1The feel?
2Kanohi sences...tingling...Feel... search... tropical island...coming...
3Nah...I'm probably wrong.
6I never thought about it, but I went to google and typed in "Bionicle 3". You try it. It brings you to a website and there is a "Greg's Preview". It says they're going back to collecting kanohi masks: I saw it: I'll post it:
7ok. The site's a fake. never mind.
1The feel?
2Kanohi sences...tingling...Feel... search... tropical island...coming...
3Nah...I'm probably wrong.
6I never thought about it, but I went to google and typed in "Bionicle 3". You try it. It brings you to a website and there is a "Greg's Preview". It says they're going back to collecting kanohi masks: I saw it: I'll post it:
7That's not talking about the new one that was shown on the B2 dvd. That is a completely different movie. they are refering to the Toa Olda's quest there
1no. The title was B3. Plus, where in B1 did you see anything about kanohi masks for the 6 toa? No: It was all about the 7th toa:
Greg's Previews @ yahoo.com 2The exact details of this movie's plot aren't yet known, except that it depicts the adventures of a group of six robotic heroes collectively called the Toa who join forces to collect ancient artifacts called the Masks of Power in an effort to defeat Makuta, an evil ruler who has taken over the island of Mata Nui .
3Note the bolded text. B3 is about the Hordika, which is still in Metru Nui. So this info is inaccurate.
4EDIT: D'oh: MotR beat me.
5Although it is interesting that they mention BZP...
1The feel?
2Kanohi sences...tingling...Feel... search... tropical island...coming...
3Nah...I'm probably wrong.
6I never thought about it, but I went to google and typed in "Bionicle 3". You try it. It brings you to a website and there is a "Greg's Preview". It says they're going back to collecting kanohi masks: I saw it: I'll post it:
7I'm sorry, but I just went to Google and typed that in and it didn't work. You need to show proof or not claim. Not that I'm accusing you of lying or anything, it's just there's alot of liars out there: And it didn't work for me... And if this info is accurate, it would have to be B4, not B3.
9Advertising at BZP.
1New Questions, not anything really new.
2Ok, I decided to stop shoveling the snow outside and ask a few questions that were bugging me.
31. How are new Lego pieces designed? does somebody have to draw it up, carve out a mold, and then just pour plastic into it?
42. Have we seen the person who created the Rahaga in the past, or is it a new 2005 character?
53. I only read the first few pages of Maze of Shadows today in the store and it left me wondering, Are the Turaga on Mata-Nui still friends, or is there some anger in there for Vakama telling of the Hordika?
64. Are there certain rules that you have to abide by when you are working at lego?
75. Do you ever feel like you HAVE to answer the PMs that people send you?
86. Are you a real BIONICLE fan, or is it just mainly your job?
97. How did you find BZPower.com?
108. How did lego find you to do the comics and books?
119. Do you ever change or add little things into the storyline for fans?
1210. If you could come up with your own storyline for BIONICLE, what would happen in it?
1311. What do you do all day working for lego? Mainly the books and comics?
1412. Do you ever wander around the rooms in the building and look at all the new stuff in the works?
161) I believe new elements are all designed on computer now. And yes, a mold has to be produced for any new element, which is why doing new pieces is so expensive.
172) Can't answer it.
183) Well, they are mad at each other a little bit. It is not a story they wanted to hear again and they don't understand why Vakama insists on telling it.
194) Yes, there are rules you have to abide by anyplace you work, not just at LEGO Company.
205) No, I do it because I want to. It's not part of my job.
216) If I didn't have a love for BIONICLE, I could not spend as much time on it outside of work as I do.
227) Don't remember.
238) I was hired in 2000 to do the LEGO Magazine, which is still my main job. Doing the comic and books was basically something I fought for ... because in both cases, someone else was either slated to do it or had already been doing it.
249) Oh, sure, all the time.
2510) It is too early in the morning for me to come up with an answer to that question
2611) No. The books are all done freelance, in my own time, on nights and weekends. The comics I only have to write once every two months. Most of my time is spent writing and editing the LEGO Magazine. That's my job.
2712) Product design isn't done in Connecticut, so there isn't any "new stuff in the works" to look at .. all that work is done in Denmark.
