1My questions-
2Hi Greg, if you have the time I have some questions that need answering.....
31. There was a 2005 story script released (by accident) in 2004 that summed up the 2005 storyline in a couple of paragraphs. You stated that most of it had been changed since then, but I was wondering if you could tell me just what stayed the same? (exp. The toa still look for pieces to build the ultimate transport that was mentioned in the script)
42. When will we learn of "Roodaka's rock?"
53. Have we met a character in the series that was part of the brotherhood that we don't know is part of the brotherhood? (As in he or she never said they were in the BOM but they were anyway)
64. When we return to the toa nuva in 2006, will there be as much death and betrayl as in the metru nui saga?
75. What do you enjoy most about your job?
86. Who is your favorite character and why?
97. Where is the brotherhood of makuta now during the time of th toa nuva? On another island?
108. The brotherhood of makuta really seems like a bigger enemy then all of the past enemies combined. Something inside me tells me that the BOM will be an enemy for more then one year. Any info regarding how long they will be the main enemies?
119. Were the barhag ever affiliated with the BOM?
1210. If Mata-nui is stronger then Makuta, wouldn't it be called the brotherhood of Mata-nui?
1311. If there was one thing you could change in the storyline, what would it be?
1412. What is the most commonly asked question you get regarding 2005?
15Thanks for your time Greg, I appreciate it:
28Not much new, just some questions I was curious about.....
2Hi Greg, if you have the time I have some questions that need answering.....
31. There was a 2005 story script released (by accident) in 2004 that summed up the 2005 storyline in a couple of paragraphs. You stated that most of it had been changed since then, but I was wondering if you could tell me just what stayed the same? (exp. The toa still look for pieces to build the ultimate transport that was mentioned in the script)
42. When will we learn of "Roodaka's rock?"
53. Have we met a character in the series that was part of the brotherhood that we don't know is part of the brotherhood? (As in he or she never said they were in the BOM but they were anyway)
64. When we return to the toa nuva in 2006, will there be as much death and betrayl as in the metru nui saga?
75. What do you enjoy most about your job?
86. Who is your favorite character and why?
97. Where is the brotherhood of makuta now during the time of th toa nuva? On another island?
108. The brotherhood of makuta really seems like a bigger enemy then all of the past enemies combined. Something inside me tells me that the BOM will be an enemy for more then one year. Any info regarding how long they will be the main enemies?
119. Were the barhag ever affiliated with the BOM?
1210. If Mata-nui is stronger then Makuta, wouldn't it be called the brotherhood of Mata-nui?
1311. If there was one thing you could change in the storyline, what would it be?
1412. What is the most commonly asked question you get regarding 2005?
15Thanks for your time Greg, I appreciate it:
161) No, I can't, because to do so would reveal movie plot and I am not allowed to do that 172) The movie 183) No 194) Not really -- we don't want to tell the same kind of story every year. 205) I like to write, and the fact that I can get paid for it is pretty great 216) Kopaka - he was the first character I ever wrote about in the first comic, so I have a soft spot for him 227) Same place they have always been 238) No. At this point, they are a "background enemy" -- they aren't intended to come into the story for a couple years in a big way, and I have no idea how long they will be part of main story. 249) No. The Bahrag don't even know they exist 2510) No. That's like saying that the Pentagon should be called the Bushagon because Bush is more powerful than the Joint Chiefs. 2611) Not going near that question, thank you 2712) I don't know that there is any one question I get asked the most. I would say the biggest question I get asked in 2005 is what is happening in 2006, because BZP is obsessed with spoilers
28Not much new, just some questions I was curious about.....
1Well, you say, but I say post answers here, talk about them elsewhere. 2Here's a few more.
9There you have it--Tahtorak's question: Now, as to his answer...
31) I believe that you said that Keetongu went into hibernation--did he just sort of meander onto Metru Nui (out of necessity, of course), find a good cave somewhere, and take a snooze? 42) Are all the Visorak types in B3? 53) So is Tahtorak's question basically "How'd I get here"?61) I wouldn't say meander is really the right word -- he knew Metru Nui would be the last place the Visorak would reach. 72) Don't know, haven't seen the film 83) Yup
9There you have it--Tahtorak's question: Now, as to his answer...

