1@ Jan 9 2005, 03:26 PM) 1. I keep hearing about Ta-Koronan "lava farmers." What exactly do they do? I'm assuming they harvest the Mangai's lava, but for what purpose?
2To copy my bio of Aft, based directly on the MNOLG 2:
3Aft is a lava farmer. Farming lava is one of the ways Mata Nui is kept green and healthy, because when lava cools it makes the best soil. As Aft says, "like two brothers, the fire of the Mangai is both a force of creation, and a force of destruction. To farm lava takes great Courage." Aft speaks of Courage, one of the virtues bestowed upon the Matoran by Mata Nui. Courage is the virtue of Ta-Koro.
11) will toa norik be released by himself opposed to never being released exept in the promo with both? 21) As far as I know, in the US at least, Norik is only being released as part of the co-pack. I don't know of plans to release him separately. 3darn

1Just one:
218. Will we see new official art in the Bionicle Encyclopedia?Because I'm really hoping for a good look at Krahka...
318) There will be a big color image of Krahka in the Rahi book. I don't know how much new new art is going to be in the Encylopedia, because I do not know what budget the book will have for that. Have to see.
4Will that be her actual form?'Cuz I thought you weren't gonna reveal that. Or will this be that combiner buildable model of her taking some form?
5It is a color image of the model pictured in BA #3. We are not planning to reveal her true form, no.
1heres some more answers:
2QUOTE 3hi greg.Just a few questions. mostly about book 6:
41)if it was their destinay and thenuva transformed by EP agian what would they look like?
52)at the end the turaga were about t object to vakama giving tahu the chance he did.However vakama stopped them.Does he still have a slight athourity over them?
63)when the EP hit onewas mask it burned it.That would assume it was not his destinay to transform?
74)if a toa was destroyed by EP would the mask still become a nuva?
85)THE EP entity,i'm intrested in him.Does he know if it's your destiany to transform or not?
96)what would happen if a rahkshi armour was dipped in EP?
107)i saw this in a topic:If the toa nuva turned into turaga would they become 'turaga nuva'?
118)when the turaga choose to tell the metru story were they planning on telling the horadkia or did vakama just deide on his own?
129)this ones a dozy:
13When the EP entity transformed those creatures,was it their destinay to transform then or did he sense it was their destiany and do it then for some fighters?
1410)how can rock have destinay?
15thats all,thanks and happy new year:
161) There are no plans to have them transform again. 172) Yes 183) Yes 194) Only if that mask was destined to become a Nuva mask. 205) I would say no, though he can probably make an educated guess 216) Depends on if the armor was destined to change. At best, you get better armor. 227) Yes 238) No, they weren't planning to tell the Hordika story initially. 249) Their destiny was to transform at some point. If not, they would have been destroyed. 2510) There are some who believe that every object has a destiny of some sort .. the difference is that rather than acting in way that brings your destiny about, as living things usually do, inanimate objects are acted upon.
1Some thing here for you
question Answer Comment) 21) Will we see Nidhiki/Krekka again?
32)What does a yellow/silver rhotuka mean?red/silver?
41)No idea. They may well be dead. 5Aw man and I thought they would be back. 62) Don't know. I can tell you that a Rhotuka's power is determined by who launches it, not its color, as they are not physical objects but wheels of energy. 7Hmmmmm... So the person who launches it controls the power. Didnt know that.

32)What does a yellow/silver rhotuka mean?red/silver?
41)No idea. They may well be dead. 5Aw man and I thought they would be back. 62) Don't know. I can tell you that a Rhotuka's power is determined by who launches it, not its color, as they are not physical objects but wheels of energy. 7Hmmmmm... So the person who launches it controls the power. Didnt know that.
1Some thing here for you question Answer Comment) 21) Will we see Nidhiki/Krekka again?
32)What does a yellow/silver rhotuka mean?red/silver?
41)No idea. They may well be dead. 5Aw man and I thought they would be back. 62) Don't know. I can tell you that a Rhotuka's power is determined by who launches it, not its color, as they are not physical objects but wheels of energy. 7Hmmmmm... So the person who launches it controls the power. Didnt know that.
8No, that's not what he meant, the person can't decide to have it have a different power. He means each person has a power that all their Rhotuka are, and which power a Rhotuka is depends on the person creating it. Make sense? (He was asked that earlier.)
1For example Norick only knows how to create snare spinners while matau only knows how to make air spinners while Vohtrak only knows how to make pain spinners.
1Somewhat interesting...
21. I've heard you say, that any three Rahkshi can form a Kaita, but later on you said, they couldn't. Could you please tell me, can they or not?
31) We know of two Rahkshi kaita at this point. Those particular Rahkshi knew to form kaita because they were under direct control of Makuta, who told them. The average wild Rahkshi would not know how to do it, anymore than the Toa Metru know how to do it. So while potentially they COULD, they generally don't.
42. Would all of these be considered Rahi?112) Yes
123. There are six different Shadow Kraata available, in the shapes of all six stages. However, in the storyline, there are only one kind. Can you tell me, why there are six shapes available, and which one is the correct?
133) Because I was told all shadow kraata would be from one mold, and then they did it from all six.
1QUOTE 2hey greg, got some some questions
31.) what is Keetongu (like is he a robot, toa etc?)?
42.) Is Anti-venom his power?
53.) if it isn't how did he gain such knowledge?
64.) who do the visorak prefer as a leader, Sidorak or Roodaka?
75.) what is Sidorak exactly?
