1It kinda makes you feel bad about a few months ago huh?
2What happened then?
3Greg took a brake from here after a member started a topic about how he didn't like Geg style of writeing, and it grew from there.
4If he had waited any longer I would probably of been on his doorstep one day, on my knees crying. "PLEEEAAAZE COME BACK . . . . . . . . . WE NEED YOU. PUH-LEEZE ."
1It kinda makes you feel bad about a few months ago huh?
2What happened then?
3Greg took a brake from here after a member started a topic about how he didn't like Geg style of writeing, and it grew from there.
4If he had waited any longer I would probably of been on his doorstep one day, on my knees crying. "PLEEEAAAZE COME BACK . . . . . . . . . WE NEED YOU. PUH-LEEZE ."
5Oh. I remember him leaving but never learned why. What a meanie of a member.
1Yes, yes, it is all very sad, but if you really want to discuss it then do so in a PM. Thank you.
1Hello, Greg . These questions aren't very important but it would be nice if you answered them.
21: Was there any other colors of Skrall? Tuma is green, some (If not all) basic class Skrall are red and the warrior class Skrall are dark red. Could there have been green or dark red ordinary Skrall at any point in history?
32: Was there any other classes of Skrall? We know of ordinary, Warrior and Leader class, but was there others?
43: Is Click's constant shapeshifting between the sheild and the bug intended as a curse from the Ignika?
5Thank you for your time. =)
71) What can sometimes be different is their secondary colors. 82) Yes, the females 93) It's not a curse, no, because Click controls when he transforms. If it was a curse, he would have no control over it. The mask transformed him the same way it transformed Dekar into Hydraxon, to assist in the defense of itself. Without a shield, Mata Nui would have died in battle, and the mask would likely have been destroyed.
101) So there can theorietically be Green Soldier class Skrall and Red Leader class Skrall? (I meant secondary colors, by the way =P ) 112) Aren't females gender?
131) It's possible, yes 142) In the Skrall world, they are also class, because they are considered by the males to be below even a warrior Skrall.
15So now my Lime green Skrall MOC is canon . =P
1I gathered this sentence from BS01-
2Mata Nui's biggest problem was that he didn't pay enough attention to what was going on in the universe.
3-and I was wondering, if he ever got back into his body would he have learned his lesson? Now that he's making friends with people will he try that with the universe inside him?
5I think this experience will certainly make him grow.
6What do you mean by grow? Do you mean grow in confidence? Or like the Grinch, his heart would grow for the people inside him? =P
8I mean grow as a character. Think of it this way. You go along every day, focusing on school, or work, friends, entertainment, whatever .. you probably don't spend a lot of time worrying about how your red blood cells or your pancreas is working that day. You are focused on external stuff, the same way Mata Nui was.
9Suddenly, you have some kind of a health scare. Now you are thinking about your body a lot and your health a lot and being much more aware of how your systems are working. Mata Nui is the same way -- he has to learn to pay attention to what is going on inside as well as what is going on outside.
10I feel like an eejit for not realising what he meant. But then again, I'm not an author. =P
1Hey, GregF. It's been a while since I PMed. Anywho, I'll just go ahead and ask my questions.
21. Do the online serieals (Reign of Shadows, Empire of the Skrall, and Riddle of the Great Beings) take place before, after, or during Raid on Vulcanus?
32. Was the Vorox and Zesk's de-evolution something that happened relativly quickly, or did it occur over several generations?
43. I'm asking this just to clarify. The Glatorian, Agori, Skrall, and Bone Hunters weren't created by the Great Beings, right?
54. Are all of the Bone Hunters members of a single tribe, or are there several different groups living in the wastelands?
65. What is the role of female Bone Hunters in their species' social structure? Do they accompany the males on raids and attacks, or do they serve some other purpose within the group?
76. Will Telluris and Sahmad be featured in the comics or online serials, because I'd like to know a bit more about this mysterious "plagued tribe".
