1Just you wait until October, LORDs... ![]()
2Few more from Mr. Farshtey: 31) Just curious--what are the plural forms of PARAKREKK and PROTOCAIRN? 42) What powers do Gate Guardians have (besides illusion)? 53) Could you please elaborate on Sentrakh's powers of darkness and mind wipe? 64) How many things can Sentrakh transmute his target to (Boggarak can transmute targets into air and stone, I believe)? 75) Will we learn a good answer to Tahtorak's question? 86) Will BA #10 have more "I am nothing" stuff from Makuta? 97) Is the Mana-Ko counted as a Rahi? 107b) How about the Morbuzakh/Karzahni? (I seem to recall that there is a plant of arguably less intelligence classified as a Rahi...) 118) You said that each of Zivon's spinners was different. But Zivon has four (4) Rhotuka...so which is the other one? 129) Did Makuta know that Takua was supposed to be Herald/Toa of Light?131) Parakrekks and protocairns 142) They have a spinner, the power of which I have not determined yet 153) Darkness creates a temporary field of darkness around you, so you can't see ... and mind wipe basically does exactly what it says it does temporarily. 164) Lots more than that 175) An answer? Not anytime soon. 186) No 197) I am not that familiar with that model, but since Manas are Rahi, probably 207b) Most likely the Matoran would consider it to be a Rahi, yes 218) Robs sense of touch 229) No. If he had, he would have had him killed long before he found the MOL
241) Just making sure... 252) That's it. Of course, it's usually more than enough... 263) Again, just specifying. 274) That's bad. Very bad. 285) Too bad... 296) Again, too bad--although, come to think of it, Makuta already has a bunch of great sound bites in the book... 307) Again, wasn't sure, so just checking. 318) AHA: 329) So that's another thing that Makuta didn't know (too bad for him)...
33So there we go--Gate Guardians only have two powers, Tahtorak's question will remain a mystery, Zivon has four Rhotuka powers (blind, deafen, mute, and no sense of touch), and another thing that Makuta doesn't know.
34EDIT: More stuff: 35Physically, which do you think is stronger: Tahtorak or Zivon?36I think it is a pretty equal contest. The primary difference between the two is that Tahtorak is more of a brawler, where Zivon can use his spinners and (to a lesser extent) his stinger to strike from a distance.
38We know Tahtorak's question: How did I get here?
1Well, TB, as a matter of fact, I did put QUESTION by accident on the bottom of my post--and I'm too lazy to change it. But anyway, here's another quick one:
2Are Cable Crawlers' vertigo spinners/Venom Flyers' anti-flying spinners going to be mentioned in future books/comics?3Doubt it. The books for '05 are all done, and the comics this year have to focus on Hordika and Visorak, not Rahi. Only mentions would be in the Encyclopedia