86.) are Roodaka and Makuta connected (like did they know one another?)?
97.) does sidorak have a little crush on roodaka?
108.) do the visorak go island hopping, and destroy as they go along?
119.) if they do, could it be to find Keetongu and turn him to their side?
1210.) Roodaka does seriously drip cool and cunning, and she seems to want to use Sidorak for her own gain, what is her plot?
13Thanks greg, and awesome job on BA #7
141) He's not a robot or a Toa. 152) Can't answer it 163) Follow the story and find out 174) Depends on which Visorak you talk to. Some are very loyal to Sidorak, some are to Roodaka, and some really don't care either way 185) King of the Visorak 196) Can't answer it 207) Not really. Sidorak's interest in Roodaka is more about forming a political alliance than romance. 218) Yes 229) No. Sidorak does not believe Keetongu even exists, so would not bother sending the horde after him 2310) Again, follow the story and find out. We're two weeks into 2005, way too early to be giving everything away
31.) what is Keetongu (like is he a robot, toa etc?)?
42.) Is Anti-venom his power?
53.) if it isn't how did he gain such knowledge?
64.) who do the visorak prefer as a leader, Sidorak or Roodaka?
75.) what is Sidorak exactly?
86.) are Roodaka and Makuta connected (like did they know one another?)?
97.) does sidorak have a little crush on roodaka?
108.) do the visorak go island hopping, and destroy as they go along?
119.) if they do, could it be to find Keetongu and turn him to their side?
1210.) Roodaka does seriously drip cool and cunning, and she seems to want to use Sidorak for her own gain, what is her plot?
13Thanks greg, and awesome job on BA #7
141) He's not a robot or a Toa. 152) Can't answer it 163) Follow the story and find out 174) Depends on which Visorak you talk to. Some are very loyal to Sidorak, some are to Roodaka, and some really don't care either way 185) King of the Visorak 196) Can't answer it 207) Not really. Sidorak's interest in Roodaka is more about forming a political alliance than romance. 218) Yes 229) No. Sidorak does not believe Keetongu even exists, so would not bother sending the horde after him 2310) Again, follow the story and find out. We're two weeks into 2005, way too early to be giving everything away
32That's all for now.
- 1Could a Matoran from a certain Metru make a disk in a way like the style of a Metru other than their own, to get a different fly power? Like, say, if a Ta-Matoran made a Kanoka using the methods of a Le-Matoran, could he get the fly-longer-distances fly power? I think so, just want to confirm.
21) Maybe. Don't know. Metru Matoran generally don't do that, for the same reason a pizza maker in Brooklyn isn't going to try to make a pizza the way they do in Philly -- regional pride
- 3Wondered if you knew anything about the questions in this post of mine: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?sho...0&#entry2436040. Mainly, was it those Toa in Lhikan's group who were went to seal the tunnels to the environs? And was that the mission(s) they disappeared on?
42) Yes, and what missions they vanished on have not been revealed yet
- 5And I beleive you've said you aren't aware of any previous Toa Hordika existing. Does that rule out Lhikan's Team? Or do you not know what happened to those that disappeared?
63) They did not become Hordika, no. They lived and/or died as Toa.
- 7This topic speculates on the spore of Karzahni's significance. You said he would be in one of the books. Can you say which one?
84) Not yet, no
- 9And, is it possible for him to be the mysterious enemy? Normally I'd assume you couldn't answer this, but I beleive you said you created Karzahni, and so would that rule him out as being in the movie, since you said the same thing about Krahka? 'Cuz you said the mysterious enemy would be in the movie. And I understand if you'd rather not answer this one anyways.
105) No, he is not the mysterious enemy. That is a part of movie plot and Karzahni is a novel character, he doesn't show up inthe movies.
- 11What exactly is a nova blast? That's being asked in this topic - might as well ask you. Just a really big punch of fire with all a Toa's elemental energy? I beleive that was said in there....
126) It's a big explosion, got its name from the similarity to a star going nova. Basically, if Vakama did it while standing at the Coliseum, he would a good chunk of the city.
- 13The Matoran in Metru Nui don't know how to make masks without first making a Kanoka then molding it, right? I beleive you've said that isn't impossible, as far as you know, but that they don't know how. Just want to check.
147) Yes, that is my understanding
- 15Can you confirm yet whether Keetongu is a good guy or bad guy? It seems strongly implied in Web of the Visorak that he is, from what I hear. But I haven't seen a quote that actually confirms it, and given that nobody's sure he exists, it is possible his motives might not be what they think either.
168) He is basically a positive force, but that doesn't mean he puts on a cape and a mask and rushes off to help anyone in trouble. You have to earn his help.
- 17Back to the list of three enemies. Is the mysterious enemy the third in the list, or is that one less important, more like a minor enemy? (Again, you probably can't answer this one, but it seems to follow since the third in the list hasn't been identified.)
189) I don't know what list you are referring to.
- 19We know Toa get weakened when their Kanohi is removed, and Matoran lapse into a coma. What about Turaga?
2010) Somewhere in between. Conscious, but eventually so weakened they are really good for nothing.
- 21Oh, a recent quote from you seems to say that Dume survives the '05 story. Can you confirm that? Just want to make sure you didn't think the question said 2004.
2211) Yes, Dume is not really a part of this year's tale, he returns in 2006.
- 23When making Kanoka, the liquid proto must be purified first, right? They can't just pump protowater in from the Silver Sea and melt it in the mold, can they?
