1Thanks for the compliment, Ekono:
And thanks for the tip, ToP: I think the news@bzpower.com account is just blocking my email for some reason. I'll just have to use a different email account, I suppose.
2Glad somebody found my answers interesting.
3keetongu, please don't post several times in a row. Use the "Edit" button at the upper right corner of your post to add information. You're fairly new, so I think you'll be OK, but please remember this in the future: Thanks for the info, and please check BZPower's rules & regulations sometime.

2Glad somebody found my answers interesting.

3keetongu, please don't post several times in a row. Use the "Edit" button at the upper right corner of your post to add information. You're fairly new, so I think you'll be OK, but please remember this in the future: Thanks for the info, and please check BZPower's rules & regulations sometime.

1By the way, here's an update on last time's questions:
11So therefore it's confirmed--Sidorak (and Roodaka) are NOT Rahi, and there will be a Rahkshi cameo in BA #10:
21) Hmm...31.What kind of creature is Sidorak? A Intelligent Rahi? A Demon? 41) Intelligent Rahi. There are no demons in BIONICLE.
5I got this from the OGDT... 62) I meant a cameo (like the Bohrok in BA #6)--or did Vakama and co. even know about them before they struck in '03? (I'm referring to the possibility of the Bohrok-Kal making an appearance in BA #10.) 73) Are you saying that Iruini's mask shape does have specific storyline significance, and (like his and Norik's mask names) you can't tell us what it is now?
81) Oh, I see - -that was my mistake. I misread the question and thought he was asking about Visorak. 92) No, no cameos for them -- Rahkshi will have a cameo though. No, the Turaga had no idea the Kal existed. 103) It means I haven't decided if there is or not yet. If there is, it relates to further back in the past than Toa Iruini, and we aren't going back that far right now.
11So therefore it's confirmed--Sidorak (and Roodaka) are NOT Rahi, and there will be a Rahkshi cameo in BA #10:

11.Is keetongu carven beneath Metru Nui? 22.Is keetongu a victim of visorak venom since he is a rahi? 33.What is the purpose of sidorak and roodaka come to metru nui? For saving makuta only? 44.Is lhikan an elite toa since he wears gold hau? 55.Is the shadow one and the unliving still exist in toa nuva time? 66.Will there be the combiner of 3 titans? 77.What is the big plan will lego having to Bionicle? Such as new movie, or a bionicle land? 88.How long has roodaka and sidorak in pair?
9thank you
101) Not to my knowledge 112) No 123) Actually, Sidorak is not there to save Makuta at all -- only Roodaka cares about that. They are there to lead the Visorak and capture Rahi. 134) No 145) Yes 156) Yes 167) There are no movies planned right now past #3. 178) Quite a while
1Thank you The Elite: Kahgarak

1Just a quote to keep this topic on track, also has some interesting insights into the Protocairns and the Frostelus
Gregf Me 2Hi Greg, well I have been wondering about these particular things that've been bugging my mind (particularly about the Frostelus and the Protocairns)...
31)The Frostelus seem like an interesting bunch but why would they come to Metru Nui? To warn the Matoran of what is to come?
42)On the Protocairns, why would a bunch of villagers want to expose themselves to EP? (That is unless they didn't know what it was capable of or certain circumstances forced them to dive in a big pool somewhere and transform)
53)Just wondering, which direction did the Visorak come from? The North, South, East or West of Metru Nui?
64)What size would the Protocairns and the Frostelus be?
75)Do you happen to have any interesting Keetongu quotes from any of the books?
86)Do the Visorak really web up everything everywhere they invade?
97a)How do the Rahaga know where Keetongu is supposedly if he is so legendary to the point where others even doubts if he exists?
107b)Why does Keetongu want to come to Metru Nui?
11Thanks in advance![]()
121) No, Frostelus are not benevolent creatures. 132) They knew perfectly well what it was capable of. They were trying to become more powerful. As we have seen the last couple years, not every Matoran is noble and pure of heart. 143) South 154) Frostelus are probably around the size of a Toa ... Protocairns may be bigger by a little, but I have not seen the model built so hard to say. 165) Keetongu really doesn't come into the story until the movie (so Book 9), and I am not allowed to share movie material. 176) Yup 187) Well, how do people think they know where Bigfoot is? Because the "where" is part of the legend. 197b) I am not sure "want" comes into it. I think it was more a case of "had to."
