1Dear Greg,
21. BS01 says that the turaga of metru nui went underground and met up with krahka, but then ended up imprisoned in the coliseum later, how did this happen? 32. Who was the mysterious voice that told lewa to get the sundial? 43.Where is the sundial now? 54.What is the status of lhikan's hau? It was last seen on Daxia. 65. How is Mata Nui able to make the MU people speak with the Spherus Magna people?
7Thank you very much
81) Well, the MU is full of Rahkshi loyal to Makuta, not that hard to get caught and imprisoned 92) Hasn't been revealed 103) Probably in the rubble of Daxia 114) Unknown 125) The equivalent of a universal translator. After all, MN had to be able to understand the languages of the people on the planets he visited.
133. Why is the sundial on Daxia?
143) OOMN took it back from Takanuva
1hey nektann was a serial only character and now look at him
1Dear Greg,
21. BS01 says that the turaga of metru nui went underground and met up with krahka, but then ended up imprisoned in the coliseum later, how did this happen? 32. Who was the mysterious voice that told lewa to get the sundial? 43.Where is the sundial now? 54.What is the status of lhikan's hau? It was last seen on Daxia. 65. How is Mata Nui able to make the MU people speak with the Spherus Magna people?
7Thank you very much
81) Well, the MU is full of Rahkshi loyal to Makuta, not that hard to get caught and imprisoned 92) Hasn't been revealed 103) Probably in the rubble of Daxia 114) Unknown 125) The equivalent of a universal translator. After all, MN had to be able to understand the languages of the people on the planets he visited.
133. Why is the sundial on Daxia?
143) OOMN took it back from Takanuva
15I seriously wonder who told Lewa to retrieve it.
1Back on topic guys.
2hey nektann was a serial only character and now look at him
3Looks like someone doesn't like to read.

4You guys n' gals will have to take your discussion about the 2010 story to the Offical 2010 Story Topic
5This is the Offical Greg Dialogue. Not the "what serial exculsive characters will interact with the 2010 storyline discussion".
1hey nektann was a serial only character and now look at him
2This logic is off, as by the time he was important in the storyline, he was also a set character. There's no Teridax the White set.
4Also, am I the only one who forgot that Lhikan's Hau still existed? xD
1Nope. COMPLETELY slipped my mind.Nope. COMPLETELY slipped my mind.
1Good Morning, Mr. Farshtey (you've answered all of mine so far in the morning)
2Having listened to Sahmad's Tale, I have a few questions.
31. Was the plague its own biological organism (virus or bacteria?)? 42. Is the plague at all related to Makuta's infected masks (or are Makuta's infected masks related to the plague)? 53. Were any of the Agori who contracted the virus survive? 64. Were all of the Agori who contracted the virus from the Iron tribe? 74a. If not, were the effects any different for the other types of Agori 84b. If yes to #4, was this because of an atribute of the virus to only harm members of the Iron tribe? 95. Can Glatorian or other species contract the virus? 106. The plague is not related to energized protodermis, right? 116a. Was the plague related to the same substance that made the Bohrok-Kal? 127. Did the Great Beings make the plague? Maybe a Great Being (kinda like a Spiriah incident? 138. Was the plague contageious after death? 149. How did the plague move from Agori to Agori? 1510. Was the plague a collective mind or being that fed off of the Agori's dreams? 1611. Were the Spikits at all related to the plague?
17Not related to the plague...
1812. Are the Great Beings aware of what's happening on Bara Magna? 1912a. If so, are they going to do anything about it? 2012b. If not, are they nowhere near any of the pieces of Spherus Magna? 2113. Will any of the serials this year (or next) expand on Lhikan and his past? Alot of people here would like to see more of Lhikan, so I just thought I'd ask. 2214. As you're writing RoS, which side are you "cheering for"? 2315. As the giant robots fight, is there another Great Catacylsm like thing happening? I mean, we saw the Matoran being a little shaken up in Comic #6 so I wasn't sure. 2416. Is all of Aqua Magna covered with Pit mutagen or is that just in the MU and seeped out during the Great Cataclysm? 2517. Might we see the Piraka in non-sea snake form someday or are they going to be like that for a while?