87. Are there seasons (spring, summer, winter, etc.) in the Matoran Universe, or does the overall climate remain consant?
98. Was the Great Being's earlier version of Mata Nui ever ment to be "alive" and sentient like Mata Nui is, or was it ment to be a simple programable robot?
111) Reign of Shadows is ongoing and closer to real-time than the others are. EOS takes place before ROV, yes, and so does ROGB. 122) It occurred over generations 133) Correct 144) Single tribe 155) Since I really haven't dealt with them in story, I haven't had time to worry about this 166) Not in comics, and I don't know about online serials yet, but I don't have plans for them. Telluris shows up in The Crossing. 177) I can't recall us ever referring to there being seasons in eight years, so there probably aren't 188) Unknown
191. Kinda figured that. Just wanted to make sure. 202. Again, that's what I suspected. 213. Just had to make sure. 224. Hmm. 235. Eh. 246. I hope they appear. 257. Probably depends on Mata Nui (or Teridax these days). 268. Hmm...
1Hello, Greg . These questions aren't very important but it would be nice if you answered them.
21: Was there any other colors of Skrall? Tuma is green, some (If not all) basic class Skrall are red and the warrior class Skrall are dark red. Could there have been green or dark red ordinary Skrall at any point in history?
32: Was there any other classes of Skrall? We know of ordinary, Warrior and Leader class, but was there others?
43: Is Click's constant shapeshifting between the sheild and the bug intended as a curse from the Ignika?
5Thank you for your time. =)
71) What can sometimes be different is their secondary colors. 82) Yes, the females 93) It's not a curse, no, because Click controls when he transforms. If it was a curse, he would have no control over it. The mask transformed him the same way it transformed Dekar into Hydraxon, to assist in the defense of itself. Without a shield, Mata Nui would have died in battle, and the mask would likely have been destroyed.
101) So there can theorietically be Green Soldier class Skrall and Red Leader class Skrall? (I meant secondary colors, by the way =P ) 112) Aren't females gender?
131) It's possible, yes 142) In the Skrall world, they are also class, because they are considered by the males to be below even a warrior Skrall.
15So now my Lime green Skrall MOC is canon . =P
17Actually, we knew that months ago.

1Nothing much. Just some curiosity about language and some confirmation of old stuff.
Master of the Rahkshi 
21a. Are there names for the Agori and Skrall languages? Or is it like Matoran, and they simply bear the same name as those who speak it? 31a) Most likely called Agori and Skrall, same way we call languages English or Russian. 41b. Did the (species that largely makes up the Glatorian) have their own language or did they always speak the Agori language? As a side question, will we ever learn their name? 51b) Always spoke Agori, and no, I have no plans to name their species. 61c. How exactly does Mata Nui understand everyone on Bara Magna? Was he programmed in that language by the Great Beings or is it something else? Is the Agori language similar to Matoran with a few odd words out? 71c) He was created by beings who spoke that language, so it would make sense his programming would include knowledge of it. 81d. If Mata Nui was simply programmed in the Agori language, can he understand Matoran? 91d) Of course. It's programming language and his body is a machine.
102. Okay, in the Agori language, Aqua quite obviously refers to water. However, being the definition freaks that we at BS01 are, we need to make sure. Does Aqua mean ocean or just water? 112) Water.
123. So, sand is an element. Does that mean that it works along the same basic lines as every other element we've seen? If they had wanted to, could the Great Beings have made Matoran and Toa of Sand? 133) Yes
144. I seem to remember somewhere that Onu-Toa could control sand, but I can't find anything to confirm this. Can creatures with earth abilities control sand? 154) No.
165. How do Keetongu's "judging eyes" work? Do they measure a being's natural light and darkness or do they read the target's mind somehow? 175) I see them as judging the proportion of light and darkness.
186. Are Akamai and Wairuha Nuva the same beings as the old Akamai and Wairuha or are they different? 196) They would be the same beings, the same way Tahu Nuva is still Tahu, just more powerful.

