1It's never been said where Voya Nui is on the Mainland. 

1From GregF:
2This is really more of an FYI than anything else, as many of you already guessed this -- but to make it official, the grand prize winner of the BrickMaster Makuta Building Contest will be considered Makuta Miserix for the purposes of the story.
4Ah,I wanted to build Miserix so bad .Hopefuly he uses ONLY pieces from the Canister Makuta.
5I kinda doubt it. The purpose of the contest is to see who can creatively build a Makuta out of pieces they have, not rearrange the pieces on canister sets. I'm hoping that the winner won't be just a Makuta Phantoka with slightly different pieces.
6From GregF:
7This is really more of an FYI than anything else, as many of you already guessed this -- but to make it official, the grand prize winner of the BrickMaster Makuta Building Contest will be considered Makuta Miserix for the purposes of the story.
9Ah,I wanted to build Miserix so bad .Hopefuly he uses ONLY pieces from the Canister Makuta.
10I kinda doubt it. The purpose of the contest is to see who can creatively build a Makuta out of pieces they have, not rearrange the pieces on canister sets. I'm hoping that the winner won't be just a Makuta Phantoka with slightly different pieces.
11i agree, to win a competition this big, the winner would have to build something REEAALLY epic
12I somewhat disagree. I don't think that it should be a Makuta Phantoka with different pieces, but I would hate see some overly large and complicated MOC that the average person can't build. Since they have chosen the name the winner a main character, Miserix, it should be clever well constructed design, something that everybody can build.
14I think Miserix should be somewhat tall, maybe Hydraxon-ish or Maxilos-ish, have a good color scheme, look solidly put together, and just look great.
1 ![]()
2It's never been said where Voya Nui is on the Mainland.
3Let's see, in 1001 years, a relatively short time in the Bioverse, it has drifted close to the northernmost island on the planet, so it's logical.
4First of all, we don't have the rate of movement of the island, nor where it was when it drifted. So we can't tell. Second of all, even if it was on the southernmost point of the continent, there's no reason it can't drift north.

1Questions About Makutas, Just don't clear 21) If Makuta's head rip from body, which is moving: Head or body? 32) Can Makuta renew his energy body? If yes, see 2a). If no, see 2b). 42a) What rate does Makuta renew his energy body? 52b) If the armor has a little crack, will energy inside leak out slowly? And will he die? 63) Can Makuta hide in someone's body but not possess? 7And last question about Matoro. Why is he "Hit with a thousand kinds of pain." in Battle in The Deep comic?
81) If you took Makuta's head off, his energy would leave his body through the hole, and the armor would stop moving altogether. Makuta do not have physical bodies, they are energy in armor. 92) Yes, over time 102a) Slowly 112b) Makuta will only die if his energy does not have a sealed body for a number of weeks. 123) No. Makuta's energy cannot go into a living body that has a spirit in it. 134) Well, Makuta has over 40+ powers, most of which cause some kind of pain, and if you get hit with all of them at once, it hurts. Matoro got hit with them all at once.
141) If Makuta is in his armor, and wear Kraahkan. He can use all 42 powers. Right? 152) If Makuta is in his armor, but doesn't wear Kraahkan. He still can use all 42 powers. Right? 163) If Makuta is in the other bodies, and doesn't wear Kraahkan. He can use 41 powers, except Shapeshifting. Right? 174) May you tell me all powers Makuta can use when he's in his energy form? 18Thanks
191) Yes 202) Yes, as long as he has some other mask on. 213) Wrong. There are other physical-based powers he loses, like fire resistance, ice resistance, teleport, limited invulnerability, elasticity, chameleon, and his dodge ability may be limited depending on the body. 224) Mostly just the mental-based powers, like Rahi control, insect control, telepathy, slow, anger, confusion, sleep, fear, mind reading, things that don't require a physical body to do.
231) How long are Makutas's lifes? 242) Can Makutas choose Kraata type that they produce? 253) Do Makutas immune the mutagen? 264) May you tell me what are the true form of Makutas and Kraahkan? 275) Can Makutas hold themselves in the broken-in-two armor? 286) Why would Mutran let Vican rides him even though he isn't blind?