1yeah, that is not Greg FARSHTEY, that was Greg Dean Schmitz that wrote that preview, and it is completely inacurate
1Hey there Greg,
215) Did the Toa Metru and Matoran build the Kini Nui? Or was it there on Mata Nui before they were?
315) Odds are they built it
41.) Wow, that opens up a whole new can of...worms. Does that mean the Turaga know of/had possesion of the Makoki Stones and built the Kini Nui so it wouldn't be opened except by those means?
537a) When will we find out what the small object that Turaga Lhikan took was? 637b) Was that small object left with Lhikan when he died, or did Vakama take it with him?
737) When I know, you will. It was an invention of the screenwriter.
82.) It's obvious that you dont kow what this object is, but can you shed some light on what the heck this guy is talking aobut? I'm lost.
93.) Was the Kanohi Dragon the reason Lhikan first came to Metru Nui?
104.) It seems to me that the Kanohi Dragn is just one single (albeit cool) entry in the Rahi guide book, but since it ahs a little to do with Lhikan's (and other Toa's) past, it's sparked everybody's interest. Do you know if there are any more (unique? special? mystical?) Rahi such as the Kanohi Dragon or Tahtorak in the Rahi Guide Book? As opposed to "the Ko-Koro common wolf thingy." etc.
115.) Will you be able to say more about the giant mutant sea creature things after Book #7 is out?
12Thanks a lot:
131) Time will tell. 142) I can't find any mention of this in the LOMN novel, and have not seen the movie in a while, so not sure what he is referring to. 153) Yes 164) We tried to make them all as interesting as we could. In some cases, there may be more info about Rahi Guide creatures in the encyclopedia, too. 175) The ones from Book #5? They have nothing to do with Book #7. What is known about them is what's in Book 5. The Matoran don't know anything more about them than that, so neither does the audience.
19Re-PMing him about #5, he misunderstood.
1no. The title was B3. Plus, where in B1 did you see anything about kanohi masks for the 6 toa? No: It was all about the 7th toa:
Greg's Previews @ yahoo.com 2The exact details of this movie's plot aren't yet known, except that it depicts the adventures of a group of six robotic heroes collectively called the Toa who join forces to collect ancient artifacts called the Masks of Power in an effort to defeat Makuta, an evil ruler who has taken over the island of Mata Nui .
3Note the bolded text. B3 is about the Hordika, which is still in Metru Nui. So this info is inaccurate.
4EDIT: D'oh: MotR beat me.
5Although it is interesting that they mention BZP...
6A word of advice.
7Greg's preview (which isn't Greg Farshtey) is the most inacurate scource of spoilers you can get for Bionicle.
8They called B2 "the mask makers" for heavans sake. Those guys know very little about bionicle.
1They called B2 "the mask makers" for heavans sake. Those guys know very little about bionicle.
2Not exactly true, when Bionicle 2 was announced the subtitle was The Mask Maker. 3They opted for Legends of Metru Nui, as they thought The Mask Maker didn't sound Bionicle enough.
4Anyways, let's get back to what this topic was for, Q and A from Greg. 5Aoi
1no. The title was B3. Plus, where in B1 did you see anything about kanohi masks for the 6 toa? No: It was all about the 7th toa:
Greg's Previews @ yahoo.com 2The exact details of this movie's plot aren't yet known, except that it depicts the adventures of a group of six robotic heroes collectively called the Toa who join forces to collect ancient artifacts called the Masks of Power in an effort to defeat Makuta, an evil ruler who has taken over the island of Mata Nui .
3Note the bolded text. B3 is about the Hordika, which is still in Metru Nui. So this info is inaccurate.
4EDIT: D'oh: MotR beat me.
5Although it is interesting that they mention BZP...
6I rechecked. I guess the site is a fake.
1Oh, Jimmybob, the small object I was talking about was mentioned in the LOMN movie novelization. It's on page 89.
Sorry to confuse you. It's only mentioned that one time, so it's not surprising that GregF may have overlooked it.

1I agree that guy is just getting you exited about the movies and his "spoilers" are a bunch of doo doo.
