1Okay, I have a lot of answers from Greg. There are a few interesing ones:
2Hi Greg, me again![]()
3I was reading through your answers thread, and came upon this question:
410)In this topic: Makuta's Prison it seems to point out several differences between the proto-cages which containing Makuta and the one containing the Bahrag. Is it true that they are different in some way or are they similar as the Makuta was frozen while the Bahrag could freely communicate with the Bohrok Kal in Comic 12 (or is it because the Bahrag were telepathic?)
510) There is a difference, yes. Makuta's prison is sealed with a Toa symbol, which only the combined powers all six Toa could undo. The Bahrag's prison requires the six Nuva symbols to unlock, which of course do not exist in Metru Nui.
6So this got me to thinking, and I posted the following:
7MAYBE:::: just maybe, Makuta holds their cure.
8that would be a pretty big plot twist.
9They have to free Makuta to un-mutate and stop thw Visorak
10So, does Makuta have(or know of, or know how to get, or trick the Hordika into believeing he has) the Hordika cure?
11That would be(as I said) a pretty major plot twist.
12is this anywhere in the ballpark?
14Ruling that in or out would involve discussing future storyline, which I am now allowed to do, sorry.
15First off, I want to give an early congratulations![]()
16second, I have a few questions.
171: Do the Bahrag have any knowledge of Metru-Nui?
182: Is Their knowledge of it expansive?
193: Do the Bahrag have knowlegde of the other Environs and islands?
203: is there a long period of time between the un-mutation of the hordika(back into Toa) and their changing into Turaga?(how long(in our time) would you say it was? Days? Weeks?)
214:Likahn was one of 10?(in other words, is this true? I've heard it around)
225: Are the Bahrag(and I have no idea why I'm so interested in them suddenly) Rahi? and if so(and even if not) is their inteligence level about the same as Krahkas?
236: I'm listning to an excelent Cd by "Extol" at this moment, do you like Metal?(music)
247: Can the hordika talk as they used to?
258: Have any Toa gone hordika in the past?
269: Will the Rahaga be in the storyline after this year?(that you know of)
2710: Set wise, the 01 turaga are different from Dume and LiKahn. Storylinewise, are they the same?
2811:If the Mutru power level is the same as the Toa olda, is Likhan's power level also the same as the Olda?(or do his golden "armor" pieces mean he is a Toa Nuva?)
2912: before the current Nuva, have there ever been any others?
3013: did Naparu invent the Ussanui back on Metru-Nui?
3114: Was the knowledge of how to build the Ussanui already in Takua, or was it somehow in the mask?
3215: okay, a mask's apearence doesn't determine it's power. so I had idea. 33Makuta is a good guy(this is in the past) and he finds a mask(lets just say a Hau) and he puts it on only to find he's now under the power of the Krahkan. could this work?
3416 Similarly, could Makuta craft a Krakhan in the shape of another mask and leave it for a Toa to find?(as kind of a trap)
3517: Does the Krahkan control the wearer?
3618: does Makuta get along with his Brotherhood?
3719: When you say they are his brothers, do you mean it in a literal sence, or more how the Toa use it?(like people in church call each other brother and sister)
3820: Okay, so Mata nui is hollow, and Matru Nui is inside of it. Are there any other environs or islands on the surface of Mata-Nui?
39Thanks very much Greg. Good luck on Saturday![]()
411) Most likely not. 422) I would doubt it, since their mission is focused solely on Mata Nui. 433) No, not long at all. 444) Lhikan first came to Metru Nui with 10 other Toa. That doesn't mean he was in a single group of 11, it means he happened to need 10 other Toa for that particular mission. 455) Matoran would consider them to be Rahi, yes. 466) No, I listen mostly to jazz. 477) Yes 488) Not to my knowledge 499) I can't discuss that 5010) Basically, yes, if you see them at the end of LOMN 5111) Yes, he would be at the same level as a Metru. 5212) Not to my knowledge 5313) No. The Ussanui is made out of Rahkshi parts, something he most likely would not have access to as no one was dismembering Rahkshi at the time 5414) Came with his ascension to being a Toa 5515) No, because Makuta is not controlled by the Mask of Shadows, any more than Tahu is controlled by his Hau 5616) Again, no. Putting on a Mask of Shadows doesn't automatically turn you evil. 5717) No 5818) We will find out, I guess 5919) There are no biological relationships in BIONICLE, because there is no biological reproduction 6020) Can't answer it

1got some answers back
21)is keetongu good or evil?
32)Iruini's bios says that he catches Rahi "Climbers" whats a Rahi Climber?
43)Is the Silver Chute Spider going to be in the Rahi Guide?
54)What is Oohnorak's Spinner Power?
65)the visorak Transform the Metru into hordika but how do they do it? do they Shoot their Spinner at them or Bite them?
76) Do certain Visorak stay in there own Metru like does Vahtarak only stay in Ta-Metru or do they go in other metrus like Vahtarak in onu-Metru?
87)what is that egg-beater thing roodaka has on her left arm?
98)Bomonga catches Insect and Nocturnal Rahi but I don't know any Species of Nocturnal Rahi could you tell me one?