11. In the Skopio XV-1 set, Telluris is attached to the Skopio by two tubes that run from the back of his mask to the console of his vehicle. Any idea what these are in story?
22. In my Core War story (not yet posted), I state that the Element Lord of Fire travels with his army to the scene of the battle, although he never joins the fighting. He later takes part in a retreat by summoning a blaze around himself to protect and conceal himself from enemy opposition. You've stated that the Element Lords did not partake in battle, and the story was written before this revelation. From this description, are the Element Lord of Fire's actions in my story contrary to canon? (If they are, of course, I'll rewrite that part of the story).
3Thanks in advance. =)
41) Could be something that facilitates some sort of mental control of the vehicle 52) No, I think that is okay
6...Might be time to post my story, then. Probably won't pursue the Telluris question again until Telluris is mentioned in some story media, since Greg himself doesn't seem entirely sure.
1Mental control would make a lot of sense.
1(This is my Q &A to GregF)
4I believe I was (formerly) under that impression because SOMEONE was theorizing in the OGD like they'd had GregF confirm that Stronius got it for dismantling a baterra. Seriously guys, it gets confusing when you theorize in here for over a page, or a have an off-topic discussion like about King Bubs Gonzola's typing skills.
2I'm a bit confused about how Stronius got his name. I was under the impression that he had received it for dismantling a baterra, but you have suggested he got it during the Core War. Could you clear this up?
3No. Stronius is already named when he first encounters baterra.
4I believe I was (formerly) under that impression because SOMEONE was theorizing in the OGD like they'd had GregF confirm that Stronius got it for dismantling a baterra. Seriously guys, it gets confusing when you theorize in here for over a page, or a have an off-topic discussion like about King Bubs Gonzola's typing skills.
1I remember earlier this year you told us that we would get combiner instructions for the Sand Stalker, so I was wondering if we will get more combiners this year. I'd really like to see more official combiners.
2Not this year, no. The magazines for 2009 are done, and we didn't do any other BIONICLE combiners.

1I remember earlier this year you told us that we would get combiner instructions for the Sand Stalker, so I was wondering if we will get more combiners this year. I'd really like to see more official combiners.
2Not this year, no. The magazines for 2009 are done, and we didn't do any other BIONICLE combiners.
4Not for it ain't 5The one we got was horrible. 6I'd hate to see the one we didn't get.
1I remember earlier this year you told us that we would get combiner instructions for the Sand Stalker, so I was wondering if we will get more combiners this year. I'd really like to see more official combiners.
2Not this year, no. The magazines for 2009 are done, and we didn't do any other BIONICLE combiners.
4Not for it ain't 5The one we got was horrible. 6I'd hate to see the one we didn't get.
7That does not belong here. Either find a topic for it or make one.
1(This is my Q &A to GregF) 2I'm a bit confused about how Stronius got his name. I was under the impression that he had received it for dismantling a baterra, but you have suggested he got it during the Core War. Could you clear this up?
3No. Stronius is already named when he first encounters baterra.
4I believe I was (formerly) under that impression because SOMEONE was theorizing in the OGD like they'd had GregF confirm that Stronius got it for dismantling a baterra. Seriously guys, it gets confusing when you theorize in here for over a page, or a have an off-topic discussion like about King Bubs Gonzola's typing skills.
5It is true, however, that Stronius was the first to be able to "kill" a baterra. I read it... here, I think. But we will see more in next year's Legends of Bara Magna.
1I knew that. But I was confused about whether or not it resulted in his name.
1I knew that. But I was confused about whether or not it resulted in his name.
2No, he got his name for his services during the Core War. Branar was named for surviving a baterra attack and being the first to report the threat. Stronius is, however, credited with having first "killed" a baterra and finding out that they were robots.[/history lesson]


1Hey Mr. Farshtey .
21.) How are you? 3A: Tired
42.) Can Maxilos and Hydraxon use mask powers? 5A: No.
63.) Is Hydraxon's mask a powerless version of a mask that has powers, or is it just a customized helmet? 7A: It's not a mask.
