1Hi greg
21. is the final battle this year?
32. do you own the prototypes of the summer 2008 sets or the finals?
42a. Do you like them on a scale of 1 to 10
61) Yes 72) I don't "own" any summer sets. They don't become available to us for purchase until they are in regular stores. 83) I work for LEGO Company, so what do you think my answer is likely to be?
9well I guess the lego mag prevew was right

1Off topic: Chirox, moderators have to enforce the rules (this includes eliminating and punishing people that reference forbidden, illegal and leaked pics)
19Since the initial number of Makuta was 100 we can remove the Makuta of Artahka. This brings the max number to 99, however, some were killed, because of the purges. So there could be as many as 80-85 Makuta left (although this may prove to be speculation).
31. Since the OoMN has gotten desperate enough to allow an anti-BOM team that has a Makuta in it, is it safe to assume that they would be willing to recruit Hydraxon II against the BOM? Or would they prefer leaving him in the Pit to guard prisoners. 42. Would the OoMN consider to using Maxilos-type robots to fight the BOM armies? 53. Are the OoMN planning on disposing of Spiriah after (or if) they defeat the BOM?
6thank you, 7HydraxonofThePit
81) Yes, but for now, he has work to do in the Pit 92) Sure 103) Or just putting him in the Pit
11I was just wondering about the BOM.
121. The Makuta of Metru Nui came up with the original plan to overthrow Mata Nui. You stated that not all the members of the BOM agreed quickly enough and were killed. 131a. Did the MoMN send Icarax (or go himself) to kill each Makuta that didn't comply, when they were alone? 141b. Or did the MoMN have the majority of the Brotherhood on his side, so he could kill all dissenters quickly? 152. Did the MoMN have a vast majority of the BOM working with his plan? or were they a minority that overpowered the weaker majority?
16Thank you, 17HydraxonofThePit
18The vast majority of the BOM was fine with this. The ones who weren't mainly figured it wasn't going to work, and it was relatively easy to get rid of them.
19Since the initial number of Makuta was 100 we can remove the Makuta of Artahka. This brings the max number to 99, however, some were killed, because of the purges. So there could be as many as 80-85 Makuta left (although this may prove to be speculation).
1Minus 10, that is about 75 Makuta left. Apparently, they are waiting outside the Core or working on the plan.
1Yeah, but we don't know how many. So we are guessing.
11. Is the Core still producing energy?
22. Does Makuta's plan have a way to get rid of the other Makuta when (if) they win?
33. How well did 2007 sell compared to 2006?
44. Would Toa Ignika, strain of keeping the body and inexperienced considered, still be a match for a Makuta?
51) Yes 62) You're going to have to follow the story and find out 73) I don't have this info 84) Yes
9Nothing really interesting, just a little confirmation.
10A Toa Ignika vs. Makuta fight would be very interesting.
1hey heres something i got. i dont knnow if u already knew this but here it is.
2hey greg i would like to ask u a couple of questions if u dont mind.
31. will we find out how makuta go the krakaahn in the mutran chronicles?
42. what experiment did spiriah mess up?
53. when the BoM served mata nui were there rahkshi or were they created later?
64. i know u cant talk about the summer sets but which one do u think looks the coolest?
75. do yu watch naruto?
81) Possibly. 92) Spiriah was working with the Skakdi (the species the Piraka belong to) giving them extra powers to make them into a warrior class for the Makuta. But the Skakdi turned out to be so uncontrollable and dishonest that they were worthless as soldiers. 103) Yes, there were 114) Probably the real big ones. 125) Nope
2hey greg i would like to ask u a couple of questions if u dont mind.
31. will we find out how makuta go the krakaahn in the mutran chronicles?
42. what experiment did spiriah mess up?
53. when the BoM served mata nui were there rahkshi or were they created later?
64. i know u cant talk about the summer sets but which one do u think looks the coolest?
75. do yu watch naruto?
81) Possibly. 92) Spiriah was working with the Skakdi (the species the Piraka belong to) giving them extra powers to make them into a warrior class for the Makuta. But the Skakdi turned out to be so uncontrollable and dishonest that they were worthless as soldiers. 103) Yes, there were 114) Probably the real big ones. 125) Nope
1So Rahkshi existed before the Makuta became evil. Interesting.
1Hi greg
21. is the final battle this year?
32. do you own the prototypes of the summer 2008 sets or the finals?
42a. Do you like them on a scale of 1 to 10
61) Yes 72) I don't "own" any summer sets. They don't become available to us for purchase until they are in regular stores. 83) I work for LEGO Company, so what do you think my answer is likely to be?
9well I guess the lego mag prevew was right![]()
10The final battle isn't really the end of bionicle, it's then end of this storyline (wake up Mata-nui, all that.)
1Dear Greg, I have some questions about Bionicle.
21. What of the Makuta of Metru-nui, is he dead? Or what happened? I just read Bionicle Legends 8, and I was wondering if he was dead, or what?
32. What about Takanuva? Some people said he was going to turn evil this year. Is this true?
43. Who is more powerful? Toa Ignika, or a Makuta?
54. Who is this quote from?
6I just learned how to shapeshift a foe and permanently lock him in to that form. Hit me again, and you'll spend the rest of your life as a very angry frost beetle with a broken arm.
75. Why didn't the bohrok clean the telescope that Gali nuva looked through?
86. Why did the bohrok clean Mata-nui?
91) No, he's not dead, he simply left the body of Maxilos. 102) We did "Toa turns evil" back in 2005, we're not going to repeat that. 113) Probably Ignika. 124) I haven't revealed who said that yet. 135-6) The Bohrok's programmed mission was to remove from the island of Mata Nui anything that was not there originally. That was what the Great Beings intended for them to do. And they didn't touch the telescope because that was there originally.
14Thanks for clearing that up:
1Hi Greg: I have a few questions that don't exactly follow a specific order or theme.
21) Let me start with the foremost in my mind. You recently said that Takanuva is going to be getting a size change in the upcoming serial. How much of a size change can we expect? Will he be massive like Brutaka or Axonn, or will he become smaller, like a Matoran?
32) Does the Pocket Dimension of the Toa Empire count as still being inside of the Bionicle Universe, or would you classify it as being outside of it?
43) Is anyone in the Order of Mata Nui aware just which Pocket Dimension Takanuva has been put into?
54) Can you tell us if Takanuva is alone in trying to cope with his newfound darkness, or will someone be there for him, like how the Rahaga helped the Hordika through their problems?
65) If the major players in the Brotherhood of Makuta are all currently out and about in the world (Especially their leader, the MoMN) then who is back home on Destral?
76) Why does the Makuta of Metru Nui approach his plan personally, as opposed to sitting in Destral and letting other Makuta do it for him?
87) When Takanuva's size changes, will we still be referring to him as a Toa?
98) When a Matoran dies, what becomes of its remains? Are they interred somewhere, recycled into new Matoran, or just left to rust and rot?
109) Do any of the Makuta consider any of their colleagues to be their friends?
1110) You've mentioned that the Makuta count on Mata Nui waking up. Doesn't this conflict with the Makuta of Metru Nui's Karzahni-induced Nightmare, in which Mata Nui woke up and struck him down?
1211) Since they've leveled the island of Mata Nui, what are the Bohrok Swarms/ Queens up to?
1312) How does one travel from island to island in the Bionicle world? 14cool.gif Is it normally done with boats? 15c) If yes, what kind of boats?
1613) When the Toa Canisters were launched, how exactly was it intended that they should reach their destination from their original location? I mean, if everyone lives inside of domes, why was it a good idea to shoot a bunch of canisters into the air and expect they'd reach another dome?
1714) If the Toa Canisters were launched from within a dome, did they pierce said dome?
1815) Regarding the superstition against building seven canisters per group, does this stem from fear of a group of exactly seven Toa? As in, were Matoran ever frightened by team's like Lhikan's, because there were more than seven Toa in that team, or did it have to be exactly seven Toa in order to cause worry.
1916) Was this superstition only something the Matoran of Light would know of, or is it a wide-spread thing?
