1Another bunch of Gregf Q&As with some minor revalations...
2Hello again, this time I have another bunch of questions that have been bugging me last ime but forgot to ask
31)Under what circumstances would a Toa turn into a Rahaga?
42)Were the Rahaga Matoran before on some other land?
53)Would the 10 other Toa with Lhikan when they fought the Kanohi Dragon happen to be from other groups or did Lhikan's Toa team really have 11 toa (including Lhikan)
64)How would a mechanical Rhotuka work? I mean is the spinner launched via a trigger of sorts or just by their wills
75)When will the Hordika or the Visorak be released in Singapore. I and some Singaporean members would really be grateful.
86)What Bionicle Adventures book do you enjoy writing the most?
91) You will have to wait until the Rahaga's origin is revealed for this answer.
102) Not to my knowledge, but that doesn't mean "no." Just means I have not been informed of it if they were.
113) No, that was Lhikan's group plus other Toa.
124) Trigger.
135) My understanding is that Asia is usually on the same schedule as Europe, which would mean you would get the Visorak sometime in March and the Hordika later in the summer.
146) Probably 5.
1QUOTE 2Hi, I have a few questions:
31. Do the six great disks combined make the disk of time? Or is it it's own disk?
42. Are the playsets System, Technic or other?
53. What is your favorite mask?
64. Are there going to be any future contests to join Proto Squad?
81) Yes, they do. 92) System, with I think some TECHNIC pieces included. 103) Oh, gee, Mask of Speed, I guess. 114) Nothing planned right now.
31. Do the six great disks combined make the disk of time? Or is it it's own disk?
42. Are the playsets System, Technic or other?
53. What is your favorite mask?
64. Are there going to be any future contests to join Proto Squad?
81) Yes, they do. 92) System, with I think some TECHNIC pieces included. 103) Oh, gee, Mask of Speed, I guess. 114) Nothing planned right now.
1hey earliyer it was said that norik is the second rahaga and that becoming a rahaga was forced, i noticed somrthing on the inside of the hordika booklets cover, it shows a red head (no pun intended) 2being "shocked" by energy coming out of roodakas mouth i think, 3it could be vakama or toa norik.
1hey earliyer it was said that norik is the second rahaga that was a toa and that becoming a rahaga was forced, i noticed somrthing on the inside of the hordika booklets cover, it shows a red head (no pun intended) 2being "shocked" by energy coming out of roodakas mouth i think, 3it could be vakama or toa norik.
5No, that is Vakama.
1it is toa hordika VAKAMA, not norik. and please dont double post.
1Hi. I have a couple of questions:
21. On this site I found this quote:
4Does this mean that Norik, Iruini and Bomonga work for the Visorak?
52. And how about Kralhi, Kraawa, Kinloka and Kavinika? Will they ever be in the storyline?
63. Will the storyline ever focus on the Toa Nuva again?
74. Will the Toa Nuva ever come out as any form of set?
81) No. Just as with this past year's combo models, you put the figures together to build an entirely new creature. The characters themselves are not merging to form it.
92) Some have been, in the books. Kralhi are prominently featured in Book 5.
103) Yes
114) Do not know. There is a debate at the company about whether there would be much customer interest in us reissuing sets we already sold a few years ago.
21. On this site I found this quote:
3Add #4878 & #4879 to this set to build a Visorak colony drone:
4Does this mean that Norik, Iruini and Bomonga work for the Visorak?
52. And how about Kralhi, Kraawa, Kinloka and Kavinika? Will they ever be in the storyline?
63. Will the storyline ever focus on the Toa Nuva again?
74. Will the Toa Nuva ever come out as any form of set?
81) No. Just as with this past year's combo models, you put the figures together to build an entirely new creature. The characters themselves are not merging to form it.
92) Some have been, in the books. Kralhi are prominently featured in Book 5.
103) Yes
114) Do not know. There is a debate at the company about whether there would be much customer interest in us reissuing sets we already sold a few years ago.
1I have two questions. Will the Toa Nuva find the Rahaga on Metru Nui when they go there, and what is the Kanohi Dragon?
1Hi. Um, I know when I asked "What elemental powers do the Turaga have?" you said "Just think of a smaller version of Toa powers". Well, could you like give me an example of what each Turaga would be capable of doing? I might do an epic and I need to know...
2And wouldn't they not be able to use their powers in front of Matoran, since they would get suspicious?
51) Well, where Tahu could do a firestorm, Vakama's power would be more like a welding torch .. Nokama could probably divert a small stream or cause a rain shower, but not a big storm ... Matau could make enough of a breeze to carry a light object ... Onewa could probably manipulate small amounts of rock, but nowhere near what he could do as a Toa ... Whenua could make the earth move, but only in a very small area, roughly the size of a backyard garden ... and Nuju could probably cause snow flurries or make an icicle. And no, they had no reason to hide their powers -- Turaga have elemental powers, so they would be expected to have them too. Besides, the Matoran lost their memories, so they wouldn't know that a Turaga with elemental powers had to be a Toa at some point.
7Well, now we know.

1Hi: Okay, enough chit-chat. I was just wondering...22any thing interesting?
21. If the rahaga were toa, were they in the same time period as Lhikan?
31a. Were the rahaga from another island, if not?