3Did you notice that he's the official preview writer for ALL movies on Yahoo.com? We obviously can tell he's no Bionicle fan, but he sort of had to obligation to put some sort of page up. The best he could find was a very basic outline of the 2001 story, so that's what he put up.
1Yet another batch of Q&As from Greg, no.3 is pretty interesting:
2QUOTE 3Just some more Q's here
41. In total, how many Kanohi mask powers are there?
52. Are all Kanohi created from Kanoka disks?
63. In LoMN, was the Makuta vs. Vakama the first ever battle with Makuta?
74. Are all of Makuta's brothers evil?
85. Is there a name for the planet Mata/Metru Nui is on/in?
96. You said that how Makuta escaped will be revealed in 2006, right? Then how can he be in BA#8 this year if he was in his prison all the while? And when exactly did he escape? It has to be after the Toa Metru became Turaga, right?
107. Why was the Rahi Nui born to seek Toa? Was it got to do with Makuta?
118. In Tales of the Masks, what did Makuta mean by 'Your tales of the past shall soon be the end of the Toa'?
129. Makuta's final quote in MoL, 'My duty is to the mask of shadows', what did he mean?
1310. Is Mata Nui(spirit) involved with this year's storyline?
1411. In MoL, after Takua and Jaller were trapped by the six Rahkshi, what were those three lights in the sky?
1512. Are Rahkshi counted as Rahi?
1613. Are there any other Toa transformations other than nuva or hordika?
1714. You said that a new island will be revealed in 2006. But I thought that everyone will be going back to Metru Nui?
181) If you are asking about Great and Noble Masks actually in the story so far, it is 17. But because there are so many potential combinations of Kanoka disks, there are also many, many potential powers.
192) I can't give a definite yes or no, because I do not have info on how the Masks of Light or Shadow were made.
203) No.
214) Can't answer it, we are not up to the Brotherhood of Makuta storyline yet.
225) I am sure there is, but it's nor in any of the story bibles.
236) Okay, first, it is being revealed in 2005, not 2006. And second, Makuta is not in BA #8, he is in BA #10, which is out at the end of 2005.
247) Yes
258) I would need to know who he was saying it to and what the context was. I wrote that book 18 months ago.
269) It means he has a duty to what the mask represents -- darkness, and the power that comes from darkness.
2710) No, he's sleeping.
2811) I don't recall the scene.
2912) No, Kraata are Rahi. Rahkshi are suits of armor with kraata inside them.
3013) Time will tell.
3114) And you are right -- they are returning to Metru Nui in 2006. But we never said the heroes would stay there all year. We will have done Metru Nui two years in a row, people are getting impatient for a new setting.
32That wasn't the first battle with Makuta: I can't imagine what the other battles are like: And with who:
2QUOTE 3Just some more Q's here
41. In total, how many Kanohi mask powers are there?
52. Are all Kanohi created from Kanoka disks?
63. In LoMN, was the Makuta vs. Vakama the first ever battle with Makuta?
74. Are all of Makuta's brothers evil?
85. Is there a name for the planet Mata/Metru Nui is on/in?
96. You said that how Makuta escaped will be revealed in 2006, right? Then how can he be in BA#8 this year if he was in his prison all the while? And when exactly did he escape? It has to be after the Toa Metru became Turaga, right?
107. Why was the Rahi Nui born to seek Toa? Was it got to do with Makuta?
118. In Tales of the Masks, what did Makuta mean by 'Your tales of the past shall soon be the end of the Toa'?
129. Makuta's final quote in MoL, 'My duty is to the mask of shadows', what did he mean?
1310. Is Mata Nui(spirit) involved with this year's storyline?
1411. In MoL, after Takua and Jaller were trapped by the six Rahkshi, what were those three lights in the sky?
1512. Are Rahkshi counted as Rahi?
1613. Are there any other Toa transformations other than nuva or hordika?
1714. You said that a new island will be revealed in 2006. But I thought that everyone will be going back to Metru Nui?
181) If you are asking about Great and Noble Masks actually in the story so far, it is 17. But because there are so many potential combinations of Kanoka disks, there are also many, many potential powers.
192) I can't give a definite yes or no, because I do not have info on how the Masks of Light or Shadow were made.