291) Well, they are all over 100,000 years old now and still going strong 302) Yes 313) Yes, because they are just energy. 324) No one knows 335) No. If the armor is broken, their energy leaks out. 346) Well, Vican can shoot shadow energy as well, so it's like a fighter plane with an extra gunner. Mutran is not a warrior, he's a scientist, so extra help in combat is welcome.
351) Are Makuta left-handed or right-handed? 362) What will happen if wrong type Krana's in wrong type Bohrok? 373) What will happen if wrong type Kraata's in wrong type Rahkshi? 384) Does Makuta's essence have mass/weight? 395) Can Makuta choose Kraata's stage that they produce? 406) Can/Do Makuta(Phantoka) fly without moving wings? 417) May you tell me what is the ratio of leaked essence(per second or anything) to hole's area? 428) Will there be Mata Nui(being) set? 439) How much weight is Makuta's original armor? 4410) If Makuta take off a mask, is it considered as having a hole? 4511) Does Toa Ignika have "spirit"? 4612) Will there be new MOMN set?
471) Not something I have worried about. 482) Not possible to do. Any krana can work in any Bohrok, it adjusts to its Bohrok when placed inside. 493) The Rahkshi won't work. 504) Yes, I would assume it does 515) No. All kraata start at level 1 526) No 537) No, I don't have the math of it. 548) Nothing planned at the moment. He's asleep, so not much of an "action figure" 559) No idea. If I don't need to know for story, I don't spend time worrying about it. 5610) No. 5711) Good question. He is conscious, so he has a mind of some sort, but it may not be a spirit in the same sense that Toa have a spirit. 5812) Nothing planned for this year
591) Can Makuta absorb mass from inanimate object for shapeshifting? 602) How long can Makuta's essence be out of armor? 613) How can Makuta(Phantoka) fly without moving their wing? Do they fly by using their Gravity power? 624) Is black smoke from Makuta(Phantoka) in Phantoka Teaser the darkness that they "spread wherever they fly"? 635) Can The Spear of Fusion's user control its result? 646) Can The Spear of Fusion fuse Makuta's essence and his armor to create a living armor with Makuta's powers? 656a) If no, what will happen when use The Spear of Fusion to fuse a Makuta? 666b) What will happen when use The Spear of Fusion to fuse many Makuta? 676c) What will happen when use The Spear of Fusion to spit a Makuta? 687) Is The Staff of Erasing's effect permanent or temporary? 698)70The Staff of Loyalty is wielded by Vahki Bordakh. It makes any target willing to identify any lawbreakers he/she knows of. The target will then lead Bordakh to them.
71Is "Lawbreaker" the one who breake laws in "target's knowledge" or the one who breake Vahki(user)'s laws?
721) Not that we have seen, no. 732) A couple weeks 743) No, they fly by using their wings. They fly like bats. 754) Yes 765) Only in the sense of choosing who gets fused by aiming it at them 776) Not something I have worried about since the Spear of Fusion no longer exists in the story. 787) Temporary 798) The law is the law -- it is the laws of the city, enforced by the Vahki. So any lawbreaker known to the Matoran affected would be turned in by him.
1It's never been said where Voya Nui is on the Mainland.
2Yes it has. In Bionicle Legends Five, the two Great Beings go to place the Ignika, they go to the center of the island.
3yeah, the center of voya nui, not necessarily the center of the continent. but i surmise that it is, since for a land mass to be blasted out of a continent by an earthquake, it would have to be at the faultline, which would make sense as the center.
1It's never been said where Voya Nui is on the Mainland.
2Yes it has. In Bionicle Legends Five, the two Great Beings go to place the Ignika, they go to the center of the island.
3yeah, the center of voya nui, not necessarily the center of the continent. but i surmise that it is, since for a land mass to be blasted out of a continent by an earthquake, it would have to be at the faultline, which would make sense as the center.
