1Story info: none, because they're just miniture re-reales of people's favourite characters .
2Just like the 2.5 inch re releases of transformers G1 figures.
3Wouldn't make sense to re-release Gresh and Skrall, since they have only been released since early 2009. 4And if there's no story info, then Greg would have at least told us something about it, instead of keeping it secret.
1Story info: none, because they're just miniture re-reales of people's favourite characters .
2Just like the 2.5 inch re releases of transformers G1 figures.
3Wouldn't make sense to re-release Gresh and Skrall, since they have only been released since early 2009. 4And if there's no story info, then Greg would have at least told us something about it, instead of keeping it secret.
5Maybe asking Bink should be better. Greg doesn't answer set-related questions. Well, he does sometimes, but he mostly answers story questions.
1Story info: none, because they're just miniture re-reales of people's favourite characters .
2Just like the 2.5 inch re releases of transformers G1 figures.
3Wouldn't make sense to re-release Gresh and Skrall, since they have only been released since early 2009. 4And if there's no story info, then Greg would have at least told us something about it, instead of keeping it secret.
5Maybe asking Bink should be better. Greg doesn't answer set-related questions. Well, he does sometimes, but he mostly answers story questions.
6That's probably the smartest idea. I'll try to PM him.
1Hi Greg.
21. I was thinking about the Necrofinch, and which Makuta made them. I started theorizing, and eventually came up with Spiriah. My arguements for this are such:
- 3Spiriah was not as gifted at creating Rahi as some of his fellow Makuta; several of his Rahi were deemed failures.
- 4Necrofinch are known to continue singing after they die. This could be due to a faulty BIONICLE equivalent of a voice box.
- 5Necrofinch are native to Zakaz, Spiriah's region.
6So, my theory is that Spiriah created a bird Rahi with a faulty voice box that doesn't die with the rest of the bird. Since it's an interesting concept, and really isn't problematic, it wasn't deemed a failure like some of his other works.
7So, with that theory in mind, did Spiriah create the Necrofinch?
82. Was the Kanohi Dragon created by the Makuta, Mata Nui, or the Great Beings?
9Thank you for your time.
111) I'd have to think about it, I don't have a list of which Makuta made what 122) Makuta
131. Well, it wasn't a no, though I wasn't expecting a yes... 142. Cool.

1Since its launch in 2001, sold in the world more than 165 million pieces of BIONICLE. In 2010, the BIONICLE saga closed. Finally, we present six most popular figures of all time in a new coat. Each tin contains one gold component. The final transformation Tahu (7116) in golden Toa will need to collect all six cans.
2-translated from Czech website that first displayed the Stars
3Can you confirm, or deny, whether or not BIONICLE will end in 2010?
4As you guys know by now, I cannot discuss 2010. It's too early and I am not allowed.
1If Bionicle ends, Lego has lost a ###### lot of customers.
1Yeah. But BZP will continue.
1Guys, this isn't the place to talk about this. And anyway, there's nothing to talk about until next year. Rumors are rumors, after all, and a preliminary site like that usually doesn't have solid information.
2EDIT: Not to mention the fact that I seriously doubt they'd cancel the line after revamping the series to pick up new fans.

2EDIT: Not to mention the fact that I seriously doubt they'd cancel the line after revamping the series to pick up new fans.

1Since its launch in 2001, sold in the world more than 165 million pieces of BIONICLE. In 2010, the BIONICLE saga closed. Finally, we present six most popular figures of all time in a new coat. Each tin contains one gold component. The final transformation Tahu (7116) in golden Toa will need to collect all six cans.
2-translated from Czech website that first displayed the Stars
3Can you confirm, or deny, whether or not BIONICLE will end in 2010?
4As you guys know by now, I cannot discuss 2010. It's too early and I am not allowed.
6Wuh-Oh. Surely Bionicle can't end so suddenly. We'd have heard about this earlier and we've still got another two movies to go.