1hi guys.heres some for yer:
2hi greg,just a few questions...
31)we know when you wake one bohrok you wake them all,however can one go back to sleep while the rest are still awake?
42)were the bahrag whne vakama and co. found the bohrok nest?
53)i'm a big fan of the dark hunters,espically nidiki.now,is there any DH in book 10 you like better then nid?
64)we've seen roodaka compared to most baddys,how about the shadowed one?voporak?
75)do you listen to music while you write?
86)keetongu,from what i can make out,he fled the visorak and knew metru nui was the last place they would go,if hes so strong why didnt he just stand and fight?
97)now,i read BA8 and i see that krahkas race lasted longest,how long do you think they lasted?
108)we know the BoM knew of the bohrok,and we know the bahrag didnt know of them,but did the BoM know of the bahrag?
119)i dont get this just bare with me here:know,the BoM are all roughly makutas strength,so anything that would want to get to them must have been preety strong,now,what is the point of having toa to guard them?
1210)are there any BoM members more evil then makuta?
1311)if krahkas and roodokas battle had been to the death who would have won?
1412)know,this third organstion,will we see more of them after 05?
1513)would it be possible for makuta to spit out as it were nidihki and kreeka?
1614)how much of the story has been made up by you?
17thats all for now.thanks:
181) Nope 192) Were the Bahrag what? 203) No 214) Again, I am not sure what your question is. Compared to them, what? 225) I used to, a long time ago, but not usually now. Sometimes I listen to a ballgame on the radio. 236) Because he would have lost. There are hundreds of them and one of him. 247) No idea 258) Probably, yes 269) Simple. Let's say you, Fused, were heavyweight champion of the world. No one could beat you in the ring. But because you were so famous, everywhere you went people wanted to pick fights with you to prove how tough they are. Now, you could beat them all -- but would you really want to spend all your time fighting these guys? No. So you hire bodyguards to keep them away from you. 2710) Can't answer it -- we are a ways away from the BOM being a major factor in the story, so I don't want to get into details on them yet. 2811) Probably Roodaka, since she won the other one 2912) You will see more references to them, yes, and members may get into the story 3013) Good question. I am going to say probably not, but not a definite no at this time. 3114) Oh, it varies. More now that I am doing the books than before. It's sort of like this -- let's say I told you, Fused, I want you to travel from Chicago to New York City and you have to stop in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia along the way. But you can choose what route you take and how you get to those cities. That's sort of how it works for me -- I know how the story begins, I know where it's set and who most of the characters are, and I know how we want the year to end. But what happens in the middle and how we get from point A to point B comes from me in large part because I do the writing. However, there are always other people on the team who contribute ideas or review what I write and make suggestions, so it is always a group effort to some extent.
2hi greg,just a few questions...
31)we know when you wake one bohrok you wake them all,however can one go back to sleep while the rest are still awake?
42)were the bahrag whne vakama and co. found the bohrok nest?
53)i'm a big fan of the dark hunters,espically nidiki.now,is there any DH in book 10 you like better then nid?
64)we've seen roodaka compared to most baddys,how about the shadowed one?voporak?
75)do you listen to music while you write?
86)keetongu,from what i can make out,he fled the visorak and knew metru nui was the last place they would go,if hes so strong why didnt he just stand and fight?
97)now,i read BA8 and i see that krahkas race lasted longest,how long do you think they lasted?
108)we know the BoM knew of the bohrok,and we know the bahrag didnt know of them,but did the BoM know of the bahrag?
119)i dont get this just bare with me here:know,the BoM are all roughly makutas strength,so anything that would want to get to them must have been preety strong,now,what is the point of having toa to guard them?
1210)are there any BoM members more evil then makuta?
1311)if krahkas and roodokas battle had been to the death who would have won?
1412)know,this third organstion,will we see more of them after 05?
1513)would it be possible for makuta to spit out as it were nidihki and kreeka?
1614)how much of the story has been made up by you?
17thats all for now.thanks:
181) Nope 192) Were the Bahrag what? 203) No 214) Again, I am not sure what your question is. Compared to them, what? 225) I used to, a long time ago, but not usually now. Sometimes I listen to a ballgame on the radio. 236) Because he would have lost. There are hundreds of them and one of him. 247) No idea 258) Probably, yes 269) Simple. Let's say you, Fused, were heavyweight champion of the world. No one could beat you in the ring. But because you were so famous, everywhere you went people wanted to pick fights with you to prove how tough they are. Now, you could beat them all -- but would you really want to spend all your time fighting these guys? No. So you hire bodyguards to keep them away from you. 2710) Can't answer it -- we are a ways away from the BOM being a major factor in the story, so I don't want to get into details on them yet. 2811) Probably Roodaka, since she won the other one 2912) You will see more references to them, yes, and members may get into the story 3013) Good question. I am going to say probably not, but not a definite no at this time. 3114) Oh, it varies. More now that I am doing the books than before. It's sort of like this -- let's say I told you, Fused, I want you to travel from Chicago to New York City and you have to stop in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia along the way. But you can choose what route you take and how you get to those cities. That's sort of how it works for me -- I know how the story begins, I know where it's set and who most of the characters are, and I know how we want the year to end. But what happens in the middle and how we get from point A to point B comes from me in large part because I do the writing. However, there are always other people on the team who contribute ideas or review what I write and make suggestions, so it is always a group effort to some extent.
1Here's my latest batch of answers:
2Hi, I only have three questions for you this time:
31. You stated that the Brotherhood of Makuta commissioned the building of their own style of Bohrok with intentions to use them along with the Dark Hunters and Visorak as part of an army. Would this army include Rahkshi also?
42. Do these Bohrok have an official name?
53. What would the Brotherhood need an army that big for? There can't be that many Toa can there?
6Thank you very much for your time,
7*Rahaga Gaaki*
81) No, actually. Because creating a Rahkshi weakens the creator (since they are using part of their own substance, the kraata), the Brotherhood did not want to rely on them to make up a significant portion of the army.
92) No, not yet. They only appear in one panel of one comic, so I haven't had to worry about a name yet.
103) Read issue 25.
2Hi, I only have three questions for you this time:
31. You stated that the Brotherhood of Makuta commissioned the building of their own style of Bohrok with intentions to use them along with the Dark Hunters and Visorak as part of an army. Would this army include Rahkshi also?
42. Do these Bohrok have an official name?
53. What would the Brotherhood need an army that big for? There can't be that many Toa can there?