11) Can a Venom Flyer be classified as a Visorak? 22) What can you tell us about the Silver Chute Spider? 33) What is/are the color(s) of the Rahkshi featured in BA #10? 44) Do we actually see The Shadowed One/Sentrakh/Voporak in action in BA #10? 51) No 62) That it will be in the BIONICLE Rahi Guide this summer -- it's a fan built model 73) I don't go into their specific colors in the book, because the nature of the scene does not require it. Assume all of them 84) Yes
9#1 is particularly interesting to a nitpicky guy like me... 10And I can't wait to see what TSO and his chief cronies will do:

1I find #3 a bit more intresting, Jets. Sounds like all the Rahkshi are gonna be featured in some way. Anyways, not much questions this time around. Just clarifying something at the end of Comic 23.
2QUOTE 3Hiya, Greg. I didn't exactly understand how the dialoge went on the last page, I was hoping you could explain it. happy.gif;
4"...Our plan is to beat them here, then try to retake the other lands they have overrun." Nuju:"I don't suppose you have a Plan B do you?" Kalaus "Defeat. Mutation. End of life in Metru Nui."
5Like I said, I seriously don't get how that converstation went? could y'make clear it up a bit?
7Sure -- Kualus is saying that the Rahaga's plan is to defeat the Visorak, etc. Then they are suddenly confronted by the monstrous Kahgarak, calling into question whether or not Nuju and Kualus will live to see the plan happen. So Nuju asks if there is a Plan B ... and Kualus' answer basically means that, if plan A doesn't work, there is no Plan B. Plan B is that they would fail and Metru Nui would be wiped out.
1Hiya, guys: I managed to get two very interesting answers out of Greg;
11Well, that's pretty cool, no?
2Hi, Greg. Just two this time.
31) Can you give a brief description of how Roodaka's shadow energy affects a target?
41) Well, in the movie, Roodaka is able to blast Keetongu off the side of a tower with it.
52) Can Boggarak's land-spinner power and non-spinner power and Keelerak's spinner power affect living beings? I think it would be a bit violent, being turned into gas, dust or a pile of goo.
62) Yes, they can. The Visorak aren't in Metru Nui for a picnic, they're bad guys. If their powers couldn't affect the heroes, they aren't worth much as villains.
7Thanks in advance,
9See answers above,
11Well, that's pretty cool, no?

1Hm. Here's what I got...
21) Are all Vahki "new" (i.e. their stun staffs cause property damage, they can talk intelligible Matoran, etc.)? 31) All surviving Vahki are, yes. 4Makes it easier, doesn't it? 52) When Vakama and co. were Matoran, what did their masks look like (Great or Noble Kanohi)? 62) Um, you see their Matoran masks in Legends of Metru Nui. 7Ehhh...I couldn't tell... 83) How many types (color combinations) of Kahgarak are there? 93) 'Bout a half dozen 104) Who made the Toa Rahaga's Rhotuka launchers? 114) Can't answer it 12Oooh: 135) How does one tell Onepu and Mavrah apart (since they both wear purple Pakari)? 145) Since many Matoran wear identical masks, obviously they are able to tell each other apart by voice, body language, etc. 15Would've figured... 166) Are there any good quotes from the Shadowed One (besides his description of Makuta) that you can give us? 176) No. I want people to read the books to find quotes, and he is not in a book until December. 18Not bad. 197) How many of Lhikan's buddies will be mentioned in '05? 207) None. 21Not even the winner of the Make Your Own Toa contest? 228) How did the Rahaga know how to charge the Hordika's Rhotuka? 238) They know a lot of things. 24No kidding: 259) How much did Lhikan know about Makuta's Brotherhood? 269) He knew it existed. It was common knowledge among Toa. 27And I suppose the only reason the Olda don't seem to know about the BoM is that they have amnesia...or do they remember...? 2810) What kind of Rhotuka would Keetongu have if he absorbed two (or more) Rhotuka before he fires? 