84.) How strong would you say the B.O.M.'s hold on the northern continent was?
94a.) Southern continent?
104b.) Nynrah?
114c.) Stelt? 12A: I don't really understand your question. The BOM was not running the universe prior to Mata Nui's death.
135.) WHAT, is the circumference, OF AN ASHBEAR? . 14A: How should I know?
156.) Can Makuta form Kaita's and Nui's? 16A: Yes, but they don't do it, because it means giving up your individual nature.
177.) If Makuta Teridax took on all six Toa Nuva and Takanuva, each at the hight of their power, and Teridax did not restrain himself from using his powers for the purpose of some complicated plan, who would win? 18A: Impossible to predict the winner of a fight, there are too many variables.
198.) What kanohi mask did miserix where? 20A: I don't recall of the top of my head
219.) Is miserix loyal to Mata Nui, or is he just out for revenge against teridax and who knows what he would do if he accomplished that? 22a.) if yes, then is it possible that perhaps miserix wore the kanohi hau as a way of expressing his loyalty to mata nui? 23A: Out for revenge, and no, he did not wear a Hau.
2410.) Whatever happened to fero? Did he get imprisoned in tesara, or did vastus and gresh kill him? 25A: Fero is part of the bone hunter army that works for the Skrall in the movie.
2611.) Whatever happened to Gelu after his brief appearance in comic 3? 27A: I would assume he joined in the defense of Tesara and later the battle with the Skrall in the film.
2812.) In a promotional image of the seige of atero, large stone thingies can be seen being hurled at the arena magna. Is this the skrall using some kind of giant crossbow or something? 29A: Haven't seen the image you are discussing, so I can't speak to it. I wasn't aware we showed the attack on Atero anywhere besides the comic book.
30Well, I hope you can answer my questions.
31Sincerly, Trimuma the bane of spam.
321.) Hmm... 332.) Darn. 343.) Thought I was on to something... 354.) Whoops.

44Nothing new .

1Mr. Greg, despite the fact that I am mostly joking about the sheer stupidity of this question, I am dead serious when asking this.
2Are the Element Lords the Throwbots?
3No. Throwbots are not a part of the BIONICLE universe, anymore than they are part of the LEGO City universe or the LEGO Harry Potter universe.
4I've got to admit, I lold. But imagine the sheer awesome it would have been if the EL were the Throwbots. Heck, it even makes sense. The Throwbots were the "parents" of Bionicle, and the EL are the "parents" of the Toa.
1Hey Greg. A few questions about Kanohi.
21. Is the Kanohi Garai that Hewkii Mahri wears in normal Garai form, or did the Ignika stylize it? 32. Why isn't a Kanohi Komau considered an immoral mask? It robs the target of their free will, something I'd consider immoral. Numerous Matoran wear them, and Onewa seems fine wearing it. Any reason? 43. Would a Mask of Weather Control hypothetically be able sense weather patterns? (A point for my epic)
5Thank you for your time.
71) None of the Mahri masks are really normal, because they all have tubes coming out of them, for one thing 82) Well, if someone is about to kill someone, and you use the mask to make them stop, aren't you committing a moral act? You just saved someone's life, and did it without killing or even physically harming the person who was going to commit the murder. 93) Yes
111. Okay, rephrasing...Is a normal Garai shaped like a sting/manta ray? 122. But you could also use a Jutlin to destroy a seige engine, or a murderer's weapon. Doesn't that mean that you'd be commiting a moral act? With a Komau, you could also force someone to kill someone else, or make them commit suicide. How the mask is used depends on your own morality; they both have the potential for good and evil. I still don't see why a mask that robs its target of free will isn't considered immoral.
131. Are Trinuma's horns part of his mask, or his head?
14Thank you for your time.