109)If a Blue and Red Kraata fell in Protodermis would it be a blue and red Rahkshi?
1110) Nokama's Fin Barns are her tools but they don't look like they could do anything what can they do?
1211) What 3 visorak do you need to make Gate Gaurdian?
13Thank You:
141) Can't answer it. 152) Like monkeys, things like that -- anything that would climb trees or buildings 163) Yes 174) I am not discussing these yet, as it is not 2005 yet 185) They put them into cocoons and their venom is delivered through barbs in the cocoons 196) No, they range all around. The Visorak are not elemental power based, so there is no reason for them to stay in particular metru. 207) She has claws on her arm to catch spinners with. 218) The night creeper from BIONICLE Adventures #8 229) No, the colors of the kraata do not match the colors of the Rahkshi 2310) They are used for climbing wet rocks. 2411) Not discussing this yet, as the models are not out anywhere before March, so it is impossible to build it right now
25my Comments
261) Darn.
272)Oh ok.
316)Cool (imagines Keelerak feeling fine in Ko-Metru NOT FEELING COLD)
327)Sweet: Maybe Roodaka could play baseball:
338)Now I want BA#8
349)then I wonder what color it would be?
3510)I thought they would be more useful then that
21)is keetongu good or evil?
32)Iruini's bios says that he catches Rahi "Climbers" whats a Rahi Climber?
43)Is the Silver Chute Spider going to be in the Rahi Guide?
54)What is Oohnorak's Spinner Power?
65)the visorak Transform the Metru into hordika but how do they do it? do they Shoot their Spinner at them or Bite them?
76) Do certain Visorak stay in there own Metru like does Vahtarak only stay in Ta-Metru or do they go in other metrus like Vahtarak in onu-Metru?
87)what is that egg-beater thing roodaka has on her left arm?
98)Bomonga catches Insect and Nocturnal Rahi but I don't know any Species of Nocturnal Rahi could you tell me one?
109)If a Blue and Red Kraata fell in Protodermis would it be a blue and red Rahkshi?
1110) Nokama's Fin Barns are her tools but they don't look like they could do anything what can they do?
1211) What 3 visorak do you need to make Gate Gaurdian?
13Thank You:
141) Can't answer it. 152) Like monkeys, things like that -- anything that would climb trees or buildings 163) Yes 174) I am not discussing these yet, as it is not 2005 yet 185) They put them into cocoons and their venom is delivered through barbs in the cocoons 196) No, they range all around. The Visorak are not elemental power based, so there is no reason for them to stay in particular metru. 207) She has claws on her arm to catch spinners with. 218) The night creeper from BIONICLE Adventures #8 229) No, the colors of the kraata do not match the colors of the Rahkshi 2310) They are used for climbing wet rocks. 2411) Not discussing this yet, as the models are not out anywhere before March, so it is impossible to build it right now
25my Comments
261) Darn.
272)Oh ok.
316)Cool (imagines Keelerak feeling fine in Ko-Metru NOT FEELING COLD)
327)Sweet: Maybe Roodaka could play baseball:

338)Now I want BA#8
349)then I wonder what color it would be?
3510)I thought they would be more useful then that
17) Did the combining of Takanuva and Makuta into Takutanuva affect the two in anyway?
37) Such as what?
5Like, would Takanuva have some of Makuta's evil leftover in him, or vice versa?
7I tend to doubt it. When the Toa formed Kaita back in 2001, they didn't come out of it with pieces of each other's personalities. You are essentially creating a whole new entity when you do that.

1New Questions.....
2Ok,I have a few new questions that have been bugging me.
31.Why do some of the metruan matoran have different masks of mata-nui? I know you said they broke, but exactly how did they break if they were inside of their capsules?
42. Why do some matoran like Hahli, Jaller, Takua and Hewkii have different bodies then the rest of the matoran?
53.How come only the main matoran have the metruan bodies on legends of metru nui? all the rest just have normalMask of Light style bodies.
64.Did the Matoran come to Metru-Nui from elsewhere? If so then when will we learn of where they ame from?
75. Is it possible that we will see any of Toa Lhikan's group of toa in 2005 or 2006?
86.What are the odds that Turaga Lhikan will be released?
97. If they decide not to release him as a set then is it possible that they will release his mask with a book pack like how a poisoned hau came with the bionicle chronicles?
108. In legends of Metru Nui the entrance to the dark hunter's prison is makuta's mask. Why is this?
119. Are any of the new "Toa Priced" sets that come out allot later in this year actually going to come in cans, or will they be in boxes?
1210. How did Turaga Lhikan get his staff if he also still had his shield?
141) IO, 1000 years passed between the Metru Nui story and the Mata Nui story -- so a lot of things could have happened in that time to break their masks during the 1000 years they were living on the island after they left the spheres.
152) In the movie? Because their designs were based on the 2003 Matoran, rather than the 2004 Matoran, most likely because the animators didn't realize there was any difference between the two sets.
