1Hey Greg, I just had a couple of questions about the tribes of Bara Magna.
2Rock Tribe: 31) Do the Skrall wear helmets, or are those their faces? 42) Do Tuma's leader class all look identical to Tuma, much like all the warrior class Skrall look alike? 53) Do the Rock Agori all wear the same helmets? 64) Are there many elite Skrall, and do they all look alike?
7Sand Tribe: 81) Do the Vorox/Zesk wear helmets, or are those their faces? 92) Do the Vorox/Zesk, if they are helmets, all wear the same ones? 103) Do all the Vorox/Zesk look identical?
11Bone Hunters: 121) Are all bone hunters the same stature as Fero, or are their taller, glatorian-sized bonehunters? 132) Do they all wear Skrall helmets?
14Other tribes: 151) Do the other villages house other Glatorian-species, although they are not prime, secondary, or vehicle pilots? 162) Do you have a rough estimate as to how many of the Glatorian-species are in a village? Less than a hundred? Hundreds? Thousands? 173) Do you have a rough estimate as to how many Agori there are per tribe? Less than a hundred? Hundreds? Thousands?
18Thanks in advance .
191) Helmets 202) Secondary armor colors may vary 213) Yes 224) Not many, no, but they do all look roughly alike
231) Helmets 242) Yes 253) Roughly, yes
261 ) Same stature 272) Yes
281) Not in general, no, except for trainees. If a Glatorian is not fighting for you, why should you waste resources feeding and sheltering him? 292) In a village? Very few 303) I think you would be talking hundreds.
31Does that mean that at one point there might have been a leader-class Skrall in a secondary color of bright pink?

1Does that mean that at one point there might have been a leader-class Skrall in a secondary color of bright pink?

5First off, I really want to thank you for allowing us to do this Contest. I know of no other writer that allows fans to create stories that are accepted into canon story, and that just makes it more awesome . I also wanted to say just how much I am loving your work with the serials .
6now to the questions: 71. Did anyone discover that EP was actually an Entity during the Core war? I know on BS01 it says the Great Beings did not, but I was wondering if anybody else (Glatorian, Agori etc) did, and either were sworn to secrecy or just decided to keep something like that a secret? 82. Also,
9The Ice Tribe lost control of it a few times during the war, but never for very long.
10Does that mean they had like a barrel of the stuff that people stole? Or did the, say, fire tribe have to attack the place where the Ice Tribe controlled a pool. 113. What did the tribes of Spherus Magna learn about EP, did they know enough as the Metru Nui inhabitants? 123b. Did they know enough to contain the EP using a similar types of vial the MU residents used (as in Time Trap)? 134. According to Biosector01.com, The Forest of Blades was created when the Element Lord of Jungle experimented with the Trees, which then trapped his warriors. I was wondering, was the Element Lord using EP? 144a. If yes, how did the Element Lord get enough EP to spread it over a whole forest? 155. Come to think of it, and this might sound like a weird/dumb question, but which is proper or more proper, "Element Lord of Fire" or "Fire Element Lord" 166. How do people die when they aren't destined to touch EP, do they explode like a missile struck them, do they slump over like their spirit has been taken out of them 177. Which describes an Element Lord better – Noble yet greedy Toa (something like Tuyet), or a Skakdi Warlord. 188. I am also a little curious about the weapons. One member shared with you a piece of his story in which there was a switch to turn the weapon on. I was wondering, does there have to be a switch to power the weapon? or were the weapons powered all the time 198a. and when you say they were powered, does that mean all the ice people could shoot ice blasts out of their weapons, and all the fire people had to shoot fire blasts? or was it more like Vastus's spear, where there were several different 209. I've seen a lot of members asking what stories we are allowed to tell, but they are only scratching the surface of all available stories, and if we asked all of the ones we could, it could take all day, so I was just wondering, what stories do you not want us to tell? (because the Core War and later the Shattering seems too important to the current story for us to have free reign over everything)
21And just two from random curiosity 2210. Could EP make a Rahi/a creature of Bara Magna able to think and talk and communicate with Matoran and Agori? 2311. If I were a Glatorian, Could I kill another Glatorian (let's say, Gresh) and take off both the armor of the dead warrior, put it on and look like Gresh, and basically assume his identity? (as long as I could mimic his voice) 24Thanks a bunch in advance .