161) No idea, the only Garai I have seen is the 2007 one. If the set designers decide to do another one, they will decide what it's shape is. 172) Hmmmm ... well, is prison immoral as a concept? You are also robbing people of free will there. They can't eat when they choose, go where they choose, leave, etc. 181) Helmet

1I was hoping for a new mask power, not a helmet.
1I remember earlier this year you told us that we would get combiner instructions for the Sand Stalker, so I was wondering if we will get more combiners this year. I'd really like to see more official combiners.
2Not this year, no. The magazines for 2009 are done, and we didn't do any other BIONICLE combiners.
4Not for it ain't 5The one we got was horrible. 6I'd hate to see the one we didn't get.
7That does not belong here. Either find a topic for it or make one.
8If your talking about my post, this is where it belongs. I asked GregF a question, and I got a responce. The first post says nothing about what the questions have to be. The last combiner was somewhat important to Raid on Vulcanus, as almost everybody rode on Sandstalkers.
9As for the other guys reply, there was no need to reply.
10Other questions:
11Hello Greg, hopefully you can answer these two questions.
121) Will the November Magazine have a Bionicle Comic? If so, when is it in the story (During TLR, after TLR)
132) Will TLR novel end where the movie ends, or does it go further? How Much further? (Couple chapters maybe?)
141) Yes, and after TLR 152) Ends where the movie ends, with a brief epilogue after that.
1For technical reasons on BS01, wondering if you can confirm that the shape we got for Pouks's mask power (Emulation; since that name won by a landslide in the poll) can be the Great version (shape).
2I had intended all of the ones you approved to be Great masks, but I didn't specifically say that, and BS01 staff wanna be crystal clear.
3Link's not working.
4Hm, is working for me, BS01 probably just went down for a moment, but anyways, here's an alternate on my brickshelf:
1Hello sir. I hope you can answer these:
21. Even though rare, does love exist among matoran (like HewkiiXMacku: I mean, they even had dolls of eachother in their huts).
32. I saw on BS01 that Pouks' mask was referred to as "Mask of Emulation". Is this official now?
43. To what extent can Artakha control his islands geography and climate?
54. How advanced would you say Maxilos Guard Robots are?
64A. Vahki?
75. Because the heart of the Visorak called all the Visorak to Artidax, does this mean that necesarilly every single Visorak in the Universe was exterminated, or could there still be a handfull of Visorak somewhere in the MU?
86. When exactly was the "tipping point" at wich the Melding Alternate Universe stopped happening exactly like the Core Dimension?
97. When will you write a new story serial?
108. Why are there so many "loose ends" in reign of shadows?
11-Mazeka and alt. Teridax. 12-Tahu &Onua planning an invasion of Daxia. 13-Shadow Takanuva 14-Tha Hagah 15-Helryx 16-...
179. And last: I'm playing a sort of "Bionicle RPG" with my friends at school, and one of my friends wants his character to have a Doom Viper as a pet. Now here is a quote from Bs01:
18"Aside from its multiple heads, the Doom Viper is most notorious for its breath, which is a toxic compound that is capable of killing any living animal or plant life it touches (except other Doom Vipers). Vahki, being machines and thus immune to the venom, were the only ones successful at capturing these Rahi. Doom Viper breath is also capable of weakening Visorak webbing."
19Now my friend wants to know: is Doom Viper breath always toxic, or only when the doom viper in question wants too (like a dragon wouldn't constantly be breathing Fire)?
209A. And actually how aggressive are doom vipers? Do they kill anything in sight? Or do they wait until they are threatened?
211) Love of friends, love of nature, love of their homeland, etc. yes -- romantic love, no. 222) I know there was supposed to be a poll going on about it, I don't know what won. 233) Seems like to a pretty large extent 244) As compared to what? 255) All the ones who existed then are dead. Makuta has since recreated the species. 266) The GBs were able to stop the Core War. 277) The latest chapter of ROS was turned in on Friday. 288) Because it's not finished yet. Loose ends give me something to back to in later chapters. 299) It's always toxic 309a) They are quite aggressive
315&7 Are new, I think.