2412) Right, they can't
- 25You said that Lhikan was still on Metru Nui while the others were away on missions during the time that Mavrah and his Rahi disappeared from Metru Nui. Well, this, and the fact that Lhikan was the last to not die or disappear makes me wonder if he thought of his mission as being more to protect Metru Nui than the others. Am I on the right track here, any idea? This would mean he stays a little more than they ever did, and he was basically more motivated to avoid whatever was killing the other Toa, and to stay on Metru nui rather than be sent on a "mission" by "Dume".
26This seems to be the best explanation I can come up with without him just being the leader, and so surviving longer, or it just being a cooincidence. Of course it could be a coincidence, and he actually leaves as much as they do, just wonder.
2713) Somebody has to stay behind. For example, if some crisis hit Mata Nui and Takanuva and the Toa Nuva had to take it on ... one of them would probably stay behind so as not to leave the Matoran totally unprotected. I mean, what is the crisis is a ruse to lure them away?
286)what would happen if a rahkshi armour was dipped in EP?
296) Depends on if the armor was destined to change. At best, you get better armor.
30On this subject, there is a "final" stage of Kraata-to-Rahkshi transformation, right? 'cuz you've said the process takes a long time; so if you take out a halfway tranformed kraata and put it back in, it'd just keep transforming till it reached its final stage, as normal, right? And then afterwords, if it left and came back in, what would happen would depend on destiny. Right?![]()
3114) He wasn't asking about kraata, he was asking purely about armor, which is a whole other story.
33See answers above, 34Greg
35And clarification on #9...
36... 37Back to the list of three enemies. Is the mysterious enemy the third in the list, or is that one less important, more like a minor enemy? (Again, you probably can't answer this one, but it seems to follow since the third in the list hasn't been identified.)
389) I don't know what list you are referring to. 39...
40Oh, I meant that you had said there are three major enemies in '05, one being Visorak, one being Roodaka, and another which you haven't revealed.
41Well, Sidorak would certainly belong on that list too.
42So that's cleared up, we know the three main ones. The Surprise Enemy isn't one of them.
1I wouldn't have thought I wold have any questions today, but when I read the OGD, Ideas just keep coming up.
2(1)Will Toa Norik, and Toa iruini be in the Movie? If so, will the other Rahaga as to be there as well?
3(2) Don't you think it was a bit harsh to kill off Nidhiki and Krekka. I mean, they were really awesome characters. If you had the chance to, would you bring them back in any way?
4(3) You say the Toa nuva will 'play a role' next year. Which doesn't seem to say, '2006 will be about the Toa Nuva'. Meaning that they wil be in it, but they are not primary characters in the story. true?
5(4) The 2005 Makuta in the movie wears a Kanohi Kraakhan, but the 2005 Makuta set (UD) wears the Kanohi Kiri. Which mask is he supposed to wear? If it's the Kraakhan. What's the point of the Kiri?
6(5) I always meant to ask 'someone' this. Does Vakama Metru's Toa Disk re appear in his disk launcher after he's fired a shot? Or does he have to run after it every time he shoots. I would assume it would just, regenerate inside the disk launcher, otherwise he would easily loose it, and a Toa disk is NOT something you should loose.
7(6) So Roodaka is NOT the Visorak Queen, and I thin I read somewhere in the OGD topic that Sidorak isn't the Visorak King. Who's who, and what authority do Roodaka and Sidorahk have if they do not rule over the Visorak?
8great help. Thanks.
91) All of the Rahaga are in the movie. The Rahaga as Toa are not. Those sets were not even designed when the movie script was locked last summer, and besides, there is no room in the movie for their story.
102) Yes and no. I agree that they were great characters. But I also agree with another member who said that if every dead character comes back, then it cheapens death in the BIONICLE universe and robs it of its drama.
113) Even were discussing 2006 storyline a full year before it starts allowed, there is no '06 bible yet so nothing to discuss.
124) Well, in the movie he takes off the Kiril to reveal the Mask of Shadows, so the Kiril was a disguise in the film. Since the Kraahkan did not exist as a piece in 2004, the combo model still wears the Kiril, which can arguably be the Kraahkan in a different shape in that particular model.
135) Vakama has never fired his Toa disk. If he did, he would have to retrieve it, yes, same as any other disk.
146) Sidorak is the king -- whoever posted that he wasn't is wrong. Roodaka is the viceroy, not the queen. It states she is the queen in the first book, but that is an error being corrected in the second printing. Part of the plot of the movie revolves around the fact that she is not the queen.
1Being fairly new to BZP, I've already sent a goodly # of questions to Mr. Farshtey. Here are some of them:
2A couple inquiries concerning the good ol' Master of Shadows...
31. Did Makuta actually take Dume's mask, or construct a fake one?
42. What did the Matoran know about Makuta before the Toa Metru discovered his evil scheme? I mean, we know (at least Lhikan and Mavrah know) that he was sworn to protect the Matoran, but few other details on his status have appeared (at least as far as I know...)
51) No, Dume had his mask in the sphere.
62) As you said, that is what we know so far. More details on the Matoran-Makuta relationship have not been revealed to me yet, so I can't reveal them to you.
2A couple inquiries concerning the good ol' Master of Shadows...
31. Did Makuta actually take Dume's mask, or construct a fake one?
42. What did the Matoran know about Makuta before the Toa Metru discovered his evil scheme? I mean, we know (at least Lhikan and Mavrah know) that he was sworn to protect the Matoran, but few other details on his status have appeared (at least as far as I know...)
51) No, Dume had his mask in the sphere.
