1And exploded like the Rahi Nui.
1When did the Rahi Nui explode? 

1Hi greg 2These are some questions that i sent to you but you never replied: 31. Can the red star's lightning turn the ignika into an organic mask? 41a. Can the Ignika stop the lightning? 52.If the ignika turn black it would destroy everything excep for mata mui right? 62b.Will it destroy the Vahi too? 72c.If so will time energy leak out and somehow mess the universe even more? 83.If the piraka got the ignika how will it release 10?
11Thanks, good job on the MC4 .
121) Irrelevant, since the Ignika is not on the surface to be exposed to that. 131a) No. 142) All life in the universe 152b) The Vahi is not a living being, it's an object, so it wouldn't be affected 163) It would give Makuta control over when and how Mata Nui's life was saved
11Thanks, good job on the MC4 .
121) Irrelevant, since the Ignika is not on the surface to be exposed to that. 131a) No. 142) All life in the universe 152b) The Vahi is not a living being, it's an object, so it wouldn't be affected 163) It would give Makuta control over when and how Mata Nui's life was saved
1Hi Greg
24- What are the matorans' beds made from?
3All for now
44) Where, on Mata Nui or Metru Nui?
54- Both as well as Voya Nui and Mahri Nui
6New Question 71- Where there more Makuta than Mutran assigned to the Mainland? Because MC only states the centre of it.
8All for now
94) I would assume wood overlaid with plant fibre 101) Yes
11.Who is the BOM's best warrior? 22.did MOMN use pit mutegen energy to poison Mata Nui? 33.Is Mazeka an Av-matoran? 43b.Is it the BM exclusive? 54.Are Artahka and Karzahnni in the same way MOMN said he and Mata Nui were brothers? 65.Were Axxons axe and Brutakas sword made by Artahka? 76.What was the information on the krana that was going to be in Bionicle Legends 7 Invasion? 87.Who stole Hahli's Elda in Invasion?
91)Icarax 102)No 113)No 123b)No, it's a store exclusive. BM exclusive is a rahi 134)Yes 145)Yes 156)Already got released -- check out the entry on zyglak on biosector.com 167)Makuta, in the body of Matoro
91)Icarax 102)No 113)No 123b)No, it's a store exclusive. BM exclusive is a rahi 134)Yes 145)Yes 156)Already got released -- check out the entry on zyglak on biosector.com 167)Makuta, in the body of Matoro
1That's not what I think of it as, I think of a Makuta becoming larger in surface area, but having thinner armor, and stuff like that.
2That's what i think of it as well, but i was just pointing out something hilarious to imagine.
3I asked greg the same thing about Mutran. Why the bed question?
5Because it's interesting

1Hi greg 2These are some questions that i sent to you but you never replied: 31. Can the red star's lightning turn the ignika into an organic mask? 41a. Can the Ignika stop the lightning? 52.If the ignika turn black it would destroy everything excep for mata mui right? 62b.Will it destroy the Vahi too? 72c.If so will time energy leak out and somehow mess the universe even more? 83.If the piraka got the ignika how will it release 10?9Teridax
11Thanks, good job on the MC4 .
121) Irrelevant, since the Ignika is not on the surface to be exposed to that. 131a) No. 142) All life in the universe 152b) The Vahi is not a living being, it's an object, so it wouldn't be affected 163) It would give Makuta control over when and how Mata Nui's life was saved
17If you'll notice the Mata Nui question, in the past Greg has said that Mata Nui wouldn't die if the Ignika went black, I believe this means that Mata Nui isn't within the domes. Notice that 09 doesn't take place within the domes...
1Hey Greg, hope you can answer these questions for me.
21. On many points, Shadows in the Sky and the twelfth Bionicle Legends comic completely contradict each other. Which one is the correct cannon, the book or the comic?
32. Is Teridax on Daxia?
43. How much thought did the Phantoka put into choosing their riders?
54. How come (with the exception of the Avsa), no Makuta mask powers or Shadow Matoran rider powers were shown in the book?