20Thanks in advance:
211) Too early to discuss this 222) It's a pocket, so it is attached, but not part of this universe 233) No, because he is there by accident. 244) I can't discuss future storyline 255) Other Makuta 266) If you want something done right, you do it yourself 277) Yes 288) We have evidence of a memorial ceremony being held for Toa Matoro, so it is quite possible something similar is done for Matoran who die. 299) Makuta don't have friends. Friendship implies trust and openness, and Makuta don't open themselves to others. 3010) What Karzahni showed was one possible alternate future, not the only possible alternate future. 3111) Bohrok are asleep again. Their job is done. 3212) Yes it is normally done with boats, either sail boats or boats you row 3313) The intent was they would wind up on the island of Mata Nui and then make their way down. The reason for this was that it was reasonable to assume something bad had happened on Metru Nui if the Great Spirit was in such bad shape, so sending them directly there would have put the Toa at risk. 3414) Toa canisters can move through solid matter, as Jaller and crew's did on their way to Voya Nui. 3515) It was seven Toa, because it meant six Toa Mata and a Toa of Light. 3616) It's an Av-Matoran thing
37Thanks: I was wondering if you could answer a few more:
381) Is it possible to purge the shadow from something/ restore the lost light to someone? 39b)If yes, who could do this? Mata Nui? A Great Being? The Ignika?
402) Could Toa Ignika have the light sucked from it?
413) Does Ignika consider itself with masculine or feminine terms?
424) The heads of the Av-Matoran sets are translucent and colorful, and, while sets are not your domain, would you say that Av-Matoran's faces glow with bright light like the Toa Inika's?
436)Concerning the nature/personalities of Makuta, you've made some interesting statements about them so far. Do Makuta not open up to others because they are psychologically incapable, or because they will not make attempts to relate to each other? 44cool.gif Do Makuta follow the most logical plan presented for them regardless of they way they feel because of conscious or subconscious reasons? 45c) What I'm trying to get at, I guess, is this: Are Makuta similar to robots in the Asimov series, as in, they cannot go against the best plan presented to them because the First Law of Makuta is Follow the Best Plan?
467)In the Pocket Dimension, Takanuva recognized Tahu and Kopaka and was not alarmed by what he saw. Could you explain this a little more to me? 47a) Do the two still look like Toa Nuva? 48cool.gif If so, does that mean that the six Toa Nuva exist in the Pocket Dimension? 49c) If they look like Toa Mata, why didn't this bother Takanuva? 50d) Shouldn't Takanuva have been amazed to see the pair of Toa considering he has not seen them since they left for Voya Nui? After all, no one in Metru Nui knows where they went, do they? They didn't tell the Mahri, and no one saw them in Metru Nui during their trip to the Temple.
518)If Takanuva were to fire a Nova blast in his present state, would it be mixed Light and Darkness, or could he choose between the two? 52cool.gif If it was mixed, what would be the ramifications of such an attack in the middle of a fight between Toa, Av/Shadow Matoran, and Makuta?
53Thanks again:
541) Have not decided yet 552) It's a good question. I am leaning toward no, only because Ignika is a sentient mask, it's not a living thing the way a Toa or a Matoran is. Objects are not, in general, good or evil. 563) Masculine, because his inspiration to be a hero was Matoro 574) I don't consider them that way, and there is nothing in the story bible that says they do. 586) Opening up to others makes you vulnerable. Sharing your secret feelings or fears with a trusted friend can be a wonderful relief, but if your friend stops being your friend, then they can use them against you. Makuta do not believe in being vulnerable. 596b) They go with what they think makes the most sense in practical terms. 606C) It is not a question of "cannot." It's a question of, "What's the point?" If I give you two ways to achieve the same goal, one is a good plan, one isn't, why would you want to go with the one that isn't? That would make no sense. 617a) No, they look like Toa Mata. 627b) The Toa Mata never had to fight the Bohrok and Bahrag in this dimension, so never turned into the Nuva. 637c) Because they were still familiar faces. Remember, Takanuva has not seen the Nuva since they left to go to Voya Nui. And he has no way of knowing whether it is possible or not to go from a Nuva back to a Mata. 647d) Not really. He knows they escaped Voya Nui intact, because Jaller told him. He has to assume if they finished what they were doing, they would return to Metru Nui which is basically their home base. 658) Light goes one way, shadow goes the other way
661)Concerning Makuta and friendship, I have to ask one last thing: In the Mutran Chronicles, Mutran claims he and Chirox used to be friends. Could you explain this? Is he being sarcastic, or what?
672) IS it possible to go back from a Toa Nuva to a Toa Mata?
683) Because they're Toa Nuva, do they have more Toa Energy as well?
694) Is there any way to use the Mask of Life without dying? Say, if you only used it to heal something less than a dying Great Spirit. For instance, if I was a Toa and my friend, another Toa, was dying, could the Ignika be used to save her without forfeiting my own life?
705) Since Pohatu destroyed the fortress on Odina, what has become of the Dark Hunters? 71cool.gif Are they still a cohesive group, or have they been broken slightly by this? 72c) Does the Shadowed One intend to seek revenge for this act, in addition to their betrayal concerning Roodaka? 73d) What about the suspended Toa on Odina? Did they escape the destruction? Why didn't the Nuva try and save them if they were on display in the throne room?
746) With regards to boat travel between the islands and domes, what is it like between domes? Is it just a big tunnel, or what? 75cool.gif is interisland commerce fairly common?
767) What is the form of currency the rest of the universe uses? Do they use Widgits, or something else?
778) How aware of "current events" are other inhabitants of the universe? Do Matoran on other islands know about the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunters war, or about anything the Toa based in Metru Nui have done?
789) Is it fair to say that, given the small amount of living Toa in the world, most Matoran will side with the Dark Hunters before the Brotherhood?
7910) How aware of what is going on in the outside world are the Matoran of Metru Nui?
8011) On Metru Nui, how much time is there for recreation?
8112) Is it possible there are more things on the Endless Sea than just the isle of Mata Nui?
8213) If someone were on Mata Nui when the Ignika ended the life inside the domes, would they survive?
8314) I'm sure you've had to deal with this one before, but why does Lewa need jetpacks when he's a Toa Nuva of Air and has a Mask of Levitation?
8415) Is it possible for the Adaptive Armor to "Adapt" itself to look like the old Nuva gear? 85cool.gif Say they beat up the Makuta in Karda Nui and have a little down time back on Metru Nui before heading off to do whatever they need to do next, would the armor be able to revert back to the older look?
86Thank you in advance, sir:
871) What the Makuta consider a friend and what you or I consider one would probably be vastly different things. In this case, Chirox and Mutran were professional colleagues who were working together, as opposed to jealous rivals who would like to see each other permanently disabled. 882) No 893) I don't think we have ever said that they do 904) The Ignika's purpose is to save Mata Nui. If you are using it for some other purpose, it may not work at all and you will most likely be cursed for trying to use it. 915) They are rebuilding 925b) Yes. One setback does not destroy a millennia-old organization 935c) Probably 945d) First off, there is no "them" -- there is only one Toa there. And being buried in dust is unlikely to harm that Toa any. I would also need to check the story to see if the Nuva were actually in the throne room. 956) It's ocean. 966b) It used to be 977) For Matoran, it's widgets. Other races use other things. 988) It's doubtful they would know anything about what has gone on with the Toa from Metru Nui. They would know of the DH-BOM war if it affected their islands, otherwise, they might well not. 999) Most Matoran will hide and watch. Taking sides is a good way to end up dead. 10010) They have been on Mata Nui for the last 1000 years and only recently returned, so they really have no way to know what has been going on elsewhere. 10111) There must be some, since we know they used to do things like disk surfing and attending akilini matches. 10212) Anything's possible, does not mean it's probably 10313) Yes, for a time at least. The lack of anything to eat or drink would get them eventually. 10414) That is sort of like saying, "You have a hot air balloon, why would you want to be bothered with a jet plane?" 10515) If need be, yes. But since we are not doing sets of them in their old look, not going to happen.
106Just some things I found interesting to know.
21) Let me start with the foremost in my mind. You recently said that Takanuva is going to be getting a size change in the upcoming serial. How much of a size change can we expect? Will he be massive like Brutaka or Axonn, or will he become smaller, like a Matoran?