203) No.
214) Can't answer it, we are not up to the Brotherhood of Makuta storyline yet.
225) I am sure there is, but it's nor in any of the story bibles.
236) Okay, first, it is being revealed in 2005, not 2006. And second, Makuta is not in BA #8, he is in BA #10, which is out at the end of 2005.
247) Yes
258) I would need to know who he was saying it to and what the context was. I wrote that book 18 months ago.
269) It means he has a duty to what the mask represents -- darkness, and the power that comes from darkness.
2710) No, he's sleeping.
2811) I don't recall the scene.
2912) No, Kraata are Rahi. Rahkshi are suits of armor with kraata inside them.
3013) Time will tell.
3114) And you are right -- they are returning to Metru Nui in 2006. But we never said the heroes would stay there all year. We will have done Metru Nui two years in a row, people are getting impatient for a new setting.
32That wasn't the first battle with Makuta: I can't imagine what the other battles are like: And with who:
1Well of course. Makuta had probably been fighting before Metru nui exsisted.
14. Are all of Makuta's brothers evil? 24) Can't answer it, we are not up to the Brotherhood of Makuta storyline yet.
3HMMM... Does this mean that there will be a storyline on Makutas brothers?
4That's what he's implieing.
5Anyway, very interesting stuff in there. This means that the Toa will be going elsewhere. 6But with who? Or just by themselves? And why? How? And to where?
7This also means that the Toa are in 2006...

1Questions in Red, answers in Bold , comments underlined.
21. Does Turaga Dume have some sort of special transport through chutes? Or does he get on a disc and surf like the the Matoroan. 31) No special transport that I know of. 4I figured Turaga Dume would, guess he surfs though.
52. Would you say that B3 is going to be as good as B2? 62) I have seen the script, but not a final one -- I know some of the dialogue is being cut so more action can be put in. So not knowing what that action is going to be, it's hard for me to say. I do know the Visorak are going to look real cool in it, and Roodaka too. 7Obiously GregF has seen early animation, hopefully the action will be good too.
83a. Are there any Vahki left on Metru Nui? 93b. If yes, then what are they doing know that they are under no control? 103) Do you mean in the Toa Nuva era? I can't comment on that, it relates to future storyline. 11I was refering to when the Toa Metru get back to Metru Nui and turn into Hordika. Oh well.
124. How did Makuta get his staff? Did he make it? 134) Probably he did 14Hmm, out of what? Guess it isn't an important part of the storyline anyway.
21. Does Turaga Dume have some sort of special transport through chutes? Or does he get on a disc and surf like the the Matoroan. 31) No special transport that I know of. 4I figured Turaga Dume would, guess he surfs though.
52. Would you say that B3 is going to be as good as B2? 62) I have seen the script, but not a final one -- I know some of the dialogue is being cut so more action can be put in. So not knowing what that action is going to be, it's hard for me to say. I do know the Visorak are going to look real cool in it, and Roodaka too. 7Obiously GregF has seen early animation, hopefully the action will be good too.
83a. Are there any Vahki left on Metru Nui? 93b. If yes, then what are they doing know that they are under no control? 103) Do you mean in the Toa Nuva era? I can't comment on that, it relates to future storyline. 11I was refering to when the Toa Metru get back to Metru Nui and turn into Hordika. Oh well.
124. How did Makuta get his staff? Did he make it? 134) Probably he did 14Hmm, out of what? Guess it isn't an important part of the storyline anyway.
11. Does Turaga Dume have some sort of special transport through chutes? Or does he get on a disc and surf like the the Matoroan. 21) No special transport that I know of. 3I figured Turaga Dume would, guess he surfs though.
4I highly doubt that Dume surfs on disks through normal chutes because that is illegal.
11. Does Turaga Dume have some sort of special transport through chutes? Or does he get on a disc and surf like the the Matoroan. 21) No special transport that I know of. 3I figured Turaga Dume would, guess he surfs though.
4I highly doubt that Dume surfs on disks through normal chutes because that is illegal.
5Not really illegal, just not supported by the Vahki.