62) As you said, that is what we know so far. More details on the Matoran-Makuta relationship have not been revealed to me yet, so I can't reveal them to you.
1Hey there Greg,
21.) Everyone seems to know more about this "Zivon" than I do. Can you share all you can?
32.) When you say we'll see the Dark Hunter leader(s) and then be able to build them, do you mean they'll be in a comic or have instructions in the Lego magazine?
42b.) Opinion: Yes, do put them in BA #10.
5Thanks a lot
61) I doubt they know much, since I have not shared much. Zivon is a Rahi who fights Tahtorak in Book 8. More info on it will be available in the January issue of LEGO Magazine BrickMaster edition. It is a combo model built from all six Visorak.
72) No plans to have them in a comic at this time. However, building instructions will be included with product, I believe, rather than in the magazine.
8Hey again Greg,
92.) When you say we'll see the Dark Hunter leader(s) and then be able to build them, do you mean they'll be in a comic or have instructions in the Lego magazine? 102) No plans to have them in a comic at this time. However, building instructions will be included with product, I believe, rather than in the magazine.
111.) Ooo, do I smell a combiner model?
1229. Why do some Toa Tools have secondary uses (like Vakama's Disk launcher turning into a jetpack) while others don't (like Onewa's Proto Pitons)?
13ANSWER: Onewa's proto pitons do have a secondary use, they allow him to climb statues.
142.) Uhh... Then what's the primary use?(Besides just focusing power.)
153.) Do you have a Krahka model built, since you invented her?
164.) Was the whole Dark Hunter leader thing your call, like Krahka/ EP Entity, or did the big guys want them to be introduced?
17...leader of the Dark Hunters and his chief guardian
185.) About the "chief guardian," can you tell us if that is a Rahi, some type of killing machine, another sapient being, or what?
19Thanks a lot:
201) Yup 212) Primary use of a Toa tool is always focusing power 223) No, I did have one around, but it is with the art guys getting pics taken for the Rahi book 234) My call. I had to come up with identities for a bunch of models, and I decided, what the heck .. I think the whole Dark Hunter thing is way cool, it plays well into something I want to do this year, and I am pretty sure there are no plans to do something with them in official storyline anytime soon. So off I went 245) I can tell you it is an unliving being. Very powerful. Very destructive. Not someone you want to invite over the house.
1Will the other Rahga be made into toys? Because I want a toa Pokus. Will the Rahi nui come out as a set or an instructions model.

1No, only 2 of the rahaga are coming out as Toa Rahaga too.
1Will the other Rahga be made into toys? Because I want a toa Pokus. Will the Rahi nui come out as a set or an instructions model. ![]()
2Look at Pekel and Tok's Rahi creations, at the bottom is a MOC of the Rahi Nui. And only two Rahaga will be released as a Toa set. And you have to ask Greg via PM, not writing your question here. 3Khote
15.) About the "chief guardian," can you tell us if that is a Rahi, some type of killing machine, another sapient being, or what?
25) I can tell you it is an unliving being. Very powerful. Very destructive. Not someone you want to invite over the house.
4Ooooh, now THAT sounds interesting. What is an unliving being? Is he a zombie? Hmmm, I smell some new questions...
18)when the Turaga chose to tell the Metru story, were they planning on telling about the Hordika or did Vakama just decide on his own? 28) No, they weren't planning to tell the Hordika story initially.
3You can read about the whole thing--down to the argument between Vakama and Nuju as well as a Turaga's actually sitting out of the meeting in protest--in BA #6: Maze of Shadows. 4jetslandingboard

15.) About the "chief guardian," can you tell us if that is a Rahi, some type of killing machine, another sapient being, or what?
25) I can tell you it is an unliving being. Very powerful. Very destructive. Not someone you want to invite over the house.
4Ooooh, now THAT sounds interesting. What is an unliving being? Is he a zombie? Hmmm, I smell some new questions...
5I thought he just meant like a robot. I.e. General Grievous, IG-88.

1thankful that I can online again and read the news on bzpower.... so great to hear that there are 2 toa and the info of BA#7
21. Roodaka stone is the stone we see on mata nui symbolizing Makuta? 32. Is the stone similar to toa stone?( because it channels power) 43. Is keetongu is machine, or a creature? 54. Are the bodies of Toa Iruini&Norik new? entirely new? 65. In lomn, we saw makuta aborbing power. it is powerplant in coliseum, but is the source of powerplant came form mataron pod? 76. will there be special edition set to keetongu/roodaka/sidorak 87. can Nidhiki and krekka classified as rahi? 98. Do Roodaka want mask of time? 109. what are the the other 2 sets apart from battle for MN/Toa Iruini&Norik? 1110. Why turaga dume pod was left in Po-metru, not coliseum? 1211. Can visorak/sidorak fly/swim 1312. Did Rahaga believe that keetongu is on metru nui? 1413. The reason why rahi came to metru nui is because of visorak hunt, right? 1514. The reason why visorak came to metru nui is because of many rahi at great achieve? 1615. are there 2 types of shape-shifter? because makuta cannot copy the power 1716. if krahka can copy thee power she seen, will shebe more and more powerful? Or there are 'power' copy capacity?