26Thanks for answering these questions.
27-Lewa Krom
281) Can't answer it 292) No 303) No, not so far as we know 314) Yes 324b) I would say no 335) Yes 346) That's correct 357) Can't answer it -- I am not going to divulge the plague's origins here, that is for the story 368) No one knows 379) Can't answer it 3810) Can't answer it 3911) No. What connection do you see? 4012) Can't answer it 4113) No idea, right now I am not really leaning toward flashback stories. 4214 Writers don't "cheer" - that's not our job 4315) Well, if you whack Makuta, it is going to rock the MU 4416) Only a small part. It's like an oil spill, if you spill oil in the ocean, it affects part of it, but the whole ocean isn't suddenly covered in oil 4517) The only way to un-snake them would be with the Ignika, and the Ignika is not in the MU.
465. So I'm assuming the Iron Glatorian were the only Glatorian able to get the dream plague. Right? 4711. They were part of the Sahmad set so I wasn't sure if they would have a bigger role or not. 4815. So the Staff of Artahka (I think that's the name of it) may need to be used again to fix any damage done by a second Great Cataclysm. Right?
50-Lewa Krom
515) I would not say "able to," I would say "did." 5211) Nope. Spikit are commonly used as beasts of burden. 5315) Depends on if there is a need.
1A recent PM: (Note: Questions in italic, Answers in BOLD.
2Hi Mr. Greg,
3I've tried to limit my PMs, but I have to ask this for my cousin:
41. So, the Mata Nui Saga would end in March, correct? 52. If Tren Knom is dead (Spirit), then Lewa's spirit is able to return to his body, right? 63. How many serials would come up in 2010? (I only know that Sahmad's Tale is online already, and RoS would continue.) 74. Why do you chose to write Sahmad, not some other characters in 2009? 85. Do you think it's fine if we aired a contest of making Tuyet or Herlyx? 96. Can you please name Axonn's spieces, or atleast give some noticeable characteristics of Axonn's spieces? (Ex: Toa uses Toa tools to channel elemental powers, wears masks, used to be Matoran, a typical humanoid approximately 7 ft...etc.) 107. When is the next update of RoS? Is it in the progress of being written?
111) In comic, yes. Novel doesn't wind up until April 122) I don't think so, no. It's not like a rubber band that automatically snaps back 133) I don't know yet 144) Because a lot of BZPers asked me for a Sahmad story 155) Contests are set up by BZP or BS01 staff, so if they want to do one, they can ask me. I don't approve contests for individual members, but staff. 166) I can't name his species as I have no new BIONICLE names to use. 177) When it gets written. I have not started it yet.
182. So if Tren Knom's spirit is dead, then the body would be gone shortly, and also means Lewa is REALLY trapped in Tren Knom's body forever? 196. Then can you reveal some common characteristics of Axonn's species? 20A. Are there some other Iron Tribe members immune to the plague not yet revealed? 21B. Why Dark blue and grey for the original color of the Iron Tribe? 22C. What do u think about the "white" as one of the colors of Plasma? Do you like it?
232) But TK is not dead, so it's not an issue. 246) Really haven't thought about it, but will try to put something together for you in story 25A) Possible, yes 26Gray is the color of iron, and dark blue is a nice secondary color for gray 27C) Haven't thought about it
28I am expecting some nice Info of Axonn's species in future ROS .
2Hi Mr. Greg,
3I've tried to limit my PMs, but I have to ask this for my cousin:
41. So, the Mata Nui Saga would end in March, correct? 52. If Tren Knom is dead (Spirit), then Lewa's spirit is able to return to his body, right? 63. How many serials would come up in 2010? (I only know that Sahmad's Tale is online already, and RoS would continue.) 74. Why do you chose to write Sahmad, not some other characters in 2009? 85. Do you think it's fine if we aired a contest of making Tuyet or Herlyx? 96. Can you please name Axonn's spieces, or atleast give some noticeable characteristics of Axonn's spieces? (Ex: Toa uses Toa tools to channel elemental powers, wears masks, used to be Matoran, a typical humanoid approximately 7 ft...etc.) 107. When is the next update of RoS? Is it in the progress of being written?
