1Me green,GregF black.
2Hello I just have to questions 1:is the EL of water male or female? and 2:is bara-magna the GBs homeworld? 3Thank you very,very much in advance.
41) Male 52) No, Spherus Magna is.
6Coments:1 ok.2 I ment to say Spherus Magna.Is this new?
7Well, yes and no. He has never confirmed it, so, while it could be assumed, this is the official proof

1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. Will Papercutz release this Graphic Novel? 32. If they will release it, will it be Graphic Novel 9 or 10? 43. Will the 2009 comics be released in a Graphic Novel, and if so, which number? 5Thank you.
61) The first all-new GN is 8; the 2009 comics are in 9; and this one would be 10. And yes, it would be from Papercutz.
7Huh? What is "this" Graphic Novel? Another one with new content?

1Right, another one with new content. Graphic Novel 10 has info on the Red Star and its secrets.
1That's what I was wondering. And why wasn't it put in the future Bionicle book topic?
71) Makuta have 42 powers. ELs do not. 82) The water lord has the ability to project his consciousness into any body of water. 93) She can't. She just doesn't believe he's who he says he is. Tuyet is very perceptive, it's how she's survived all these years. 104) I don't see them as insane, as that would mean they could not tell the difference between right and wrong. And I don't really see them as evil ... for all we know, the one who won the war might have made life wonderful for all the Agori. I think they are ambitious, power-hungry, often callous and reckless, but those don't add up to evil. I know a lot of people like that, they're not villains, just not people you would want to rely on.
11Just a few questions.
2Hi, GregF. I have four quetions for you.
31.Who would be more powerful, a makuta or an element lord? 42.Concerning RotGB 7, does the water lord have the ability to turn into water? 53.Concerning RoS 7, how can Tuyet see that Lewa is really Tren Krom? 64.Would you say the element lord were evil, insane or something else?
71) Makuta have 42 powers. ELs do not. 82) The water lord has the ability to project his consciousness into any body of water. 93) She can't. She just doesn't believe he's who he says he is. Tuyet is very perceptive, it's how she's survived all these years. 104) I don't see them as insane, as that would mean they could not tell the difference between right and wrong. And I don't really see them as evil ... for all we know, the one who won the war might have made life wonderful for all the Agori. I think they are ambitious, power-hungry, often callous and reckless, but those don't add up to evil. I know a lot of people like that, they're not villains, just not people you would want to rely on.
11Just a few questions.
1Hey Greg, got some more questions,
21. BS01 says that Brotherhood of Makuta stole the second Olmak (the one that's now fused to Vezon's face) after Botar used it to imprison Tuyet in another dimension. How did the Brotherhood steal it from the Order of Mata Nui if they didn't know it existed?
32. Has LEGO ever thought about making a new alphabet for Bara Magna?
4(spoilers removed)
5Thanks a lot . 6-Lord Salokin
71) I'd have to go back and specifically read what we have written about this. I haven't dealt with this issue in months. 82) No
9(spoilers removed)
102. It'd be a good idea, seeing as every time an alphabet was needed (such as the Book of Certavus page from Secret of Certavus and the Skopio's Thornax Launcher aiming device and (possible spoiler removed) from The Legend Reborn), they just used the Matoran alphabet, which isn't canonically correct.
11(spoilers removed)
12Thanks again . 13-Lord Salokin
142) We really see no need for it at this time. And why wouldn't the launcher use that alphabet? It is programming language used by the Great Beings, the same ones who fitted the launcher onto the Skopio in the first place.
15(spoilers removed)
1I believe the BoM got that Olmak by killing a Toa from Jovan's team who used it to open a portal to Karda Nui.
1I believe that is correct.
1QUOTE 21. Is Stronius in the Movie?
31B. At what point?
42. Is Atakus?
52B. Same as 1B
63. Is Tarduk?
73B. Same as 1B and 2B
84. Is Fero and Skirmix?
94B. Same as 1b, 2B, and 3B
105. Can you reveal any the Stars build a figure?
111-4) Watch the movie and find out.
125) I cannot discuss anything to do with 2010 13QUOTE
25QUOTE 261. I understand you can be busy at times, but is their any other reason than you were busy, to why you haven't seen the movie yet?
272. When will you see the movie, so I can ask the Questions again?
281) What other reason could there be? 292) I don't know, BP.I am away a lot in the next few weeks.
31I tried
33Edit:I have a nickname .
31B. At what point?
42. Is Atakus?
52B. Same as 1B
63. Is Tarduk?
73B. Same as 1B and 2B
84. Is Fero and Skirmix?
94B. Same as 1b, 2B, and 3B
105. Can you reveal any the Stars build a figure?
111-4) Watch the movie and find out.
125) I cannot discuss anything to do with 2010 13QUOTE
15I've seen the movie, and their were Elite Skrall, Bone Hunters, Rock and Jungle Agori, but none were point out to be a specific character so how could i watch the movie to find out? 16So I will ask again:
171. Is Stronius in the movie?
181B. Is Tarduk?
191C. Fero?
201D. Skirmix?