32) Does the Pocket Dimension of the Toa Empire count as still being inside of the Bionicle Universe, or would you classify it as being outside of it?
43) Is anyone in the Order of Mata Nui aware just which Pocket Dimension Takanuva has been put into?
54) Can you tell us if Takanuva is alone in trying to cope with his newfound darkness, or will someone be there for him, like how the Rahaga helped the Hordika through their problems?
65) If the major players in the Brotherhood of Makuta are all currently out and about in the world (Especially their leader, the MoMN) then who is back home on Destral?
76) Why does the Makuta of Metru Nui approach his plan personally, as opposed to sitting in Destral and letting other Makuta do it for him?
87) When Takanuva's size changes, will we still be referring to him as a Toa?
98) When a Matoran dies, what becomes of its remains? Are they interred somewhere, recycled into new Matoran, or just left to rust and rot?
109) Do any of the Makuta consider any of their colleagues to be their friends?
1110) You've mentioned that the Makuta count on Mata Nui waking up. Doesn't this conflict with the Makuta of Metru Nui's Karzahni-induced Nightmare, in which Mata Nui woke up and struck him down?
1211) Since they've leveled the island of Mata Nui, what are the Bohrok Swarms/ Queens up to?
1312) How does one travel from island to island in the Bionicle world? 14cool.gif Is it normally done with boats? 15c) If yes, what kind of boats?
1613) When the Toa Canisters were launched, how exactly was it intended that they should reach their destination from their original location? I mean, if everyone lives inside of domes, why was it a good idea to shoot a bunch of canisters into the air and expect they'd reach another dome?
1714) If the Toa Canisters were launched from within a dome, did they pierce said dome?
1815) Regarding the superstition against building seven canisters per group, does this stem from fear of a group of exactly seven Toa? As in, were Matoran ever frightened by team's like Lhikan's, because there were more than seven Toa in that team, or did it have to be exactly seven Toa in order to cause worry.
1916) Was this superstition only something the Matoran of Light would know of, or is it a wide-spread thing?
20Thanks in advance:
211) Too early to discuss this 222) It's a pocket, so it is attached, but not part of this universe 233) No, because he is there by accident. 244) I can't discuss future storyline 255) Other Makuta 266) If you want something done right, you do it yourself 277) Yes 288) We have evidence of a memorial ceremony being held for Toa Matoro, so it is quite possible something similar is done for Matoran who die. 299) Makuta don't have friends. Friendship implies trust and openness, and Makuta don't open themselves to others. 3010) What Karzahni showed was one possible alternate future, not the only possible alternate future. 3111) Bohrok are asleep again. Their job is done. 3212) Yes it is normally done with boats, either sail boats or boats you row 3313) The intent was they would wind up on the island of Mata Nui and then make their way down. The reason for this was that it was reasonable to assume something bad had happened on Metru Nui if the Great Spirit was in such bad shape, so sending them directly there would have put the Toa at risk. 3414) Toa canisters can move through solid matter, as Jaller and crew's did on their way to Voya Nui. 3515) It was seven Toa, because it meant six Toa Mata and a Toa of Light. 3616) It's an Av-Matoran thing
37Thanks: I was wondering if you could answer a few more:
381) Is it possible to purge the shadow from something/ restore the lost light to someone? 39b)If yes, who could do this? Mata Nui? A Great Being? The Ignika?
402) Could Toa Ignika have the light sucked from it?
413) Does Ignika consider itself with masculine or feminine terms?
424) The heads of the Av-Matoran sets are translucent and colorful, and, while sets are not your domain, would you say that Av-Matoran's faces glow with bright light like the Toa Inika's?
436)Concerning the nature/personalities of Makuta, you've made some interesting statements about them so far. Do Makuta not open up to others because they are psychologically incapable, or because they will not make attempts to relate to each other? 44cool.gif Do Makuta follow the most logical plan presented for them regardless of they way they feel because of conscious or subconscious reasons? 45c) What I'm trying to get at, I guess, is this: Are Makuta similar to robots in the Asimov series, as in, they cannot go against the best plan presented to them because the First Law of Makuta is Follow the Best Plan?
467)In the Pocket Dimension, Takanuva recognized Tahu and Kopaka and was not alarmed by what he saw. Could you explain this a little more to me? 47a) Do the two still look like Toa Nuva? 48cool.gif If so, does that mean that the six Toa Nuva exist in the Pocket Dimension? 49c) If they look like Toa Mata, why didn't this bother Takanuva? 50d) Shouldn't Takanuva have been amazed to see the pair of Toa considering he has not seen them since they left for Voya Nui? After all, no one in Metru Nui knows where they went, do they? They didn't tell the Mahri, and no one saw them in Metru Nui during their trip to the Temple.
518)If Takanuva were to fire a Nova blast in his present state, would it be mixed Light and Darkness, or could he choose between the two? 52cool.gif If it was mixed, what would be the ramifications of such an attack in the middle of a fight between Toa, Av/Shadow Matoran, and Makuta?
53Thanks again:
541) Have not decided yet 552) It's a good question. I am leaning toward no, only because Ignika is a sentient mask, it's not a living thing the way a Toa or a Matoran is. Objects are not, in general, good or evil. 563) Masculine, because his inspiration to be a hero was Matoro 574) I don't consider them that way, and there is nothing in the story bible that says they do. 586) Opening up to others makes you vulnerable. Sharing your secret feelings or fears with a trusted friend can be a wonderful relief, but if your friend stops being your friend, then they can use them against you. Makuta do not believe in being vulnerable. 596b) They go with what they think makes the most sense in practical terms. 606C) It is not a question of "cannot." It's a question of, "What's the point?" If I give you two ways to achieve the same goal, one is a good plan, one isn't, why would you want to go with the one that isn't? That would make no sense. 617a) No, they look like Toa Mata. 627b) The Toa Mata never had to fight the Bohrok and Bahrag in this dimension, so never turned into the Nuva. 637c) Because they were still familiar faces. Remember, Takanuva has not seen the Nuva since they left to go to Voya Nui. And he has no way of knowing whether it is possible or not to go from a Nuva back to a Mata. 647d) Not really. He knows they escaped Voya Nui intact, because Jaller told him. He has to assume if they finished what they were doing, they would return to Metru Nui which is basically their home base. 658) Light goes one way, shadow goes the other way
661)Concerning Makuta and friendship, I have to ask one last thing: In the Mutran Chronicles, Mutran claims he and Chirox used to be friends. Could you explain this? Is he being sarcastic, or what?
672) IS it possible to go back from a Toa Nuva to a Toa Mata?
683) Because they're Toa Nuva, do they have more Toa Energy as well?
694) Is there any way to use the Mask of Life without dying? Say, if you only used it to heal something less than a dying Great Spirit. For instance, if I was a Toa and my friend, another Toa, was dying, could the Ignika be used to save her without forfeiting my own life?
705) Since Pohatu destroyed the fortress on Odina, what has become of the Dark Hunters? 71cool.gif Are they still a cohesive group, or have they been broken slightly by this? 72c) Does the Shadowed One intend to seek revenge for this act, in addition to their betrayal concerning Roodaka? 73d) What about the suspended Toa on Odina? Did they escape the destruction? Why didn't the Nuva try and save them if they were on display in the throne room?
746) With regards to boat travel between the islands and domes, what is it like between domes? Is it just a big tunnel, or what? 75cool.gif is interisland commerce fairly common?
767) What is the form of currency the rest of the universe uses? Do they use Widgits, or something else?
778) How aware of "current events" are other inhabitants of the universe? Do Matoran on other islands know about the Brotherhood/ Dark Hunters war, or about anything the Toa based in Metru Nui have done?
789) Is it fair to say that, given the small amount of living Toa in the world, most Matoran will side with the Dark Hunters before the Brotherhood?
7910) How aware of what is going on in the outside world are the Matoran of Metru Nui?
8011) On Metru Nui, how much time is there for recreation?
8112) Is it possible there are more things on the Endless Sea than just the isle of Mata Nui?
8213) If someone were on Mata Nui when the Ignika ended the life inside the domes, would they survive?