42. Does Roodaka act under orders?
53. Will the masks in the future be like the original masks, with the sort of "I knocked off your mask so I win" thing? Or will the masks be unimportant to the storyline?
64. Do toa hordika weapons have elemental powers, or are they just for charging up rhotuka?
75. Are all of the islands the same shape? Because Metru-Nui seems to be the same shape as Mata-Nui.
86. If all of the rahaga were once toa, will the toa versions of the rahaga all be released? i.e. toa gaaki, toa pouks, toa norik, etc.
97. Will BIONICLE go on and on and on? Or will it eventually come to an end?
108. If the whole Metru-Nui thing is just a flashback, when we get back to the toa nuva and takanuva actually going to Metru-Nui, will the toa nuva be rereleased?
121) Roughly. 131a) They are from another island, yes. 142) No, not really. 153) I can't discuss future storyline. 164) Toa tools have never had elemental powers -- the powers come from the Toa who wield them. And the Toa Hordika's tools can be used for small-scale elemental power use or for charging up spinners. 175) No. 186) No, only Norik and Iruini. 197) It will only come to an end if the sets stop selling. If the toy sales die out, then LEGO Company would probably shut it down. 208) At this point, no decision has been made on that. There are some in the company who feel that there wouldn't be any market for the Toa Nuva again since we were just selling them in '02 and '03.
1These are questions I asked about the Movie. They may be old to you, but they are new to me.
21. When Vakama trys to make the Vahi but it breaks(at the start of the movie), a small robot that looked like a bohrok came out and picked up the broken mask. What was this thing? 31) It's called a fire drone. They are little servitor bots built to assist in the foundries.
42. At the end of the movie, we see the Toa Metru turn into Turaga. That means that Bionicle 3 will take place during LoMN, right?
52) Yes. Same way Books 5-10 do.
63. I was too lazy to turn the movie off, so I wacthed the credits. I saw in the cast that Kongu was in the movie. I was exicted and confused. I rewacthed the movie and saw only one Le-Matoran(2 if you count Matau). This Matoran was forced by the Dark Hunters to reverse the chute flow. Is this Matoran Kongu?
73) Yes
84. Vakama put two Great discs together. Is this how you get the discs for masks that dont have a macthing disc (There is no Disc of Underwater Breathing)?
94) Exactly.
105. If you mix a disc of growth and a disc of Regeneration(, would you have a disc of Shielding(I read somewhere these discs make the mask)?
115) Yes.
12Questions in Bold . Answers in Italics
21. When Vakama trys to make the Vahi but it breaks(at the start of the movie), a small robot that looked like a bohrok came out and picked up the broken mask. What was this thing? 31) It's called a fire drone. They are little servitor bots built to assist in the foundries.
42. At the end of the movie, we see the Toa Metru turn into Turaga. That means that Bionicle 3 will take place during LoMN, right?
52) Yes. Same way Books 5-10 do.
63. I was too lazy to turn the movie off, so I wacthed the credits. I saw in the cast that Kongu was in the movie. I was exicted and confused. I rewacthed the movie and saw only one Le-Matoran(2 if you count Matau). This Matoran was forced by the Dark Hunters to reverse the chute flow. Is this Matoran Kongu?
73) Yes
84. Vakama put two Great discs together. Is this how you get the discs for masks that dont have a macthing disc (There is no Disc of Underwater Breathing)?
94) Exactly.
105. If you mix a disc of growth and a disc of Regeneration(, would you have a disc of Shielding(I read somewhere these discs make the mask)?
115) Yes.
12Questions in Bold . Answers in Italics
1Once again I couldn't think of many good questions to ask Greg, but here's some anyway.
21: I remember you saying that the Rahaga had been created, and that their rahkshi-like appearence was a jest on the part of the bionicle character that made them. Now you're saying that they were Toa who were mutated. How does this fit together exactly?
31) I see no contradiction. The Rahaga were "created" by the Toa being mutated, the same way the Toa Hordika were created by being exposed to Visorak venom. The character who mutated them gave them Rahkshi heads.
4So whoever it was could control the mutation they caused...my bet's still Roodaka.
52 a: Roodaka's spinner is able to mutate things, right? I believe it said something about that in the comic #22 script. Can she control what she mutates her victim into? 6b: If I asked whether her spinner was the cause of the Rahaga's mutation, I presume you'd be unable to answer, right?
72) Yes, it can mutate things, and no, I don't want to answer that yet.
8'Twas worth a try.
93: Would it be possible for Makuta or Krahka to assume a shape in which they can use natural Rhotuka?
103) Yes.
11Sweet: I wanna be a shapeshifter:
124: Seeing as the Rahaga have been released early in Europe, do you think the Visorak might be, too?
134) Last I heard, the Visorak will be out in March.
14Yes, but that was the last thing you'd heard on the Rahaga, wasn't it?
155: Does Roodaka's rock have any major storyline importance?
165) Yes
17Major eh? The plot thickens...
186: The Visorak didn't come to Metru Nui purely to hunt/mutate Rahi, right? Can you say, or give any hints towards, what their plan is?
196) Hmmmm. The Visorak are doing the same thing in Metru Nui that they did other places ... basically, shutting down anything that lives, for reasons that are not their own.
20But who's reason, and why? The Visorak King's? Roodaka's? Intriguing.
217: Being the start of 2005, would you be able to answer any questions tommorow that you can't answer today?