18thank you very much,hv a nice day
191) Can't answer it 202) Who says it channels power? 213) Living being 224) I don't have the sets, so couldn't say 235) No. The power plant was in operation long before the Matorans were in pods 246) Not that I am aware of 257) No 268) No 279) I am not revealing that yet 2810) Because Dume was the first being put in a pod, and you couldn't very well walk into the Coliseum with a big silver pod and not have someone notice. 2911) No 3012) Yes 3113) Yes 3214) Not really, Metru Nui was the last place they had to go. 3315) There may be many types of shapeshifter, but we have only seen two so far. 3416) She can only copy the power by taking on the shape. If she looks like Vakama, she can't use Nokama's power, only Vakama's. She was able to use all six Toa powers in BA #3, but she basically overloaded and collapsed.
1Interestnig new info, not much of it new...
2Hey Greg,
3Happeh New Year.Hope you didn't party too hard.
41.Roodaka's Rhotuka causes mutation.... how so?Is it like EP, instanious, or is it like visorak venom?
51) It's instantaneous and it's permanent.
62.Is a "Chronicler" a position just like "Toa", in thatthey're "special" people/matoran chosen for a special job?
72) Yes, it is a job title.
83.What does it take to destroy a Toa/Dark Hunter?Kreahk took a fall of what could have been a few dozen feet, certinantly enough to kill a human (he DID fall on hard protodermis).I know that they're plenty stronger than humans, but they still have to have a breaking point.
93) Well, they are biomechanical, like cyborgs, so it takes a lot to destroy them. You have to damage the armor before you can damage the organics. I would say that, for a Toa, falling from the top of the Coliseum would kill them. It might not kill, say, Keetongu, but it would kill a Toa. And of course, they can drown, they can melt, they can suffocate, etc.
104.A Rhotuka has no set "end charging" point... so it could theoretically destroy Metru Nui if you charged it long enough?
114) Yup. That's the problem with those darn things
125.How long does Vakama have to charge his Rhotuka to do an "average" fire blast?
135) Couple seconds
146.Would you say that the Rhotuka are like Green Lantern's blasts, in that they are hard to dodge, due to their being controled by mental commands?
156) Depending on the willpower of the being launching it, I would say yes.
18)when the Turaga chose to tell the Metru story, were they planning on telling about the Hordika or did Vakama just decide on his own? 28) No, they weren't planning to tell the Hordika story initially.
3You can read about the whole thing--down to the argument between Vakama and Nuju as well as a Turaga's actually sitting out of the meeting in protest--in BA #6: Maze of Shadows. 4jetslandingboard![]()
5i've read #6.However i thought it just might be nuju objecting.
1Here's my lot.
2Hey hey, Greg. 3I just finished reading the OGD (but not BA7. Sniff. haven't been able to find it...will go hunting for it tommorow.) and found a few Q&A's that piqued my curiousity.
41.)the Vahki can talk: could they do this before the power overload and just wanted to keep quiet?
51a.)Was this done cause fans would ask if they could talk, or did you just decide "let's make them talk."?
62.)Fused Metru asked how could a rock have a destiny, and your answer made me wonder (There are some who believe that every object has a destiny of some sort), if the rock(as an example, nothing zen like in this question. XP ) didn't have a destiny to transform then, but did in the future...would nothing happen, or would it still be destroyed?
73.)The Dark Hunter's Chief Guardian is "Unliving", how is this?
84.)Chengchiwo asked about the Visorahk coming to Metru Nui, you answered that was the last place they had to go. What would they of done, if they defeated the Toa? just stuck around doing...something?
95.)Not really an OGD question, but I made a modification to Vakama Hordika's left arm, using a Vahki head(sans launcher and eyepiece), a 2 length axle, and a ball connector, and spare axle pin to hold the ripcord. The vahki head modification made the set more articulated, and more mutated-ish. Would it been so expensive to include these parts with the sets themselves to either make it an even 50 or 51 pieces?
10Can't wait to find Bionicle #7, 11Aoi
121) No. As Onewa reveals in the book, they could always talk, they were simply talking at a higher speed and frequency than Matoran were able to understand. The accident slowed down their speech centers so their speech is now understandable.
131a) No one ever asked me to make them talk. I did it because I prefer villains that talk.
142) My feeling is the destiny to transform is not tied into a certain point in time. So if it gets hit with EP, it will change, because change is its destiny.
153) Not sure I understand your question. Unliving seems kind of straightforward to me -- he's not alive as BIONICLE beings define life.
164) An interesting question -- it is not always easy to keep an army of conquest happy when they are done conquering.
175) This really isn't something I can answer - it is a question related to product design, unit pricing, and supply chain, none of which are my areas.
1Nope. Infact Turaga Onewa had a row and didn't even want to tell the metru story.
1got more answers.
2Hi GregF I just got and read BA#7 great book by the way I really enjoyed it but I 3have a few questions about it.
41)Quote from Pg. 116 in the big paragraph
5Vakama never took his eyes from the ground as he said, "I say we returned to Metru Nui to rescue Matoran not to hunt down mythical beasts."
6Mythical Beasts? does that mean Keetongu is a Rahi?
72) Quote from pg. 114 around the center
8"Keetongu," said Norik. 9Nuju glanced at his fellow toa. It was obvious that none of them understood the term. 10"Keetongu is a powerful creature gifted in knowledge of venoms and their counteragents."
11does that Mean Keetongu knows about the cure?
123) who is stronger Roodaka or Sidorak?
134)Is Keetongu Powerful?
145) is Oohnorak the Visorak that can understand Matoran speech?
156) what can Whenua Hordika's tools do?
16and some other wierd questions
177) does BoMN take place in the Coliseum?
188) What are the other 2 play sets called?
199) I know Roodaka has a relation to Makuta but does Sidorak?
2010) if yes to 9 is Sidorak one of Makuta's 'Brothers'?