6Thank you very much for your time,
7*Rahaga Gaaki*

81) No, actually. Because creating a Rahkshi weakens the creator (since they are using part of their own substance, the kraata), the Brotherhood did not want to rely on them to make up a significant portion of the army.
92) No, not yet. They only appear in one panel of one comic, so I haven't had to worry about a name yet.
103) Read issue 25.
GregF 1Hi Greg
21. Any more custom DH's lurking in the recesses of your mind?
31) Always
42. At the Toa/DH war, was TSO physically involved, or more of a sideline general?
52) No, TSO doesn't get involved in physical combat in situations like that. Under ordinary circumstances, that is beneath him, unless the "honor" of the DH has been seriously offended.
63. Is the Kraata/Krana thing in the Maze of Shadows connected to the BoM's Fohrok (Faux Bohrok, coined by bohrokwill )?
73) Nope
84. If you were to bring Krahka back, would it be a Krahka, or the Krahka?
94) I don't understand your question
105. Why would Nidhiki have seen the Exo-Toa? Were they in action, or on display?
115) See ish #25 for an explanation
12Thanks in advance
13Think I'll re-PM him on 4...
1One more quick one: 21) Are you saying that everybody in the Brotherhood of Makuta is able to produce Kraata, and by extension, Rahkshi?31) Yes
4Cool, no?
6Woah, that's a neat bit of info Jets:

7Hi Mr. Fartashy, 8In This Topic I asked the question: Why do some rahi have masks and others don't have them? I'm kinda confused about the whole thing and would appreciate it if you could clear things up. 9Thanks, 10~
11Most of the Rahi who were pictured as wearing masks back in 2001-2002 were Rahi who had been fitted with infected masks by Makuta so he could control them. Those that don't have masks were not so fitted.
12Is that awesome or what?

13Mr. Farshtey, 14I have heard two different ideas about Toa Nidhiki's transformation. One says that he has always been in an insectoid form, even when he was a toa. Others say that his transformation gave him his new look. Which idea, if any, is official? 15Thanks, 16~
17The prevalent belief is that he did not always look that way. See the Encyclopedia this fall for more details.
18Thanks for answering but, 19What do you mean, "the prevalent belief is that he did not always look that way"? Is that the prevalent belief of the story team, the BZP fan base, or what?20Thanks, 21
22It means that's my prevalent belief.
23If Greg thinks that that's the case, then it is probably true:


1Good point: And very good questions: 2Here are a few more basic Q&As on Zivon:
7Number 1's not surprising--although number 2 isn't either, it just goes to show how Zivon is (seemingly) always hungry...
31) Is Zivon a natural Rahi, or is he mutated? 42) In BA #8, page 102, Sidorak talks about Zivon's "journey." What journey?51) Natural 62) His journey from his home in the dark zone to the world of light.
7Number 1's not surprising--although number 2 isn't either, it just goes to show how Zivon is (seemingly) always hungry...