65. Did the part of the Mainland Mutran presided over include Voya-Nui
76. How loyal is Lariska to the OoMN mission? It seems to me that being able to turn in Roodaka and Spiriah would be a heavy temptation for a Dark Hunter.
87. Does the rest of the BoM know that Krika opposes the Plan?
98. It seems to me that Chirox and Icarax are quite vocal about their problems with the Plan, are they not dealt with because, while they complain, they still follow the plan to the letter?
109. How long can a Makuta survive for without a body?
1110. Why didn't Teridax warn Antroz, Vamprah, and Chirox of what would happen if there were too close to the Mask of Life when it activated?
1211. How is it possible for Av-Matoran to have abnormally high chances of becoming Toa? Quite frankly, this seems statistically impossible. In 100,000 years, there have been hundreds of Toa of other elements, and yet only one Toa of Light.
1312. Is Iruini the second-in-command of the Toa Hagah?
141) Actually, I don't see there being big contradictions here. The comic simply skips some events in the book and does some time compression, so as to fit all relevant events into 16 pages when it was originally 20,000 words. 152) Teridax doesn't know where Daxia is, so no. 163) The Toa or the Makuta? 174) Because I didn't choose to do that -- I don't want to turn the books into "everything but the kitchen sink" where every power has to get shown. They are cluttered enough as it is. 185) Yes 196) Lariska was hired to do a job. Going off the ranch to do something else would not win her points with TSO. There is time to take in Roodaka after the job is done, if the opportunity presents itself. If the DH can't be counted on to do what they are hired for, who would hire them? 207) No. And he doesn't so much oppose it, as he simply feels it won't make things any better. But he is not actively working against it. 218) Yes. The same way that in a company, you might gripe about a policy or a direction, but as long as you do your job well, odds are you won't be fired over it. 2210) Good question. What do you think the answer is? Could it be the welfare of the other Makuta is not top of Teridax's list of things to worry about? 2311) Exactly. But they were also the first Matoran, the prototypes for all others, and the only ones who can use their element. So why does it seem unlikely that they might be different in other ways as well? How do you know that 100 years from now, there might not be 12 Toa of Light? You don't become a Toa until you are destined to do so. 2412) I doubt it.
21. On many points, Shadows in the Sky and the twelfth Bionicle Legends comic completely contradict each other. Which one is the correct cannon, the book or the comic?
32. Is Teridax on Daxia?
43. How much thought did the Phantoka put into choosing their riders?
54. How come (with the exception of the Avsa), no Makuta mask powers or Shadow Matoran rider powers were shown in the book?
65. Did the part of the Mainland Mutran presided over include Voya-Nui
76. How loyal is Lariska to the OoMN mission? It seems to me that being able to turn in Roodaka and Spiriah would be a heavy temptation for a Dark Hunter.
87. Does the rest of the BoM know that Krika opposes the Plan?
98. It seems to me that Chirox and Icarax are quite vocal about their problems with the Plan, are they not dealt with because, while they complain, they still follow the plan to the letter?
109. How long can a Makuta survive for without a body?
1110. Why didn't Teridax warn Antroz, Vamprah, and Chirox of what would happen if there were too close to the Mask of Life when it activated?
1211. How is it possible for Av-Matoran to have abnormally high chances of becoming Toa? Quite frankly, this seems statistically impossible. In 100,000 years, there have been hundreds of Toa of other elements, and yet only one Toa of Light.