1Since its launch in 2001, sold in the world more than 165 million pieces of BIONICLE. In 2010, the BIONICLE saga closed. Finally, we present six most popular figures of all time in a new coat. Each tin contains one gold component. The final transformation Tahu (7116) in golden Toa will need to collect all six cans.
2-translated from Czech website that first displayed the Stars
3Can you confirm, or deny, whether or not BIONICLE will end in 2010?
4As you guys know by now, I cannot discuss 2010. It's too early and I am not allowed.
6Wuh-Oh. Surely Bionicle can't end so suddenly. We'd have heard about this earlier and we've still got another two movies to go.
7They could of cut them . I hope it does not end.

1I could swear he said he started planning 2011.
1Bionicle's not ending in 2010. Mata Nui still has to find out his old mission, probably visit Bota Magna, return to his old body, beat on Makuta, and reverse the Shattering. That's way too much to do in one year, and even that might not even be the end; last time I heard, it was going to end when Mata Nui awoke, and that's obviously not the case.
1Thanks for the help on those questions. I now have a couple more.
21) So about how many losses would a Glatorian be allowed to make before banishment?
32) Is it okay to have someone try to sneak in and sabotage something? Like say have an Ice Tribe soldier sneak into the Fire Tribe territory and try to stop them from draining the EP spring?
4I probably will still use Strakk if you reply yes to #2, just because I think he's the best character for it, but thanks for telling me anyway.
61) A pretty high number. Everyone loses now and then, but a consistent pattern is going to cause problems, especially if you are older. 72) I think the question is, how do you sneak in when you are in white armor and everyone else is in red?
82) So, is that a yes, it's possible? I figured that Strakk would approach the spring outpost rather easily because his armor would blend in with the surroundings, but once he was inside, he'd use his sneaky tactics and so forth to make it pretty far before capture. I have a lot of ideas on how Strakk can try to accomplish his mission, but I plan for him to fail anyway.
9Also, I have a new question.
103) How and where did the Fire Tribe drain the EP spring. (For instance, through an underground tunnel into Fire Tribe-controlled territory, or something like that.)
11Thank you, 12LL
133) No, they had to seize the actual real estate the spring was on. That was what the war was over -- control over that territory. If they could have just tapped into it from their region, there would have been no need for a war, because they would not have had to invade the ice region.
12. Was the Kanohi Dragon created by the Makuta, Mata Nui, or the Great Beings?
2Thank you for your time.
42) Makuta
52. Hm...another ancient reptillian Rahi of mass destruction.Did Miserix create the Kanohi Dragon?
6Thank you for your time.
82) No
9I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.

10~Lord Rahl~
1hello sir, just one question
2in Raid on Vulcanus (great book), there was a scene where Tuma is talking to Stronius about the Bone Hunters attacking Vulcanus, and Tuma says that if the Bone hunters win, Vulcanus is gone, and if the Glatorian win, than the Bone Hunters will be weakened enough to be eliminated by the Skrall, but in The Legend Reborn, the Skrall and Bone Hunters unite, so my question is
3did Tuma plan to have the two tribes unite?
4The bone hunters and the Skrall were already in an alliance at the time of ROV. But Tuma wanted to a) make sure the bone hunters were strong enough to be worthy of being allies and b)see them bloodied enough by the Glatorian so they wouldn't be TOO strong a threat to turn on the Skrall.
5this proves the Skrall and Bone Hunters were united before the attack on Tajun
1Guys calm down. 2If you want to discuss this, this isn't the place.
3Yes, that is what we have the topic making feature for.
4Um, actually this is the Official Greg Dialogue, not Official Greg Discussion, which is why they changed the name of the topic...
5Thereby indicating that this topic is NOT for having DISCUSSIONS, it is for posting extracts of DIALOGUE between GregF and members via PM.
1Some possible new stuff about the movie.