4Well, so this means that Mutran's Region he is assigned to is actually the region that Brutaka, Axonn, Umbra, and many more have been too and he still thinks it still a piece of junk and rocks and matoran. It is quite ironic for him tro not care about the island that has so much storyline involved in it and also the Ignika. Man he must feel weird reading this.
1Wow, Sernakann. Did you make that?
2And ET, when are they allowed?
3Mutran is only the Makuta of the center of the continent. There are other Makuta assigned to the continent. 4Mutran's region includes Voya Nui.
5Hey robert, ET said not to post spoilers.
6Hey Shadow Makuta, Makuta can't absorb inaminate objects because in LOMN, Makuta got crushed by the rock in his shadow hand. Although lots of nice Makuta info, though.

2And ET, when are they allowed?
3Mutran is only the Makuta of the center of the continent. There are other Makuta assigned to the continent. 4Mutran's region includes Voya Nui.
5Hey robert, ET said not to post spoilers.
6Hey Shadow Makuta, Makuta can't absorb inaminate objects because in LOMN, Makuta got crushed by the rock in his shadow hand. Although lots of nice Makuta info, though.

1i'm noticing that when people ask about weather the makuta that we've seen throughout the storyline will be released in a set this year, we're all asking if there will be a makuta of metru nui set. as most of us now know this makuta's real name is 3so why hasn't anyone asked if there will be a 5set, it's quite possible that gregf is giving a name-specific answer to this question. 6personally i hope there will at least be something like the Miserex contest but the best would be a new set with a redesigned kraahkan.
1If Miserix is the contest winner, then how will the winning Makuta's essay be put in the story if Miserix already has one?
1That map is not to scale. 

1Neat map, man .
2I'm going to try to deduce the Toa Nuva that hates his memories:
3Gali's out, he said 'he'. 4I doubt Greg would use Tahu, he is overused. 5Lewa wouldn't have another thing happen to him. I mean, come on. 6Kopaka- Possibly, but I don't think it will happen. 7Onua- Most probably. 8Pohatu- No, he's got too much social skills for something bad to happen to him.
9In my opinion, it's Onua.
2I'm going to try to deduce the Toa Nuva that hates his memories:
3Gali's out, he said 'he'. 4I doubt Greg would use Tahu, he is overused. 5Lewa wouldn't have another thing happen to him. I mean, come on. 6Kopaka- Possibly, but I don't think it will happen. 7Onua- Most probably. 8Pohatu- No, he's got too much social skills for something bad to happen to him.
9In my opinion, it's Onua.
1Wow, Sernakann. Did you make that?
2And ET, when are they allowed?
3Mutran is only the Makuta of the center of the continent. There are other Makuta assigned to the continent. 4Mutran's region includes Voya Nui.
5Hey robert, ET said not to post spoilers.
6Hey Shadow Makuta, Makuta can't absorb inaminate objects because in LOMN, Makuta got crushed by the rock in his shadow hand. Although lots of nice Makuta info, though.
8he said no bl9 spoilers, and greg has said it's ok to say momns name. ET even said that we could say it, if we used quote tags, which i did.
1Please Read.
2Because Greg has chosen to reveal it, use of the name "Teridax" is permitted. However, the spoiler policy is still in place for all other Bionicle Legends#9 spoilers . That means, no discussion the book. Please, do try to remember that.
4Heh. I love that name, by the way.Reminds me of "terror."
6here is ur confirmation

1But it's still not to scale, we don't know the scale of anything besides Mata Nui. 

1That's impossible, it's not even filled in. 

1QUOTEImagine this situation: Gavla has been shot with a Zamor sphere filled with Antidermis. What will happen? 2I guess that she will be possesed like every Matoran, but the question is this: will her power of Vertigo now be pemanent or not? I mean will she be able to cause vertigo without being linked to Vamprah, or not?
3No, she would not. Her Matoran power requires linkage to a Makuta or a Toa. All antidermis would do is basically make her a "zombie," it won't change the nature of her powers.