1Well, you say, but I say post answers here, talk about them elsewhere. 2Here's a few more. 31) I believe that you said that Keetongu went into hibernation--did he just sort of meander onto Metru Nui (out of necessity, of course), find a good cave somewhere, and take a snooze? 42) Are all the Visorak types in B3? 53) So is Tahtorak's question basically "How'd I get here"?61) I wouldn't say meander is really the right word -- he knew Metru Nui would be the last place the Visorak would reach. 72) Don't know, haven't seen the film 83) Yup
9There you have it--Tahtorak's question: Now, as to his answer...

12Sorry, Jets, but you have no idea how long I've been waiting to use that line.

13P.S. If Keetongu came to Metru Nui because he knew the Vissies would eventually arrive, then that means that he wants to stop the Vissies. If so, why do you suppose he's just passively waiting for the right person to come along and get him, rather than stopping them himself?
1Well, you say, but I say post answers here, talk about them elsewhere. 2Here's a few more. 31) I believe that you said that Keetongu went into hibernation--did he just sort of meander onto Metru Nui (out of necessity, of course), find a good cave somewhere, and take a snooze? 42) Are all the Visorak types in B3? 53) So is Tahtorak's question basically "How'd I get here"?61) I wouldn't say meander is really the right word -- he knew Metru Nui would be the last place the Visorak would reach. 72) Don't know, haven't seen the film 83) Yup
9There you have it--Tahtorak's question: Now, as to his answer...
11What?: That's it? That's his measily question?
12And I thought it would be something more profound and complex, like,
13"Why am I here? What am I doing here? Where are we all going?"
14Well, the question fits the creature. I cannot imagine going into a philosophical debate with Tahtorak...
16I just did:

jetslandingboard 1There you have it--Tahtorak's question: Now, as to his answer...
2Le-Metru Great Disk? Nah... Maybe a level 9½ one? (I like using ½

3Anyway, I think the reason

6Maybe I'll ask some questions soon, if I can think of any good ones.

1Aagh: Don't worry about how Tahtorak got here, worry about whether or not he'll be back. 2And C&C, what in Mata Nui's name do you mean by "FORTY-TWO:"? 3Also, who says that Keetongu wanted to stop the Visorak? I'd imagine that he's sort of the pacifist--won't fight unless absolutely necessary. 4I asked Mr. Farshtey a few more questions about the Encyclopedia; he should be getting back to me soon.

1Comments on bold: 2Hi again Greg F.As usual i'll be quick. 31)Is it Lariska or Larishka? 41) Lariska 5Just to clarify,i was confused with this. 62)If people like her,will she become a set? 73)If yes it will be in 2006 right? 82-3) Doubtful. All the 2006 sets are designed and done already, and there aren't plans for her to play a big role in the story next year (if any at all). She is only in 700 words of Book 10, so that really doesn't warrant doing a set. 9Dang,i was hoping she would be. 10Thanks for your time:
1Who is Lariska?
1Lariska is a female Dark Hunter. She will be appearing in BA #10 this year.
2More Encyclopedia stuff from Mr. Farshtey...
2More Encyclopedia stuff from Mr. Farshtey...
31) Are the Sand Snipe and the "reptilian Rahi who told of the Toa Metru's arrival to Roodaka" going to be in the Encyclopedia? 41b) Just curious--are the two Rahi mentioned above the same one? 52) Are Parakrekk[s?, Protocairns, Frostelus, and Venom Flyers going to be in the Encyclopedia?6Sand snipe will be. Reptilian Rahi will not be because it has no name, therefore can't do an entry for it. 7No, they are not the same Rahi. 8Yes, I believe they are in there.

1If Keetongu came to Metru Nui because he knew the Vissies would eventually arrive, then that means that he wants to stop the Vissies.If so, why do you suppose he's just passively waiting for the right person to come along and get him, rather than stopping them himself?
2It says it would be the last place the Visorak would reach, that means he was running from them, if he wanted to fight, he would've gone to where the Vissyes were in that moment. 3Khote
1As I said, I think that C&C's premise that Keetongu wanted to stop the Visorak is invalid. If he did, he would have done what C&C said--but he didn't. He doesn't want to risk war with the Visorak or their leaders (Sidorak and Roodaka, and by extension, the entire Brotherhood of Makuta)--and I wouldn't either.