2910) Doesn't work that way. He absorbs a power, and then the next one he launches will be that power. The powers are not cumulative. 30Humm. I meant if he got hit (in his shield array, of course) with two or more energy blasts before he could use the first one. 3111a) Are there any more of Keetongu? 3211) Can't answer it 33Again...Oooh: 3411b) Is Keetongu a species name or personal name? 3511b) Probably a personal name 36Well, Nivawk is too... 3711c) Are there any more creatures like Sidorak? 3811d) How about Roodaka? 3911c-11d) There are other beings where they came from, whether they look just like them is unknown. 4012) What are Toa Norik's/Iruini's Rhotuka powers? 4112) Those are in the March EU LEGO Magazines, so I am sure they will be on BZP soon 42I'm sure too... 4313) How did the Zivon get into the shadow dimension in the first place? 4414) How does Roodaka carry her rock around (pouch or something)? 4513) Can't answer it 4613-14) Can't answer it 4715) Just curious...why did you mention the BoM in Keetongu's bio? 4815) Because it made sense to. Keetongu is a threat to the Visorak and the Visorak work for the Brotherhood. 49Actually, I meant that most people don't even know that Makuta has a Brotherhood (Makuta's quote in LOMN being their only clue)...

1Anyone wanna know Toa Iruini and Norik's spinner/mask powers? Then look no further - except perhaps a bit further down the page.
21. Would you say that shapeshifting weakens Makuta? 31) No
42. Do you know when the playsets will be out in Europe? 52) I think summer
63. Makuta has all the powers of the Rahkshi, right? If so, why doesn't he ever use them? 73) How do you know he hasn't? You have seen him fight, what, three actual battles? Who knows how many other battles he has fought over the centuries?
84. Do the Toa Hordika have difficulty controlling their Rhotuka's power at first? Like, accidently creating too strong an effect? That would be awesome, and I know you could have some fun with it.94) Yes. That happens to Nokama in the March comic, I think.
105. Is there any way in/out of the dark dimension the Zivon exists in except for a Kahgarak's rhotuka power? 115) Not that we know of at this time, no.
126. Could Makuta's prison be unlocked by six elemental Rhotuka, or does it have to be powers in their 'pure' form, as it were? 136) I can't discuss this, as it touches on movie plot.
147. Will we learn where the Visorak came from? 157) Ummm, yes, probably at some point.
168. The Rahaga seem to know a lot about the Hordika process. Is this from previous experience, or just general knowledge of the mutation process? If so, will we learn how they know so much about the Visorak? 178) Well, although the Rahaga were not mutated by the Visorak, the Visorak were their main enemies. And as the saying goes, "know your enemy" -- the Rahaga have had hundreds of years to study the Visorak and what they can do.
189. So far, which era have you preferred, the Mata Nui or Metru Nui saga? 199) I preferred Metru Nui mainly because I was getting to write the books and create more of the storyline. I didn't get to do much actual storyline creation 2001-2003.
2010. Why are the Rahaga so interested in Rahi? 2110) Because they are part Rahi themselves, and it gave them a new sympathy for the creatures.
2211. Would Makuta be able to use Kanohi Nuva? 2311) Offhand, I would say no, and even if he could, I doubt he would. A Kanohi Nuva is all about sharing your power with others -- Makuta doesn't share power with anyone.
2412. Do Sidorak or Roodaka have any link to the Dark Hunters (not necessarily Nidhiki and Krekka)? 2512) They have worked with them in the past, but that's it. They are not Dark Hunters themselves.
2613. Can you say what spinner powers the 'Toa Rahaga' had? 2713) Yes, I think we are close enough to their release in Europe to do that now. Norik's spinner has a slow power, that reduces the speed of an opponent making him easier to defeat. Iruini's spinner has a heal power.