4Well, There Goes My Theory...
1From GregF:
2This is really more of an FYI than anything else, as many of you already guessed this -- but to make it official, the grand prize winner of the BrickMaster Makuta Building Contest will be considered Makuta Miserix for the purposes of the story.
4Ah,I wanted to build Miserix so bad .Hopefuly he uses ONLY pieces from the Canister Makuta.
5I kinda doubt it. The purpose of the contest is to see who can creatively build a Makuta out of pieces they have, not rearrange the pieces on canister sets. I'm hoping that the winner won't be just a Makuta Phantoka with slightly different pieces.
6From GregF:
7This is really more of an FYI than anything else, as many of you already guessed this -- but to make it official, the grand prize winner of the BrickMaster Makuta Building Contest will be considered Makuta Miserix for the purposes of the story.
9Ah,I wanted to build Miserix so bad .Hopefuly he uses ONLY pieces from the Canister Makuta.
10I kinda doubt it. The purpose of the contest is to see who can creatively build a Makuta out of pieces they have, not rearrange the pieces on canister sets. I'm hoping that the winner won't be just a Makuta Phantoka with slightly different pieces.
11i agree, to win a competition this big, the winner would have to build something REEAALLY epic
12I somewhat disagree. I don't think that it should be a Makuta Phantoka with different pieces, but I would hate see some overly large and complicated MOC that the average person can't build. Since they have chosen the name the winner a main character, Miserix, it should be clever well constructed design, something that everybody can build.
14I think Miserix should be somewhat tall, maybe Hydraxon-ish or Maxilos-ish, have a good color scheme, look solidly put together, and just look great.
15I agree.
1Hi Greg
2Some new questions: 31- Is a Mask of Lightning wearer able to create, absorb and control Lightning? 41b- Same for a Mask of Ice? 51c- Mask of Fire?
62- Is Botar's weapon also made of Protosteal?
73- Is the SoA also made out Protosteal?
84- What are the matorans' beds made from?
95- Does the Toa Ignika aso need sleep?
106- Did you ever watched the movie''Van Helsing''? 116b- Did you liked it?
127- When the makuta were still biomechnical, were they able to use all of their rahksi powers?
13All for now
141) I would say no, I would not give a mask identical powers to a Toa. Create and control, yes, but most likely not absorb. 152) Yes 163) No 174) Where, on Mata Nui or Metru Nui? 185) Most likely, since he is partly organic, he might 196) No, never saw it. 207) Yes
1I think it was a natural thing, but it doubt it. I wonder what would happen if the toa evolved
, god help bionicle is the shadki evolved .

