1Hi, Greg.
2There was a big debate on BS01 recently on whether or not we should have a page for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision's staff, given that it appears to be just a melee weapon with no special powers or properties. So I wanted to ask you a few questions about it:
31. I know it doesn't channel their heat vision powers, but does it increase or improve them in any way when they're in possession of the staff? 42. I remember in the Rahkshi promotional videos (See Vohrahk and Kurahk in the middle row), the Rahkshi would hold the ends of their staff backwards while flying, as if they were in some way their source of propulsion. Do they aid the Heat Vision Rahkshi in flight in this way? 53. Is there anything at all special about this staff, or is it just a "beating stick?"
6Also, on an unrelated note: 74. Is Telluris's insanity caused by only a partial immunity to the Plague?
81) Yes, it does. If they don't have the staff in hand, they lose the power. 92) Yes 103) See #1 114) No, it's caused by wandering the desert for 100,000 years, and just plain hatred and bitterness
14. So is "shooting a heat beam" valid, then? 25. Is the Great Disruption the same thing as the Matoran Civil War? I am having trouble understanding this because in the Timeline from the 2007 Brickmaster magazine, it states "79,500 years ago: Matoran Civil War sparks Great Disruption." But in the 2009's Makuta's Guide to the Universe, it states that they are the same thing. I thought there was a difference between both events.
34) Nope. Going to do it that the beams come from their eyes, but if they are not holding the staff, they lose the power. 45) They are different events, but it is a very subtle difference. Basically, the war breaks out, the Matoran aren't working because of it, so Mata Nui's operations are disrupted, hence the Great Disruption. So the disruption was going on at the same time the war was and are perceived by the Matoran as being the same thing.
1I think 4 is new. At least now the staff has a use.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5But the Heat Vision Rahkshi that attacked Whenua in the Archives could use its power without a Staff. Weird.
6Did it actually use its power?
1I think 4 is new. At least now the staff has a use.
2New, except just a few posts back when I said it nine posts back from this. But that's usually how it happens when Greg makes a decision that a lot of people want to know. They all ask the same question, and get the same answer, just at different times.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5But the Heat Vision Rahkshi that attacked Whenua in the Archives could use its power without a Staff. Weird.
6Did it actually use its power?
7Yep. Almost fried Whenua with it.
1hey greg.
2a quick question.
3in a reply to another member, you said you're setting it up, that a Rahkshi of Heatvision looses it's power when it does not touch it's staff.
4however, we know that Whenua got attacked once in the archives by a rahkshi without staff. would this be a retcon?
5or is it analogous to a toa and it's mask. loose the mask, loose a big portion of power. for a Rahkshi, loose the staff, loose a great deal of power (especially since we know Rahkshi suits are just armor, and the Kraata inside powers it. the staff would then enhance the power of the Kraata.
6thank you in advance.
7Was Whenua attacked by a heat vision Rahkshi, or just a Rahkshi?
9so it only applies to Heat Vision rahkshi then? why the difference? or do all "vision" rahkshi need their staffs"?
10Because without the difference, the staff is worthless, it's just a stick.
11word from greg
GregF 1I know that Tahu has matured in the time since we've met him, but is he going to be frustrated that he's weaker when the Ignika transforms him, especially since collecting the golden armor will be one of the more important tasks (I think it's one them, at least) he's ever had to do and he won't have his normal strength?
2Sure he is
3Think this is new, though some people probably assumed it already.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5But the Heat Vision Rahkshi that attacked Whenua in the Archives could use its power without a Staff. Weird.
6The book didn't say Rahkshi had it's staff, bud neither did it say it didn't have. We just don't know.
1Hello Greg .
21.) Was there other volcano in the region of fire in Spherus Magna?
32.) Why did the fire tribe left their region and moved to Vulcanus?
43.)Was there element sand in the Mu or just stone?
54.) Where are the Agoris who lived in the Mega-village now?
61) Possibly smaller ones 72) They didn't. Vulcanus is an outpost, it's not their main center of population. 83) No sand as an element in the MU 94) In the desert.
101.) Did these volcanos irrupted at the Shattering? 112.) So are there fire agoris at these region?