227) I will be able to answer more once I get confirmation on here that BA #7 is out.
23I await it's release, then.
24Questions in normal font, answer's in bold , comments in italics.
21: I remember you saying that the Rahaga had been created, and that their rahkshi-like appearence was a jest on the part of the bionicle character that made them. Now you're saying that they were Toa who were mutated. How does this fit together exactly?
31) I see no contradiction. The Rahaga were "created" by the Toa being mutated, the same way the Toa Hordika were created by being exposed to Visorak venom. The character who mutated them gave them Rahkshi heads.
4So whoever it was could control the mutation they caused...my bet's still Roodaka.
52 a: Roodaka's spinner is able to mutate things, right? I believe it said something about that in the comic #22 script. Can she control what she mutates her victim into? 6b: If I asked whether her spinner was the cause of the Rahaga's mutation, I presume you'd be unable to answer, right?
72) Yes, it can mutate things, and no, I don't want to answer that yet.
8'Twas worth a try.
93: Would it be possible for Makuta or Krahka to assume a shape in which they can use natural Rhotuka?
103) Yes.
11Sweet: I wanna be a shapeshifter:

124: Seeing as the Rahaga have been released early in Europe, do you think the Visorak might be, too?
134) Last I heard, the Visorak will be out in March.
14Yes, but that was the last thing you'd heard on the Rahaga, wasn't it?
155: Does Roodaka's rock have any major storyline importance?
165) Yes
17Major eh? The plot thickens...
186: The Visorak didn't come to Metru Nui purely to hunt/mutate Rahi, right? Can you say, or give any hints towards, what their plan is?
196) Hmmmm. The Visorak are doing the same thing in Metru Nui that they did other places ... basically, shutting down anything that lives, for reasons that are not their own.
20But who's reason, and why? The Visorak King's? Roodaka's? Intriguing.
217: Being the start of 2005, would you be able to answer any questions tommorow that you can't answer today?

227) I will be able to answer more once I get confirmation on here that BA #7 is out.
23I await it's release, then.
24Questions in normal font, answer's in bold , comments in italics.
1Happy New Year:I jst have a few contest related questions. 21.Are the new sets in the contest only contest prizes(ex. They aren't being sold in stores)?
3ANSWER: No, they will all be sold in stores. We don't do sets just for contest prizes, that wouldn't make financial sense.
42.If no, will they be only available in certain stores, and If so, what stores?
5ANSWER: At this point, there aren't plans for any of them to be exclusive to certain stores that I know about.
63.Will there be another contest (non Brickmaster) soon?
7ANSWER: Probably.
84.3 of the mystery(well not mystery anymore) sets are System Sets, correct?
10A.WIll they be anywhere near as pricy as Battle for Metru Nui(which I'm guessing is $60-75)?
11ANSWER: Actually, BoMN is more than that, I think -- it is the most expensive set we have done for BIONICLE since the Manas. The other two will be less expensive.
125.Will Keetongu play a major role, or is he a character who will only appear in the movie and nothing else in 2005?
13ANSWER: He plays a major role in the movie -- that is his major role in the storyline, since half the storyline is told in the movie.
146.Will their be a Burger King(US) promo for Bionicle 3?
15ANSWER: No idea. Haven't heard anything.
167.Do you know what platforms the new game(based on MoS) will be on?
17ANSWER: I think it is a Game Boy Advance game.
188.Do you know the title?
209.And could you tell me a release date?
21ANSWER: Last I heard was March
2210.Is the reason the Hordika (set wise) are almost clones because they were all (setwise again) almost clones as Metru?
23ANSWER: You would have to ask the product designers, do not know.
2411.Why were Norik and Iruini chosen to be the Toa/Rahaga being released?
25ANSWER: Because one model was red and one model was green.
2612.My last question:What will be B3's title?
27ANSWER: I can't release that info. Miramax decides when we can share that, they are producing the movie.
28See answers above, 29Greg
30Interesting stuff...Interesting stuff:
1Hi Greg. TToL here with more questions (I'm full of 'em actually and most are about 2005 so I understand if some answers are gonna be kept secret until later on.)
21) In LoMN why did Nokama put her Toa stone in the Ko-Metru symbol?
32) If there are only 5 mystery sets and one is the BoMN game and two are Toa Iruini and Toa Norik then which other Rahaga going to have Toa forms?
43) When are we next going to see a new island?
54) Why do we never see the face of a Matoran without their mask?
65) Are the Vahki functional if Turaga Dume is in statis and Makuta is in Protodermis?
76) If 'yes' to number 5, why don't the Vahki stop the Visorak?
87) If the Toa Nuva ever turn into Turaga will Tahu have a Noble Hau like Lhikan or a Noble Hau Nuva?
98) Are we going to see the noble forms of the Kaukau, Akaku, Pakari, Miru and Kakama?
109) Where did the Visorak come from and why did they invade Metru Nui?
1110) Although this was asked on the DVD of LoMN you didn't answer this question. 'If you were a Bionicle, who would you be and why?' What would your answer be to that question.
1211) Are the Visorak related to the Bohrok in a way?
1312) When Bob Thompson (I think) answered the question 'Will we see Makuta again?' he replied "At the end of MoL Makuta was destroyed. But with the Makuta, you never know." There was a note in his voice that hinted we hadn't seen the last of Makuta. If Makuta was destroyed shouldn't Takanuva be a Turaga?