211E. Atakus?
23The only characters who I KNOW are in the movie are the ones who have speaking parts. None of the characters you listed are named in the script, so they do not have speaking parts. I have no idea who has a non-speaking cameo as I have not seen the movie yet.
171. Is Stronius in the movie?
181B. Is Tarduk?
191C. Fero?
201D. Skirmix?
211E. Atakus?
23The only characters who I KNOW are in the movie are the ones who have speaking parts. None of the characters you listed are named in the script, so they do not have speaking parts. I have no idea who has a non-speaking cameo as I have not seen the movie yet.
25QUOTE 261. I understand you can be busy at times, but is their any other reason than you were busy, to why you haven't seen the movie yet?
272. When will you see the movie, so I can ask the Questions again?
281) What other reason could there be? 292) I don't know, BP.I am away a lot in the next few weeks.
31I tried
33Edit:I have a nickname .
1How can people ask such old questions? Srsly?
1I know, but there is no point in pestering Greg with questions which could be answered somewhere else, like the Official TLR topic, ot the M&B forum in general, I'm just saying, though, no offense really intended, but that's what I thought.
1More so for alleviating the amount of questions Greg gets than just getting old information I would say though.
1I know I can't show torture in my Core War Contest story, but could I show the aftermath of it (show what it did to his body)? I won't go into detail.
2I wouldn't advise it. I barely get away with that sort of thing, and LEGO isn't going to approve a story being made canon that violates their violence guidelines.
11. Is Stronius in the movie?
21B. Is Tarduk?
31C. Fero?
41D. Skirmix?
51E. Atakus?
6I, unlike Greg, have seen the movie. I will answer your questions lest you or anyone else go off to pester Greg again:
7(These aren't really spoilers, but they are from the movie, so into your spoiler tag we go.)
81A. There are several elite Skrall in the movie, but none of them are stated to be Stronius. 91B. I believe Tarduk makes a cameo in the Ackar vs Strakk clip (he's sitting behind Raanu), and I'm sure Agori like him are in the Tesara scene. 101C. Lots of Bone Hunters, but none specifically stated to be Fero. See 1A. 111D. See 1C. 121E. I don't believe you see any Rock Agori; they would be too easily confused with Bone Hunters.
1I would assume so, Seeing as Surrel is so beat up.
11. Is Stronius in the movie?
21B. Is Tarduk?
31C. Fero?
41D. Skirmix?
51E. Atakus?
6I, unlike Greg, have seen the movie. I will answer your questions lest you or anyone else go off to pester Greg again:
7(These aren't really spoilers, but they are from the movie, so into your spoiler tag we go.)
81A. There are several elite Skrall in the movie, but none of them are stated to be Stronius. 91B. I believe Tarduk makes a cameo in the Ackar vs Strakk clip (he's sitting behind Raanu), and I'm sure Agori like him are in the Tesara scene. 101C. Lots of Bone Hunters, but none specifically stated to be Fero. See 1A. 111D. See 1C. 121E. I don't believe you see any Rock Agori; they would be too easily confused with Bone Hunters.
13Toward 1C: Wrong, I'm 100% sure that's Tesara's village leader.
1Well handicapped characters are always cool. Like Vezon.
11. Is Stronius in the movie?
21B. Is Tarduk?
31C. Fero?
41D. Skirmix?
51E. Atakus?
6I, unlike Greg, have seen the movie. I will answer your questions lest you or anyone else go off to pester Greg again:
7(These aren't really spoilers, but they are from the movie, so into your spoiler tag we go.)
81A. There are several elite Skrall in the movie, but none of them are stated to be Stronius. 91B. I believe Tarduk makes a cameo in the Ackar vs Strakk clip (he's sitting behind Raanu), and I'm sure Agori like him are in the Tesara scene. 101C. Lots of Bone Hunters, but none specifically stated to be Fero. See 1A. 111D. See 1C. 121E. I don't believe you see any Rock Agori; they would be too easily confused with Bone Hunters.
13Toward 1C: Wrong, I'm 100% sure that's Tesara's village leader.
14Got a quote for that? I don't recall seeing that anywhere.
11. Is Stronius in the movie?
21B. Is Tarduk?
31C. Fero?
41D. Skirmix?
51E. Atakus?
6I, unlike Greg, have seen the movie. I will answer your questions lest you or anyone else go off to pester Greg again:
7(These aren't really spoilers, but they are from the movie, so into your spoiler tag we go.)
8» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «1A. There are several elite Skrall in the movie, but none of them are stated to be Stronius. 91B. I believe Tarduk makes a cameo in the Ackar vs Strakk clip (he's sitting behind Raanu), and I'm sure Agori like him are in the Tesara scene. 101C. Lots of Bone Hunters, but none specifically stated to be Fero. See 1A. 111D. See 1C. 121E. I don't believe you see any Rock Agori; they would be too easily confused with Bone Hunters.
13Toward 1C: Wrong, I'm 100% sure that's Tesara's village leader.
14Got a quote for that? I don't recall seeing that anywhere.