121) Doubtful 132) Yes
145.)Before the plague the Iron Tribe lived in Bota Magna can you say something about their ancient homeland in bota magna.
155a.) Was there iron or excidian mines in this location?
166.)Are there any agori who traveled from the fire region to vulcanus? (maybe the hero agori?)
175) They lived in the mountains 185a) Iron mines, yes 196) Sure. Just about all of them did, they were not native to Vulcanus.
205.) So about the iron tribes , forested mountain ranges with iron mines. 215b.) The skrall lived in simply forested mountain ranges.Did they live in the same mountain ranges but in other parts?
226.)How are you today?
235-5In some cases, they shared some of the same territory, in others, they did not.
245.) So they lived in the same mountain range but in other parts?
256.) How can an agori get sun-rock? 266.a)By mining? 276b.)Or just finding it like a peeble.
287.)How many chapters will be appear on bionicle.com ( we have got 4 now)
295) Yes, because not all mountains have iron veins in them. 306) We have never identified sun-rock as being a special type of rock. It may simply refer to a rock that is exposed to the sun. 317) Chapters of what?
325.) Who ruled the bigger area? Skrall or Iron Tribe?(I think skrall)
336.) You said once it is bleached by the sunshine? 347.) Chapters of the Mata Nui Saga in bionicle.com 358.)How can Teridax leave Aqua Magna without the Red Star? 369.)You said once there is a Mask of Mutation? Is it weared by a Makuta?
375) Both sides claimed portions as their territory. 387) You would need to ask Binkmeister that, I have no involvement with it. 398) Who said he left it without the red star? 409) It was, yes
415.) as it got a name,(like Iron-Forest Mountains( beacuse of te iron mines and the forest on it) 428.) It was not seen in the comic. 439.) In my theory it was weared by Miserix, because before the transform into antidermis the makuta feared him, beacuse if any makuta do not complied , he mutated their body into a weaker form.
445) No 458) Because the vast majority of kids who read the comic in 2009 don't know what the red star is -- beyond one mention in a recent serial, it hasn't been mentioned in story since like 2003 -- that was seven years ago. So if I put it in comic, I have to waste a page or two explaining what it is for all the kids who joined BIONICLE after 2003.
465.) so has it got a name or we can call it skrall homeland(or ironland?)
4710.)What is the weapon of the stars tahu? fire sword? magma sword?
4811.)how about the other skakdi warlords?are they with nektann?
495) I have no approved names at this point, so I can't give it a BIONICLE name 5010) Same as his 2001 weapon 5111) No. They consider him a "piraka" for going over to Makuta's side
5211.) What is the stronger? golden armor hau? or hau nuva?
5312.)Was there capitals in the elemental regions of spherus magna? like fire-city or city of fire?
5411) Hau Nuva -- its power can be shared with others, golden armor Hau cannot 5512) Yes
5612.) can you say something about these cities. Names? Places?(like fire city is at the notrhern side of the valley of the maze. etc.)
5713 Is the wearer of the mask of mutation is Tridax?
5814.) Is the dreaminf plague caused by a stone what was mined in the iron tribe's mines?
5912) Since they have not come into story, I have not sketched them out 6013) Doubtful 6114) I am not going to discuss what caused it, that is part of future story
11. I heard talk of a possible serial about a Toa team comprised of Toa with elements outside the big six, is this true?
22. I was thinking about how Matoran have small manifestations of elemental power. Could a possible ability for Matoran of Plantlife be that they're skilled gardeners and overall better at rearing plants? For Matoran of Plasma, since plasma is essentially energy, could they go longer without sleep or rest?
33. Was Gelu given ice powers? Seems unfair that Mata Nui would give every Glatorian elemental powers except Gelu.
44. Since the Ignika devolves Tahu into his Mata form, could the Ignika also evolve him back into his Nuva form?
51) It's possible, yes 62) Both are interesting ideas, I will think about them 73) No, because he never met Mata Nui. And he only gave powers to a few Glatorian, nowhere near all of them that exist. 84) Yes
22. I was thinking about how Matoran have small manifestations of elemental power. Could a possible ability for Matoran of Plantlife be that they're skilled gardeners and overall better at rearing plants? For Matoran of Plasma, since plasma is essentially energy, could they go longer without sleep or rest?