1My questions: 2I have some questions about the Bionicle movies along with others:
31. In Legends of Metru Nui at the Toa Suva Nokama puts her Toa Stone in the Ko-Metru symbol. Does this have any meaning, or is it just a mistake?
42. Do Kikanalo understand Matoran? I mean when Matau said that they are dumb, the Kikanalo roars back.
53. The Turaga wear those clothes-like things. What are they made of?
64. A personal question: What is your first reaction when you see a Bionicle movie for the first time?
75. What happens to Pewku after Takua transforms into Takanuva?
86. If Matoran can take themselves apart, can Toa do that? Or Turaga?
97. In my last post, I've said that Krekka was a Toa. Sorry, I've forgot that he wasn't. What was he?
10Thank you:
111) Far as I know, it had no meaning. The moviemakers most likely simply didn't realize whose symbol was whose. It's something really only BIONICLE fans would know. 122) No, but they recognize tone of voice. 133) My guess would be plant fibre of some kind. 144) Probably the same as anyone else's. I am not involved in the development of the film at all, so it is not like, "Oh, wow, that is my story on the screen:" 155) He gave him to Jaller. 166) They must be able to -- remember, the original Toa were disassembled when they first appeared on Mata Nui. 177) Krekka was just Krekka -- he is a member of a species that lived on Sidorak's island.
31. In Legends of Metru Nui at the Toa Suva Nokama puts her Toa Stone in the Ko-Metru symbol. Does this have any meaning, or is it just a mistake?
42. Do Kikanalo understand Matoran? I mean when Matau said that they are dumb, the Kikanalo roars back.
53. The Turaga wear those clothes-like things. What are they made of?
64. A personal question: What is your first reaction when you see a Bionicle movie for the first time?
75. What happens to Pewku after Takua transforms into Takanuva?
86. If Matoran can take themselves apart, can Toa do that? Or Turaga?
97. In my last post, I've said that Krekka was a Toa. Sorry, I've forgot that he wasn't. What was he?
10Thank you:
111) Far as I know, it had no meaning. The moviemakers most likely simply didn't realize whose symbol was whose. It's something really only BIONICLE fans would know. 122) No, but they recognize tone of voice. 133) My guess would be plant fibre of some kind. 144) Probably the same as anyone else's. I am not involved in the development of the film at all, so it is not like, "Oh, wow, that is my story on the screen:" 155) He gave him to Jaller. 166) They must be able to -- remember, the original Toa were disassembled when they first appeared on Mata Nui. 177) Krekka was just Krekka -- he is a member of a species that lived on Sidorak's island.
15. What happens to Pewku after Takua transforms into Takanuva? 27. In my last post, I've said that Krekka was a Toa. Sorry, I've forgot that he wasn't. What was he?35) He gave him to Jaller. 47) Krekka was just Krekka -- he is a member of a species that lived on Sidorak's island.
5WHOA: Hot stuff, Viktor: Thanks: 6*runs off to report to the Database topic*