1What? I could have sworn I told GregF about the Mask of Emulation. I am positive he saw my PM. >> 2Anyways,
3Hey GregF, just one question. 4You mentioned Sand as a possible element that the Great Beings could have given a Toa. Does an element need to be abundant in the Matoran Universe for a Toa of an element to exist? 5Thanks.
6No, but the GBs chose not to create a tribe of sand.
1Some more stuff from Greg, some of it interesting, some of it could be more so.
21Comments: 221. Really hope this gets dealt with. 232. Darn. 243. Guess he doesn't want to talk about this one... 254. There ya go. 265. Interesting. 276. And there ya go again.
287. ...think of what now? *googles*
Master of the Rahkshi 
21a. We never got to see what happened with the meeting between Pridak and the Shadowed One in Karzahni. Will that be dealt with later? 31a) I hope to get to everything at some point 41b. If not, could you tell me what happened?
52. Did you ever come up with a mask for Miserix? If so, what was it? 62) Not that I recall, no
73a. In a recent PM, you referred to Trinuma as having a 'helmet.' We were laboring under the impression that he had a Kanohi. Does Trinuma have a Kanohi or a helmet? 83a) I don't recall answering any PMs about Trinuma recently. 93b. If a Kanohi, does/will it have a power?
104a. Did other Cendox vehicles exist during the Core War? 114a) Yes and yes 124b. If so, were they identified as such? (I have a "Cendox V6" in my story, so it would be called that, yes?)
135a. Did the Great Beings set the destinies of the Element Lords? 145a) No, because the GBs empowered the ELs, they did not create them as beings. The ELs were warriors from their various tribes who were mutated by the GBs. 155b. Did they set the destinies of all their creations? Or did they start doing that when they were making Mata Nui? 165b) They set Mata Nui a mission. They did not create the sapient beings on Bara Magna, so none of this came into play there.
176. Agori were not sent to fight, but were they sent on spy/espionage missions? i.e. infiltrating an enemy camp to discover information and let their tribe know about it. 186) How do you infiltrate a camp when you so obviously do not look like the Agori already there? A fire Agori cannot infiltrate an ice camp without being noticed.
197. As a slightly unrelated question, events in the comic happen slightly differently than in the movie (in the movie previews, we see the group encountering the Skopio and then the Bone Hunters, but the other way around in the comic), so which is more accurate? 207) Different interpretations, same events. I don't see one as being more or less accurate. Think Rashomon.
21Comments: 221. Really hope this gets dealt with. 232. Darn. 243. Guess he doesn't want to talk about this one... 254. There ya go. 265. Interesting. 276. And there ya go again.


1Hey Greg.
21. I was thinking, Makuta Kojol specialized in aerial and marine Rahi. A prime example of both is the Proto Drake, an aquatic creature that has the ability to fly. Did Kojol create the Proto Drake? 32. In the latest RoS, Tren Krom and Artakha talk to each other like old aquaintences. Are they? 42a. Did Artakha ever gain some of the information Mutran did from Tren Krom about how the universe runs, etc.?
5Thank you for your time.
71) Yes 82) Yes 92a) No, not really.
10@MotR: I'll PM Greg about the Trinuma thing tonight.


1Some new stuff.
2Hey Greg. I have some questions for you today.
31. Will we get a description of Artahka's physical form in RoS?
42. Will Tren Krom stay released?
53. Is Artahka in the Metru Nui Archives?
64. Can we expect a similarity in the movies of 2009 and 2010 (Like animation, directing)?
75. Are Tarix and Vastus friends?
86. Does 2010 pick up where 2009 leaves off?
9Thank you for your time.
101) No plans for that, no 112) I can't discuss future storyline 123) Yes 134) I can't speculate on this 145) Yes 156) See answer to #2
1Some new stuff. 2Hey Greg. I have some questions for you today.