111) In comic, yes. Novel doesn't wind up until April 122) I don't think so, no. It's not like a rubber band that automatically snaps back 133) I don't know yet 144) Because a lot of BZPers asked me for a Sahmad story 155) Contests are set up by BZP or BS01 staff, so if they want to do one, they can ask me. I don't approve contests for individual members, but staff. 166) I can't name his species as I have no new BIONICLE names to use. 177) When it gets written. I have not started it yet.
182. So if Tren Knom's spirit is dead, then the body would be gone shortly, and also means Lewa is REALLY trapped in Tren Knom's body forever? 196. Then can you reveal some common characteristics of Axonn's species? 20A. Are there some other Iron Tribe members immune to the plague not yet revealed? 21B. Why Dark blue and grey for the original color of the Iron Tribe? 22C. What do u think about the "white" as one of the colors of Plasma? Do you like it?
232) But TK is not dead, so it's not an issue. 246) Really haven't thought about it, but will try to put something together for you in story 25A) Possible, yes 26Gray is the color of iron, and dark blue is a nice secondary color for gray 27C) Haven't thought about it
28I am expecting some nice Info of Axonn's species in future ROS .
1yes . . . axonns spicies in ROS woeld be soo coooooooooooooooooool
16) Really haven't thought about it, but will try to put something together for you in story
2Greg didn't said that he will do it, only that he will try

4I'm just saying this because I don't want people to get false hope and too start complaining afterwards, that happened already to many times in the past
5And btw, this topic isn't the place to discuss this

11st of all 2 people commented on a question, and that was it. No discussion of it, nothing long, not to mention that no one has commented on it in hours
22nd of all yes I read the whole post, and realize that he said will try, but that doesn't change my point or derlo's point.
3I do not want to be off topic but I felt that this needed clarifying.
22nd of all yes I read the whole post, and realize that he said will try, but that doesn't change my point or derlo's point.
3I do not want to be off topic but I felt that this needed clarifying.
11st of all 2 people commented on a question, and that was it. No discussion of it, nothing long, not to mention that no one has commented on it in hours
22nd of all yes I read the whole post, and realize that he said will try, but that doesn't change my point or derlo's point.
3I do not want to be off topic but I felt that this needed clarifying.
4Mind you, posting just to say something is awesome, specially in this topic, is still considered spam.
11) Well I was thinking, is there any reason why the heat Rahkshi were chosen to be the swarms that are used in the last battle. 22) Were/Are there any other type of Rahkshi in the battle that were not shown? 32a) If so are there other Rahkshi that haven't been made into set form? 4Totally Unrealated
53) Well we know that Mata-Nui was rendered unconscious because Makuta put all the Matoran to sleep because Metru Nui is like the Brain of the big giant robot. So couldn't they use this as a weapon, move all the matoran from Metru Nui to some where else, causing him to loose consciousness.
6I know your really busy so thanks for answering mine and every one else's questions.
81) Because the yellow one is the one the set designers chose to make 92) Yes 102a) Sure -- there are 42 possible varieties of Rahkshi, we have done sets for seven of them. 113) And Makuta is just going to stand around while you evacuate 1000 Matoran? He's not going to, like, teleport them all back again and again, or kill anyone trying to get them off the island in some agonizingly painful way? Also, it was the virus that put him to sleep. If all it took was getting rid of the MN Matoran, Makuta would not have needed the virus.
12I don't think these are any thing new.