2Hey Greg. Bought the new movie, and I love it. Kudos to you and the animation team.
32 questions about it.
41. In the movie, I noticed that Raanu and all the other leaders have shoulder pad like armor on their shoulders. I also saw that Metus had them. So would this make Metus the leader of Iconox?
52. You stated earlier that Mata Nui hadn't fully mastered the MoLi's powers. So did the MoLi create Mata Nui's body on impulse, or did Mata Nui will it to do it?
6Thanks .
71) No. Bara Magnans have whatever armor they can scrounge up, so the idea that everyone has the same kind means something is inaccurate. Keep in mind that Metus' job involved traveling all the time, all over Bara Magna, so he could never have run a village and done that. 82) The Ignika did it, as a means of protecting itself. Mata Nui could not defend the mask with no body to fight with.
1Hey Mr. Farshtey, sorry to bother you, but I had some questions: 21.Does Kaita mean fusion?
32.Are you going to make more story serials about the MU, or just keep continuing RoS?
43.Are we ever going to name Gaaki's and Pouk's spears?
5This is a little off storyline, but I just felt like posting about all the name similarities there are and if you noticed them. Also, if you knew about them, did you pick them because of that?
64.Did you notice that if you take Greg Farshtey and remove the bold letters Greg Farshtey you get Gresh.
75.That Botar in Spanish means to expel?
86.Tridax is just Teridax without the "e"?
97.Malum means evil in Latin?
108.Xian is short for Christian, hence the phrase "X-Mas"?
119.That in Latin Metus means fear (hint hint)?
1210.I'm not gonna list them all, but there were also all those Maori words that are just too many for me to list.
1311.Johmak, Tobduk, and Jerbraz I know you know.
1412.That Makuta is the name of a Malawi village and a type of Drum?
15Thank you for your time and patience and I hope you have a nice day.
161) I don't recall what meaning we assigned to it, that would have been eight years ago. 172) No, I have no plans to do a second MU serial. 183) If it becomes a priority, yes. 194) Nope. Gresh was a character in one of my pre-BIONICLE novels, that is why I chose the name
20As far as the name things go -- you have to realize it is VERY hard for us to go, oh, that name means that, let's use it. Because all our names have to be approved by Legal, so if they are in use by someone else, we can't use them. That pretty much makes it impossible for us to get cute like that, because we can't know when we put the name on the list whether or not it can be approved. Not long ago, I had come up with a name I thought would sound just perfect for something I was working on, so I did a Google search for it ... turned out it was the name of a company, so even though it was just right for what I needed, I couldn't use it.
21Dang, that would've been cool if he had named Gresh after himself. It's amazing how many other name coincidences there are though.
1QUOTE 2only one question for you, today. It's hypothetical, I know, but I'm curious to know just how powerful Gaaki's mask is:
3If the mask activates while the user is under the influence of a powerful illusion(up to and including Teridax's new power) would they see the event portrayed from their current point of view, or as it looks in reality? I guess what I'm asking is does the wearers point of view affect what they see through the mask's power?
4It's a good question. I think in the case of a powerful illusion, such as that created by Teridax, the power of the mask would also be blocked in the same way that reality itself is being blocked, because it would shatter the illusion. The mask is still working, the wearer just isn't seeing what it is showing him.
3If the mask activates while the user is under the influence of a powerful illusion(up to and including Teridax's new power) would they see the event portrayed from their current point of view, or as it looks in reality? I guess what I'm asking is does the wearers point of view affect what they see through the mask's power?
4It's a good question. I think in the case of a powerful illusion, such as that created by Teridax, the power of the mask would also be blocked in the same way that reality itself is being blocked, because it would shatter the illusion. The mask is still working, the wearer just isn't seeing what it is showing him.
13.Are we ever going to name Gaaki's and Pouk's spears?
23) If it becomes a priority, yes.