1413) Are we going to see the Vahi again?
1514) What is the name of the combiner model of Roodaka, Sidorak and Keetongu?
1615) Why does Keetongu look similar to Krekka? (One eye, similar leg design, etc)
1716) Will we have a Proto squad promotion in Europe?
1817) Will we ever recieve your autograph in a copy of the LEGO magazine in the UK?
1918) Is it fun being employed by the LEGO company?
2019) Which year of BIONICLE have you enjoyed most?
2120) Any keyword we can know about '06?
22Thanks for your time.![]()
241) Because the animators screwed up252) None. It's two "Toa Rahaga" and three playsets. 263) 2006. 274) In the movies? Odds are because the animators do not want to spend the money to animate one, since it really isn't necessary for the story. Would probably also be confusing for casual viewers. 285) Yes. Vahki are machines, they don't require Makuta or Dume to power them. 296) They try. 307) I would assume it would be a Noble Hau Nuva. 318) No idea. I don't work in product design. 329) Can't answer it 3310) Kopaka. I have always been a Kopaka fan. 3411) No. Bohrok are machines. Visorak are alive. Bohrok are neither good or evil, Visorak are evil. 3512) Okay, well, first, I have no info on whether Makuta was destroyed or not. Second, Takanuva can only become a Turaga if his destiny is fulfilled AND he chooses to sacrifice his power. And third, don't be so sure Takanauva's destiny was just defeating Makuta, even if that's what he thought it was. 3613) Yes, in BA #10. 3714) I haven't written a bio for that one yet. 3815) I didn't think he did, myself. 3916) No idea, but I haven't heard anything about that. I know that it is way more expensive to mail out sets in Europe than it is here. 4017) lol, no one has ever asked, I don't know. That would be a lot of autographing:: 4118) Yes 4219) I think 2004, because of getting to do the novels. I am excited about '06 too. 4320) Yes. If the story remains the same as what I have heard it is going to be, 2006 will bring back more of the feel of what people liked about 2001.
45Some good info on the future there: And Happy new year:::

1Hi Greg. TToL here with more questions (I'm full of 'em actually and most are about 2005 so I understand if some answers are gonna be kept secret until later on.)
21) In LoMN why did Nokama put her Toa stone in the Ko-Metru symbol?
32) If there are only 5 mystery sets and one is the BoMN game and two are Toa Iruini and Toa Norik then which other Rahaga going to have Toa forms?
43) When are we next going to see a new island?
54) Why do we never see the face of a Matoran without their mask?
65) Are the Vahki functional if Turaga Dume is in statis and Makuta is in Protodermis?
76) If 'yes' to number 5, why don't the Vahki stop the Visorak?
87) If the Toa Nuva ever turn into Turaga will Tahu have a Noble Hau like Lhikan or a Noble Hau Nuva?
98) Are we going to see the noble forms of the Kaukau, Akaku, Pakari, Miru and Kakama?
109) Where did the Visorak come from and why did they invade Metru Nui?
1110) Although this was asked on the DVD of LoMN you didn't answer this question. 'If you were a Bionicle, who would you be and why?' What would your answer be to that question.
1211) Are the Visorak related to the Bohrok in a way?
1312) When Bob Thompson (I think) answered the question 'Will we see Makuta again?' he replied "At the end of MoL Makuta was destroyed. But with the Makuta, you never know." There was a note in his voice that hinted we hadn't seen the last of Makuta. If Makuta was destroyed shouldn't Takanuva be a Turaga?
1413) Are we going to see the Vahi again?
1514) What is the name of the combiner model of Roodaka, Sidorak and Keetongu?
1615) Why does Keetongu look similar to Krekka? (One eye, similar leg design, etc)
1716) Will we have a Proto squad promotion in Europe?
1817) Will we ever recieve your autograph in a copy of the LEGO magazine in the UK?
1918) Is it fun being employed by the LEGO company?
2019) Which year of BIONICLE have you enjoyed most?
2120) Any keyword we can know about '06?
22Thanks for your time.![]()
241) Because the animators screwed up252) None. It's two "Toa Rahaga" and three playsets. 263) 2006. 274) In the movies? Odds are because the animators do not want to spend the money to animate one, since it really isn't necessary for the story. Would probably also be confusing for casual viewers. 285) Yes. Vahki are machines, they don't require Makuta or Dume to power them. 296) They try. 307) I would assume it would be a Noble Hau Nuva. 318) No idea. I don't work in product design. 329) Can't answer it 3310) Kopaka. I have always been a Kopaka fan. 3411) No. Bohrok are machines. Visorak are alive. Bohrok are neither good or evil, Visorak are evil. 3512) Okay, well, first, I have no info on whether Makuta was destroyed or not. Second, Takanuva can only become a Turaga if his destiny is fulfilled AND he chooses to sacrifice his power. And third, don't be so sure Takanauva's destiny was just defeating Makuta, even if that's what he thought it was. 3613) Yes, in BA #10. 3714) I haven't written a bio for that one yet. 3815) I didn't think he did, myself. 3916) No idea, but I haven't heard anything about that. I know that it is way more expensive to mail out sets in Europe than it is here. 4017) lol, no one has ever asked, I don't know. That would be a lot of autographing:: 4118) Yes 4219) I think 2004, because of getting to do the novels. I am excited about '06 too. 4320) Yes. If the story remains the same as what I have heard it is going to be, 2006 will bring back more of the feel of what people liked about 2001.