1when he said Metru-Nui was the last place place they invaded....does that mean that every other island has been taken over?
2hmm more questsions....
3Every island they were planning on. There's a bunch of others that the Visorak didn't touch, either because they couldn't reach them or they were ordered to leave them alone.
4-Master of the Rahkshi
1He said that? Cool... 2Man, isn't it great that Metru Nui just happens to be the last place the Visorak would go to... 3Wonder why... 4And you know, according to RB (I hope Rayg will back me up on this one, because he told me this tidbit), Keetongu is the last of what was once a noble race, which was hunted to extinction by Sidorak and the Visorak. I recall that Mr. Farshtey said that Keetongu "had" to come to Metru Nui, and he knew that MN was the last place the Visorak would touch...I assume that from there, it was merely a matter of finding a nice cave and going into hibernation (I'm sure about the hibernation part, not the cave part).

1I assume that from there, it was merely a matter of finding a nice cave and going into hibernation (I'm sure about the hibernation part, not the cave part).
2Well, In The Lego Magazine, it had that "Quest For Keetongu Game"


1He said that? Cool... 2Man, isn't it great that Metru Nui just happens to be the last place the Visorak would go to... 3Wonder why... 4And you know, according to RB (I hope Rayg will back me up on this one, because he told me this tidbit), Keetongu is the last of what was once a noble race, which was hunted to extinction by Sidorak and the Visorak. I recall that Mr. Farshtey said that Keetongu "had" to come to Metru Nui, and he knew that MN was the last place the Visorak would touch...I assume that from there, it was merely a matter of finding a nice cave and going into hibernation (I'm sure about the hibernation part, not the cave part).
6Well, it's all according to legend of course, but there are lots of legends like that in the book that we now to be fact, so I'm willing to bet it's generally true.
1Me too. That's for sure... 2Now I really can't wait for Keetongu's arrival into the storyline. 3You guys know that both Voporak and Sentrakh can speak Matoran, right? Interestingly, neither of them speaks (from what I can gather; I'm guessing) in BA #10. 4Just random stuff. Okay, I will admit, I don't have anything new from Mr. Farshtey, but I sent him something...

1I will admit, I don't have anything new from Mr. Farshtey, but I sent him something...
2Well I have something new:
3Mr. Farshtey, 4I have heard two different ideas about Toa Nidhiki's transformation. One says that he has always been in an insectoid form, even when he was a toa. Others say that his transformation gave him his new look. Which idea, if any, is official?
5Thanks, 6~
7The prevalent belief is that he did not always look that way. See the Encyclopedia this fall for more details.
9This blows the idea that Nhidiki was a four-legged Toa out of the air:


1Not really much, but interesting to me at least.
2Hello again, Mr. Farshtey.
3Thank you again for responding to my previous set of questions so quickly, however yet another question has arisen.It would be greatly appreciated if you would answer it--if you can.
4Now then, as we all know, Takua was the seventh Toa, Takanuva.My only question is was there ever -really- a herald?Did the Toa automatically assume that Takanuva would have a herald, and so believed it to be Jaller?It doesn't make sense that Takua the true 'herald' is also the Toa of light.So was the mask merely reacting to him as being Takanuva, rather than being the herald?
5Sorry if it's badly worded, or if you often have this question.
7That is actually a very insightful question. My feeling is this -- yes, there was a Herlad, it was Takua, and it was always intended by the Great Spirit that the Herald end up being the seventh Toa. Why? Because becoming a Toa is not an easy thing ... it means leaving your entire life behind you and taking on new roles and responsibilities pretty abruptly. I think Mata Nui knew that whoever was chosen for this would need to go on a personal journey first to come to terms with what was going to be demanded of him, and so this whole notion of "bring the mask to the Toa" was born -- because along the way, the Herald would confront the truths about who he was and was not, hopefully come to accept them, and so be able to accept what was about to happen.
1What's NP?
2Yeah, that's it--I sent the PM to Mr. Farshtey awhile ago, but he hasn't responded yet...
4Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it stands for No Problem. And I think that it is so cool that the Visorak almost completely succeeded in their mission: The bad guys win...awesome. Since, you know, Greg said that the Visorak are still existing during the Toa Nuva time...
1Waaait a second...Did Greg actually say specifically that Nidhiki switched forms? Looks to me that he said
3Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean it seems most likely that he transformed? I'm not claiming that he always looked that way (I don't think so, myself) but I am saying not to completely dismiss the possibility until we know for certain.
4Note: Yes, that was a HG2G reference in my previous post.
2The prevalent belief is that he did not always look that way.
3Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean it seems most likely that he transformed? I'm not claiming that he always looked that way (I don't think so, myself) but I am saying not to completely dismiss the possibility until we know for certain.
4Note: Yes, that was a HG2G reference in my previous post.