163) Again, moviemakers reuse what they already have as much as possible, to save time and money. Since they probably saw the differences as subtle, they didn't go back in and re-animated every Matoran for a crowd scene.
174) No, they were always on Metru Nui
185) I can't discuss future storyline.
196) I don't know, it's not my call to make. That is something that is decided in Denmark.
207) No idea. Again, not my area -- I am a writer, I don't work on the product end of things.
218) Well, they work for him.
229) Toa-priced sets do not normally come in boxes, so I doubt it.
2310) Most likely a different tool.
1Hi. Um, just one question:
2In MoL, how did Lewa make those vines capture the Graalok Ash Bear? He's a Toa of Air -- not a Toa of Forest.
4That particular species of vine is attracted to living things. Being a resident of the jungle, Lewa knows things like that
5Well, that answers that.
7(Does anyone else like Champagne High? I'm listening to it right now. I love that song

1Hi: Just one question:
2What could each of the six Turaga be able to do with their elemental powers? I know Matau can create a stiff breeze, but what about the others?
5You have actually answered your own question -- if Lewa can start a tornado, and Matau a stiff breeze, then what is the "smaller" version of what other Toa can do?
7Post updates later.
9Matau can create stiff wind. Nuju can generate ice in small amples. He usually generates ice cicles. Vakama can still generate Fire, just not to the same extent. Nokama can generate balls of water and blast them at people. Whenua can hear the earth and let it tell him of things that are happening, he can probably also generate small things. Onewa can still hit a small rock and let it explode the way he wishes, so that one hit on large rock could turn into a half completed Toa Statue.
10You kinda get the idea of how their powers work.
1Hi: Just one question:
2What could each of the six Turaga be able to do with their elemental powers? I know Matau can create a stiff breeze, but what about the others?
5You have actually answered your own question -- if Lewa can start a tornado, and Matau a stiff breeze, then what is the "smaller" version of what other Toa can do?
7Post updates later.
9Matau can create stiff wind. Nuju can generate ice in small amples. He usually generates ice cicles. Vakama can still generate Fire, just not to the same extent. Nokama can generate balls of water and blast them at people. Whenua can hear the earth and let it tell him of things that are happening, he can probably also generate small things. Onewa can still hit a small rock and let it explode the way he wishes, so that one hit on large rock could turn into a half completed Toa Statue.
10You kinda get the idea of how their powers work.
11How do you know? Did you PM GregF?
13Hi: Just one question:
14So, lemmer get this straight -- the Morbuzahk, Vahki, Dark Hunters, and Makuta were all secretly putting matoran in statsis?
16No, the Morbuzakh wasn't. The Morbuzakh's job was to drive the Matoran from the outskirts of the city to the center of the city. The Dark Hunters were there to capture Lhikan and later the Toa Metru. The Vahki were putting Matoran into stasis on orders from Dume/Makuta.
1Me: Would you say that Makuta could defeat the Visorahk King and Roodaka?
2Greg: Yes
3QUOTE 41. You hinted that Makuta's cage can only be opened by six toa, are you hinting that the Toa Hordika might free him?
52. Would you say that Makuta would highly dislike Roodaka, and the Visorahk king's new rulership over Metru Nui?
63. Does Makuta play any role in 2005?
71) Have to follow the story and find out
82) No, I wouldn't say that
93) Very, very minor -- only appears in Book 10
11I find the answer to no. 2 in the second set very interesting.
1Hi: Just one question:
2What could each of the six Turaga be able to do with their elemental powers? I know Matau can create a stiff breeze, but what about the others?
5You have actually answered your own question -- if Lewa can start a tornado, and Matau a stiff breeze, then what is the "smaller" version of what other Toa can do?
7Post updates later.
9Matau can create stiff wind. Nuju can generate ice in small amples. He usually generates ice cicles. Vakama can still generate Fire, just not to the same extent. Nokama can generate balls of water and blast them at people. Whenua can hear the earth and let it tell him of things that are happening, he can probably also generate small things. Onewa can still hit a small rock and let it explode the way he wishes, so that one hit on large rock could turn into a half completed Toa Statue.
10You kinda get the idea of how their powers work.
11How do you know? Did you PM GregF?
13Hi: Just one question:
14So, lemmer get this straight -- the Morbuzahk, Vahki, Dark Hunters, and Makuta were all secretly putting matoran in statsis?
16No, the Morbuzakh wasn't. The Morbuzakh's job was to drive the Matoran from the outskirts of the city to the center of the city. The Dark Hunters were there to capture Lhikan and later the Toa Metru. The Vahki were putting Matoran into stasis on orders from Dume/Makuta.
19I've studied and payed attention to the Turaga and what they can do on different media platforms.
1I just popped by to drop off some nice answers to what those curious combiners that showed earlier where about...
2Hiya: Usually I try not to send messages to you unless something urgent has come up, but recently some new Kiata images were found *digs around for links* of the Toa Hordika... 3Here and Here 4These were found as alternate images on Lego Shop at Home for the three packs that are currently being sold. Can you tell me if instructions will be included for these mystery combiners with the pack, and also what, if any storyline purpose they may hold?