8314) I'm sure you've had to deal with this one before, but why does Lewa need jetpacks when he's a Toa Nuva of Air and has a Mask of Levitation?
8415) Is it possible for the Adaptive Armor to "Adapt" itself to look like the old Nuva gear? 85cool.gif Say they beat up the Makuta in Karda Nui and have a little down time back on Metru Nui before heading off to do whatever they need to do next, would the armor be able to revert back to the older look?
86Thank you in advance, sir:
871) What the Makuta consider a friend and what you or I consider one would probably be vastly different things. In this case, Chirox and Mutran were professional colleagues who were working together, as opposed to jealous rivals who would like to see each other permanently disabled. 882) No 893) I don't think we have ever said that they do 904) The Ignika's purpose is to save Mata Nui. If you are using it for some other purpose, it may not work at all and you will most likely be cursed for trying to use it. 915) They are rebuilding 925b) Yes. One setback does not destroy a millennia-old organization 935c) Probably 945d) First off, there is no "them" -- there is only one Toa there. And being buried in dust is unlikely to harm that Toa any. I would also need to check the story to see if the Nuva were actually in the throne room. 956) It's ocean. 966b) It used to be 977) For Matoran, it's widgets. Other races use other things. 988) It's doubtful they would know anything about what has gone on with the Toa from Metru Nui. They would know of the DH-BOM war if it affected their islands, otherwise, they might well not. 999) Most Matoran will hide and watch. Taking sides is a good way to end up dead. 10010) They have been on Mata Nui for the last 1000 years and only recently returned, so they really have no way to know what has been going on elsewhere. 10111) There must be some, since we know they used to do things like disk surfing and attending akilini matches. 10212) Anything's possible, does not mean it's probably 10313) Yes, for a time at least. The lack of anything to eat or drink would get them eventually. 10414) That is sort of like saying, "You have a hot air balloon, why would you want to be bothered with a jet plane?" 10515) If need be, yes. But since we are not doing sets of them in their old look, not going to happen.
106Just some things I found interesting to know.
1QUOTE 2thks 4 answering my questions last time but i got more qs 31.)What is the bionicle seies book? 42.)wat happened to krahka and tahtorahk 53.)if the toa nuva remove their adaptive armor will they revert to their original nuva form? 64.)will the toa mahri and hagah play any main future stotyline role?
71) I don't know what you are referring to 82) Krahka is back beneath Metru Nui, Tahtorak is fighting the Kanohi Dragon on Xia 93) No. They would just be wearing no armor then. 104) No, because they are no longer current sets (or, in the case of most of the Hagah, never were). Main storyline has to focus on sets we are trying to sell. 11more answers tat is 4 clarifying
71) I don't know what you are referring to 82) Krahka is back beneath Metru Nui, Tahtorak is fighting the Kanohi Dragon on Xia 93) No. They would just be wearing no armor then. 104) No, because they are no longer current sets (or, in the case of most of the Hagah, never were). Main storyline has to focus on sets we are trying to sell. 11more answers tat is 4 clarifying
1MakutaOfMetruNui, the series you're referring to hasn't been named yet, and it will start in 2009.
1Go to the Reference Desk if you can't get it to work.
1Hi, Greg. First up, some questions I've had for a while concerning Lhikan's use of Toa Stones:
21. Since any old rock could become a Toa Stone, why did Lhikan go to all the trouble of stealing ones from the Great Temple instead of just, say, picking some off the Ga-Metru shore? 31b. While I think of it, why were uncharged Toa Stones (that is, plain rocks, albeit specially-carved ones) stored in the Great Temple anyway?
42. I'm confused on where Lhikan's Toa power went when he became a Turaga. He didn't spend enough when charging the Toa Stones to change at that time, and it doesn't seem the stones channeled his power from afar. So why the delayed reaction?
51-2) I could tap dance through answers for you, Drakhan, but rather than insult your intelligence, I will simply say that these things confuse me as much as they do you. I had no involvement in writing the movies, so I really don't know what the screenwriter had in mind there. I pretty much got handed the movies as a fait accompli and told to try and make sense of them.
6Also, regarding recent responses about Light drain:
73. You stated that a being with no Light would be too out of balance and try to fix itself, but some kind of shield was preventing Light from entering. For Takanuva and other partially-drained beings, would the shield still be in place, or would the being be not out-of-balance enough to begin replenishing Light? (Basically, I'm wondering if victims of partial drains can recover on their own.)
83) It is in place on Takanuva, yes, but not to the same extent/strength. It is not on the Makuta, because they chose to reject Light, it wasn't stolen from them.
94. You also confirmed that there is a cure for Light drains. Does this cure work by somehow breaking the shield, allowing the natural recovery to begin?
104) Very good, yes, it does.
21. Since any old rock could become a Toa Stone, why did Lhikan go to all the trouble of stealing ones from the Great Temple instead of just, say, picking some off the Ga-Metru shore? 31b. While I think of it, why were uncharged Toa Stones (that is, plain rocks, albeit specially-carved ones) stored in the Great Temple anyway?
42. I'm confused on where Lhikan's Toa power went when he became a Turaga. He didn't spend enough when charging the Toa Stones to change at that time, and it doesn't seem the stones channeled his power from afar. So why the delayed reaction?
51-2) I could tap dance through answers for you, Drakhan, but rather than insult your intelligence, I will simply say that these things confuse me as much as they do you. I had no involvement in writing the movies, so I really don't know what the screenwriter had in mind there. I pretty much got handed the movies as a fait accompli and told to try and make sense of them.
6Also, regarding recent responses about Light drain:
73. You stated that a being with no Light would be too out of balance and try to fix itself, but some kind of shield was preventing Light from entering. For Takanuva and other partially-drained beings, would the shield still be in place, or would the being be not out-of-balance enough to begin replenishing Light? (Basically, I'm wondering if victims of partial drains can recover on their own.)
83) It is in place on Takanuva, yes, but not to the same extent/strength. It is not on the Makuta, because they chose to reject Light, it wasn't stolen from them.
94. You also confirmed that there is a cure for Light drains. Does this cure work by somehow breaking the shield, allowing the natural recovery to begin?
104) Very good, yes, it does.
1I have just 3 Questions
21). Will the set of summer called Mazeka, Be at the toy fair
32). will we see Keetongu again
53).is there away to cure ones who were attacked by shadow leeches like TAKA or is there not
6Thank You::
71) I would assume all summer sets will. 82) Don't know yet. He is three year old set, so getting him is not a big priority at the moment. 93) Yes, there is
10just some interesting stuff
1I have just 3 Questions
21). Will the set of summer called Mazeka, Be at the toy fair
32). will we see Keetongu again
53).is there away to cure ones who were attacked by shadow leeches like TAKA or is there not
6Thank You::
71) I would assume all summer sets will. 82) Don't know yet. He is three year old set, so getting him is not a big priority at the moment. 93) Yes, there is
10just some interesting stuff
12My my my... He's decided then:
13Ok, here we go. If you can answer these, I might have a theory: Thanks in advance:
141) Is the Virus Makuta used to knock out Mata Nui the pit mutagen? 152) Who do you enjoy writing more, Mutran or Vezon? 163) Do you prefer writing the air combat or swamp combat? 174) Can Gali's mask give her immunity to pit mutagen since she can breath underwater already? 185) Is there floating rocks, boulders and stuff that the summer nuva can walk on without touching the pit mutagen? 196) Do any of the makuta fight in an unusual way? 207) Did Makuta attack Mata-Nui at random, and get lucky so that the virus hit him in the right way? Or did he have a faint idea where to get at him from? 218) Is Metru Nui say, Mata Nui's main health? 229) I heard Akmoua (Forgot how to spell it...) was going to have a storyline role in 08. Will he have any, or a minor appearence in 08? 2310) Is he good in the parrellel storyline? (The Dark mirror one) 2411) Did Vhisola, Nuhrii and all the others actually become Toa in the parrelel storyline? Like they did in the vision? 2512) Who is winning the war, the Brotherhood or the hunters? (My guess is the Brotherhood, since their more powerful.) 2613) There will be more serials in summer, correct?
