1Well, maybe the Great Beings were never created. They wre just... there.
11) What happened to the Kraawa? 22) Do Kanoka disks powers were off? 33) Did the Kralhi experience the sam affects as the Vahki did after the earth quake? 44) Is Krahka a species name or a individual name? 55) is the great Temple still standing? because I cant see Teridax letting a simbal of mata nui still exist. 66) Who is the new capten of the Ta-Metru garde? 77) Why were the Vahki unabal to speek to the matoren? whold'nt it be beteer is the Matoren could understande the order inforsment squads? 88) What is your faverit Rahi? 99) Who is your lest faverit living charicter? 1010) Are there any plains in the neer fucher to here more about the Fire and Sonic entitys?
111) One has to assume that it was recaptured at some point in the last 1000 years 122) Yes, eventually 133) Which effects were you referring to? 144) No one knows, since none of the main characters in story have encountered any other of her species to find out if they call themselves something different 155) Why destroy it? It poses no threat to him, and may be needed for the efficient operation of Metru Nui, which is after all his brain now. 166) I don't believe I ever named one, since they haven't been a factor in story 177) Because the Vahki were not built with speech centers that could do that. 188) Krahka 199) I don't have a least favorite 2010) Nope
1I'm surprised he didn't pick Vakama as his least favorite just for betraying the Metru. But maybe he thinks that if he names a least favorite, BZP will shun that character and ask for it to be killed. Hey, it wouldn't be the most irrational thing BZP's done.
11. Did Mata Nui give Vakama the ability to have visions?
21) Personally, I think it is a glitch in his AI.
3For some reasons, I found this rather funny.
4I think it makes him sound more robotic than he already is...
6So...a random glitch in programming can accidentally give precognitive abilities? What programming language do the Great Beings use? Babylonian?
1This is a question that must have been asked a million time:
2WHY IS BIONICLE ENDING .? .? .? .? .? .?
3Because its story has gone on so long that it's hard for new fans to get into what's going on. LEGO is trying out a new buildable action figure line with a new story to see if it'll increase sales numbers.
4If the new line is popular, that means there's still a market for Lego action figures, which means they may bring back Bionicle in the future.
5Also, in case you didn't know, the story is continuing online, for at LEAST the next two years.
1So...a random glitch in programming can accidentally give precognitive abilities? What programming language do the Great Beings use? Babylonian?
2His visions weren't that precognitive. Mostly, they were just a telepathic link to Lhikan, or a random tidbit of information that could have come from Mata Nui's databases (i.e. Great Disks, Visorak, Bohrok).
1I'm sure there's a topic where you guys can continue discussing this elsewhere.
1Has anybody noticed that in this picture, if you look to the far left, you can see Nektann attacking Vastus?? 

1Did you get my 'Questions I' message?
2Yes, you sent it on the 9th -- I haven't been able to get to it yet, I get 50 to 100 PMs a day.
3Dang, I'll cut back on the PMing and I'll tell everyone in the OGD too. Get some rest and get better.

4I made my promise, you guys should too. You have clearly seen that Greg hasn't been feeling well. Cut back on the Q's guys. You got one, the S&T is there for you.

1Yeah, people really shoukld do that. I rarely PM GregF.
1Some info about Mata Nui's camouflage system
161) System is based in the brain. Metru Nui is the brain. Why wouldn't it pattern the shape of the island after the shape it knew best? 172) Yes, they could tell by the sky and the sunlight. 183) Yes 194) Protodermis 205) Head only. Only the head stays out of the water when he lands. 216) Not long 227) Probably, yes 239) Yes
-Great Redidax
2Hi Mr.Farshtey, I some questions regarding the island of Mata Nui
31.Why Mata Nui's camouflage system make Mata Nui like Metru Nui? 42.The Toa Mertu know when they found Mata Nui that was outside of the MU? 53.Mata Nui's camouflage system could made other Island's with other sape? 64.Mata Nui's camouflage system created the Island from what? 75.Mata Nui has camouflage system only on his head or on all his body? 86.How long did it take for Mata Nui (Island)? 97.Could someone sit on Kini Nui while Mata Nui Island whas created and 10Kini Nui is getting out of Mata Nui face and see the Island forming? 119.When the camouflage s. is activated Kini Nui get's out of Mata Nui's 12face the Island is formed and the suva kaita path opens right?
13That you for your time . 14Love the RoS 9 chapter .
15-Great Redidax
161) System is based in the brain. Metru Nui is the brain. Why wouldn't it pattern the shape of the island after the shape it knew best? 172) Yes, they could tell by the sky and the sunlight. 183) Yes 194) Protodermis 205) Head only. Only the head stays out of the water when he lands. 216) Not long 227) Probably, yes 239) Yes