5My understanding is that directions for those sets will be available on BIONICLE.com -- the sets contain directions for the two-Hordika combos, these are three-Hordika combos.
1It's me again: Just a few more,
21.What would have happened if someone else put on the mask of light?
32.Is the unexpected enemy next year someone we are familiar with or not?
43.Does Makuta have any sisters?
54.Did the Rahkshi create the Rahaga?
65.Is Sidorak the Visorak King? (sounds a lot like it)
7Thank you Mr. Farshtey
81) Another Matoran besides Takua, you mean? Nothing would have happened.
92) If I answered it, it would be less unexpected, right?
103) Not to my knowledge
114) No
125) Not answering questions on Sidorak yet 13Jabbadeep
21.What would have happened if someone else put on the mask of light?
32.Is the unexpected enemy next year someone we are familiar with or not?
43.Does Makuta have any sisters?
54.Did the Rahkshi create the Rahaga?
65.Is Sidorak the Visorak King? (sounds a lot like it)
7Thank you Mr. Farshtey
81) Another Matoran besides Takua, you mean? Nothing would have happened.
92) If I answered it, it would be less unexpected, right?
103) Not to my knowledge
114) No
125) Not answering questions on Sidorak yet 13Jabbadeep
1Hi: Just one question:
2What could each of the six Turaga be able to do with their elemental powers? I know Matau can create a stiff breeze, but what about the others?
5You have actually answered your own question -- if Lewa can start a tornado, and Matau a stiff breeze, then what is the "smaller" version of what other Toa can do?
7Post updates later.
9Matau can create stiff wind. Nuju can generate ice in small amples. He usually generates ice cicles. Vakama can still generate Fire, just not to the same extent. Nokama can generate balls of water and blast them at people. Whenua can hear the earth and let it tell him of things that are happening, he can probably also generate small things. Onewa can still hit a small rock and let it explode the way he wishes, so that one hit on large rock could turn into a half completed Toa Statue.
10You kinda get the idea of how their powers work.
11How do you know? Did you PM GregF?
13Hi: Just one question:
14So, lemmer get this straight -- the Morbuzahk, Vahki, Dark Hunters, and Makuta were all secretly putting matoran in statsis?
16No, the Morbuzakh wasn't. The Morbuzakh's job was to drive the Matoran from the outskirts of the city to the center of the city. The Dark Hunters were there to capture Lhikan and later the Toa Metru. The Vahki were putting Matoran into stasis on orders from Dume/Makuta.
19I've studied and payed attention to the Turaga and what they can do on different media platforms.
20Well, here is the answer NM, but THII answered it for him.
1More magic from the Greg-ness
11I know it was kind of done in MoL, but a hurricane of burning death would be cool if done correctly
2Hi Greg
31. Can Toa Hordika mix their powers? For example could Vakama and Matau fire their Rohtuka and combine their energies to create a fiery tornado?
41) Arguably, yes
52. A Toa tool is mutated by Visorak venom because it is so intimately connected to its owner. But in the same way wouldnt Rahkshi armour be similarly connected to its operating Kraata?
62) You could make that argument ... but if you wrapped a Rahkshi in a Visorak cocoon, the barbs could never penetrate the kraata, as it is shielded inside the armor, so no mutation would take place.
73. From what I understand the Toa Hordika gained the Rhotuka ability because of their mutation, but I've heard Toa in the past used Rhotuka as regular weapons. Could an unmutated Toa, such as the Toa Nuva, be taught this ability, or must it be gained in other circumstances, such as a mutation or transformation?
83) Yes, a Toa Nuva could use it, but it would be artificial. It would require them carrying a constructed launcher that could create Rhotuka, rather than having a natural launcher.
10Thanks in advance
11I know it was kind of done in MoL, but a hurricane of burning death would be cool if done correctly
1Cool:Nice info Keeper of Takanuvas Legend:Can't wait till the hordika bios is up on the Bionicle website
1Well, I don't want to slow you down with all the Q's you must be geting about the 2005 sets, but I hope you can answer these :
21. Will the play sets be Lego-brick compatible? I wouldn't like it much if 3they couldn't be used with System or Technic.
41) Everything LEGO makes -- from Quatro to TECHNIC -- is compatible with everything else LEGO makes. So the answer is yes.
52. Will the mini Hordika and Visorak have the same action feature that their larger counterparts do? (moving arms, mandibles, etc.?)
62) No.
73. And finally, will all these sets be at the Toyfair 2005?
83) Not sure. I am not involved with Toyfair at all.
9I: Not quite the answer I was hoping for.. guess I'll have to PM him. 10II: Curses. 11III: Oh well.
21. Will the play sets be Lego-brick compatible? I wouldn't like it much if 3they couldn't be used with System or Technic.
41) Everything LEGO makes -- from Quatro to TECHNIC -- is compatible with everything else LEGO makes. So the answer is yes.
52. Will the mini Hordika and Visorak have the same action feature that their larger counterparts do? (moving arms, mandibles, etc.?)
62) No.
73. And finally, will all these sets be at the Toyfair 2005?
83) Not sure. I am not involved with Toyfair at all.