221) Yes 232) It means he is the key to the cure 243) Physically? Probably Sidorak 254) Yes 265) None of the Visorak actually understand Matoran, but Oohnorak can mimic it and has limited telepathy 276) They can be used to send a vibration through the ground and summon subterranean Rahi 287) Outside of it 298) I haven't released that info yet 309) Can't answer it 3110) No, he is not
331)SWEET: 342)cool 353)I thought Sidorak was stronger too 364)Yay 375)oh 386)thats pretty cool 397)but what is outside of the colisseum? 408)darn 419)darn 4210darn (again)
2Hi GregF I just got and read BA#7 great book by the way I really enjoyed it but I 3have a few questions about it.
41)Quote from Pg. 116 in the big paragraph
5Vakama never took his eyes from the ground as he said, "I say we returned to Metru Nui to rescue Matoran not to hunt down mythical beasts."
6Mythical Beasts? does that mean Keetongu is a Rahi?
72) Quote from pg. 114 around the center
8"Keetongu," said Norik. 9Nuju glanced at his fellow toa. It was obvious that none of them understood the term. 10"Keetongu is a powerful creature gifted in knowledge of venoms and their counteragents."
11does that Mean Keetongu knows about the cure?
123) who is stronger Roodaka or Sidorak?
134)Is Keetongu Powerful?
145) is Oohnorak the Visorak that can understand Matoran speech?
156) what can Whenua Hordika's tools do?
16and some other wierd questions
177) does BoMN take place in the Coliseum?
188) What are the other 2 play sets called?
199) I know Roodaka has a relation to Makuta but does Sidorak?
2010) if yes to 9 is Sidorak one of Makuta's 'Brothers'?
221) Yes 232) It means he is the key to the cure 243) Physically? Probably Sidorak 254) Yes 265) None of the Visorak actually understand Matoran, but Oohnorak can mimic it and has limited telepathy 276) They can be used to send a vibration through the ground and summon subterranean Rahi 287) Outside of it 298) I haven't released that info yet 309) Can't answer it 3110) No, he is not
331)SWEET: 342)cool 353)I thought Sidorak was stronger too 364)Yay 375)oh 386)thats pretty cool 397)but what is outside of the colisseum? 408)darn 419)darn 4210darn (again)
11)Quote from Pg. 116 in the big paragraph
2Vakama never took his eyes from the ground as he said, "I say we returned to Metru Nui to rescue Matoran not to hunt down mythical beasts."
3Mythical Beasts? does that mean Keetongu is a Rahi?
41) Yes
5That's surprising...
6A Rahi?
7Hopefully a intelligent Rahi...
8Here's a surprise...(For me at least.)
11)Quote from Pg. 116 in the big paragraph
2Vakama never took his eyes from the ground as he said, "I say we returned to Metru Nui to rescue Matoran not to hunt down mythical beasts."
3Mythical Beasts? does that mean Keetongu is a Rahi?
41) Yes
5That's surprising...
6A Rahi?
7Hopefully a intelligent Rahi...
8Here's a surprise...(For me at least.)
10A lot of stuff can be considered Rahi...basically, it's anything not Matoran, Toa, or Turaga (or humongously powerful creature like Makuta...), so it's not surprising. I like to think of him as more then just a dumb beast though, which is usually the general definition of Rahi. I sort of thought he would be completely robotic though, I always did love those ancient machine stories...as if Bionicle wasn't one enough already.
114. The reason why visorak came to metru nui is because of many rahi at great achieve?
214) Not really, Metru Nui was the last place they had to go.
3You said this to a member's question. Now, I ahve a theory, so could you tell me if I'm moving in the right direction? Okay, the Visorak are island hopping, wrapping up the inhabitants, killing Toa, mutating, and say there are hundreds of islands. The Visorak have been doing this a long time, and the final island was Metru-Nui. So, the only island inhabitants left are the Matoran? And all of the other islands are destroyed? Or are some islands still around?
6Well, first off, Visorak don't kill Toa. Visorak's primary focus is Rahi. And no, the other islands are not destroyed. Wrapping up Rahi does not destroy an island.
7Well, there you go.
2I have a new batch of questions for you, if that's alright.
31) What is Sidorak's other weapon besides a Rhotuka launcher (or is it his hand)?
42) What are Keetongu's weapons?
53) Is the "Gate Guardian" the Dark Hunter Leader's guard?
64) How is Karzahni different (physically) than the Morbuzakh? I heard it was a tree somewhere.
75) When will the Gate Guardian appear in the storyline?
86) Any idea when we'll be getting Comic 22?
97) Can you identify the big yellow combiner guy?
10Thanks so much for your time,
121) He's got a long blade he carries. 132) Not discussing that yet, as Keetongu does not come out anywhere until later this year 143) No 154) They are both plant creatures. Karzahni is not as large, for one thing. 165) BA #8 176) Mid-January. Magazine always ships mid-month. 187) What big yellow combiner?
20Sidorak has a sword...sweet.
2I have a new batch of questions for you, if that's alright.
31) What is Sidorak's other weapon besides a Rhotuka launcher (or is it his hand)?
42) What are Keetongu's weapons?
53) Is the "Gate Guardian" the Dark Hunter Leader's guard?
64) How is Karzahni different (physically) than the Morbuzakh? I heard it was a tree somewhere.
75) When will the Gate Guardian appear in the storyline?
86) Any idea when we'll be getting Comic 22?
97) Can you identify the big yellow combiner guy?