45Some good info on the future there: And Happy new year:::
47Nice set of questions. Lots of info (personal and public) revealed. Can't wait for '06.
1The feel of 2001... hmm. More Kanohi searches, new (tropical) island. Can't wait:
16) If 'yes' to number 5, why don't the Vahki stop the Visorak?
27) If the Toa Nuva ever turn into Turaga will Tahu have a Noble Hau like Lhikan or a Noble Hau Nuva?
46) They try. 57) I would assume it would be a Noble Hau Nuva.
7I heard somewhere that "if an old Vahki hit you with their power, it messed with your head. If a new one did, you wouldn't have a head." Will there even be new Vahki? Are they newly built by someone else, or are they mutated by the Visorak?
8Also, would the Noble Hau Nuve still be able to protect your comrades, or just be another Hau Olda? Thanks.
9Also, will they come out with new Kanohi packs? I always loved collecting them.
21)Why didn't you write bionicle chronicle 1-2-3 and the Mask of Light novel?
32)I know that BA7 is In the web of the Visorak, BA8 Challenge of the Hordika And BA10 is Time trap. What is BA9 title???
5Soua Nuva
61) Because I wasn't asked to. I think, coming out of the gate on a big project like this, Scholastic wanted to work with someone they were familiar with, and they had worked with Hapka several times before.
72) BA #9 is the movie novelization, and the name for B3 has not been officially announced yet, which is why I haven't shared the title for 9.
1the old vahki were the krahli, those didn't exactly work out so they built the vahki that we know and love today and just happen to blow your heads off
1the old vahki were the krahli, those didn't exactly work out so they built thevahki that we know and love today and just happen to blow your heads off
2No, that's not what it means: The old Vahki are the Vahki from this year...er...last year, I mean, the ones we saw running around wrangling Matoran into containers. Their powers never physically affected you. The Vahki from this year do. Their powers don't incapacitate. They kill.
3-Master of the Rahkshi
1oh, I didn't know that they changed their attitude. Yay, I learned a new thing today:
1This'll explain any concerns about weather the Rahaga are just mini Rahkshi or not.
11This guy alsways knows what to say. It's amazing.
12The "Sense of humour bit", could be all the theories people had about Makuta Sticking them, and the Rahkshi into EP.
3They started hitting shelves in mid-October, and now they're becoming more and more widely available. The six newest Bionicle sets, Rahaga, are hunched, simple designs with a new type of collectible. Are these diminuitive creatures vital new sets of the growing Bionicle saga, or are they Rahkshi-faced retreads?
4About the Rakshi faced retreads bit. This isn't goin to be like the Bohrok Kal is it? They must have some connection to the Rakshi, otherwise. Well. I guess there's no other way to say it... They're mini Rakshi with Rhokuta spinners. I really like to think that lego are putting an effort into their sets but I also know tehy're a money making company. Just... If someone asked you weather you thought the Rahaga were just matoran with rakshi heads and the new gadgets. What would you say, what's your opinion.
5P.S. I know you said they have no conection to the Rakshi but there have been so many theories, it's messing up my head.
7Their only connection to the Rahkshi is the sense of humor of the character who caused the mutation.
8If you are going only by looks of the set, then I see your point. However, I focus on story -- so I know that these are six individual characters who play an important role in the story all the way through the movie, and a far bigger role than, say, the 2004 Matoran did. So that is what matters to me -- do they have interesting personalities and do they play a role in the story? And the answer to both is yes.
9At the end of the day, you have to remember that these are $3.99 sets -- and $3.99 sets rarely have many new elements in them, because new elements add expense to the set. They are designed to be "stocking stuffers" basically ... we reserve most of the new elements for the Toa and above sets. And as it is, these sets have the best functionality I think we have ever had in a small BIONICLE set.
11This guy alsways knows what to say. It's amazing.
12The "Sense of humour bit", could be all the theories people had about Makuta Sticking them, and the Rahkshi into EP.
1Q)How far ahead is the story planned so far (ie 2008,2009)? In other words how far are you guys currently planning?
2A)We have 2006-2008 outlined, and I believe work is currently proceeding on the 2006 story bible.
3EDIT Scavenger EDIT
5That Amazing I Gradute High School In 07, And They Still Have Have Plans For Then. Wow, I Be In College When They Might End. Might Have To Keep The Lego Bricks At Home While Im Away.

1I graduate in hmmmm.......... june of '09 I don't know if they will have Bionicle but that is great.
1Hi greg, long time since the last batch of questions I asked u.
21.I just heard about the kanohi dragon, and it's BIG, is it the same size of thatorak?
32. if yes, whos stronger?
43. witch hordika u like the best?
54. witch of these are more: vahki, visorak or bohrok? I think the bohrok are more...
7Q:Would the 10 other Toa with Lhikan when they fought the Kanohi Dragon happen to be from other groups or did Lhikan's Toa team really have 11 toa (including Lhikan) 8A:No, that was Lhikan's group plus other Toa
9what's all this about? lhikan plus other toa fight kanohi dragon? can u explain this?