11) Well I was thinking, is there any reason why the heat Rahkshi were chosen to be the swarms that are used in the last battle. 22) Were/Are there any other type of Rahkshi in the battle that were not shown? 32a) If so are there other Rahkshi that haven't been made into set form? 4Totally Unrealated
53) Well we know that Mata-Nui was rendered unconscious because Makuta put all the Matoran to sleep because Metru Nui is like the Brain of the big giant robot. So couldn't they use this as a weapon, move all the matoran from Metru Nui to some where else, causing him to loose consciousness.
6I know your really busy so thanks for answering mine and every one else's questions.
81) Because the yellow one is the one the set designers chose to make 92) Yes 102a) Sure -- there are 42 possible varieties of Rahkshi, we have done sets for seven of them. 113) And Makuta is just going to stand around while you evacuate 1000 Matoran? He's not going to, like, teleport them all back again and again, or kill anyone trying to get them off the island in some agonizingly painful way? Also, it was the virus that put him to sleep. If all it took was getting rid of the MN Matoran, Makuta would not have needed the virus.
12I don't think these are any thing new.
14Sorry for the spam... but I lol'd when I thought about teleporting Matoran back. "Yes . I escaped from Metru Nui . I'm-- *pop* What? Nooooooo ."
1I just read the new Sahmad's Tale and loved it. I just have 2 questions:
21. What was the Iron Tribe's original armor color? 32. Will Tellurius and his Skopio XV-1 make another appearence?
4Thanks .
51) Gray and blue 62) Well, the Skopio was sabotaged, so not sure it is going to be active for a while
72. By whom? When was this revealed?
82) In The Crossing. Kiina and Ackar defeat the Skopio vehicle in battle and sabotage it.
91. Is this also the same color for matoran, toa, and turaga of iron?
10Not necessarily, no. The GBs, as we know, did not necessarily stick to the colors used on Bara Magna, since they made air green when it was not used for air on BM.
1Wait, Ackar and Kiina never did that in the Crossing. Was a new chapter released that we don't know about? Someone should as Greg.
1Hi Greg - I was just wondering here; since Matoran are made of protodermis, are (nearly) completely clad in armor, speak in programming language and use magnets to hold their masks; assuming a Matoran manages to exit the Matoran Universe and land on Bara Magna, would the Agori and Glatorian think of him as a robot?
2Thanks for your time.
3I tend to doubt it. One, we don't know that BMs have an idea what a robot is -- they don't seem to have humanoid sized ones anywhere in their society -- plus they are able to understand what the Matoran are saying, and have no way of knowing at first glance that the Matoran are that different from them.
1Hello, just a few questions concerning varying subjects.
21. What level of technology did Spherus Magna have prior to the Shattering? 31a. How much of it has Bota Magna retained?
42. Have you decided whether bio-mechanical "dinosaurs" exist on Bota Magna in the core universe? (Bionicle 5 script)
53. Is it possible that the inhabitants of Bota Magna are still at war, or would it have stopped with the absence of EP/EL? 63a. If you cannot reveal this, will it be revealed in Journey's End? 73b. If not, are you planning on doing a serial on post-Shattering Bota Magna?
84. There is a little bit of mystery (unless I am missing something) on how MN made it possible for the BM and MU inhabitants to understand each other. Do you mind clearing this up for me?
95. Does the Mask of Mutation simply mutate a living thing to suit the mask-wearer's needs?
106. Who is your favorite Matoran to write about?
11Thank you for taking the time to answer my simple questions . smile.gif
121) Bota Magna was largely agrarian, not a high tech society 131a) Some not all 142) I don't need to decide it until I take the story there, basically 153) No, the Core War is over there same as on Bara Magna 164) Simple. MN had to be able to understand the languages of the planets he visited, which means he had to have something akin to a universal translator built in. Which also makes it logical that the prototype would have that as well. 175) As opposed to doing what? 186) Don't have one.
19I think this message was "eaten up", if not, I am sorry to bother you.
201. OK, then what about the rest of Spherus Magna?
215. As opposed to having an affect akin to the reconstitutes at random Kanoka disk, in which the user has no control over the mutation.
22A new question, more of a confirmation: In RoV, Gelu leads an escort to Tajun with some white-armored Agori. According to BS01, they are just white-armored Agori. Can you confirm that they belong to the Ice Tribe?