251) No 262) What that means is that the ice tribe lost possession of the piece of real estate where the spring was 273) They knew it transformed or destroyed. 284) Nothing like that has ever been stated in story. I would ignore it, it is not official info. 295) Element Lord of Fire 306) Disintegrated 317) I don't really see them as either. I would say you had six equally powered beings who didn't get along that great but worked together because they had to and overall did it well. When something came along that threatened to make one of them way more powerful than all the rest, it created problems. 328) Varied 338a) They were elementally powered 349) I have no stories I am forbidding at this point, only adding the caveat that doing things like naming characters is not the best idea since I cannot canonize the names 3510) I wouldn't rule that out, but it would be unusual. We have yet to see EP make anyone more intelligent 3611) I doubt it, especially when it comes to Glatorian. Every fighter has his own style, his own way he moves, that is as distinctive as fingerprint. Other Glatorian who knew Gresh would spot the different style in a second.
37well, there went my Brilliant idea...well, a tiny bit of it at least.
38I'll leave it to somebody else to edit the "Forest of Blades"...
39-This Post (however strange) was approved by Krakuaofsonics
1QUOTE 2Hey GregF, I got one question for you.
31. Was energized protodermis leaking to the surface before the core war?
5The Mask Collector
6Yes. That was what prompted the war, fighting over possession of the spot where the spring was 7---------
8I was asking that to get a bit more information on a possible theory of how telluris's tribe caught a plauge.
31. Was energized protodermis leaking to the surface before the core war?
5The Mask Collector
6Yes. That was what prompted the war, fighting over possession of the spot where the spring was 7---------
8I was asking that to get a bit more information on a possible theory of how telluris's tribe caught a plauge.
1what Kanohi do: 21) Vultraz 32) Vican 43) Kirop 54) Radiak 65) Gavla 76)Tanma 87)Solek 98) and Photok wear?
10thank you .
11I didn't bother assigning names to these Kanohi because a) the masks have no power anyway andI didn't want to lock us in to what those mask shapes mean in case the designers ever want to reuse them in future.
1what Kanohi do: 21) Vultraz 32) Vican 43) Kirop 54) Radiak 65) Gavla 76)Tanma 87)Solek 98) and Photok wear?
10thank you .
11I didn't bother assigning names to these Kanohi because a) the masks have no power anyway andI didn't want to lock us in to what those mask shapes mean in case the designers ever want to reuse them in future.
12i always asumed they were matoran versions of their partners great mask.
1Hello again, I have a few questions I would like you to answer please,
21. I'm guessing the "Agori Traitor" referred to in RoV the same traitor as the one in comic one and in the serials?
32. You said the mask of life uses sand to make Mata Nui, but sand isn't organic, so how does that work exactly?
43. Is Roxtus immediately inside Skull mountain or is their a hallway or something in between?
54. I remember you saying that Mata Nui's sword wasn't going to get a name. But I was just thinking, because of it's origin could it be called the "Stinger Sword". I mean Stinger Sword, Scarab(ax) Shield, sounds pretty coordinated...
6Thanks again, and Happy Belated Birthday .
71) Yes 82) It works because it needs to for story. 93) I don't know how it's being portrayed in the movie, so can't speak to this 104) Pointless to give it a name, since everything concerning it has been written and it has no name anywhere
11Hello Greg, I just have a few questions that I'm hoping you could answer please.
121. You said a while ago that from Aqua Magna you would need a telescope to see BM and vice versa. If so than does that mean that AM is not one of BMs moons? 131a. If it is, is the blue moon depicted in TLR trailer AM? 141b. Also if it is did the filmakers know this fact?
152. Where BMs not apart of BM?
16Thank you again
171) I really can't comment on this. The whole "is it a moon or isn't it" thing is something that the story team folks in Denmark need to let me know about, because I have to go with whatever they decided. 182) Huh?
191. The something I just noticed, but I remember you saying that in TLR that BM will be shown to have more than 1 suns. I'm just wondering how could BM and the EOP be in the same solar system if EOP only has 1?
202. I know you said that you aren't taking fan ideas, but reasontly I was reading some stuff in the OGD, about Sahmads tribe. I was thinking since they lived up north, where the great volcano is located, and the box cover for Skopio depicts a volcanic area, and they have orange and yellow armor, maybe their element could be magma?
211) How many have we shown the EOP to have? 222) Someone else already suggested that yesterday
23Hi Greg, a just have a few questions:
241. Do trainers have trainees from more than one tribe?
252. In Secret of Certavus where are Gresh and Tarix training?
263. If a tribe needs to choose between two trainees for a new glatorian will they have them battle to see who is most worthy?