6Anyway, I doubt that Makuta's staff and how it was made has much to do with 7future storyline...he probably just pulled it out of him, or something...-shiver-
1Hi GregF: Just one Q:
2In LOMN, just before Turaga Lhikan passes away, he says to Vakama, "Trust your visions. I am proud to have called you brother, Toa Vakama." My question is this -- how did Lhikan know that Vakama had visions? I have a few theories...
3a. Lhikan sends Vakama visions
4b. Lhikan himself has visions
5c. (conneceted toLhikan knows Vakama has them because true leaders (Tahu exception) have visions for guidance
6Are any of these right? And if not, then how did Lhikan know?
9Simple. Either Vakama told him himself at some point after his rescue from the Dark Hunters' prison, or one of the other Toa told Lhikan since all the other Toa knew about it.
11Well, that was a letdown. I thought I'd stumbled onto something important.

11. Would Karzahni and Artahka be considered Great Beings? Or if not, on a higher or lower level than them?
22. Are roodaka and Sidorak a special type of visorak, mutated into a humanoid form?
33. Would it be possible in a future book for Karzahni and/or artahka to appear and fight the toa?
44. In the future, would it be possible for lego to do a kind of plot twist where someone or something the toa thought was good for a long time actually be evil? (ex. defeating makuta/ awakening mata nui= a bad thing). Not like Turaga Dume, I mean someone who helped them, or would help them for a long time.
55. If there was a bionicle TV show would you be one of the writers for it, or would the people who wrote the movies write it?
66. Will there be books in 2006-2008? Or would that depend on 05`s book sales?
77. Is "Makuta" a blanket name for the entire brotherhood? ex. are they all called makuta? Or is it called the Brotherhood of makuta because he is the leader?
88. Are all the members of the brotherhood "spirits", like makuta, and brothers to mata Nui as well?
99. Is makuta really not that good of a fighter or does he just constantly underestimate his enemies?
1010. Was Takua created differently from other matoran?
1111. Does the reason why Vakama&co. were chosen by Lhikan have to do with how they were created?
121) No, they are not Great Beings -- Artakha is not a being at all, it's a place. 132) No 143) Again, Artakha is not a being, and Karzahni is from ancient Matoran prehistory, so there is no telling if he even still exists. 154) Anything is possible. 165) No idea. My guess would be they would want people who already have experience writing TV shows, though I would certainly be willing to be involved if they wanted me to be. 176) As far as I know, they are still planning to do books in 2006, based on 2004 sales. Scholastic only plans a year ahead, so we haven't discussed beyond '06 yet. I know they are very happy with the book sales. 187) Can't answer it 198) Can't answer it 209) Makuta is used to trampling over anyone he encounters, so he is not all that used to having to actuall do battle. 2110) I cannot discuss how Matoran come into being 2211) No.
22. Are roodaka and Sidorak a special type of visorak, mutated into a humanoid form?
33. Would it be possible in a future book for Karzahni and/or artahka to appear and fight the toa?
44. In the future, would it be possible for lego to do a kind of plot twist where someone or something the toa thought was good for a long time actually be evil? (ex. defeating makuta/ awakening mata nui= a bad thing). Not like Turaga Dume, I mean someone who helped them, or would help them for a long time.
55. If there was a bionicle TV show would you be one of the writers for it, or would the people who wrote the movies write it?
66. Will there be books in 2006-2008? Or would that depend on 05`s book sales?
77. Is "Makuta" a blanket name for the entire brotherhood? ex. are they all called makuta? Or is it called the Brotherhood of makuta because he is the leader?
88. Are all the members of the brotherhood "spirits", like makuta, and brothers to mata Nui as well?
99. Is makuta really not that good of a fighter or does he just constantly underestimate his enemies?
1010. Was Takua created differently from other matoran?
1111. Does the reason why Vakama&co. were chosen by Lhikan have to do with how they were created?
121) No, they are not Great Beings -- Artakha is not a being at all, it's a place. 132) No 143) Again, Artakha is not a being, and Karzahni is from ancient Matoran prehistory, so there is no telling if he even still exists. 154) Anything is possible. 165) No idea. My guess would be they would want people who already have experience writing TV shows, though I would certainly be willing to be involved if they wanted me to be. 176) As far as I know, they are still planning to do books in 2006, based on 2004 sales. Scholastic only plans a year ahead, so we haven't discussed beyond '06 yet. I know they are very happy with the book sales. 187) Can't answer it 198) Can't answer it 209) Makuta is used to trampling over anyone he encounters, so he is not all that used to having to actuall do battle. 2110) I cannot discuss how Matoran come into being 2211) No.