33. Was Gelu given ice powers? Seems unfair that Mata Nui would give every Glatorian elemental powers except Gelu.
44. Since the Ignika devolves Tahu into his Mata form, could the Ignika also evolve him back into his Nuva form?
51) It's possible, yes 62) Both are interesting ideas, I will think about them 73) No, because he never met Mata Nui. And he only gave powers to a few Glatorian, nowhere near all of them that exist. 84) Yes
1Hi, GregF. I just had a few questions to ask:
21. Towards the end of Destiny War, the Shadowed One (in possession of a prototype of the virus that sent Mata Nui into a coma) agreed to meet Pridak at the ruined realm of Karzahni to negotiate an alliance. Will this sub-plot be continued sometime in the foreseeable future?
32. Will the journey of Axonn and Brutaka back to Metru Nui from the Southern Islands ever be elaborated upon? Also, will Keetongu reappear at some point?
43. Recently, you confirmed that the Mask of Mutation was once worn by a Makuta. Would Toa consider it to be an immoral mask, given its association with a Makuta and its powers?
54a. The Kanohi Ignika transformed Tahu to his original form so he may wear the Golden Armor. Did it devolve him (revert him back to a Toa), or is Tahu still a Toa Nuva (he retains the ability to access elemental Nuva powers and use Kanohi Nuva)?
64b. Is his Kanohi a Hau or still a Hau Nuva?
74c. A while ago, you confirmed that Tahu still has his adaptive armor. Is his mask still adaptive?
8Thank you for your time.
101) Yes 112) No plans for either. Since Brutaka and Axonn got where they were going, I can't see doing a flashback story on how they got there. 123) I don't think so, no, because I am probably giving it to Miserix, who was not part of the rebellion 134) It did turn him back into a Mata 144b) Hau 154c) Yes
16So, the Dark Hunters &Barraki will meet up, Tahu's a Toa Mata again with a regular Hau that's adaptive, we'll more than likely never know just what happened to Axonn, Brutaka, &everyone's favorite yellow simian in the southern islands (darn it .), and Miserix will probably get a mask... all in all:

11. have you heard of the BZP wide movie series Bionicle: Next Generation 22. do you watch LOST the tv show
31) It was mentioned to me by someone who was asking for a contact in our Legal dept. to check and make sure it is okay to do 42) No
51. like could you canonized the scenery and other stuff
6At this point, I don't really have time to get drawn into this project. This seems to fall more under the fan fiction umbrella.
7it would be cool if he did
11) I was wondering this. Nidhiki's name is rather villainous, and I don't think a matoran or toa would be named "Nidhiki". Can you confirm that Nidhiki was orginally called a different name, but then changed his name to be his nickname with the Dark Hunters?
22) Can we see Jaller come soon?
33) Is Arthaka (being) roughly the same size as Karzhani?
44) Will we bee seing alternate Takanuva appear soon?
55) I've heard you say frequently that BZPers will help in a way to say which way the story is going (Post-Summer 2010), how will we help with the story?
66) What are your favorite comics?
77) Will you be coming to San Diego Comic Con this year? (*crosses fingers that you say yes*)
81) Impossible, because he is seen in story being called Nidhiki as a Toa. 92) We'll see 103) Artakha is about nine feet tall 114) If you are following Reign of Shadows, you just saw them last chapter 125) Hasn't been decided yet 136) Avengers, Batman, Brave and the Bold 147) I don't know. I am actually hoping not to this year, as I have things I will need to be doing at home around that time.
22) Can we see Jaller come soon?
33) Is Arthaka (being) roughly the same size as Karzhani?
44) Will we bee seing alternate Takanuva appear soon?
55) I've heard you say frequently that BZPers will help in a way to say which way the story is going (Post-Summer 2010), how will we help with the story?
66) What are your favorite comics?
77) Will you be coming to San Diego Comic Con this year? (*crosses fingers that you say yes*)
81) Impossible, because he is seen in story being called Nidhiki as a Toa. 92) We'll see 103) Artakha is about nine feet tall 114) If you are following Reign of Shadows, you just saw them last chapter 125) Hasn't been decided yet 136) Avengers, Batman, Brave and the Bold 147) I don't know. I am actually hoping not to this year, as I have things I will need to be doing at home around that time.