31. Will we get a description of Artahka's physical form in RoS?
42. Will Tren Krom stay released?
53. Is Artahka in the Metru Nui Archives?
64. Can we expect a similarity in the movies of 2009 and 2010 (Like animation, directing)?
75. Are Tarix and Vastus friends?
86. Does 2010 pick up where 2009 leaves off?
9Thank you for your time.
101) No plans for that, no 112) I can't discuss future storyline 123) Yes 134) I can't speculate on this 145) Yes 156) See answer to #2
16Whoa whoa whoa, so Artakha's not on Artakha?
1I think he means Artakha's got an entry in the Archives, not that he lives there. It's like Greg Farshtey's got an entry on Wikipedia, that doesn't mean he LIVES on Wikipedia.
1I think he means Artakha's got an entry in the Archives, not that he lives there. It's like Greg Farshtey's got an entry on Wikipedia, that doesn't mean he LIVES on Wikipedia.
2Well, why would Artakha stay on Artakha? The island just fell to Rahkshi; wouldn't make sense for him to stick around and get captured. The Archives are the perfect hideout...not to mention the rebel base at this point...

1I quite envy Toanoopie
I PMed Greg a while ago, and here is the PM.
9*shrugs* I'm not disappointed, and understand completely. And, I have an idea. Since people keep talking in here when all they should do is PM Greg and show it here, why not for every post they should at least have something from Greg?

2I have created the Metru Mantis as seen in the Rahi Guide and made by Eric Richter, and so, I thought I'd as a few Q's to tie up a few loose ends about it. Here they are:
31: Did the two Kahgarak catch any Metru Mantis's?
42: What ever happened to the Mantis's that the Rahaga captured? Were they ever used?
53: Have the Mantis's been a problem in Metru Nui due to the rise?
6Thank you very much .
8I really haven't worried about this, E. It's one Rahi among hundreds and hasn't played a significant role in story in years, so it's not at the top of my list of plot points to resolve.
9*shrugs* I'm not disappointed, and understand completely. And, I have an idea. Since people keep talking in here when all they should do is PM Greg and show it here, why not for every post they should at least have something from Greg?

1I think he means Artakha's got an entry in the Archives, not that he lives there. It's like Greg Farshtey's got an entry on Wikipedia, that doesn't mean he LIVES on Wikipedia.
2I quite envy Toanoopie I PMed Greg a while ago, and here is the PM.
3I have created the Metru Mantis as seen in the Rahi Guide and made by Eric Richter, and so, I thought I'd as a few Q's to tie up a few loose ends about it. Here they are:
41: Did the two Kahgarak catch any Metru Mantis's?
52: What ever happened to the Mantis's that the Rahaga captured? Were they ever used?
63: Have the Mantis's been a problem in Metru Nui due to the rise?
7Thank you very much .
9I really haven't worried about this, E. It's one Rahi among hundreds and hasn't played a significant role in story in years, so it's not at the top of my list of plot points to resolve.
10*shrugs* I'm not disappointed, and understand completely. And, I have an idea. Since people keep talking in here when all they should do is PM Greg and show it here, why not for every post they should at least have something from Greg?
12I don't think so. For example, the quote above yours had every right to be there and some discussion improves the topic and informationit has. If a group of people start a long discussion about something, it should be moved, but a few comments that still deal with the questions should exist. As long as a conversation gets moved when it gets to large, some talk of Greg's answers are appreciated.
11) How does Mata Nui know how to speak the Bara Magna language? Knew it from GBs programming him with it? Had to pick it up? Maybe Ignika helping him sense it since living beings speak it?
22) Is it possible many words in Matoran were taken directly from Agori language? After all, many real-life programming languages use English words for various functions.
33) toa boroka wonders in this topic if Baterra could mimic the forms of people. (I presume they would rarely see it as helpful to their goals, but hypothetically?)
44) If so, are they smart enough to mimic personalities? Actually, could they even speak at all?
51) He was created by beings who spoke it, makes sense he would be able to speak it himself. 62) Certainly possible 73) No. They have no real reason to do that, as they are not looking to infiltrate or spy. 84) I don't recall if I gave them dialogue in their comic appearance, I don't believe I did.