21. Will Solek meet Takanuva?
32. Could a shadow Matoran give a Makuta sight only by touching them or must they be mounted properly?
43. Lhikan's Spirit Star followed him while he was still a Turaga. Why didn't the Metru's exist when they were Turaga?
54. Can Antidermis come in different colors or just greenish-black?
65. Will we get an official Matoran name for the Swamp of Secrets?
76. Spoilers
81) Eventually, but I don't recall if I made a big deal of it. 92) Any physical contact would probably work 103) Hmmm ... do we know for sure they did not? Was there a reference to those stars no longer existing? 114) Just greenish-black 125) I doubt it. The Matoran spend very little time there, so have no reason to name it. 136) Spoilers
1Some interesting info,QUOTEDear, Greg,Sorry to bother you, but here are some questions:1. How come the Toa Phantoka's armor made midak blasters (adapted to the makuta) when the armor only adapts to the environment?2. Would the OoMN seek out the Makoki stones if they knew its significance?2a. Do they know?3. Could Icarax wipe out the Nuva with ease (by himself)?4. Have the Barraki been captured by Hydraxon yet?5. Is Lewa's weapon made of protosteel?6. If Pohatu shared his mask power with Chirox, would Chirox speed out of the core (he would pass through walls thanks to the nuva mask)?7. Would Adaptive Armor automatically "heal" if it was damaged?8. What element is the toa that's suspended in stasis on Odina?9. Would the Mask of Life be stronger than a Great Being if it could drive one mad?10. Has Gatherer been called back from his mission of finding info on the OoMN to fight in the war?11. Is Botar on Daxia?12. Have the Hagah been successful stopping the Kanohi Dragon and Tahtorak on Xia?13. Was the Makuta Conjurer used his powers on injured in any way?Thanks .1) The armor adapts to the environment, the weapons adapt to the foe. Two different things.2) Yes2a) We don't know if they know, but it is also likely that much of the info on them the OOMN has already learned on its own.3) Any Makuta could, if he put his mind to it and got a little luck in the bargain.4) No5) Yes6) No. Pohatu can make you faster, he cannot cause you to move. If Chirox chose not to fly or run, he would not be moving at super-speed. 7) No8) Hasn't been revealed9) I don't think "stronger" is the right word. If you were working as a hatter in olden days and using mercury in your work, the mercury would eventually make you insane. Does that mean mercury is stronger than a human?10) No11) No12) Not yet13) No, I can't see why he would have been. --------------------"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
4What is SoA? 2Hi GregSome new questions:1- Is a Mask of Lightning wearer able to create, absorb and control Lightning?1b- Same for a Mask of Ice?1c- Mask of Fire?2- Is Botar's weapon also made of Protosteal?3- Is the SoA also made out Protosteal?4- What are the matorans' beds made from?5- Does the Toa Ignika aso need sleep?6- Did you ever watched the movie''Van Helsing''?6b- Did you liked it?7- When the makuta were still biomechnical, were they able to use all of their rahksi powers?All for now31) I would say no, I would not give a mask identical powers to a Toa. Create and control, yes, but most likely not absorb.2) Yes3) No4) Where, on Mata Nui or Metru Nui?5) Most likely, since he is partly organic, he might6) No, never saw it.7) Yes
1Some interesting info,QUOTEDear, Greg,Sorry to bother you, but here are some questions:1. How come the Toa Phantoka's armor made midak blasters (adapted to the makuta) when the armor only adapts to the environment?2. Would the OoMN seek out the Makoki stones if they knew its significance?2a. Do they know?3. Could Icarax wipe out the Nuva with ease (by himself)?4. Have the Barraki been captured by Hydraxon yet?5. Is Lewa's weapon made of protosteel?6. If Pohatu shared his mask power with Chirox, would Chirox speed out of the core (he would pass through walls thanks to the nuva mask)?7. Would Adaptive Armor automatically "heal" if it was damaged?8. What element is the toa that's suspended in stasis on Odina?9. Would the Mask of Life be stronger than a Great Being if it could drive one mad?10. Has Gatherer been called back from his mission of finding info on the OoMN to fight in the war?11. Is Botar on Daxia?12. Have the Hagah been successful stopping the Kanohi Dragon and Tahtorak on Xia?13. Was the Makuta Conjurer used his powers on injured in any way?Thanks .1) The armor adapts to the environment, the weapons adapt to the foe. Two different things.2) Yes2a) We don't know if they know, but it is also likely that much of the info on them the OOMN has already learned on its own.3) Any Makuta could, if he put his mind to it and got a little luck in the bargain.4) No5) Yes6) No. Pohatu can make you faster, he cannot cause you to move. If Chirox chose not to fly or run, he would not be moving at super-speed. 7) No8) Hasn't been revealed9) I don't think "stronger" is the right word. If you were working as a hatter in olden days and using mercury in your work, the mercury would eventually make you insane. Does that mean mercury is stronger than a human?10) No11) No12) Not yet13) No, I can't see why he would have been. --------------------"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear 4What is SoA? 2Hi GregSome new questions:1- Is a Mask of Lightning wearer able to create, absorb and control Lightning?1b- Same for a Mask of Ice?1c- Mask of Fire?2- Is Botar's weapon also made of Protosteal?3- Is the SoA also made out Protosteal?4- What are the matorans' beds made from?5- Does the Toa Ignika aso need sleep?6- Did you ever watched the movie''Van Helsing''?6b- Did you liked it?7- When the makuta were still biomechnical, were they able to use all of their rahksi powers?All for now31) I would say no, I would not give a mask identical powers to a Toa. Create and control, yes, but most likely not absorb.2) Yes3) No4) Where, on Mata Nui or Metru Nui?5) Most likely, since he is partly organic, he might6) No, never saw it.7) Yes
5It's a acronym for the Staff Of Arthaka.