1QUOTE 2Hi Greg, thank you so much for all you've done for Bionicle . You've been an inspiration to me as a Writer, and while you still had your flaws (as do all of us), you did your job to the best of your abilities every single day, and made many people happy . "
3Now I'd like to ask you some questions about what Artakha can use the mask of Creation to make schematics for and then create.
41. could or even did artakha use the moc to create the adaptive Protosteel armor/masks?
52. could he use the mask to create new Golden Kanohi?
62a. Kanohi nuva
73. Great Disks/elemental Great disks?
84. Can he make mental improvements to mental designs with the mask, or is it limited to envisioning prototype designs and then leaving the rest to Artakha?
95. Could he make Duplicates of the three vehicles in the Codrex, or any other vehicles he's made for that matter, or are these to massive a job for the mask to tackle?
106. Could Artakha use the Mask Offensively? Like say creating a large Cordak/skyblaster turret that he can control? or creating a swarm of Guided antimatter nano missiles, or mines, or even a giant cube of solid metal to crush foes etc?
117. can he make resources or valuables with the mask, like precious metals or gems?
128. does the Golden armor only make Tahu invincible or does it also give him infinite toa energy. in other words when he dons the Golden armor, will he become super powerful in addition to being invincible?
139. I noticed that the Teridax Robot didn't simply Kill his alternate brother when he discovered him, was this because it would be more entertaining to send shadow Takanuva after him and watch him fight them?
1410. if the Alternate Teridax had a mask of time duplication and a plentiful supply of EP, could he have his duplicates create tons of Kraata and then turn them into Rahkshi? if they could, would the Rahkshi disappear with the duplicates that made them when Teridax sends them back?
151) I would say that is likely 162-3) Hesitate to answer this at this point 174) If you already have a mental design, then the mask produces the item. If you just have an idea, the mask produces the design and you build it. 185) No real need to, once the prototype exists, his Matoran can make duplicates. 196) Yes, although it is hard to use in combat because you have to pause to conceive the design, during which time someone kills you 207) I would say no, because that is not something that is designed and built 218) It does not make him invincible, first off. And what it actually does do gets revealed in March 229) Yes, and because he does not perceive alt. Teridax as a threat. Makuta on his own was no threat to Mata Nui, he needed the virus to attack him. 2310) I don't think that they would disappear, because the effects of what you do do not vanish when you do, only you vanish.
24"10) Sounds very cool, a Makuta has his Time duplicate Army make him an army of Kraata that he turns into an army of Rahkshi . Alternate Teridax and his army of light . Well not exactly of course but that would be so Cool .
3Now I'd like to ask you some questions about what Artakha can use the mask of Creation to make schematics for and then create.
41. could or even did artakha use the moc to create the adaptive Protosteel armor/masks?
52. could he use the mask to create new Golden Kanohi?
62a. Kanohi nuva
73. Great Disks/elemental Great disks?
84. Can he make mental improvements to mental designs with the mask, or is it limited to envisioning prototype designs and then leaving the rest to Artakha?
95. Could he make Duplicates of the three vehicles in the Codrex, or any other vehicles he's made for that matter, or are these to massive a job for the mask to tackle?
106. Could Artakha use the Mask Offensively? Like say creating a large Cordak/skyblaster turret that he can control? or creating a swarm of Guided antimatter nano missiles, or mines, or even a giant cube of solid metal to crush foes etc?
117. can he make resources or valuables with the mask, like precious metals or gems?
128. does the Golden armor only make Tahu invincible or does it also give him infinite toa energy. in other words when he dons the Golden armor, will he become super powerful in addition to being invincible?
139. I noticed that the Teridax Robot didn't simply Kill his alternate brother when he discovered him, was this because it would be more entertaining to send shadow Takanuva after him and watch him fight them?
1410. if the Alternate Teridax had a mask of time duplication and a plentiful supply of EP, could he have his duplicates create tons of Kraata and then turn them into Rahkshi? if they could, would the Rahkshi disappear with the duplicates that made them when Teridax sends them back?