2814. What's so different about elemental powers compared to normal elemental forces - e.g. a normal tornado and a tornado created by a Toa? I'm asking this because the Rahi Nui can absorb elemental powers, but if there isn't a difference, surely it'd just be able to soak up power every time it rained, or whenever it got near something hot, or when it was windy? 2914) The difference is that one is produced by a Toa, the other is not. "Toa power" is basically their elemental power, and the effects are often unnatural, and it is the Toa-tinged elemental power that Rahi Nui feeds on.
3015. Is there any limit to how big/small Krahka can get when shapeshifting? 3115) I think her upper limit is possibly higher than her lower limit. We have seen her get bigger a lot, but we have not really seen her get a whole lot smaller. So it may be easier for her to add mass than to lose it.
3216. You said once that we'd find out the being who's power Makuta respects apart from Mata Nui. Is that being Keetongu? 3316) No, it's not, but you will find out this year.
34Thanks in advance:
36Thanks Greg: I just have one final question; if you can reveal the Toa Rahaga's spinner powers, can you say what their mask powers are too?
37Sigh ... well, I am feeling benevolent today, it's Saturday, lol. And they are in the March Euro LEGO Magazines anyway, so ...
38Iruini has Kanohi Kualsi (koo-ahl-see), the Mask of Quick Travel -- basically, teleportation, but for some reason the head of the story team did not want to call it that.
39Norik has Kanohi Pehkui (peh-koo-ee), the Mask of Diminishment, which lets him shrink but still retain his full power.
1Iruini has Kanohi Kualsi (koo-ahl-see), the Mask of Quick Travel -- basically, teleportation, but for some reason the head of the story team did not want to call it that.
2Norik has Kanohi Pehkui (peh-koo-ee), the Mask of Diminishment, which lets him shrink but still retain his full power.
3I knew it:, mask of Teleportation,that's a good one, now one question remains......What are the limitations of the mask, norik's mask doesen't convince me though...
1Iruini has Kanohi Kualsi (koo-ahl-see), the Mask of Quick Travel -- basically, teleportation, but for some reason the head of the story team did not want to call it that.
2Norik has Kanohi Pehkui (peh-koo-ee), the Mask of Diminishment, which lets him shrink but still retain his full power.
3I knew it:, mask of Teleportation,that's a good one, now one question remains......What are the limitations of the mask, norik's mask doesen't convince me though...
4It's a useful power, being able to run around small cracks or crevices and being able to stop any other small or big opposing force. Ex. Norik encounters a stone rat while he's in shrink mode. The rat is bigger but he can still beat it up pretty badly.
1Veeery good answers there, but I wonder does Edit: Iruini's mask power have anything to do with Kapura perhaps, and this is awesome, I wonder what could the other Toa Rahaga's powers be? Excellent answers, all it takes is the right question when Greg's feeling "benevolent".
1wow, great info. he finnaly revealed it. so, teleportation and Diminishment for kanohi, and slowing and healing for rhotuka. I'd love to combine Iruini's rhotuka power with Norik's mask power. healing would be sweet, and slowing down seems a little too similar to a vahi rhotuka. and, I already know what it's like to be small... but it's a cool power. now, teleportation is also cool. thanks for asking him.
1Wow, I can't believe that he revealed Toa Iruini's/Norik's mask powers. Very useful. I would LOVE to see some sort of tie-in with Kapura's method of getting to far away places fast by moving very slowly. 0.o
2Good morning/aftenoon/evening, Greg. I just got my new lego magazine in, and I was wondering, are the images on some of the spaces in the quest for Keetongu board game from the 3rd BIONICLE movie? is it that far into production?
5No, they're not. The movie is pretty far into production, but no key visual or screen grabs have been done yet, so we have no access to art today (let alone a couple of months ago when that game was designed).

1I don't know why they can't just stick with Norik's mask being a Kiril. I don't like it when "storyline details" directly contradict the Lego sets themselves. It seems rather sloppy and needlessly complicated to me.
2As a note on Kapura's "ability" since it's being mentioned... I don't know why so many people take it seriously. To me, it was always an obvious in-joke related to the fact that in many adventure games like the MNOLG, you can find a single character in many separate places, and they are always there when you are; it makes it seem as if the character is always moving back and forth between the two places. But, if you want to take it seriously, to each his own.