274. I'm planning to make a stopmotion and I'm wondering, are there any distinguishing features of Tajun and Tesara?
285. in the comics both the Arena Magna and the Vulcanus Arena look the same. Is this canon or will they look different in other media? 295a. If so do you have any idea about what Vulcanus arena will look like?
30Thank you,
31the last chronicler
321) In some cases, they can, yes 332) I'd have to go back and read the book, it would have been either Tajun or Tesara. 343) No, they generally can look at their record in the arena to make that determination 354) Well, Tesara is two villages with an arena between them and a lot of jungle growth, and Tajun is built on an oasis 365) I have no idea how AM or the Vulcanus arena will look in the movie, so I really can't answer this. But as I recall, the AM looked like a huge stadium in the comics, and I don't recall the Vulcanus arena looking like that
37Thanks again, I just have a few replies:
384). So are those two giant tree trunks shown on the BM map the villages? 394a) is the third trunk the arena is is it between all three? 404b) Sorry, could you give me a better idea on what Tajun looks like?
421) You said that BM and the EOP are in the same solar system, but how could that be if BM has more than one sun?
43Thank you
444) I don't have the map with me, so I would need to check it. 454b) Tajun should be shown in the movie, but I don't know how they are going to animate it yet. I have not shown it in the comics, so I really haven't worried about how it looks. I would assume that, like all the other villages, it is one large structure and a bunch of smaller shelters, all built around in this case an oasis. So think about what a desert oasis looks like and that should help a lot
1Hey Greg . I hope that Thursday is treating you well.21) Recently, you said that Aqua Magna was the Great Sea. You also said that the Element Lord of Jungle's area would've been a giant forest to the north. Did this forest develop into the third planet? 32) Was this forest the same one that Vultraz and Mazeka visited in The Melding AU? 43) Will the Great Volcano play a role in future story?5Thanks .6~Kohilå*** Spirit Fable Epic ~ Review ***
71) Yes, it is part of it 82) Yes 93) Probably, but I do not know just where yet
10~Kohilå*** Spirit Fable Epic ~ Review ***
1QUOTE 2Dear, Mr. Farshtery I am sorry to bother you twice in one day, but I didn't make the 3rd question clear enough
3What I left out the part that Gresh's split shield is that it wasn't non-canonical cgi made just for the commercial, It was an actual seen from the movie, thus making it canon correct?
4I don't believe I have ever said his being able to do that was not canon -- simply that I did not have him doing it in story because I didn't find out the set could do it until most of the story was written. And I have not seen any Gresh clips from the movie yet, so I can't speak to what he does in the film.
5I meant the cgi was non-canonical...
3What I left out the part that Gresh's split shield is that it wasn't non-canonical cgi made just for the commercial, It was an actual seen from the movie, thus making it canon correct?
4I don't believe I have ever said his being able to do that was not canon -- simply that I did not have him doing it in story because I didn't find out the set could do it until most of the story was written. And I have not seen any Gresh clips from the movie yet, so I can't speak to what he does in the film.
5I meant the cgi was non-canonical...
1i apologize for busying you with my constant questions but i really wanted to know some stuff.
21. in the Legend Reborn sneak peak it says that Strakk will likely be banished. since Strakk would be banished for the same thing Malum was and that they used to be fairly close would you say they would be more likely to join or go to war with each other.
32.this may seem like an odd question but when where the character bios added into RoV?
43.in what way would you say Vastus regrets fighting in the core war? does he regret fighting the people he fought, hurting fellow glatorian and agori, the cause he was fighting for, the notion of fighting, or for his personal health?
54.do you ever buy/receive/build/collect BIONICLE sets?
65.as a fellow MARVEL fan, what did you think of The Dark Knight?
7thanks in advance, you are truly my favorite author and biggest role model, 8-Redge the Bat
91) Malum hates Strakk, and Strakk would be smart enough to stay far away from Malum and his Vorox tribe, so the answer is neither. 102) Why? 113) Hurting the people he hurt 124) I have some, yes 135) I thought it was a very well-made and well-acted film, but not one I would rush to see again. It was bleak and depressing for the most part, and not something you walked out of feeling upbeat and entertained. Now, most Batman comics are pretty bleak too, but it takes five minutes to read one, as opposed to two hours sitting in a theater
14Greg called The Dark Knight bleak and depressing... had he read his own series? i mean The Dark Knight was dark (knight. im sorry. that was a terrible pun.) but it was nothing in comparison to BIONICLE.
15and he didn't answer my questions about the character bios. ho-hum.
1Hi Greg. Thanks for the new chapter of Reign of Shadows. Really enjoyed it.