281) No. The pit mutagen is not a virus or the result of a virus, and the Makuta did not create it. 292) Vezon 303) Actually, both are pretty hard. 314) No. If any part of your body is exposed to the mutagenic water, you will mutate. Doesn't matter if you are breathing water or not breathing water. 325) Like any swamp, much of it is muddy land. 336) Such as? 347) I can't discuss this 358) Metru Nui is very important to it, yes 369) Originally, he was going to be a set in 2008, but when that got dropped, so did his role. He may show up in a web serial, though. 3710) No, but he is on the run the same way the Makuta are. 3811) No. 3912) It's pretty much a draw. 4013) That's the plan, yes
41Is this how you do qoutes?
42Anyway, theres some stuff.
11. When a Toa performs a Nova Blast, he/she would survive the attack, correct? Well, assuming that in the process nothing get dislodged and dropped on top of the toa or something. 2Ex. A Toa of fire unleashes a Nova blast on a surface island (just theoretical), the toa would not be burned or affected by the fire.
32. Will we be seeing any more gear functions in the sets soon, or have the designers completely switched to the joints?
43. Takanuva cannot combine his two elements because they would cancel each other out, but could he simultaneously shoot light and darkness in opposite directions, or is he limited to focussing on one or the other?
54. If the realm of Karzhani prevents light element toa from entering it, how did the builder of toa canisters get there?
65. According to a site (either bionicle.com or biosector, I don't remember which), vican serves mutran in hopes of being turned back into a normal matoran. If he is truly evil, why would he want that?
76. The former av-matoran are colors that correspond with their makuta. In the story, were the three of them appearing those colors when they were transformed, or was the color change a result of the transformation?
87. I'll throw in this one even though I expect no answer: What was/is the destiny given to the BoM by Mata Nui? (Yeah, I sense a 'Wait and see' answer here
98. The Hau Nuva creates a force-field bubble around the user, and any other targets. A normal Hau only makes a skin(or metal)-tight shield, correct?
109. Just how fact does a Pakari Nuva allow Pohatu/other Nuva to run?
1110. The avohkii can be used to bring understanding and a feeling of tranquility on a target. Could this be used to temporarily/permanently bring a Makuta to the 'good' side?
1211. Assuming someone survives the mission, what fate awaits the members of the makeshift team led by Brutaka? They are all wanted dead (well, except Vezon, he's just weird), so would there be a somewhat happier alternative to the death that would await them in the outside world?
1312. Would it be possible for Takanuva to bring something back from this pocket dimension that could help the Toa in the 'real' universe? Bringing back a powerful mask (Perhaps an alt-Brutaka would be willing to part with his mask to avoid these dimension-crossings?
1413. Could Takanuva find an alt-Takua, slap the mask of light (courtesy of alt-BoM) on him, shove alt-Takanuva and alt-MoMN into an energized proto vat, and POW, insta ultra-awesome guy. Not a bad idea if you ask me...
1514. Even if alt Takutanuva isn't possible would alt-Takanuva?
1615. Are the destinies granted to the alternate universe inhabitants the same as their 'real' counterparts?
1716. If you could own one real Great Kanohi that worked for you, what would it be? No choosing gold masks...
1817. If you could have one pet rahi, what would it be?
1918. In 2001, many rahi were wearing kanohi (well, and multiples of them as well). Do said rahi (Tarakava, Nui-Jaga, Kane-Ra, Fikou, Nui-Rama, Manas, etc.) need Kanohi for the same reason matoran do, or were they only a means for Makuta to control them?
2019. Of the canister set designs since the beginning, what body style do you like the most?
21That's all I have, please get back to me soon:[/QUOTE]
221) Yes 232) There are no plans at this point to introduce gear functions back into the actual figures. Focus group reaction to the gears has been uniformly negative when we have tried to reintroduce them in the past few years. Most of the BIONICLE audience is more casual builders and they find the gears frustrating to build with. 243) Yes, he could shoot both in different directions 254) Because he didn't come overland. He came by sea, before Karzahni was landlocked. 265) We never said he wants his light back, we said he wants to be turned back to normal, in other words, to have his mutations undone. The draining of Light did not cause his mutations, Mutran did. 276) Those were the colors they were using prior to. 287) I can't discuss this 298) Correct, it cannot be used to shield others. 309) Pretty much average Flash speed 3110) You could try, but keep in mind that you are up against the willpower of a Makuta, which is substantial. 3211) It's impossible for me to speculate on the fate of characters who may or may not survive this early in the story. 3312) Irrelevant, because he isn't going to. 3413) Ah, couple problems here. One, it means he has to take his Avohkii off, which substantially weakens him. And two, how do you know the alt. universe Takanuva and MOMN have the same destiny to transform? What if they don't? Then both die along with Takanuva's Avohkii. 3514) Hard to say, because we do not yet know if Takua in the alt. universe would share the same destiny. Takanuva's destiny involves defeating the Makuta, but the Makuta are not a threat in this universe. 3615) I would guess no. 3716) Concealment 3817) My wife would be allergic, so no point in wondering about it
18) The latter 3919) Not something I have worried about. I am not a visual person, I think in words, so I pay very little attention to this sort of thing.[/QUOTE]
41So, I take it that with the mutations gone, Vican would look just like a 'normal' matoran, without any strange claws or wings?
4214-15: The takutanuva thing is understandable, but I meant turning alt-takua into Takanuva using the avohkii of that dimension. Would this be possible if they had the same destiny?
43__________________________________ 44Anyways, here's some new questions: 451. For a matoran destined to become a Toa, if he/she is exposed to the toa energy at any time in his/her life, he/she will immediately become a Toa, correct?
462. Assuming that the Avohkii was charged with toa energy, and that's why Takua became Takanuva, would sneaking through metru nui, grabbing all the potential candidates (takua, Metru, Inika), then trying the mask on them one by one, would you be able to turn one of them into a toa?
473. Are ALL the toa in the alt-world on the side of Tuyet, or only the ones in Metru Nui?
484. If Tuyet has the nui stone in her possesion, why are the mata/Takanuva not weakened by it? Kopaka still used his ice powers quite nicely.
495. If Takanuva were to meet BoM, OoMn, or DH under 'friendly' terms in this alt-world, would he be able to gain potentially real-universe information that could be used against them?
506. Had MoMN not been crushed by the door, would it be safe to assume that he would not be carrying tridax pods with shadow leeches in his Makuta armor?
517. If paid enough, would the Dark Hunters assist the BoM with anything?
528. Were you the orignal person to say that 2009 is a 'reboot' or was that someone else?
539. Regardless, what information did you disclose about it?
5410. Can we expect 'cameo' apperances of characters that have been out of the spotlight (ex. Sidorak, krahka, etc.) in Dark Mirror?
5511. Considering how the Bahrag serve Mata Nui, would it be possible to convince them to assist the Toa in a potential all-out war against the BoM now that Mata Nui will be barren for some time?
5612. Is the OoMN truly completely operating on what they believe is Mata Nui's will, or is there some, say, corruption?
5713. Can we expect to see Krakua in anything this year (web serials/books?)
5814. What movies thus far did you write the basic outline for?
5915. The new movie has everything to do with 2009, and not this year's story, correct?
60That's all I have:
6314-15) If they had the same destiny, yes, that would be possible.
641) We don't know that. Anecdotally, it makes sense, but we do not know that is a hard and fast rule. It has not been stated in story if WHEN you become a Toa is also pre-destined. 652) No. It's my belief that the Avohkii was intended for use with a Matoran of Light, and wouldn't have worked with just anyone. 663) Too early to discuss this, we have 9 more chapters of story to go. 674) Ah, but remember -- the Nui stone takes a fraction of your power and it takes it slowly, so it is not noticeable. It is not intended to depower Toa everywhere in favor of one. After all, Lhikan and Nidhiki's powers were fine when they first fought Tuyet. 685) Anything's possible. 696) Huh? He's not. MOMN no longer has Makuta armor and he does not carry a Tridax pod. 707) Not now, no, they are at war. 718) I don't recall if I used the term or someone else did. 729) Basically, that we are going in a very new direction in 2009. That's it. Everything else you are seeing is just people speculating. 7310) Too early to know, I've only written one chapter 7411) I doubt the Bahrag really care what is going on with the BOM. They are focused on their role, and that's it. They are not looking to make alliances. 7512) I would not say there is corruption in the OOMN, no. 7613) Yes. Bionicle Legends #10, at the very least. 7714) Movies? The only movie I have ever done any work on at all is the 2009 BIONICLE movie. 7815) Correct. This year's story does lead into 2009, it is not a complete disconnect between the two, but the 2009 movie focuses on 2009 sets and story.