1312. Is Iruini the second-in-command of the Toa Hagah?
141) Actually, I don't see there being big contradictions here. The comic simply skips some events in the book and does some time compression, so as to fit all relevant events into 16 pages when it was originally 20,000 words. 152) Teridax doesn't know where Daxia is, so no. 163) The Toa or the Makuta? 174) Because I didn't choose to do that -- I don't want to turn the books into "everything but the kitchen sink" where every power has to get shown. They are cluttered enough as it is. 185) Yes 196) Lariska was hired to do a job. Going off the ranch to do something else would not win her points with TSO. There is time to take in Roodaka after the job is done, if the opportunity presents itself. If the DH can't be counted on to do what they are hired for, who would hire them? 207) No. And he doesn't so much oppose it, as he simply feels it won't make things any better. But he is not actively working against it. 218) Yes. The same way that in a company, you might gripe about a policy or a direction, but as long as you do your job well, odds are you won't be fired over it. 2210) Good question. What do you think the answer is? Could it be the welfare of the other Makuta is not top of Teridax's list of things to worry about? 2311) Exactly. But they were also the first Matoran, the prototypes for all others, and the only ones who can use their element. So why does it seem unlikely that they might be different in other ways as well? How do you know that 100 years from now, there might not be 12 Toa of Light? You don't become a Toa until you are destined to do so. 2412) I doubt it.
1I'm sorry to have to bother you again so soon, but I've recently had a disagreement with another member. 2Can Takanuva bend light to make illusions? Such as not only changing how people see his color, but also changing how people see his form?
3And just for confirmation: 4Is Takanuva's size change before, during, or after Dark Mirror? 5And if he combines his light and darkness powers, would it cancel out?
61) I would say no. Bending light to basically create that extensive an illusion takes us over a line where we have a power so complicated kids won't understand it. 72) After 83) Yes
9Nothing interesting, just some various confirmation.

1Hi, 2I've got some interesting information from GregF:
3Hi GregF,
4I hope you can answer these:
51) Do the Mistika Makuta have any mask powers?
62) Did Mutran discover the core, since he was on the mainland and Voya Nui made a hole in it?
73) Do you know why the toa nuva are in the groups they are in now?
84) Are you writing the script of the 2009 Bionicle movie?
95) For 2009, a "different universe" could also mean that it'sjust not in the matoran universe (the domes), right? 105a) if no, then what do you mean with "a different universe"?
11Thanks for your time,
131) Yes 142) No, but I will give you a piece of info no one else has yet -- Vultraz discovered the core 153) Yes, because the franchise manager decided to split the assortment this way this year. The teams are based on the set release schedule. 164) No, I did the story for it, but not the screenplay. 175) I have stated it's not in the domed Matoran universe. Beyond that, I can't discuss it
1Hi Mr.Greg. I'm waiting for the arrival of BL9 and I have some questions.
21) Could another being become a Great Spirit?
32) If Takanuva hits with his light nova blast a Kra-matoran (that was an Av-matoran), would he return an Av-matoran?
43)If a being kills toa Ignika, would he return only as mask?
5Thanks, Kaxix.
61) You cannot evolve into a Great Spirit, no 72) No, he would kill the shadow Matoran. 83) No. If he's killed, he's dead.
9My theories are gone.

1heres a few questions i havent seen asked,
21. is it possible for there to be a toa time? like if toa ignika gave it life too?
32. since theres a mask of light and a mask of shadows, are there masks of the other elements too? such as a mask of fire, water, air, etc that a great being or something else has?
21. is it possible for there to be a toa time? like if toa ignika gave it life too?
32. since theres a mask of light and a mask of shadows, are there masks of the other elements too? such as a mask of fire, water, air, etc that a great being or something else has?
1heres a few questions i havent seen asked,
21. is it possible for there to be a toa time? like if toa ignika gave it life too?
32. since theres a mask of light and a mask of shadows, are there masks of the other elements too? such as a mask of fire, water, air, etc that a great being or something else has?
4Sorry, but you need to PM Greg if you want to get answers from him. I think I can answer these, though:
51. No, firstly because the Toa Ignika is not really a TRUE toa, and because Greg has repeatedly said that Time is an element too powerful for any one toa to fully weild.
62. Well, judging by the answer Greg gave to the below question, yes, but we haven't seen them yet.
7Hi Greg
8Some new questions: 91- Is a Mask of Lightning wearer able to create, absorb and control Lightning?
101) I would say no, I would not give a mask identical powers to a Toa. Create and control, yes, but most likely not absorb.
1heres a few questions i havent seen asked,
21. is it possible for there to be a toa time? like if toa ignika gave it life too?