151) I would say that is likely 162-3) Hesitate to answer this at this point 174) If you already have a mental design, then the mask produces the item. If you just have an idea, the mask produces the design and you build it. 185) No real need to, once the prototype exists, his Matoran can make duplicates. 196) Yes, although it is hard to use in combat because you have to pause to conceive the design, during which time someone kills you 207) I would say no, because that is not something that is designed and built 218) It does not make him invincible, first off. And what it actually does do gets revealed in March 229) Yes, and because he does not perceive alt. Teridax as a threat. Makuta on his own was no threat to Mata Nui, he needed the virus to attack him. 2310) I don't think that they would disappear, because the effects of what you do do not vanish when you do, only you vanish.
24"10) Sounds very cool, a Makuta has his Time duplicate Army make him an army of Kraata that he turns into an army of Rahkshi . Alternate Teridax and his army of light . Well not exactly of course but that would be so Cool .
11. have you heard of the BZP wide movie series Bionicle: Next Generation 22. do you watch LOST the tv show
31) It was mentioned to me by someone who was asking for a contact in our Legal dept. to check and make sure it is okay to do 42) No
51. like could you canonized the scenery and other stuff
6At this point, I don't really have time to get drawn into this project. This seems to fall more under the fan fiction umbrella.
7it would be cool if he did
8Just as a note, Greg used to watch LOST, some years ago, but he lost interest around season 3.
9Also, it seems to me the Iron Tribe Agori are based on Dwarves

1the idea of a dwarf is so extremely old, the idea of a miner race, or a mining species, etc, is as old as dirt.
2so no, they aren't based upon anything. it's like saying Star Wars is based on star trek, just because it's in space. or BSG for that matter. besides, the idea of SF existed before Trek, so that makes it even older than that, making it hard to trace back exactly.
3thus, nope, they're not based on Dwarves
2so no, they aren't based upon anything. it's like saying Star Wars is based on star trek, just because it's in space. or BSG for that matter. besides, the idea of SF existed before Trek, so that makes it even older than that, making it hard to trace back exactly.
3thus, nope, they're not based on Dwarves
1They might not be based on dwarves, but for a different line of reasoning >>
1just a guess. size? or lack of beards and guns?
1You guys 'n gals are getting off topic with this dwarf and iron tribe discussion.
2You BZpers would want to continue this discussion in the Offical Dwarf Topic... Oh wait it doesn't exist.
3Here is a PM from Greg regarding the nature of plasma and fire.
2You BZpers would want to continue this discussion in the Offical Dwarf Topic... Oh wait it doesn't exist.

3Here is a PM from Greg regarding the nature of plasma and fire.
4Hi Greg,
5I was wondering what is the difference between what a toa of fire is capable of doing and what a toa of plasma is capable of doing? 6Thanks, 7Filis
8Fire can be used for many things .. for example, warming things, burning things, melting things, etc. Plasma only does one thing, it melts things.
1You guys 'n gals are getting off topic with this dwarf and iron tribe discussion.
2You BZpers would want to continue this discussion in the Offical Dwarf Topic... Oh wait it doesn't exist.![]()
3Here is a PM from Greg regarding the nature of plasma and fire.
4Hi Greg,
5I was wondering what is the difference between what a toa of fire is capable of doing and what a toa of plasma is capable of doing? 6Thanks, 7Filis
8Fire can be used for many things .. for example, warming things, burning things, melting things, etc. Plasma only does one thing, it melts things.
9That doesnt give plasma much of an advantage over fire then, considering fire can be used for the same thing
1It's a lot better at melting things than fire.
1Discussion of Fire and Plasma should continue in the Official Elements topic.
1i have a strange (but possibly quite fruitful) idea i hope you will consider.
2many people (on another forum i frequent) have argued that only some of the hero factory sets look like something that could pass as a matoran/agori. but the deciding factorwe decided, is the helms. the red and green look the most like bionicle sets, blue next after, we concluded, because 3a) bionicle-ish weapons (as opposed to freaky 'blasters') 4and 5kanohi-like helms .
6the helms, we decided, would be great for MOCing characters like Toa Dume, or Naho, or helryx, tuyet, nikila, gaaki, etc. these characters have kanohi we have no idea what look like, so, we concluded, we would agree on a pre-existing, image-less kanohi, for these 3 helms. the discussion is still going on, but i got the idea to ask you.
