... are these the islands traveled to in the Gali Nuva Blog and Federation of Fear? 1513) What book/comic/web thingy have you been working on lately?
171-5) All of these will be answered as the biocast rolls along. 186) I think I specified that to someone at some point, but don't remember now. 197) Yes 208) Hydraxon hasn't captured that many yet, it has only been a day or so since the repairs. 219) It's possible 2210) The Hagah still have to deal with the Kanohi Dragon and Tahtorak, they have their hands full 2311) Oh, probably 2412) I need the context of how the Barraki mentioned them 2513) I just finished the first chapter of all three web serials and the first Level 3 reader, and now I am working on Bionicle Legends #11 and the story bible for 2009.
261-5) All of these will be answered? Even the Hagah and Botar questions? 2712) "Once we six were rulers of the surface world, from Xia to the Southern Islands" - Pridak... so... same islands as FoF?
2814) If the Ignika was hurled into a pocket dimension (or just removed from the universe somehow), would the universe be safe from its destroy-everything-function? 2915) If the core was destroyed, would the Ignika's countdown end?
311) Yes 3212) In terms of the islands being the border, yes. They did not rule over those islands, as they are uncharted. 3314) Yes 3415) Most likely, because the universe would then end without any help from the Ignika. The universe cannot exist without the energy fed to it by the core -- hence its other name, "the world that feeds the world."
35Okay... the alternate universe thing sounds cooler every second. Hagah and Botar: Yay:
36And two ways out of the Ignika countdown...
1The birds just lived on the surface of Mata Nui.
2You're point...? They lived there only in the last 1000 years. Before that, the land was barren. As in, nothing there. Why would birds live on a barren island with nothing to eat? They came from somewhere. In the domes is only biomechanical life. Greg said the EP leak that made Mata Nui have plantlife did not create organic animals. Therefore the surface organic birds came from somewhere on the surface not Mata Nui.
1I've got two questions. 21) does hydraxon have a functioning mask? 32) What is makuta's real name?
4I guess I can answer this. 51) Hydraxon does not have a Kanohi, that is his face. 62) Will be revealed in Bionicle Legends
7Next time, you should send Greg your question via PM from the link on the first page

8The Biocast seems so awesome.
9EDIT: Kaxix pointed out to me the error of my ways.
11. is lesovikk's turaga still alive? 22. when tahu, gali, and onua enter the swamp, will they be mutated? 33. will the first matoran created be a set? 44. is the realm of karzahni fixed as-of the SoA's use? 55. if takanuva were to be a set next year, will the avohkii still be in it's 2003 shape? 66. do you watch "family guy"?
81) Haven't thought about it since he's not coming into story 92) Only if they are stupid enough to go into the water. 103) No plans for that, no 114) No. The SOA repaired damage done by the Great Cataclysm only -- the damage to Karzahni was done by Gali, not the quake 125) I can't discuss this 136) No
14Late reply on this, but I think they will have an ariel form in the summer, maybe a bit less then what it is now, but still, hovering over the water since I doubt they'll be mutated, but who knows. Another thought is vehicles which is my theory on the large sets, like a sort of small hovering speeder type ship maybe.
1I was just wondering because I am a moron but what is the MoMN? I really would like to know all info if anyone can help me.
11:Can Shadow leechs pilot Rahkshi? 22:If a Shadow Leech sucks the light out of a person,does it die? 33:How strong is the Toa Ignika Compared to a Makuta? 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51)No 62)It dies eventually whether it drains light out or not. 73)Stronger then an average toa would be. 8--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1Just a few answers from Greg. Nothing major that I noticed but some pretty interesting information. 2~ShadowBolt~
31. Can the Ignika, in mask form give beings additional powers? Ex. It gave Vezon future sight. 4a. Can Toa Ignika still give beings additional powers? 5b. Can it give itself elemental powers like fire, sonics, etc.?
61) No. The Ignika has to expend too much energy to maintain its body to be able to do that.
7Makuta Icarax is the ultimate winged warrior of shadow: He can batter his foes with his massive shield, drive them down with his rotating shadow sword, or crush them in his clawed hands. Can any power in the universe hope to stop him? Includes Tridax pod with four shadow leeches.
82. I saw Icarax's description on the product page on Bionicle.com, is that canon? 9a. Is he that physical? 10c. Do his weapons have special abilities? If so, can you tell us?