10Thanks so much for your time,
121) He's got a long blade he carries. 132) Not discussing that yet, as Keetongu does not come out anywhere until later this year 143) No 154) They are both plant creatures. Karzahni is not as large, for one thing. 165) BA #8 176) Mid-January. Magazine always ships mid-month. 187) What big yellow combiner?
20Sidorak has a sword...sweet.

1Interesting... Sidorak carries a large blade..whoop-de-doo...
1Here are all the questions I've ever asked Greg:
2QUOTE 3Is Lhikan's mask a golden Hau?
4No, it's a yellow Hau.
6QUOTE 7Is Jaller related in ANY way to Lhikan?
8There is a connection between them, which will be revealed in the movie. If you are asking, are they related like are they brothers or something, answer is no. There is no biological reproduction in BIONICLE, therefore there are no "blood relations" of any kind.
10QUOTE 11Hey Greg I recently heard about this Karzahni guy, and that the Matoran worshiped him before Mata-Nui came. I also saw him refered to as Karzahni/Artahka. Who is this guy,or guys,and is he, or are they , a brother of Makuta? Or, in other words, is he a Great Being?
12No, no .. 131) The Matoran did not worship Karzahni, they were afraid of him. And no, as far as I know, he is not related to Makuta.
142) Artakha is not a person, it's a place -- a legendary place where Matoran are safe from harm.
15The material on this is in BA #6, so you might want to read that if they sell it where you are.
17QUOTE 18Hey Greg: Thanks for answering my questions in the past(answering questions is kind of your job on BZP). Here are some knew ones:
19#1. Is Sidorak on the same level of villain hierarchy as Roodaka? 20#2. Are Norik and Iruini going to change into Toa, were they once Toa, or is that some sort of promotional gig? 21#3. How many kinds of Rhotuka spinners are there, and do they have power levels like Kanoka Disks? 22#4. Does Visorak venom have different abilities for each kind of visorak, or are they all the same? 23#5. Do the Toa Hordika have any control at all over their elemental and mask powers? 24#6. Was Keetongu involved with the Visorak in the past? 25#7. Is Sidorak and Visorak both ending in 'orak' coincedence, or does it mean something?
26Thanks in advance. Oh, and I can't wait until the next magazine arrives with the comic. I really like how you right them.
271) Yes 282) The Rahaga were Toa before they were Rahaga 293) Spinner powers are determined by who launches them. They don't have levels as such 304) No, Visorak venom is the same for all Visorak. The different breeds do have different powers not related to venom 315) Not their mask powers, no, they can't use those as Hordika. They can use elemental powers via their spinners. 326) Not to my knowledge 337) We have to use words that do not mean things in other languages, so we often use the same word endings if they are uncommon and thus not in use elsewhere
1TI remember Rhotuka are made from energy and are created from the characters wills.
1Keetongu should be more then a brute (like Krekka) he should be a smart Rahi (like Krahka) I kinda wish he was a robot though he doesnt look much like a Rahi but I am glad he is Ancient and Strong.
1Hello, it;s me again, with new questions. 21. Is the bohrak body is made by dropping krana into EP? 32. If metru is destoyed by visorak, the next station they can is mata nui? 43. Is the biggest bionicle set is a lego theme set? what is it include?(except the minifig) 54. If the krana can inflected kanohi, can they inflected krana? 65. why visorak must wrap the rahi and mutate them?what is the benefits to them? 76. are visorak rahi? 87. Is book 10 (time trap) is about the story of past? or the story of 2006? 98. Can keetongu attack his oppenent? it seems that he is highly defendsive guy. 109. Can keetongu talk? 1110. Will we see other place of metru nui in Bionicle 3? 1211.when will we see the trailer or the sneak peak of Bionicle3? 1312. you sais that a new island will be releaved in 06. Is it means that they will not go to metru nui to awake mata nui? 1413. ACtually what is toa power? is it refer to the elemental power of a toa? 1514. In lomn, is lhikan just send his power to the toa stone of vakama, or all 6 stones? 1615. how many $$ budget for each bionicle movie? is it over millions US dollars? 1716. Can you releaved the name of bionicle3?
18thank you
191) No. 202) There is nothing on Mata Nui at this point for them to go there for -- no Rahi live on Mata Nui. 213) It's the Battle of Metru Nui set 224) No. Krana are living things. Kanohi are inanimate objects. You cannot infect a living thing, only an object. 235) That's their job. That is what they do. 246) Yes 257) 2006 story does not start until 2006. Time Trap is out in 2005. 268) Yes, he can 279) You'll have to wait and see 2810) No 2911) No idea, I am not involved in the moviemaking 3012) First off, just going to Metru Nui is the NEXT STEP to awakening Mata Nui. They don't arrive there and bang, he's awake. The step after that requires Toa to go someplace else. 3113) The elemental power, the enhanced strength, all the things that go into being a Toa 3214) All 6. We simply didn't want to show the same scene six times. 3315) I don't have that information. 3416) No. Miramax decides when that gets revealed, not LEGO Company.
1Howdy Greg, I'm having trouble writing my tale due to a couple crucial issues I've encountered, and I was hoping you could help me out.
21. Have the Turaga actually told the Matoran that the Matoran once lived there?
32. Did Ahkmou ever learn (or was he ever told) about his treachery to Metru Nui?
51) Well, they know now, yes, because Hahli has been to virtually all of Vakama's sessions and she is the Chronicler.
6Well, if you think about it, they would have to know, going there and all. Bet some of them find the whole thing a bit weird, though.