9I: Not quite the answer I was hoping for.. guess I'll have to PM him. 10II: Curses. 11III: Oh well.
1I think, that for the first time The Toa of Protodermis found a really great question, with a really great answer: Read on:
23I send some clarification to Greg about the third question, qich is reavealing much thingies like (i think so... maybe I'm wrong) Who were he toa of air in Lhikans group... I'll post 'em as soon as i will recieve them.
2OH MY GOSH I PM'ed You as fast as i can - the quesions are about the recently revealed sets - i hope You can answer some of them...
31) Is The Toa Iruini different desgin than the Toa Hordika/Metru? 42) Is the combiner of play sets the biggest set ever? 53) How on the world could Iruini change into a Toa? ("Can't answer it"?) 64) When the answer to no.3 be revealed? 75) Will the Toa Minifigs be like all mini figs, or will they be somehow special? If the second answer is correct, what are they like? 86) Will the combiner of all Toa Disks create the disk of protodermis? 97) Is it possible to make a mask of protodermis? (You know, a mask that creates protodermis in every form) 108) Is Toa Iruini mask some of the Elemental (created from Toa Disks) mask, or a combiner of them? 119) How is it possible that water from naho lake or bay (i don't remember when is that Metru-Nui sun) is not falling on The City of Legends? 1210) Will there be a set of almost-mutated-into-a-Rahi-Toa-Hordika?
13Thanks for the answers
141) Definitely different from the Hordika, from what I have seen, plus a new tool and a new mask.
152) No. The Battle of Metru Nui is the most expensive BIONICLE set we have put out since the Manas in 2001.
163) He didn't change into one. He was one before he was a Rahaga.
175) They are not like mini-figs, they are one piece. So you could sort of do a strategy game with them.
186) I really don't know what a "disk of protodermis" would be since everything is made of solid protodermis.
197) Doubtful
208) Neither
219) Can't answer it
2210) No, we are just doing the six Hordika.
23I send some clarification to Greg about the third question, qich is reavealing much thingies like (i think so... maybe I'm wrong) Who were he toa of air in Lhikans group... I'll post 'em as soon as i will recieve them.
1Well wouldn't you know it, yet more set questions. I'm sure you've got about fifty of these stacking up right now, so feel free to ignore it if say someone else asks the exact same question, because I will read it soon enough from the GregF topic... 2Anyway, with the recent revelation of the "Toa Iriuni" set, much speculation has gone underway. Since two Toa-sized sets will be released, according to you, this means that it's very likely another Rahaga will also be released as a Toa... 3But this leaves four others to be accounted for. Now, I can understand why Lego might not want to release all six (More then likely it would bring up howls about cloning) But it seems people will also comlain about not having their favorite Rahaga Toa avaible. Obviously there is no winning, but since releasing all six would make more money for Lego, I assume such would be done. Since there are two bigger sets to be released that are as of yet unamed, I speculate they will each hold two toa, and perhaps something else. Is this in any way near the truth? Also, in case for some reason they aren't all released, will we ever get glances at their masks and weapons, assuming they are new ones?
4No, there are only two extra Toa being released, not six, and the others are not part of the playtheme sets (if they were, they would be minis). There is a story reason why we are only releasing two. Designs for the other four do not even exist.
6Gotta say, I'm eager to hear why there are only two Toa sets...also, I can't help but wonder who else will be a Toa....maybe...Gaaki? 7Remember she and Iriuni are unlike the other Rahaga-they don't have Rhotuka that are the same color as their body. Perhaps there IS a reason...
1QUOTE 2I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now, so I'll try to keep it breif.13There ya go. Aparently the rahaga toa appear in a flashback/origin comic..thing.
31. I just read that 2 more of the mystery sets will be playsets. So that leaves one more set. Is it another rahaga gone toa?
42. How come they are only making one (or two if ques.1 is right) rahaga/toa?
53. Will the rest be in the story?
64. You said that Iruini will have a new kanohi. Is it an old kanohi "metruized" or a new mask altogether?
7Thanks for your time:
81) Time will tell 92) Because the origin story only requires two. 103) No. 114) New mask altogether
11st PM
62nd PM
2Since Iruini was or became a Toa, could the rest have once or will be Toa?
31) All of the Rahaga were at one time Toa.
4Could the Rahaga infact be Turaga of some sort or perhaps a mutation?
52) To my knowledge, they were never Turaga.
62nd PM
7Could the Toa "Rahaga" have been some of those ten Toa that helped Lhikan?
81) No, they were not part of that group. They never came to Metru Nui until they were Rahaga.
9If all the Rahaga were once Toa, and you are releasing one of them, but you only have 2 can sets this year, how does that work? Unless you're only releasing Iruini.
102) We are not releasing all six Rahaga-Toa. Just two.
1Here are some more answers from Greg:
2QUOTE 3These have recently been bugging my head:
41. In the Bohrok Saga comics(one of them), it says: "For seven suns, 5the bohrok have brought chaos to Mata Nui". What does 7 suns 6signify? 7I know it must be a measurement of time, but how does it work?