3Also, I have a question, or rather an observation, but I don't want to PM Greg for just one thing, so can someone consider asking him this when they PM him next?
4Greg said previously in this topic that Lego frowns upon powers that would inflict great pain to characters. How then, did the story team get away with giving Vohtarak a Rhotuka power that basically is inflicting excruciating, crippling pain?
2As a note on Kapura's "ability" since it's being mentioned... I don't know why so many people take it seriously. To me, it was always an obvious in-joke related to the fact that in many adventure games like the MNOLG, you can find a single character in many separate places, and they are always there when you are; it makes it seem as if the character is always moving back and forth between the two places. But, if you want to take it seriously, to each his own.
3Also, I have a question, or rather an observation, but I don't want to PM Greg for just one thing, so can someone consider asking him this when they PM him next?
4Greg said previously in this topic that Lego frowns upon powers that would inflict great pain to characters. How then, did the story team get away with giving Vohtarak a Rhotuka power that basically is inflicting excruciating, crippling pain?
1Toa Rahaga's name revealed and more::
16Well there you go: Toa Rahaga are no more: They have become the Toa Hagah:
The Elite: Kahgarak 21. Can you reveal the "Toa Rahaga's" real name yet or has it still not been through the legal checks?
32. Any hints on why The Brotherhood of Makuta turned evil?
43. Say Toa Vakama got his hands on a Rhotuka Launcher, would his Rhotuka Power be the same as Vakama Hordika's or would it be different like the Rahaga's?
54. Could a Toa Nui or a Great Spirit or Great Being handle the Vahi?
65. Toa Kaita control Wisdom or Valor so what would a Toa Nui control? Perhaps Protodermis?
76. What mask would a Toa Nui made out of the Toa Mata wear?
91) Yes, I can. Toa Hagah. 102) Um, that is mostly touched on in the Encyclopedia 113) Good question. Offhand, I would say it would be different, since as a normal Toa, he would already have access to his fire power and wouldn't need a spinner for it. 124) Well, a Toa couldn't .. and we do not know for certain at this point that Great Beings or Great Spirits wear masks. We have seen the Hau as a symbol of Mata Nui, but we have no idea yet if he actually wears it. 135) No idea, since a Toa Nui has never existed. 146) Same answer as 5. A Toa Nui has never existed in the recorded history of BIONICLE, so there is no info on one.
16Well there you go: Toa Rahaga are no more: They have become the Toa Hagah:
1Toa Hagah.
2I have a feeling he was being sarcastic. Toa Hagah just sounds goofy (in my opinion).
3Edit: Perhaps I should clarify on my opinion. All I'm saying is that "Toa Hagah" doesn't sound...well...real enough to be official, i.e he might've just been joking.
5Doubt it. Greg can be pretty funny sometimes, but he lets us know that he's joking around when he is. If he were being sarcastic on this, I'm sure he would have made a note of it.
1I don't know why they can't just stick with Norik's mask being a Kiril. I don't like it when "storyline details" directly contradict the Lego sets themselves. It seems rather sloppy and needlessly complicated to me.
2While I agree that I would have loved to see an all-new shape for the (what's it called?) Mask of Shrinking, and dislike that it looks like a Noble Kiril, I would dislike it many times more if it actually WAS a Noble Kiril. A Toa wearing a Noble Mask as his primary? And you couldn't just say it's a Great mask, since Great/Noble versions of masks look totally different. So I'm not really sure where you're coming from?
3This sort of reminds me of people saying "Well, Lhikan's mask CAN'T be a Hau cuz... it doesn't look like Tahu's:" and I heard someone else say once "It can't be a movie-version," and I thought, "...why?" We know that mask SHAPE doesn't affect POWER, so to me it's no stretch of the imaginatoin that Norik's mask was a..... shrinking Kanohi.