32. Will we be seeing any more gear functions in the sets soon, or have the designers completely switched to the joints?
43. Takanuva cannot combine his two elements because they would cancel each other out, but could he simultaneously shoot light and darkness in opposite directions, or is he limited to focussing on one or the other?
54. If the realm of Karzhani prevents light element toa from entering it, how did the builder of toa canisters get there?
65. According to a site (either bionicle.com or biosector, I don't remember which), vican serves mutran in hopes of being turned back into a normal matoran. If he is truly evil, why would he want that?
76. The former av-matoran are colors that correspond with their makuta. In the story, were the three of them appearing those colors when they were transformed, or was the color change a result of the transformation?
87. I'll throw in this one even though I expect no answer: What was/is the destiny given to the BoM by Mata Nui? (Yeah, I sense a 'Wait and see' answer here

98. The Hau Nuva creates a force-field bubble around the user, and any other targets. A normal Hau only makes a skin(or metal)-tight shield, correct?
109. Just how fact does a Pakari Nuva allow Pohatu/other Nuva to run?
1110. The avohkii can be used to bring understanding and a feeling of tranquility on a target. Could this be used to temporarily/permanently bring a Makuta to the 'good' side?
1211. Assuming someone survives the mission, what fate awaits the members of the makeshift team led by Brutaka? They are all wanted dead (well, except Vezon, he's just weird), so would there be a somewhat happier alternative to the death that would await them in the outside world?
1312. Would it be possible for Takanuva to bring something back from this pocket dimension that could help the Toa in the 'real' universe? Bringing back a powerful mask (Perhaps an alt-Brutaka would be willing to part with his mask to avoid these dimension-crossings?
1413. Could Takanuva find an alt-Takua, slap the mask of light (courtesy of alt-BoM) on him, shove alt-Takanuva and alt-MoMN into an energized proto vat, and POW, insta ultra-awesome guy. Not a bad idea if you ask me...
1514. Even if alt Takutanuva isn't possible would alt-Takanuva?
1615. Are the destinies granted to the alternate universe inhabitants the same as their 'real' counterparts?
1716. If you could own one real Great Kanohi that worked for you, what would it be? No choosing gold masks...
1817. If you could have one pet rahi, what would it be?
1918. In 2001, many rahi were wearing kanohi (well, and multiples of them as well). Do said rahi (Tarakava, Nui-Jaga, Kane-Ra, Fikou, Nui-Rama, Manas, etc.) need Kanohi for the same reason matoran do, or were they only a means for Makuta to control them?
2019. Of the canister set designs since the beginning, what body style do you like the most?
21That's all I have, please get back to me soon:[/QUOTE]
221) Yes 232) There are no plans at this point to introduce gear functions back into the actual figures. Focus group reaction to the gears has been uniformly negative when we have tried to reintroduce them in the past few years. Most of the BIONICLE audience is more casual builders and they find the gears frustrating to build with. 243) Yes, he could shoot both in different directions 254) Because he didn't come overland. He came by sea, before Karzahni was landlocked. 265) We never said he wants his light back, we said he wants to be turned back to normal, in other words, to have his mutations undone. The draining of Light did not cause his mutations, Mutran did. 276) Those were the colors they were using prior to. 287) I can't discuss this 298) Correct, it cannot be used to shield others. 309) Pretty much average Flash speed 3110) You could try, but keep in mind that you are up against the willpower of a Makuta, which is substantial. 3211) It's impossible for me to speculate on the fate of characters who may or may not survive this early in the story. 3312) Irrelevant, because he isn't going to. 3413) Ah, couple problems here. One, it means he has to take his Avohkii off, which substantially weakens him. And two, how do you know the alt. universe Takanuva and MOMN have the same destiny to transform? What if they don't? Then both die along with Takanuva's Avohkii. 3514) Hard to say, because we do not yet know if Takua in the alt. universe would share the same destiny. Takanuva's destiny involves defeating the Makuta, but the Makuta are not a threat in this universe. 3615) I would guess no. 3716) Concealment 3817) My wife would be allergic, so no point in wondering about it

41So, I take it that with the mutations gone, Vican would look just like a 'normal' matoran, without any strange claws or wings?
4214-15: The takutanuva thing is understandable, but I meant turning alt-takua into Takanuva using the avohkii of that dimension. Would this be possible if they had the same destiny?
43__________________________________ 44Anyways, here's some new questions: 451. For a matoran destined to become a Toa, if he/she is exposed to the toa energy at any time in his/her life, he/she will immediately become a Toa, correct?
462. Assuming that the Avohkii was charged with toa energy, and that's why Takua became Takanuva, would sneaking through metru nui, grabbing all the potential candidates (takua, Metru, Inika), then trying the mask on them one by one, would you be able to turn one of them into a toa?
473. Are ALL the toa in the alt-world on the side of Tuyet, or only the ones in Metru Nui?
484. If Tuyet has the nui stone in her possesion, why are the mata/Takanuva not weakened by it? Kopaka still used his ice powers quite nicely.
495. If Takanuva were to meet BoM, OoMn, or DH under 'friendly' terms in this alt-world, would he be able to gain potentially real-universe information that could be used against them?
506. Had MoMN not been crushed by the door, would it be safe to assume that he would not be carrying tridax pods with shadow leeches in his Makuta armor?
517. If paid enough, would the Dark Hunters assist the BoM with anything?
528. Were you the orignal person to say that 2009 is a 'reboot' or was that someone else?
539. Regardless, what information did you disclose about it?
5410. Can we expect 'cameo' apperances of characters that have been out of the spotlight (ex. Sidorak, krahka, etc.) in Dark Mirror?
5511. Considering how the Bahrag serve Mata Nui, would it be possible to convince them to assist the Toa in a potential all-out war against the BoM now that Mata Nui will be barren for some time?
5612. Is the OoMN truly completely operating on what they believe is Mata Nui's will, or is there some, say, corruption?
5713. Can we expect to see Krakua in anything this year (web serials/books?)
5814. What movies thus far did you write the basic outline for?
5915. The new movie has everything to do with 2009, and not this year's story, correct?
60That's all I have:
6314-15) If they had the same destiny, yes, that would be possible.
641) We don't know that. Anecdotally, it makes sense, but we do not know that is a hard and fast rule. It has not been stated in story if WHEN you become a Toa is also pre-destined. 652) No. It's my belief that the Avohkii was intended for use with a Matoran of Light, and wouldn't have worked with just anyone. 663) Too early to discuss this, we have 9 more chapters of story to go. 674) Ah, but remember -- the Nui stone takes a fraction of your power and it takes it slowly, so it is not noticeable. It is not intended to depower Toa everywhere in favor of one. After all, Lhikan and Nidhiki's powers were fine when they first fought Tuyet. 685) Anything's possible. 696) Huh? He's not. MOMN no longer has Makuta armor and he does not carry a Tridax pod. 707) Not now, no, they are at war. 718) I don't recall if I used the term or someone else did. 729) Basically, that we are going in a very new direction in 2009. That's it. Everything else you are seeing is just people speculating. 7310) Too early to know, I've only written one chapter 7411) I doubt the Bahrag really care what is going on with the BOM. They are focused on their role, and that's it. They are not looking to make alliances. 7512) I would not say there is corruption in the OOMN, no. 7613) Yes. Bionicle Legends #10, at the very least. 7714) Movies? The only movie I have ever done any work on at all is the 2009 BIONICLE movie. 7815) Correct. This year's story does lead into 2009, it is not a complete disconnect between the two, but the 2009 movie focuses on 2009 sets and story.
1Hi greg
21. is the final battle this year?