15Uh...no, but it seems to me like it would make no sense for "Tarduk" to be hanging around the village leaders. And it would follow the pattern that the leaders are different.
16Raanu: The shoulder armor things 17Tajuns Village leader (Or at least who I believe it is): Colors and Berix helmet-like shoulder armor things 18Tesaran guy: Colors, as the others have mostly Lime as the main color.
19And it'd be pintless to ask Greg, seeing as, you know, he hasn't seen the movie. But that's my assumption, and nyways, he wasn't supposed to answer the question
1I can confirm it after seeing the movie.
1Can we keep the pointless comments to a minimum? It seems to be happening again.
21"No sense" does not equal 100%. Plus, your argument is full of holes. Metus also has the shoulder armor things. Plus, Raanu hangs out with Berix and Metus, and as far as I know, neither of them are the village leaders; Raanu can do what he wants, and hang out with who he wants.
23Cept you totally can't.
21. Is Stronius in the movie?
31B. Is Tarduk?
41C. Fero?
51D. Skirmix?
61E. Atakus?
7I, unlike Greg, have seen the movie. I will answer your questions lest you or anyone else go off to pester Greg again:
8(These aren't really spoilers, but they are from the movie, so into your spoiler tag we go.)
9» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «1A. There are several elite Skrall in the movie, but none of them are stated to be Stronius. 101B. I believe Tarduk makes a cameo in the Ackar vs Strakk clip (he's sitting behind Raanu), and I'm sure Agori like him are in the Tesara scene. 111C. Lots of Bone Hunters, but none specifically stated to be Fero. See 1A. 121D. See 1C. 131E. I don't believe you see any Rock Agori; they would be too easily confused with Bone Hunters.
14Toward 1C: Wrong, I'm 100% sure that's Tesara's village leader.
15Got a quote for that? I don't recall seeing that anywhere.
16Uh...no, but it seems to me like it would make no sense for "Tarduk" to be hanging around the village leaders. And it would follow the pattern that the leaders are different.
17Raanu: The shoulder armor things 18Tajuns Village leader (Or at least who I believe it is): Colors and Berix helmet-like shoulder armor things 19Tesaran guy: Colors, as the others have mostly Lime as the main color.
20And it'd be pintless to ask Greg, seeing as, you know, he hasn't seen the movie. But that's my assumption, and nyways, he wasn't supposed to answer the question
21"No sense" does not equal 100%. Plus, your argument is full of holes. Metus also has the shoulder armor things. Plus, Raanu hangs out with Berix and Metus, and as far as I know, neither of them are the village leaders; Raanu can do what he wants, and hang out with who he wants.
22I can confirm it after seeing the movie.
23Cept you totally can't.
1Uh...no, but it seems to me like it would make no sense for "Tarduk" to be hanging around the village leaders. And it would follow the pattern that the leaders are different.
2Raanu: The shoulder armor things 3Tajuns Village leader (Or at least who I believe it is): Colors and Berix helmet-like shoulder armor things 4Tesaran guy: Colors, as the others have mostly Lime as the main color.
5And it'd be pintless to ask Greg, seeing as, you know, he hasn't seen the movie. But that's my assumption, and nyways, he wasn't supposed to answer the question
6"No sense" does not equal 100%. Plus, your argument is full of holes. Metus also has the shoulder armor things. Plus, Raanu hangs out with Berix and Metus, and as far as I know, neither of them are the village leaders; Raanu can do what he wants, and hang out with who he wants.
7Except, in the movie, he doesn't even see Berix in all of the movie, he even insults him in one scene. That proves nothing, yes, but he says things that clearly refer to the Agori that accompany him as village leaders. But its my assumption, and I still stand on my opinion.
1I was just replying to one of Dorek's points....let's just stop this and wait for confirmation toward wether that is or not Tarduk
1Wow. It really doesn't matter... My point was that it's a Tesara Agori that never speaks that looks just like Tarduk.
1Here's something that might clear this up:
23. In the two arena fight scenes, Raanu, Metus, and the leaders of Tesera and Tajun sit together. Where is the leader of Iconox?
33) Nothing in the script refers to those characters being the leaders of Tajun and Tesara.
43. Who are these characters then?
53) They are not identified in the script. Odds are they were simply meant to be Agori.
1Greg said story plans change. Maybe this is the change...
1...All Greg's blog says is a reiteration of the fact that he cannot comment on anything 2010. It's been like this every year and I utterly fail to comprehend why people insist on asking over and over again, when the answer never changes. He said a week ago he can't comment. He said he three days ago that he cannot comment. He said he yesterday that he cannot comment. (That is all an exaggeration made for an example, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were all true...) What makes today different?
3So don't get all worried about that response, and instead actually read his blog entry. Because then you'll see it's nothing we haven't heard before, and nothing we shouldn't expect. He cannot comment on 2010, and I implore you all to stop asking about it.
3So don't get all worried about that response, and instead actually read his blog entry. Because then you'll see it's nothing we haven't heard before, and nothing we shouldn't expect. He cannot comment on 2010, and I implore you all to stop asking about it.