11. Was the Spear of Fusion created from a Mask of Fusion? 22. Isn't a freezing powered Kanoka the same as a Toa Disk of Ice 33. Considering all other Kanoka have a Kanohi of the same power, would it be safe to say there's a Kanohi of Poison Removal and Weakening? 44. You've said a Bara Magnan can't wear a Kanohi, does this mean they simply can't use them or that the Kanohi would fall off their face?
51) No. Think about the size of a mask as compared to the size of a spear -- one is much bigger than the other, so there wouldn't be enough material in a mask to make a spear. 62) Except that the Ice elemental power can do more than just freeze things. 73) It is safe to say that the potential exists for there to be such masks, but there is no proof any where ever made. 84) I would say both. They can't use them, because they are designed for use by beings who are primarily mechanical, and the implication has always been they are held on magnetically, which you wouldn't be able to do if your face is not made of metal.
91. Would be possible to fuse multiple masks together? 102. What could a Toa Disk of Ice do besides freeze?
111) Multiple masks of fusion? I don't think we have ever even said such a thing as a Mask of Fusion exists. 122) Make snow. Halt avalanches in their tracks. Drop the temperature, or absorb cold so that the temperature goes up.
131. My head hurts, BS01 says there's a mask of Fusion. 142. Well that clears up alot. 153. Interesting. 164. I will forever laugh at the though of a Glatorian putting on a Kanohi just for to fall off. And now we know how Kanohi are worn.
1Greg meant that you can't use a living thing as a transferrer, but it can be put directly into a living thing. The stones are just used to get the power from one thing to another. Greg said that a living thing can't transfer it, but it can absorb it.
2Oh. So does that mean you can just pour it into a Matoran and they would become a Toa, if they're destined to?
3Probably, yes.
4Nope, I asked that a loooong time ago. Otherwise, Jaller and co. would have become Toa when awakened by the Toa Metru.
51. My head hurts, BS01 says there's a mask of Fusion.
6Bones had it as part of his Kanohi canonizing. Maybe one just doesn't exist, but has in the past?
1Greg meant that you can't use a living thing as a transferrer, but it can be put directly into a living thing. The stones are just used to get the power from one thing to another. Greg said that a living thing can't transfer it, but it can absorb it.
2Oh. So does that mean you can just pour it into a Matoran and they would become a Toa, if they're destined to?
3Probably, yes.
4Nope, I asked that a loooong time ago. Otherwise, Jaller and co. would have become Toa when awakened by the Toa Metru.
5Well, it wasn't their time to become Toa.
1And it wasn't their destined WAY to become Toa, either. So in theory, if it was your destiny, you could be shot by somebody with Toa energy and become a Toa, but I think Toa Stones are a little safer to time that, neh?
1And it wasn't their destined WAY to become Toa, either. So in theory, if it was your destiny, you could be shot by somebody with Toa energy and become a Toa, but I think Toa Stones are a little safer to time that, neh?
2I don't know the way was a factor too, but getting shot into Toa-hood sounds awesome.
1Official Destiny Topic would be a better place for this >>.
2But yeah, the way is a factor. Otherwise, Jaller and Co could have become regular Toa, but they were hit by lightning from the red star, which was unique.
2But yeah, the way is a factor. Otherwise, Jaller and Co could have become regular Toa, but they were hit by lightning from the red star, which was unique.
14. You've said a Bara Magnan can't wear a Kanohi, does this mean they simply can't use them or that the Kanohi would fall off their face?
24) I would say both. They can't use them, because they are designed for use by beings who are primarily mechanical, and the implication has always been
3lol, a toa of Magnetism could just make people's masks fall off.
14. You've said a Bara Magnan can't wear a Kanohi, does this mean they simply can't use them or that the Kanohi would fall off their face?
24) I would say both. They can't use them, because they are designed for use by beings who are primarily mechanical, and the implication has always been
3lol, a toa of Magnetism could just make people's masks fall off.
4That's actually brilliant against rogue Matoran. Just knock the mask off and they go into a coma. Nice. As a matter of fact, don't Makuta have magnetism as a Kraata power? I'm surprised they haven't tried that.
14. You've said a Bara Magnan can't wear a Kanohi, does this mean they simply can't use them or that the Kanohi would fall off their face?
24) I would say both. They can't use them, because they are designed for use by beings who are primarily mechanical, and the implication has always been
3lol, a toa of Magnetism could just make people's masks fall off.
4That's actually brilliant against rogue Matoran. Just knock the mask off and they go into a coma. Nice. As a matter of fact, don't Makuta have magnetism as a Kraata power? I'm surprised they haven't tried that.
5Yes, they do. Icarax used it on Botar. Not quite useful¡
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions. 22. Does the alternate Teridax from Reign of Shadows have all 42 Kraata powers that the Makuta in the core dimension have? 33. Does he have shapeshifting and telepathic powers? 44. Can he create Kraata, and by extension, Rahkshi? 55. Does he have any tools/weapons? 6Thanks.
72) I would say no, most likely some of the powers would be similar and some would be different 83) Yes 94) Yes, but they are quite different from the kraata in our universe, since ours corrupt, etc. 105) Yes. He carries a warhammer.
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions. 22. Does the alternate Teridax from Reign of Shadows have all 42 Kraata powers that the Makuta in the core dimension have? 33. Does he have shapeshifting and telepathic powers? 44. Can he create Kraata, and by extension, Rahkshi? 55. Does he have any tools/weapons? 6Thanks.
72) I would say no, most likely some of the powers would be similar and some would be different 83) Yes 94) Yes, but they are quite different from the kraata in our universe, since ours corrupt, etc. 105) Yes. He carries a warhammer.
11Warhammer? WIN. Now that's a weapon that I can admire. Go light Teridax .
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions.
25. Does he have any tools/weapons? 3Thanks.
45) Yes. He carries a warhammer.
5A warhammer? I was hoping for an uber-Staff of Light...
6But I guess that's okay too.
7Are you kidding? A warhammer is so much better than a lightstaff or the Staff of Shadows that appeared for like 10 minutes.
1Warhammer eh? I can see Light Teridax wacking the Shadow Takanuvas with that. 2Asked these a few days ago. Seems like we'll be seeing Vezon again soon:
13Kinda bummered about #4. Would've been cool to see a female version of Stronius...
31. Can the Adaptive Armor withstand a Nova Blast? For example, if Tahu goes nova, and Kopaka is within the range of the blast (but not close enough to be killed by it), can the Adaptive Armor somehow change so that he can withstand the heat? 42. Before the Shattering, how many Glatorian were there on Spherus Magna? About 100? 200? More than that? 53. Do you plan to bring Vezon and the mad GB back into story anytime soon? 64. Are there different classes of Skrall among the female Skrall (like a female warrior class, a female leader class and a female elite class)? Or are all female Skrall the same? 75. You probably answered this before, but I'll ask again: how can MU and BM inhabitants communicate with each other?
81) If Kopaka is far enough away that he can't be killed by the blast, then yes, the armor should have enough time to adapt. 92) More. Glatorian made up the armies that fought in the war. 103) At some point, yes 114) No 125) Mata Nui makes it possible
13Kinda bummered about #4. Would've been cool to see a female version of Stronius...

1A female version of Stronius wouldn't have looked right.
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
16You know that jittery awsomness feeling you get when you drink way too much coke then watch Transformers? I got that when I read #1
1QUOTE 21. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again? 32. Were Akamai and Wairuha their own individuals or just the name for the collective conscious of three Toa? 43. IF Lego were to stop the story too, would BZP be able to continue the story on its own? 54. I thought the squids in 2007 were called Vamprah squids? I checked BS01 but they were referenced as sea squid. Did I just imagine that? 65. Also, at one point (long before 2009 came out) I thought that there was another tree that created overripe fruit that were explosive. Did I imagine that too? 76. With just story for next year (the tenth anniversary of Bionicle) will you do something special for the occasion like a short story or something?
81) Extremely high. 92) They were their own individuals 103) Fans can do whatever they like, it simply wouldn't be official because LEGO would not be approving it. 114) Yes, you did. Vamprah was a 2008 character. 125) You are thinking of the Madu fruit from 2001, yes 136) Just planning serials
14I think #1 is new.
15-Lewa Krom
16You know that jittery awsomness feeling you get when you drink way too much coke then watch Transformers? I got that when I read #1
17...Um, I think Greg means that it is very unlikely that we'll see the Kaita again.

11. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again?
21) Extremely high. 3-Lewa Krom
4You know that jittery awsomness feeling you get when you drink way too much coke then watch Transformers? I got that when I read #1
5Sorry, but Greg confirmed later that he has no plans to bring the Kaita back.
11. What are the odds that we'll ever see Akamai or Wairuha again?
21) Extremely high. 3-Lewa Krom
4You know that jittery awsomness feeling you get when you drink way too much coke then watch Transformers? I got that when I read #1
5Sorry, but Greg confirmed later that he has no plans to bring the Kaita back.
6I believe you, but could you provide us with a a Quote? 7-SK
1...Guys... "odds" are the chances against something happening. "Extremely high odds" = extremely low chance of something happening.
1Other way around mac, if there are high odds of something, it is highly likely.
1Having read the #5 screen treatment, I was wondering what you had planned for #6( if you planned that far ahead). Just some general info. Thx. If you're too busy, just ignore this request.
2#6 would have taken place on Bota Magna, and then culminated with a return to Bara Magna for the fight with Makuta.
1No, Planetperson is right. High odds means a low chance; you guys confused it with probability.
1odds [odz] Show IPA 2Use odds in a Sentence 3–noun (usually used with a plural verb) 41. the probability that something is so, will occur, or is more likely to occur than something else: The odds are that it will rain today. 52. the ratio of probability that something is so, will occur, or is more likely to occur than something else. 63. this ratio used as the basis of a bet; the ratio by which the bet of one party to a wager exceeds that of the other, granted by one of two betting opponents to equalize the chances favoring one of them: The odds are two-to-one that it won't rain today. 74. an equalizing allowance, as that given the weaker person or team in a contest; handicap. 85. an advantage or degree of superiority on the side of two contending parties; a difference favoring one of two contestants. 96. an amount or degree by which one thing is better or worse than another. 10—Idioms 117. at odds, at variance; in disagreement: They were usually at odds over political issues. 128. by all odds, in every respect; by far; undoubtedly: She is by all odds the brightest child in the family. Also, by long odds, by odds.
1exactly, so when Greg says the odds are high that we will see Akamai and Wairhua again, and you cant even provide a quote wherein he says they wont, which, if it exists was probably given before the line was cancelled, changing the course of the story, I think we can rest assured he has somthing planed for them.
2When Herculese sings, "I will beat the odds ." He is saying that the odds of him failing are high and he will beat them by succeeding.
2When Herculese sings, "I will beat the odds ." He is saying that the odds of him failing are high and he will beat them by succeeding.
1that would have been nifty if the the katia were to come back, oh well
1[url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?act=findpost&pid=6620454']This one:
2Sorry to bother you again, Mr. Farshtey but the people in OGD want to be sure you didn't misread a question I sent you earlier.
3Here's the question:
4Will we see Akamai and Wairuha in storyline again?
5Actually, I believe I answered when I got this question yesterday that it was very unlikely we would be seeing them again. For one thing, even if you did see them, they would have to be Akamai and Wairuha Nuva, since the Toa no longer exist as Mata, and I really can't see a good story reason to bring them back.
6Now move on.
11.Somewhere, a member said that you said that we will possibly see Akamai and Wairuha again in the future. Is this true?
2No, I said exactly the opposite.
3There. Greg said no kaita. Sorry.![]()
4This quote? I dont see any Greg in there.
5That is a quote, he just didn't put in enough tags.
6EDIT: Beaten. See above.
1GUYS . BACK ON TOPIC . Why does this whole Kaita thing matter? Stop making this a huge deal.
1GUYS . BACK ON TOPIC . Why does this whole Kaita thing matter? Stop making this a huge deal.
2It matters because they were very popular characters, and people went insane when they saw that for 2008, lego didn't release official combiners. I don't think anyone here has moced one? 3Anyways, questions.
4QUOTE 5Mr. Greg,
6A while ago, I wrote a theory about how Mata Nui would take the prototype robot, and he and Makuta would go together and complete their destiny, based on the "three that must be one, and the two that must make them one". Would you be able to confirm if I got spot-on?
7P.S. If you some how can get a break from answering questions, you should see if you can get the chance to read this comedy. It's about you, and you may enjoy it. dunno.gif
81) I would say you need to wait on this until you see if and how this happens. 92) I'm not allowed to read fan fiction.
10-------------------- 11"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K