112) Yes 122a) Yes 132b) No
143. Will the fact that if all of the Av-Matoran being killed something bad will happen affect this year's storyline? 15a. Does an Av-Matoran turning into a Shadow Matoran count as an Av-Matoran being killed? 16b. I have a theory, is the bad thing that will happen if all the Av-Matoran are killed, that no one will be able to run the Universe Core and give energy to the Bionicle Universe and then the Universe slowly dies?
173) I can't discuss future storyline
184. Do Chirox and Antroz's blades have any powers? 19a. Do Vamprah's wings have any powers?
204) No 214a) No. Makuta already have 40 powers, I really don't need to give them more.
225. Is the Toa Nuva's adaptive armor and excuse for whenever they are released in the future, you don't hav e to constantly worry about storyline explanations for their appearance?
235) If we were planning to release them again in future, yes, that would life much easier for me.
246. Can a Toa Nuva change his or her armor whenever he or she wants with their minds or is it only automatic? 25a. Can they control what weapons they want? Like Kopaka saying he wants a spear for underwater instead of a harpoon that the armor was going to give him.
266) No. All this stuff is done on automatic, the Toa do not control it
277. When a Makuta uses his power over an element like Sonics, does it drain from an Elemental Energy reserve or can a Makuta use it as much as it wants with out it running out?
287) It drains from an overall power reserve, yes, but the raw power of a Makuta is vast
298. How did the Makuta enter the Universe Core?
308) Through an entrance in the western wall.
319. I wasn't sure if you said something about this but can the summer Makuta shape shift?
329) No, they cannot.
1Wait, did Greg just say that if they want to release the Nuva again, they would have the adaptive armour as a reason for the changes? If so, that would mean 2 things: 1. The Toa Nuva will not die this year. 2. The new direction of Bionicle in 2009 may still include the Nuva, since they can be rereleased. This means that in 2009, Bionicle isn't going to get "revamped", with completly new characters, setting etc.
1Wait, did Greg just say that if they want to release the Nuva again, they would have the adaptive armour as a reason for the changes? If so, that would mean 2 things: 1. The Toa Nuva will not die this year. 2. The new direction of Bionicle in 2009 may still include the Nuva, since they can be rereleased. This means that in 2009, Bionicle isn't going to get "revamped", with completly new characters, setting etc.
3He said if they were.....doesn't mean they will die or not...
1I've got two questions. 21) does hydraxon have a functioning mask? 32) What is makuta's real name?
4I guess I can answer this. 51) Hydraxon does not have a Kanohi, that is his face. 62) Will be revealed in Bionicle Legends 10, I think.
7Next time, you should send Greg your question via PM from the link on the first page![]()
8The Biocast seems so awesome.
92) In BL9 .

1Just some theoretical questions about the alternate universe Takanuva's being thrown into.
21) The Toa Mata were never summoned, I assume, correct? 32) And the Toa Metru were never created? 43) In this universe, as it takes place before the Hagah rebellion, would Norik and the gang side with the remainder of the Brotherhood or with the Toa? 54) Is the Order active in this universe? 65) Is Botar still doing his job?
7Non-pocket dimension questions 86) When did Tuyet's actions occur? I know it's after the Kanohi Dragon (4,000 yrs. ago) and before the DH-Toa War (3,000 yrs. ago) but was it exactly 3,500 years ago or some other time? 97) Is the Pit repaired, yet still flooded? (As all the prisoners are aquatic creatures now...) 108) Is the Pit functional again? Such as filled with prisoners and monitored by Hydraxon and Spinax (and Maxilos, if he's been fixed)? 119) Would there be a chance that the Piraka and Karzahni be transferred to the Pit after their interrogations? 1210) What happened to the Hagah after Brutaka took Roodaka away from Xia? 1311) As the DH Tracker hates Roodaka and is tracking Spiriah, would he try to kill Roodaka if he discovered the Federation of Fear? 1412) The "Southern Isles" mentioned by the Barraki... are these the islands traveled to in the Gali Nuva Blog and Federation of Fear? 1513) What book/comic/web thingy have you been working on lately?
171-5) All of these will be answered as the biocast rolls along. 186) I think I specified that to someone at some point, but don't remember now. 197) Yes 208) Hydraxon hasn't captured that many yet, it has only been a day or so since the repairs. 219) It's possible 2210) The Hagah still have to deal with the Kanohi Dragon and Tahtorak, they have their hands full 2311) Oh, probably 2412) I need the context of how the Barraki mentioned them 2513) I just finished the first chapter of all three web serials and the first Level 3 reader, and now I am working on Bionicle Legends #11 and the story bible for 2009.