1Did you get my 'Questions I' message?
2Yes, you sent it on the 9th -- I haven't been able to get to it yet, I get 50 to 100 PMs a day.
3Dang, I'll cut back on the PMing and I'll tell everyone in the OGD too. Get some rest and get better.![]()
4I made my promise, you guys should too. You have clearly seen that Greg hasn't been feeling well. Cut back on the Q's guys. You got one, the S&T is there for you.![]()
5I suggest you always tick the "Track message" box - that way you can keep track whether your PM arrives and whether he has already read it. And in case you made a mistake, you can also delete it from his inbox before he reads it.
1Some info about Mata Nui's camouflage system 2Hi Mr.Farshtey, I some questions regarding the island of Mata Nui
31.Why Mata Nui's camouflage system make Mata Nui like Metru Nui? 42.The Toa Mertu know when they found Mata Nui that was outside of the MU? 53.Mata Nui's camouflage system could made other Island's with other sape? 64.Mata Nui's camouflage system created the Island from what? 75.Mata Nui has camouflage system only on his head or on all his body? 86.How long did it take for Mata Nui (Island)? 97.Could someone sit on Kini Nui while Mata Nui Island whas created and 10Kini Nui is getting out of Mata Nui face and see the Island forming? 119.When the camouflage s. is activated Kini Nui get's out of Mata Nui's 12face the Island is formed and the suva kaita path opens right?
13That you for your time . 14Love the RoS 9 chapter .
15-Great Redidax
161) System is based in the brain. Metru Nui is the brain. Why wouldn't it pattern the shape of the island after the shape it knew best? 172) Yes, they could tell by the sky and the sunlight. 183) Yes 194) Protodermis 205) Head only. Only the head stays out of the water when he lands. 216) Not long 227) Probably, yes 239) Yes
24:spinsmile: -Great Redidax
25...Um, what happened to question eight?