32. since theres a mask of light and a mask of shadows, are there masks of the other elements too? such as a mask of fire, water, air, etc that a great being or something else has?
4You have to PM GregF your Q's. But I know the answers.

51)No, the mask of life has a mind and can think and and use its own powers, the mask 6of time requires a wearer to acess its powers. 72)It is possible

8Beat me too.

1Some interesting info,QUOTEDear, Greg,Sorry to bother you, but here are some questions:1. How come the Toa Phantoka's armor made midak blasters (adapted to the makuta) when the armor only adapts to the environment?2. Would the OoMN seek out the Makoki stones if they knew its significance?2a. Do they know?3. Could Icarax wipe out the Nuva with ease (by himself)?4. Have the Barraki been captured by Hydraxon yet?5. Is Lewa's weapon made of protosteel?6. If Pohatu shared his mask power with Chirox, would Chirox speed out of the core (he would pass through walls thanks to the nuva mask)?7. Would Adaptive Armor automatically "heal" if it was damaged?8. What element is the toa that's suspended in stasis on Odina?9. Would the Mask of Life be stronger than a Great Being if it could drive one mad?10. Has Gatherer been called back from his mission of finding info on the OoMN to fight in the war?11. Is Botar on Daxia?12. Have the Hagah been successful stopping the Kanohi Dragon and Tahtorak on Xia?13. Was the Makuta Conjurer used his powers on injured in any way?Thanks .1) The armor adapts to the environment, the weapons adapt to the foe. Two different things.2) Yes2a) We don't know if they know, but it is also likely that much of the info on them the OOMN has already learned on its own.3) Any Makuta could, if he put his mind to it and got a little luck in the bargain.4) No5) Yes6) No. Pohatu can make you faster, he cannot cause you to move. If Chirox chose not to fly or run, he would not be moving at super-speed. 7) No8) Hasn't been revealed9) I don't think "stronger" is the right word. If you were working as a hatter in olden days and using mercury in your work, the mercury would eventually make you insane. Does that mean mercury is stronger than a human?10) No11) No12) Not yet13) No, I can't see why he would have been. --------------------"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear 4What is SoA? 2Hi GregSome new questions:1- Is a Mask of Lightning wearer able to create, absorb and control Lightning?1b- Same for a Mask of Ice?1c- Mask of Fire?2- Is Botar's weapon also made of Protosteal?3- Is the SoA also made out Protosteal?4- What are the matorans' beds made from?5- Does the Toa Ignika aso need sleep?6- Did you ever watched the movie''Van Helsing''?6b- Did you liked it?7- When the makuta were still biomechnical, were they able to use all of their rahksi powers?All for now31) I would say no, I would not give a mask identical powers to a Toa. Create and control, yes, but most likely not absorb.2) Yes3) No4) Where, on Mata Nui or Metru Nui?5) Most likely, since he is partly organic, he might6) No, never saw it.7) Yes
5It's a acronym for the Staff Of Arthaka.![]()
6in holland soa means something else, and it isnt a really good word

71.Who is the BOM's best warrior? 82.did MOMN use pit mutegen energy to poison Mata Nui? 93.Is Mazeka an Av-matoran? 103b.Is it the BM exclusive? 114.Are Artahka and Karzahnni in the same way MOMN said he and Mata Nui were brothers? 125.Were Axxons axe and Brutakas sword made by Artahka? 136.What was the information on the krana that was going to be in Bionicle Legends 7 Invasion? 147.Who stole Hahli's Eldain Invasion?
151)Icarax 162)No 173)No 183b)No, it's a store exclusive. BM exclusive is a rahi 194)Yes 205)Yes 216)Already got released -- check out the entry on zyglak on biosector.com 227)Makuta, in the body of Matoro
23mazeka is no AV matoran?
24I'm sorry to have to bother you again so soon, but I've recently had a disagreement with another member. 25Can Takanuva bend light to make illusions? Such as not only changing how people see his color, but also changing how people see his form?