106. do u want the toa nuva to come back to the story line? I want to, but when?
117. will toa iruini and toa norik play a role in B3?
12I think that's all I could think of. see 'ya:
131) Hmmmm ... I wouldn't say quite as big as the Tahtorak. 142) Tahtorak is physically stronger, but Kanohi Dragon breathes fire and can fly. 153) Nuju. 164) More what? 175) Yes. There is a reference in the Rahi Guide next year that Lhikan and 10 other Toa came to Metru Nui to fight the Kanohi Dragon, and drove it off. 186) Yes, and they will. 197) No.
20the newest and freshes questions from me.
1what happend to takua before Mata-nui Adventure or Mata-nui Online game I 2why has he droven away from he's village and how what did the ta-matoran say to him and what did he tought 3the full story please
4Josh, you're supposed to PM your questions to Greg, not post them here. He hardly reads this topic.
5And to answer your question, Takua was a regular Ta-matoran with a blue mask, who was one day called to Whenuas hut for an errand, but found Whenua and all of the other Turaga kidnapped, as well as the Toa stones missing(Which makes little sense, since the Toa metru hid them a thousand years before, and had never spoken of them to the matoran.). SO Takua went and fought several monsters and such, recovering the turaga, their staffs, and the toa stones. BUT when he had the toa stones, he was on the beach when the Toa sti=ones sent out a pulse of energy, which summoned the Toa (By calling their pods to Mata-nui). THe same energy knocked out Takua and gave him Amnesia.
6AND Jala did not like Takua travelling around the island when all he had received in the beginning was an invitation from Whenua.
7This is all in the first Bionicle GBA game.
1and after that he banned them from ta-koro?
1and after that he banned them from ta-koro?
2Right after GBA came MNOLG1. In fact, it's so "right after", the starting scene in MNOLG1 is when he first wakes up after being blasted by the energy of the Toa stones. When he gets back to Ta-koro, we learn that matoran (except for the right/left hands of the turaga and the turaga themselves) just don't go off traveling, because of the rahi. That's why Jala didn't like him wandering.
1to stop off topic discussion, I'll put some interesting questions down here.
2Hi Greg: I was thinking (huh?a lot and i came up with new questions. I hope You can answer them
31) Does Norik and Iruini carry the same spear, or are they different? 42) The mask they are wearing - are their powers something new or are they something oldwith new mold? or maybe it is something like remove poison mask or Great Kiril? Ok this question is wierd - i know You can't reveal their powers, so my questions is... Are their mask power something new, or something we already saw? 53) I know this question was answered many times, but i don't understand - Battle for Metru-Nui is more, or less expensive than the Manas? Or, maybe You know what's it's price? 64) How big are: 7a)Play sets minifigures 8b)Colloseum thingy from BfMN? 9Can You compare these to something that Lego already released, if You don't know the accurate size in CM? 105) When Web of the Visorak will be released? 116) Does the guy who changed Toa Rahaga into Rahaga, comebody who is already known, or is he (or she?) a completely new character? 127) When we are going to see the end (or maybe not the end?) of Turaga Dumes story? 138) Is the combiner for Roodaka, Keetongu and Sidorak a Rahi or something else? 149) Ok this question is really old, but i don't know the answer so - What is Kahagarak (i know that it is the combiner of three Visoraks, but i meant the story, not set wise) 1510) Does Visorak who was blasted by Roodakas Rhotuka changes into Kahagarak? If no, who will become Visorak after blasting by Roodakas Rhotuka? 1611) Why do the Fire Drones looks like a Bohrok? The animators were too lasy/wanted to save money? 1712) When You'll be able to reveal some new spoilers for 2005 and 2006? I must know when i'll be able to ask You some new questions
18Thanks for answers, and i wish You a happy new year
191) I haven't seen the Norik set at all, so couldn't say. 202) No, these are powers you have never seen in mask form before. 213) Less, by a little bit. 224) I wouldn't even know where to start with this. I am lousy at size comparisons. 235) The people at Barnes and Noble told me December 29th, and their web site says December 2004. 246) Can't answer it 257) Not for a while yet -- he is going to be part of the post-2005 story arc. 268) I have not written a bio for that yet, I only saw the images last week and have been on vacation since then. 279) I file that under "you don't need to know yet" since it doesn't figure into the story really until Book 8, and you can't build it yet. 2810) Nobody becomes a Visorak under those circumstances, and you can't turn a Visorak into a Kahgarak that way. That would be a positive mutation, and Roodaka isn't into causing positive mutations. 2911) The animators need to use existing BIONICLE pieces for things they do, they can't make up new ones. So they did what our designers would do, they built something out of existing pieces. And it is logical -- Matoran had seen Bohrok (albeit sleeping ones), why not build something that looked like them? 3012) I can't discuss 2006 until end of this year. I can discuss more about '05 after Book 7 is out.
11) (Don't know if you can answer this one, but I'll try anyway). I was wondering about the attitude change in the Vahki. I think they have to recharge in some way every so often. But, since Makuta sucked up all the energy in the power plant, would that be the cause of the Vahki's attitude change (maybe the lack of energy causes them to go mad)?
21) Oh, you are close, but you need to reverse your theory. What is the opposite of losing energy?
32) Was Nidhiki originally in Lhikan's group, or part of another group?