2Just a couple quesions: 31.Was the Great Being who touched the Ignika also incarcerated on Spherus Magna in the prime reality? 42. And what happened to him during The Shattering?
6Triggy 7Bs01 Staff
81) We don't know that he was incarcerated on Spherus Magna in any reality -- only that he is incarcerated somewhere and was able to telepathically communicate with Vezon. We have never specifically stated where his prison is 92) Hasn't been revealed, it indeed it affected him at all
101) You got me there.
11Another couple quick questions:
121) Did the villages of Bara Magna (Vulcanus, Tajun, etc.) exist on Spherus Magna prior to the Shattering? And did the same tribes occupy them then as well? 132) Telluris' bio online says he has occasional dealings with the Rock Tribe. Is that true?
14Thanks again.
15Triggy 16BS01 Staff
171) Some did, some didn't. Vulcanus and Tajun did. Tesara and Iconox did not. 182) Yes, but nowhere near as often as Sahmad. Once in a blue moon, Telluris learns something out in the desert and trades the information, but that is very rare.
19And I assume Roxtus existed as well?
20Yes, but who lived there remains a mystery

11. Does Gelu only escort caravans going to and from Iconix, or for any tribe? 21. A: If for any tribe, then why does the Ice Tribe house him? Does he give them a discount?
31) Iconox gets preference if he has more than one client. And most of the work he does is for them, because they are shipping exsidian all over.
1A little new info here.
2Hey Greg I had a few quick questions about the Element Lords.
31. The Element Lords were created by the Great Beings, correct? 41a. If so how were they inspiration for the Toa?
52. When did the Element Lords come into being?
63. Is there an Element Lord for every tribe of Spherus Magna? 73a. Including Sahmad / Telluris' tribe?
84. If the Element Lords never fought face to face, did they at least meet? 94a. If not, how did the Ice and Fire Element Lords recognize and attack each other in Riddle Of The Great Beings?
105. With the Energized Protodermis at least mostly, if not completely, gone, why were the Ice and Fire Element Lords fighting?
11Thanks Greg. Even if you can't answer any of these
121) Yes 131a) Seems obvious -- they were beings who had elemental powers. So are the Toa. 142) Thousands of years before the Shattering 153) Yes 163a) Most likely not, that tribe was wiped out before the ELs were created 174) They met a lot, prior to the war 185) They are not fighting over the EP anymore -- they are fighting over something else.
191a. I was referring to the fact that they were inspired by their own creations. It seems a little odd? 203a. If the ELs were created thousands of years before the Shattering, and the tribe's plague only struck three thousand years before the shattering, the ELs must have been made less than three thousand years before the Shattering, although not by more than a thousand or so years, correct?
211a) Not at all. I have written things in the past, then later taken elements or character types that I like from those things and used them again later. And they do this in movies all the time -- it's called a sequel. 223a) Correct
1Hi Greg2Just 1 question thats been bugging me for ages.
31. Are the life counters actually canon objects? What I mean is that does each Glatoran/Vehicle actually carry a spinning dial on its back?
51) No. They are a set thing only. If you look at the comics, no one has a life counter on.
6I was just curious.

1Hi Greg2Just 1 question thats been bugging me for ages.
31. Are the life counters actually canon objects? What I mean is that does each Glatoran/Vehicle actually carry a spinning dial on its back?
51) No. They are a set thing only. If you look at the comics, no one has a life counter on.
6I was just curious.![]()
7Actually, there was one in the first comic.
12) Telluris' bio online says he has occasional dealings with the Rock Tribe. Is that true?
2Thanks again.
3Triggy 4BS01 Staff
52) Yes, but nowhere near as often as Sahmad. Once in a blue moon, Telluris learns something out in the desert and trades the information, but that is very rare.
6once in a blue moon, EOP

1u see a skralls 3 times, tarix's 2 times, and gresh's 3 times. (life counters in first comic.)
9i am asking greg about the scorpions now.
2hiya Greg, i only have two questions this time, what a releif huh? now you only have 100 something more questions to go.
31.in the crossing Tarduk mentions Scorpions-Giants in the caves. are these the giant scorpions in the background of the Skrall canisters or the skopio ones?
42. in the crossing they encounter dune snakes. are these the ones/related to the ones from which Vastus extracts the venom from and models his amour after?
5thanks a ton, 6Redge the Bat.
71) You're going to have to give me the actual line from the story -- in a lot of cases, the translations are messed up and don't match what I originally wrote. 82) No
9i am asking greg about the scorpions now.