261-5) All of these will be answered? Even the Hagah and Botar questions? 2712) "Once we six were rulers of the surface world, from Xia to the Southern Islands" - Pridak... so... same islands as FoF?
2814) If the Ignika was hurled into a pocket dimension (or just removed from the universe somehow), would the universe be safe from its destroy-everything-function? 2915) If the core was destroyed, would the Ignika's countdown end?
311) Yes 3212) In terms of the islands being the border, yes. They did not rule over those islands, as they are uncharted. 3314) Yes 3415) Most likely, because the universe would then end without any help from the Ignika. The universe cannot exist without the energy fed to it by the core -- hence its other name, "the world that feeds the world."
35Okay... the alternate universe thing sounds cooler every second. Hagah and Botar: Yay:
36And two ways out of the Ignika countdown...
38all these things are very interesting. and you dont have to kill all makuta to stop the countdown yay.

1Just a few answers from Greg. Nothing major that I noticed but some pretty interesting information. 2~ShadowBolt~
38. How did the Makuta enter the Universe Core?
48) Through an entrance in the western wall.
5That's a new one. Wonder if it got sealed up...
6If it was there after the GS, then probably.
19. I wasn't sure if you said something about this but can the summer Makuta shape shift?
29) No, they cannot.
3I believe this is new, interesting, more makuta that can't change their forms, like their mastermind leader. be interesting to see what robots they have taken over, or if their armor was messed up and how.
19. I wasn't sure if you said something about this but can the summer Makuta shape shift?
29) No, they cannot.
3I believe this is new, interesting, more makuta that can't change their forms, like their mastermind leader. be interesting to see what robots they have taken over, or if their armor was messed up and how.
4It is probably the result of the Pit Mutagen
1Greg still doesn't answer my PMs. I've waited him almost a month. Do you know if he will answer my PMs? If yes, I'll wait for old ones before I send him new PM.
1Hi, i just have a few questions: 21) Will the "silhouette" in the mask of life carry any importance? 31b) is it an up-coming character or someone we already know? 42) Would a toa of light be able to fire midaks using his own light power? 53) If the Kraakhan was worn by a toa, would they effectively become a toa of [element and shadow? 63b) Would a shadow-toa gain any enhancement? 74) Do you know why set designers have stopped putting things like toa-kaita or bad-guy-combo's in the back of instruction booklets? 85) Would a kaita of a Kadin wearer, a wearer of the mask of intagibility and an Akaku wearer essentially be able to fly through solid rock and stuff like that? (something random i have wondered)
9thanks, TBotS.
101) I can't discuss future storyline 112) No 123) They would be a Toa of their element wearing a Mask of Shadow. Remove the mask and they would no longer control its power. 133b) Yes. The Kraahkan can do things that control of the element does not give you. 144) It was felt that the combos did not help set sales any and designing them was eating up a lot of the designers' time. 155) Good question. We have identified that a kaita's mask does have the powers of the Toa masks that made it up, however, it has never been stated that more than one power can be used at a time.
161) fair enough 172) eh? i thought they could... 183) cool 193b) 'kay 204) aww
215) hmm.... aw well. so its a maybe i guess. it would be cool though 
9thanks, TBotS.
101) I can't discuss future storyline 112) No 123) They would be a Toa of their element wearing a Mask of Shadow. Remove the mask and they would no longer control its power. 133b) Yes. The Kraahkan can do things that control of the element does not give you. 144) It was felt that the combos did not help set sales any and designing them was eating up a lot of the designers' time. 155) Good question. We have identified that a kaita's mask does have the powers of the Toa masks that made it up, however, it has never been stated that more than one power can be used at a time.
161) fair enough 172) eh? i thought they could... 183) cool 193b) 'kay 204) aww

1Some more stuff from greg. No. 2 is interesting
2Hi greg a few more questions.
31) are you done with lesovikk or will he be appearing some other time?
42a) Is there any way the toa nuva could regain their forgotten memories? 5The matoran of mata/metru nui? 6c) Takanuva?
73)Is Vezon more sane now he is away from fenrakk and the MoLi?
84)The only way lego can make a krakua model is if he is changed/ mutated in some way, correct?
95) Are there any makuta down in the swamp that specialize in mutations?
106) You said Tak will have most of his change before the biocast, will how he changed still be explained in it?
11Thanks in advance, Toa robert
121) There's always the chance he will pop up in a web serial this year 132-2C) Yes 143) No 154) Pretty much, and he is not going to a play a big enough role in story over the next four years to warrant a model 165) No 176) Yes, in part 1