26And just for confirmation: 27Is Takanuva's size change before, during, or after Dark Mirror? 28And if he combines his light and darkness powers, would it cancel out?
291) I would say no. Bending light to basically create that extensive an illusion takes us over a line where we have a power so complicated kids won't understand it. 302) After 313) Yes
32Nothing interesting, just some various confirmation.![]()
33he grown after?
34Hi, 35I've got some interesting information from GregF:
36Hi GregF,
37I hope you can answer these:
381) Do the Mistika Makuta have any mask powers?
392) Did Mutran discover the core, since he was on the mainland and Voya Nui made a hole in it?
403) Do you know why the toa nuva are in the groups they are in now?
414) Are you writing the script of the 2009 Bionicle movie?
425) For 2009, a "different universe" could also mean that it'sjust not in the matoran universe (the domes), right? 435a) if no, then what do you mean with "a different universe"?
44Thanks for your time,
461) Yes 472) No, but I will give you a piece of info no one else has yet -- Vultraz discovered the core 483) Yes, because the franchise manager decided to split the assortment this way this year. The teams are based on the set release schedule. 494) No, I did the story for it, but not the screenplay. 505) I have stated it's not in the domed Matoran universe. Beyond that, I can't discuss it
52vultraz discovered the core .
53quite intresting

1Mazeka is a Matoran of one of the six basic elements, excluding water, as he is a male. 

1QUOTE 2Hi Mr.Farshtey
31)will we see any more of the blade borrows befor the end of the year?
42)did mutran rule over voyanui?
53)what do the matoran teach in the schools on metrunui?
64)have the dark hunters or bom made an attempt to take over metrunui since we last saw it?
75)when the phantoka toa go to the swamp will there midaks change into nynrah ghost blasters?
86)will any of the surviving toa we have not met come into story?
97)are there any rahi stored back in the archives now they are repeard?
108)are the twins sun things in metru nui open again so light can come in?
119)is takanuvas size change before or after dm?
1210)will the matoran of metru nui ever get there memoy back?
1311)i cant'rember if i asked you this or not. Have you thought about what you will do for the summer web serials?
14thank you for your time(sorry if i've asked you number 11 before)
15gregs answers
161) Probably not 172) Not so much rule over as watch over, same way Makuta Teridax watched over Metru Nui. 183) How to purify liquid protodermis, and other aspects of science, translation, history, etc. 194) No 205) I didn't do that, even though it would make sense to, because they will need to be shown in set form in the comics. 216) Possibly 227) Yes 238) No 249) After 2510) I doubt it, they will just have to relearn things 2611) Hasn't been decided for sure yet
28"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
31)will we see any more of the blade borrows befor the end of the year?
42)did mutran rule over voyanui?
53)what do the matoran teach in the schools on metrunui?
64)have the dark hunters or bom made an attempt to take over metrunui since we last saw it?
75)when the phantoka toa go to the swamp will there midaks change into nynrah ghost blasters?
86)will any of the surviving toa we have not met come into story?
97)are there any rahi stored back in the archives now they are repeard?
108)are the twins sun things in metru nui open again so light can come in?
119)is takanuvas size change before or after dm?
1210)will the matoran of metru nui ever get there memoy back?
1311)i cant'rember if i asked you this or not. Have you thought about what you will do for the summer web serials?
14thank you for your time(sorry if i've asked you number 11 before)
15gregs answers
161) Probably not 172) Not so much rule over as watch over, same way Makuta Teridax watched over Metru Nui. 183) How to purify liquid protodermis, and other aspects of science, translation, history, etc. 194) No 205) I didn't do that, even though it would make sense to, because they will need to be shown in set form in the comics. 216) Possibly 227) Yes 238) No 249) After 2510) I doubt it, they will just have to relearn things 2611) Hasn't been decided for sure yet
28"Binary Scrabble was fundamentally flawed, since every combination of ones and zeroes made a word and it was impossible not to put all your tiles down every turn." -- Jasper Fforde, The Fourth Bear
1Whoa, interesting. Vultraz discovered the core. Does this mean he discovered discovered the core, as in, the first being there, or the one to find the core for the Makuta? (I'm think he found the core for the Makuta)
1I think someone here can answer this... What is Hahli's Eldain Invasion? When did Makuta take over Matoro's body? 