1I'd hate to burst some bubbles here in regards to Water Element Lord theories, but I got an answer from Greg in regards to that, as well as some general Core War info.
48Did anyone notice a few posts up that the Element Lords aren't fighting over EP anymore, but something else? I wonder what it could be...
2I had some questions that I wanted to ask about the Core War, for BS01's contest.
31. Would it be okay to write about the final battle of the war? More specifically, the events that lead to the Fire Tribe seizing of the EP? 42. Was Perditus a warrior for the Fire Tribe in the Core War? 52b. Malum? 62c. Did Certavus participate in the war? 73. Would it be possible for Perditus, Malum, and Ackar to be friends, or at the least, acquantances? 84. Was Certavus very loyal to his tribe? 95. What was the magnitude of Vastus' actions? Is it possible that they could've lead to the Shattering? 106. What were the personalites of the Jungle, Fire, and Ice Element Lords? Would they be like their element? (Ex. Element Lord of Fire is tempermental, reckless, etc.?) 116b. If that's true, would it be too intelligent for the Fire element lord to employ strategic tactics? 126c. What about the Fire Tribe's warriors?
13Thanks for your time Greg .
141) Yes 152) Yes 162b) Yes 172c) Yes 183) They certainly would have known each other. 194) Yes 205) No, no more than the actions of any other soldier in the war 216) I really haven't explored this yet 226b) No 236c) No. Think about it -- you have warriors like Ackar, who are consummate strategists
24I had a few more questions about, and I'd be happy if you could answer them for me.
251. Does Iconox precede the Core War, or was the city created after the Shattering? 262. What is the Hero Agori's name (the one Agori in Raid of Vulcanis that gathered support from various Glatorian)? 273. Is the traitor Berix? 284. This is slightly off topic, but what's your favorite book that you've read? 294a. Have you read the Harry Potter series, or seen the movies? 305. Out of all the BIONICLE books you've written, which was your favorite to write? Your least favorite?
31Thanks for your time again Greg .
321) Post-Shattering 332) He hasn't been given a BIONICLE name 343) I cannot discuss who the traitor is, that gets revealed in the movie 354) I have a lot of favorites 364a) Only the first couple. 375) Time Trap was my favorite. My least favorite were the movie novelizations, because I didn't get to make up the dialogue myself
38Sorry for bugging you again, but I had a few last questions.
391. In our Core War story, would it be okay with you if we made an Elemental Lord female? 402. Because the Element Lord of Water ruled the Great Sea, is he/she on Aqua Magna now? 413. What's the official name? Element Lord or Elemental Lord? 424. Have you gotten to meet any famous authors in real life? Other than yourself of course. I find your writing style to be incredibly sophisticated and creative
43Thanks again for your time Greg .
441) Up to you. I have not decided if any of them are female, though. 452) No. 463) Element Lord 474) No, I haven't
48Did anyone notice a few posts up that the Element Lords aren't fighting over EP anymore, but something else? I wonder what it could be...
12) Telluris' bio online says he has occasional dealings with the Rock Tribe. Is that true?
2Thanks again.
3Triggy 4BS01 Staff52) Yes, but nowhere near as often as Sahmad. Once in a blue moon, Telluris learns something out in the desert and trades the information, but that is very rare.
6once in a blue moon, EOP
7I don't think that's what he meant.
1Just got this back from Greg.
2Dear Greg, I have a few questions, if you wouldn't mind answering them.
31. Now that Lewa is in Tren Krom's body and vice versa, can they use each other's powers?
42. How long have you been a writer?
53. How long before each year to you have to plan it's story? For instance, what year did you start laying down ideas for 2006?
64. Why do Mata Nui's eyes turn red when Teridax is in control?
75. Does the Toa Nuvas' armor look "normal", since they're not in Karda Nui anymore? If so, could we technically say that Tren Krom looks like Lewa did in '02?
86. Would you say female Skrall are kinda like witches?
97. Do you have a favorite character?
101) Remains to be seen. 112) I have been writing professionally (being paid to write) since 1987. 123) About two years before 134) It's a graphic way to show something has changed, and people tend to associate red eyes with evil 145) Technically, yes, though it has not been depicted that way in comic. 156) No, I don't see them that way -- their power is not magical in any way
165: Some one should update BS01 .

2Dear Greg, I have a few questions, if you wouldn't mind answering them.
31. Now that Lewa is in Tren Krom's body and vice versa, can they use each other's powers?
42. How long have you been a writer?
53. How long before each year to you have to plan it's story? For instance, what year did you start laying down ideas for 2006?