1... 214. You said that a new island will be revealed in 2006. But I thought that everyone will be going back to Metru Nui? 3...
414) And you are right -- they are returning to Metru Nui in 2006. But we never said the heroes would stay there all year. We will have done Metru Nui two years in a row, people are getting impatient for a new setting. 5...
6Just to check, you're confirming that '06 is about the Toa Nuva again?
7And that they will go to Metru Nui, but other location(s) will be involved? (I beleive you've already said there will be a new locationew locations...)
82006 is set in BIONICLE "present day," yes. And yes, there is a new location as a focal point in '06, based on the info I have.
1... 214. You said that a new island will be revealed in 2006. But I thought that everyone will be going back to Metru Nui? 3...
414) And you are right -- they are returning to Metru Nui in 2006. But we never said the heroes would stay there all year. We will have done Metru Nui two years in a row, people are getting impatient for a new setting. 5...
6Just to check, you're confirming that '06 is about the Toa Nuva again?
7And that they will go to Metru Nui, but other location(s) will be involved? (I beleive you've already said there will be a new locationew locations...)
82006 is set in BIONICLE "present day," yes. And yes, there is a new location as a focal point in '06, based on the info I have.
10SWEET: I loved that good, old, mysterious feel of '01. '02 deepened my interest, '03 was sorta cool, and '04 sorta ruined the mystique. But it's coming back:

1cool: a new environ is gonna rock:
1These are some questions that I have recently asked GregF
2Hi Mr.Farshtey, I had just thought up some questions that I was hopeing that you could answer.
31. When the rahkshi had first gone to ta koro turaga vakama seemed to know that they were created by makuta. when they were in and below the archives in metru nui no one knew where they came from. In 2005 will the toa hordika discover that makuta creates the rahkshi?
42. Will the rahkshi appear in any of the books or comics coming out this year? They are some of my favorite characters.
53. Out of all the rahkshi powers which is your favorite?
64. From what I have seen so far it seems that a regular toa couldn't effectivly use the vahi but a toa nuva is able to control the vahi is this true or was vakama just not experienced enough with using masks?
75. I thought that I read somewhere that turaga dume had vakama make him his noble mask of regeneration. If so what happened to his old kanohi?
86. Is makuta actualy related to mata nui in the way the toa are related to eachother? He calls mata nui his brother but is he just trying to make himself sound stronger than he really is or is he mata nui's brother?
97. Are makutas brothers he spoke of in bionicle 2 all as bad as he is or are one or some of them good and just not aware of what he was doing.
108. If the toa hordika can use weak elemental powers through there toa tools in addition to there rhotuka spinners are there elemental powers stronger than a turagas elemental powers?
119. Will we find out why the rahaga are not on mata nui?
1210. Is it possible for the rahaga to be cured of there mutation?
1311. When the six rahaga were toa were there elemental powers the same as the toa metru's?
1412. In bionicle 2's special fetures it showed some sets for 2005 but some of them don't look like the sets that we have seen that are suposed to come out this year. For example there was a large kikanalo that resembled the kikinalo in the movie and a couple robot looking sets that don't look like the pictures of any of the set pictures of 2005. Were some of these just prototypes or sets coming out in 2006?
1513. Would takanuva be able to use a kanohi nuva or is he not capable because he is just a toa?
1614. If he couldn't but he tryed to would he for example use the mask power but insead of asisting his fellow toa gave his enemys the efeects of the kanohi nuva? or would he not be able to access the mask power at all.
1715. Were the mutated usul crab and two headed tarakava mutated by the visorahk?
1816. What is your favorite rahi?
19Thank you for your time.