82. Why does Makuta want to create a time of dark order and rule Metru Nui? I mean there must be some particular reason why?
93. What was Makuta's form prior to disguising as Dume? Was it Toa-like?
104. The legend of the Rahkshi Kaita, (in comic 15), is it true? Did it really happen? Or is it just a tale told by Turaga Vakama? If it is true, when did it happen?
115. The Bohrok Va, are they still wandering around on Mata Nui?
126. In LoMN, when the Matoran exited the spheres, were their memories wiped?
137. In VoF, who are the matoran in the spheres? I know one of them is Ahkmou, who are the rest?
148. In MoL, why does the mask of light shoot a beam of light toward Kini Nui and reveals a portion of Takua's mask on the inside? And how can it do that? Light is just composed of photons, how can it do anything physical?
159. Are the mask of shadows and mask of light related?
1610. Does Makuta possess each of his kraata's powers? If yes, that would make him VERY powerful right? But he doesn't seem to use them, does he?
181) It's a Matoran word for "day" on Mata Nui -- seven suns means the sun came up seven times.
192) Have you ever known a villain whose ambition was to be the second most powerful being, or take orders from someone else?
203) No idea. I saw the same movie you did.
214) It is true, yes. It happened in between the Rahkshi attack on Ta-Koro and before the final battle with them in MOL.
225) Most likely not, they were working for the Kal all along and most likely went back to the nests along with the Bohrok to wait for the Bahrag to be freed.
236) No, not yet. That happened over time
247) I don't have that information. There is nothing in the movie to indicate which six Matoran are there, because it isn't really important in the story. I chose to have Ahkmou be one because that is important to HIS story. But all the rest were awakened at the same time, so even the Toa don't know who the first batch were.
258) Light can also be a laser beam, right?
269) Can't answer it
2710) You have seem him use some powers, but not all. Doesn't mean he doesn't have them, just that he hasn't chosen to use them in the adventures you have seen.
2QUOTE 3These have recently been bugging my head:
41. In the Bohrok Saga comics(one of them), it says: "For seven suns, 5the bohrok have brought chaos to Mata Nui". What does 7 suns 6signify? 7I know it must be a measurement of time, but how does it work?
82. Why does Makuta want to create a time of dark order and rule Metru Nui? I mean there must be some particular reason why?
93. What was Makuta's form prior to disguising as Dume? Was it Toa-like?
104. The legend of the Rahkshi Kaita, (in comic 15), is it true? Did it really happen? Or is it just a tale told by Turaga Vakama? If it is true, when did it happen?
115. The Bohrok Va, are they still wandering around on Mata Nui?
126. In LoMN, when the Matoran exited the spheres, were their memories wiped?
137. In VoF, who are the matoran in the spheres? I know one of them is Ahkmou, who are the rest?
148. In MoL, why does the mask of light shoot a beam of light toward Kini Nui and reveals a portion of Takua's mask on the inside? And how can it do that? Light is just composed of photons, how can it do anything physical?
159. Are the mask of shadows and mask of light related?
1610. Does Makuta possess each of his kraata's powers? If yes, that would make him VERY powerful right? But he doesn't seem to use them, does he?
181) It's a Matoran word for "day" on Mata Nui -- seven suns means the sun came up seven times.
192) Have you ever known a villain whose ambition was to be the second most powerful being, or take orders from someone else?
203) No idea. I saw the same movie you did.
214) It is true, yes. It happened in between the Rahkshi attack on Ta-Koro and before the final battle with them in MOL.
225) Most likely not, they were working for the Kal all along and most likely went back to the nests along with the Bohrok to wait for the Bahrag to be freed.
236) No, not yet. That happened over time
247) I don't have that information. There is nothing in the movie to indicate which six Matoran are there, because it isn't really important in the story. I chose to have Ahkmou be one because that is important to HIS story. But all the rest were awakened at the same time, so even the Toa don't know who the first batch were.
258) Light can also be a laser beam, right?
269) Can't answer it
2710) You have seem him use some powers, but not all. Doesn't mean he doesn't have them, just that he hasn't chosen to use them in the adventures you have seen.
1OH MY GOSH I PM'ed You as fast as i can - the quesions are about the recently revealed sets - i hope You can answer some of them...
21) Is The Toa Iruini different desgin than the Toa Hordika/Metru? 32) Is the combiner of play sets the biggest set ever? 43) How on the world could Iruini change into a Toa? ("Can't answer it"?) 54) When the answer to no.3 be revealed? 65) Will the Toa Minifigs be like all mini figs, or will they be somehow special? If the second answer is correct, what are they like? 76) Will the combiner of all Toa Disks create the disk of protodermis? 87) Is it possible to make a mask of protodermis? (You know, a mask that creates protodermis in every form) 98) Is Toa Iruini mask some of the Elemental (created from Toa Disks) mask, or a combiner of them? 109) How is it possible that water from naho lake or bay (i don't remember when is that Metru-Nui sun) is not falling on The City of Legends? 1110) Will there be a set of almost-mutated-into-a-Rahi-Toa-Hordika?