1I think someone here can answer this... What is Hahli's Eldain Invasion? When did Makuta take over Matoro's body?
2He ment to say: Hahli's Elda in Invasion. He was talking about her mask being Stolen in the book Invasion, which was cut from the story last year. And, MoMN took Matoro's body over in the same book, but left when the Inika threatened to destroy the body. That, and he stole the Elda to try and Locate the Ignika, but failed.
3By the way, I don't have the original script, but this is just stuff I have seen here in the OGD lately, and the bit about MoMN possesing Matoro's body was mentioned a while ago.
4Hope this helps.

1Some old Q&A I never posted...QUOTEHi Greg . I have a few questions:On this year story:1. If the Shadow Matoran regain their light, will the still be in their mutated forms?2. Why did the OOMN choose Carapar for the FoF?3. What is that thing on Spiriah back in the combo model?On prev. years:4. Is Nocturn dead?5. Why did Vakama stop having visions for 1,000 years?6. Did the Toa Mata actually ever fight Makuta himself?7. How will Axonn keep himself secret from the rest of the Mainland Matoran?Other:8. Set-wise, which is your Fav. Toa Phantoka?9. Will we ever learn more about the Red Star?10. Is the Red Star really a star?Thanks .1) Yes2) Process of elimination. Pridak and Kalmah won't take orders from anyone, Mantax won't work with Takadox, and Ehlek is too alien to even care about this mission. Carapar, on the other hand, is not that bright and used to taking orders.3) A Matoran4) No5) Who said that he did? We never told any stories about what was going on during the 1000 years that the Toa Mata were floating in the ocean. He could have had a vision that, say, a Muaka was going to attack Ta-Koro from the west, so he had Jaller increase the guards there.6) Yes. They confronted him in the form of a shadow Matoran in 2001, on the web.7) Well, he did it for 90,000+ years prior to Voya Nui breaking off, so I don't see it as a problem.8) Kopaka9) Depends on how long BIONICLE lasts10) Can't answer it Some old Q&A I never posted...QUOTEHi Greg . I have a few questions:On this year story:1. If the Shadow Matoran regain their light, will the still be in their mutated forms?2. Why did the OOMN choose Carapar for the FoF?3. What is that thing on Spiriah back in the combo model?On prev. years:4. Is Nocturn dead?5. Why did Vakama stop having visions for 1,000 years?6. Did the Toa Mata actually ever fight Makuta himself?7. How will Axonn keep himself secret from the rest of the Mainland Matoran?Other:8. Set-wise, which is your Fav. Toa Phantoka?9. Will we ever learn more about the Red Star?10. Is the Red Star really a star?Thanks .1) Yes2) Process of elimination. Pridak and Kalmah won't take orders from anyone, Mantax won't work with Takadox, and Ehlek is too alien to even care about this mission. Carapar, on the other hand, is not that bright and used to taking orders.3) A Matoran4) No5) Who said that he did? We never told any stories about what was going on during the 1000 years that the Toa Mata were floating in the ocean. He could have had a vision that, say, a Muaka was going to attack Ta-Koro from the west, so he had Jaller increase the guards there.6) Yes. They confronted him in the form of a shadow Matoran in 2001, on the web.7) Well, he did it for 90,000+ years prior to Voya Nui breaking off, so I don't see it as a problem.8) Kopaka9) Depends on how long BIONICLE lasts10) Can't answer it
1I think someone here can answer this... What is Hahli's Eldain Invasion? When did Makuta take over Matoro's body?
2It's supposed to be Elda in Invasion, as in hahli's mask in the book titled "Invasion". and makuta did that during "Invasion". Invasion was supposed to be the original BL7 but was scrapped because they needed to cut down on books, if you didn't know.
3Edit: Beat to it...