7if you approve this idea, that would mean that you assign (or let BZP assign) pre-existing powers to these helms, giving these kanohi that exist only in your writings a physical form.
8please, consider this proposition, and reply with an answer. if you do not agree with this,please, exlpain why.
9I can't officially do this -- I already discussed it with the brand team here, and because they are very sensitive to identity confusion between HF and BIONICLE, they don't want to sign off on this sort of thing, which means I can't either.

11. Was the Iron Tribe inspired by the Dwarves of myths? 22. Was the Mask of Life actually launched from the MU away from the Sepherus Magna system only for it to make a U-turn back towards Bara Magna like shown in the movie, or was it plainly launched straight forward to Bara Magna? 33. How long did it take for the Red Star to be pulled back to the MU after being in orbit for so long? 44. Does Mata Nui know he is causing damage to the MU by fighting Teridax? 55. How likely will it be for us to see the Piraka in the future?
61) No, they were inspired by miners. Dwarves don't just mine, they also craft what they mine into tools and weapons -- the iron tribe doesn't do that. 72) It was not launched at Bara Magna directly, no. Makuta would have perfectly fine with it hitting a sun and burning up, he wasn't looking to shoot it to a place of refuge. 83) Not long, because remember, it gets pulled back when Makuta is standing up, meaning much of his upper body is already in space intersecting that orbit. 94) Of course, how could he not know? 105) The Piraka are sea snakes who cannot survive outside of water, so I can't really see what role they could play in the story anytime soon.
111. Well that clears up some discussion. 122. Hmm, I wonder how it managed to get to Bara Magna. 133. Oh, didn't think of that. 144. Mm, just wonderin'. 155. Slightly dissapointing.
11) If Mata Nui is awakened while the Makuta are in Karda Nui, will this affect him?
21) No, but it will affect the Matoran
3I bet this is to do with the master plan.
4No it does not. The master plan was for makuta to get to Mata Nui's memory banks and possess them before Mata Nui's spirit returned to it's body.
11. I need some pronunciations for BS01: 21a. How do you pronounce Antidermis? 31b. Exsidian? 41c. Cobolo 52a. So, just to confirm, the Mask of Mutation let the user mutate a living being to suit their needs, correct? 62b. Is the mutation permanent? If not, how long is the effect? 72c. Does the user have to be in contact with the living thing they want to mutate to be able to mutate them? 82d. Is it considered immoral for use by a Toa? 93. Could any of the Toa Mata theoretically use the Golden Armor, or just Tahu?
111) Anti and dermis are both English words, and are pronounced the same way they are in English 121b) X-sid-E-enn 131c) It's actually cabolo -- kah-BO-lo 142a) Yes 152b) Yes, unless undone 162c) No 172d) No 183) There only is one Toa Mata, the rest are still Nuva
11) If Mata Nui is awakened while the Makuta are in Karda Nui, will this affect him?
21) No, but it will affect the Matoran
3I bet this is to do with the master plan.
4No it does not. The master plan was for makuta to get to Mata Nui's memory banks and possess them before Mata Nui's spirit returned to it's body.
5...You know that quote's from February of two years ago, right?
11) If Mata Nui is awakened while the Makuta are in Karda Nui, will this affect him?
21) No, but it will affect the Matoran
3I bet this is to do with the master plan.
4No it does not. The master plan was for makuta to get to Mata Nui's memory banks and possess them before Mata Nui's spirit returned to it's body.
5...You know that quote's from February of two years ago, right?
6I wondered how he even got that. It's like he got stuck in a time vortex and will now comment on OGD posts with a two year lag. So maybe, in two years, he may be offended by me saying so.
7In any case, that quote about the Ignika's travels means that the opening sequence of TLR wasn't non-canon. Yay .

1I'm pretty sure it was known for a while. Didn't Greg say it was artistic license?
1I'm pretty sure it was known for a while. Didn't Greg say it was artistic license?
2Right, but that meant that due to the artistic license, it was non-canon. He said the same about the land on Aqua Magna, which was clearly non-canon, so logically the long trip would be non-canon. However, this makes it canon.