1Yes Nuhrii but why does the Rahaga have the Rah from Rahkshi when they have 0 connection to the Rahkshi
1That is possible that the "ra" in Rahaga has something to do with both Rahi and rahkshi. The Rahaga are moore Rahi then matoran creature and Roodaka is server of makuta so she maby mutade them to look like Rahkshi to honor Makuta
1yes, Greg has said that their name is a combination of their toa group name, and either rahkshi or rahi. seeing as, I'm pretty sure she did, Roodaka mutated them, and works for Makuta, it was a cruel joke she made, because she has control over how she mutates her enemies with her rhotuka. 2to Rahi Zaku: the Toa Hagah are Elite Toa who wear armor, and masks that honor past heroes(heroes does not have to mean Toa.) 3I also think that discussion on the Toa Hagah should continue in The Official Rahaga Topic.
1Due to the fact that Roodaka, who has a special connection to Makuta (beyond the fact that she serves the Brotherhood) mutated them, and they began saving rahi after the mutation, the "rah" probably comes more from Rahkshi than Rahi.
1QUOTE 2Hey Greg,I was hoping you could awnser some questions for me.
31.What would you imagine the E.P's mask to be?Assuming he took the form of a metru toa.
42.Was the rahi nui a mutation or a bred rahi?
53.Could the other toa of vakama's group be capable of unleashing a attack such as a nova blast,but of their element?
6Thats all now, but I'll have more soon.
71) He wouldn't wear a mask. Energized protodermis entities do not need masks. 82) He's a mutation -- you can't really have breeding when you have no biological reproduction 93) Yup
31.What would you imagine the E.P's mask to be?Assuming he took the form of a metru toa.
42.Was the rahi nui a mutation or a bred rahi?
53.Could the other toa of vakama's group be capable of unleashing a attack such as a nova blast,but of their element?
6Thats all now, but I'll have more soon.
71) He wouldn't wear a mask. Energized protodermis entities do not need masks. 82) He's a mutation -- you can't really have breeding when you have no biological reproduction 93) Yup
1Ohhh, yay more nova bleasts:::: those are great. And I may be misunderstood but um, the mask of shrinking for norik??? Toa hagah sounds perfectly fine to me, I mean almost half of the bionicle names, some people don't like 'em. It's not possibly to make every single bioncle fan hapy every time. (can't wait for norik

1Iruini has Kanohi Kualsi (koo-ahl-see), the Mask of Quick Travel -- basically, teleportation, but for some reason the head of the story team did not want to call it that.
2Norik has Kanohi Pehkui (peh-koo-ee), the Mask of Diminishment, which lets him shrink but still retain his full power.
3I knew it:, mask of Teleportation,that's a good one, now one question remains......What are the limitations of the mask, norik's mask doesen't convince me though...
4I don't know, but I think it might be similar to how in final fantasy tactics for PS1, when you teleport too far, you get sent back to your starting point. That would be a good way for Lego to limit Iruni's powers.
5Toa Hagah, interesting name. It sounds too much like hagis though. If you want to know what hagis is,
6Hagis is sheep stomach stuffed with sheep intestines. It's a scottish food.
7-Onyx Hordika-
1I don't know why they can't just stick with Norik's mask being a Kiril. I don't like it when "storyline details" directly contradict the Lego sets themselves. It seems rather sloppy and needlessly complicated to me.
2While I agree that I would have loved to see an all-new shape for the (what's it called?) Mask of Shrinking, and dislike that it looks like a Noble Kiril, I would dislike it many times more if it actually WAS a Noble Kiril. A Toa wearing a Noble Mask as his primary? And you couldn't just say it's a Great mask, since Great/Noble versions of masks look totally different. So I'm not really sure where you're coming from?
3This sort of reminds me of people saying "Well, Lhikan's mask CAN'T be a Hau cuz... it doesn't look like Tahu's:" and I heard someone else say once "It can't be a movie-version," and I thought, "...why?" We know that mask SHAPE doesn't affect POWER, so to me it's no stretch of the imaginatoin that Norik's mask was a..... shrinking Kanohi.
4Right, but it's still needlessly confusing. If they wanted a great mask, they've got twelve different molds readily avaible..no, 13, actually. All this will do is confuse new and old members alike. 5"Wait, isn't this a Kiril?" 6"It's a mask of shrinking" 7"But I thought it regenerated" 8"No, that was the Kiril" 9"But that IS a Kiril:" 10you see my point.