3They are already named Tidal and Avalanche Spears. It would be nice if Greg could use the names he canonized in-story, though, so everyone can stop arguing about it on BS01
4~Lord Rahl~
5For Pouks, the issue will be resolved soon. I asked Greg for permission to have a fan vote between "Quake Spear" and "Avalanche Spear" and forwarded it to InnerRayg, who'll set up the polls.
1i tried to send greg a mesage but it didnt work?
1i tried to send greg a mesage but it didnt work?
2You need to have at least 10 posts to pm someone, so keep posting
4Hi Greg
5I've got some questions if you've got time for them 61- Since most of the elemental lords were former glatorian species, are they still considered their original species?
72- About the elemetal lord of sand: Is he also a vortix? With tail? 82b- Did he also revert to a primal lifestyle like the rest of the vorox?
93- Do Vorox and Zesk have any meaning instead of reffering to the respective species?
10That's all for now and thanks in advance
111) Mutant versions of their original species 122) He is a Vortixx, yes 132b) No. The Vortixx reverted because they were living in a post-holocaust environment and their species' social order just broke down. The Sand EL does not live in the desert and so was not exposed to the same hardships and pressures 143) Not that I am aware of
1Ooooooooooooooookay, I think we need a little clarification about Vorox/Vortixx.
1i tried to send greg a mesage but it didnt work?
2You need to have at least 10 posts to pm someone, so keep posting
3EDIT:4Hi Greg
5I've got some questions if you've got time for them 61- Since most of the elemental lords were former glatorian species, are they still considered their original species?
72- About the elemetal lord of sand: Is he also a vortix? With tail? 82b- Did he also revert to a primal lifestyle like the rest of the vorox?
93- Do Vorox and Zesk have any meaning instead of reffering to the respective species?
10That's all for now and thanks in advance
111) Mutant versions of their original species 122) He is a Vortixx, yes 132b) No. The Vortixx reverted because they were living in a post-holocaust environment and their species' social order just broke down. The Sand EL does not live in the desert and so was not exposed to the same hardships and pressures 143) Not that I am aware of
15Umm... I think Greg MUST have read that wrong.
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. Will Papercutz release this Graphic Novel? 32. If they will release it, will it be Graphic Novel 9 or 10? 43. Will the 2009 comics be released in a Graphic Novel, and if so, which number? 5Thank you.
61) The first all-new GN is 8; the 2009 comics are in 9; and this one would be 10. And yes, it would be from Papercutz.
1Just got my beautiful theory knocked down:
2Hi there Greg,
3I hope you aren't too busy at the moment, because I've got a couple of questions I'd like to ask you. They're mostly centered around a theory I thought of after realizing there might be a connection between Tarduk's journey's goal and the stuff that's happening to him.
41) About the beings Gali saw inside the Red Star, were they imprisoned in it?
52) Did the GBs create them?
63) How many of those beings were there in the RS? Six possibly?
74) Were they still inside the RS during RotGB #4?
85) Are they allied/befriended with each other, or enemies?
96) Are the beings that Gali saw in the RS the Element Lords?
107) The beings didn't control the Inika lightning, but was it their power anyway? Meaning, did something drain a portion of their power and redirect it to the Inika?
11Thanks in advance .
131) No 142) yes 153) More than six 164) Yes 175) I can't answer that 186) No. We know where the ELs are, they are on Bara Magna -- we have already run into four of them in the podcast. 197) No
1Just a couple quick questions about the Element Lords: 21a)Are they more powerful than a Toa? 31b)If so, how much more powerful? 42)Who has more control over their element, a Toa or an Element Lord? 53)Can the Sand Lord turn into sand? 64)Was the Sand Lord a modified Vorox, with a stinger tail and all? 7That's it for now. Thanks in advance .
81) In terms of elemental power, yes 91b) I don't have stats for it 102) An EL 113) Unknown, he hasn't shown up in story yet 124) No, the GBs had not modified the Vorox yet when he was chosen