1New ones (I'll ask the last one later again): 21. What would have happened if a Toa (olda) would have lost one of his/her parts on the beach?
32. When Dume was a Toa, did he serve the Brotherhood of Makuta, or were they enemies?
43. Does the BoM have any connection with the tentacled creature in Bionicle Chronicles #4, or is he/she just a Rahi?
54. Can any of these become a Dark Hunter: Turaga, Rahi (not intelligent), Bohrok, Bahrag, Makuta?
65. Was the Shadower One always a Dark Hunter or was he transformed?
76. Where did Makuta learn to talk with Rahi (Nivawk), and does he understand "Rahkshi burble", the sounds that Kraata make?
87. Does the whole "Bionicle world" take place in THIS universe, that we live in, or another imaginary universe?
98. Do you have any idea what kind of creature was the VERY FIRST Bionicle?
109. What would happen if the entire BoM would fall into energized protodermis? Would they transform, combine, die or nothing would happen?
1110. Which is the most largest, cleverest, smallest, dumbest, strongest, most evil, friendliest Bionicle character that we know this far?
121) He would have had a problem. 132) Neither. Dume was not a Toa Hagah, nor was the Brotherhood actively causing problems at that time, so he had no reason to oppose them. 143) Just a Rahi 154) Well, I guess the answer back to you would be can any of these become a professional bounty hunter -- the Mayor, a horse, a toaster, an ostrich, or a military dictator? And of those that could, why would they want to? They already have jobs. The only one on that list who would agree with what the Dark Hunters do is Makuta, and he already has the BOM - it would be a step down for him to go work for the DH. 165) He was the founder of the Dark Hunters, so no, he was not transformed. 176) The kraata are part of his essence, so he always understands them. And he had a machine in the Coliseum that translated Nivawk for him. 187) I can't really answer that. What planet and what universe BIONICLE takes place in has not been in any of the story bibles because it hasn't really been relevant to the storyline. 198) Nope 209) Depends on their destiny. If their destiny was to transform, they would transform. If it wasn't, they would be destroyed. 2110) I don't really have time to go into a list like that, sorry. I am swamped these days.
32. When Dume was a Toa, did he serve the Brotherhood of Makuta, or were they enemies?
43. Does the BoM have any connection with the tentacled creature in Bionicle Chronicles #4, or is he/she just a Rahi?
54. Can any of these become a Dark Hunter: Turaga, Rahi (not intelligent), Bohrok, Bahrag, Makuta?
65. Was the Shadower One always a Dark Hunter or was he transformed?
76. Where did Makuta learn to talk with Rahi (Nivawk), and does he understand "Rahkshi burble", the sounds that Kraata make?
87. Does the whole "Bionicle world" take place in THIS universe, that we live in, or another imaginary universe?
98. Do you have any idea what kind of creature was the VERY FIRST Bionicle?
109. What would happen if the entire BoM would fall into energized protodermis? Would they transform, combine, die or nothing would happen?
1110. Which is the most largest, cleverest, smallest, dumbest, strongest, most evil, friendliest Bionicle character that we know this far?
121) He would have had a problem. 132) Neither. Dume was not a Toa Hagah, nor was the Brotherhood actively causing problems at that time, so he had no reason to oppose them. 143) Just a Rahi 154) Well, I guess the answer back to you would be can any of these become a professional bounty hunter -- the Mayor, a horse, a toaster, an ostrich, or a military dictator? And of those that could, why would they want to? They already have jobs. The only one on that list who would agree with what the Dark Hunters do is Makuta, and he already has the BOM - it would be a step down for him to go work for the DH. 165) He was the founder of the Dark Hunters, so no, he was not transformed. 176) The kraata are part of his essence, so he always understands them. And he had a machine in the Coliseum that translated Nivawk for him. 187) I can't really answer that. What planet and what universe BIONICLE takes place in has not been in any of the story bibles because it hasn't really been relevant to the storyline. 198) Nope 209) Depends on their destiny. If their destiny was to transform, they would transform. If it wasn't, they would be destroyed. 2110) I don't really have time to go into a list like that, sorry. I am swamped these days.
1I can tell you that--Mr. Farshtey told us about them right here.
3Thankyou, jets. (Jeez, I've got some catching up to do

4Anyway, Rayg, ya gonna reply to my post? Now would be the time.
5Um, bye?

1I can tell you that--Mr. Farshtey told us about them right here.
3Thankyou, jets. (Jeez, I've got some catching up to doYellow and blue? Heh, Sounds like the INVINCIBILITY ROBOTS: (Dang: I just reminded myself about the thing I was supposed to remind myself to forget
4Anyway, Rayg, ya gonna reply to my post? Now would be the time.
5Um, bye?
7Try reading the first post on this page.
1Unfortunately, Mr. Farshtey's not telling if all the BoM members are named Makuta--in his words, "It would leave me with nothing to answer later." Strange, but...
3Howabout just stop asking about 2006 and so on? It's a long ways off.
5There's nothing else to ask about. The storyline's at a standstill and everything else 2005 relates to movie plot, so no cigar there either.
1I can tell you that--Mr. Farshtey told us about them right here.
3Thankyou, jets. (Jeez, I've got some catching up to doYellow and blue? Heh, Sounds like the INVINCIBILITY ROBOTS: (Dang: I just reminded myself about the thing I was supposed to remind myself to forget
4Anyway, Rayg, ya gonna reply to my post? Now would be the time.
5Um, bye?
7Try reading the first post on this page.
8Try reading the post I linked you to in the post you quoted in that post.