32. do you own the prototypes of the summer 2008 sets or the finals?
42a. Do you like them on a scale of 1 to 10
61) Yes 72) I don't "own" any summer sets. They don't become available to us for purchase until they are in regular stores. 83) I work for LEGO Company, so what do you think my answer is likely to be?
9well I guess the lego mag prevew was right![]()
10The final battle isn't really the end of bionicle, it's then end of this storyline (wake up Mata-nui, all that.)
11I never said it was the end::
1Hey Greg, I just have a few questions.
21) Whatever happened to the Toa that was trapped in stasis in the Dark Hunter base? Did he/she escape after the base was destroyed?
32) Can we expect to see some new Toa in Dark Mirror?
43) Where are Turaga Dume, the Hagah, and Lesovikk in Dark Mirror?
54) When will we find out MOMN's name?
6Thank you for your time
71) No, he's still there. A bunch of dust hitting your stasis tube is not going to break it. 82-3) We'll see as wel roll along 94) It may be as early as Mutran Chronicles, if not, it will be in Bionicle Legends #9 in April.
10Darn I'd have wished that the Toa escaped, oh well..
11And yay Greg decided that there is a way to cure being Leeched:
11. For a matoran destined to become a Toa, if he/she is exposed to the toa energy at any time in his/her life, he/she will immediately become a Toa, correct?
21) We don't know that. Anecdotally, it makes sense, but we do not know that is a hard and fast rule. It has not been stated in story if WHEN you become a Toa is also pre-destined.
3Actually, another time, he replied to this: Takua touched the Toa stones, but they didn't turn him into Takanuva because the right time hadn't come.
1QUOTEHi, gregI have a few questions,
21) can the Kualsi Mask of Quick travel go through transparrent barriers? (example: I am standing outside my house and can clearly see my bedroom through a closed window. Will I be able to use the Kualsi to get into my room?1a) If someone else was sharing an akaku nuva with me, and I could use the x-ray power to see through the wall into my room, could I use the kualsi to get there?
32) Is the hole Voya Nui made in the southern continent core still there? If so, then is Pit Mutagen falling onto Voya Nui?
43) If Mahri Nui was a part of Voya Nui, but sank beneath the waves, and was then destroyed, is there a hole in Voya Nui where Mahri Nui once was? If so, could someone go through that hole to Karda Nui?
54) In Dark Mirror, could Takanuva possibly meet up with the Takua of that world?
65) Is the large amount of messages from people sometimes overwhelming to you?Thanks,
71) Yes 81a) Yes 92) No. It was sealed up thanks to the power of the Staff of Artakha 103) No. Mahri Nui's land mass formed during the time Voya Nu was floating on the surface sea, from cooling lava. It was not part of Voya Nui when VN was on the continent. 114) Yes 125) Sometimes, if I fall behind in answering them.
13Number 2 was interesting...I had thought that when the Order had used the Staff, the Toa Mahri hadn't released Voya Nui and Mahri Nui yet. Or maybe just after Matoro and Voya Nui entered the southern continent dome the Order used the staff.And number one is cool, too.
21) can the Kualsi Mask of Quick travel go through transparrent barriers? (example: I am standing outside my house and can clearly see my bedroom through a closed window. Will I be able to use the Kualsi to get into my room?1a) If someone else was sharing an akaku nuva with me, and I could use the x-ray power to see through the wall into my room, could I use the kualsi to get there?
32) Is the hole Voya Nui made in the southern continent core still there? If so, then is Pit Mutagen falling onto Voya Nui?
43) If Mahri Nui was a part of Voya Nui, but sank beneath the waves, and was then destroyed, is there a hole in Voya Nui where Mahri Nui once was? If so, could someone go through that hole to Karda Nui?
54) In Dark Mirror, could Takanuva possibly meet up with the Takua of that world?
65) Is the large amount of messages from people sometimes overwhelming to you?Thanks,
71) Yes 81a) Yes 92) No. It was sealed up thanks to the power of the Staff of Artakha 103) No. Mahri Nui's land mass formed during the time Voya Nu was floating on the surface sea, from cooling lava. It was not part of Voya Nui when VN was on the continent. 114) Yes 125) Sometimes, if I fall behind in answering them.
13Number 2 was interesting...I had thought that when the Order had used the Staff, the Toa Mahri hadn't released Voya Nui and Mahri Nui yet. Or maybe just after Matoro and Voya Nui entered the southern continent dome the Order used the staff.And number one is cool, too.

16Wouldn't Takua have to touch a Toa Stone of Light to become a Toa? He had Toa Stones of fire, earth, air, ice, stone and water. Konuju 15Actually, another time, he replied to this: Takua touched the Toa stones, but they didn't turn him into Takanuva because the right time hadn't come.141. For a matoran destined to become a Toa, if he/she is exposed to the toa energy at any time in his/her life, he/she will immediately become a Toa, correct?1) We don't know that. Anecdotally, it makes sense, but we do not know that is a hard and fast rule. It has not been stated in story if WHEN you become a Toa is also pre-destined.
1QUOTE 2Hi, greg
3I have a few questions,
41) can the Kualsi Mask of Quick travel go through transparrent barriers? (example: I am standing outside my house and can clearly see my bedroom through a closed window. Will I be able to use the Kualsi to get into my room? 51a) If someone else was sharing an akaku nuva with me, and I could use the x-ray power to see through the wall into my room, could I use the kualsi to get there?
62) Is the hole Voya Nui made in the southern continent core still there? If so, then is Pit Mutagen falling onto Voya Nui?
73) If Mahri Nui was a part of Voya Nui, but sank beneath the waves, and was then destroyed, is there a hole in Voya Nui where Mahri Nui once was? If so, could someone go through that hole to Karda Nui?
84) In Dark Mirror, could Takanuva possibly meet up with the Takua of that world?
95) Is the large amount of messages from people sometimes overwhelming to you?
111) Yes 121a) Yes 132) No. It was sealed up thanks to the power of the Staff of Artakha 143) No. Mahri Nui's land mass formed during the time Voya Nu was floating on the surface sea, from cooling lava. It was not part of Voya Nui when VN was on the continent. 154) Yes 165) Sometimes, if I fall behind in answering them.
17Number 2 was interesting...I had thought that when the Order had used the Staff, the Toa Mahri hadn't released Voya Nui and Mahri Nui yet. Or maybe just after Matoro and Voya Nui entered the southern continent dome the Order used the staff.
18And number one is cool, too.
20No, in fact, Voya Nui was impulsed down by the Staff of Artakha, but as the Cord was still linking Voya Nui to Mahri Nui, which was something like an anchor, it couldn't turn back until the Mahri destroyed the Cord.
14. You also confirmed that there is a cure for Light drains. Does this cure work by somehow breaking the shield, allowing the natural recovery to begin?
24) Very good, yes, it does.
3[Thinks of Antidermis Energized Proto, anyone? Though the storyteam probably wouldn't stoop to using the same cure again...
14. You also confirmed that there is a cure for Light drains. Does this cure work by somehow breaking the shield, allowing the natural recovery to begin?
24) Very good, yes, it does.
3[Thinks of Antidermis Energized Proto, anyone? Though the storyteam probably wouldn't stoop to using the same cure again...
4Well, didn't he confirm that if you aren't destined to touch EP, you die?
1Greg hasn't answered my PMs lately, and my messenger is working fine. I'm starting to wonder if he blocked me? I'll give it some more time...
1The Voya Nui Matoran technically touched Energized Protodermis, yet they're fine.
3I don't know if there's any such things. The Metru definitely didn't need Toa Stones of their element. In fact, I think it's been said that they're just normal rocks.

2Wouldn't Takua have to touch a Toa Stone of Light to become a Toa? He had Toa Stones of fire, earth, air, ice, stone and water.
3I don't know if there's any such things. The Metru definitely didn't need Toa Stones of their element. In fact, I think it's been said that they're just normal rocks.

1Well, in this case, wouldn't the "sheild" be hit by the EP instead of the Matoran?
1Same with me, Cleofan. I think he might be taking a break from here because of the "virus" situation. I think he mentioned that a little while ago.