42) Don't have that info.
53) Still a little confused about the Turaga's staves. I know Vakama's and Nokama's (staves) aren't their Toa tools, but what about the other four? Were their tools just transformed into their Turaga staves?
63) Yes
74) Do Toa Norik and Iruini have new mask powers?
84) Yes
10That's all.
11The first one (from above) I thought was interesting. Don't know if you already know about this, though.
121a) Could all seven Toa (Nuva) become a Toa Nui? 131b) If the above was yes, what would it's power level be on a 1-10 scale? (1=Toa, 10=Makuta).
141) At this point, no Toa Nui has ever existed in the storyline, so I have no idea if one is even possible.
152) Can Toa form say, a 2 Toa combiner, or maybe one made of 4 or 5?
162) Hard to say, as it has never been done.
173) What about a Turaga Nui's power level? Would it be at the level of a Toa olda?
183) I doubt it very much. If it were, they wouldn't need Toa, they could have just formed a Turaga Nui and handled their problems that way.
194) I know that certain disks are combined to make new powers, but, do certain combinations actually make more than one power? i.e. the Great Mahiki has two powers (illusions and shape shifting) instead of just one.
204) The shapeshifting power is simply an enhanced version of the illusion power, so it is not considered to be two powers.
215) How long had Lhikan been a Toa? About 1000 years?
225) That is probably close to right
236) Since Vakama and his companions had Matoran versions of their Great Masks, I'm assuming that other Matoran had those same designs, too. If that's true, then does that mean that there are still Matoran on Mata Nui that have masks in the shape of a Great Huna, Great Rau, etc?
246) Possibly, yes
257) Does Makuta have all 6 Toa elemental powers?
267) No. Far as we have seen, he doesn't have any.
278) Is Wairuha's mask a silver Miru? (I keep hearing some say Miru, while others say it's a Hau).
288) I would have to go back and check, I haven't seen an image of Wairuha since 2001.
299) Are the Toa Kaita actually just larger, more powerful Toa? (i.e. Akamai is Toa of Valor, Wairuha is Toa of Wisdom).
309) They are separate entities created by the Toa.
3110) I know that the Vahi is really hard to control because of it's power (time). But it also must be the power level as well. Here's the question: If a Mask of Shielding was made from the Great Disks, would Tahu have as hard of a time controlling it as the Vahi?
3210) He would have greater difficulty because it would be power level 9, but not as much as with the Vahi, because shielding is not as difficult a force to control.
3311) Would the Kanohi Nuva be at around an 8.5 level? (they seem to be in between Great and Level 9).
3411) No. The major differences between Kanohi Nuva and Kanohi are that the powers can be shared, rather than that the powers are enormously stronger.
3512) Is the Kraakhan a Level 8 mask?
3612) I have no info on this.
37That's all for now. Have a happy holiday.
39Hello. Most of these are just random questions; anyway, here they are. Oh, and sorry for the huge amount of questions. You don't need to hurry on these. I know you're always busy.
401) What happens when Toa Whenua combines both of his drills together? Does it turn into some kind of huge drill, and/or does it allow him to fly?
411) No, he can't fly. He uses it as a big drill to get them out of the tunnels in the movie.
422) Since the Avohkii can create light, does that mean that if Takanuva was able to make it shine brightly enough, he could make the light pierce through matter and give him x-ray vision?
432) I tend to think not.
443) The Avohkii is a level 8 mask, right?
453) Seems to be, but I don't know its origin
464) I know that the six toa can create protodermis when they combine their powers. What would happen if Takanuva added light to the other six elements? Would it make any difference at all? (If you can't answer this one, could you at least tell me if we are ever going to find out)?
474) I don't know the answer, and don't know if it will come up in the story or not.
485) Is it confirmed that Dume was a Toa?
495) Yes
506) Since Nuju added an eye scope to his mask, I assume that a typical Great Matatu wouldn't have that eyepiece and would be symmetrical instead. Am I right about this?
516) Possibly
527) Was Turaga Nuju's mask damaged in the last 1000 years? (I notice that his mask has no eyepiece.)
537) Could well have been
548) About how long have the Toa Nuva been on Mata Nui? Has it been 4 years, 100 years?
558) The Toa Nuva? I would say no more than, oh, a year, two tops
569) What about the Toa Metru? They only look like they were toa for about a year before becoming turaga. Or were they toa for a longer period of time?
579) The Toa Metru were Toa for a matter of months before they became Turaga
5810) I understand that the Great masks have more powers/ranges than noble masks. But I'm not sure about Vakama's Great Huna. What does a Great Huna have that a noble Huna doesn't?
5910) Lets you stay invisible longer.
6011) Are there any plans to add in the other possible vision powers that Whenua's Ruru may have?
6111) The only vision power it has is the one shown in the movie.
6212) In the comics, Onewa's and Vakama's masks are always shown with a visor like Gali (olda's) mask. Was there originally supposed to be a visor in their masks, or was that just made up by the artist?
6312) Actually, that is a good question. The visor effect is what comics people call "bringing the eyes forward," which is done for artistic purposes (otherwise you have these big empty dark spaces instead of eyes. So that is something they do for artistic license.
6413) Storyline-wise, who determined the mask shapes? Were they just standard shapes set by Matoran so Toa could tell what power a mask had?