1Hey Greg. A quote from the OGD:
23a. In a recent PM, you referred to Trinuma as having a 'helmet.' We were laboring under the impression that he had a Kanohi. Does Trinuma have a Kanohi or a helmet?
33a) I don't recall answering any PMs about Trinuma recently.
4It was a PM to me; this one here:
61. Okay, rephrasing...Is a normal Garai shaped like a sting/manta ray? 72. But you could also use a Jutlin to destroy a seige engine, or a murderer's weapon. Doesn't that mean that you'd be commiting a moral act? With a Komau, you could also force someone to kill someone else, or make them commit suicide. How the mask is used depends on your own morality; they both have the potential for good and evil. I still don't see why a mask that robs its target of free will isn't considered immoral.
81. Are Trinuma's horns part of his mask, or his head?
9Thank you for your time.
111) No idea, the only Garai I have seen is the 2007 one. If the set designers decide to do another one, they will decide what it's shape is. 122) Hmmmm ... well, is prison immoral as a concept? You are also robbing people of free will there. They can't eat when they choose, go where they choose, leave, etc. 131) Helmet
141. Would you mind reanswering the question, does Trinuma have a helmet or a mask, or a combination of both, like Turaga Lhikan? 152. Did Miserix create Rahi like the other Makuta, or was he more focused on running the Brotherhood? 162a. If he did, did he specialize in reptillian Rahi? He favors them in the shapeshifting department... 173. Is Artakha in the Kingdom in that alternate universe?
18Thank you for your time.
201) Sorry, I had misread your question before. It's a mask. 212) Yes, he did 222a) Yes 233) Yes
241. *rolls eyes* So it is a Kanohi.


1Hey Greg, 2I just read the latest chapter, and I was very impressed with Tren Krom. As such, I have a few questions
31. Did the Great Beings keep Trem Krom alive in case a similar situation to the one happening with Teridax came to pass? 42. Does Tren Krom need Lewa's Air power to communicate with Mata-Nui? 53. He doesn't appear to be an angry byproduct of the Great Beings, like the Zyglak. Does this mean he's willing to help them? 64. Why was he kept alive when his technical usefulness was over? Was there a reason, or was it Mercy? 75. Would you consider him a Villian, a Hero, or a little bit of both? 86. Are his intentions to reclaim rule, or help out his replacement?
9Again, thank you for your time. I understand if you can't answer, but if you can answer anything, I would be grateful.
10I hope you have a nice day. biggrin.gif
12No, they simply saw no reason to destroy one of their creations 132) No 143) I don't know that he sees it as helping the GBs. He simply still feels a connection to the universe he used to look after, and he is acting on that universe's behalf. 154) See answer to #1. 165) I don't really see him as a villain. He was imprisoned when he had committed no crime, and I don't see him as having done much of anything anyone else in his shoes would not have done since. 176) He is not out to run the universe, he knows he's not capable of that. But he doesn't want what he once looked after to be ruined by Makuta.
18Interesting stuff on Tren Krom, who is now my favorite anti-hero.
11) How does Mata Nui know how to speak the Bara Magna language? Knew it from GBs programming him with it? Had to pick it up? Maybe Ignika helping him sense it since living beings speak it?
22) Is it possible many words in Matoran were taken directly from Agori language? After all, many real-life programming languages use English words for various functions.
33) toa boroka wonders in this topic if Baterra could mimic the forms of people. (I presume they would rarely see it as helpful to their goals, but hypothetically?)
44) If so, are they smart enough to mimic personalities? Actually, could they even speak at all?
51) He was created by beings who spoke it, makes sense he would be able to speak it himself. 62) Certainly possible 73) No. They have no real reason to do that, as they are not looking to infiltrate or spy. 84) I don't recall if I gave them dialogue in their comic appearance, I don't believe I did.
9Wait. what comic apearance? i did not see any battera.
10Any help?