211) It's possible. 222) They make a brief cameo in BA #7, and they may be in BA #10, I haven't totally decided yet. I am leaning toward it, though, because I like them too. 233) Oh, gee, that's hard. I don't have the power list with me .. I kind of like invisibility. The thought of an invisible Rahkshi is really creepy. 244) Even Tahu Nuva had a hard time with the Vahi. Makuta would have a hard time with the Vahi. Keep in mind that Tahu has way more experience using masks period than Vakama did, so Vakama was more likely to have a bad time of it. 255) I don't recall ever hearing that. 266) Can't answer it 277) Again, can't answer it, relates to future storyline 288) The elemental powers from their tools are only used to charge up spinners, not on their own. 299) Yes 3010) No 3111) Yes 3212) All of what was shown in that segment was prototypes. No 2006 sets had been designed at all at the time that was filmed. 3313) No, he could not use one. 3414) He would not be able to access the mask power. If he could, what would be the point of having Toa Nuva? Might as well just have regular Toa if they can use the masks too. 3515) No, by Makuta 3616) Krahka
11. Can all Rahkshi fly, or is it just the '03 ones 'cause they're special? Because in Darkness Below, it sounded like the density Rahkshi was only flying because it was so light.
21) Yes, all Rahkshi can fly, but you fly differently if you weigh next to nothing
3Finally, I can have peace of mind...
42. Can the Kanohi Dragon speak Matoran too?
52) No
73. In movie appearance, would the artificial Rhotuka have a flat edge like the sets, or have a narrow, sharpened edge like the movie Kanoka?
83) I have not seen them animated for the movie. That work is still in process.
9At least I tried...
104. Is there a limit to how long the Hordika can charge a Rhotuka before it "snaps" and shoots off on its own, or can they charge it indefinitely?
114) They haven't hit a limit yet, but if you charge it too long you are going to wind up with an effect that would probably wipe out the city.
12Boom, baby... 135. Do the Visorak Rhotuka hover above them for a moment, then shoot off, or do they rear their abdomen up and the Rhotuka shoots from the cavity in their abdomen?
145) They shoot from their launcher, which is on their backs.
15He misunderstood me. I might get back to him on this
166. Will you be showing the ripcords in the comics, perhaps as a tail or something?
176) The ripcords are in the comics, because the characters in the comics have to look like the sets.
18I hope they don't have the ripcords poking out of the Hordika's chest like a spear...
197. So...from the colors of Toa Iriuni, is it safe to say that all the Rahaga-Toa's primary color is the color of their Rahaga form, and their secondary color is the color of their Rhotuka (since Iriuni's Rhotuka is gold and his secondary Toa color is gold)?
207) No one has told me that officially.
21I tried...
16) The ripcords are in the comics, because the characters in the comics have to look like the sets.
2I hope they don't have the ripcords poking out of the Hordika's chest like a spear...
3Darn, I was hoping they wouldn't be in comics.Hopefully they won't look bad.
4It will look fine, if you look at the old prototype pics of the hordika the rip cord is in a slot in the back, let me pull the pic up...
6All of my displayed sets have the rohtaran like that....
1QUOTE21) You said that the Toa Hordika minifigs are not normal minifigs. I would then guess that they are the type of figure you used to get from the mars sets. If you remember the aliens that had bodies like Droids in star wars. Like the super battle Droids with independent bodies. Are they going to be like that.
32) So the Rahaga are 3.99 (6.99 in my country) sets that don't need much effort put into them. Whatabout Roodaka, Keetongu, and Sidorak. There was some nasty feedback about the way those sets looked. What's your opinion on them.
43) The reason that the Toa Metru Couldn't use their powers was because they were exhausted right? Or did the film makers think that elemental powers are too violent.
51) They are one piece figures, like strategy game figures.
62) My opinion is that BZPers tend to dislike all new sets until they actually see them and build them for themselves. They go by poor images scanned from retailer catalogs and start forming opinions with little or no info.
73) It was because they exhausted their powers fighting the Morbuzakh. The reason we did that is the screenwriter wanted to focus on the discovery of the mask powers and those powers saving the day.
1Hey Greg,
25.) Will you be able to say more about the giant mutant sea creature things after Book #7 is out?