1Hi greg 2These are some questions that i sent to you but you never replied: 31. Can the red star's lightning turn the ignika into an organic mask? 41a. Can the Ignika stop the lightning? 52.If the ignika turn black it would destroy everything excep for mata mui right? 62b.Will it destroy the Vahi too? 72c.If so will time energy leak out and somehow mess the universe even more? 83.If the piraka got the ignika how will it release 10?9Teridax
11Thanks, good job on the MC4 .
121) Irrelevant, since the Ignika is not on the surface to be exposed to that. 131a) No. 142) All life in the universe 152b) The Vahi is not a living being, it's an object, so it wouldn't be affected 163) It would give Makuta control over when and how Mata Nui's life was saved
17If you'll notice the Mata Nui question, in the past Greg has said that Mata Nui wouldn't die if the Ignika went black, I believe this means that Mata Nui isn't within the domes. Notice that 09 doesn't take place within the domes...
18Interesting...so does this mean that we will travel to Mata Nui´s land next year?

1Some things from various PMs I sent Greg. Some pretty interesting stuff here:
27) Were the Makuta already evolved into energy at the time Mutan Chronicles IV takes place? 37) No
49) I don't want to be one among those who are ceratinly asking you "Who is Tren Krom?" these days but I just had one thought: Is he/she a blacksmith? 59) Way more than that 6My thought was that Tren Krom made the Makuta armor we know .. but he is way more than a blacksmith.... maybe he is the ruler of fire in Mata Nui's universe or something like that.
711) I know you can't discuss at any rate how Matoran come into existence, but there is some discussion in S&T about it: The way it was written in the Metru Nui section of the Atlas, I got the impression that Turaga can have new Matoran created if they need more to have work completed. And I can vaguely remember you saying that most Turaga know to get more Matoran. So my understanding is that any (more or less developed) Matoran city or settlement inside the domes is a place capable of having new Matoran created. Others believe there is only one place/person/machine/city/whatever that can bring new Matoran into existence. What would you say is closer to the truth? 811) Your theory is closer to the truth. The universe is just too vast for there to be only one place Matoran can come into being, because that just wouldn't be an efficient way to do things. 9Some people have to abandon the idea that there is like one being that is capable of making Matoran for the entire universe.
1012) Miserix was chosen as the leader of the Brotherhood and later replaced by MoMN. Did Mata Nui at any rate know about the change in leadership of the Makuta? If yes, did he even care? 1112) I doubt he knew, I doubt even more he would have cared, which is Mata Nui's major character flaw.
1213) I get the impression that the intention behind the Makutas' plan has somehow changed. First it seemed that they just wanted to show the Matoran that even Mata Nui is not invincible and that the Makuta are the ones who work really hard for them and the universe. Lately it seems like the Makuta just want to punish the Matoran and the entire universe for having ignored them for so long. This will certainly show the potential of the Makuta but it would surely not make the Matoran praise or honour the Brotherhood. 13For such intelligent beings, this somehow seems ... irrational. I mean they could make Mata Nui fall and show for a certain period of time how cruel the Makuta could be; but wouldn't they have to go back and really prove they are worth being honoured by the Matoran to get what they want? 14Or is it just their hatred hat has blinded them (and Krika being the only one who is somehow realizing the things I have written down here)? 1513) Good question. Not sure how satisfactory my answer will be, but this is what I think. I long ago described MOMN as the type who, if you asked him to clean up your room, would unleash a flood on your entire town to do the job. At heart, they don't respect the Matoran, so they tend to act in extreme ways toward them.
16There are also two ways to get someone's respect -- out of admiration or out of fear. Mata Nui is respected largely out of admiration ... the Makuta decided early on that was not going to happen and decided to go for fear. And the plan is sort of an extension of that.