64. Why do Mata Nui's eyes turn red when Teridax is in control?
75. Does the Toa Nuvas' armor look "normal", since they're not in Karda Nui anymore? If so, could we technically say that Tren Krom looks like Lewa did in '02?
86. Would you say female Skrall are kinda like witches?
97. Do you have a favorite character?
101) Remains to be seen. 112) I have been writing professionally (being paid to write) since 1987. 123) About two years before 134) It's a graphic way to show something has changed, and people tend to associate red eyes with evil 145) Technically, yes, though it has not been depicted that way in comic. 156) No, I don't see them that way -- their power is not magical in any way
165: Some one should update BS01 .
43. Is there a storyline reason for Mata Nui's seal being in side the Skrall's seal on the summer sets?
54. Is Teridax still on Aqua Magna?
65. What is a Vorox prefered food?
7Also, Happy Late Birthday smile.gif
103) I don't know what you are referring to 114) Yes 125) Small animals and whatever plant life they can find
43. Is there a storyline reason for Mata Nui's seal being in side the Skrall's seal on the summer sets?
54. Is Teridax still on Aqua Magna?
65. What is a Vorox prefered food?
7Also, Happy Late Birthday smile.gif
103) I don't know what you are referring to 114) Yes 125) Small animals and whatever plant life they can find
1QUOTE 21. Did Vastus kill Fero when he shot him with an thornax?
32. Why was Strakk going to be banished?
43. Is there a storyline reason for Mata Nui's seal being in side the Skrall's seal on the summer sets?
54. Is Teridax still on Aqua Magna?
65. What is a Vorox prefered food?
7Also, Happy Late Birthday smile.gif
81) No 92) Strakk violates the rules of the arena in the movie 103) I don't know what you are referring to 114) Yes 125) Small animals and whatever plant life they can find
13You should put that in spoiler tags
1Hi Greg, hope you're doing well. Have a few questions for ya:
21) How well known is Telluris across Bara Magna? 31a) Do the Skrall/Bone Hunters/Vorox know of him, and if they do, have they ever had dealings with him? 41b) Does he live anywhere, or is he sort of a nomad with the Skopio? 51c) Does he ever raid caravans/attack villages? 61d) And, finally, does he have some sort of motive other than trying to survive every day?
72) Seeing as the Northern Frost is still on SM's third moon, is it safe to say that the EP Spring is still there? 82a) Might it sill be active in any way?
93) I understand you probably haven't made long-term plans for some of this year's sets yet, but do you have any idea where the Telluris, Perditus, Sahmad and their vehicles might pop up?1b
104) Does Iconox have any Glatorian/Trainees right now, besides Strakk? 114a) Same question, but with Vulcanus/Ackar.
125) Would the Element Lord of Rock have control over Rock exclusively, or does he have powers over Earth, too? 135a) Same thing with the Element Lord of Sand; was he restricted to just sand, or other things?
146) Can Element Lords control the weather at all? (IE: Start a Sandstorm, Cause it to rain, etc.)
15Sorry if you can't answer some of these; tried to ask things that didn't touch too close to movie plot.
16Thanks, 17-North
181) People know of him 191a) The Skrall have, rarely, the bone hunters do not have dealing with him 201b) Nomad 211c) Caravans, yes, sometimes. Villages, generally not 221d) Revenge against other tribes, who he feels abandoned his to its fate
232) Unlikely. The EP was in the core of the planet and bubbling up. When the planet shattered, the EP drained and froze in outer space. 243) There really are no big plans to put them in story, since the second half is the movie story and they are not in the movie. 254) Trainees, yes. No actual Glatorian. 264a) Vulcanus' best two trainees were killed in the Raid on Vulcanus book. 275) No, just rock. Rock is not the same as earth. 285a) Sand 296) Difficult to do, since none of them control air. Gali and Lewa were able to make storms by combining their powers, but no one on Spherus Magna had Lewa's power.
30Well, the bit about them not appearing anytime in the story... at all, really... is a bit depressing, but at least we know a little more about him. Iconox's future isn't looking too bright, either, without Strakk.
1I think this topic should be closed until the messenger feature is back.
1and PLEASE, dont everyone start flooding Greg with questions the instant you can. it will be a nightmare for him and his inbox will probably fill. i am going to wait a month. 2EDIT:first on page 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *woot*
3Or, we could do this systematically, and everyone with questions on the Core War contest goes first, then serial updates, then the random questions. But, no one's going to actually impliment anything to make that happen...
4I actually have a whole list of questions (and possibly a revelation) from the downtime...I'll be waiting at least a week, though...