72) Ahkmou knows now, certainly, and probably knew some version of it before -- and don't forget, he was a traitor on Mata Nui too.
So now Ahkmou knows he betrayed his people twice...Yieee: I personally would find that a little hard to live with...but he's AHKMOU, after all, so he might not be very stirred up about it...But does that mean ALL the Matoran know he's a traitor? That's definitely going to lead to some confrontations between him and the others...
21. Have the Turaga actually told the Matoran that the Matoran once lived there?
32. Did Ahkmou ever learn (or was he ever told) about his treachery to Metru Nui?
51) Well, they know now, yes, because Hahli has been to virtually all of Vakama's sessions and she is the Chronicler.
6Well, if you think about it, they would have to know, going there and all. Bet some of them find the whole thing a bit weird, though.
72) Ahkmou knows now, certainly, and probably knew some version of it before -- and don't forget, he was a traitor on Mata Nui too.

1I PMed Greg a few Keetongu questions, here they are.
9Nifty, so that's a shield array on his hand.. makes much more sense now.
2Hey Greg, now that there's the Keetongu topic where you'd answered the question on his power, that mad me think of some questions to ask, so here it goes.
31. So, with Keetongu's power, would he be able to absorb physical attacks and lauch them back with his Rhotuka? Say, he got punched. Hard. Then he lauches his Rhotuka, so when the Rhotuka hits the target, it'd be the equivalent physical strength of when Keetongu got punched?
41) Not really, because it is the shield array that absorbs the power. So if you sock him in the jaw, the shield array can't absorb that.
52. After Keetongu absorbs a hit, does he have to launch his Rhotuka before absorbing another, or does all the absorbed attacks "build up" on each other in the Rhotuka?
62) No, the next spinner he launched would have that attack's energy, it is not cumulative.
73. Not related to Keetongu's powers, but what's that thing on his right arm, with the Nuhvok Kal handshields? A Rhotuka catcher thingie like Roodaka's and Sidorak's?
83) That's his rotating shield array
9Nifty, so that's a shield array on his hand.. makes much more sense now.

1I've got some intresting time-stuff.
21. How does Matoran-time work? How long is a day? A Year? 31) We haven't defined that, because it is dependent on what planet they are on, which we also have not defined. 42. Is their different seasons on Mata Nui? Winter, summer... 52) On Mata Nui, yes 63. Will we see a new island between the time on Mata Nui and the time on Metru Nui? Something must have happened during all those years. 73) I am a little confused by your question. The Matoran lived on Metru Nui first, then moved to Mata Nui. They are going back to Metru Nui, and then Toa will be going to another island in 2006 84. How long has the Matoran been on Metru Nui? 94) Thousands of years 105. How long has the Matoran been on Mata Nui? 115) About 1000 years or so
12See? They have different seasons: And the Toa Nuva will travel to a new island in 2006:
21. How does Matoran-time work? How long is a day? A Year? 31) We haven't defined that, because it is dependent on what planet they are on, which we also have not defined. 42. Is their different seasons on Mata Nui? Winter, summer... 52) On Mata Nui, yes 63. Will we see a new island between the time on Mata Nui and the time on Metru Nui? Something must have happened during all those years. 73) I am a little confused by your question. The Matoran lived on Metru Nui first, then moved to Mata Nui. They are going back to Metru Nui, and then Toa will be going to another island in 2006 84. How long has the Matoran been on Metru Nui? 94) Thousands of years 105. How long has the Matoran been on Mata Nui? 115) About 1000 years or so
12See? They have different seasons: And the Toa Nuva will travel to a new island in 2006:
1And now, i would announce, that those who have a little bit hope left, shall loose it immediently after reading my questions, and Greg's answers. read on for more info
17now i would like to here "I'm very sorry" from all of You
18And, now we know, that we shall not ask Greg about Toa Iruini and Toa Norik sets, because He wouldn't have any way to see them for some time...
2Hello Greg: 3Before i will ask You some new questions, i would like to add something to our long discussion about buying scholastic books. 4first point - I think, that if i could buy a book in my country, and before i will buy it i will read spoilers, i would buy it either, so there's no fear, that the books will stop selling because of BZP spoilers.
5second point - I know that's stupid, but since i really would like to buy those books, maybe You could ask Your Big Boss, about selling the books in small European countries?
6Ok now, then questions directly about Bionicle:
71) It has been some time when BZP member asked You about Toa Norik and Toa Iruini design, and of course, we already know that You didn't stare at them for enough time, to point out what is design is. so now after this time, maybe You saw the sets and You can answer - Are Toa Norik, and Toa Iruini are designed the same as Toa Metru?
95. why visorak must wrap the rahi and mutate them?what is the benefits to them?
105) That's their job. That is what they do.
11Ok now, but why are they doing this, except that it's their job? only for satisfaction? That would be weird...
12Thank You for the answers
13Hi ToP,
14LEGO Company has nothing to do with where the books are sold -- that is up to Scholastic. They have to make deals with publishers in those countries to get them to publish the books there, so until they do that, they aren't available there. There's not much I can do about it.
151) I have not seen the sets, Toa. They don't come out in Europe until April and they don't come out in the US until summer, so we have none in this country for me to see. It's very hard to get any set samples this far in advance of the release date.
162) The Visorak are an army, basically. Armies do what their leaders tell them to do, in this case Sidorak and Roodaka. And it so happens that Visorak like hunting Rahi, so they have no reason to object to their orders.
17now i would like to here "I'm very sorry" from all of You