12Thanks for the answers
131) Definitely different from the Hordika, from what I have seen, plus a new tool and a new mask.
142) No. The Battle of Metru Nui is the most expensive BIONICLE set we have put out since the Manas in 2001.
153) He didn't change into one. He was one before he was a Rahaga.
165) They are not like mini-figs, they are one piece. So you could sort of do a strategy game with them.
176) I really don't know what a "disk of protodermis" would be since everything is made of solid protodermis.
187) Doubtful
198) Neither
209) Can't answer it
2110) No, we are just doing the six Hordika.
22Some clarificatcion - 23ad3) How come Iruini was firstly a Toa, now he's Rahaga and he changed back into a toa? You didn't want to reveal that Rahaga are mutated toa like You done with UD (gotcha?) 24ad6&7) Hmm... That's strange... i though that all toa elemental powers creates protodermis, so why doesn't elemental disks create a mask of protodermis?
25Thanks in advance
261) He never turns back into a Toa. The Toa Iruini figure is part of a side story on the origin of the Rahaga, he doesn't go from being a Rahaga to a Toa. 272) But what would a mask of protodermis do? Why would you want a mask to create solid protodermis when everything around you already is solid protodermis?
28Holy melanholy... another one clarification sent...
11) He never turns back into a Toa. The Toa Iruini figure is part of a side story on the origin of the Rahaga, he doesn't go from being a Rahaga to a Toa.
2Now that is very interesting. The Rahaga were Toa? I wonder what happened? I have some other info from Greg too:
3Hi, Greg. You might be getting a lot of this but...
4I'm intrigued by this new Toa, I'm not looking for any spoilers, of course, but you've meansioned that Toa Iruini has a new mask and a large spear, could you tell me a bit more about his appearance? What colour(s) is he? Is his design Hordika or like the Metru, or neither? Thanks if you can help.
5Happy Holidays.
7Not designed like a Hordika to my knowledge, green and gold.
8Green and gold? Like Lhikan's red and gold? Can you say "Toa-brothers"? EDIT: Just read the rest of this page, Iruini can't be Lhikan's Toa brother. Oh well.

1The Rahaga were mutated:
2You said that the Rhotuka are gained from being mutated yes? If so, then does that mean that the Rahaga and everything else like Sidorak and Roodaka were mutated as well?
3In the case of the Rahaga and the Hordika, they are a case of mutation. But we also know that in the past, Toa used artificial versions of Rhotuka launchers which were not a result of mutation. So just using Rhotuka does not mean you were mutated.
1hey if Toa Iruini is green and gold then if they make a Toa Gaaki she will be silver and blue because Iruinis disk is gold and he is green look at Gaaki silver spinner blue body Hooray:
1Hi GregF![]()
2I know you're probably not allowed to answer any storyline questions about Keetongu...but my question isn't about the storyline.I really want to know, what is Keetongu's color?I think he looks orange, other people say he's yellow.Seeing as resolving this conflict won't spoil the storyline, I was really hoping you might be able to give an answer...
3Let me check him out in the showroom today and get back to you.
5Thanks, Greg.
6Okay, well, the one we have in the showroom looks more orange than yellow to me, but it is also an early version.
7See?: It's orange: Orange orange orange orange.

1I got some answers:
2Hey Greg,I have a some questions.
31.Since Krahka is a Rahi does this mean there are more like her? 42.Same question as 1 only with Zivon? 53.Are all of the 2005 sets going to be in B3? 64. If yes to 3 does this mean Toa Iruini is going to be in it? (a flash-back possibly?) 75.When can you tell us who the Unexpected Villan is? 86.Does Kaulus only speak clicky? Or can he speak matoran,too? 97.Do the Hordika go to Mata-Nui at all during 05? 108.What happend to The Lhikan (transport) during MoS? 119.Are Norik & Co. part of the other 9 or 10 toa fighting the Kanohi dragon with Lhkan and Nidhiki? 1210. Same as 9 but instead of Norik & co. what about Tahu & co.?
131) That is an answer you will learn in Book 8 142) Hmmmm ... I tend to think not, but I can't say definitely no. 153) Mostly, except for a few of the mystery sets 164) No 175) That is movie plot, so I won't be able to discuss it 186) He speaks Matoran, mostly. He only talks Rahi to Rahi. 197) No. 208) The original transport? They left it on Mata Nui and took a land route back to the city. Once the spheres were off it, it could not float. 219-10) No to both.
2Hey Greg,I have a some questions.
31.Since Krahka is a Rahi does this mean there are more like her? 42.Same question as 1 only with Zivon? 53.Are all of the 2005 sets going to be in B3? 64. If yes to 3 does this mean Toa Iruini is going to be in it? (a flash-back possibly?) 75.When can you tell us who the Unexpected Villan is? 86.Does Kaulus only speak clicky? Or can he speak matoran,too? 97.Do the Hordika go to Mata-Nui at all during 05? 108.What happend to The Lhikan (transport) during MoS? 119.Are Norik & Co. part of the other 9 or 10 toa fighting the Kanohi dragon with Lhkan and Nidhiki? 1210. Same as 9 but instead of Norik & co. what about Tahu & co.?