1That's right, C&C, basically. It means, most people think he changed forms. But it isn't certain.
1@ May 5 2005, 01:31 PM) Waaait a second...Did Greg actually say specifically that Nidhiki switched forms? Looks to me that he said
2The prevalent belief is that he did not always look that way.
3Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that mean it seems most likely that he transformed? I'm not claiming that he always looked that way (I don't think so, myself) but I am saying not to completely dismiss the possibility until we know for certain.
4True, we can't totally cancel out the possibilty, but the evidence so far points to Toa Nidhiki having only two legs. (Ex. The Toa Iruni model was origanaly going to be for Toa Nidhiki and it has two legs)


1New answers: 5 e 6 are interesting....
21)Do all Dark Hunters have the ability of flying,just like Nidhiki and Krekka? 31) No 42)Do all Dark Hunters have the ability of speaking? 52) Yes 63)Is The Shadowed One able to fly,too?What about Sentrakh and Voporak? 73) No, no, and no 84)Will we ever find The Shadowed One's true name? 94) No plans for that, since it's not relevant to the story 105)OK.Let's put Makuta's power level is 10.In a scale of 1 to 10,how powerful are those following characters? 11a Toa 12a Toa Nuva 13Roodaka 14Sidorak 15Keetongu 16The Shadowed One 17Sentrakh 18Voporak 19Takutanuva 20a Rahkshi 21Nidhiki 22Krekka 23the Bahrag 24Mata Nui 255) I prefer not to quantify things like this. Easiest thing to do is figure Mata Nui is most powerful, Takutanuva is second most powerful of the beings YOU HAVE SEEN , and Makuta is right behind him. Everything else is less powerful than Makuta.
266)Will "the mystery" speaker be a 2006 set? 276) Yes 287)If yes to 6,does he look cool? 297) Yes 308)Any news about Lariska's buldability? 318) No. I just invented her last week, and she only appears in 700 words of a 20,000 word book, so not sure she is worth worrying about as a set. 329)The unexcepted enemy isn't The Shadowed One,right? 339) No, TSO is not in the movie. 3410)Did The Shadowed One changed when he became a Dark Hunter? What about Sentrakh? 3510) The Shadowed One founded the Dark Hunters, he did not become one, and I doubt Sentrakh was changed any. Neither was Krekka. 3611)Do you like The Shadowed One's appearence? 3711) I haven't really looked at the model a lot, just the first time when I had to come up with a character for him. We don't have any of the titans sets here in CT yet, so I have not been able to build him.
1Hmm...don't forget, "Toa Nidhiki" was changed to TOA IRUINI because Mr. Thompson (head of the story team--right?) figured that he might want to retell Nidhiki's story later on. Also, the Encyclopedia should cover this. Too bad it comes out in October...
3Yeah, i'm just saying that when they were designing Toa Nidhiki (it turned out to be Toa Iruni), they had the two legged design in mind.

1Just you wait until October, LORDs...
2Few more from Mr. Farshtey:
241) Just making sure... 252) That's it. Of course, it's usually more than enough... 263) Again, just specifying. 274) That's bad. Very bad. 285) Too bad... 296) Again, too bad--although, come to think of it, Makuta already has a bunch of great sound bites in the book... 307) Again, wasn't sure, so just checking. 318) AHA: 329) So that's another thing that Makuta didn't know (too bad for him)...
33So there we go--Gate Guardians only have two powers, Tahtorak's question will remain a mystery, Zivon has four Rhotuka powers (blind, deafen, mute, and no sense of touch), and another thing that Makuta doesn't know.
34EDIT: More stuff:

2Few more from Mr. Farshtey:
31) Just curious--what are the plural forms of PARAKREKK and PROTOCAIRN? 42) What powers do Gate Guardians have (besides illusion)? 53) Could you please elaborate on Sentrakh's powers of darkness and mind wipe? 64) How many things can Sentrakh transmute his target to (Boggarak can transmute targets into air and stone, I believe)? 75) Will we learn a good answer to Tahtorak's question? 86) Will BA #10 have more "I am nothing" stuff from Makuta? 97) Is the Mana-Ko counted as a Rahi? 107b) How about the Morbuzakh/Karzahni? (I seem to recall that there is a plant of arguably less intelligence classified as a Rahi...) 118) You said that each of Zivon's spinners was different. But Zivon has four (4) Rhotuka...so which is the other one? 129) Did Makuta know that Takua was supposed to be Herald/Toa of Light?131) Parakrekks and protocairns 142) They have a spinner, the power of which I have not determined yet 153) Darkness creates a temporary field of darkness around you, so you can't see ... and mind wipe basically does exactly what it says it does temporarily. 164) Lots more than that 175) An answer? Not anytime soon. 186) No 197) I am not that familiar with that model, but since Manas are Rahi, probably 207b) Most likely the Matoran would consider it to be a Rahi, yes 218) Robs sense of touch 229) No. If he had, he would have had him killed long before he found the MOL
241) Just making sure... 252) That's it. Of course, it's usually more than enough... 263) Again, just specifying. 274) That's bad. Very bad. 285) Too bad... 296) Again, too bad--although, come to think of it, Makuta already has a bunch of great sound bites in the book... 307) Again, wasn't sure, so just checking. 318) AHA: 329) So that's another thing that Makuta didn't know (too bad for him)...
33So there we go--Gate Guardians only have two powers, Tahtorak's question will remain a mystery, Zivon has four Rhotuka powers (blind, deafen, mute, and no sense of touch), and another thing that Makuta doesn't know.
34EDIT: More stuff:
35Physically, which do you think is stronger: Tahtorak or Zivon?36I think it is a pretty equal contest. The primary difference between the two is that Tahtorak is more of a brawler, where Zivon can use his spinners and (to a lesser extent) his stinger to strike from a distance.

1Just you wait until October, LORDs... ![]()
2Few more from Mr. Farshtey: 31) Just curious--what are the plural forms of PARAKREKK and PROTOCAIRN? 42) What powers do Gate Guardians have (besides illusion)? 53) Could you please elaborate on Sentrakh's powers of darkness and mind wipe? 64) How many things can Sentrakh transmute his target to (Boggarak can transmute targets into air and stone, I believe)? 75) Will we learn a good answer to Tahtorak's question? 86) Will BA #10 have more "I am nothing" stuff from Makuta? 97) Is the Mana-Ko counted as a Rahi? 107b) How about the Morbuzakh/Karzahni? (I seem to recall that there is a plant of arguably less intelligence classified as a Rahi...) 118) You said that each of Zivon's spinners was different. But Zivon has four (4) Rhotuka...so which is the other one? 129) Did Makuta know that Takua was supposed to be Herald/Toa of Light?131) Parakrekks and protocairns 142) They have a spinner, the power of which I have not determined yet 153) Darkness creates a temporary field of darkness around you, so you can't see ... and mind wipe basically does exactly what it says it does temporarily. 164) Lots more than that 175) An answer? Not anytime soon. 186) No 197) I am not that familiar with that model, but since Manas are Rahi, probably 207b) Most likely the Matoran would consider it to be a Rahi, yes 218) Robs sense of touch 229) No. If he had, he would have had him killed long before he found the MOL
241) Just making sure... 252) That's it. Of course, it's usually more than enough... 263) Again, just specifying. 274) That's bad. Very bad. 285) Too bad... 296) Again, too bad--although, come to think of it, Makuta already has a bunch of great sound bites in the book... 307) Again, wasn't sure, so just checking. 318) AHA: 329) So that's another thing that Makuta didn't know (too bad for him)...
33So there we go--Gate Guardians only have two powers, Tahtorak's question will remain a mystery, Zivon has four Rhotuka powers (blind, deafen, mute, and no sense of touch), and another thing that Makuta doesn't know.
34EDIT: More stuff: 35Physically, which do you think is stronger: Tahtorak or Zivon?36I think it is a pretty equal contest. The primary difference between the two is that Tahtorak is more of a brawler, where Zivon can use his spinners and (to a lesser extent) his stinger to strike from a distance.
38I felt that was a particularly juicy set of answers. Zivon's fourth spinner: