1Sorry to bother you again, Mr. Farshtey but the people in OGD want to be sure you didn't misread a question I sent you earlier.
2Here's the question:
3Will we see Akamai and Wairuha in storyline again?
4Actually, I believe I answered when I got this question yesterday that it was very unlikely we would be seeing them again. For one thing, even if you did see them, they would have to be Akamai and Wairuha Nuva, since the Toa no longer exist as Mata, and I really can't see a good story reason to bring them back.
5He messed up, that's all.
6-Lewa Krom
1He doesn't see a...but they get more POWERFUL. How's THAT for a story reason?
1Good morning/day/afternoon 2ight,
31. How does the ending of the sets, comics, and movies affect... 4a. your job? 5b. you, personally?
62. What species live on Bota Magna?
73. What happens to Vezon now?
84. What do you think of the Stars?
95. Is Artakha(did I spell it right?)'s mask the corresponding mask to the element of creation, or is there a more Ignika/Vahi-like mask for it? (basing this on the fact that the Wiki claims that creation is an element)
106. What color and powers would a Toa of Creation have? (assuming one could be created)
117. Shouldn't Macku become a Toa, since Hewkii did?
128. Can Makuta become Kaita in both solid and energy form?
139. Would a Makuta Kaita gain any additional powers?
1410. A member of BZP previously asked you about a mask-power creating contest, to which you responded that we should wait until 2010. Well, now that it is 2010, what do you say?
1511. What would you say is the best way to stay up to date with the story: comics, novels, wiki, serials, or something else?
1612. I'm a little unclear as to what a Toa of Shadow really is, can you help me out a bit?
1713. a. Did the Makuta naturally turn into an energy state, or did they do it manually? I never really understood that. 18b. Could the Toa do this? Mata nui?
1914. How did Krakua send his messages through time?
2015. Does Voporak or the Vahi have any more importance?
2116. Why isn't there a mask of Space?
2217. Was Mata nui's death due to the Metru-Matoran having left, or due to the virus?
2318. Do masks based directly on disks, such as Reconstitute at Random, or Remove Poison exist?
2419. What disks did Vakama try to make the Vahi out of as a Matoran?
2520. Can Toa Energy be put into objects other than stones?
2621. What happens if a non-destined Matoran puts a Toa Stone in a suva?
2722. Would the Avohkii have turned any Av-Matoran into a Toa, or just him? Why didn't it work in the Dark Mirror universe?
2823. What "Toa Build" would Helryx have in set form?
2924. Was the "unbreakable layer of stone" under the Great mine Mata Nui's face?
3025. Just a theory, but could a Makuta be created if 42 Kraata were put into Antidermis or something along those lines?
3126. What, exactly, is so dangerous about the Manas?
3227. When the Toa Mata combine powers to defeat Makuta Teridax (in 2001) shouldn't that have created unbreakable protodermis?
3328. Where did the Toa Nuva's symbols come from?
34Dang, that's a lot of questions. I hopw you don't find them too annoying.
351) The only effect on my job is I am not writing BIONICLE comics anymore. The book series would have ended this year anyway, and BIONICLE is not the job I am paid to do anyway -- I am paid to be Editorial Director of LEGO Club. As for how it affects me personally, that's my business, no one else's. 362-3) I can't discuss future storyline 374) Not sure what you're asking -- I work for LEGO, so you have to assume you are going to get a positive answer when it comes to new sets. 385) Creation is not an element. Creation is a mask power. 396) See answer to #5. Creation is not a Toa element. It is a legendary mask power, same as Time is. 407) It doesn't work that way. You are destined to become a Toa or not. You don't become one because your friend did. 418-9) Irrelevant, since, one, Makuta never become kaita since they will not give up their individual identities, and two, the only two Makuta left are Teridax and Miserix, and they sure won't be combining anytime soon. 4210) I don't think we need more mask powers at this time. We have enough. 4311) Well, for 2010, we have two comics, and one book, and the rest will be serials. So post March 2010, serials are the only way to follow story. 4412) Well, if you drain the light from a Matoran, you get a Matoran of Shadow. If that Matoran becomes a Toa, then you have a Toa of Shadow. 4513a) Naturally 4613b) No 4714) At the time that Vakama received the message, he was "wearing" the creature that allows you to see into the future, hence the mental message was able to reach him 4815) Yes 4916) Because I see no need for one. 5017) Due to damage caused by crashing into the planet. 5118) They certainly could 5219) No idea. They were failed attempts, so no point in keeping track of them. 5320) I would say probably yes 5421) Nothing. He's not destined to be a Toa, so nothing is going to happen. 5522) Only him, because he was the one destined to be a Toa. And it didn't work in the alt. universe, because in that universe Takua was not destined to be a Toa. 5623) Probably something close to a Mata build 5724) I'd say no, because his face isn't made of stone 5825) No 5926) Um, they're big, they're really powerful, not sure what else you need to be dangerous 6027) Nope, because they didn't all use their powers at the exact same time. The timing has to be precise. 6128) Most likely, created by Artakha
627. Well, I meant that one in a more out-of-story way. You know, pull some strings.
6316. So can we just assume that such a thing could exist, but is not included in the story?
6416a. What powers did the 6 great disks have individually?
6520. Would there be any limitations to what sort of object? Say a Toa put their energy directly into a matoran, or a sapling?
6623. I see, the Wiki said that the original "Toa Build" was Lhikan's, though.
6724. So what is his face made of, and what was that layer?
6826. Well, they really didn't seem to have much power from the books I read, or animations I watched. It seems all they can do is move quickly, punch, and let theit eyes glow ominously.
69Thanks again.
707) Doesn't work that way either7116) No, you can't. Space is not a mask power. 7216a) I believe you can find that info on biosector01.com 7320) You can't put the energy into a living thing, only an inanimate object 7423) I can't see why that would be. The Toa Mata were constructed before Lhikan was. Lhikan was a Matoran first, the Mata were not. 7524) Protodermis 7626) If I am, say, 10 times stronger than you, and I punch you, isn't that power enough?
771. I should have known 782-3. Drat 794. I should have known 805-6. HA . Take that, wiki . 817. Awwwwwwww . I really wanted Macku to become a Toa . 828-9. Drat, that's the exact same thing he said last time I asked about Makuta Kaita . 8310. Man... ah well, we have the Trinuma's Mask contest. 8411. Okay. 8512. Okay, that clears up a lot. 8613. Ohhhhh... 8714. Oh. I missed that. 8815. YAAAAAY . 8916. ARGH . 9017. Oh. 9118. Lame mask powers, but okay. 9219. Drat. 9320. Ooh, now that is interesting . 9421. Alright... 9522. Makes sense. 9623. Okay. 9724. Um... he didn't answer the whole question there, did he? 9825. Dangit . 9926. Still seems kinda lame. 10027. I should have known. 10128. Alright.
1You know, Creation is an element. It's not a Toa Element, it's a Legendary Element, the same as Time and Life. I am not sure why you thought it was a Toa Element.
1It was probably from a while ago, before Greg decided it was an element.
1You should see the answer to number six then. 2Also, my two separate quotes contradict what he's saying. 3And the topic poster failed to say Legendary Element; if he had used Time, he would have gotten the same response, I bet. 4Also, maybe we should continue in the Official Elements Topic.
1Hi, I just have a few questions for you:
21a. Could devolved Tahu form a Kaita with the other Toa Nuva? 31b. If so, what would be the result? 42. Can the Ignika evolve Tahu back into a Toa Nuva? 53. How hard is it to control the Mask of Creation compared to the Vahi? 64a. Could a Toa Nuva of Ice theoretically lower the temperature to absolute zero, or at least as close as possible to it? 74b. Could a Toa Nuva of Ice do the above? 85a. Have you figured out powers for the Mask of Mutation yet? 95b. If yes, can you tell them to me? 106. A Mask created from a Level 9 Kanoka disk would theoretically be as difficult to control as the Vahi, correct? 117. Can the Great Mask of Illusion create mental illusions, similar to the type Teridax used on Vakama in Time Trap, but on a much lower scale? 128a. Does alternate white-armored Teridax wear the Mask of Shadows? 138b. If so, why? 149a. Can Toa of Plant Life absorb plant life? 159b. Toa of Gravity? 169c. Toa of Magnetism? 179d. Toa of Sonics?
18Thanks .
201) No 212) Yes 223) Pretty much the same degree of difficulty 234a) Probably, why? 245a) No, haven't had time 256) Yes 267) They tend to be more physical illusions than mental illusions 278a) Because shadow is not considered evil where he comes from, since the Makuta never rebelled there 289a) Most likely 299b) No real need to do so, since they can already reduce gravity to zero around you if they want to. 309c) Not really sure where he would be absorbing magnetism from, but yes 319d) Yes
32Guess Tahu might not be staying in his Mata form forever.
GregF SPIRIT GregF SPIRIT GregF SPIRIT 1I noticed this in the Official Greg Discussion today:
23) What is the elemental manifestation of Ba-Matoran?
33) No idea at this point. Since they aren't slated to appear in story, I am not spending time worrying about them yet.
4Since you haven't decided on their power yet, I had a suggestion of my own I was wondering if you wanted to consider.
5Would it make sense for the Ba-Matoran's elemental manifestation to be clumsiness, due to Gravity having a greater effect on them? They could pad all surfaces in their villages to decrease the severity of accidents. The Great Beings could have made them clumsy to make them skilled at the task of repairing things, since their clumsiness would cause a lot of things to be broken giving them a lot of practice at fixing them. This could make sense because their work would be akin to that of Gravity -- keeping things together, that is.
6Or do you have something particular in mind?
7I'm not sure giving them something that on the face of it seems a disadvantage makes sense. I was actually leaning toward making them physically stronger than normal Matoran, since they were originally built to operate in heavier artificial gravity than Mata Nui wound up having, and so the lesser gravity makes them stronger (same as it does for Superman)
8Isn't that be the same thing as the Po-Matoran's ability, though? Plus, isn't the De-Matoran's ability a bit of a disadvantage as well?
9You make excellent points. But making them clumsy so they can learn to fix things is a really roundabout approach, when the GBs could have just given them the ability to fix things, rather than saddle nanotech needed to run the robot with a learning curve. Remember, the GBs had no intent of checking back later to see how the Matoran developed -- their focus was on Mata Nui doing what he needed to do.
10Well in the interest of differentiating the Po-Matoran from the Ba-Matoran, why not make innate repairing the Ba-Matoran's special ability, with the rationale that they Great Beings gave them that power because the purpose of Gravity is to hold things together? This could still lead to clumsiness since if they can "magically" repair anything, why bother being careful?
11I'll think about it, but frankly I am in no rush to assign them a power since I have no plans for them to appear in story anytime soon.
12Just posting this for posterity. And if he picks something else, well, you can't blame a guy for trying.

1Hi, I just have a few questions for you:
21a. Could devolved Tahu form a Kaita with the other Toa Nuva? 31b. If so, what would be the result? 42. Can the Ignika evolve Tahu back into a Toa Nuva? 53. How hard is it to control the Mask of Creation compared to the Vahi? 64a. Could a Toa Nuva of Ice theoretically lower the temperature to absolute zero, or at least as close as possible to it? 74b. Could a Toa Nuva of Ice do the above? 85a. Have you figured out powers for the Mask of Mutation yet? 95b. If yes, can you tell them to me? 106. A Mask created from a Level 9 Kanoka disk would theoretically be as difficult to control as the Vahi, correct? 117. Can the Great Mask of Illusion create mental illusions, similar to the type Teridax used on Vakama in Time Trap, but on a much lower scale? 128a. Does alternate white-armored Teridax wear the Mask of Shadows? 138b. If so, why? 149a. Can Toa of Plant Life absorb plant life? 159b. Toa of Gravity? 169c. Toa of Magnetism? 179d. Toa of Sonics?
18Thanks .
201) No 212) Yes 223) Pretty much the same degree of difficulty 234a) Probably, why? 245a) No, haven't had time 256) Yes 267) They tend to be more physical illusions than mental illusions 278a) Because shadow is not considered evil where he comes from, since the Makuta never rebelled there 289a) Most likely 299b) No real need to do so, since they can already reduce gravity to zero around you if they want to. 309c) Not really sure where he would be absorbing magnetism from, but yes 319d) Yes
32Guess Tahu might not be staying in his Mata form forever.
34Maybe not, but that is some intersting things there, especially #3
1Hey . Sorry to hear that you are ill. I hope you get better soon .
2Just some questions, if you don't mind:
31.) Do the Maori still care about the use of the word "Tohunga"? If not, could it be canonised in some way, like the Kewa and Kahu were? 42.) Is there any chance for a canon contest for Helryx and/or Tuyet? 53.) Do the Great Beings create things with the same method The Mask of Creation does? 64.) So far, there are two versions of the heat vision Rahkshi. It is seen in one of the Metru Nui comics, and appears as a Star. Which version is more canon? 75.) What effects would occur if Tahy did a nova-blast in the Golden Armor?
8Thanks .
91) Yes, they do. "Tohunga" means "priest" in their language, and LEGO made an agreement not to use the term anymore. 102) There are chances for a lot of things, but these contests are set up by BZP and BS01 staff, not by me. 113) What method is that? 124) Neither is more canon. They are two artistic versions of the same thing. 135) The golden armor would not affect his fire nova blast.
143.) As in thinking of what you want, and it being built or giving instructions. 155.) So no increase in power then?
163) No, because they don't use Kanohi to do their work 175) No, not for a fire blast. The golden armor has a very specific use.
18I'm the lord at gaining Golden Armor info.
1Few for you today, Greg.![]()
21) Is the Golden Armour's purpose related directly to the Shattering and the Great Being's solution to it?
32) Who made the Golden Armour and when? (If you can say)
43) Is the Golden Hau of the set an actual Kanohi mask?
53a) If so, then does it have it's own unique power separate from the armour?
64) Is the mask of the armour shaped like a Hau for a reason?
75) You have said that the Golden Armour has a very specific use... Does this mean it has only one purpose and can only be used in a certain situation?
86) Will Takanuva's full destiny be completed/attempted to be completed before the comics are finished?
97) Is it possible for Teridax to still fulfill his original role (that the Great Beings intended for him to do with Mata Nui), albeit, unintentionally?
108) Have you played Freedom Force?
11Thanks, Greg .
121) I would say no 132) I can't say 143) Yes 153a) Shielding 164) Yes, because it was intended for use by Tahu 175) Yes to the former, no to the latter 186) I don't think so, no. 197) Follow the story and find out 208) No
1On the new Bionicle.com, the prototype robot simply looks to be like a smaller version of the MU Robot, with the same face. However, in the comics, the face is different. Is there a reason for this? If not, could it possibly be that the comic version the head is in a 'protective' mode? Kind of like a helmet coming down for battle. Like in Transformers.
3- Tilius
4Different artists is basically the reason. I have not touched based with Bink yet on whether he feels we need a story explanation for it.
5- Tilius
1Hi I have some other questions.
21) The toyfair is in february right? 31a) If so, Will we see the new line then?
4.:.:TakaNuva111:.:.51) Yes 62) It's possible, they usually do show summer sets at the Feb. show. So there may be articles in the toy industry press about it. As you know, the show isn't open to the public.
1Thanks for the answers, I just have a few follow-up questions:
21. If a person lost control of the Mask of Creation, would that have the same effect as destroying it? 32. So, just to confirm for BS01, Toa of Gravity cannot absorb Gravity, correct? 43. When a Toa Kaita is created, the masks of the Toa that merged are merged into one mask, with the powers of all three. If someone took the merged Kanohi mask off of a Toa Kaita, would it separate back into the masks that were fused to create it, or would it stay as one mask?
5Thanks .
71) No 82) I don't see why they would need to. 93) It would stay as one mask for as long as the kaita was in existence
10Got some replies from Greg.
13. When a Toa Kaita is created, the masks of the Toa that merged are merged into one mask, with the powers of all three. If someone took the merged Kanohi mask off of a Toa Kaita, would it separate back into the masks that were fused to create it, or would it stay as one mask?
23) It would stay as one mask for as long as the kaita was in existence
3Thanks, I was going to re-ask that in a few more days. Now I don't have to.

1There's been something of a quarrel in the Official Elements Topic recently. I've been trying to make a theory of gravity inside the MU. I think it best at the moment to simply send it to you, and see if you can confirm it, or at least see what you think. I fear it may be too science-y and irrelevant to consider or ever come up, but I am sending it regardless. Here it goes, I suppose:
2-Gravity in the Matoran Universe is not caused by the curvature of Space-Time. 3-It is instead caused by gravitons, which act as the gauge boson of MU 'gravity', along the lines of electromagnetism's photons. 4-These gravitons have an anti-particle, anti-gravitons. 5-The gravitons and anti-gravitons are ambient within the MU; they are ambient as a field being emitted from the ground, and are being emitted by all objects and beings within the MU, but only by these. 6-Like electromagnetism, when a graviton meets an anti-graviton, they repel the owners of the particles. When a graviton meets a graviton, they attract. The same with anti-gravitons and other anti-gravitons. 7-Beings in the MU emit gravitons only. The ground, or back, of the MU emits both anti- and regular gravitons. 8-The graviton levels of the ground/back are controlled by Mata Nui in the same was as a Toa would, but on a larger scale: With elemental gravity energy. 9-The regular balance is approximately 9.8m/s^2 anti- to 19.6m/s^2 regular gravitons. This gives a 9.8m/s^2 pull downwards. 10-When outside the MU (or when MU's gravity systems are disabled, such as when he was on Aqua Magna), the MU inhabitants still emit gravitons. They are also effected by regular gravity. Toa of Gravity can cause objects to emit gravitons, even ones outside the MU. To make a being lighter outside the MU, he causes the ground beneath them to emit anti-gravitons with his elemental energy.
11Thanks in advance,
13Really way more in depth than I care to get. People need to remember that this is science-FANTASY, and everything doesn't need a complex explanation to it. Some things you simply accept as part of the story and move on.

1There's been something of a quarrel in the Official Elements Topic recently. I've been trying to make a theory of gravity inside the MU. I think it best at the moment to simply send it to you, and see if you can confirm it, or at least see what you think. I fear it may be too science-y and irrelevant to consider or ever come up, but I am sending it regardless. Here it goes, I suppose:
2-Gravity in the Matoran Universe is not caused by the curvature of Space-Time. 3-It is instead caused by gravitons, which act as the gauge boson of MU 'gravity', along the lines of electromagnetism's photons. 4-These gravitons have an anti-particle, anti-gravitons. 5-The gravitons and anti-gravitons are ambient within the MU; they are ambient as a field being emitted from the ground, and are being emitted by all objects and beings within the MU, but only by these. 6-Like electromagnetism, when a graviton meets an anti-graviton, they repel the owners of the particles. When a graviton meets a graviton, they attract. The same with anti-gravitons and other anti-gravitons. 7-Beings in the MU emit gravitons only. The ground, or back, of the MU emits both anti- and regular gravitons. 8-The graviton levels of the ground/back are controlled by Mata Nui in the same was as a Toa would, but on a larger scale: With elemental gravity energy. 9-The regular balance is approximately 9.8m/s^2 anti- to 19.6m/s^2 regular gravitons. This gives a 9.8m/s^2 pull downwards. 10-When outside the MU (or when MU's gravity systems are disabled, such as when he was on Aqua Magna), the MU inhabitants still emit gravitons. They are also effected by regular gravity. Toa of Gravity can cause objects to emit gravitons, even ones outside the MU. To make a being lighter outside the MU, he causes the ground beneath them to emit anti-gravitons with his elemental energy.
11Thanks in advance,
13Really way more in depth than I care to get. People need to remember that this is science-FANTASY, and everything doesn't need a complex explanation to it. Some things you simply accept as part of the story and move on.
15Do we really need to calculate the precise ratio of theoretical particles that represent a collective greater force? That's like asking how much nitrogen was in the atmosphere in Hoth. I've heard of some irrelevant things, but I think if you like going into this much scientific detail, your efforts would do better elsewhere. If you tried to define all the things in the MU this scientifically, I think you'd honestly lose your mind.
1hey greg.
2i am extremely confused.
3Gravity is the force between two objects with mass. it therefore always attracts things. the force carrier is the hypothetical graviton, and causes space/time curvature. well, you need to have a lot of mass before it gets apparent, as the sun itself barely curves space.
4yet you say that a toa does not have to absorb gravity because it can already reduce it. but gravity is similar to light. to decrease it, you NEED to absorb it. there is no other way.
5similarly, you said that a Ba-nova either causes increase of gravity or decrease of gravity. yet again, decrease is merely absorbtion, just as a toa of fire can reduce fire by absorbing it. just as a toa of ice could thaw a glacier by absorbing the cold, not by "reducing" it. reducing=absorbing. therefore, an unleashing of all EE can not remove, only add the EE.
6what are your thoughts on this?
7there is one tricky thing: gravity is always focused between objects.
8however, would it be possible for a Ba-toa to "focus" a Nova onto one object, causing the object to have massive gravity and form a micro black hole?
9is it possible for certain toa to focus a Nova on one object, causing it to be the center of the Nova? like the Bohrok Kal caused themselves to be the centre of their "nova"?
10in bionicle, does Antigravity exist?
11i am asking this because there is no reason to: absorbing all gravity causes beings to shoot up in the sky due to the centrifugal force, not antigravity. antigravity would cause a whole bunch of other problems messing up practically all we know. for example, it would allow Wormholes to be formed, among other disturbing things. the MU needs no antigravity to function. one gravity field inverse to the direction of the gravity field from a nearby celestial body, and one peripendicular to the "bottom" of the MU, what the matoran percieve as the ground. also, it would remove many other problems.
12thank you for your time.
13PS: do you still suffer from a cold or are you better again?
14His power is that he can increase or negate gravity. It is not necessary for him to physically absorb gravity in order to negate it.
1You guys actually debated that? I'm sorry, but I think that's pathetic. And I like talking about that kind of thing... in the real world. Greg's answer is one of my most favorite he's ever given. This is a fictional fantasy storyline, guys. We DO NOT NEED an explanation for everything, yet minute and excrutiatingly detailed explanations are all people seem to be after anymore. Like. Just accept it for what it is please?
2Anyways, the whole Creation thing's confused me and I should have something up here from Greg shortly on it...
2Anyways, the whole Creation thing's confused me and I should have something up here from Greg shortly on it...
1While this offers some information, I am sure ET's PM will offer more insight:
2Hey GregF, 3Are Time, Life, and Creation considered Legendary Elements or Legendary Mask Powers? You said they weren't elements, but did you mean that Toa cannot control them, or they aren't even legendary elements either? We're quite confused on your definition of elements and powers, because we have contradictory answers. When I asked you if Creation was a Legendary Element, you said yes. But recently, you said it wasn't an element. But then you said that Creation was a legendary mask power, which you then said same as Time. So that's why I ask what Creation, Life, and Time are. 4Thanks.
5I don't think the word "element" should be used if it is not a power a Toa can have. Element should be restricted to something where there can be a "Toa of ..." it, because it becomes a lot less confusing that way. Otherwise, people automatically assume there must be Matoran of Creation and Toa of Creation out there, when there aren't.
1Do we really need to calculate the precise ratio of theoretical particles that represent a collective greater force? That's like asking how much nitrogen was in the atmosphere in Hoth. I've heard of some irrelevant things, but I think if you like going into this much scientific detail, your efforts would do better elsewhere. If you tried to define all the things in the MU this scientifically, I think you'd honestly lose your mind.
2The ratio is practically given. One of the things the Official Elements Topic said was that there was a balance between anti- and regular gravity, that's the logical balance, so I used that.
3I wouldn't lose my mind, I love this sort of thing

1Do we really need to calculate the precise ratio of theoretical particles that represent a collective greater force? That's like asking how much nitrogen was in the atmosphere in Hoth. I've heard of some irrelevant things, but I think if you like going into this much scientific detail, your efforts would do better elsewhere. If you tried to define all the things in the MU this scientifically, I think you'd honestly lose your mind.
2The ratio is practically given. One of the things the Official Elements Topic said was that there was a balance between anti- and regular gravity, that's the logical balance, so I used that.
3I wouldn't lose my mind, I love this sort of thing
4Well then while the previous statement may not apply to you, it most certainly applies to whoever calculated that.
5And I get that. My hobby is making arguments based on impossibilites and then using those argument to procure even more impossibilites.
6No more gravity theories, okay people? I think we've had enough. We got a prefix, don't make the man regret that.
1Official elements topic guys, not OGD.
1hey greg.
2however, would it be possible for a Ba-toa to "focus" a Nova onto one object, causing the object to have massive gravity and form a micro black hole?
3is it possible for certain toa to focus a Nova on one object, causing it to be the center of the Nova? like the Bohrok Kal caused themselves to be the centre of their "nova"?
4in bionicle, does Antigravity exist?
5thank you for your time.
6His power is that he can increase or negate gravity. It is not necessary for him to physically absorb gravity in order to negate it.
7hey greg.
8i am still rather confused.
9how can one reduce gravity without absorbtion? a toa of fire controls heat, for example. the only way to reduce this heat is to absorb it. i don't see how one can control it. similarly, a toa of air can not reduce air without absorbing it. the same for magnetism, light, etc etc etc.
10Why? We have indeed shown Vakama absorb heat, but he then had to release it because he could not contain the power. We have never stated anywhere that the only way to negate something is to personally absorb it. For example, the Human Torch does have to absorb outside fire if he wants to extinguish it, but Graviton does not need to absorb gravity to negate it around an enemy, nor does Magneto have to actually absorb magnetic force to negate it.
1Hey GregF, 2Are Time, Life, and Creation considered Legendary Elements or Legendary Mask Powers? You said they weren't elements, but did you mean that Toa cannot control them, or they aren't even legendary elements either? We're quite confused on your definition of elements and powers, because we have contradictory answers. When I asked you if Creation was a Legendary Element, you said yes. But recently, you said it wasn't an element. But then you said that Creation was a legendary mask power, which you then said same as Time. So that's why I ask what Creation, Life, and Time are. 3Thanks.
4I don't think the word "element" should be used if it is not a power a Toa can have. Element should be restricted to something where there can be a "Toa of ..." it, because it becomes a lot less confusing that way. Otherwise, people automatically assume there must be Matoran of Creation and Toa of Creation out there, when there aren't.
51. Then what do you consider Time, Life, and Creation as?
61) Legendary mask powers
1Hey GregF, 2Are Time, Life, and Creation considered Legendary Elements or Legendary Mask Powers? You said they weren't elements, but did you mean that Toa cannot control them, or they aren't even legendary elements either? We're quite confused on your definition of elements and powers, because we have contradictory answers. When I asked you if Creation was a Legendary Element, you said yes. But recently, you said it wasn't an element. But then you said that Creation was a legendary mask power, which you then said same as Time. So that's why I ask what Creation, Life, and Time are. 3Thanks.
4I don't think the word "element" should be used if it is not a power a Toa can have. Element should be restricted to something where there can be a "Toa of ..." it, because it becomes a lot less confusing that way. Otherwise, people automatically assume there must be Matoran of Creation and Toa of Creation out there, when there aren't.
51. Then what do you consider Time, Life, and Creation as?
61) Legendary mask powers
7That seems logical. I don't get when BS01 starting making conjectures. And anyway, when have mask powers been elements that weren't elements before?
1Huh? Time and Life had already been confirmed as Legendary elements, but now they have been changed to powers.
1What? They're not Elements anymore? Bummer.
9First of all, yeah, I need to work on how to work the quote tags. Second, this doesn't makes sense. In BIONICLE Adventures 7, the Toa Metru healed Graalok the Ash Bear with their Toa Power. I'm pretty sure that's a living thing.
2Good morning/day/afternoon 3ight, 420. Can Toa Energy be put into objects other than stones?
520) I would say probably yes
620. Would there be any limitations to what sort of object? Say a Toa put their energy directly into a matoran, or a sapling? 7Thanks again.
820) You can't put the energy into a living thing, only an inanimate object
9First of all, yeah, I need to work on how to work the quote tags. Second, this doesn't makes sense. In BIONICLE Adventures 7, the Toa Metru healed Graalok the Ash Bear with their Toa Power. I'm pretty sure that's a living thing.
1What? They're not Elements anymore? Bummer.
2Good morning/day/afternoon 3ight, 420. Can Toa Energy be put into objects other than stones?
520) I would say probably yes
620. Would there be any limitations to what sort of object? Say a Toa put their energy directly into a matoran, or a sapling? 7Thanks again.
820) You can't put the energy into a living thing, only an inanimate object
9First of all, yeah, I need to work on how to work the quote tags. Second, this doesn't makes sense. In BIONICLE Adventures 7, the Toa Metru healed Graalok the Ash Bear with their Toa Power. I'm pretty sure that's a living thing.
10They didn't store the energy in Graalok, they used the energy on it.
1Greg meant that you can't use a living thing as a transferrer, but it can be put directly into a living thing. The stones are just used to get the power from one thing to another. Greg said that a living thing can't transfer it, but it can absorb it.
17) Is it possible for Teridax to still fulfill his original role (that the Great Beings intended for him to do with Mata Nui), albeit, unintentionally?
27) Follow the story and find out
3Regarding this, I have heard many members saying that you must complete your destiny and that destiny is what will happen. Is that the case (meaning that Teridax will somehow help fix Spherus Magna), or is that previous fact incorrect in some way?
4Thanks for answering.
5I believe that is correct, yes.
6So Teridax, in some way, must help Mata Nui fix Spherus Magna?
7You'll find out in March
8Are you able to say whether Teriax's destiny (in this particular line) stopped at taking over the MU, or was it to help with the entire mission?
9No, I can't say.
11. So the term Legendary Element no longer exists, then? 22. You previously stated that the alternate Teridax's Kraahkan was gold, but more recently stated it was white. In set form, a gold Kraahkan does exist, but a white one does not exist. For MOCing purposes, can you confirm that his mask was indeed gold and not white?
31) As I said to ET the other day, we have a semantics issue, because even BZPers -- who are the most wired in of all BIONICLE fans - see the word "element" and automatically assume there must be a Toa of it. I don't know any way around that beyond restricting the word to elements Toa can control. 42) Sure
1Hello Greg .
21.)Once you cofirmed that there was a mask of mutation. I think it can be the mask of Tridax because he was an evil scientist too. And he used that mask to the creation of Shadow Leeches and for many other missions. Can you confirm it?
32.)What about a new element strength. I know it sounds weird , but think there was many superhero who has got only superhuman strength so... Pa-Matoran (from the word Pakari) they are stonger than the other tribes, they have got "thicker skin(armour)", they are fast, strong, and powerful.
43.) There was the Sun-Rock dragon once mentioned in the story. Maybe the sun-rock is a kind of lightstone used in Spherus/Bara-Magna.The Agori can mine it in the Sun-Rock Mountains the homelands of this dragons and the Skralls.
5Merry Christmas and Happy New year . .
61) I'm not planning to assign the mask to anyone. 72) Strength is not an element, it's an attribute. 83) Agori don't use lightstones, they use torches.
93.)Now, they are using torches. But before the Shattering the Skrall ruled this area so o nly the rock tribe used the sun-rock. The sun-rock isnt a lightstone its a crystal what can charged with sunlight.
104.)What was that temple in the stars promo?Where is it, in the Valley of Maze?
113) No. It's not. It's a rock that gets bleached by the fact that the sun beats down on it all day. It has no special powers. 124) Haven't seen the promo, so don't know
133.)But can you confirm that there is a Sun-Rock Mountains and this is the homeland of Skrall. If not please tell me how can an agori get this rock maybe in Iconox.
145.)If an Olmak user make a dimensional gate and a Vahi user get in the space and he is using the Vahi on an other dimensional gate(maybe to Karda Nui) can he travel back in the history of Karda Nui?
153) I don't know that there is actually a mountain range named Sun-Rock ... sun-rock is a type of rock. We don't have mountains called Granite Mountains or Basalt Mountains. 165) No. Neither the Olmak nor the Vahi nor any combination of the two allows for time travel.
1Greg meant that you can't use a living thing as a transferrer, but it can be put directly into a living thing. The stones are just used to get the power from one thing to another. Greg said that a living thing can't transfer it, but it can absorb it.
2Oh. So does that mean you can just pour it into a Matoran and they would become a Toa, if they're destined to?
1Greg meant that you can't use a living thing as a transferrer, but it can be put directly into a living thing. The stones are just used to get the power from one thing to another. Greg said that a living thing can't transfer it, but it can absorb it.
2Oh. So does that mean you can just pour it into a Matoran and they would become a Toa, if they're destined to?
3Probably, yes.
1Could that be what they did to Krakua?