131) That is an answer you will learn in Book 8 142) Hmmmm ... I tend to think not, but I can't say definitely no. 153) Mostly, except for a few of the mystery sets 164) No 175) That is movie plot, so I won't be able to discuss it 186) He speaks Matoran, mostly. He only talks Rahi to Rahi. 197) No. 208) The original transport? They left it on Mata Nui and took a land route back to the city. Once the spheres were off it, it could not float. 219-10) No to both.
1Okay this is mainly about toa Iruni.
2Q1oes Rahagah Iruni turn into this toa.
3Q2:If the above is true,do all the rahagah become toa?
4Q3:Is this a flash back from the rahagah or does it happen in the present-past.
51-2) No
63) The Toa Iruini figure is part of a side story this year relating to the origin of the Rahaga
7More flashbacks.gee,how original.
11. Have you seen the Toa "Rahaga"? Can you describe them? Look more like Metru of Hordika?
21) Based on what I have seen, they do not look like Hordika.
32. Do the Toa "Rahaga" have a name yet (Toa what)?
42) No.
53. Well the story needs two rahaga to tell orgins, so the second can set is clear. What Rahaga is it?
63) Norik.
74. The Rahaga were Toa, became Rahaga, but never became Turaga. Is that how it works? Doesn't that defy the Matoran evolution unless they weren't matoran?
84) No. You don't become a Turaga unless you fulfill your destiny AND choose to become one. Rahaga is not something you choose to become -- it is something forced on you by an enemy.
93 and 4 are interesting
21) Based on what I have seen, they do not look like Hordika.
32. Do the Toa "Rahaga" have a name yet (Toa what)?
42) No.
53. Well the story needs two rahaga to tell orgins, so the second can set is clear. What Rahaga is it?
63) Norik.
74. The Rahaga were Toa, became Rahaga, but never became Turaga. Is that how it works? Doesn't that defy the Matoran evolution unless they weren't matoran?
84) No. You don't become a Turaga unless you fulfill your destiny AND choose to become one. Rahaga is not something you choose to become -- it is something forced on you by an enemy.
93 and 4 are interesting
11. Have you seen the Toa "Rahaga"? Can you describe them? Look more like Metru of Hordika?
21) Based on what I have seen, they do not look like Hordika.
32. Do the Toa "Rahaga" have a name yet (Toa what)?
42) No.
53. Well the story needs two rahaga to tell orgins, so the second can set is clear. What Rahaga is it?
63) Norik.
74. The Rahaga were Toa, became Rahaga, but never became Turaga. Is that how it works? Doesn't that defy the Matoran evolution unless they weren't matoran?
84) No. You don't become a Turaga unless you fulfill your destiny AND choose to become one. Rahaga is not something you choose to become -- it is something forced on you by an enemy.
9So Norik is the other Toa "Rahaga".
10your forced to be a rahaga? i think roodaka did that one.she would a problt said:'i'm sick of those toa stopping my visorak time for revenge' cue creppy powers.
1Hi GregF![]()
2I know you're probably not allowed to answer any storyline questions about Keetongu...but my question isn't about the storyline.I really want to know, what is Keetongu's color?I think he looks orange, other people say he's yellow.Seeing as resolving this conflict won't spoil the storyline, I was really hoping you might be able to give an answer...
3Let me check him out in the showroom today and get back to you.
5Thanks, Greg.
6Okay, well, the one we have in the showroom looks more orange than yellow to me, but it is also an early version.
7See?: It's orange: Orange orange orange orange.![]()
8It is probably Gukko beak orange. I can't wait to get my hands on a Keetongu set:
1WHOOOO : So many revelations: Hope I'm not taking up any of your time.
21.So, can only one type of Toa (Nuva, Metru, Olda, etc.) become Rahaga? Or can any Toa become a Rahaga if so inclined?
32.Do the Toa forms of the Rahaga have Rahkshi heads too, since they were "created" with them?
43.Did the Rahaga fight the Visorak as Toa?
5A little off-topic:
64.Was the entrance the Toa Metru took to return to Metru-Nui the same as the one Takanuva found?
7Thanks in advance, 8Ast1
91) You don't choose to become a Rahaga. Becoming a Rahaga is a bad thing. 102) No. 113) No, don't think so 124) No. Takanuva went through Makuta's lair.
14Well, THIS is interesting...
21.So, can only one type of Toa (Nuva, Metru, Olda, etc.) become Rahaga? Or can any Toa become a Rahaga if so inclined?
32.Do the Toa forms of the Rahaga have Rahkshi heads too, since they were "created" with them?
43.Did the Rahaga fight the Visorak as Toa?
5A little off-topic:
64.Was the entrance the Toa Metru took to return to Metru-Nui the same as the one Takanuva found?
7Thanks in advance, 8Ast1
91) You don't choose to become a Rahaga. Becoming a Rahaga is a bad thing. 102) No. 113) No, don't think so 124) No. Takanuva went through Makuta's lair.
14Well, THIS is interesting...