23Once again, thank you .
241) Aqua Magna is an ocean, and Bara Magna is a desert, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence of high tech outside of what the GBs were doing in Bara Magna. 255) Yes 266) Yes
27The reply I sent, with a couple of Agori. I'm glad that has FINALLY been confirmed. It's just been annoying me for a while...
21. What level of technology did Spherus Magna have prior to the Shattering? 31a. How much of it has Bota Magna retained?
42. Have you decided whether bio-mechanical "dinosaurs" exist on Bota Magna in the core universe? (Bionicle 5 script)
53. Is it possible that the inhabitants of Bota Magna are still at war, or would it have stopped with the absence of EP/EL? 63a. If you cannot reveal this, will it be revealed in Journey's End? 73b. If not, are you planning on doing a serial on post-Shattering Bota Magna?
84. There is a little bit of mystery (unless I am missing something) on how MN made it possible for the BM and MU inhabitants to understand each other. Do you mind clearing this up for me?
95. Does the Mask of Mutation simply mutate a living thing to suit the mask-wearer's needs?
106. Who is your favorite Matoran to write about?
11Thank you for taking the time to answer my simple questions . smile.gif
121) Bota Magna was largely agrarian, not a high tech society 131a) Some not all 142) I don't need to decide it until I take the story there, basically 153) No, the Core War is over there same as on Bara Magna 164) Simple. MN had to be able to understand the languages of the planets he visited, which means he had to have something akin to a universal translator built in. Which also makes it logical that the prototype would have that as well. 175) As opposed to doing what? 186) Don't have one.
19I think this message was "eaten up", if not, I am sorry to bother you.
201. OK, then what about the rest of Spherus Magna?
215. As opposed to having an affect akin to the reconstitutes at random Kanoka disk, in which the user has no control over the mutation.
22A new question, more of a confirmation: In RoV, Gelu leads an escort to Tajun with some white-armored Agori. According to BS01, they are just white-armored Agori. Can you confirm that they belong to the Ice Tribe?
23Once again, thank you .
241) Aqua Magna is an ocean, and Bara Magna is a desert, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence of high tech outside of what the GBs were doing in Bara Magna. 255) Yes 266) Yes
27The reply I sent, with a couple of Agori. I'm glad that has FINALLY been confirmed. It's just been annoying me for a while...
1Hi Mr. Farshtey, hope you are having a great New Year so far.
2I hope you can answer a couple questions.
31. Did Mata Nui ever recieve Tren Krom's message about the Golden Armor? 41a. If so, at what point?
51) It wasn't directed at Mata Nui. It was directed at the Ignika.
62. From what I've heard, the Golden Armor can only be activated if all the pieces are brought together Is this true?
72) Yes
83. Is the mask in the Golden Armor an actual Hau, or does it represent a Hau because the armor was meant for Tahu?
93) It is an actual Hau
104. Is it possible for other beings to use the powers of the armor?
114) You mean wear it? Yes, but it is designed for use by a Toa Mata
125. Is their story significance for the secondary color of the Skrall changing in 2010?
135) No. As you will see in GN #8, different Skrall have different secondary colors. It's not a big thing.
146. Will we ever go in-depth about the box that Mata Nui brought back from the Valley of the Maze?
156) If GN #10 gets published, yes, we will. That is where I am planning to deal with that.
167. Most pictures show pieces of the Prototype robot being half-buried within the ground. What would most likely be the cause of this? Maybe a malfunction in the Prototypes camoflage system?
177) It had no camouflage system. It was built long, long ago, exploded, and over time sand has partially buried it.[
18Planning to send a follow-up about #1
2I hope you can answer a couple questions.
31. Did Mata Nui ever recieve Tren Krom's message about the Golden Armor? 41a. If so, at what point?
51) It wasn't directed at Mata Nui. It was directed at the Ignika.