1Same with me, Cleofan. I think he might be taking a break from here because of the "virus" situation. I think he mentioned that a little while ago.
2No, he was just on earlier today, I saw him on the active members list.
3Yeah. It could just be that the server ate your messages. I once had to send one three times just to get it to him.
14. You also confirmed that there is a cure for Light drains. Does this cure work by somehow breaking the shield, allowing the natural recovery to begin?
24) Very good, yes, it does.
3[Thinks of Antidermis Energized Proto, anyone? Though the storyteam probably wouldn't stoop to using the same cure again...
4Well, didn't he confirm that if you aren't destined to touch EP, you die?
5Well, same for antidermis. The EP could just break the shield and thats all.
1The Great Beings created the Makuta during the creation of the Universe, correct?
2Allow me to create a little metaphor first. The Makuta were initially created with 42 powers, the same as they have today. They were also initially created for the purpose of creating Rahi. Now, it seems to me that the Makuta are like sentient swiss knives that were intended only to use the corkscrew appendage, and not any of the other multitude of tools included. Would you call this an accurate metaphor?
3If so, it seems to me that the Great Beings make some pretty strange additions when creating the Makuta? If they meant for the Makuta to only create Rahi, why would they have thought the abilities of cyclones or disintegration would help with that?
4What if the Rahi you created rampaged out of control? Remember, the Rahi created include things like the Tahtorak, the Kanohi Dragon, the razor whale, the doom viper, and other large and/or deadly creatures.
5True. But didn't the Great Beings at least think of the possibility that the Makuta might use those powers for other purposes, such as universal conquest? They are definitely amongst the most powerful beings in BIONICLE, so wouldn't it be an obvious possibility that they might actually decide to use that power for their own benefit? Unless the Great Beings themselves, with their immense power, have become corrupt--in that case, they probably wouldn't expect lesser beings to become corrupt. That's my question - do you think the Great Beings underestimated the Makuta?
6It's an interesting question, and I think you are being too hard on the GBs. If every time you build something that has power you are going to worry about how it might go bad, then you might as well never create anything. So what's the answer? Give your creation less power than you feel it needs and jeopardize its safety, on the off chance something might go wrong? And then you take the chance that you have created something that can't get the job done.
7I understand that. It just occurred to me, though, that that might have been one of the reasons why the Great Beings created the Ignika. Does that work?
8The Ignika is a failsafe against any possible issue -- think about it, there are bad Matoran out there, there are rampaging Rahi out there, there are all sorts of potential problems that could threaten the balance of the issue. The Ignika was not specifically designed with the Makuta in mind, it was designed with a general notion that something might go wrong.
9At least we know for sure that the Ignika wasn't actually created with a specific scenario in mind.
1Just finished Downfall,it's a awsome book:: It gave a emotional appeal much stronger than the comics when Mata Nui and Matoro died. Despite the fact Matoro is my favirote character, I'm glad he was willing to make a sacafrice for the universe. He had no fear, where the member of Jovan's team did. Matoro's death has only increased my likeing for him even more:
2Anaways I got some questions 31)Hrydaxon was igorant about the Mask of Life, meaning that Order members are only informed about things with a direct relevance to thier assingment,correct? 41a) How does Mahri Nui relate to Axonn's assingment? 52) If I took a piraka's head off, with the spine attached, would it be what the piraka now look like? 63) If the Inika bodies are imune to antodermis how did Mukuta posses matoro? 74) Can Zaktan still turn into Prototites? 85) Can I can add ecectricty to Axonn's power list? 95a) Brutaka could dodge Axonn's ecectricity, right? 106) What happend to Umbra? 117) Was Maxilos being destoyed was part of Mukuta's master plan or did he revise after the barraki's armies came? 128) Is Hrydaxon going to fight the Brotherhood in The Final Battle 138a) I don't think the Order would trust a unoffical member with such a important job as jailer of the pit. Does this mean the Order will make the new Hrydaxon a member? 149) In the first movie Takanuva wore the Krakahn, does this mean he was tempoary evil? 1510)Have the bohrok ever been used before Mata Nui? 1611) In Bionicle World it is said that the order had an obsever in the pit at the time that the Mask of Life "screamed" for help (Pridak capture of the mask) does this mean that the Order has/had a member or obsever in the pit that is not Hrydaxon?If so was it A matoran, maxilos, a member under cover, or other.
17Thanks and Happy Holiday
181) Correct 191a) Not sure I understand your question. The Mahri Nui Matoran were all Voya Nui Matoran, so he acted to save them from disaster. 202) Yes 213) Good question. Toa power is not purely tied to body, it is also tied to spirit - and when Makuta possessed Matoro, Matoro's spirit was not in his body. It was just a shell. That's the same reason Makuta could not use Matoro's ice power when in Matoro's body. 224) Yes 235) Yes 245a) Brutaka can do a lot of things 256) Nothing. By turning to light, he wouldn't be harmed by the passage through the water, so he remains at his post waiting for the mask to be returned. 267) The Maxilos body was destroyed because Makuta needed to delay the Barraki and because Makuta no longer felt he needed it. 278) In the book? No, Hydraxon most likely will not appear in the book. I have to fit every 2008 character in, so I really have no room for 2007 characters. 288a) For all intents and purposes, he is Hydraxon -- same powers, same memories. If they go and re-induct him, they will be letting him know he's NOT the original Hydraxon and probably damaging his confidence. 299) He wore it for like two seconds, hardly enough time for it to do anything to him 3010) Yes 3111) They did, he has since been killed, and who he was has not been revealed.
3211) When was he killed?
33Shortly after that event
2Anaways I got some questions 31)Hrydaxon was igorant about the Mask of Life, meaning that Order members are only informed about things with a direct relevance to thier assingment,correct? 41a) How does Mahri Nui relate to Axonn's assingment? 52) If I took a piraka's head off, with the spine attached, would it be what the piraka now look like? 63) If the Inika bodies are imune to antodermis how did Mukuta posses matoro? 74) Can Zaktan still turn into Prototites? 85) Can I can add ecectricty to Axonn's power list? 95a) Brutaka could dodge Axonn's ecectricity, right? 106) What happend to Umbra? 117) Was Maxilos being destoyed was part of Mukuta's master plan or did he revise after the barraki's armies came? 128) Is Hrydaxon going to fight the Brotherhood in The Final Battle 138a) I don't think the Order would trust a unoffical member with such a important job as jailer of the pit. Does this mean the Order will make the new Hrydaxon a member? 149) In the first movie Takanuva wore the Krakahn, does this mean he was tempoary evil? 1510)Have the bohrok ever been used before Mata Nui? 1611) In Bionicle World it is said that the order had an obsever in the pit at the time that the Mask of Life "screamed" for help (Pridak capture of the mask) does this mean that the Order has/had a member or obsever in the pit that is not Hrydaxon?If so was it A matoran, maxilos, a member under cover, or other.
17Thanks and Happy Holiday
181) Correct 191a) Not sure I understand your question. The Mahri Nui Matoran were all Voya Nui Matoran, so he acted to save them from disaster. 202) Yes 213) Good question. Toa power is not purely tied to body, it is also tied to spirit - and when Makuta possessed Matoro, Matoro's spirit was not in his body. It was just a shell. That's the same reason Makuta could not use Matoro's ice power when in Matoro's body. 224) Yes 235) Yes 245a) Brutaka can do a lot of things 256) Nothing. By turning to light, he wouldn't be harmed by the passage through the water, so he remains at his post waiting for the mask to be returned. 267) The Maxilos body was destroyed because Makuta needed to delay the Barraki and because Makuta no longer felt he needed it. 278) In the book? No, Hydraxon most likely will not appear in the book. I have to fit every 2008 character in, so I really have no room for 2007 characters. 288a) For all intents and purposes, he is Hydraxon -- same powers, same memories. If they go and re-induct him, they will be letting him know he's NOT the original Hydraxon and probably damaging his confidence. 299) He wore it for like two seconds, hardly enough time for it to do anything to him 3010) Yes 3111) They did, he has since been killed, and who he was has not been revealed.
3211) When was he killed?
33Shortly after that event
1Nice Swiss knife analogy. That puts the subject in a different light.