1Dear Greg,
21. How are you doing? 32. I believe you confirmed that all the Nuva get out of the MU Robot. Does this mean Lewa got his body back? 43. Do you plan to continue ROS? 54. What is the current status of Metus? 64a. Roodaka? 74b. Vezon? 85. Does the Golden Armor's power involve Mata Nui or Makuta?
9Thanks . 10The GuildMasterofFire
112) Follow the story and find out 123) Yes 134) In the desert 144a) In the Pit 154b) In an alt. universe 165) Not sure I understand your question
17Wow . Lewa gets his body back .
21. How are you doing? 32. I believe you confirmed that all the Nuva get out of the MU Robot. Does this mean Lewa got his body back? 43. Do you plan to continue ROS? 54. What is the current status of Metus? 64a. Roodaka? 74b. Vezon? 85. Does the Golden Armor's power involve Mata Nui or Makuta?
9Thanks . 10The GuildMasterofFire
112) Follow the story and find out 123) Yes 134) In the desert 144a) In the Pit 154b) In an alt. universe 165) Not sure I understand your question
17Wow . Lewa gets his body back .
11. Will you use the sets from the new series and use them as visuals for characters in Bionicle so they double up as Bionicle and whatever the new series would be? For example, could the new blue figure (if there is one) be a visual for Helryx or Tuyet?
22. How could the Matoran in MoL look across the sea and see Metru Nui if Metru Nui is beneath Mata Nui (I probably missed the explanation at some point)?
33. Will we see the Great Beings by March or will it be in the story following the end of Bionicle?
44. Was the Toa Mahri's destiny to save Mata Nui's life or was it just Matoro's? 54a. If so, will they become Turaga soon? 64b. If the Toa Mahri haven't completed their destiny, will they have some storyline significance?
75. Will Tyrant ever return? What about the other Dark Hunters in the guide? Will they ever have storyline significance?
86. I know Mata Nui's in a giant robot now but could Mata Nui have been taught by Tahu or Takanuva to use the Ignika like Lhikan taught Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju?
97. Rahi were created by Makuta. Mata Nui created Makuta. The Great Beings created Mata Nui. Did anyone create the Great Beings?
108. Will the summer story be told just in serials or will there also be short stories and stuff like that?
119. Does Metru Nui still use the Vahki (or before Makuta took over)?
1210. In Web of Shadows Sidorak calls a Keelerak and Kolorak (I checked the subtitles to make sure it wasn't a strange pronunciation of Keelerak). Could the Kolorak be his special servant Visorak or something?
131) No. The Brand marketing team for the new line would never allow me to do that. 142) They were not standing on Mata Nui when they looked across the sea to see Metru Nui, they were in Makuta's underground lair. 153) I have no plans to show them, I have not been allowed to do that. 164) It was to save his life, and although Matoro died doing it, they all contributed. Without them, he never gets the mask. And you only become a Turaga if you both fulfill your destiny AND choose to give up your Toa power. In the current situation, choosing to become Turaga would be foolish of them. 175) No idea at this point. Some have shown up in past serials, etc. 186) No. When would they have had time to do that? He was in a coma, died, and when he came back to life Makuta was in his body. Tahu would have had no chance to communicate with him. 197) Everything is created by something ... nothing just pops out of thin air on its own. But who or what brought the Great Beings, Agori, etc. into being is not relevant to our story, anymore than who brought the human race into being is relevant to a Spider-Man movie. 208) Most likely just serials. 219) No, all the Vahki were destroyed during the Visorak invasion. 2210) I really don't recall, that was five years ago.
1Dear Greg,
21. How are you doing? 32. I believe you confirmed that all the Nuva get out of the MU Robot. Does this mean Lewa got his body back? 43. Do you plan to continue ROS? 54. What is the current status of Metus? 64a. Roodaka? 74b. Vezon? 85. Does the Golden Armor's power involve Mata Nui or Makuta?
9Thanks . 10The GuildMasterofFire
112) Follow the story and find out 123) Yes 134) In the desert 144a) In the Pit 154b) In an alt. universe 165) Not sure I understand your question
17Wow . Lewa gets his body back .
18Um... He didn't say that, He said "Yes" to "Do you plan to continue ROS?".
110. In Web of Shadows Sidorak calls a Keelerak and Kolorak (I checked the subtitles to make sure it wasn't a strange pronunciation of Keelerak). Could the Kolorak be his special servant Visorak or something?
210) I really don't recall, that was five years ago.
3I think "Kolorak" was that Keelerak's personal name. That's what I assumed when watching the movie, anyway.
1Some info about Mata Nui's camouflage system 2Hi Mr.Farshtey, I some questions regarding the island of Mata Nui
31.Why Mata Nui's camouflage system make Mata Nui like Metru Nui? 42.The Toa Mertu know when they found Mata Nui that was outside of the MU? 53.Mata Nui's camouflage system could made other Island's with other sape? 64.Mata Nui's camouflage system created the Island from what? 75.Mata Nui has camouflage system only on his head or on all his body? 86.How long did it take for Mata Nui (Island)? 97.Could someone sit on Kini Nui while Mata Nui Island whas created and 10Kini Nui is getting out of Mata Nui face and see the Island forming? 119.When the camouflage s. is activated Kini Nui get's out of Mata Nui's 12face the Island is formed and the suva kaita path opens right?
13That you for your time . 14Love the RoS 9 chapter .
15-Great Redidax
161) System is based in the brain. Metru Nui is the brain. Why wouldn't it pattern the shape of the island after the shape it knew best? 172) Yes, they could tell by the sky and the sunlight. 183) Yes 194) Protodermis 205) Head only. Only the head stays out of the water when he lands. 216) Not long 227) Probably, yes 239) Yes
24-Great Redidax
25...Um, what happened to question eight?![]()
26I deleted it because it was silly.(before I ask GregF) 27

110. In Web of Shadows Sidorak calls a Keelerak and Kolorak (I checked the subtitles to make sure it wasn't a strange pronunciation of Keelerak). Could the Kolorak be his special servant Visorak or something?
210) I really don't recall, that was five years ago.
3I think "Kolorak" was that Keelerak's personal name. That's what I assumed when watching the movie, anyway.
4Makes sense to me...
11a) So Mata Nui can't read anybodys mind but Makuta and TK can. How strange. 21b) I was rigth. Makuta's mental powers did not increase when he got new body. 32) Makuta would still have a meaning in his life if he took over the Cosmos. Interesting. 43) Teridax is the best . 54) Ok... his not gonna tell us 'bout the creators of the Great Beings. 65) Well, Makuta can't take a dead Glatorian body to himself. What a pity.
7So, assuming Teridax fails in this reality, there will be another reality in wich he succeed. So Teridax from that reality could eventually come to this reality. Would be quite epic.
8Doubt it. Greg's never done anything as non concrete as that.
9Because he's always had to go by how the sets look.