11) Can Shadow Leeches drain the light out of Avohkii? 22) Can Avohkii restore the light to Takanuva? 33) Do Shadow Leeches have limit to drain the light? If yes, please answer a), , c) and d) 4a ) How many Shadow Leeches do they use to drain all light out of Takanuva? 5b ) How many Shadow Leeches do they use to drain all light out of an Av-Matoran? 6c ) How many Shadow Leeches do they use to drain all light out of a non-Av Matoran? 7d ) How many Shadow Leeches do they use to drain all light out of a Toa? 84) If Makuta possesses Bohrok or Rahkshi shell, can he use their powers? 95) Do Kanohi powers have limit? 106) Can Vezok absorb all Makuta's powers or just only one power? 117) Can Makuta use Shapeshift (or Elasticity?) power to make his armor bigger by make it thinner (like inflate the balloon)?
121) No. SL's drain the light from living beings, not objects. 132) No 143) One shadow leech can do any of things you listed 154) It's doubtful this would work. Rahkshi are not robots, they're just armor, and without a kraata to make them move, they are inert. Bohrok are pretty much the same, they aren't really robots, just artificial life. Makuta can possess a robot body or a living body that has no spirit in it. 165) Yes. They are limited in duration and they are limited by the willpower of their user, for two things. 176) I doubt if Vezok could handle absorbing 42 powers. Krahka collapsed from six Toa powers. 187) Interesting question, I would have to think about it.
191) Is Makuta's wings the part of their armors? 20a ) If yes, can Makuta fly without wings? Because I can't see what's different. They fly without flapping wings so their wings are just plain wing-shape board, aren't they? 21b ) If no, what are they? 222) Makuta can fly If they have wings no matter what size or shaped are their wings, can't they? 233) Can Makuta take out the absorbed mass? 244) Can Makuta absorb mass from another Makuta? 255) Can Makuta and armor shapeshift themself into liquid fluid or gas? 266) Are all kind of Protodermis the metal? 277) Can Makuta seal hole or crack on their armors by shapeshifting? 288) Are there anybody that can create new Makuta's armor? If yes, who?
291) Yes 301a) They could use their control of gravity to move them through the air, yes 312) Yes 323) No 334) Not without actually drawing the other Makuta inside him. 345) No 356) No, there is also organic protodermis, rock-like protodermis, wood-like protodermis, etc. 367) No 378) Artakha
381) Does whole Toa Ignika have spirit or he's spiritless body? 392) Is there anyone that know how to create new Makuta? If yes, who? 403) What did the other Inika do to force Makuta out of Matoro? 414) Are there any beings that have Toa's energy (can make Matoran become Toa)? If yes, who (or what)? 425) Are there any beings that can become Toa (except the Matorans)? If yes, who (or what)? 436) Energized Protodermis can destroy Antidermis, and Antidermis is Makuta's essence. So Energized Protodermis can kill Makuta, can't it? 446a) If yes, why MOMN didn't die after fell in Energized Protodermis? 456b) If no, what will happen? 467) Can Ignika bring inanimate Kanohi masks to life? 477a) If yes, do "alive" masks have "mind of their owns"? 487b) If yes, can "alive" masks use their powers? 497c) If no, why not? 508) Can Sanok be used with user's armor to make the user fly toward something and vice versa? 519) Can Sanok be used with an air to create a wind and vice versa? 5210) Can Sanok's user control how fast does inanimate object hit target? 5311) How fast do Makuta shapeshift? 54Thanks very much
551) It depends on whether you think the Ignika is alive or not. But if you tried to possess the Ignika's body, thus overriding the mask's will, the body would simply disintegrate. 562) Mata Nui 573) They threatened to kill Matoro's body 584) No 595) No 606) Because energized protodermis does one of two things -- it transforms you or destroys you. When Takanuva and Makuta fell into the EP, they were destined to be transformed by it into Takutanuva, so that is what happened. If they hadn't been destined to transform, they both would have died. 617) The Ignika cannot give something a mind or a consciousness, and without that, an inanimate object, even if alive, cannot move or act. So answer's no. No other mask has a consciousness besides the Ignika 628-10) No. Sanok is a mask of accuracy, not a mask of telekinesis, it can't make you move or affect air. What it can do is make sure you hit what you are aiming at when you throw something. 6311) Very fast.