1Unfortunately, Mr. Farshtey's not telling if all the BoM members are named Makuta--in his words, "It would leave me with nothing to answer later." Strange, but...
3Howabout just stop asking about 2006 and so on? It's a long ways off.
5There's nothing else to ask about. The storyline's at a standstill and everything else 2005 relates to movie plot, so no cigar there either.
6So why not just stop asking him questions? I'm sure he's got better things to do. 7And Gaaki, you've gotten me confuzzled. Please PM me your question.
1I got around to asking Greg about Zivon's spinners;
17Cool...*Tries to build him again*
2I was wondering about which spinner on Zivon has which power, so;
31) What are his spinner powers on;
4A. His Vohtarak shell. 5A. Temporary blindess.
6B. His Roporak shell. 7B. Temporary deafness.
8C. His Oohnorak shell. 9C. Temporary loss of speech.
10D. His Boggarak shell. 11D. Temporary loss of touch.
12Here's a pic, to make it easier.
15See answers above,
17Cool...*Tries to build him again*

1Unfortunately, Mr. Farshtey's not telling if all the BoM members are named Makuta--in his words, "It would leave me with nothing to answer later." Strange, but...
3Howabout just stop asking about 2006 and so on? It's a long ways off.
5There's nothing else to ask about. The storyline's at a standstill and everything else 2005 relates to movie plot, so no cigar there either.
6So why not just stop asking him questions? I'm sure he's got better things to do. 7And Gaaki, you've gotten me confuzzled. Please PM me your question.
8Then this topic would be destroyed. And if you told everyone here on BZP to stop asking GregF questions...it would be a sign that we're not interested in Bionicle anymore.

1Unfortunately, Mr. Farshtey's not telling if all the BoM members are named Makuta--in his words, "It would leave me with nothing to answer later." Strange, but...
3Howabout just stop asking about 2006 and so on? It's a long ways off.
5There's nothing else to ask about. The storyline's at a standstill and everything else 2005 relates to movie plot, so no cigar there either.
6So why not just stop asking him questions? I'm sure he's got better things to do. 7And Gaaki, you've gotten me confuzzled. Please PM me your question.
8Then this topic would be destroyed. And if you told everyone here on BZP to stop asking GregF questions...it would be a sign that we're not interested in Bionicle anymore.Scary, huh?
9Actually, it would just mean we BZPers would want to think up more things on our own...it's nice to have insider info, but it can't become commonplace, or else, well, people stop thinking. They just ask the big man on campus, Greggie. At least we could stop the endless torrent of "Greg said" that is plagueing the S&T forum...
1Here are some Keetongu & Nidhiki questions: 21. If Keetongu is the last of its species (I heard that from jetslandingboard), is Keetongu "Keetongu's" name or the species name? 32. Where are the real eyes of Keetongu located? 43. Is there possibly 1 or 2 more "Keetongu" out there? 54. Why were Dume and Nidhiki replaced by Norik and Iruini? 65. Nidhiki was once humanoid, correct? 76. If yes on 5, did Nidhiki take time to become insect-like? Or did it just happen instantly? 87. If no to 5, was Nidhiki always like the set we know today? 98. How did Nidhiki join the DH? 10Thanks Greg.
111) I see it as a proper name 122) Behind the fake one 133) Not to my knowledge, or his 144) Because the head of the story team said he had a future story in mind that would involve those characters, therefore he didn't want them out as sets yet. 155) No idea. 166) How Nidhiki got to look the way he does will be revealed in the Encyclopedia 178) That will also be revealed in the Encyclopedia
18I want to buy the encyclopedia....
111) I see it as a proper name 122) Behind the fake one 133) Not to my knowledge, or his 144) Because the head of the story team said he had a future story in mind that would involve those characters, therefore he didn't want them out as sets yet. 155) No idea. 166) How Nidhiki got to look the way he does will be revealed in the Encyclopedia 178) That will also be revealed in the Encyclopedia
18I want to buy the encyclopedia....
1Here's my set...nothing on the storyline...just something I wondered to help clear up questions towards next year's comics.
2Hey hey, Greg. 3Haven't had many storyline questions pop into my head, but with the announcement of the comics going back to #1 next year, I was wondering; Is there anyway you'd want us to address the old issues and the new issues? For example, if someone asks a question about Issue 1 that seems somewhat vauge, you'd know which Issue 1 they were talking about?
4Also, I heard of DC adopting a new logo for their comics, will Bionicle be getting the new logo as well?
61) Well, you could refer to Volume 1, Issue 1 and Volume 2, issue 1 -- or 2001 1 and 2006 1.
72) Yes
2Hey hey, Greg. 3Haven't had many storyline questions pop into my head, but with the announcement of the comics going back to #1 next year, I was wondering; Is there anyway you'd want us to address the old issues and the new issues? For example, if someone asks a question about Issue 1 that seems somewhat vauge, you'd know which Issue 1 they were talking about?
4Also, I heard of DC adopting a new logo for their comics, will Bionicle be getting the new logo as well?
61) Well, you could refer to Volume 1, Issue 1 and Volume 2, issue 1 -- or 2001 1 and 2006 1.
72) Yes
1Bionicle getting a new logo
I saw many things in my life, but Bionicle logo wasn't changed for 4 years... Oh well i hope it will be cool...