6513) My belief is that they are based on ancient carvings the Matoran saw
6614) What about masks with new powers (such as the Vahi). Are they just carved into a shape that's determined by the mask maker who makes it first and everyone else after him will make that mask the same shape?
6714) Probably
6815) Did the Toa Metru and Matoran build the Kini Nui? Or was it there on Mata Nui before they were?
6915) Odds are they built it
7016) When the Toa Metru made the Toa stones, did they put any toa energy into them?
7116) Yes
7217) If the answer to the above was yes, then does that mean the Toa Metru just didn't use all of their energy for the toa stones (since they also used it to awaken the Matoran), or did their powers just recharge?
7317) Your first answer. Each one did one stone, instead of one doing six
7418) (Before Takanuva came) did Toa necessarily have to be one of the six elements? I remember you saying that Nidhiki was a toa, but he has control over energy. Could that mean toa could have a different power, such as electricity, energy, etc?
7518) I wouldn't rule it out
7619) Why is the Vahi so hard to control? Is it just because it's a level 9 mask, or is it that time is a very hard thing to control?
7719) You are dealing with time, which is a fundamental force of the universe. That's why.
7820) What happened to the Toa Nuva's symbols and Nuva masks? Are they being taken to Metru Nui?
7920) Yes
8021) What about Tahu Nuva? His village sank into the lava. Are his masks and Nuva symbols down in the lava? Or were they saved?
8121) They had been hidden elsewhere after the Bohrok-Kal incident
8222) Are some destinies of toa harder to achieve/more vague than others? Because there seems to be some toa (i.e. Toa Metru) that have been toa for only a year or so, while others (like Lhikan) have been toa for centuries.
8322) Yes
8423) When the LOMN website said that Lhikan came with other toa to Metru Nui, does that necessarily mean that he came in a group of six? Couldn't he have been in a group of, say, 12 toa (who came from other islands and joined together)?
8523) It never said six, so it could have been more than six or less than six
8624) When Lhikan came with the other toa to Metru Nui, was Nidhiki already evil, or was he still good?
8724) Don't know. That is not relevant to the '04 story, so it is not in the '04 story bible.
8825) How long has Nidhiki been a Dark Hunter?
8925) Don't know. See #25
9026) How old do you think the Toa (Nuva) are? Do you think they may be older than Lhikan?
9126) Do you mean were they Toa longer? Yes, they may have been
9227) Since the Toa Metru brought extra masks with them to Mata Nui, why did Vakama give Lhikan's mask to Jaller? Wouldn't there be a high risk of a mask as valuable as that getting broken or damaged?
9327) Because Vakama wanted Lhikan's legacy to live on.
9428) Does Jaller's Hau still have shielding powers?
9528) My impression was it morphed into a Matoran mask when he put it on.
9629) Since Kopaka's mask power is x-ray vision, I assume that it is better than a Ruru's x-ray vision. Is this correct?
9729) Yes
9830) Besides x-ray vision, are binocular vision, ability to see whether or not something is an illusion, and info. screen (screen with writing that lets Kopaka know what he's seeing) other powers of the Akaku?
9930) Some are, but I don't recall being able to see through illusions being one of his powers
10031) Is it possible for a Matoran/Turaga/Toa to live 100,000 years or more?
10131) We have no idea what the natural lifespan of a Matoran is at this point in the story
10232) Are you planning to add any more Rahkshi to the story? I really like them.
10332) Maybe, I like them too
10433) In Voyage of Fear, you mentioned a rahi with a head shaped like an ax blade. Was that supposed to be a giant stingray?
10533) No, I didn't have anything in mind for that.
10634a) If Matau shapeshifted into a fish, could he breath underwater?
10734a) At this point, we have not seen evidence that Matau takes on the powers of what he shapeshifts into, so I hesitate to say yes
10834b) What if Matau transformed into, say, a Rahi Nui? Would he be able to assume great physical strength from that?
10934b) I don't think he can shapeshift into something that much bigger than he is.
11035) Do all Toa start off at the same power level?
11135) Yes
11236) Besides getting stronger elemental powers and more powerful masks, did the Toa Nuva also become physically stronger and faster?
11336) Stronger and more agile, yes
11437a) When will we find out what the small object that Turaga Lhikan took was? 11537b) Was that small object left with Lhikan when he died, or did Vakama take it with him?
11637) When I know, you will. It was an invention of the screenwriter.
118By the way, I know that several of the questions from the above pm are already known (i.e. Lhikan arriving with more than 5 Toa, etc). But, I asked the third set of questions several months ago. (first was typed yesterday, third was done a couple months ago), when this stuff wasn't really known. And, I didn't know other questions (i.e. Whenua's drills) because I have yet to see the movie and I haven't been able to get Maze of Shadows. Anyway, I hope some of these questions were helpful.
1Hi GregF: Just a couple (literally) of questions:
21. So we know that Vakama's alternate tool model is a jetpack, Matau's is wings, Whenua's is a mega-drill, and Nuju's is snow shoes. But what about Nokama and Onewa? What's theirs?
32. Did you have a good Christmas and New Year? Did you get what you wanted? Were you in Times Square for the ball drop?
61) I don't have any info on their alts. 72) Yes, I had very nice holidays. No, I wasn't in NYC for New Years Eve, but I was there on Jan 1.
8Well, there you go.