1Hey Greg, I have some more questions,
21. This is a quote from Brothers in Arms:3"Some villagers discovered a silvery liquid leaking out of a fissure and went to see what it was. They touched it and - poof . – no more villagers. Later on, someone else tried to scoop a little up and their tool turned into a trident. Weird."
4Is this trident the same one Kiina now wields?
52. Did the Great Beings create the Iron Wolves specifically to fight in the Core War or did the Ice Tribe capture and train them for that purpose?
63. The EP spring was located in the Northern Frost, correct?
74. Where is the Element Lord of Jungle's region in relation to the Northern Frost?
8Thanks a lot . 9-Lord Salokin
101) No. Remember, that is an alternate reality -- it's not the main reality we are in in main story. 112) They created the Iron Wolves, as they did most things, as an experiment. The only fighters they made for the war were baterra, who were intended to end the war. 123) Correct 134) South of it
11. Is it specified when the Baterra were deployed? 21a. If not specified can I decide when in my story? 32. Is Surel older than Certavus? 42a. Gelu? 52b. Strakk? 63. Stupid question but, Gresh was not yet alive when the Core War took place, correct? 74. During the Core War could the Zesk still speak fluently in the Agori language, even though they had been given tails and turned to quadrupeds by the Great Beings? 85. Were there only six element lords/ armies? 96. Is it ok to include Telluris, Sahmad, and others of their tribe? 10---
111) All over the planet 122) No 132a) Yes 142b) Yes 153) He was alive, but not old enough to fight 164) Yes 175) Yes 186) Sahmad and Telluris, yes, the rest of their tribe had been wiped out millennia before 19---
201. Are they deployed before or after the fire tribe takes over the EP site? 212. Would you say their ages are close? 226. How did they survive? 23---
241) Before. 252) Probably 266) Same way humans survive plagues. Not everyone in Europe died of the Black Death, some people survived its spread.
27----------------------- 28Not really new, just wanted to clear up some of my own questions, didn't know gresh was alive during the war, though.
111) All over the planet 122) No 132a) Yes 142b) Yes 153) He was alive, but not old enough to fight 164) Yes 175) Yes 186) Sahmad and Telluris, yes, the rest of their tribe had been wiped out millennia before 19---
201. Are they deployed before or after the fire tribe takes over the EP site? 212. Would you say their ages are close? 226. How did they survive? 23---
241) Before. 252) Probably 266) Same way humans survive plagues. Not everyone in Europe died of the Black Death, some people survived its spread.
27----------------------- 28Not really new, just wanted to clear up some of my own questions, didn't know gresh was alive during the war, though.
1Quick question: Do the Element Lords have names of their own?
2Not that we will reveal in story, I don't have enough names on the approved name list to do that.
3Thanks. 4And I have other questions... 51.If you didn't came up with names for the ELs...can we create names of our own for the BS01 contest? 61b.Can we create new characters given we don't reveal their names? 72.You said no aircraft was used in the CW. What about seacraft? Also, were there any craft programmed to go underground? 83.Does the Red Star have a name of its own? (since red star is the name the matoran gave to it cuz it's red and looks like a star) 94.Were there any Makuta who left the Brotherhood before Teridax was proclamed leader? 105.Was to "clean it all" the ONLY purpose of the Bohrok?
11Thanks in advance
121) You could, but I cannot canonize the names, so that might hurt your chance of winning 131b) Yes 142) Seacraft, yes, underground, no 153) Unknown at this point 164) No 175) Yup
18Nothing much interesting. I hoped for a no for question #5...
1Aloha .
2I have two things on my mind - the Core War contest, and spirit stars.
3For the Core War, I have one small detail question. Did the villagers call Energized Protodermis so, or did they call it by some different name?
4As for spirit stars, I'm curious how canon they are. I mean, I can understand how spirit stars may work in the Matoran Universe, but for the Toa on the island of Mata Nui, the spirit stars were appearing in space . Is this canon, or is there some future storyline involved here?
5Thanks . Aloha . (did you know that it means both "hello" and "goodbye"?)
71) No, they did not call it EP 82) They are in the movies, so they are canon.
9I'm going to ask him for more on the spirit stars (though I'll probably wait a while due to the massive flooding Greg's inbox is going to get now that the forums are up).
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. What were the Glatorian species referred to if they were known as Glatorian during the Core War? 32. Did they use codenames during the war? Basically, I asking if BZP/BS01 members in the Core War Contest can use codenames (like the Dark Hunters use for their members) for their unnamed characters. 4Thanks.