179) The thing about "Ignite the flame of the heart" from the Piraka.com poem: is this line referring to 2008 storyline or was it referring to using the Ignika in Karda Nui to revive Mata Nui? 189) 2008 storyline
193) Number two leads me to the question if the Red Star was affected by the Great Cataclysm 203) No
27) Were the Makuta already evolved into energy at the time Mutan Chronicles IV takes place? 37) No
49) I don't want to be one among those who are ceratinly asking you "Who is Tren Krom?" these days but I just had one thought: Is he/she a blacksmith? 59) Way more than that 6My thought was that Tren Krom made the Makuta armor we know .. but he is way more than a blacksmith.... maybe he is the ruler of fire in Mata Nui's universe or something like that.
711) I know you can't discuss at any rate how Matoran come into existence, but there is some discussion in S&T about it: The way it was written in the Metru Nui section of the Atlas, I got the impression that Turaga can have new Matoran created if they need more to have work completed. And I can vaguely remember you saying that most Turaga know to get more Matoran. So my understanding is that any (more or less developed) Matoran city or settlement inside the domes is a place capable of having new Matoran created. Others believe there is only one place/person/machine/city/whatever that can bring new Matoran into existence. What would you say is closer to the truth? 811) Your theory is closer to the truth. The universe is just too vast for there to be only one place Matoran can come into being, because that just wouldn't be an efficient way to do things. 9Some people have to abandon the idea that there is like one being that is capable of making Matoran for the entire universe.
1012) Miserix was chosen as the leader of the Brotherhood and later replaced by MoMN. Did Mata Nui at any rate know about the change in leadership of the Makuta? If yes, did he even care? 1112) I doubt he knew, I doubt even more he would have cared, which is Mata Nui's major character flaw.
1213) I get the impression that the intention behind the Makutas' plan has somehow changed. First it seemed that they just wanted to show the Matoran that even Mata Nui is not invincible and that the Makuta are the ones who work really hard for them and the universe. Lately it seems like the Makuta just want to punish the Matoran and the entire universe for having ignored them for so long. This will certainly show the potential of the Makuta but it would surely not make the Matoran praise or honour the Brotherhood. 13For such intelligent beings, this somehow seems ... irrational. I mean they could make Mata Nui fall and show for a certain period of time how cruel the Makuta could be; but wouldn't they have to go back and really prove they are worth being honoured by the Matoran to get what they want? 14Or is it just their hatred hat has blinded them (and Krika being the only one who is somehow realizing the things I have written down here)? 1513) Good question. Not sure how satisfactory my answer will be, but this is what I think. I long ago described MOMN as the type who, if you asked him to clean up your room, would unleash a flood on your entire town to do the job. At heart, they don't respect the Matoran, so they tend to act in extreme ways toward them.
16There are also two ways to get someone's respect -- out of admiration or out of fear. Mata Nui is respected largely out of admiration ... the Makuta decided early on that was not going to happen and decided to go for fear. And the plan is sort of an extension of that.
179) The thing about "Ignite the flame of the heart" from the Piraka.com poem: is this line referring to 2008 storyline or was it referring to using the Ignika in Karda Nui to revive Mata Nui? 189) 2008 storyline
193) Number two leads me to the question if the Red Star was affected by the Great Cataclysm 203) No
1So, the Nuva have to "ignite the flame" of Karda Nui. Wonder what that means. 2So Tren Krom is more than a Blacksmith? Hmm..... 3Oh, and Artakha made the makuta armor, i think.
5Maybe the Nuva have to ignite the energy source in the swamp?
6No I don't think so. I have other PMs from greg where he says that the enery source in Karda Nui was not much affected by the Great Cataclysm or after that. 7I can't post these PMs here since I will be doing a great theory in S6T next week and want to use the quotes there first.
1So, the Nuva have to "ignite the flame" of Karda Nui. Wonder what that means. 2So Tren Krom is more than a Blacksmith? Hmm..... 3Oh, and Artakha made the makuta armor, i think.
5Maybe the Nuva have to ignite the energy source in the swamp?
6No I don't think so. I have other PMs from greg where he says that the enery source in Karda Nui was not much affected by the Great Cataclysm or after that. 7I can't post these PMs here since I will be doing a great theory in S6T next week and want to use the quotes there first.
8Or possibly make it stronger?