1Actually, it would just mean we BZPers would want to think up more things on our own...it's nice to have insider info, but it can't become commonplace, or else, well, people stop thinking. They just ask the big man on campus, Greggie. At least we could stop the endless torrent of "Greg said" that is plagueing the S&T forum...
2You have a good point there, but with no storyline info to work with, we can't form on-target theories. Basically, I'm saying that we shouldn't stop asking GregF questions, but limit it to at least 2-4 per PM. From 2-4 questions, GregF can give us some interesting tidbits of storyline that we can weave into a well-working theory.
1Makes sense--but since we don't know anything about their past, I don't think that it really matters much.
2EDIT: More stuff from Mr. Farshtey:
15Okay, here's the rundown: 16-the Rahi Nui is approx. as big as your average Manas crab--maybe even smaller: (Weird, no...?) 17-There is a Dark Hunter building contest going on right now: Good luck, guys:
2EDIT: More stuff from Mr. Farshtey:
31) How many comics do you intend to put out for Turaga Dume's story? 42) How many movies do you intend to put out for the Avohkii thing? 53) In BC #4, page 42, it states that Manas are three times the size of a Toa. In page 111 of the same book, it states that the Rahi Nui is at least three times the size of a Toa. So you're saying that the Rahi Nui is approx. as big as (or perhaps even smaller than) your average Manas? 64) In BA #5, it reports that the Kavinika is from Po-Metru. But everywhere else (Rahi Beasts, for example), it states the Kavinika's home as being Ga-Metru. What of that? 75a) The contest is the Dark Hunter building contest, correct? 85b) Which guidebook is that going to be in (the first one or the second one to come out in '06), and can you give us a name?91-2) I am not going to answer these, because they relate to web content -- if the webmaster wants you guys to know this stuff, he will post it on the site. I don't want to be giving away his news.
103) Yup
114) They get around
125) Yes 135b) I think it will be the first guidebook out next year, but not positive.
15Okay, here's the rundown: 16-the Rahi Nui is approx. as big as your average Manas crab--maybe even smaller: (Weird, no...?) 17-There is a Dark Hunter building contest going on right now: Good luck, guys:

1Actually, it would just mean we BZPers would want to think up more things on our own...it's nice to have insider info, but it can't become commonplace, or else, well, people stop thinking. They just ask the big man on campus, Greggie. At least we could stop the endless torrent of "Greg said" that is plagueing the S&T forum...
2You have a good point there, but with no storyline info to work with, we can't form on-target theories. Basically, I'm saying that we shouldn't stop asking GregF questions, but limit it to at least 2-4 per PM. From 2-4 questions, GregF can give us some interesting tidbits of storyline that we can weave into a well-working theory.
3I'd rather a limit of ten questions period per week...that would stop some of the rather pointless questions, and maybe also eliminate all this nitpicking and start getting us to view the bigger picture.