62. From what I've heard, the Golden Armor can only be activated if all the pieces are brought together Is this true?
72) Yes
83. Is the mask in the Golden Armor an actual Hau, or does it represent a Hau because the armor was meant for Tahu?
93) It is an actual Hau
104. Is it possible for other beings to use the powers of the armor?
114) You mean wear it? Yes, but it is designed for use by a Toa Mata
125. Is their story significance for the secondary color of the Skrall changing in 2010?
135) No. As you will see in GN #8, different Skrall have different secondary colors. It's not a big thing.
146. Will we ever go in-depth about the box that Mata Nui brought back from the Valley of the Maze?
156) If GN #10 gets published, yes, we will. That is where I am planning to deal with that.
167. Most pictures show pieces of the Prototype robot being half-buried within the ground. What would most likely be the cause of this? Maybe a malfunction in the Prototypes camoflage system?
177) It had no camouflage system. It was built long, long ago, exploded, and over time sand has partially buried it.[
18Planning to send a follow-up about #1
1Roodaka is in the pit, so that means she is mutated. Who sent her there?
2Wrong. Roodaka is in the original Pit, which has been emptied of water, not out in the ocean, so she is not mutated. As for who sent her there, the only ones who can send someone to the Pit are the Order of Mata Nui. It's their prison.
1Graphic Novel
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2First let me say I'm sorry my first message to you was about elements when you didn't want to talk about them. I hope I'm not being a bother, and that these are better questions:
31. What, if anything (in the story) determines what Turaga look like when they are first transformed from Toa?
42. Are Turaga usually taller, shorter, either, or the same height as Matoran?
53. Turaga seem to move like elderly people. Is this because their transformation puts a strain on their parts? If not, do you have a reason for it?
6Also, do you like it when people send a finishing message saying "okay, thanks" or something, or does that just get in the way of more important messages?
7Thanks for all your work,
8The Iron Toa
91) We have never discussed that, to be honest. 102) Best thing to do is look at the movies and see how they look in comparison. 113) I see Turaga as being like retired football players -- having been Toa, and gone through all the things Toa do, they do wind up seeming older than they are when they lose their Toa power, same way a football player after his career is over might be limping around and all beat up and seem older than a non-player does.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2First let me say I'm sorry my first message to you was about elements when you didn't want to talk about them. I hope I'm not being a bother, and that these are better questions:
31. What, if anything (in the story) determines what Turaga look like when they are first transformed from Toa?
42. Are Turaga usually taller, shorter, either, or the same height as Matoran?
53. Turaga seem to move like elderly people. Is this because their transformation puts a strain on their parts? If not, do you have a reason for it?
6Also, do you like it when people send a finishing message saying "okay, thanks" or something, or does that just get in the way of more important messages?
7Thanks for all your work,
8The Iron Toa
91) We have never discussed that, to be honest. 102) Best thing to do is look at the movies and see how they look in comparison. 113) I see Turaga as being like retired football players -- having been Toa, and gone through all the things Toa do, they do wind up seeming older than they are when they lose their Toa power, same way a football player after his career is over might be limping around and all beat up and seem older than a non-player does.
12The same goes for the Rahaga. They had been strained so much as toa, but their toa bodies could handel it, when they became rahaga, it all caught up to them. Then once they became toa again, they felt younger.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5That's pretty awesome. Beat the staff, beat the Rahkshi.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5But the Heat Vision Rahkshi that attacked Whenua in the Archives could use its power without a Staff. Weird.
1Hello Greg,
2Sorry if you got this again, it just seemed like it got lost in the server.
3I was thinking about the staff of the Heat Vision Rahkshi, and I thought possibly that it could be used to amplify or target the heat vision blasts. As in, the Rahkshi stares at the staff, shoots and eyebeam, and the beams go out one or both of the ends of the staff, possibly with more power than before. What do you think of this?
4I'm setting it up that if they are not holding the staff, they lose their power.
5But the Heat Vision Rahkshi that attacked Whenua in the Archives could use its power without a Staff. Weird.
6Interesting. I smell a retcon coming on.