64Sorry for disturbing you again. 651) If Makuta can't take out the absorbed mass, how can Makuta shapeshift into smaller form? 662) If Makuta create Kraata, will their essence decrease? 672a ) If yes, can Makuta control how much do their essence decrease? 683) Can Makuta absorb Kraata back into their essence? 693a ) If yes, can Makuta spread their essence into multiply Kraata, then gather Kraata into their essence again? 704) Is Shadow form of Makuta the result of his shadow power? 714a ) If yes, how can it speak? It's only a shadow. 724b ) If no, what is it? 735) If Shadow Leeches can't drain the light out of Avohkii, why do Avohkii turn black? 746) Will Takanuva bring any objects from Pocket Dimension out? If yes, what is it? 757) Is Zone of Darkness in Matoran universe?
761) Obviously the mass is shunted off somewhere else when they shrink, the same way it is when a Toa uses a Mask of Shrinking 772) Temporarily 783) Yes 794) I don't understand your question 805) Because they drained it out of the wearer and the mask is reflecting that, same as his armor is 816) Follow the story and find out 827) Zone of Darkness is a pocket dimension
831) Will Mata Nui die if Ignika turn black? Or Ignika turn black because of Mata Nui's death? 842) According to the all Makuta powers, Makuta can stop or even destroy Toa Nuva easily. Why don't they do it? 853) Makuta can't shapeshift themselves into gas, then what is the shadow form? Because it seem to be cloud-like appearance. 864) Can Makuta teleport someone to somewhere else without being together? 875) Can Makuta use powers of possessed body? 886) What is Toa Ignika's Nuva Blast effect? 897) Is Takutanuva anatomy like Takanuva (organic and mechanical) or Makuta (energy in armor)? 908) Is Grvity power similar to Telekinesis power? Because it seem to be used to move objects. 919) How long does Makuta's Stasis Field last? 9210) Makuta can wear Avokii and use its power, right? But they just don't want to. 9311) How can shadow be used to transport oneself? It's in BIONICLEsector01 Wiki. 94Thanks
951) Mata Nui will die if the current life in the universe dies off and no new life replaces it. If new life replaces it, he will not die. If Mata Nui died, Ignika would not turn black and kill everyone, there would be no need -- if Mata Nui is dead, everyone in the universe will die anyway. 962) Good question. Stop and think -- the Toa Nuva are there to awaken Mata Nui. Why would the Makuta NOT want to stop them? 973) That is their natural energy form. The shapeshifting is done using their armor, the energy always stays the same. 984) Probably 995) If it is a robot body, yes. If it is a living body, no 1006) Pretty much the same as what you would get if you shattered the Mask of Life -- everything -- EVERYTHING, rays of light, rocks, equipment, armor -- would come to life. 1017) No idea 1028) Well, with gravity, you either make things heavier or lighter, so that is pretty much what you would do with it, move things. 1039) As long as he concentrates on it 10410) It would be like a flame creature using a fire hose 10511) I would need to know what they are referring to, because I don't recall that off the top of my head.
1nice info on makuta. a lot of info on makuta.
1Alot of info alright. Some was interesting. Imagine a Makuta inflating themself like a balloon .
1That's not what I think of it as, I think of a Makuta becoming larger in surface area, but having thinner armor, and stuff like that.