35) The ones from Book #5? They have nothing to do with Book #7. What is known about them is what's in Book 5. The Matoran don't know anything more about them than that, so neither does the audience.
4I know that. What I meant was, since you said you can talk more about future plot after #7, and since you said we'd know more about the sea monsters fairly soon, I was wondering if anything new would be known about them any time after that. Thanks:
5I actually don't recall saying there would be more info on the sea monsters. What is known about them is that they were driven from their home waters, most likely by Visorak, and ended up in Metru Nui.
7Ok, I swear he said more about them would be revealed, but I guess what he meant was that the Visorak drove them there, because I hadn't heard that before. But still, huge sea creatures unlike anything anyone has ever seen? I still wonder where exactly they came from and why/how such monsters were created/bread/built/whatever.
1I have a question:
2What's the Karzahni?
4Soua Nuva
5Well, there are actually two Karzahni we know of --
6One was Makuta's first attempt to make the Morbuzakh, who he exiled from the city and who the Toa run into in BIONICLE Adventures #6.
7The Karzahni was named after a being from Matoran prehistory, who ran a place that bad Matoran laborers were sent to.
2What's the Karzahni?
4Soua Nuva
5Well, there are actually two Karzahni we know of --
6One was Makuta's first attempt to make the Morbuzakh, who he exiled from the city and who the Toa run into in BIONICLE Adventures #6.
7The Karzahni was named after a being from Matoran prehistory, who ran a place that bad Matoran laborers were sent to.
11. How much do the Hordika and Visorak minifigs differ from normal Lego minifigs?
21) They are all one piece, like strategy game pieces.
3I'll have to get back to him on this...
42. Will all the Hordika be in the set?
52) I believe so.
73. Will the minifigs and landscapes be compatible with other Lego minifig sets?
83) Yes, everything LEGO does is compatible with everything else LEGO does.
104. Are there any Matoran in the sets?
114) No. All the Matoran are sleeping in their spheres in 2005, so they play no role in the story.
135. Do you have any pictures of the sets?
145) No, I don't get pics of stuff.
21) They are all one piece, like strategy game pieces.
3I'll have to get back to him on this...
42. Will all the Hordika be in the set?
52) I believe so.
73. Will the minifigs and landscapes be compatible with other Lego minifig sets?
83) Yes, everything LEGO does is compatible with everything else LEGO does.
104. Are there any Matoran in the sets?
114) No. All the Matoran are sleeping in their spheres in 2005, so they play no role in the story.
135. Do you have any pictures of the sets?
145) No, I don't get pics of stuff.
1Hi, I read what you said in the Topic and I'm worried.
2Will Toa Norik eventually be available world wide. I can accept the small promos, but if it's an entire set that I'm missing out on, It'd be devastating.
3Will he be available to the rest of the world (eventually)?
4Thanks in advance.
6I have no doubt he will be. Places like Australia, New Zealand, Asia, etc. are usually on the European release schedule
7Well, as long as New Zealand's on that list, I'm a happpy camper.
8EDIT: 9Sir Kohrak Matoran
101. How much do the Hordika and Visorak minifigs differ from normal Lego minifigs?
111) They are all one piece, like strategy game pieces.
12I'll have to get back to him on this...
13That's exactly what it sounds like. They will have NO articulation. Which, sadly, was what we were hoping for.
1Ciregole who said we want articulation. I hope you remember all the figures in the 3 playsets can be bought in their sets.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3Message Forwarded From nazet
4hi there,
5got some questions 4 ya
6#1 .what is the Question(totorahk)
7#2 .can you give mea hint of whats the question
8#3 .do u know the anser
9#4 .how can the usuani have three katana blades if lewa nuva only had 2
10#5 .does lihkan (toa) where a noble mask or a great mask
11#6 .do the toa hordika apear in the 2005 movie
12#7 .what is makutas destiny
13#8 .why is it that vakama and co. and takua went from matoran 2 toa but the nuva did not
14#9 . is morbuzahk a rahior what????
15you didnt sent it last time
16All Toa wear Great Masks, and Morbuzakh is not a Rahi, it's a plant. The rest of your questions are ones I am not allowed to answer at this time.
17not much here at least i know what lhikans mask is