10(I didn't realize until I was typing this post how used to using the name Teridax I am, lol.)
1Someone else's question got me thinking.
22I wonder what he thought of my sig.
2Hi Greg. Happy New Year.
3Hi Greg. After finding out about the "third robot" the GB's were originally going to build I thought about Mata Nui's full mission if it had gone smoothly. I came up with this:
4Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robTt while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
5Am I right? or is there more to it?
7This made me think of when the Makuta evolved from flesh and mechanics into Armour and Antidermis. Were they supposed to be evolving into something like the great spirit so that Teridax could properly take control of the robot? 8If they aren't fully evolved into that state yet, could that then be a weakness of Teridax currently; that he's not in an optimal state of being to be controlling this robot?
9Do you speak Polish? If not, then isn't there an english version of The Crossing floating around somewhere? Or is there already and I have just missed it?
121) No, because as antidermis, Makuta is perfectly capable of running a mechanical being, same way as it did in 2007 story. 132) No, I don't, the books are written in English and translated by the publisher into Polish. So the only English versions I know about are my original manuscripts.
141) Then am I correct except for the fact that Antidermis is as far as they needed to/were meant to evolve? Were they designed to evolve into Antidermis so that they could take over the robot? 151a)Was it Teridax specifically who was meant/destined to take over the robot, or Miserix, or could it have 16been any of them?
172) Does Lego intend to have the english versions published? Do you intend to release them?
18Thanks again.
191) Yes 201a) Teridax 212) Not up to LEGO, we didn't publish the books, AMEET did. For them to be published in English, AMEET needs to find a publisher in an English-speaking country that wants to publish them. And I personally can't release the manuscripts because AMEET bought them, so they do not belong to me and I have no right to release them.
22I wonder what he thought of my sig.
1I don't think he even looked at it. He's usually too busy.
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
16I can't wait to see where Akamai and Wairuha come in to the story.

1Hi Greg. Happy New Year.
2Hi Greg. After finding out about the "third robot" the GB's were originally going to build I thought about Mata Nui's full mission if it had gone smoothly. I came up with this:
3Mata Nui would take off from Bara Magna and spend 100,000 years studying other world, during this time the Great Beings would create another robot. After studying other worlds, Mata Nui would return to Bara Magna and place his spirit in the new robTt while Makuta took over the MU robot and the two would then work together to put Spherus Magna back together.
4Am I right? or is there more to it?
6This made me think of when the Makuta evolved from flesh and mechanics into Armour and Antidermis. Were they supposed to be evolving into something like the great spirit so that Teridax could properly take control of the robot? 7If they aren't fully evolved into that state yet, could that then be a weakness of Teridax currently; that he's not in an optimal state of being to be controlling this robot?
81) No, because as antidermis, Makuta is perfectly capable of running a mechanical being, same way as it did in 2007 story.
91) Then am I correct except for the fact that Antidermis is as far as they needed to/were meant to evolve? Were they designed to evolve into Antidermis so that they could take over the robot? 101a)Was it Teridax specifically who was meant/destined to take over the robot, or Miserix, or could it have 11been any of them?
121) Yes 131a) Teridax
14I recently saw that quote in the OGD, and that got me thinking: Was Teridax meant to take control over the Brotherhood?
15Also, I heard you had caught a decease. I hope you get better soon .
16- Toa Pohatu Mata
17It's a good question. Did he necessarily HAVE to be in charge of the BOM to be the one to take over the robot? I think it's open to debate.
18Not very important, but still, interesting.
19- Toa Pohatu Mata
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
16Does #1 mean that we will see Akamai and Wairuha in the future, or that we will not?
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
16Does #1 mean that we will see Akamai and Wairuha in the future, or that we will not?
17I hope so

1I would asume ever, as the wording of the question would sound awkward with never, but you might be right. hmmmm.... (extra period for extra epicness)
1Guys, this discussion should go somewhere else.
1He probably meant to say "Extremely low", because he always answers that the Kaita aren't gonna show up again (except for this flub-up).
1I would go back and ask.
Hope we see them again.

1If he hasn't replied yet, then send it.