51) No idea, I just refer to them as warriors 62) I doubt it. They weren't a covert organization, so no need to conceal their identities
72. Nicknames are acceptable, correct?
8Yes, although depending on what they are, I may not be in a position to canonize them
1Hello Greg, I just finished my entry for the contest, but before it's ready to be entered, I have to ask you some things:
21- Was the Kaxium model used in the Core War? 32- Do Agori have some sort of blood?
4Thanks in advance, you shouldn't be hearing from me for five more days
61) Yes 72) I am not going to canonize anything that has an Agori bleeding in it.
1Whoot whoot, got some questions answered by Greg.
131) Hmm, did I strike gold here? 142) But couldn't he at least tell them to stop? 152a) Now that's interesting. 163) Meh, I could swear I read somewhere Malum was described as evil...
2Hey Greg, sorry if this aids in completely filling up your inbox.
31. Is it possible that the two Glatorian inside Mata Nui's brain area were actually pilots, but something happened, killing them and leaving Mata Nui on auto-pilot? 41a. Or is it possible that they were simply forgotten about and died due to a lack of food and water?
52. Why did Raanu just sit there and do nothing when Strakk admitted defeat and then attacked Ackar when the latter turned his back? Surely he could stop the match and exile the Glatorian of Iconox for such blatant cheating. 62a. Along those lines, why did Strakk cheat so obviously. Even he should know that such an obvious sign of cheating could get him exiled.
73. Could Malum be described as evil? After all, while he nearly took one life, didn't he make up for that by saving the Vorox?
8Thank you for your time.
91) I can tell you they were not forgotten about, they were where they were supposed to be and for a reason. 102) Thing is, Raanu, like most Agori, lived through the war. He knows what Glatorian are capable of, and he knows Agori probably couldn't stop them if they decided to seize control of the villages. So he doesn't really trust them and treads very carefully around them. 112a) Because Iconox has no Second Glatorian since Gelu quit, meaning if they exile him they have no one to fight for them. So he figured they wouldn't punish him. 123) I don't see him as evil. I see him as having anger management issues.
131) Hmm, did I strike gold here? 142) But couldn't he at least tell them to stop? 152a) Now that's interesting. 163) Meh, I could swear I read somewhere Malum was described as evil...
1i think it was just a character desciption early in the year. you know, something along the lines of "The evil Malum stalks the sands after being exiled from Vulcanus for cheating. With his twin fire claws, he's a real force to reckon with." 2i thought it might of been in the comic but i just checked. nope.
1Whoot whoot, got some questions answered by Greg.
2Hey Greg, sorry if this aids in completely filling up your inbox.
31. Is it possible that the two Glatorian inside Mata Nui's brain area were actually pilots, but something happened, killing them and leaving Mata Nui on auto-pilot? 41a. Or is it possible that they were simply forgotten about and died due to a lack of food and water?
52. Why did Raanu just sit there and do nothing when Strakk admitted defeat and then attacked Ackar when the latter turned his back? Surely he could stop the match and exile the Glatorian of Iconox for such blatant cheating. 62a. Along those lines, why did Strakk cheat so obviously. Even he should know that such an obvious sign of cheating could get him exiled.
73. Could Malum be described as evil? After all, while he nearly took one life, didn't he make up for that by saving the Vorox?
8Thank you for your time.
91) I can tell you they were not forgotten about, they were where they were supposed to be and for a reason. 102) Thing is, Raanu, like most Agori, lived through the war. He knows what Glatorian are capable of, and he knows Agori probably couldn't stop them if they decided to seize control of the villages. So he doesn't really trust them and treads very carefully around them. 112a) Because Iconox has no Second Glatorian since Gelu quit, meaning if they exile him they have no one to fight for them. So he figured they wouldn't punish him. 123) I don't see him as evil. I see him as having anger management issues.
131) Hmm, did I strike gold here? 142) But couldn't he at least tell them to stop? 152a) Now that's interesting. 163) Meh, I could swear I read somewhere Malum was described as evil...
17Or EP. But enough with the jokes. I really wonder what those two were for.
1This whole "We're just Agori" thing seems very out-of-character for the Agori who saved dozens of lives at the Fall of Atero. I was kind of hoping it wasn't Raanu, just some random Fire Agori.
1This whole "We're just Agori" thing seems very out-of-character for the Agori who saved dozens of lives at the Fall of Atero. I was kind of hoping it wasn't Raanu, just some random Fire Agori.
2He is saying that Agori cannot take on Glatorian.
3Well, he likes Agori, and doesn't like to be around Glatorian more than possible.